The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally meets tonight. Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. On Wednesday, the Burien and Bellingham chapters meet. On Thursday the Woodinville chapter meets.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
The fact you’re an innocent bombing victim won’t stop conservative loudmouths from calling you a “terrorist” and demanding your deportation.
“The two women wounded when Los Angeles police shot at their pickup truck during the manhunt for renegade ex-officer Christopher Dorner will split a $4.2 million settlement, attorneys for the city and women told reporters Tuesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They’ll get about $1.4 million apiece after attorney fees. It’s not enough. These women were shot, have physical injuries, and been psychologically traumatized for life. Given what medical and psychiatric care costs nowadays, they should get three times that.
Archbishop Romero, who was murdered by a rightwing death squad, is on his way to sainthood with yesterday’s “unblocking” of his beatification by Pope Francis.
I thought one of the comments on Grassely was worth repeating
Honestly, it seems that Republican Politicians want you to be afraid of any non white, non christian person. Where would that lead? A version of Apartheid comes to mind. A country where non white and or non christian, are shut out from the political process. I seem to remember there were/are African countries where a faction that makes up 10% of the population, rules the country and tension mounts until things end in bloodshed. Do we want to risk that in America?
That seems to be precisely what puddybigot is calling for, with his smearing of anyone with an arabic- or MOOSLUM-sounding name.
He’s our happy Christianist goose-stepper.
From 2,
Well, the attorneys could all give a large portion of their $1.4 million to the ladies to help out.
From 3,
That’s another reason the Catholic Church is in decline.
Pop Quiz: Can you identify who said:
A) I’m responsible for an explosion that killed three people. I was hunted down by the police and killed in the street.
B) I’m responsible for an explosion that killed fifteen people. I’ll pay a fine and go home to my wife every night.
Rush: Way to be classy!
The Jon Stewart video was priceless. He made fun of Rupert Murdoch and CNN with such panache.
@7 So you think getting murdered by rightwing killers should disqualify a priest from consideration for sainthood? What does that make the rightwing killers in your mind? Papabile?
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
Speaking of murder, another Madman With A Gun (TM; pat. pend.) slaughtered 5 people in Illinois, before getting killed by trying to kill some cops, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s obvious too many guns fall into the wrong hands, but Republicans won’t even pass a simple background check bill. So it looks like getting this murder & mayhem under control will require a two step process: Step 1: Get rid of Republicans. Step 2: Get rid of guns.
@6 “Well, the attorneys could all give a large portion of their $1.4 million to the ladies to help out.”
This comment identifies you as a hard-core wingnut troll despite all your efforts at pretending to be something else.
Why? Because you think everyone except you should work for free, and only wingnuts think that way.
From 13,
Well, you spent your life as a lawyer. Of course you feel that way.
The jury’s verdict is in on The Great Economic Debate: The bone-headed conservatives who insist austerity, budget cutting, and layoffs (in both business and government) are the proper response to recession/depression are WRONG.
“Those in favor of economic stimulus won a brief victory in the depths of the financial crisis, with countries like the U.S. implementing stimulus packages. But the so-called ‘Austerians’ fought back. And in the past several years, government policies in Europe and the U.S. have been shaped by the belief that governments had to cut spending or risk collapsing under the weight of staggering debts. Over the course of this debate, evidence has … piled up that the ‘Austerians’ were wrong.”
“She said that in recent years, the ‘go-to’ strategy has been cost cutting. ‘That’s a very difficult way to become great. What company ever cut its way to greatness?’ she asked.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Unfortunately, a mountain of hard evidence that conservative Wack-O-Nomics is the worst thing you can do (i.e., it turns recessions into depressions), doesn’t stop ignorant people from voting for politicians who would do it anyway. Because, well, because some people are just plain stupid.
From 11,
If he’d been killed by a left-wing killer it would have been all hunky-dory.
The concept of sainthood is one of the reasons the Catholic Church is declining. What does being declared a saint get one. You’re still just not her dead guy among the other 107 billion other dead guys.
Meanwhile, The Donald is being … The Donald. Again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: One thing ya gotta say about this loopy huckster is a least he’s consistently loopy.
@14 Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and donate your pay to your customers? That’s what you’re asking them to do, so you should set the example by going first.
Trump is one of the most pompous asses out there. The only one who has more self-importance is Bill O’Reilly.
From 18,
I’m retired. For now, at least.
@14 That’s immaterial. It makes no difference whether they’re lawyers, doctors, or fast food workers. You’re asking them to work for free. That’s what conservatives want other people to do; of course they won’t do that themselves. Why should anyone listen to people like that?
@20 “I’m retired. For now, at least.”
In other words, you’re unemployed.
@19 “Trump is one of the most pompous asses out there.”
That was my point exactly.
@16 “If he’d been killed by a left-wing killer it would have been all hunky-dory.”
With whom?
Is everyone’s favorite right wing jerk still “waiting”?
b cs -t puddymoron -s 201304 -b “wait for it” -c
| count |
| 12 |
1 row in set
Heh.. We’ll let him wait some more…
Ten Years After @ 16,
“The concept of sainthood is one of the reasons the Catholic Church is declining. You’re still just not her dead guy among the other 107 billion other dead guys.”
Holy shit is that a lame analysis. There are many obvious reasons why the Catholic Church is in decline. The “concept of sainthood” is not one of them.
Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’
Revealed: how the spy agency used unwitting artists such as Pollock and de Kooning in a cultural Cold War
Being a narrative artist (IE: Art should be recognizable and say something), I have never really appreciated that genre of art. This explains so much, it wasn’t natural, it was induced.
Where’s Bob?
Americans are adjusting.
Technology advances, habits change, the world changes underneath a right wing fool’s feet.
Driving less = Cars cost relatively more, less jobs, not wanting to get into more debt, less credit, more mass transit where they live, harder to get license.
Don’t forget more and more tolls.
Heh.. A cool 757 million in overbilling..
A Swiss company.. So it’s drawing bi-partisan criticism for once. If it was an American company, some congress critters would be making speeches about jobs and patriotism and being “unfairly singled out”.
Poor Swiss outfit was probably too cheap to hire lobbyists.
Wise stewards of the taxpayer’s money those Defense Logistics Agency bureaucrats.
@30. Ouch. So, another case, of not enough regulation and or regulations not being enforced. Reminds me of the West Texas refinery.
@ 31
One of the things that bugs me about the Texas explosion is that it really was a mom-and-pop operation. They only had about 40 employees, and there was no major parent corporation as far as I’ve been able to find.
It is probably one of the main reasons why the place was never inspected in 28 years. It was just too small. The owner isn’t a very wealthy guy. He’s a local good ol’ boy who has been in the business for decades and just ran the place old school, as it were. Probably a lot of cash accounts, probably almost entirely customers that they’d done business with for decades and knew by their first names.
The surplus that had been stored on site there was probably several weeks supply and was being kept simply because they couldn’t sell it fast enough, given the local economic situation, the drought and the resultant state of Texas agriculture right now. They probably kept producing even though it would have been better to slow down the operation and lay folks off during the downturn in business. Probably in the hope that things would turn around. The drought is putting off a lot of planting in the region, and when people don’t plant, they don’t fertilize. They sure as hell aren’t going to fertilize in dry soil conditions anyway, it burns the roots out unless it can be watered down after application.
Really a fucked up situation all around there.
Thunder roars… A choir sings… Puddy actually agrees with Roger… Libtard led city cops are the worst of the worst!
Puddy and Serial Bob wouldn’t post a self-analysis of their own party this way, but Democrats do:
According to David Horsey, all the “angst” among the Republicans over immigration reform and the future of the party is no cause for joy among Democrats.
(1) Republicans already have almost overwhelming control over state legislatures which they gained in the 2010 elections, and used for gerrymandering into a “permanant Republican majority” in the House.
(2) In the Senate, only two Republican senators are retiring from states already safe in Republican hands, and the remainder are also safely Republican. In contrast, Democrats have six senators retiring, from states where the Republicans could grab at least a majority of them – and quite possibly a majority in the Senate as a whole.
(3) As for the Presidency in 2016, the Democrats have staked everything on Hillary Clinton as “the person who cannot be beat”. But 2016 is still a long way away, and Republicans have been firing up their base against her for quite some time. By 2015, she might have health issues, or simply decide NOT to run, leaving the field open to any number of Democrats who could very well be beaten.
So this simply leaves us with demographics and the immigration issue. In Horsey’s words, “…one good presidential candidate and one comprehensive immigration bill could smooth over those problems.” If the Republicans back an immigration reform package which includes a reasonable route to citizenship, and nominates Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio as presidential candidates, then Florida might well go Republican in 2016, and all successive elections. Sure, they won’t take all the latino votes, but they only have to bleed off a few thousand or so to make up the difference.
L.A. Times – Horsey April 24, 2013.
So perhaps it’s time for the Democrats to begin campaigning? We can’t wait for the Republicans to make egregious errors, like they did the last time around. Counting on your opponant to make a mistake is simply not a good strategy.
Wow it seems all libtards read Mother Jones.
So where is rhpee6033 getting his regurgitated news without links? Can’t be here. Here’s sumtin shocking…
Hey rhpee6033… Search HA and you’ll find all the attacks you libtards and national DUMMOCRAPTS have placed on Rubio. Nuthin new here… move along.
Kelby Smith, 34, pilled into his brother’s driveway and was carrying his 2-month-old son in a car seat when a man with a pistol approached them and demanded money. Smith knelt in front of his son to shield him as the robber held the gun to Smith’s head. As Smith handed over a small amount of cash, he pulled his own gun from its holster. Upon seeing the firearm, the robber fled, but turned and pointed his gun back at Smith, who fired his gun. The man was later identified as he entered a hospital seeking treatment for a gunshot wound.(The Plain Dealer, Columbus, OH, 1/15/13)
Source: American Rifleman, May 2013.
@36. More information please:
What is the ratio of accidental gun deaths and murders with the victim’s gun
robberies averted (like your example)?
Is it
Doesn’t matter as long as one robbery is averted, any number of accidental gun deaths and murders with the victim’s gun is acceptable?
Puddybigot’s ongoing search for (false) equivalency continues.
Hey puddybigot, why haven’t you responded to my questions over on the 4/23 thread? You know, the thread where you showed you didn’t get Weigel’s sarcasm when you ‘triumphantly’ reposted his punch line?
# 36: This is really a bad example. The guy’s not “protecting his son”, he’s using his son as cover while he draws a firearm. If the robber hadn’t fled, he might have instead peppered the father, son, and vehicle with bullets, with at better-than-random chance of hitting the son instead.
If you are going to pull and fire a gun, be well away from the line of fire from your children, or they might become an inadvertant casualty.
A fun riff on the republican response to sequestration:
@39. The old joke….
“Would you hit a woman with a baby?”
“Heck, I’d hit a woman with a baseball bat if I had to.”
unemployed salt licking moron ylb say something useful?
Yeah… didn’t think so.
Did unemployed salt licking moron ylb find a job yet?
Nope… didn’t think so.
Who is Puddybigot? Doesn’t Schmucko remember minorities can’t be bigots? Well he is still a smegma covered schmuck! BTW your questions have no relevance to the world of today.
Wait for it…
Still stupid after being reminded on his stupidity over and over!
What happens when a pressure cooker thingies goes off by a guvmint issued phone? What will the libtards scream them?
Nancy Pelosi… amazing poll numbers… Even after all the positive libtard msm press for her. “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.” Her best work!
@33 “Libtard led city cops are the worst of the worst!”
Now piddl’s trying to tell us trigger-happy cops are lefties … he gets funnier every day.
Joe BiteME… an idiot loved by HA!
What HA libtards like this person who cracks sick jokes at a funeral? Schmucko, DUMB Wabbit, OWS Fraggy, rhpee6033, unemployed salt licker moron ylb etc.
Where did Puddy say this DUMB Wabbit?
Mrs Wabbit… get your husband mental assistance and help. Quickly!
An Armed Society Is A Polite Society Dep’t
“A Granite Falls man said he began blasting away with a shotgun because he wanted to protect his home. Police aren’t buying the story. They say he was drunk.
“The suspect, 55, said he fired a round into the air Tuesday afternoon to scare off two people who had stopped by his home. He wanted to be left alone, a Snohomish County sheriff’s deputy wrote in a report filed in court Wednesday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Most Americans stopped believing the NRA’s bullshit after the umpty-umpth theater or elementary school massacre. The problem is how do you pass a law supported by only 90% of the public in a society where 1% runs everything?
Well, if we can’t get background checks, our fallback is these.
Even if politicians can’t/won’t do anything about it, Jeffrey Immelt can/will.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns a truckload of GE stock.)
“Why are some people so rich and others so poor? Is it from good choices or good luck? Hard work, smarts, and ability—or something else? … [T]he rich are rewarded for the same effort far more than are the poor.” popular
Roger Rabbit Commentary: “Work hard to get ahead” is one of the many myths foisted on us by those who were born lucky. They want us to work hard so they don’t have to! Truth is, the only thing hard work gets you is a sore back. But being born to the right parents gets you millions! Just ask Tamara Ecclestone — the only thing you need to be a glamorous celeb is a billionaire daddy!
Puddybigot’s posts remind me of these signs.
I don’t think he actually speaks English.
Puddybigot sez…
What does that even mean?
It also seems an odd sentiment from a guy who thinks the universe is 6000 years old and Noah teleported penguins (but not unicorns) from and to Antarctica for the boat ride.
Hey puddybigot, you still haven’t answered whether you think that those dudes with MOOSLUM-sounding names, the ones you think should be barred from employment in government because of their MOOSLUM-sounding names, should have access to the same bathrooms as everybody else. How ’bout it?
What about ‘our’ schools? Should their kids be allowed to go to ‘our’ schools?
Heh.. Lone wolf or tip of the iceburg?
An R-Money staffer stalks and extorts women:
Heh. Right wing family values!
LOL!! Another aspect of the Walker “economic miracle” in Wisconsin..
A 4 billion dollar plus trade deficit with China?
Too damn funny! Is it true this joke Walker is thinking of running for President?
If he gains more traction than TPaw Bridgefail did it’ll be miracle.
Yo, Puddy! @57 is an example of how one should cite facts.
So, how does it feel to know that an “unemployed salt licking moron” knows the difference between facts and conclusions while you don’t?
Our resident right wing jerk will love this right wing good old boy:
Just the kind of people our trolls are happy to have running things.
The economic argument is over..
Killed by a spreadsheet error.
Paul Krugman wins.
Right wing jerks of course will cling to their bullshit myths.
All eyes should be on Japan.
this was interesting
“The victims are all too clear. A fifth of the workforce in southern Europe is now effectively out of work, trapped in an imposed austerity intended to make them “pay back” the big, mostly German banks. Any fool can see that will not happen as long as austerity lasts. A man cannot pay a debt if he is not earning, nor can an entire continent.
All that’s happening is that debt and unemployment continue to rise, even in “rescued” countries such as Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal. Worse, within the eurozone there is no escape into reflation or devaluation, as there is in Japan. These countries are enslaved to their creditors like indentured workers to robber barons.”
He’ll I’m lovin my electric car, no sales tax and who gives a rip as you pass all those overpriced and overtaxed gas stations.
Oh and of course they are highly subsidized as a part of the 7 Trillion in new debt under Idiot in Chief. Check out the Fiskar prices now on ebay as they head into bankruptcy.
Nissan has much deeper pockets.
Two wars not paid for.. New entitlement for seniors not paid for.. Tax cuts that benefited primarily the wealthy, not paid for. And a great “recession” if you kept your head above water and a great depression if you went under.
Yet the deficit falls…
As more revenue is collected from a very slowly recovering economy and from the only people who did well since things starting going to hell in 2007..
That last part really hurt didn’t it?
26, 39 – Wonder if that’s the same Kelby Smith as this guy?
Hey, I’m not sayin’, just askin’.
@48 Whose funeral did I crack a sick joke at? Cite your sources.
Pissypants is getting desperate in his name-calling.
I hear this Tamerlan guy was an Alex Jones fan..
What a coinky dink.. So is this right wing jerk.
Nutjobs attract nutjobs.
@ 65 RR
Jesus, that dude is all over the place. Wotta knutball.
Just the other day puddybigot was calling for people with MOOSLUM-sounding names to be banned from serving in government….’cuz they’re all tr’rists, and because MOOSLUM!!!
Well, here’s a much more frequent source of violent terror in our midst, one very infrequently talked about – the cross-carrying, Bibul-thumping doctor-murderers of the fanatical Christianist antichoice terror movement…
There’s this, too…
I believe all the bloodthirsty, murderous people in this story are radical white Christianists; two are men, one is a woman (the pay-for-firebombing one).
Why is there no manhunt, splashed across all media, all the time, for the perpetrator(s) of the massive West, Texas industrial catastrophe?
Much more destructive to both property and life, than the Boston Marathon bombing.
There this:
More terror and destruction and death brought to you by….American capitalism.
Does anyone think we should call the Whidbey police to go do a safety check on cheapshotBob?
@72 He’s probably on vacation. Or shacked up in a seedy motel with puddybud.