Start your summer right left! Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another nearby DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. And next Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 204 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Klownservatives lie more?
Does the grand poobah use the kybo in the woods?
Be careful about drinking and driving if you plan on going to DL tonight.
Ooo… Tacoma drama!
RR Anderson posts on here every now and again.
“Grit City?” Is that a reference to Tacoma?
To Da Perfessa:
Why not discuss how the Tea Party wasn’t really dead in 2012…? Instead it was stymied from being a player in 2012 elections by illegal IRS actions.
“Instead it was stymied from being a player in 2012 elections by illegal IRS actions.”
When did the IRS ever stop rabble rousers? Do you think the original Tea Party participants let the King’s tax collectors interfere with their revelry? Geez, man, pull yourself together! We’re MURKANS!!! Our ancestors fought Indians, English, Spaniards, Germans, Japanese, each other — so why is it so hard for these Tea Party pantywaists to deal with a routine IRS audit? Sheesh.
@5 Uncle Puddles!
Of course we had to use the Bush appointed acting IRS director to stymie the Teabaggers in 2012. If we had not we would not have gotten our Socialist president re-elected and you never would have seen the DOW and S&P hit new highs today. Socialism clearly works bro, and we had to cheat you to get you here.
OBTW, the Benghazi talking points scandal was just a diversion to keep you off the scent of our IRS stymieing of the Teabaggers. And if you look at the HA threads back in Sept, Oct and Nov you’ll see that YOU fell for it Hook, Line and Sinker.
Go Socialism!
Roger Rabbit had a busy day today and won’t attend DL tonight.
Uncle Puddles!
Be sure to go see
to see how we used our ObamaPhones to plan and execute our Teabagger stymie campaign.
You should restrict your comments to things you actually know about. Like wget statements and the fun times you’ve had with various farm animals.
On another note, a confused RETHUG in the news.
WASHINGTON—Members of Sen. John McCain’s family expressed deep concern Tuesday after receiving word that the aging legislator had wandered off into Syria. “Unfortunately, this has been happening a lot lately; he’ll walk out of the Capitol building, get disoriented, and then we get a call late at night saying that John is in Syria,” McCain’s wife Cindy said upon learning that her 76-year-old husband turned up in the war-torn country after ambling across the Turkey-Syria border and delivering a rambling, incoherent speech to a group of rebels. “Then one of us has to go to Syria, pick him up, and bring him back to Washington. We’re going to have to sit down soon and decide what to do about this before he seriously hurts himself.” McCain’s wife added that her husband’s recent trip to Syria was the most alarming episode for her family since the elderly Arizona senator got into his car, started driving, and ended up lost in the 2008 presidential election.
The Onion
From 11,
Maybe being a “guest” at the Hanoi Hilton all those years affected him adversely.
Oh yeah FlubScout… keep on using that tired excuse that even DUMMOCRAPTS have dropped. Did you not get the memo? Puddy gueses email moves real slow in the NorthWest.
@13 Uncle Puddles!
Nothing gets by your keen intellectual powers of observation!
@11 Well, if they’re all that worried about him, they should strap a homing device to him so they know where he is.
@13 What? The IRS actually audits people? You don’t say!
Please oh please name just one RETHUG group that was “targeted” and what law the IRS agents violated while “targeting” it?
Could it be the IRS’s job is to indeed validate a group’s claim to 501c4 status?
if tea party groups got tax exempt status as Social Welfare organizations, they would have no business being a player in any election.
It took a while but I’m now convinced by what others suggested.
it’s an act. No one can be that stupid.
I mean if the tea party groups applying for 501(c)4s had been left alone they would have been free to illegally engage in campaign politics. They would have been a PLAYER if the IRS had just let them break the law.
Yeah, that’s it. Keeping them from breaking the law is wrong. It lead directly to democracy. Yeah, that’s how it should have gone. Let the local tea parties break the law and THEN the IRS is doing their job.
New polls show Mitch McConnell, facing re-election next year, is in trouble.
Sadly, the Chairwoman of the House Tea Party caucus and former winner of the Iowa GOP Straw poll, the lady with the far away eyes, Michele Bachmnann, has announced she will not seek reelection in 2014.
Uncle Puddles! You must be crushed by this sad news. No doubt Obama used his amazing powers of mind control on her so that she would not be around to lead House Republican votes to repeal Obamacare and would not be around to give effective Teabagger responses to Presidential speeches. Please! Don’t make the mistake she did! ALWAYS wear your tinfoil hat to protect yourself from Obama mind control rays!
Perhaps Ms Bachmann and Ms Palin could get together and tour the country as mud wrestlers. That would be hugely popular in the Red States.
@21 Buh-bye, Michelle. Stupid is as stupid does.
I heard the reason why Bachman isn’t running is because Marcus needs help putting on his bra and panties.
“A Good Day For America”
Jim Graves, who narrowly lost to Michelle Bachmann last year and planned to challenge her again in 2014, explains why her departure from Congress is “a good day for America.” It’s not personal, he says, it’s just that she’s wrong about everything.
Republicans Are Liars Dep’t
Fact-checker PolitiFact has determined that the GOP is “the less credible party.”
“Republicans’ claims are far more likely than Democrats’ to be rated false by the fact-checking site PolitiFact, according to a study released Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Far more likely. As in twice as likely to be caught lying. Of course, this is hardly news to those of us who follow politics closely. It’s as obvious as a kid in a candy store with a chocolate ring around his mouth.
P.S., I would be careful about calling Michelle Bachmann a liar. Trees aren’t capable of telling lies. Neither are rocks, fence posts, eggplants, or boxes of hammers. You get my drift.
America’s Toughest Sheriff (TM; pat. pend.) says he will appeal a federal court ruling that his department’s policy of racially profiling suspected illegals is unconstitutional.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who would expect a federal judge to rule that singling people out for law enforcement action based on their skin color alone violates their civil rights? And who wouldn’t expect a sheriff ignorant enough of the Constitution to do this in the first place to believe he has a chance of successfully appealing this ruling in the Ninth Circuit? In short, what is Joe smoking? He must have gotten some bad weed from his Evidence Room.
@21 “No doubt Obama used his amazing powers of mind control on her …”
Nah, just some polling data that shows her constituents are tired of her making them look like the country’s dumbest voters.
In Virginia, non-violent felons have had their voting rights restored, and since it was killed in the House of Delegates, it was done by Executive Order. That’s right, Governor McDonnell did that.
In Rhode Island, former GOP senator Lincoln Chafee, who was elected governor as an independent, will seek re-election next year as a Democrat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A politician can make worse career moves than bailing out of the Party Of Crazy. In fact, it’s hard to make a better one.
30) His 2006 Senate campaign foreshadowed things to come. He was primaried because he was not Republican enough, and lost in the General. I doubt his father would have been able to win a GOP primary today.
It’s The Pension, Stupid
A congress critter vests in the congressional pension system after 5 years of service and can retire at age 62. Michelle Bachmann will serve 8 years amd turn 59 shortly after leaving office in January 2015. She would get a bigger pension if she stayed two more terms, but this is good enough to suck on the taxpayer teat for life when she turns 62. Mission accomplished.
Note, she also has a separate federal pension from her stint as a tax litigation attorney, having worked 5 years for the IRS. This gal has a habit of taking government jobs just long enough to qualify for a pension. It would appear she planned her retirement long ago, and figured out how to retire comfortably by doing a minimum of work.
Heh. Oh my! This is quite depressing.. Yet another imminent right wing environnmental catastrophe.. Sharply written:
Part 1
Part II
Yes, our pet klownservative jerk will wank himself when he bleats “Clinton” and “Moniz”.. So what did right wing KY and OH politicians do to forestall this crisis in their own backyard?
NOTHING! As far as they’re concerned you can just cement over this disaster and walk away for eternity. No bigee.. Disgusting cowards, the lot of them.
Been tellin’ ya.
Fewer miles driven, higher MPG cars, and more expensive raw materials to keep the roads fixed up means it’s harder to build and maintain a system supported by state and federal gas taxes. We need to stop building mega projects and start thinking about decommissioning some or our roads.
The CrAzY LaDy’s out!
@36 She may find further federal employment in a federal institution depending on what the numerous investigations of her campaign activities turn up. However, this type of employment doesn’t come with a federal pension, so she’ll have to manage on the two federal pensions she already has.
Not so fast!
Yes this is a pipe dream of sorts but ya never know!!
And generally I’m supportive of decommissioning roads in high traffic corridors in favor of higher density transport.
A while back a smug troll, Ten Years After, snarkily challenged my statement that it’s not hard to make 8% a year from the stock market. The context was a discussion about pension fund investment returns.
Having just updated a spreadsheet of my non-IRA portfolio, I’m compelled to inform Mr. TYA that it’s hard not to make 8% or more in present market conditions.
This portfolio holds 24 different stocks. Excluding 2 recent purchases (i.e. within the last 30 days), because they haven’t had time to earn returns, leaves 22 stocks. All were acquired within the last 18 months. Here’s their annualized total returns (including dividends) since purchase:
1 has a net loss.
1 has returned less than 8%
1 has returned more than 8% but less than 10%
0 have returned between 10% and 15%
3 have returned between 15% and 20%
8 have returned between 20% and 25%
2 have returned between 25% and 30%
4 have returned between 30% and 40%
1 has returned 64%
1 has returned 109%
Although it’s not feasible to compute an annualized percentage rate of return for the entire portfolio, those 22 stocks collectively have returned 24.9%. On a dollar-weighted basis, they’ve probably been owned less than a year on average, in which case the annualized return would be higher.
Now, it’s almost a sure thing that I’m outperforming most pension funds and probably by a lot, for the simple reason that pension funds are collectively underinvested in stocks. Well, that’s their problem. Pension fund managers get paid big bucks to earn at least 8% for their pensioners. If they can’t do that in a market that has gone up 23% since November, their bosses should fire them and hire me.
As for our friend Ten Years After, it sounds like he doesn’t know a damn thing about stocks, so I’m not inclined to let him dictate to me whether I can or can’t make 8% a year.
A couple weeks ago, even when the Russians said that they would not sell anymore weapons to Syria but finish existing contracts, they said that the sophisticated S-300 Surface to Air missiles wouldn’t be part of it. Well, events changed, the EU dropped their arms embargo, and days later, Syria gets the advanced SAM systems. That will make a no fly zone harder to enforce.
Well, waddya know, a congressional study reveals the rich get most of the benefits from tax breaks.
President Obama and Mayor Bloomberg have received ricin-laced threatening letters from an anonymous sender in Shreveport, Louisiana, who is upset by their gun control efforts.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ll bet he votes Republican, too.
@41 According to republicans, as does one person, so does the whole group. If one Muslim is a terrorist, all Muslims are terrorists. If Democrats acted like Republicans, shouldn’t they be demanding that all gun advocates be sent to Guantanamo as enemy combatants and terrorists? Where is my logic wrong?