Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. On Wednesday, the Burien and Bellingham chapters meet. On Thursday the Woodinville chapter meets. And on Monday, the Aberdeen, Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Should the Post Office stop delivering mail on Saterday? I think it should stop delivering mail on Tuesday because Tuesday is such a low volume day for mail. A lot of folks in rural areas want to continue Saturday delivery, so stopping delivery on Tuesday might be the best thing to do.
More proof that powerful firearms are too easy to get and too frequently end up in the wrong hands.
Why not discuss Mark Beebout who was released by a computer program in Clatsop County and he killed two women…
Well we see Clatsop County DA Josh Marquis from his LinkedIn bio…
Yeah DUMMOCRAPTS… weak on crime…
Why not discuss the imperial presidency of Obummer? Now remember the author voted for Obummer and said this…
Puddy loves using libtards to discuss libtards!
Why not discuss NYC Mayor Doomberg…
Why don’t we discuss why BUTTPUTTY the PUTZ defends pedophile clergy.
Why don’t we discuss the Michigan emergency manager law that the people of Michigan repealed but the REPUGNANTs politicians voted back in.
Then why don’t we discuss the Detroit emergency manager that the people of Detroit don’t want that was just appointed by the REPUGNANT governor.
And the comments are insightful. If you don’t agree with the conservative ideology, you will be booted. You must echo with the conservative echo chamber or you will be banned. Why are conservatives so brittle and afraid of other ideas.
If that was applied to puddy or Serial “Get Help” Conn, they wouldn’t last a week.
Got PROOF goatlover? So you get your goats near ArtFart’s house!
Thanks for playing!
Because God comes first Fascist Pigsty! Unfortunately you have no concept of God and His immutable laws! For Flugscout… Jesus said “I and My Father are One”!
Just like the DUMB Wabbit claiming this is a libtard site. You libtards are as intransigent in any new ideas except your own! Just like Harry Reid.
Hey PUTZ. Got proof you don’t?
And why did you name one of your goats Mrs Puddy?
Really comes first with this moron..
How much “God comes first” is reflected in this number?
% b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 37484 |
1 row in set
Did you know that’s almost 13 comments A DAY since you started here?
Looks like HA ranks pretty high.. Someone’s being shortchanged..
@8 Pudge is small-time and doesn’t count for anything. I really should go national and get myself kicked off RedState. I’ve already been booted from Freep.
@11 Oh please! How about giving me credit where credit is due? I gave up my socialist ways and became a capitalist! I made another $2750 in the stock market today. =:D<
I just assume that many conservatives just cannot handle anyone questioning them. It’s partly that obsessive need to curry to authority thing, and partly they cannot argue the rightness of their ideals, their ideas are weak, so they banish anyone who challenges them.
Progressives are better.
Goat loving ekim… Lacia Bailey has a new born goat waiting for you from that article.
You made the original assertion goat stroking moron. One doesn’t prove negatives on themselves.
Yes your wife and children you unemployed idiot Pluto boy. Thanks for the latest comment count. You keep it up ya hear? Puddy PWNs you! ID10T!
Get a job and become a tax payer!
Reading the National Enquirer now unemployed Pluto boy? You have time for that too sitting on your ASS all day. Puddy gets more done in an hour than you get done all day. That’s why Puddy can post so much. The field is rich with lunatic libtards here.
Some how when Puddy used the NE for John Deadwards you discredited the NE. Funny how your putrid mind works unemployed idiot Pluto boy; moron of HA!
There you have it. The PUTZ won’t even say he disapproves of pedophile clergy. I think they are vile myself and truly wish them an appropriate punishment. But the PUTZ would rather attack someone who despises pedophile clergy than actually clean house. Why is that? One must conclude the PUTZ loves the pedophile clergy.
Dione Warwick has declared bankruptcy due to owing $10 million in taxes and having only $25,0000 in assets. Wow.
Pedestrian piddl showing his true colors. FauxChristian declaring who his enemies are, and how his Sky Daddy is going to come down and shoot lighting bolts out of his arse at them. *Eye Roll*
The last refuge of the insipid Bibul-thumper…’my god can beat you up!’
You betcha hypocrite.. We’ll keeping tabs on how much “God comes first” with your miserable ass..
Why don’t you get on your knees for help with your right wing bullshit addiction?
b cs -t puddymoron -b “national enquirer” -c
| count |
| 19 |
1 row in set
Didn’t that moron you voted for twice say his favorite philosopher is Jesus Christ? Didn’t him saying that seal it for your miserable ass?
When the chips are down he reaches for JIM BEAM over your skygod trinity!
@19 A moron who can’t spell “OWNS” doesn’t “own” anyone.
@22 No one ever spent their way to wealth.
She learned something from Trump on Celebrity Apprentice.
@22 It seems most of the $10 million is owed to the IRS and California revenue department.
Which brings me back to my original point @26, namely, that you don’t get rich by living rich. According to researchers, a majority of America’s millionaires live in houses worth less than $300,000 and have blue-collar lifestyles. These guys made their money from owning gas stations and other small businesses. They’ve worked all their lives, have stable families, and keep a low profile. People living in big houses often have small bank accounts because big houses have big expenses for taxes, utilities, upkeep, yard service, etc. You get rich by saving and investing, not borrowing and spending. It’s pretty basic, but it’s surprising how many people don’t figure it out. Or maybe they do, but figure they live only once, so let’s spend spend spend and die broke!!
From 26,
No kidding!!!
From 29,
Correct again! The person who matters is not the guy in the nice suit with a leased Mercedes, but the guy who owns the business and drives a ten-year-old Toyota!
Well, if Puddy won’t step up to the plate (points finger at self) HERE’S one Catholic who heartily disapproves of pedophile clergy, regardless of denomination. (Note: we “mackerel snappers” are by no means the only denomination in which this is an issue.)
From the perspective of a Seattle Catholic, I have to give our previous Archbishop Brunett some kudos. He came here and found himself dropped in the middle of one hell of a mess, and stepped up to deal with it head on. I can’t say I can say the same thing about his replacement, who appears to have put the abuse issue on the back burner behind playing Rome’s point man fighting gay marriage and shoving those uppity nuns back inline.
Bob’s been a little scarce lately..
Could this be the reason?
Two words Bob: Soil Engineer
Heh.. Same shit happened to a well-off friend of my wife’s family.. The things that never occur to people just to own view property..
Hell of a mess to untangle in court..
# 29: I think the phrase is “house rich, cash poor”.
# 1: Tuesday might be a light day for first class mail, but it’s one of the busiest days of the week for junk mail. Blame it on grocery stores, trying to get their ads to customers on Tuesday in time for the new sales which go into effect on Wednesday. It seems like a poor strategy to cut off that revenue source the the post office.
@ 33
Hadn’t seen it, YLB, but thanks for sharing.
We lost a 60 foot fir to winds and shallow roots last week. Bummer. More firewood to chop.
Have two 10-foot Doug firs in the truck to plant this weekend, though. Was pulling them out of the ground last night rather than doing the Drinking Liberally circle jerk.
No cliffs on our property, thankfully. Just way too much nettle.
Well, Francis’ assertion that shuttling offenders from Parish to Parish in the U.S. was stupid. But what about Ireland, Australia, continental Europe…It sounds a bit like, “Yeah, I really drink to much and get drunk a lot, but I can quit anytime I want. But addressing the problem at all is step 1.
This is also a good sign. Maybe we can get back to the Catholics being a bit kooky rather than kind of evil.
Heh. Let’s test that.
Your most batshit insane hour in these threads..
26 comments entered in one hour in thread 44210..
My most productive day in these threads?
85 comments: threads 23925, 23966, 23974, 23982, 23984, 23991, 24004
LOL!! Too funny! Ok moron.. Why doesn’t the bagger House impeach him?
I’d be grudgingly supportive of it actually.. Who the F needs a U.S President to behave like some freaking king?
Easy! That will NEVER happen as long as right wing morons BELIEVE that any right wing jerk with an R next to his name has a perfect right TO BEHAVE THE SAME WAY..
Remember the idiot you voted for twice? IOKIYAR… AGAIN!
@33 No doubt the owners of those million-dollar homes will want the taxpayers to fix the problem and restore their once-beautiful yards with a view.
@38 I do nothing all day and make more money than I ever did from a job. Even on days the stock market goes down — like today, for example, I made $130 which is peanuts compared to yesterday but I still got paid the equivalent of $16.25 an hour for doing nothing.
Breaking news: Chris Hansen has purchased the 7% share of the Sacramento Kings which was in bankruptcy. This ends the possibility that a Sacramento group could purchase the 7% share and use the “right of first refusal” to start a bidding war with Hansen.
Of course, there may be a bidding war anyway. The NBA owners will be determined to hold both cities on the hook until they have extracted the maximum of cash and concessions, just to raise the “value” of their own teams.
Well Fart Filled Art… Puddy doesn’t mention much about the Catholic Church for two reasons…
1) Out of respect for my good friend GBS
2) Puddy already commented on them before.
If you need previous PuddyCommentary Fart Filled Art then ask the unemployed moron Pluto boy the lunatic. It’s on unemployed moron Pluto boy’s crazed databaze.
Sucks to be you Fart Filled Art. Thanks for playing!
Be sure to say hello the Ms Lacia Bailey and pet ekim’s latest sex object (baby goat) when you have a chance.
Well unemployed moron Pluto boy the lunatic, when all the warning signs were there, look at the date of the Kusack/Turley conversation, unemployed moron Pluto boy the lunatic was trumpeting the wonderful qualities of Obummer. So unemployed moron Pluto boy the lunatic and your ilk have no firm standing, WHATSOEVER!
And you voted for Obummer the imperial twice.
Mrs Puddy is a beautiful human woman. Too bad you don’t know what it’s like to hold and be held by a human woman’s arms and legs. You only know the four legs and rough coat of a goat! Puddy heard you buy your boots a size bigger so the back legs of the goat fit in the front of your boot legs for easier access. Whudathunkit?
Your latest goat conquest is on Fart Filled Art’s street owned by Ms Lacia Bailey. It was recently born.
Poor, poor PUTZ. Did ou get ou feelings hurt?
Call your Mrs PUTZ whatever species you want. Human, hominid of any variety, goat, chicken, pig, cow or other farm animal. I really don’t care.
And BUTTPUTTY, you’re still a PUTZ.
LOL! Better him than your moron R-Money any day.. And even your idiot ass couldn’t bring yourself to vote for McSame.
No mentions of the bagger House shirking their responsibility to check an overreaching executive..
Puddyidiot forgets the “unitary” executive..
Moron @ 44..
Your favorite pseudo-liberal journalist and empty-suit-you-voted-for-twice hagiographer queried said empty suit the following:
Question for the dumbass STOOGE @ 44
Did said empty suit “appeal” to the “higher father” for choice of 80 proof+ libation to salve his wounded emotional state over the medical condition of the “not so higher father”???
Puddy will answer your questions unemployed Pluto boy when you decide to answer Puddy’s. Glad to see you admitted to voting for the imperial one.
Thanks for playing unemployed Pluto boy. Let Puddy know when you’ll be answering those 6 pertinent questions on the life of unemployed Pluto boy!
Until then I G N O R E D!
49 –
With greedy, power-crazed losers like McSame and R-Money?
And I know you’ll never answer my questions..
Keep runnin’ from your beloved losing politicians idiot..
As long as you keep running like a frightened turkey, I’ll keep asking.. Look at the scared Tom run!
gobble, gobble, gobble!
heh. He sure did..
When I pointed out to this idiot that my private Catholic school education made me superior to him and his public school education ACCORDING to his beloved fellow right wing dumbasses like Doofus, pudge, Proud Ass and Marvin Stamn, he shat out the following:
This jerk is as bigoted towards Catholicism as he is towards hispanics..
He’s a fiend.. Totally insane!