Please join us for an evening of politics over a pint because, you know, sequestration and stuff, at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Thursday, the Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Madison – An aide to state Rep. Brett Hulsey told police last month she feared for her safety because of the Madison Democrat’s behavior, which included considering bringing a gun to the Capitol even though he doesn’t have a concealed-weapons permit, taking a box cutter to the statehouse on another day and urging the aide to train for self-defense with him.
Wisconsin, WTF?
Another just published blog post by Adam Curtis, first of a series on the death of objectivity in the media:
This piece focuses a lot on H.L. Hunt, bigamist Texas Oil billionaire and one time richest man in the world who funded a vast right wing propaganda empire including publications, radio and TV.
You’ll see an imprint of one book published by Hunt, “Hitler was a Liberal” by Joseph Kamp. It looks pretty interesting.. You can still buy it on Amazon. I’m curious to know how much it influenced Doughy Pantload Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism”..
Do not miss the 10 minute BBC video clip that focuses on Hunt himself.. It’s really freaking spooky.. Hunt drones on and on and his views are spot-on identical to the moronic talking points dragged in by our trolls..
It appears that Hunt taught the right wing in this country what to “think”.
P.S.: For balance Curtis also examines some material put out by left leaning investigators into the JFK Assasination and points out how the films of one person, a former Warhol and Rauchenberg collaborator, used the techniques of avant-garde film to present in Curtis’ view, a distorted picture of what happened, one as distorted as any you might see on Fox News.
The one film Puddymoron does not want you to see:
Watch the trailer.
@1 So she’d have felt safe if he’d had a concealed gun permit? Would you feel safe around this guy?
Puddy thought libtards cheered those actions.
Yale hosts workshop teaching sensitivity to bestiality. Typical libtard university activities! Didn’t ekim flunk from there?
There you go again GOATBOY. You got it all wrong.
Yale was hosting a workshop on how to respond with “understanding” and “compassion” when you run into retarded rethug wingnuts who enjoy a consensual relationships with goats.
Oh, wait. You are a retarded rethug wingnut who enjoys “consensual” relationships with goats.
Campaign volunteer who recanted attack story charged with obstruction
A volunteer for a local congressional campaign who recanted a story about being attacked in his home for being a gay Republican has been charged with obstructing police.
Kyle Wood, 30, of Madison, who first told police on Oct. 24 that he had been choked, struck, kicked and thrown against a wall by an attacker, admitted five days later that he had caused the injuries himself using a guitar string and a river rock from an aquarium shoved inside a sock.
Read more:
Wisconsin, WTF? (Yeah, I know. It’s a Republican behaving badly. I’m an equal opportunity critic of Madison idiocy.)
Wow, ekim sure reacts negatively when he and his friends antics are shown the light of day!
Now that WA and CO passed MJ legalization legislation, it seems their favrit organization, the UN, is not happy. Puddy noticed no commentary on this from the clouded minds.
Poor Sean Penn,
Now he’s in mourning. He lost a friend yesterday… Chavez! So did many HA libtards!
Now that Eric Fast & Furious Holder has declared drone strikes on US soil legal… what will the HA libtards do when he takes out one of their own?
The Mayors Against Illegal Guns advocate for prudent, sensible gun regulation of:
• Requiring all gun buyers pass criminal background checks
• a ban of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines
• making gun trafficking a federal crime, including real penalties for “straw buyers”
• strengthen gun ownership restrictions for people with severe mental illness
Which would lessen the likelihood and impact of crazy people like in Newtown AND curb violence in Chicago, (cause we all read that Serial “Don’t pay his debts” Conn cares deeply about gun violence there.)
It will be interesting to see if the NRA and conservatives read that and knee jerk react with “Hell NO, Obama is taking our GUNS!”
Got to love their tenacity. Conservatives will never admit they were lying. Ever.
The Neanderthals May Have Died Out Because of … Bunnies?
I think the most appropriate way to interpret this is to understand that the smartest humans are the ones who are best able to kill rabbits.
@16. Interesting Article. The successful humans were the ones who adapted to new situations. The neanderthals couldn’t wrap their brains around the changing world.
I think the most appropriate way to interpret this is to understand that the smartest humans are the ones who are best able to be open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values if they don’t work.
Clearly, yes.
Now Dems worry: Did President Obama cry wolf?
One top Democratic Congressional aide offered this bit of advice to Obama: “Don’t accentuate a fight you don’t intend to wage [and] can’t win. … They spent two weeks building up sequester as a horror show and then got fact-checked a dozen times and were forced to back off their own claims of it being a disaster once they were forced to acquiesce to the cuts happening.”
…President Barack Obama’s approval rating has dropped and Americans blame him and his fellow Democrats almost as much as his Republican opponents for a fiscal mess.
Perhaps related, Obama’s being criticized, openly, by people on his own side:
“Does the president have any responsibility?”
“Oh, absolutely,” Castro replied, “absolutely.”
“What could [Obama] have done better?”
“I think that he needs to be a leader in the negotiation, that he has a responsibility to bring both sides to the table, to be clear about what he’s offered and what he expects from the other side,” the freshman said.
Uh oh.
Four Pinocchios.
Damn, twice in a week.
Kinda makes you wonder what Obama’s approval rating @ 19 would be if the press had been doing their job the whole time, doesn’t it?
Maybe we’ll get to find out.
And, finally, the laughter starts:
MARCH 5, 2013
Read more:
Don’t forget the photograph. Obi Wan Obama, gettin’ bitched out by the missus.
Joel Connelly urges Tim Eyman to run for the state House. It’s quite an article – Joel pulls no punches, pointing out that Eyman is an admitted liar, that he couldn’t be bothered to drive from Mukilteo to Everett to accept the County’s offer to go through the books and find ways to save money, and that the Seattle Times has been “carrying water” for Eyman’s initiatives for years. He even through in a dig at Pam Roach.
Why Tim Eyman should at least run for public office
@ 22
I think Roger Rabbit should run as well. His encyclopedic knowledge of all things nonfactual should give any opponent pause. After all, if you were to attempt to refute RR, where the fuck would you start?
LMAO!! Adam Curtis (see link above):
@23 “where the fuck would you start?”
By pulling your head out of your ass so you can see what’s going on around you.
@16 “The Neanderthals May Have Died Out Because of … Bunnies?”
Let that be a warning to you. Conservatives are next.
“And, finally, the laughter starts”
Perhaps you didn’t notice, Bob, but the laughter started back in November and continues to this day, with a lot of it being at your expense. But in a lot of ways none of it is really very funny.
Really, I can’t help but get the impression that your insane Gault/TeaBircher/Dominionist crowd is going to continue spewing senselessly about makers and takers, rape and racial entitlement right on up to November 2014 and beyond. Good luck with reigning in the freakshow, Bob. I mean it. It’d actually be good for the nation if you had some success at it.
You see, what’s really finally happening is that the short-term southern strategy is finally backfiring on your ass, turning into a long-term disaster for the GOP and the nation. Thanks a lot.
@5 Puffybud is wrong about anything he thinks. You and Serial Know-nothing should start a group.
@20 – I like it when Obama’s approval rating goes down, it makes you conservatives even more stupid.
And so the occasionally lucid Newt sez of Republicans,
And so what do you do? Wake up to reality? Nah. You invite Sarah Palin to CPAC and tell Chris Christie to fuck off. Good luck living in your not-quite-so-real world.
Actually that Neanderthal story contains an important lesson, but needless to say, the point flies right over Bob’s pointy head.
Scientists noticed that around 30,000 years ago — about the same time Neanderthals began dying out — bones of big game animals disappeared from Neanderthal caves and were replaced by bones of small animals like rabbits.
It’s obvious what happened. Big game herds were the backbone of the Neanderthal food supply, but Neanderthals weren’t smart enough to exploit these herds in a sustainable manner. Instead, they hunted the big game to extinction, and when the large animals were gone, they turned to smaller animals. But hunting small animals is much less efficient than hunting large animals, in terms of energy expended per pound of meat captured. It may have worked for a while — with much greater expenditure of effort — but ultimately they couldn’t sustain their population on small game.
Conservatives behave exactly the same way. (In fact, they’re probably the descendants of a remnant Neanderthal population.) They think oil will last forever, so there’s no need to conserve it or develop alternative energy sources. They think the oceans can be fished without restrictions, and the fish will just keep comin’. They want to build pipelines across the aquifers that supply water for our crops without a thought to what pollution from a spill might do to our food supply. In short, they’re as short-sighted and ignorant as the Neanderthals were, and therefore are likely to suffer a similar fate.
Frankly, I don’t care if conservatives die out because they are their seed corn. Good riddance. I just don’t want them taking the rest of us with them. It’s fine with me if they don’t plan for next year because they think the Rapture is coming next week. Just don’t drag me on that space ship. As far as I’m concerned, conservatives can do whatever they want to, until it starts affecting me.
When it does, I have to do something about it.
@30 It seems the harder Republicans tried to suppress the minority vote, the more determined minority voters became to cast their votes, no matter how long they had to stand in line.
As Lincoln said, you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.
People eventually figure out that when someone jacks you around making it harder for you to vote, they probably have reasons for not wanting you to vote, so it’s worth extra effort on your part to vote — so they don’t win.
Republicans will have to find some other way to “win” elections.
More Right Wing Propaganda – Ex Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh gets a radio gig. The country is going to get even more dumb.
@ 30
You invite Sarah Palin to CPAC and tell Chris Christie to fuck off. Good luck living in your not-quite-so-real world.
I doubt CPAC has any more influence on the GOP than the Kos thing each year has on Democrats. Although GOP politicians aren’t embarrassed to be seen with CPAC attendees the way Dem politicians are embarrassed by the Kos crowd.
And inviting Ned Lamont to knock off Joe Lieberman wasn’t your ilk’s wisest move, either.
Here’s an airline story that will bring tears to your eyes.
@33 Good. He needs a job so he can pay child support.
@34 “And inviting Ned Lamont to knock off Joe Lieberman wasn’t your ilk’s wisest move, either.”
What, exactly, did it cost us? How many Senate seats did we have before? And after? Is there a point in here somewhere? I don’t see one; but that’s SOP for your posts.
The republicans are upset that the sequester is effecting THEM.
As reported in Aviation Daily, the New England Legal Foundation (a group devoted to conservative causes) has joined Spirit, Allegiant Air, and Southwest Airlines in a challenge to the U.S. Transportation Dept.’s requirement that extra fees be prominently displayed in their web advertising or air rates. The conservatives see it as an opportunity for the court to remove all distinctions between commercial speach and other forms of speach, and apply First Amendment protection around all commercial advertising.
Yep, that’s just like the republican/Conservatives we know. Protect the corporate rights to defraud customers by false and deceptive advertising, at all costs!
@ 38
“The President is trying to make it tough on members of Congress. It’s just silly. I want to know who is being laid off at the White House. The Capitol is open for tours. We’ve been planning for this for months.”
He didn’t say ‘sick’. If something sounds too unrealistic to be true, at least click on a link and follow it.
Wouldn’t be a bad idea to share your source next time, either.
While you’re wondering what you did wrong, ask yourself why a cancelled tour at the White House would make life tough for members of Congress. The Capitol Building, where Congress actually works, is still open for tours. Someone there had some foresight, or maybe just didn’t spend all last week with their panties in a twist.
# 40: “…We’ve been planning for this for months.”
So what is more disturbing – that the White House is canceling tours due to sequestration, or that the Republican-led House has been planning on sequestration for months now?
* Why didnt they spend the time trying to come to a resolution of the issue, instead of planning for failure?
* Or did they always intend on sequestration to go into effect, so that the economy would get hit with a second jolt which might help cover up their own defects in the 2014 Congressional elections?
Uncle Puddles up @13 presaged son of Uncle Liberty(!) and his filibuster.
If only there were something a legislator could do to modify the law! If only there were some sort of checks and balances approach to power!
Makes us yearn for the days of the civil liberty aware previous and Avignon president, C+ Augustus.
You “libs” laugh at the deeply serious concerns so called conservatives have about our ‘spending problem’. Well, thanks be to baby Buddha, we have thoughtful legislators like Rep Louis Gohmert (R-Wingnut, TX).
Gohmert came prepared today with an amendment to the continuing resolution bill (.pdf) which could (should?) save our nation from profligate spending by the soshuleest Kenyan usurper!
VICTORY! Take that you GD liberals!
@43 It’s about time runaway federal spending was reprioritized.
You’d think requiring background checks to buy a gun is such a no-brainer that no one could possibly be against it. No such luck.
Locking a DWI suspect in a cell and then forgetting about him for two years has cost a New Mexico county $15.5 million. But it didn’t cost the negligent jail warden his job.
And in the Harrisburg, PA area, local McDonald franchises have been importing foreign “student guest workers” under the J1 visa program to work in their restaurants. They have to pay about $3,000 in costs up front for obtaining the visa, and then are housed up to eight in a room and charged exhorbitant rates for food and housing. In return, they get to work at sub-minimum wage jobs, sometimes getting only four hours of paid work a week, and racking up debt to the Franchisor which has to be paid (by family?). Most of the students are from Asia or Latin America. It doesn’t say what happens if they don’t pay off the debt, but I imagine the employer is holding the passports or refusing transport to airports, etc.
McDonalds Guest Workers walk off job in protest
And I thought the days of the coal mines and the “company store” were long gone. This isn’t far removed from slavery, yet it takes place just an hour’s drive or so from Gettysburg.
The “student guest worker” program was originally designed to allow foreign students the ability to take low-wage jobs (presumably ones most Americans didn’t work, such as in the college cafeteria), in order to subsidize their college expenses. Clearly, it’s being abused.
Remember that Harrisburg was where Newt Gingrich grew up, and where he formed his political views of the world.
Sadly, PA has returned (generally) to the labor hell of its 19th century roots.
UPDATE: a bit of PA history –
Why are libtards quiet over Holder saying it’s legal to predator drone an American on American soil? Posse Comatitus has no meaning to a libtard?
49 – Why are right wingers so stupid? If Willard Romney was President right wingers would have no problem whatsoever with Willard ordering drone strikes on
occupy activiststerrorists..Holder was sketching a hypothetical stupid, again, one that stupid right wingers would have no issue with if a right wing jerk like Romney were in charge.
Posse Comatitus?
I think you mean the Posse Comitatus Act.
Unfortunately GW Shrub had his pet REPUGNANT congress majority make significant changes to Posse Comitatus back in 2006. Those changes made it “legal to predator drone an American on American soil”.
You want to reverse the Shrub’s legislation? I’m all for it.
You libtards just don’t get it. It’s Obummer in the whitey house not Romney. There is no comparison. Everything you proffer is speculation!
Once again Pluto boy shoots, ready, aim! ROTFLMBBAO on his stupidity!
The lunacy of the goat sucker ekim. Puddy remembered Nancy Pelosi screaming and shouting how she led the charge for repeal of Section 1076. So Puddy went to WikiPedia – In 2008, these changes in the Insurrection Act of 1807 were repealed in their entirety, reverting to the previous wording of the Insurrection Act[7] that in its original form was written to limit Presidential power as much as possible in the event of insurrection, rebellion, or lawlessness. This was section 1076 which was modified by section 1068 in 2008.
And… The changes in section 1076 originally voted for by 168 DUMMOCRAPTS in the House and by Bush had a sunset date of September 30, 2012.
ekim – still goat appendage loving up his hershey highway and stuck on stupid!
Even the British are interested in Obummer’s
transparenthidden agenda of drone strikes.@54 I take it that Darryl never gave you my email address. I talked with him again about it a few months ago and he left me with the impression that he’d follow through.
Nothing new here…
Steve, he may have but I haven’t checked that email in a while. I can check.
Watching C-Span right now on the filibuster and how the DUMMOCRAPTS are jack boot marching to the beat of the Obummer Sadministration and drone strikes on “eminent” American people sleeping in their apartments!
ekim swings and loses another argument so badly he lies in post #56!
Enjoy your hershey highway ride goat luver!
@49 You’re squawking about that but “citizen militias” training
9-year-old kids to run around in the woods with military weapons doesn’t bother you?