Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
This week we will, of course, talk about scandals and conspiracies. You know…like Alex Jones’ theory that a government “weather weapon” caused the Oklahoma Tornado. (No doubt, ordered by Obama himself, with targeting by the IRS, as a way to distract from BENGHAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!11!!!1!!!)
And, NIXON….
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another nearby DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. On Wednesday, the Burien and Bellingham chapters meet. And on Thursday the Woodinville chapter meets.
With 204 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Lois Lerner is gonna take the Fifth Amendment if she’s called to testify about the current IRS shenanigans. She works for the IRS and is involved in this mess in some way.
(From KIRO-TV evening news)
Good catch! The only remaining question: Why does Lois Lerner hate Oklahoma?!?
Just got done watching Polygamy USA, for the first time. What a bunch of fucked up wasted minds. Even Roger Rabbit can’t keep up pace with these people.
@3 reference to Roger Rabbit is with regard to breeding.
Excellent article about the libtard feeding frenzy trying to attack Coburn. Wait for the standard SCHMUCKO inane commentary…
So now we know where Obummer is sending our hard earned monies.
pathlogical liar @ 6
There is no mention of Obama in that zero hedge post.. The “we” in that quote is Zero Hedge..
Yawwwn… More ODS from an idiot…
Too bad little maxie asshat isn’t here anymore:
Oh! That explains this..
And some idiot in the bagger klownservative kongress want to set those Republicans straight.
While feeding at the federal trough.. It never ends with these klownservatives.
I was just checking a couple rail-related facebook pages I subscribe to, and found out that the second ODoT TALGO train is being delivered now. It left the now shuttered TALGO factory in Milwaukee tonight as a second section of Amtrak#7, the Westbound Empire Builder, and due in on Thursday. That should be ending the saga of TALGO, a business lured to Wisconsin by former Gov Doyle, driven out by the current pro-business governor.
He Actually Said That!
Facing questions on his position about federal disaster aid Tuesday, Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma confirmed he would want to offset any relief money with cuts to other parts of the budget but quickly added now was not the time do be discussing such matters. ‘It’s insensitive to even talk about it now,’ Coburn said …. ‘It just shows the crassness of Washington versus the sensitivity that we need to have.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s do this, Tom. We’ll give your state the federal disaster relief money it needs, and we’ll provide that money right now, because your constituents need immediate help. Later, when you want to talk about budget offsets, well, that’s a crass and insensitive conversation we just won’t have. Does that work for ya?
@5 See #10.
Coburn is an asshole twice warmed over. First he wants to deny emergency relief to people in other states. Then, when his own constituents need emergency relief, he wants to pay for it by cutting funds that go to other states. What a prick.
As I said in #10 above, the people of Oklahoma should get all the federal disaster relief they need, despite the fact they elected the two biggest jerks in the U.S. Senate. Then, when these fuckwads try to cut someone else’s money, the Democratic majority should tell them to go fuck themselves. And not be polite about it.
Oh, and puddy, if you don’t like that you can roll it into a tight cylinder and shove it up your rectum.
@7 Well, he does have a tiny sliver of a talking point there — Obama did reappoint Bush’s man, Bernanke. As I’ve been saying for some time, the Kenyan communist is a Wall Street lackey and bootlicker. All you have to do to reach that conclusion is do a head count of the Wall Street water carriers in his cabinet and top economic posts.
Re link in #8, it doesn’t surprise me that Republican counties are the new Food Stamp Capitals of the USA. Those leeches will take welfare anywhere they can get it, including the gummint they claim to hate when corporations won’t feed them anymore.
Poor serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb… In full Obummer CYA mode. serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb seems to forget the fish rots from the head down. Nothing happens without Obummer’s approval. NOTHING! As we learn more and more about these scandals, it all leads to the whitey house. Carneybarker is trusted any more.
Bernanke is doing the bidding of Obummer trying to fix the economy with monthly infusions of cash. Remember the DUMB and Ol Senile Wabbit admitted to the $85 Billion a month pumping of the stock market. serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb can’t because serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb’s head is so far up Obummer’s ASS serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb can’t see the light of day! Butt, the real unemployment rate is still greater than 10%, closer to 15%. serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb are a prime recipient of Obummer economy. Butt, while serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb touts the economy improvement and Obummer’s “approval” numbers” serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb still sits at home all day attacking Puddy while Puddy works in different cities contributing to the US economy. serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb knows where Puddy is this week! serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb is such a moron. This is a really a neat place!
Sux to be serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb stuck in Seattle attacking Puddy from left wrong sites.
See ya serial plagiarizing nemployed salt licking moron ylb.
Great article on how presidents used the IRS… who knew this about Clinton?
Knowing serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb would post something from libtard Mother Jones and the SENILE & DUMB Wabbit would immediately use it Puddy went a looking…
Highland Park, Michigan… Overwhelming voted for Obummer and DUMMOCRAPT Gary Peters…
Carol Stream Illinois… Overwhelming voted for Obummer and DUMMOCRAPT Tammy Duckworth.
Forest Park, Georgia… Overwhelming voted for Obummer and DUMMOCRAPT John Lewis
So sad serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb. Another EPIC FAYLE!
Puddy wonders why Mother Jones provides crap to it’s readers… then epiphany… Puddy knows why… low information voters such the serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb and the SENILE and DUMB Wabbit run with it as gospel. A little digging (2 minutes max) demonstrated the futility of HA’s serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb and another EPIC FAYLE from a left wrong site.
So sad serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb’s EPIC FAYLURES!
@10….Perhaps any funds allocated specifically for Oklahoma tornado relief and recovery could be offset by reductions in other Federal funds allocated to Oklahoma or Oklahoma residents. Farm bill funds like crop supports come to mind, as do ethanol subsidies and removal of certain tax exemptions/loopholes for Oklahoma-based energy production. Infrastructure funding for other Oklahoma projects could be moved to the relief column. With some decent bookeeping no other state would suffer a reduction in their funding unless they volunteered to do so. Senator Coburn could proudly note that Sooners helped themselves!
More bragging!! I love it!
What kind of car were you allowed to rent, puddybigot?
Funny you would use the term ‘gospel’…when you’re the fool who believes a 3000-year old book that says the universe is 6000 years old, and that all evidence to the contrary is just a test, put there to fuck us up and see how tightly one is holding on to the blinders.
You are a sad and pathetic ‘man’, puddybigot.
And your point is….what?
Poor people tend to vote for Democrats, because our party as fewer sociopaths working to further fuck them over.
(Too many Democrats are in the service of big money and free labor – as opposed to all Republicans)
BTW, puddybigot, nothing you said in that post contradicts the Mother Jones article.
Do you understand what ‘contradict’ means?
Is White Goodman really the inspiration for your character on these threads, or does it just seem that way?
# 5: Apparantly Puddy doesn’t understand the basic rule of economics: “there is no such thing as a free lunch”.
@16 “Bernanke is doing the bidding of Obummer trying to fix the economy with monthly infusions of cash.”
Who appointed him, dummy?
And yet you go to The Washington Examiner regularly.
I’ll see your pot and raise you a kettle.
@18-19 This is your rebuttal of #8 and #15? Ha ha ha ha ha
@21 Oh, give him a break. Someone has to work so capitalists like me can live on the profits. My stocks are up another $1500 today. Puddy spends his whole life working out of town, living in motels, and driving rental cars; and I get the money and don’t even have to get out of bed. This system is almost obscene.
Oh dear…I fear for Piddles mental well being.
In the first post scandal polls…Obama’s approval is unchanged in the Gallup poll and up two points in the CNN poll.
Yep, that sure is working. Scream about a cover-up, find no evidence, have hearings for 10 solid days, do nothing about jobs or the economy.
Well played.
“But, but, but…if only they knew what I know from reading Breitbart and the Washington Examiner, why SURELY the American public would impeach the President. It’s not possible that the FACTS I read on Daily Caller could be wrong (cough….let me get my umbrella) it’s just the media’s fault.” -Piddles daily affirmation.
@24 Yeah, I picked up on that. This is classic puddy. When he doesn’t have an argument he blows smoke.
@25 Sure there is. It’s called “stocks.” You wouldn’t believe what’s happening in the stock market right now if you were following it like I do. The U.S. economy is somnolent, European is going to hell in a handbasket, household income is declining, and somebody is buying stocks like sailors from a just-docked ship at a whorehouse. It’s unbelievable how fast stocks are going up, and we haven’t had a whiff of a correction since that little dip in mid-November when the red staters dumped their holdings because they thought the world ended on November 6. If they had researched history a little bit they would’ve found out stocks have always done MUCH BETTER under Democrats.
Mother Jones, despite the publication’s whimsical name, does serious journalism. The only thing wrong with MJ as a source is they print real news instead of the lies puddy wants to believe. Therefore you can’t persuade puddyliar by using MJ as a source.
@30 “Oh dear…I fear for Piddles mental well being.”
Why? He can’t deteriorate. When someone’s cognitive functioning is zero there’s nothing to take away.
With traffic up in Eastern Montana and North Dakota, due to the Bakken Shale, Amtrak noticed that the Empire Builder does not adequately serve the area. There are proposals to add another stop between Williston, North Dakota and Wolf Point, Montana.
The British Parliament approved the marriage equality bil. It goes back to the House of Lords for even more debate, so it will be a little while before it becomes law. Also, I am not sure if it will apply to Scotland and Northern Ireland, as both enjoy a degree of autonomy.
Conservative PM David Cameron is for it, in his words, “Because he is a Conservative.” A good portion of his party, not so much. Labour, combined with the Liberal Democrats delivered the votes for it. It was a big risk for Cameron, his position could deliver Tory voters to the UK Independence Party, potentially allowing Labour and the Liberal Democrats make gains. (With winner take all, vote splitting happens all the time)
@6 You didn’t “earn” it and Obama didn’t “send” it. Bernanke “virtually printed” it and then handed it over to the crooked bankers who got us into the collapsing-bubble part of the mess we’re in. (Some guy with a half-pint brain inside a ten-gallon hat did the rest by giving those same bankers a big tax break whilst running up a trillion-dollar war debt.) These days, said “virtual printing” is accomplished by digital transactions making no-interest “loans” and to and buying worthless securities from those same bankers–all (or most) of it brokered by Goldman Sachs.
Poor sad klownservative @ 16
Tin foil hat much?? I guess this is the new..
Bernanke’s agenda is to prop up zombie banks.. Period! More batshit insanity from a buffoon.. Thanks for playing..
What else?
LOL!! No response to SNAP growth in klownservative counties and no response to a bagger Kongress Klownservative SCREWING other klownservatives who’ve taken food assistance while feeding at the federal trough for his own agribusiness..
Sure sucks to be you Kracked Klownservative!
Yesterday, Los Angeles held an election and nobody noticed. Turnout was low, between 15-20%. The winner, was City Councilmember Eric Garcetti. What I noticed, was both candidates positions on transportation, was not whether they were for alternatives, but their approach to delivering it. I was wondering if Los Angeles has reached a tipping point on transportation, towards more public transit? Last year, an extension of a recently passed transit tax measure, barely failed to get the required supermajority for passage, but it might have been too soon(4 years after it passed, and it was a 30year measure). San Diego is a more conservative city, and the San Diego Trolley is a pretty big network.
As for the turnout, San Francisco had at least double that in 2011, and that was electing the guy appointed to fill out Newsom’s term. Ed Lee was not going to run, but people drafted him anyway. He had pretty good lead in the first count(SF allows voters to rank up to three candidates, partly because they use a hand count for Ranked Choice Voting, as no state certified optical scanners are up to the task)
Right wing places with the most increase in suburban poverty:
SLC, UT 141.7 % increase
Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale AZ 134.2 % increase
Boise-Nampa ID 129.7% increase
Provo-Orem UT 128.6% increase
Charlotte-Gastonia-Rock Hill NC 113.3 % increase
Dallas-FW-Arlington, TX 111.2 % increase
Ogden-Clearfield UT 105% increase
Just to name a few.. And a klownservative moron from OK wants to cut these right wing voters off food assistance which benefits mostly kids! What’s he going to be for next? Child labor?
Sure sucks to be a klownservative especially the jerk @ 18.
I may have just found a poster boy for the 1-percenters.
Another Republican sex scandal and this one is a doozy.
Note: Lt. Gov. Carroll resigned on March 13 after being implicated in a federal racketeering investigation.
The dishonesty of today’s business owners is limited only by their imaginations.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Consumers can’t trust anyone nowadays. American commerce has become a Baghdad bazaar where everyone is trying to rip you off with price-fixing, false labeling, and counterfeit goods. Advertising is designed to get you to buy without thinking, and labels are designed to mislead and deceive. What happened to the honest businessman who made a decent living by selling quality goods at fair prices? He’s disappeared.
I read somewhere that George Soros was spotted in Benghazi just before the attack on 9/11/12 talking with Lois Lerner.
42)Loved her denial. As for if she is or not, I am one who believes, unless they are pushing anti-gay laws, it’s nobody’s business. Since she opposed the repeal of DADT, then it could be relevant. Since she has resigned, it may be moot now.
This happened in Josephine County, Oregon. Biggest city would be Grants Pass.
This is the same county that defunded the public library system a couple of years back.
46)At the time, I believe Josephine County was in Reo. Walden’s(R) district, but now part of it is in Rep. Defazio’s(D) District. Sounds like something, if brought to his attention, he would try to do something about.
Who claimed Puddy was contradicting Mother Jones you moron? Puddy PROVED “Poverty Flees to the Suburbs!” Where did it flee from? DUMMOCRAPT cities. Who voted for Obummer and those DUMMOCRAPT congress critter libtards? The same poverty stricken peeps who lived in the cities!
R U really that stoooooooooooopid? Must be. You missed to comment from serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb:
Since your good buddy claimed klownservatives, Puddy proved the three locations identified by serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb (remember he chose to blockquote it) are libtard bastions who voted for Obummer and their local DUMMOCRAPT congresscritter…
Pox on SCHMUCKO, SENILE and DUMB Wabbit, checkmate, and rhpee6033’s houses! Too bad you ID10T’s can’t read. Four really ignorant and stooooooooooopid HA libtards.
That was so easy! The Prosection Rests Your Honor… SCHMUCKO once again proves his stooooooooopidity in spades!
@46 Look for the gun fetishists to crawl out of their holes and use this incident as “proof” that everyone in the country must be equipped and prepared to blow his or her neighbor’s head off at a moment’s notice.
Currently, Josephine County is split between the 2nd and 4th, with Grants Pass in the 4th, since the 2010 census. Defazio has gone to bat for areas of his district outside of Eugene. The Coos Bay Rail Link is one example. Defazio was one of the officials that fought RailAmerica and it’s attempt to abandon this branch of the Central Oregon and Pacific.
For the Port of Coos Bay, the railroad was crucial for any economic development they were trying to lure.
WASHINGTON – Oklahoma Sen. Jim Inhofe (R) said on Tuesday that federal aid to tornado-ravaged parts of his home state will be “totally different” than a Hurricane Sandy aid bill he voted against late last year.
@49. When civilization is willfully abandoned, then yes, it is appropriate to arm, or leave.
More BULLSHITTIUM from serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb
Phoenix-Mesa-Glendale AZ 134.2 % increase Hmmm… So who voted for whom in 2012… Well, Puddy went to Daily Kooks who studied the Arizona results and was pizzed Obummer didn’t win Arizona.
Tempe/West Mesa(26) 60.23% – Obummer 2012
West Central Phoenix(30) 62.58% – Obummer 2012
Downtown Phoenix(24) 64.77% – Obummer 2012
Maryvale/Glendale(29) 65.83% – Obummer 2012
North Phoenix(15) 37.06% – Obummer (away from the area designated by serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb)
East Mesa/Apache Junction(16) 35.68% – Obummer (away from the area designated by serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb)
So easy to destroy any of serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb stoooooooooooopid premises!
And of course Fascist Pigsty doesn’t tell the whole story… So why is that Fascist Pigsty? Puddy already posted it.
Of course Fascist Pigsty can’t answer the question… Cuz the answer is not in his source!
54. Maybe you posted it somewhere else. The only post in this thread with the word “Inhofe” is mine.
I don’t usually read your conservative performance art rantings. It’s not like you say anything of value. It’s not even entertaining. I don’t know why you bother.
@46 “This is the same county that defunded the public library system a couple of years back.”
Maybe they figure if they have plenty of guns they don’t need cops or books.
@48 What’s a prosection? Does it rest on its feet or laying down? Does it have sex? With what? Another prosection? Are there male and female prosections? Do they look different? Does one pee standing up and the other pees sitting down? What does a baby prosection look like? Just curious.
@49 As for what will happen, substitute “child’s” for “neighbor’s” and you’re there.
53 – Yawwwwn.. Let’s see Still no response to klownservatives taking more food stamps and their klownservative politician in OK cutting them off while he accepts a fortune in federal ag subsidies..
I bet the bagger kongressman is doing OK!!!
And no response to the other places I listed! Klownservative regions in ID, UT, SC and TexASS..
Has Phoenix in the name! AZ is lousy with racist bagger klownservatives, always has been.
LOL! I win! Klownservative Krackpot @ 53 LOSES!
Nope, not even a sliver… The zero hedge post talks about Bernanke not Obama..
Obama has little to no influence on Fed Open Market decision making. Obama’s reappointment of Bernanke was pure politics – “switching horses in midstream” would have been a political mistake.
Obama didn’t get that much support from Wall Street in 2012 AFAIK..
59 – Yawwwwn? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Did Puddy force you to post those links and capture those blockquotes serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb?
Silly jackass serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb! BUSTED again. Your Glendale Phoenix Mesa Corridor overwhelmingly voted for Obummer. HAHAHAHAHA!
Not Puddy’s job to answer to serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb! You need Puddy to live. Puddy doesn’t need you to live!
serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb can’t acknowledge facts DUMB Wabbit! serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb is an idiot! Your info was not found in left wrong sites serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb peruses each day while you sleep and others work! serial plagiarizing unemployed salt licking moron ylb doesn’t understand Obummer’s hiring practices!
Where did SCHMUCKO flee to?
I’m right here, you dumb-ass bigot motherfucker.
I just don’t choose to spend the time right now schooling you on all the hate and stupidity in your particular performance today.
Nice to know I’m in your head though!
Another guvmint loan to a startup goes bad … oh wait …
“Tesla Motors announced Wednesday that it has repaid a $465 million loan from the government nearly a decade before it was scheduled to do so.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, who would be so stupid as to risk taxpayer money on an electric car company, for cryin’ out loud? Oh wait …
@62 What the fuck are you babbling about now?
LMAO! And North Phoenix don’t count.. I see…
Still no response to the other places.. Oh.. He says nothing about them because they’re hard core Klownservative places who’ve INCREASED their suburban poor and take more food stamps and are about to be SCREWED by the degenerate bagger Kongress because the kids of those right wingers aren’t doing sweatshop or stoop labor according to 2 Thessalonians 3:10.
Heh.. The klownservative krackpot fool @ 61 still LOSES!
I knew it was coming and I told the thick-skulled Pudge this in these comment threads many times and he would never respond. Where else could it possibly lead?
What the party of small, non-intrusive government wants to do to the women of Virginia, courtesy of Crooks & Liars,
“If a woman in Virginia has a miscarriage without a doctor present, they must report it within 24 hours to the police or risk going to jail for a full year.”
Every miscarriage is a potential homicide and demands investigation. In comments here I joking called these investigators the “Pussy Squad”.
One commodity that the railroads are continuing to see growth in, is Bakken Crude. Especially with pipeline issues and controversies.
The locomotives that haul it are continuing to get cleaner and greener. The more stringent EPA regs have created a growth industry, and plenty of experimentation going on. While repowering older units into compliance is pretty strong, the GenSet switcher, is a very interesting concept. Being a modular design, I read about one operator having one of three GenSet modules on a locomotive break down. They removed the module, ran it on assignments with the two working ones, and reinstalled it once repairs were made.
Still makes Obummer that winner you stupid idiot!
Nice to see SCHMUCKO in standard form. Too bad SCHMUCKO can’t read. So Puddy delivered his ASS-kicking in #48. Sux to be SCHMUCKO and his lack of reading comprehension skillz!
@ 71
You type incomprehensible, poorly spelled schizophrenic ravings and blame the readers being subjected to that, for their lack of reading comprehension skills?
Christ you’re a stupid motherfucker.
Go kill yourself Spudds.
I love to watch puddybigot sputter and stamp his feet, demanding we pay attention to him.
No time for psychotic, hate-filled, affirmatively stupid performance art right now!