The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Why is this blog so dead? Where are our trolls? Did we drive them away? Perhaps we were too gentle with them and they’re looking for more action elsewhere.
A 50-year-old pharmacist was arrested for attempted murder yesterday after a customer at a Starbucks in San Jose noticed her take two bottles of orange juice from her purse and place them in the store’s refrigerated section. The customer alerted store management, who got the woman’s license plate number. The orange juice tested positive for lethal poison in a crime lab. (Source: MSNBC)
@1 I too have noticed that CerealBob and Puddy seem to be no longer with us. Can anyone apply for the job? As I’m a taker on Social Security I could use the extra money especially if it’s unreportable cash. Does it come from American Crossroads or the Koch Brothers?
@4 it takes special talent to be a moronic dip shit. Are You sure You are up to the challenge?
Breeding like Rabbits. Only Rabbits are smarter.
How would you respond to this interchange:
How could I argue this?
“They want services, but they don’t want to pay for them”, seems too blunt.
@4…you clearly do not spend sufficient time picking through the muddled thoughts of the right. All we have to do is cut fraud, waste and abuse and there will be plenty of money left for both services and a tax cut.
In the bad state of TexASS you put innocent people in jail..
Kill ’em if you can.. They do a lot of that in TexASS.. It’s good for bidness.. Personal advancement and all..
Heh.. It’s none of shareholders’ business what management makes.. Even if it’s 1,795 TIMES what the average worker makes:
Some uppity shareholder from the 99 percent with a lousy hundred shares might get the idea that it’s freaking insane..
6)The guy only faces 10 years for sending an innocent man to prison? Should be equal to the amount of time the innocent person spent in jail.
@8 By that standard TexASS GOP Gov. Rick Perry arguably should be facing lethal injection for his role in the Willingham case.
@7 It’s only a matter of time before Cheap Labor Conservatives introduce a bill declaring unwillingness to work for slave wages a “national security threat” and authorizing press gangs to roam the streets rounding up “loafers” to work in turkey processing plants for $65 a month.
10 – Another TexASS sourced disaster..
9) I’ll admit, I thought about that aspect, but I also admit, I would be the vote against the Death penalty,especially in this case. I would settle for life, an “Eye for an Eye” just leaves the world blind. I forget the exact Ghandi quote.
Perhaps they are one and the same.
This, from TPM, via AP:
The accident ‘stunned’ the community? What the fuck for? No one anticipated that giving a 4-year-old a deadly weapon might result in an accident?
“…the gun go off…”, yes I’m sure it would have done that all by itself (passive voice) whether there was a 5-year-old playing with it or not.
This is something I keep seeing over and over in reporting of incidents like this – the bystanders’ use of the passive voice, the sense of inevitability, what a ‘tragedy’ it is, how we must all come together for the grieving family, as if there were a meteor strike that killed the little toddler, literally out of the blue.
Here’s the county coroner:
I’ll repeat:
Well, DUH, cracker. That is the most simplistic truism, and not unusual at all, simply because this sort of clusterfuck doesn’t happen to every 5-year-old, or their little toddler sibling, with every deadly weapon given to a kindergartner.
Here’s a county judge and ‘unofficial mayor’:
Yeah, totally unexpected, that a 5-year-old with a LOADED .22 rifle and his 2-year-old sister, playing unsupervised, might result in one of them dead. Never saw that one coming.
But hey, they have a ‘culture of guns’ down there, they start ’em shootin’ early. I think that’s part of it – it’s like selling cigarettes to little kids – get them hooked early and you have them for life.
That, and we need to disabuse these people that this kind of thing doesn’t ‘just happen’ – it’s a direct and VERY PREDICTABLE consequence of giving a kid access to a loaded gun. One way to approach this is that if a shooting like this, involving minors, happens on your property – *POOF* – there goes the property, confiscated, just like if they’d found a meth lab there.
If you cannot register, regulate, insure guns – ‘cuz that might be the first step by the libruls to take mah guns away – then come down HARD on the owners of the property where these events take place.
Maybe, if you don’t have ‘gun insurance’ (and that would be totally up to you to buy) and a gun related crime or death takes place on that property – well, go after the property.