Please join us this evening for, yet, another “special session” of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out plethora of other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight there are also meetings of the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets.
On Friday, Washington’s newest chapter, the Centralia chapter of Drinking Liberally, meets. Finally, next Monday, the Yakima chapters meet.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
This Pew poll says it all…
As long as it a DUMMOCRAPT it’s A-OK! Waytogo libtardos!
A bat krap insane klownservative kook kongress kritter from Oklahoma demands an APOLOGY from second term President Obama..
For funding climate change research..
Wow that apology will create numerous jobs for the american people just like this klownservative krapfest over the IRS.
I’ve heard the NSA can use your iPhone as a bug, even if you’ve got it turned off. Time to buy a Samsung!
Looks like Puddy forgot that the surveillance done by the Bush Administration was illegal.
Don Schmoe:
Nope you dope… Y’all reminded Puddy every day. Remember Obummer said he would not do anything close and his would be .the. .most. .transparent. .administration. ever.
We see they are capturing all the phone metadata. EFF has a great story missed by Don Schmoe while he’s allowing poorly written Windows code to be checked in…
@4 You noticed that too?
BUTTPUTTY keeps on proving he is the HA IDIOT BOY in residence.
Way to go IDIOT BOY!
Yes BUTTPUTTY, we are laughing at you.
@1 All this poll shows is Republicans are against anything Democrats do, simply because Democrats are doing it. If a Republican was drinking at a bar, and a Democrat sidled up to the bar, Republicans would be for Prohibition right then and there. Same with domestic spying. It was good when Republicans did it and lied about it; but when Democrats do it and lie about it, it’s unAmerican. I predict the ACLU is about to get a slew of brand spanking new Republican clients.
Yet another Puddy fail; “most transparent” != “completely transparent”.
@3 It probably gives you cancer, too, from continually transmitting signals — even when it’s turned off.
Just run your iPhone until the battery dies. That should foil ’em.
The IDIOT BOY is not worried about the NSA.
He has his TIN FOIL HAT for protection.
In Turkey people are rioting because the ruling party is trying to impose a theocratic government on a secular society. I wonder if we’d have riots if our theocratic party tried the same thing?
The IDIOT BOY is not worried about the NSA.
Perhaps YLB can look up the number of times Puddy called us traitors because we opposed the Patriot Act?
Poor Don Schmoe… Puddy QUOTES OBUMMER directly except for the history. Puddy used .ever. and Don Schmoe gets it wrong again…
Let’s repeat that again Don Schmoe…
Can we have an epic fayle?
EPIC FAYLE! It really sux to be Don Schmoe… He’s not even your average libtard joe. He’s worse than HA’s continuously unemployed fool ylb!
Then Don Schmoe even gets ekim goatse’s comment wrong above.
.Just. .plain. .stoooooooooooooopid.
@ 14
Don Schmoe gets it wrong
No. Puddy’s the one who gets it wrong. Puddy has only provided evidence that the Obama Administration is not completely transparent. Puddy has provided absolutely zero evidence showing that the Obama Administration is not the most transparent.
Puddy fails even when you point it out to him. That’s how stupid Puddy is.
Poor Don Schmoe, Puddy already proved it last week. Go back and review the thread libtard joe. You made the assertion and Puddy said you are wrong. Puddy already posted what Admiral Clapper said last week. Pay attention Don Schmoe.
Oh what was Obummer doing while the four were killed in Benghazi? We all saw Dan Pfeiffer claimed no one needs to know where Obummer was. Bob Schieffer asked why was he there on CBS’ Deface the Nation if he couldn’t answer the question.
Yeah .the. .most. .transparent. .administration. .ever.!
Check the blogs. Or better yet ask the serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiairizing libtard ylb to check the crazed databaze!
.stooooooooooooooopid. Puddy got it right, unlike that Microsoft code that needs a continual Tuesday security fix!
Then Don Schmoe even gets ekim goatse’s comment wrong above.
What, on Earth, are you prattling about now? I quoted Ekim quite accurately.
Or are you so ignoramously egotistical as to think I was attributing those words to you?
Nope you dope… Ekim goatse wrote…
You forgot sentence #2.
EPIC FAYLE! Sux to be you! Enough of prattling with a fool such as you. Time to move on!!!!!
Did you forget this sentence Don Schmoe libtard joe
See ya… gotta go!
serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiairizing libtard ylb… Yes Puddy wants to know how many times Puddy called HA libtards traitors!
Puddy already posted what Admiral Clapper said last week.
Admiral Clapper’s remarks only show that the Obama Administration is not completely transparent.
Puddy is such a completely ignoramus, he can’t even figure out what facts would constitute sufficient evidence to prove his claim.
@ 19
You forgot sentence #2.
Why would I need to quote the second sentence when I’m only interested in talking about what was said in the first sentence?
Apparently Don Schmoe can’t figger it out. Just like goatse ekim’s comment or his own later!
Sux to be Don Schmoe…
See ya .stoooooooooooooooooopid.
@ 24
Apparently Don Schmoe can’t figger it out.
I’ll admit that I have a great deal of difficulty figuring Puddy out, but that merely constitutes incontrovertible evidence that I’m sane.
In the vain hopes that Puddly will learn something about “transparency” consider this:
In the update, several congressional offices have responded, in the affirmative, to HuffPo’s request for confirmation.
That, Puddy, is what we call “evidence.”
From here it looks like putzybud is killing time in a Turgidstan hotel room with nothing to do after hours because there are no goats in that village.
From 10,
You can run the batteries down, but that doean’t mean the the NSA has the right to bug your phone.
It’s time to rein-in the government agencies who think they can do whatever they want when it comes to personal privacy. Let’s abolish the NSA, CIA, DIA and FBI.
Hey puddybigot – if you come back to this thread after your evening in the goat barn….would you please provide a link, or an essay, supporting your contention from the other day that “science” “proved” Intelligent Design???
Or…how much time are you going to allow to elapse before you start disavowing that statement – when you think it’s too far back for anyone to bother to go back and dig it up??
When, puddybigot, when? You’re always prattling about having proved points (to my count you’ve actually done this…never), I’m waiting for the proof of this theological hallucination.
Oh please, oh please!!
@28 You’re not concerned that abolishing those agencies would leave us naked to our enemies?
I’ve searched for “traitor” (36 comments), “treason” (25 comments) and “Patriot Act” (22 comments)..
He’s called us every name in the book but “traitor” is not really one of them for some strange reason.
He has claimed we support islamist terror or sharia law or some such crap..
This is classic:
So if you don’t publically condemn it, you must support it.
Utterly reprehensible.
@ 31
He’s called us every name in the book but “traitor” is not really one of them for some strange reason.
Am I correct to understand that Puddy did vilify those of us who questioned the Patriot Act?
This is classic:
No kidding. In the very next paragraph, Puddy says,
Flushing the Koran is bad. Do you report it to these muslim countries NO!!!
In other words, we can’t publicly condemn flushing the Qur’an, which, by Puddy’s earlier reasoning, means that he must support it.
That’s Puddy, alright. Completely incoherent to the core. The sad thing is, that’s actually one of Puddy’s more lucid comments.
The 47% Don’t Pay Income Taxes
Forbes magazine, that leftist mouthpiece of Bolshevism, has tracked down who these scofflaws are. To wit:
“The vast majority of non-income taxpayers fall into three categories:
“17 percent includes students, people with disabilities or illnesses, the long-term unemployed, and … our soldiers in foreign wars who are exempted from paying income taxes while they are on active duty in a war zone.
“22 percent … are people aged 65 or older who have modest incomes (and do not have earnings).
“61 percent are working people who pay payroll taxes but are not paying income taxes.”
Maybe he vilified us to some degree but I don’t think he called us “traitor” or “treasonous”..
He said the Dems will go the way of the Whigs if the Patriot Act is watered down and another terrorist attack happens.. Heh.
Oh and if the Patriot Act is repealed then it’s back to the “Gorelick” days.. That one’s classic too.
Enough of this idiot for one night.
Another Bush-era Republican is going to prison for corruption.
So I see from the edges of the internet that people want James Clapper impeached (can we do that to a bureaucrat?) for lying to Senator Wyden when asked about the surveillance program.
Sorry, no. whatever you think of this whole deal, Wyden as a member of the intelligence committee was briefed and knew full well about the program and that it was classified.
So Wyden was, knowingly, asking Clapper to reveal classified information in a public hearing. Clapper was required by his office and security level to lie. Had Wyden pressed the issue at the time or refuted his answer, Wyden would have been the one revealing classified information.
So no.
Good to see the serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiarizing libtard ylb has cross referenced everything Puddy wrote on HA. It’s so good to see (going first person personal now) I LIVE RENT FREE in the serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiarizing libtard ylb’s leetle mind. Well he’s not looking for a job so he has to do something.
Some strange reason serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiarizing libtard ylb? You can’t figger it out? Well you are a moron serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiarizing libtard ylb!
Didn’t Puddy say SCHMUCKO is my bitch in an earlier thread. More proof Puddy owns another leftist bitch!
See how easy it is to play these leftist morons.
ekim goatse is one of Puddy’s favorites. ekim goatse always expresses his love of goat butts and goat sex organs. Puddy can bitchslap him and he always returns!
@36 Just like Issa et al regarding Benghazi…
checkmate… Ron Wyden went national and told everyone he told Clapper what questions he would ask before the meeting… It’s on Wyden’s web site.
Well Puddy realizes checkmate is another ASS and verifying his story before placing it on HA is not his forte…
Yup – we all knew you’d take the coward’s way – disavowing your statement as ‘a joke’ or a ploy.
You made a (ridiculous) statement the other day – I just asked for proof – and you run away claiming it was a joke. Typical
Wyden might be….gasp….grandstanding.
He may very much have wanted the information public, but to leak classified info is a crime. Wyden knew it then and now.
Or maybe he’s having cocktails with McCain instead of attending intelligence briefings and then complaining he didn’t know what the briefing covered.
How’s that King James Bible?
Disavowing Puddy’s statement? Wrong SCHMUCKO… Even if Puddy gave you people who are Christian Scientists you would throw a fit! You denigrate anyone who doesn’t fit your small little mindset.
Wrong as always ODS-man…
I stated your purpose here long ago..
Thanks for being our pet klownservative tool here for eight years.
You’re the only one left btw.. The others got it and decided they had better things to do.
You still don’t have a clue.. You can’t process it..
Nov 2012 was fun. Stick around for 2014..
Well Wyden is a DUMMOCRAPT so grandstanding comes naturally! Like calling press conferences and telling everyone you need to pass the bill before you learn what’s in it!
Is correct and irrefutable serially unemployed moronic salt licking idiot clueless plagiarizing libtard ylb!
You are enamored with Puddy. You wish you could be like Puddy instead of being home unemployed with no real prospects for the future!
Sux to be you!
Hateful klownservative loons like you are just entertainment around here.
It’s a waste of time to fathom why klownservative krazies do the things they do.
So tell us unemployed moron@48, why are you still unemployed? The libtards are screaming how the Obummer economy has improved. What is stopping you from improving your lot in life except laziness and your inherent need for continual injection of HA speed?
You see unemployed moron, just booked our overseas vacation for this year. The whole family. You could do this too if you got a job! So why is that? Why is unemployment your life? What does it hold for the future? Puddy can understand Fraggy… He’s a racist OWS loving sheet metal worker who was prolly laid off because he was an ASS on the job like he’s an ASS here! Leopards can’t change their spots!
So sayeth Babble-on 13…
Pavlov continues to call it on the unemployed idiot. More links from the great works of Puddy.
Notice how HA’s unemployed idiot runs. Thanks for the laughs!
Bwaaak bwaaaak bwaaak
unemployed and still that way years later!
See ya chump. ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing!
Back to work!
51 – 13 comments a day at HA for eight years..
Me – not so much..
Stay away longer silly..
Oh Puddy forgot this one… calling press conferences and saying on national TV everyone’s health care costs will go down and then a year later telling everyone in a press conference you don’t remember saying that when most Americans do remember it!
DUMMOCRAPTS… how do you know they are lying… their lips are moving and squeaking sounds are coming out!
Running away unemployed moron@51. What? Truth hurts? Well you created the crazed databaze to attack Puddy. Except it’s an EPIC FAYLE. Puddy can work and bitchslap your silly unemployed ASS at the same time.
Butt enough of bitchslapping your silly unemployed ASS.
Work beckons!
Yup, coward.
How about this – you provide this ‘proof’ you spoke of regarding Intelligent Design, and we’ll have a dispassionate, non-‘fit’ type discussion of its merits. How’s that?
@53 Obama will be president until January 2017 and there’s nothing you can do about it. Then another Democrat, possibly Hillary, will be president for 8 years because demographics are against the GOP; and there’s nothing you can do about that, either. So rant on, malcontent; get it all off your chest if that makes you feel better. Loser! and shill for a losing party of losers! Sucks to be you.
It seems as though with all this data a virtual “puddy” could be created. Something like that old toy with the three buttons,each of which when pressed played a different phrase.I would be able to read these “posts” having decided long ago to just say no to bothering with anything he “writes”.
I also think it is possible the fake and “real” puddies could end up going at it for a real mind bending good time.Just thinking…
Goatse is your favorite? How quaint.
I would suggest the resurrection of the Golden Goat, but at the moment there seems to not be any contenders other than the IDIOT BOY.
Maybe instead we can give him a plastic Gold Chicken.
Goatse on his mind 24×7 we see ekim up to his old “tricks” now he jumps from four legs to two legs… still on the animal front…
Another name for HA’s unemployed crazed databaze idiot?
dispassionate discussion… discussion of its merits… SCHMUCKO changes his spots?
Puddy doesn’t believe it!
With the Section 5, Voting Rights Act decision due any day now, something interesting is happening. Rep. Sensenbrenner(R-WI) seems ready to tact to make any changes that are necessary.
I normally disagree with Rep. Sensenbrenner, but will be interesting to see if he can do it. Personally, I believe it would be better to adopt a version of the German Mixed-Member Proportional system, which combines single seat districts with a tier of seats proportional to the party vote, although it will only work with delegations from Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, California, and Texas.(MMP is used for the Greater London Assembly in the UK, and it has 25seats)
That is, if the size of the House does not increase.
For smaller delegations, the Irish preferential system would work. It keeps geographical representation, and gets alternative parties in the door.
In Germany, the Bundestag has representatives of foreign descent, and if they lose at the district level, they can still win on the party vote. It depends on how high their party ranked them. They have representatives of Turkish descent in all parties, and the Liberal Vice Chancellor is of Vietnamese descent. In the state of Saxony-Anholt,they could be seeing the first member of African origin. He is running in a swing seat, and third on the Social Democrats list for that state.
Preferential Proportional representation has been used to elect the Cambridge, Ma city council, since 1941, and has survived repeal efforts. The current city council,has 5 men, 4 women, 2 African Americans, 1 Asian American.
The system is a holdover from when 2 dozen US cities tried it. Fear was used by party machinery to derail it. In New York a communist was elected, and the Republicans gladly accepted returning city hall to Tammany Hall to end that. In Cincinnati, Ohio, that African Americans were elected to the City Council was the excuse there, as well as the Red Scare.
The dizzy dope @ 61 is proven sadly confused yet again…
Nothing but respect for what the rabbit has accomplished here and elsewhere.
Our intrepid journalist host, Goldy, snares another Republican fuck up – An Open Letter to the State Senators Who Are Fighting to Kill the Estate Tax
me thinks Goldy knows where this ends (Hi there Rodney Tom!).
This leads me to believe that you’re either afraid to defend your ideas on their merits, or you just post shit you know is untrue, and therefore cannot defend on their merits.
Seems you’re either a coward or a liar, but despite your character flaws, my offer for a dispassionate discussion of your “proof” of Intelligent Design remains in effect.
Why can’t he be both? He’s already established himself as a vehemently offensive liar. He’s been tripped up on his own retard dozens of times. The fact that he’s a sniveling coward isn’t difficult to see. He’s that vicious little Pomeranian that hides behind the sofa, running out to shred the pant leg of your new suit and then running back behind the sofa to pee on himself.
Meanwhile, In Arizona.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
Thank Dog we have Republicans keeping Big Government out of our lives!
Hello Wisconsin!
Walker says he will sign abortion ultrasound bill
Shorter Governor Walker: Up & in yours!
What is the difference between BUTTPUTTY and a pile of GOAT SHIT?
The GOAT SHIT when recycled has value.
Sometimes I wonder if BUTTPUTTY is for real.
Then he admits to watching Insanity on FAUX NEWS.
Talk about a wonderful source of news.
FAUX NEWS fires reporters for telling the truth.
Our fun loving friends in the TeA PaRtY strike (out) again,
This is America, you can believe whatever the fuck you want, you can live however you want. But, you should not have power over other people or have power over the creation of medical and social pubic policy based on a failed understanding of simple, high school level, biology.
@ 73
social pubic policy
Seriously, why do Republicans have such a fascination with the private parts of women? It has reached OCD levels.
@ 74
Its about envy.
I find these people to be rather creepy.
Whenever I think about stuff like intelligent design, quantum physics, higgs bosons, and so forth, I can’t help but wonder if puddy is a random particle. Stranger things have happened in th universe; and there’s no other explanation for a glob of indefinable matter as strange as him. On the other hand, maybe there’s an absurdly simple explanation for puddy, e.g. dog drool. Or a load of giraffe snot. Whatever puddy is, he sure is slimy.
I had a co worker, an engineer type, tell me very earnestly that Obama was using the NSA and the IRS 10x worse than Nixon did. I don’t disagree that the current tech allows for huge amounts of data to be grabbed, but it’s not being used maliciously to any degree that nixon would have. All I could think of was that if that were true, we wouldn’t have grid lock in congress and we could have got things accomplished.
Been trying to get on this blog for a while last night but so many libtards must have been on Puddy kept getting Resource Limits Reached. It’s amazing how many resources libtards use.
SCHMUCKO go to for an early start but Puddy will place some ID resources here when Puddy can later today!
Oh goody, more drivel from the IDIOT BOY. I can hardly wait.
(We’ll see if this every really happens!)
…one of these things is not like the others…