Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint at tonight’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm, but people will show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. The Longview and South Seattle chapters meet this Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, the nation’s newest chapter, the Lakewood, Washington Drinking Liberally chapter, will meet. And for Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 207 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Report: Soil sample confirms WMD use in Syria
Your move, Mr. President.
And the soil sample says what SIDE actually used the wmds? The smart move is to ignore this silly post.
Yep, they’re trying to get us sucked into another endless war we can’t afford to fight and that we have no need to be in. I’m not saying a chemical agent wasn’t used, but the last thing the U.S. needs is another war to fight.
@1. What would Reagan have done?
Unnamed British sources claim a soil sample of undetermined age or location has, as admitted, no trace of Sarin but some unidentified trace chemical. So of course it’s a weapon.
You are one credulous fool. “Fooled me once, Shane on me. Fool me’t get fooled again.”
Sad news. Pat Summerall has died. He was the Yin to Madden’s Yang. I got a big kick out of him and Madden playing broadcasters in “The Replacements”.
@4 Cut and run like he did in Lebanon. Remember, Syria ain’t no Grenada!
“Aw, c’mon, man, let him by! It’s just a duffel bag with a ticking clangy thing in it.”
Someone sent a Republican senator Ricin today. Puddy wonders who could that be? Must be some right-wing person per the standard HA loons!
Mayor McGinn said in a press conference today that the NBA will NOT make a decision this week, and doesn’t feel bound to a specific timetable.
Translation: Stern doesn’t have the votes he needs to get the results he wants, so he’ll wait on calling the vote until he does.
@ 10
From everything I’ve read, Hansen has the upper hand. Why increase the purchase price when he’s already got an agreement and majority ownership?
Michael Moore
No condemnation from the HA loons!
Puddy thinks we all spend every waking moment on line. I for one have not a clue about anything Michael Moore has said in at least a year.
I guess when Piddle’s spends every waking moment combing Newsmax, barely influential blogs like Malkin or Coulter and The Blaze for ‘news’ he assumes we all do it too.
Well checkmate your kind basically accused me of the same thing with Eric Rush. You are becoming just like Lib da schmucko checkmate a real ASSHole. Keep up the not-so-great commentary. Puddy got it from the left wing Mediaite.
Life sux when you are so wrong for so long eh checkmate?
They listened to Puddy. Been saying this for years!
P R E S C I E N T!
Just withdraw for the Middle East and stop trying to dictate to the rest of the world.
What’s Mediate? You see, I don’t spend all my free time reading blogs. You do. That was the point. Thanks for proving it.
Piddles thinks I’m an asshole. That and a double espresso will make me lose sleep.
Admittedly ignorant…
Where did Puddy say that?
Thanks for playing…
Maryland taxes the rain on your property. Imagine of libtards paid that tax in WA State!
Libtards love taxes.
And they hate others not like them! Tax the sun next? How about moon shine?
Hungary has fallen to a Nazi government. President János Áder, the leader of a radical-rightist, anti-semetic nationalist party has banned all opposition parties, and has apparently ordered the arrests of University Professors, Jewish and Gay community leaders and opposition Party members and ordered the removal of any reference to Hungary being a “Republic” from the Constitution.
So, while North Korea waves it’s willy at us with their pants down around their ankles and sez “neener neener neeeener” there’s another Country that might really give us more than a handful of trouble.
Fraggy no Hungarian link? Some whack job site?
@9 ” Must be some right-wing person per the standard HA loons!
That would be my first guess.
@15 More grandstanding by GOPers on taxpayer-funded salaries who think they have nothing better to do.
Sounds like the TeaBaggers finally have a place to call home.
This guy has an interesting curmudgeonly take on things:
Give hs piece on elitism a read.
@19 What’s wrong with making people pay for the problems they create? I thought you wingers were experts on personal responsibility.
26) They want it to be an opt-in system.
“Newtown killer Adam Lanza’s mother considered suing Sandy Hook Elementary School after teachers turned a blind eye to beatings from his classmates, a family member claims. The relative … claimed … Lanza was taunted and attacked by fellow students … ‘Adam would come home with bruises all over his body,’ the relative said. ‘His mom would ask him what was wrong, and he wouldn’t say anything. He would just sit there.'”
The standard HA Loon @22 spoke!
Wrong again Fraggy…
Conservatives Love Israel, Jews. Libtards don’t! All they want is the Jewish vote every two or four years. Notice how Obummer moderated his Israel attacks last year to ensure the Jewish block vote? No? Well you tend to post from Mars!
HA libtards mostly take Palestinian positions. checkmate could not answer why Hamas and Fatah are looked at by Bush the way they were. It’s because they will not recognize Israel’s right to exist! He would NOT say that!
Thanks for playing.
From Fraggy’s link:
Oh my Fraggy… this is good stuff. Gyorgy Soros paid for this guy to act the way he’s going now. And Fraggy loves Gyorgy Soros!
From 29,
The problem with getting even with bullies is that the bullied usually gets even with the people who had nothing to do with the original bullying. They’re innocent but end up paying for others who are bullies.
Really interesting stuff! Watch the HA loons blame Republicans for the cut! Wait for it…
@ 30
You mean conservatives such as this guy?
Michelle Bachmans best bud. Praised and noted by the likes of Sarah Palin and George Bush. Not to mention his buddies Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Scott Walker and Pamela Gellar. Your own heroes from what you’ve said in the past. It is the New Apostolic Reformation that openly states as a matter of it’s own platform their delusion that, for Jezuz to return and make the world a happy place for White European Christian Capitalists, the Jews must first all be exterminated, and Isreal be destroyed. The folks that say openly, that the AntiChrist will be a Jew who brings peace to the world.
Your only “love” for Jewish people is the sort that a rapist daddy has for his daughter, until she disobeys him by reporting his baby rapist ass to the cops.
There are a hundred very good reasons why every Jewish person I know is watching the Tea Party like a hawk. They’ve seen it all before, repeatedly. And they know their own history very well.
Of course the fact that the Republicans are holding the entire government hostage had nothing to do with cuts, did it, pud.
And re above, surface water fees are quite common, You just discovered them? Or figured out your silly little “tax rain” statement.
@29 You’re the loony around here, but at this point, based on new information, I’ll revise my previous guesstimate and proffer that this was an Al Qaeda job.
@30 “Conservatives Love Israel, Jews.”
Then why does the USA Fascist Party get only 10% of the Jewish vote?
@32 So how do we keep kids from bullying each other, when we can’t even keep countries from bullying each other?
From 38,
I wish I knew the answer to that one, Roger. I don’t know how to stop bullying on the personal or international levels.
Some extreme right wing religious conservatives think the return of Israel as a nation-state supports the biblical prophecies they believe in. I think we should just get out of the Middle eat entirely and declare neutrality in the conflict between Jews and Muslims.
It’s up to Islam to survive without the help of the US. It’s up to Israel to survive without the help of the US.
Piddles, with all the blogs you read, you don’t know much. Yesterday you were insinuating that the Bush Administration’s disastrous failure to recognize a democratic election would have been different if Fatah had won. Today, having done a little research and finding out that Fatah also denied the right of Israel to exist, you’ve changed your tune. And knowing a smidgen about the region, having Fatah or Hamas win an election among Palestinians couldn’t have been predicted by anyone, right?
Back to square one. If George W. Bush stood for democracy around the globe, why refuse to even fake talks with the Democratically elected representatives of Palestinians? Better to just telegraph to any emerging Democracies that their elections don’t matter if they get it wrong? Or was his administration totally uninterested in Israeli/Palestinian peace and nakedly full of it about standing for Democracy? Or maybe he was dumb as a post like we suspected?
I should point out that this discussion started with you not knowing dick about The 2002 Venezuelan coup. Maybe you need to read 40 blogs a day as information only sticks after 39 readings.
New Study Discredits Economic Basis Of Austerity Policies
The academic foundation of austerity policies favored by conservatives and European governments just got blown to hell:
“Fiscal policies pursued by the U.S. and Europe could be called into question after a new study challenged influential research from two Harvard economists which said debt over a certain level was dangerous for countries.
“Economists at the University of Massachusetts have released a report that attacks the findings of economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, whose 2010 paper ‘Growth in a Time of Debt’ became the driving force for debt reduction and austerity in the developed world” for what the authors called “serious errors” in Reinhart’s and Rogoff’s handling of data in their study.
Bush’s My Lai
“An independent task force issued a damning review of Bush-era interrogation practices on Tuesday, saying the highest U.S. officials bore ultimate responsibility for the ‘indisputable’ use of torture …
“In one of the most comprehensive studies of U.S. treatment of terrorism suspects, the panel concluded that never before had there been ‘the kind of considered and detailed discussions that occurred after 9/11 directly involving a president and his top advisers on the wisdom, propriety and legality of inflicting pain and torment on some detainees in our custody.’
“‘It is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture,’ the 11-member task force, assembled by the nonpartisan Constitution Project think tank, said in their 577-page report.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Bush administration was a criminal regime, and those responsible should be arrested and turned over to an international tribunal for trial, as we would insist if leaders of another country did these things.
How? They gave Obummer another tax increase last January. Obummer claimed he would negotiate in good faith on entitlements in 2011. He lied. Obummer delivered sequestration to America in 2011, then lied saying he didn’t. It took a truthful Bob Woodward to blow the “dog whistle” (Chris Matthews) because Woodward could not take the lies anymore.
Oh really ‘K’. Let’s take this stupid comment apart…
The difference since your small feeble mind can’t figure out is you don’t pay this tax in the King County cities… Maryland city HOMEOWNERS will. With FACTS your silly argument falls apart. Also, since this “tax” is only in unincorporated King County, on $20 Million was raised. Maryland will raise $300 Million from city dwellers.
Stay Stooooooooopid “K”. That Ivy League edumication paid off again like the last argument you proffered.
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing. Such powerfully pitiful “K” commentary!
Pat Buchanan who was called a anti-semite who said something most HA libtards say all the time here.
Even Al Hunt came to Pat’s defense and Abe Rosenthal when confronted backed away and said in a pathetically feeble statement concedes that it could be “theoretically possible” to be critical of Israel and not be an anti-Semite. Isn’t that what you libtards scream about here? The only difference is Buchanan very very seldom takes the Palestinian side, while HA libtards mostly do in any discussion.
Wow Fraggy you need to try again!
Oh Fraggy,
How is that Soros backed Hungarian Nazi doing? And you wondered why Puddy asked for links? Because Fraggy put it there, idiots like unemployed moron ylb can’t scream !SOROS! if Puddy placed it on HA!!!!!
Butt soon enough today unemployed moron ylb will appear. Pavlov calls it.
Wait for it everyone…
Decoder ring anyone? The loon @22 wrote another undecipherable statement!
That’s easy… they vote against their self interests. And as always Roger is very wrong in his ANALysis. Obummer go 70%, while Romney got 30% in 2012.
Keep pulling FACTS from your ASS Roger!
No Puddy did not. PROVE IT!
There checkmate goes again. Puddy been writing on this blog how Arafat and Fatah would say something in English and then go on Al Jazeera and other Arabic sites and denounce Israel’s right to exist. PUDDY DARES YOU TO ASK THE UNEMPLOYED MORON YLB FOR THE REPLAY FROM THE CRAZED DATABASE! Butt you won’t. That’s why Puddy respects Steve. He got proof and apologized. You on the other hand is just another lunatic libtard with no facts just ad hominem attacks.
So to answer your ill-advised rant, hardly anyone recognized Hamas because they were delivers of terrorism. Hamas took the money given to it by Iran and Syria and bought the people’s vote. It’s so easy to look this up checkmate.
ROTFLRHMBBAO! Thanks for playing! Another ignorant rant. Similar to the one you admitted to in #17.
See ya!
@42, then why are so many European countries with high debt ratios are imploding Roger? Please tell us!
Real Media Bias Explained!
The truth not covered by the libtard msm due to pro-abortion biases. Imagine if one of you HA libtards was that live baby Gosnell terminated?
Babies born alive… Well from the latest HA lunatic libtard leftist comments on abortion, Puddy thinks y’all are babies born mind-dead… Mindless numbskull pro-abortion robots. Yes, abortion is legal. Puddy doesn’t like it since black babies are culled in much higher numbers by Planned Parenthood! Puddy previously produced those facts! Ask the unemployed moron ylb for a replay!
Gosnell makes George Tiller the Baby Killer look like a saint!
Wait for it… Lib da schmucko will come out with some useless comment.
Remember George Till admitted he did over 9000 late term abortions.
So 9200 late term abortions were just for fun? And one of his associates performed a modified Gosnell on a live baby!
Remember Tiller was from Kansas, where Kathleen Sebelius was guvnur and now Obummer Chief Minister of ObummerCare!
My my piddl has been busy shitting on the coffee table, here in our collective living room.
I mean, one is prompted to respond, and then you read another, and another, and another unhinged, nasty, cackling post all gussied up with links and quotes clearly misapprehended by the fool, or from crackpot sites, all peppered with ridiculous neologistic namecalling.
It’s such a pain trying to set him straight, when he’s clearly bent like a pretzel. It’s like having the conversation, “Did you bring your lunch today?”…”No, I rode my bike.”
The ball spiking and end-zone dancing on the 40th, the triumphant responses that are non-sequiturs or just indecipherable…it’s all really rather pathetic. You can try to engage, on the level, and when you do refute his nonsense (which is never really hard to do), he skips away to another outraged rant and nothing changes.
I suppose it’s better he does it here than out on the street, where he stands a real chance of being detained and involuntarily committed.
Look above, for example, @51 and @52
Piddl presents us with a column from that paragon of journalism, USAToday, penned by Glenn Reynolds, right-wing hack, on how the ‘liberal MSM’ is biased, and mostly serves for a platform to promote the other link piddl makes, to another USAToday column, by a Kirsten Powers, “a Fox News political analyst and columnist for The Daily Beast” per her bio.
The whole thing is a concerted effort to thread the needle “Kermit Gosnell = all women’s reproductive health” – a big agenda of the right-wing women-hating Bibul-thumpers, like piddl, who want to take us back to the 11th century, or the 3rd millennium BCE.
An excellent example of the kind of lawmaker piddl loves…
Referring to women as ‘vaginas’ in an argument supporting a ‘stand your ground’ law.
The modern conservative, misogynist gun-nut, in a nutshell. Piddl must love him.
#38 and #39 – the majority of gays don’t bully.
@ 55
Calling Women “vaginas” is very telling. Seems to me that it reflects on what they think women only exist to do.
At any rate, Spuddles is like a child. One that needs intensive therapy and supervision all the time, or he’ll be off in the barn burning kittens with daddy’s welding torch.
Here’s a good take-down of the piddl-like Kermit Gossnell screamers, the right winger who dearly desire to end women’s rights to autonomy over their own uteri.
From the head of the Philadelphia Women’s Center…
Moreover, restricting early-term abortions drives desperate women to desperate measures, including late term abortions. Will ending women’s rights to comprehensive health care end abortions? Nope – it’ll be back to the coat-hangers, ladies.
Coupled with the right-wing’s abhorrence of comprehensive sex- and health-education, and their dogged attempts to end adequate access to and distribution of contraceptives and peoples’ ability to control their fertility, particularly women, it becomes obvious that this is not really about abortion…this is about controlling and shaming and marginalizing both sexuality specifically and women in general.
This is the agenda of the radical Bibul-thumpers – back to the 11th century, when wimmins knew their place.
Yup, and the only church-approved sexual position for women is on your back with a long flannel nightgown thrown up over your head…..and after about 35 seconds of that, back to the kitchen and grab me a beer.
Well…this is interesting, too…
This does support my (uncontrolled and non-scientific) observation that when someone blows through a stop sign not on their turn when others are waiting appropriately, they’re usually driving a BMW.
Looks like Piddles favorite “national security expert” went and stepped in it.
CISPA doesn’t get a lot of play around here.
The president has threatened a veto of the current bill. (Hmmm..why are the small government types not going apeshit over this? Oh, right, gotta disagree with everything the guy in the White House does. Handing the government the legal authority to monitor all your actions on-line? Well that’s not an affront to your rights. The only right to be concerned with is the second amendment. Fuck those other ones.)
I’m not addressing this to the conservatives because they don’t listen.
I think abortion is awful. I also think amputating limbs is awful. I would like to keep both to a minimum.
I am also a man. There is nothing a man goes through that is comparable to a woman growing a child inside of her, I have no stake in the game. I will never have to make the decision to get an abortion. I wouldn’t want a woman forcing me to get a vasectomy, or get a circumcision or to amputate a limb against my will.
What I am for is sex ed, abstinence, monogamy and birth control for all parties involved, open adoption and the option of a medical safe abortion.
I want every child to be a wanted child.
@ 61
No, you’re wrong. I listen.
At what point in gestation does an abortion become medically unsafe? Since you mentioned ‘medical (sic) safe abortion’.
I want every child to be a wanted child.
So do I. It’s why I’m pro-choice. I just don’t hate the hell out of those who are pro-life. They have their own reasons.
A very lawyer-ly question, cheapshot.
Kind of a cheapshot, really, because I’m sure a smart guy like yourself knew that NTfF, in using the term “medical safe abortions”, was contrasting a competently executed procedure in a controlled environment with a coathanger in an alley.
You (subtly, I’ll admit) changed the focus of the term, and therefore the discussion, in an effort to belittle your opponent, rather than respond substantively. Like I said, a cheapshot.
@ 63
Au contraire, Lib Sci.
Laws prohibit abortions after various gestational stages, correct? Some of those restrictions are for medical purposes. Since the gestational endpoint at which abortion is permissible varies by state, I thought the question was appropriate.
Let me try it another way:
At what gestational stage, Lib Sci, would your daughter be too far along with a pregnancy for you to feel comfortable with her having an abortion?
Foreclosure Settlement Checks Bounce In Latest Setback For Troubled Program
It’s like a metaphor for the entire Obama administration.
Here’s one for our resident idiot bigoted jerk:
Gohmert: “Radical Islamists” are “trained to act Hispanic”
No, Bob is off the hook on this one..
How freaking useless is it to be a bagger?
Wow. Now you’re invoking imaginary children of mine in order to score cheap hits and make your smarmy ‘points’.
A new low for you.
It’s no wonder I feel the need to shower after arguing with you.
@ 66
Not unrelated, what do we think the chances of an immigration bill passing will be if it turns out the bomber hails from somewhere else?
I could see the bomber being foreign or domestic. Hell, Bill Ayres was building bombs packed with projectiles. Could easily be a US citizen.
@ 67
It’s no wonder I feel the need to shower after arguing with you.
Of course you do, Lib Sci. I assumed that was how you removed the blackface paint.
Toby Harnden @tobyharnden
Suspect described as “dark-skinned male” says @JohnKingCNN, adding was given further description but won’t inflame intentions by repeating
’cause there’s nothing inflammatory about just mentioning skin color.
Way to go, media.
@ 71
Hey, CNN, what’s worse than bringing up skin color?
Dylan Byers @DylanByers
Doing it and then being wrong.
Not as bad as “He looks black.”, but give them time. It’s still early.
Dems have their Weiner, and the GOP has its own dick.
Blindsided by news that Sanford’s ex-wife has accused him of trespassing and concluding he has no plausible path to victory, the National Republican Congressional Committee has decided not to spend more money on Sanford’s behalf ahead of the May 7 special election.
Read more:
Congratulations, Representative Colbert-Busch.
@68 It also could be some disgruntled 1-percenter who lost his ass by shorting the dollar against the yen for all we know.
Hey, look on the bright side. More jobs now available in the entertainment industry for those about to graduate from acting or film school.
Regal Entertainment Group, which operates more than 500 theaters in 38 states, last month rolled back shifts for non-salaried workers to 30 hours per week, putting them under the threshold at which employers are required to provide health insurance. The Nashville-based company said in a letter to managers that the move was a direct result of ObamaCare.
Read more:
@74 Employers being assholes, which is what they do best. This is why workers need unions.
@ 75
Ah, yes. Workers need unions.
And the first one of them just called for the repeal of Obamacare:
Roofers’ Union Seeks Repeal/Reform Of Affordable Care Act
Read more here:
My guess is roofers aren’t earning enough to get cadillac health care coverage, so they don’t have anything to request a waiver from HHS over. So they’re probably in the same boat as most of the rest of us.
@76 Obamacare would have been a better piece of legislation if the GOP had behaved liked a responsible opposition party instead of throwing a kindergarten temper tantrum. The “Party of No” left Democrats with no alternative but to pass anything they could. Legislation is always more likely to have flaws when the legislative process of negotiation and compromise breaks down because of the intransigence of an entire party. So, the roofers should send their complaints to the GOP, because that’s who to blame.
@76 As for your guesses, Bob, even monkeys can throw darts but that doesn’t mean they’ll hit anything.
@ 77
Legislation is always more likely to have flaws when the legislative process of negotiation and compromise breaks down because of the intransigence of an entire party.
It doesn’t help when it’s passed without being looked at, either.
You must be referring to the intransigence of Senators Collins, Snowe, and Specter, because you didn’t need anyone else in Congress to pass ACA.
Interesting news out of New Zealand, their House of Representatives just voted on marriage equality. Since it is a unicameral parliament, it goes to the Governor General for Royal Assent(a formality). I wonder if it was a free vote, because if some voted their conscience and not their party line, might be a shake up. The senior party in the coalition government is the center-right National Party, with ACT NZ(an equivelant of the Libertarians, my guess), and Unitied Future each propping them up with 1 seat.
@ 77
Legislation is always more likely to have flaws when the legislative process of negotiation and compromise breaks down because of the intransigence of an entire party. So, the roofers should send their complaints to the GOP, because that’s who to blame.
Gee, Roger, one of the Obamacare bill authors is placing blame elsewhere:
After the hearing, Baucus explained that the train wreck is “that consumers and businesses will just not have enough information. That it will be too confusing.”
He also expressed frustration that the White House and HHS are not providing details of its outreach efforts.
“My main concern is that when I ask them for information about the navigators … that I don’t get anything back,” Baucus told reporters.
Read more:
Although I’m sure Senator Baucus doesn’t have your unique perspective and expertise, Roger. What could he possibly know about why things aren’t working out as designed?
The New Zealand vote was a conscience vote, with both the PM and Opposition leaders endorsing the measure.
@61 Your question was not clear. Was that on purpose?
My point was abortion becomes much much more unsafe when it’s banished from a hospital or clinic and done instead in some alley with a coat hanger, or they try to use some old superstition technique to terminate the pregnancy.
Honestly, I don’t even have the language to write about what it was like when abortion wasn’t legal, since it’s been legal and available for so long, much of the horrible ways and consequences have faded from common memory. It’s like writing about the bad old days of slavery, or what life was like before penicillin. (Just because the details have faded, doesn’t mean society should revert, just so we can write about them in vivid detail.)
What I am for is sex ed, abstinence, monogamy and birth control for all parties involved, open adoption and the option of a safe abortion if that what the woman thinks is best choice for her body and life.
I want every child to be a wanted child.
Just because the government keeps a record of real property transfers, it doesn’t mean that the government wants to confiscate your home.
Just Say’n.
Puddy always get the best responses from Lib da schmucko. Puddy provides the full link so anyone and everyone can read to their heart’s content. When everyone sees Lib da schmuckos’ vile attack on Serial Conservative, one could use a mirror to the blockquoted commentary above. That’s why it’s so simple for him to placed those whacko thoughts definitely from someone (Schmucko) with real mental health problems.
Talk to the hand with your putrid rants with no facts.
And you know this how? Usually one posts from experience. HAHAHAHAHA!
The dog knocked over the remote, changing the channel to the Fox Biz station, just as the talk head was summarizing Regal Cinemas move to limit workers hours to avoid providing health insurance. What struck me was his tone.
It wasn’t neutral.
The man could have approached it with sadness or disgust or dismay about a corporation weaseling out of paying it’s fair share.
Instead the talking head was glad as he smugly reported that company was going to avoid paying health care for it’s employees.
Regal would pay for up to 40 hours a week, just so long as they didn’t have to pay any health care. Nice…..
Wow Lib da Schmucko… Google found 1800 USA Today entries over the years on HA. So from you all those leftist comments using USA Today are wrong and worthless? Goldy and others using USA Today were dumb and stooopid. Do tell Lib da Schmucko! Puddy will remember this the next time one of your leftist libtard lunatics and comment on your “findings” Great job denigrating your buds. Such a jackASS!
The problem with Lib da Schmucko is any facts not proffered by Lib da Schmucko’s favorite sites can’t be accepted. Hey douchebag, FACTS are FACTS! Roger once said that Schmucko!
Oh Kirsten Powers DUMMOCRAPT in every way shape and form, becomes an honest broker like Bob Woodward did and Lib da Schmuck went apoplectic. Whenever FACTS explode his simple arguments Lib attacks the deliverer. That’s Lib da Schmucko’s M.O. There in no information just denigrating attacks on the individual writers.
Can anyone translate that for me? My decoder ring seems to be broken.
Spoken from Fraggy who overreacts to everything on the left. BTW how is your Hungarian hero bankrolled by Gyorgy Soros doing Fraggy? Puddy’s intensive therapy is flying everywhere installing systems and watching photons fly down fibre cables! Your childish behaviour is apparent each time you post Fraggy. You forgot about the OWS Cleveland 5. Mindless Moonbat Memory Malady!
See ya!
@89. I hate mucking around in Puddy speak, normally I just skip over anything he babbles, but I think he’s saying:
The Daily Beast is not a credible source after it was caught paying women to claim they had sex with a democratic politician. If they would do that, how can a rational person trust ANYTHING they publish?
Republicans have defeated background checks in the Senate.
@90 “At any rate, Spuddles is like a child.”
Actually, that’s a slander against children.
If Harry Reid loses his next senate primary, who is the likely next top democrat in the senate?
No word from John King of CNN if Kenneth Curtis is a “dark skinned male”.
Once again Roger gets his information from slanted locations.
4 DUMMOCRAPTS voted against gun legislation
Mark Pryor of Arkansas,
Max Baucus of Montana,
Mark Begich of Alaska,
Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota
The sanitation of truth… A service of Puddybud!
WELL… Over 4000 Google entries of the Daily Beast on HA
So easy to demonstrate the desperate attempts at FACTS by Fascist Pigsty!
94) Harry Reid voted no, on procedural rules, to keep the bill alive. If he, as the majority leader voted yes, then the bill could not be brought back.
To the unemployed moron ylb@66…
Your crazed databaze has EPIC FAYLED you again… All the way back to 2010
Sux to be uninformed and a leftist pest. That’s unemployed moron ylb.
Thanks for playing the fool again!
FASCIST Pigsty didn’t comprehend why Harry Reid voted No?
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa He doesn’t understand Senate procedures.
@96 And 4 Republicans voted for it. The vote was 54-46. One of the “no” votes was a technical vote cast by Sen. Reid to preserve the ability to bring up the legislation again (see #98), so actual support/opposition broke down as follows:
Democrats: 51 for, 4 against
Republicans: 4 for, 41 against
So, for the comprehensionally challenged (yes, I’m talking about YOU, piddlekins), I reiterate:
Anyone want to take serious issue with this? (I said SERIOUS, piddlekins!)
Oh DUMB Wabbit,
Max Baucus why did you vote against it… “Montana”
Republicans who voted for it… Well Toomey had to vote for it.
Susan Collins (R-Maine) – up for reelection in 2014
Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) – up for reelection in 2016.
John McCain (R-Ariz.) – no reason
Want serious conversation DUMB Wabbit? Bloomberg’s anti-gun attacks on senators BACKFIRED! BIG TIME! DUMMOCRAPT Senator Heidi Heitkamp was very pissed at Bloomberg.
Also when DUMMOCRAPTS blocked the concealed weapons amendment part agreed to by most Republicans, THAT killed the final bill. Reid forced that concealed weapon amendment to reach the 60 vote limit even surprising the NY Times DUMB WABBIT. So the Republicans voted the whole bill down. DUMMOCRAPT gun intransigence killed the bill.
So when you want to get serious and drop your comprehensionally challenged facade, let Puddy know!
Dozens of people have been injured, some severely, in a fertilizer plant explosion in West, Texas (near Waco). The powerful explosion damaged a nearby middle school, nursing home, funeral home, and apartment complex.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder how many safety inspectors Texas still has after GOP Gov. Rick Perry’s budget cutting? I know he eliminated 80% of the state’s wildfire fighting budget, then had to beg for $50 million of federal emergency aid from President Socialist.
Update on Texas Disaster
A local TV station (live feed) reports 100 homes and businesses damaged, 200 injured, of whom 40 are in critical condition. The explosion occurred about 8 pm local time.
West, Texas, is a small town and the plant was in the middle of town. News reports indicate the center of the town was leveled.
In other news the Progress Kentucky illegal taper visited Obummer and the Center for American Progress while in WA DC. So much for not being involved in national politics.
Sux to be DUMMOCRAPTS now their attack plan has failed miserably against McConnell.
So by Roger’s logic the Anacortes Tesoro Oil Refinery Fire that killed five people should have never happened because WA State led by DUMMOCRAPTS had all the safety inspectors needed to prevent it. You see DUMB Wabbit, Puddy remembers!
Man the DUMB Wabbit’s lunacy never ends!
@106 Washington isn’t Texas, and our governor isn’t Rick Perry.
It sounds like the town lost most of their fire department. The plant was on fire and firefighters were on the scene when the explosion leveled the plant and surrounding area. The blast area was about a 5-block radius.
@105 Like I’ve been saying for a long time, it’s about time Democrats behaved like Republicans. You gotta fight fire with fire!
The local TV station covering the West, Texas disaster says the town had 6 volunteer firefighters, all of whom were fighting the plant fire when the explosion occurred, and none of the firefighters are accounted for.
It sounds worse, as for Fire Departments, than 9/11, I mean, the FDNY lost 343. The SFD, lost 4 in the Pang Warehouse fire, 2 from the same company, Engine 13. Not since the 1950s has the SFD seen a fire this fatal, and what West, Texas is going through, is going to be much higher.
109) For a start on that, they would have fought the release of the visitors log.
Of all the non-issues to hold up a major project, electric eels in NYC? Glad that was resolved. The extension on Manhattan was just the beginning. Politicians want it extended to Seacaucus.
As former Kansas City Chiefs coach Herm Edwards would say, ‘ don’t press send,’ a NDP candidate in British Columbia is wishing she had not made disparaging comments towards French Canadians, and more importantly, First Nations(aka Native Americans). The leader of the NDP has announced that candidate is out, and a replacement will be announced shortly.
The irony is that seat, Kelowna-Mission, May have got the most news it is going to get in the campaign. The fight will be in Vancouver and it’s suburbs. That is where the voters, and the seats are.
Actually, the worst Seattle fire in terms of fatalities, was in 1970,the Ozark Hotel Fire.
In terms of destruction, only the Great Fire of 1889, could be on par with what we are seeing. Things changed in that fire, for the better. First, we got a professional fire department.
EPIC FAYLE DUMB Wabbit! A disaster is a disaster! You made an obtuse claim, Puddy delivers reality!
Deal with it!
Hey Fascist Pigsty… Regal Cinemas? Well this should float your “boat”!
Or this political correctness…
Seems Regal Cinemas liked DUMMOCRAPT Harold Ford Jr in 2004 and 3 Republicans and 1 DUMMOCRAPT in 2012.
Regal Cinemas…
That was the leftist accusations against The Daily Caller Fascist Pigsty.
Sad so sad!
yup. I had confused the two, given the similar mame.
@ 103
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder how many safety inspectors Texas still has after GOP Gov. Rick Perry’s budget cutting?
And Obama cut funding for IED detection, RR. Comment on that, asswipe. Or, do us a favor and STFU rather than pulling the now-tired liberal stunt of using a tragedy as a weapon any time you think it suits you.
@ 94
If Harry Reid loses his next senate primary, who is the likely next top democrat in the senate?
Schumer, most likely.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Puffy is a moron, absolute moron.
Speaking of asswipes….you are the master, cheapshot, of the false equivalence and bait-and-switch tactic.
Unsafe workplaces and industrial accidents are a vastly greater threat to our health and safety than random acts of terrorism.
It would take OSHA 137 years to inspect all the workplaces in Texas, to illustrate the hobbling of safety enforcement…by Republican ‘small government’ assholes.
Moreover, from the Dallas Morning News…
This is what Republican philosophy of government brings us.
Oh, my….you are shameless, but we knew that.
BTW, are you ever going to acknowledge that you were wrong about the Bedmap projects and Antarctic ice studies? When revealed, you just slinked away silently…I guess not unexpectedly.
Actually, I do love it when you get all puffed up and angrily call people names, rather than engaging in the smarmy insinuations you usually stick to when you think you’re being clever.
@123. On NPR, they were saying that the liquid fertilizer, anhydrous ammonia, is not flammable, but the plant kept the substance in liquid form by putting it in tanks under very high pressure. When the tanks are exposed to fire, the liquid turns to gas and it exploded.
So when they say “it presented no risk of fire or explosion”, that could be technically true, but it could be like Serial Conn’s weasel words, anhydrous ammonia was safe-ish in isolation, but not stored in hi pressure tanks exposed to high heat.
Maybe they will will use the republican excuse: “Nobody could have predicted….”
Yes, of course they will. The party of ‘personal responsibility’ isn’t.
Yawwwwn… Puddyidiot is babbling and having tantrums like a toddler again..
You know, perhaps you should consider reaching out to few more people that tend to vote against their own interests, meaning working class people who can’t afford to drop into an upscale bar and pay five and a half bucks for a beer. You can’t get the message to these people while gauging them a half hours wages just to drink and pontificate on what ails society.