Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Go ahead…put your evening on hold to help fight the fascists….
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
The more Republicans I meet, the more bullets I need.
are you planning a killing spree?
Well the wife and I have seen the latest Seattle public school assignment plan and … drum roll….
Our kids are assigned to the neighborhood high school we want! A nice homey place a modest walk away on whose fields they’ve played sports all their lives.
We were dreading being assigned to one particular school whose facilities are pretty tired although slated to be spiffed up.
My youngest was kind of hoping to be assigned to another nice school with an excellent music program just a short bus ride away but he assures me that he’s ok with what we’ve been assigned.
This is an emotional moment. My wife and I have been so fortunate to be able to steer our kids through the Seattle public school system getting pretty much the schools we wanted and even the teachers we wanted as well. It required a little give and take, good timing, some bit of luck and fortuitous circumstance. Other parents we know have had it much rougher.
The bottom line is that our kids have had a positive experience in school. Way better. than either my wife or I had it. They’re great kids and I’m so proud of them.
Yes, there’s the high school years to come and like pregnancy I believe that despite all our luck to this point this has just been the easy part. My wife and I now have to prepare the kids to leave the nest and make the best of their lives in an uncertain future.
And yep, this assignment plan may even get an angry thumbs down from the community and get changed up. But right now I’m just feeling so thankful for how everything has turned out for us.
@3 Nah, that’s only a wingnut joke. We’re gonna wait for conservatives to fire the first shot. After that happens, we’ll defend ourselves.
@ 44. YLB spews
Congrats YLB & Family! I’m happy for you, that’s a big step and sure makes it easier for you to attend school functions & stay involved.
I don’t know if anyone posted this before, but jeez it is HUGE. What a stealth move and I can see how the ingrained lobbyists are p!ssed.
Oh Happy Day!:
“Lobbyists Stew After Being Bounced From Boards”;cpage=1
“A tide of anger and dismay is rippling down K Street as the Obama administration implements a new policy limiting the roles of lobbyists on federal advisory committees.
The policy change, described by the White House as the next step in President Barack Obama ’s drive to limit influence-peddling in Washington, could affect hundreds of lobbyists who serve on the panels, which were created by Congress in the 1970s to provide private-sector advice to the government. ”
that doesnt make any sense, roger. the liberal philosophy is, only let criminals have guns and dont fight back, therefore, lessen the bloodshed.
6 – Thanks FricknFrack. I appreciate it.
7 – Indeed. Obama said he wanted to bring change to the beltway and I hope this is just the beginning.
well, ylb. i hope you stay true to your philosophy and make damn sure your kids share classes with gang members.
10 – I’ll be kind and just say you know next to nothing about my “philosophy”.
@7 Glad to see you caught up to Puddy… Congratulations on reading about it. Ask Daddy Love, as we recently discussed this before.
Looks like the Democrats are going to replace a NY Turkey with a NY Jerk.
“And here’s a new twist. Highly placed Democratic sources told CBS 2 HD they have discussed the possibility of using one damaged New York politician to get rid of another.”
This is typical Democrat politics. Replace one lousy black guy with another lousy black guy and tell the world see what great people we are?
All those doctors at the obama photo op that were given those white lab coats so people would know they are doctors.
Now it comes out that 3 out of 4 doctors invited to the photo op donated to the obama.
What is the lesson to learn?
Want a photo with the obama, donate to him. Let him use you as a prop in his manipulated photo ops.
Puddy retarded? Puddy no find quotation marks? Puddy can’t figger out HA formatting? Or, Puddy just on an all night Whittaker Chambers bender?
These angry white right wing racists have a strange obsession with black people.
The poor, white trash wingers hate the Mexicans. The educated white wingers freak out about BLACK people. All of ’em hate the gays – especially the gay ones. Roy Cohn set that standard.
Puddy, you come from a proud heritage of retarded racist trolls. Congrats!
Actually, here in los angeles the hate is between blacks and “mexicans.”
The number of whites that kill blacks/mexicans is much much lower than the number of blacks/mexicans that kill each other.
And lets not talk about how those black people voted in kalifornia against that gay marriage proposition. Of course that didn’t get much media attention since it was more fun for the liberal media to paint mormons as the cause of the failure of the proposition. Strange, the mormons were denied their beliefs about marriage and yet the liberal media went after them.
Good observation. That Puddy is a racist, he hates blacks. The last thing he would ever do is marry a black woman or have black kids.
Let’s see…what’s worse: being a f’d up semi-smart drunck racist white winger like Pudster – or an airhead conservative like Marvin Stammering?
Marv, yer givin’ that Jim Miller clown and that clueless closeted Mark Gardner guy (SP blogger buggers) a run fer their money. As usual.
Self-hate runs deep in right wing circles, Marv.
Your comments about The Mexicans vs The Blacks is pointless and idiotic. But nice job identifying the ethnic make-up of gangs in California.
Yeah, we get it: Evangelical Christian African-Americans don’t like the gays. The Old Testament got updated at some point, right? Too bad the Koran never got to version 2.0.
Funny you should mention Mormons, Airhead Marv. You want to find religious intolerance and hatred? Look no further than Christian conservatism. The athiest libs can’t hold a candle to the kind of vitriol evangelical Christians have cooked up regarding the Mormon religion.
Of course, it was secular libs who drove Joe Smith and Brig Young out west, right?
Jesus, the O’Reilly / Beck generation of conservative trolls is stoopid. They step in their own mental poop regularly here on HA.
@17: You are only half right about Puddy.
Puddy is black. Semi-smart however is pretty accurate…Puddy can put together a good half-argument that is off topic – but notice how he fails to address the main points in most arguments.
It is not clear if this is deliberate obfuscation or a simple failure in logic and debate.
Could somebody tell me whether Marvin is serious or not?
I don’t want to waste my time on some liberal who’s posing as a conservative to make conservatives look like idiots.
@16: And black people cannot be racists too Marvin?
Personally, I vote with that well-known philosopher from LA – can’t we all just get along?
And when people point this out, he pollutes the comment threads with a crapload of name-calling and screams that he won with his half-baked “argument”.
Such a right wing bullshit addicted fiend.
Unlike you who never comments on graft, deceit, underhanded dealings, scum sucking, or other Democratic activities, Puddy will call out bad behavior when seen. You give it a BIG THUMBS UP tout le temps.
20 – Yeah he’s serious.
A deadly-serious dope who regularly falls for right wing bullshit from Drudge, Breitbart, Hot Air, Faux News and a crapload of other equally dipshit places that he cuts and pastes from.
Wow the HA arschloch@22 jumps on someone else’s comment like always because as the HA arschloch, ylb arschloch is what he is!
100% all arschloch.
BTW arschloch, what skirt did you wear to the school assignment plan meeting? What color PANTS did your wife wear? Did you shave those legs or are you using NADS. Go NADS! Were they open toed or saddle shoes?
What planet you from fool? It can’t be earth cuz they don’t come that stupid… Oh wait a minute, we have ylb arschloch@22 as the measuring “stick”.
And where does ylb arschloch@24 post from?
Kos, Kos TV, Kos, Media Matters, CAP, Kos, Think Progress, TPM, Kos, HuffPo, Kos… get the continual use of left-wing whackamole sites from this moron? Notice the continual use of Kos?
Yep he’s the measuring “stick” of left-wing Libtardo lunacy.
Puddy found another email address for ylb arschloch:
25 – See Jonesy. What did I tell you?
One of the most miserable right wing asswipes you’ll ever see on any on-line forum.
You are a moron. The Mexican gangs in LA have killed blacks for walking down the street in their “hood”. Puddy placed a couple of examples here on HA. You can contact your cousin@22, ylb arschloch. He has every PuddyMissive in his tctmgr and he’ll gladly display them for you so you can see there is big time friction between the peoples.
You may have to throw some bucks his way as he needs a job.
As you KLOWNS publicly gratify each other in an uncomfortable way for most of us…
suck on this for a change of pace!
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
You KLOWNS are still overdosed on Obama’s Stupid Solution…..
Meanwhile, MASSIVE DEFICIT SPENDING and procrastination on Afghanistan hang heavy over Obama’s head and that of the Democrat Party.
Not to mention the CZAR-thing that even far lefty Russ Feingold is pissed about.
These 2010 Elections are going to be interesting as they will set the tone for Obama’s 2012 defeat.
Obama===Jimmy Carter
Mushball on Economics and Defense.
correctnotright spews:
Yes sure there are some. Most of them are leaders in the Democratic Party. They use subtle overtures.
Puddy is only a pain in the ASS to you ylb arschloch. Puddy gets along with most other Libtardos here. It’s you who Puddy loves to verbally
around because you are just a kook-aid drinking dumb brick.
Marvin said
Marvin, Puddy added more color to the family when Puddy married Mrs Puddy. Dark skin is BEAUTIFUL baby!
I never ceased to be amazed at the right wing mental illness.
Barack has had maybe ONE more czar than the monkey these right wing idiots voted for twice.
When I showed this fact to Stupes – all the moron could burble was some nonsense like czar = leftist.
The stupid runs strong in these twits.
To Jonesy all the black women in are all racist too.
What a fool!!!!
There ylb arschloch@36 goes again on his CZAR response. Once ylb arschloch gets a single thought in the femtometer sized brain it’s full steam ahead. As Puddy said in the open thread…
Once again Puddy has to say it slowly for ylb arschloch…
Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
left-wing whackamoles
who are not
part of the
normal mainstream
thought of normal
United States
of America people.
Now Russ Feingold
is concerned that
some of these
whackamoles are
gonna have issues
with normal
What a moronic idiotic Libtardo ylb arschloch is.
Another stellar example of the obama when he isn’t reading off his teleprompter.
Without his teleprompter telling him what to do, he couldn’t even find the right podium.
2 big teleprompters should have given him clue.
Maybe someone off stage was asking him how many states in the united states.
Isn’t russ a democrat?
Sounds like even the democrats are starting to see the problem with the obama.
Not even a year into his candidacy and his fellow democrats are calling him out.
Obama’s indecisiveness has resulted in
Public support for the war in Afghanistan is dropping. It stands at 40 percent, down from 44 percent in July, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. A total of 69 percent of self-described Republicans in the poll favor sending more troops, while 57 percent of self-described Democrats oppose it.
Clearly, DEMOCRATS want to cut-and-run.
They have zero loyalty to the troops as does President Idunnowhatthef*cktodo.
President Idunnowhatthef*cktodo is costing more American lives and more danger as the Taliban strengthens in organization & resolve.
Obama should have ordered a SURGE months ago when the Taliban was more scattered.
Seems like Obama is some sicko who likes to manufacture crisis.
Dear President Idunnowhatthef*cktodo–
Fight to win=More troops & surge
Cut-and-run like your supporters want to do.
Hey Jonesy is this Libtardo loving WaPo columnist a “white racist”?
Does Obama Have the Backbone?
“Barack Obama’s trip to Copenhagen to pitch Chicago for the Olympics would have been a dumb move whatever the outcome. But as it turned out (an airy dismissal would not be an unfair description), it poses some questions about his presidency that are way more important than the proper venue for synchronized swimming. The first, and to my mind most important, is whether Obama knows who he is.
This business of self-knowledge is no minor issue. It bears greatly on the single most crucial issue facing this young and untested president: Afghanistan. Already, we have his choice for Afghanistan commander, Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, taking the measure of his commander in chief and publicly telling him what to do. This MacArthuresque star turn called for a Trumanesque response, but Obama offered nothing of the kind. Instead, he used McChrystal as a prop, adding a bit of four-star gravitas to that silly trip to Copenhagen by having the general meet with him there.”
Looks like Richard Cohen is FED UP! The Libtardo MSM is starting to question… But to most HA Libtardos here it’s racism to question… Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm
You see ylb arschloch, Puddy doesn’t need Murdoch newspapers to make a point, which is always lost on correctnotright.
38 – Yeah and nothing the monkey who shuffled off to buffalo last Jan 20 did was “out of the mainstream”.
Uhhh torture? uhhhhh recreational wars? uhhhh wiretapping phone calls and e-mail? uhhhh using public agencies for promoting right wing politics???? uhhhh filling the DOJ with right wing robots from Pat Robertson’s universities??? uhhh stuffing right wing pockets with taxpayer money???
The stupid indeed runs strong in the twit I call Stupes.
Hey Jonesy Puddy bets you’ll love this guy…
“A former judge is facing life in prison after being charged with sexually abusing male inmates in exchange for leniency.
Respected circuit judge Herman Thomas, who was once the Democratic Party’s choice to be the first black federal judge in south Alabama, is accused of bringing inmates to his office and spanking them with a paddle.”
Can you imagine if ylb arschloch was one of his “mentorees”? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Now if you look for Judge Thomas stories in the libtardo MSM the word Democrat is missing Jonesy.
“The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, a leading civil rights group, has defended Thomas and claims race is behind his prosecution.”
42 – Asswipe Cohen is an idiot. Lefties have long held their nose at his crap.
No sale. Nice tool he makes for your crowd from time to time.
ylb arschloch@43:
Stay on topic skirt wearer. Is it pleated or darted today? Solid or plaid? You brought up CZARs thing@36 and when the facts appeared, the SMACKDOWN was delivered, and you change the subject.
Good try @42 fool. Richard Cohen is held in high esteem in leftist pinhead circles.
So by your worthless reckoning Richard Cohen is a white racist huh?
These KLOWNS have been minimized to blaming Bush. I doubt any of them actually read the CBO Budget Update—
Tax Revenue is down $400 BILLION thru July.
These idiots actually think that raising tax rates will increase Tax Revenue!
Governor Patterson (D-NY) was shocked that all his tax increases did absolutely no good other than create higher unemployment.
KLOWNS are stuck in the world of ZERO-SUM Economics. The only way to beat this recession is not for the Government to massively Deficit Spend…but to allow businesses to grow with less tax burden and regulations.
Not if you believe the liberal blogs when beck said obama was racist against whites.
Would it be racist for a white man to say “typical black person?”
It’s good to know that you view career criminals as philosophers. I’m guessing you wanted tookie williams released because it was proven in a court of law he only killed a couple people. I wonder why liberals always support people that kill others.
Get off his ass, he did make a decision.
He voted “present.”
@ 32. Mr. Cynical spews:
Obama===Jimmy Carter
Mushball on Economics and Defense.
Read the record .. Carter reformed the military, gave it the structure we have used everf since, and gave it the largets peace time increase since WWII.
Raygun did nothing to to improve our military, wasted billions of SI and battleships.
BTW … who supported the Ayatollah that led to the economic crisis? .. Reagan and Bush.
44 – heh. Something about that name Thomas. Shall we discuss the right wing Thomas and some of his extra-curricular leanings?
If the guy abused his trust, he should face the music..
Such a miserable tool.
I’ve read nothing but lukewarm to bad things about him. You lie as usual.
We understand Stupes – you can’t help it.
Uhhh???? F you? Up yours with a rubber duckie???
Heh. Your orders are ignored. But go ahead and keep barking fool.
That’s entertainment!
let’s all pitch in and get puddy a new (well…used would be ok) dictionary. He still needs to learn some new words.
So the obama has one more czar in 9 months than bush had in 8 years.
How many czars did bush throw under the bus? Did olbermann or air america ever force bush to throw a czar under the bus like beck did to the obama?
Do you believe the safe school czar is the next under the bus due to his support of nambla members?
Speaking of nambla, how would you feel if your son’s band teacher was a member of nambla and wanted to give your son some private instruction. Would you judge the band director like a rabid right-winger or would you be a good liberal and be accepting of other people?
Yeah ylb arschloch@53,
Your read Althouse or Media Matters or Kos for your “opinion” on Richard Cohen cuz they don’t think he’s progressive enough so they brutally attack him.
You drink the kook-aid every day fool!
Yeah ylb arschloch@54, arf arf Pavlov’s Doggie.
Right on cue. Doesn’t realize when he’s being led.
57 – Uhhh sorry right wing tool. Cohen is criticized because he’s idiot, his writing makes no sense and right wing morons like you are only too eager to use him to advance your degenerate agenda.
58 – How about this one Stupes?
(everybody watch..)
Carter reformed the military…
URLs please!!!!
So you go to KOS? Yep, Pavlov’s Doggie has done it twice today right on Puddy’s cue.
Yeah that’s a favorite topic of right wingers.
Some of them might be a bit frustrated that their ideology keeps them out of Nambla:
Well ylb arschloch, why didn’t the WaPo fire him?
Cuz it’s all in your “mind”.
@31: Klynical
And now for the real poll results:
Notice that Klynical did not find this poll that is plastered all over the media.
That is because Klynical has a myopic, singular, biased point of view.
PS: Klynical, look of the word myopic and be sure to wear your glasses.
58 – Right on cue. Thanks “Pavlov’s doggie”..
By the way idiot don’t you wanna “be like Mike” and praise ACORN and Bertha Lewis?
Miserable tool.
@60: Once again Puddy criticizes the messenger and not the message…looks like Michael Steele loves Acorn.
Is that the same Steele that tried to trick black voters into thinking he was a democrat?
I think so….
The WAPO editorial page leans right wing neo-con moron.
What a dumbass!
If Kos is off limits, then Faux News and Rasmussen should be too…..but Puddy has a double standard for sources.
Isn’t this the black man that liberals threw oreo cookies at?
Oh wait, mediamutts found out they weren’t thrown, they were rolled.
In interviewing Steele, Colmes referred to “a story about you being ‘pelted’ … with Oreo cookies,” but noted that “then the Associated Press said that as you left this particular debate, where this allegedly happened, there were Oreos rolled up on the floor and that pelting didn’t exactly take place.” He then invited Steele to offer his description of what took place at the debate.
So the oreos were rolled, not thrown.
I guess in the mind of liberals, rolled oreos at a black man isn’t racist. It’s only racist when they are thrown.
You gotta love how liberals defend each other.
Mike Steele takes Bertha Lewis “at her word”.
Who’d a thunk it?
And he complements some of ACORN’s good works in the community with the poor??? (Like signing them up to vote?)
Pow! Pow! Pow! Splat! Kerplop!!
The sounds of right wing heads exploding!!!!
But hark!!! In the distance!!! The Rocky music blares!
Here’s comes James O’Keefe with the shades, the pimp cane and his grandma’s chinchilla coat.
oooohhh there’s Hannah with her tube-top and micro-miniskirt.. Looking good there conservababe!
Right wingers forget about your exploded heads (you never used them anyway). Reach for your crotches!
Strange, I would have thought even liberals would have felt that “sex before eight – or it’s tool late” would have bothered even liberals. It’s sad to know that YOU won’t have a problem with an adult having sex with your son at band camp.
Good thing that the liberal ideology doesn’t keep liberals from joining nambla.
Did you notice support for polanski raping a girl ran along party lines, conservatives think he should go to jail, liberals believe nothing bad happened.
FYI, I don’t know anyone on your favorite porn site nor have I voted for anyone on it. If you think I’m bothered by it, I am, not because I believe republicans are above that, I’m bothered that a father would have such an obsession with it. Do you let your kids look at the pics with you?
The Republican Offenders and RepublicanSexOffenders site are information sites. Handy places to refer to when right wingers go holier than thou.
I’ve only brought one porn site here to
Check with Stupes. He’ll back me up.
And c’mon you gotta know someone from that site! They’re household names with the right wing: Billo, Cavuto, Faux and Friends, Sean Inanity..
Kinda like how I always use nambla to prove how liberals are, well, as bad as republican offenders. And obamas safe school czar is closely linked to nambla. I guess means safe to get away with molesting little boys.
How do YOU feel about the safe school czar and his relationship to nambla members?
I know the names, I have never met any of them personally.
Ok you’ve been harping on the Polanski thing for while. Obviously you see it as a political wedge issue.
Normally I’d say just screw off but I’m willing to discuss it a bit.
Have you read the stuff in the LA Times about it?
Of course. What did liberal obama voting whoopi have to say, it wasn’t rape-rape. Class.
I’ve read quite a bit, can’t say I remember any specific article. Got link?
Maybe you can offer a few words about the difference in the outrage from liberals over mark foley sending underage boys emails and polanksi raping a girl years younger than the boys foley texted.
If you want to be honest, you would have to admit there’s a double standard going on.
76 – Did you read the stuff about the probation report? Do probation officers strike you as being particularly “ultra-liberal” people?
77 – Stupes would be the first to blurt that Foley broke no laws. However, here is a man in power, a Congressman, taking an unseemly interest in young male pages whose job it is be at his beck and call. IIRC, he had sex with at least one of them when the page was of age. C’mon this was grooming behavior from a “family values” conservative – a mindset that is hostile to homosexuality when it is not condemning it. Sorry fool – no double standard. What a hypocrite. I’m glad he was bounced on his ass. He may have broken no laws but politically he was nothing but a loser.
74 – I googled that “safe schools czar” and a freaking OCEAN of right wing bullshit sites popped up. Same old crap. There’s no evidence that this Jennings guy is a pedophile or supports the goals of NAMBLA – none. Just the typical guilt-by-association crap peddled by the degenerate right wing.
And yawwwnn,, You’re once again suggesting I take indecent liberties with my kids. Against my better judgement, I will put that aside while you work through what I’ve posted above.
@77: Last I remember, Polanski was not a member of Congress.
I don’t get upset over every child molester – but I do get upset over a republican family values whore who texts underage pages about their underwear and legs and how he wants to sleep with them.
I guess that is fine with the irreligious types like Stamn who support that kind of republican deviant.
An idiot spews:
Fine, since there is no relationship – only a lying fool named Hannity.
where is your proof, dimwit Stamn?
The “incident” was over 20 years ago and the HS student was of age and Jennings said he should have reported it anyways. So what?
Is there any connection to NAMBLA? No.
Once again, Stamn has nothing except the ravings of rightwing lunatics like Hannity.
There goes correctnotright with his “talking points”
The FBI said they were NOT UNDERAGE ya moron! The pages were of consent age in the states they were from. Even ylb arschloch got that through his granite encased Neanderthal head ya moron.
Butt keep up that idiotic mantra correctnotright because we would want those nuts drawing up too tight!
Puddy realizes you call me Stupes while Puddy uses ylb in your name ylb arschloch. That’s okay because Puddy don’t recognize your authority ylb arschloch, just like when Puddy suggests you put up the yesteryear comments when Puddy has to regurgitate them for other memory deficient Libtardos.
Why is it when you are liberal you forget facts more than 24 hours old? Ohhh yeah… facts explode the liberal mind.
Puddy can’t believe correctnotright is so wrong with the facts.
The boy was 15 years old correctnotright. So he was a sophomore but still under 16. So what?
But he didn’t and he chastised a fellow teacher protege for telling. “Mr. Jennings threatened to sue another teacher who called his failure to report the statutory rape “unethical.””
What a turdball comment from mr facts! Even Media Morons admits he was 15.
It was 20 years ago so what? You are scary correctnotright.
Great editorial again placed here by Puddy for the mindless one correctnotright…
82 – LOL!
1) That’s not my quote. That’s CNR’s
2) Like I could give a flying F what you do or “think”.
3) I call you Stupes because like that old lovable loser we don’t see anymore called MWS used to say
You are so STUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPID! And remember the scientific study on corporal punishment proved it. Look at all the dumbass choices you make here daily. Everyday you raise right wing bullshit over truth. Every freaking day!
Continue to run from your legacy if it makes you feel better. Some of us aren’t going to let you forget it fool. It’s right here in the comment threads.
Apparently correctnotright didn’t look too far for his Kevin Jennings facts…
“One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America.”
Now who is Harry Hay correctnotright? Start here… OMG he’s a big Nambla supporter and Harry inspired Kevin? Wow. I’m sure if he was alive today you’d feel proud to leave Harry around your son(s).
Butt oh yes correctnotright… Puddy brought this up also. You can check with your little arschloch brother ylb arschloch for the original PuddyMissive URL. When you have a mind you can remember your links!
Hey if Bill Ayers ghost writer for Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama! Mmm, mmm, mmm “Dreams of My Father” approves this book for the Democratics why not give it to your liberally bent children HA Libtardos? Goldy should buy mass quantities for a future DL Party. FricknFrack can give it to her grandchildren. ylb arschloch can give it to his high school children as the next book report subject. correctnotright can give it as a Christmas gift (if he still celebrates Christmas since the ACLU is banning public displays of it and correctnotright supports the ACLU).
“Queering Elementary Education is an important contribution to nourishing the ethical heart of teaching, reminding us how anemic and cold and partial our embrace of our students has too often been. For some readers this collection will be an affirmation, for others a surprise and challenge. But it is a book for all teachers and parents, indeed for anyone concerned with the healthy development of children and schools. And, yes, it has an agenda: it stands straight and strong for fairness, for respect, for humanity, for simple decency.” PuddyEmphasis
ylb arschloch’s comment of the day so far…
Only to overcome the pathetic crap you place here.
Sue, a smacking of your ylb arschloch a day keeps the blood pressure down and the heart laughing…
Ooooopsie Stupesy! You made a brain fart!
From the heart of the beast itself:
I feel soiled posting that link but it’s all in the service of the truth.
Stupes EXPOSED buying false right wing bullshit – again…
Correctnotright here is the comment Media Morons took offense to from Harry Hay
Thanks Media Morons for helping Puddy find Harry Hay and his praising of pedophilia and showing Kevin Jennings was inspired by someone who praised it.
These are your Democrats. You can keep em!
86 – Does “Sue” go to your church? She a “progressive” relative of yours? Just like “Hannah” right?
Too funny.
Hey ylb arschloch… Puddy doesn’t read everything on Kevin Jennings. Puddy has a job. You can sit on your fat ASS in your lace panties and pleated skirt looking all over for stuff. Are those calf boots today?BTW fool Kevin Jennings said he was 15.
Media Morons extracted this ylb arschloch – the dumb brick of HA…
Puddy hasn’t notice their update!
Keep being the libtard you are fool!
You know Stupes I don’t recall seeing much if any of “Hannah” after I wrote:
I bet “Sue” is the same way.
So you just take a shortcut and swallow Sean Insanity’s bullshit.
I’m not impressed asswipe. In fact I’m downright disgusted.
Swallow some more right wing bullshit fool. I bet it makes you feeeeeeeeeeel good.
Fool ylb arschloch@92,
Where did Puddy place a Hannity link on this blog fool? Was 16 the age of consent in that state ya moron? Have the FBI investigate like your buds called for on Mark Foley.
Oh BTW did you love how Kevin Jennings, a Democrat you support BIG TIME was inspired by the pedophile Harry Hay? Puddy knows you are impressed “asswipe”! Remember you’re the arschloch here!
93 – More miserable right wing smears from a fool.
Here’s some tape on the kid. Yep 16 is of age in MA.
Now you’re spinning towards NAMBLA. The miserable lies and smears from the right wing continue.
Democrats IGNORE Charlie Rangel’s cheatin’ ways and allow him to stay as Chair of Ways & Means despite overwhelming evidence of cheating! Boy, the Democrat Party sure is cleaning up Washington DC!!
Nope you dope. Puddy placed what Kevin Jennings wrote and said fool. Puddy used his words.
Man it proves why you are unemployed… You’re naturally retarded!
Of course ylb arschloch looking at the tape Hannity continues to say “He said he was 15 years old” is lost on you ylb arschloch because we all know you are a dumb brick!
Chapter 272: Section 4. Inducing person under 18 to have sexual intercourse.
Section 4. Whoever induces any person under eighteen of chaste life to have unlawful sexual intercourse shall be punished as provided in the preceding section.
ylb arschloch see the bottom of post #97
Here is some more Massachussets law for you.
“MA Age of Consent is 18”
ylb arschloch, more problems for your argument on “consent”.
“The age of consent in Massachusetts is 16 for women and 18 for men. This is the age at which a person may consent to heterosexual sex with a partner over the age of 21. Massachusetts has no valid statute that specifically addressed the age of consent for homosexual relations.” Since this happened before gay marriage was in vogue, seems KABLAMMMM to ylb arschloch.
Life SUCKS when you live on left-wing whackamole web sites.
Right Wing Moron @ whereever
Fact #1) You stated the kid was 15 years old. That right wing bullshit was hyped by Faux News many, many times for the benefit of right wing asswipes like you before Faux was SHAMED into admitting the truth.
Fact #2) The kid’s statement said there was no sex. So the hair-splitting over consent is neither here nor there BUT I’m sorry 16 was the age of consent then and is the age of consent now in MA:
That footnote says “person” not “male” or “female”.
Fact #3) There’s no evidence that Jennings supports NAMBLA in any way despite all the despicable right wing smears and innuendos out there that you lap up daily like a bowl of cornflakes. NONE. ZIP. NADA. Sorry Jennings saying a few kind words about a guy he may or may not have known who had something to do with NAMBLA doesn’t cut it EXCEPT in the empty turd bowl of a skull belonging to a right wing fool who daily, unquestioningly consumes right wing bullshit.
You’re a real stand-up guy for your degenerate tribe.
100 – Excuse me. That footnote says “child” not “male child” or “female child”.
The Puddy links are 2000 and after. You link is back in 1974. See ya moron!
Non-Fact Puddy didn’t say he was 15 years old. News Reports including Media Morons. This is why you are a dumb brick.
Non-Fact Did the boy say it in a court of law? Source?
Non-Fact Kevin Jennings, a Democrat you support BIG TIME was inspired by the pedophile Harry Hay?
Keep swinging on the limb and pissing into the wind.
Did mark foley have sex with any underage boys?
102 – You are one mentally ill fuck!
Fact #1) Yes you did say he was 15. From Comment 83:
You said it fucking twice!
Fact #2) I left a fucking link! Follow it fool!
Fact #3) I support Dems who support the progressive agenda which doesn’t include breaking the law you asshole. Max Baucus for example doesn’t break the law but he’s selling out progressives. He screwed over Wyden just recently. So screw him.
Inspired? Shit! A lifetime of goods works screwed up by that. Asswipe until you can prove Jenkins broke the law or was an accessory YOU HAVE NO CAUSE to smear that man!
103 – I already said that I haven’t seen any proof that Foley broke the law.
But did he cruise for young male flesh? Yep.
Did he violate the trust placed in him by the parents? Yep. Parents don’t send their kids to D.C. to serve as pages so a pervy old guy can cruise them, biding his time until they’re of age.
Did he tout himself as a “family values” conservative? Yep.
He’s a sick bastard and he deserved what he got.
104 – “Jennings” excuse me!
Marvin Stamn and Puddy (Puddybud? Same person?) are both correct about the African American vs Latin violence in Southern California.
IIRC, I first read about this from David Neiwert’s writing on his blog Orcinus. Neiwert is an expert on hate crimes, hate speech, and so forth.