Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
There will be some celebration of today’s 83% near-victory. The public death panel option is just around the corner….
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 337 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
The FDIC sort of came out of the closet this week and announced that at the present rate of bank closures and the consequent payouts on insured deposits, it’s going to run out of money early next year unless the healthy banks pitch in. There will no doubt be howls of protest from the same institutions who’ve been the recipients of hundreds of billions from the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
Don’t tell me any of y’all still harbor the belief that the mega-banks got bailed out for the sake of us, their lowly customers…
Not tonight, friends, I have a
headachecold. See you next week!Talk about Obama’s latest LIE!!
Obama loves to tell anecdotal stories to push health care. Pathetically, many of them are lies like this one.
Where I live, someone who exagerates and lies all the time is called a BIG BULLSHITTER!
Do you think this story will help the cause??
Obama rips insurance company.
FACT–Woman LIED on her application about a Heart Condition and her fata$$ weight.
Material LIES!
Obama looks like a fool…AGAIN!
He’s surpassing Biden…his LEFT Hand Man as the KLOWN of the New Millenium!
Is chronic lying by Obama the Hope and Change and Leadership he was talking about??
And by all means discuss Boeing filing for Building permits in SC!!
Hey, chin up KLOWNS! Just think, that would solve all the traffic problems!!
And there is more to discuss–
Gregoire lies about no tax increase in a recession!
No fat to cut says she!!
What a joke.
The Chickens have come home to roost!!
You KLOWNS won’t need light rail..or even busses. Think of all the $$ you can save!
Although MORE URBAN POVERTY is a sure thing.
dear blog well so much is gonning on 1st cant spell worth a shit or type worth a shit but ya get what i mean got to min bye jenna
Cynical’s cosmetic token girlfriend, no doubt.
He ought to find a better way to try to hide his projected pedophillic perversions.
First he moves to the redneck wilderness (Montana) then he gets a “legal”, if demented, girl like “Jenna”….what next?
I guess at least the little boys in the civilized part of the country will be safe….
The state isn’t in a position to do what Boeing wants which is to break the back of the IAM and SPEEA. The GOP has controlled the legislature in the past and even then no attempt to pass a “right to work” law even made it out of committee. A “no strike” clause is between the IAM and Boeing, the state has no say.
As for Microsoft, they aren’t going anywhere. Those who would suggest Microsoft might be happier in Mississippi show a fundamental misunderstanding of how the software industry works. If you move an office in high-tech your top workers who are key to success are the least likely to relocate because they can easily get a new job with similar compensation without moving.
Well, Cynical just bleats along with the rest of the sheep in Montana and continues his worship of Rasmussen, his only resource……
He’s a real intellect, that one.
Hey, Cynical, I know you’re still hanging around.
Brag some more for us about what a great Christian you are and how your life is a witness to your faith!
Inspire us with your holiness! Let’s hear some more compassion and Christian love from you!
Impress us with your commitment to God and your daily reflection of his will in your life!
What you are doing here IS the will of God, isn’t it? Your demeanor here reflects the core principles of your faith, right?
Puddy saw this on the ‘Nets
“If Dick Cheney was Darth Vader then Joe Biden is Dark Helmet”.
You are very close to entering the dumb brick world of ylb arschloch. As Puddy told the dumb brick now modified for X’ad…
Another silly and stupid argument made by X’ad on Rasmussen. Rasmussen was found to be the most accurate pollster in 2004, 2006, and 2008.
So don’t let acting like the dumbest brick on HA ylb arschloch stop you X’ad from giving us another laugh at your moronic attempts at providing useful information…
You are suggesting that Cynical gives “useful information” and calling ME a brick?
Check your own masonary, bubba….
And let’s have a citation of Rasmussen’s accuracy from some institution OTHER than right wing Fordham…..
YOU know better than to cite (or imply) controversial or discredited sources and think they won’t be called on…..don’t embarrass yourself, I was just beginning to think you at least were intellectually HONEST.
@15: The word is “masonry” there Einstein. Run along now, recess is over.
Definitions: Masonry
1. Structure built of stone or brick by a mason.
2. Freemasons collectively.
3. The craft of a mason.
Source: Webster’s Dictionary
12 – Heh. Yep Klyn and Stupes are great reps of both their faith and their politics here at just as Mike Duvall and David Vitter were great reps of being “conservative”…
Klyn and Stupes are doing a bang up job. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re still at it here a year from now.
Wow, YLB arschloch is sure up early. I guess even the chronically unemployed non-tax paying non-citizens can suffer from insomnia I see.
19 – Now there’s one losing broken record that’s been at it since before the election contest.
Great rep of his views as well…
Puddy gave five sources just the other day.
1. Structure built of stone or brick by a mason.
ylb arschloch AKA dumb brick was REJECTED.
Hey on a more serious note…
My su password got corrupted somehow and all the known tricks can’t recover it. Was logging into Oracle and major cluster happened. The HD was brand new and Puddy ran /sbin/fsck and /sbin/e2fsck. No errors.
Any suggestions?
Stunning relevance to the subject there, Sherlock. I am SO impressed with your erudition.
I rend my garments! I pour ashes upon my head! I will wear sackcloth for 30 days in my grief at having offended your sense of propriety. I do not know how I can EVER show my face in public again, etc etc
maybe shutdown gracelessly enough to get a good journal rebuild????? Anybody ELSE have enough rights to help? (as in anybody else an admin on that system? well, pretty obvious, but you never know what you might have overlooked…)
Nope! Didn’t crash it gracelessly as Puddy didn’t wanna screw up transaction logs, etc. Did a graceful shutdown three times. Opened the terminal window and tried again. REJECTED. No one else has su on system. The one system I didn’t create a back door on too… Place foot on Puddy ASS. KABLAMMO!
Thanks X’ad.
13. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Dark Helmet…as in empty, empty space?!!
Biden is a real dumbass. He’s entertaining…but the thought of this chronic plagarizer and liar is too much to dwell on.
There was a reason less than 1% of Americans supported him in his Presidential runs.
Dictionary Definition of KLOWN==Biden
X’ad and YLB–
And I care about your judgment of me because __________________________________???
I don’t.
YLB is an angry Atheist who has never worked and raises his kids to be Christian-haters.
X’ad is a pervert headed to Thailand FOR THE CHILDREN! Also an unbashed Atheist, nothing can stop him from his mission of self-gratification at the expense of youth.
Puddy, try booting single-user, if you can’t get in that way try booting from a rescue disk (often the install media) mounting the system root volume then fixing the password.
28 – Why do you have to lie about other people so much Klyn?
I just preached some Bible to you yesterday. According to my reading, you risk eternal damnation. Renounce the false gospel of greed and hatred for the poor as promulgated by the Calvinist Ronnie Raygun otherwise eternity in hell awaits.
Shit, I was doing you a favor.
Retirement = Misery for Mr. Klynical. A real success in retirement that one..
Nope. Puddy, what I didn’t make clear was: Why DON’T you try shutting it down gracelessly and force it to scramble for restoration from the journal….just a shot in the dark. But I have had things come back from a journalled system after it shutdown with a power fail and had to restore itself…if all your logs and such are closed then a restore from journal won’t affect them.
I think. But if you’re hosed anyway, it won’t make much diff….
@3 That’s nothing compared to Joe the Not-A-Licensed-Plumber’s whoppers.
@4 Do you really want to fly on a plane assembled by barefoot southern hicks being paid $2.13 an hour?
So you are angry with a fellow Democrat, Baucus??
I think you are guilty of naivity…presuming that all Democrats are Socialists like you & Obama. Obviously, not all are lemmings.
Your “assuming” makes you look stupid Darryl.
Welcome to the real world.
Hey, why not try and get some of the Conservative Democrats unelected??
You have to wait 5 more years to get Baucus.
I know plenty of Conservative folks who have known Baucus for decades. He has much more in common with Conservatives than you Atheist Progressive KLOWNS. He will privately make jokes about you Darryl. If you think for one second that Baucus is going to have his legacy be Government Run Socialized Medicine…or anything remotely resembling that, you are nuts.
Part of being an Atheist Progressive is obviously living in a fog of make-believe.
Hey, your messiah is going to have 5 meetings about Afghanistan strategy. 5 Meetings??
Obama articulated his COMMITMENT in March.
Now he is leaving our troops hanging and allowing the Taliban to stregthen as they see Obama’s weak heartedness.
Ultimately, Obama’s lack of leadership and commitment will cost plenty of US lives.
You KLOWNS will try to defend him and of course Blame Bush.
Tell it to the voters.
Jimmy Carter tried that stunt….and got crushed.
And Klyn…..thanks for proving all my implications by condemning your OWN hypocrisy through your replies.
Whited Sepulchre!!!!
Click here for photo of Boeing’s new workforce:
32. Roger Rabbit spews:
Actually, having the PRESIDENT chronically lie while lobbying for his agenda is a whole lot worse than Joe. Obama could easily check on these flakes he is using to prmote Government-run Health Care…he choses not to. Just like Obama failed to vet so many Cabinet Tax Cheats, Van Jones et al…
That will be a HUGE 2012 Campaign Issue.
Obama’s failure to properly vet appointees and examples he is using.
People are rightly concluding Obama is either corrupt or incompetent.
Neither one is good.
Remember, Obama won not being vetted himself.
Not held to account for his light-weight track record.
In 2012, Obama will have a record of failures to try and defend.
@9 She’s one of Boeing’s S.C. airplane assemblers.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Here is a guy who was at +32 post inauguration.
Now he is at -11.
39% of voters will not vote for him under any circumstances.
Another 33% are in the middle. Obama needs 2/3 of those voters to breakeven.
If Afghanistan blows up and Obama fails there after making the criticism Iraq was the wrong war to fight…that Afghanistan is the place to make a stand.
If terrorists strike Europe or God forbid the US….Obama is done.
IMPEACH OBAMA will be the rallying cry!
Sound familiar??
I HOPE Obama is having fun chasing the Olympics for his corrupt pal in Chicago, Mayor Daily. I’m sure the video of the gangbangers brutally murdering that innocent fine young man will really help Obama.
Also, BS’ing on all the pansy Sunday Talk Shows and Leno and Letterman have really helped Obama’s popularity….NOT!!!
Look at the poll KLOWNS.
Your guy is tanking.
He has over-exposed himself.
No one takes him seriously.
Going to Denmark doing Daily’s bidding while Afghanistan is a mess, while Iran laughs in Obama’s face and continues it’s nuke program..
The list goes on & on.
Obama is like a self-indulgent Hollywood celebrity. LOOK AT ME!! That’s not leadership.
The 2010 Elections will be brutal.
The 2012 Presidential Election will be worse.
And Hillary & Bill are lurking in the background. Silent on Health Care. Setting Obama up as a victim of racism and a vast right-wing conspiracy. Too Damn Funny.
They’ll put the wings on backwards, wait and see.
@13 wow
@17 I’ve been searching for a free mason for years but they all charge.
35. X’ad spews:
You must be gazing at you Thai-kiddy porn again.
BTW, a Sepulchre is like a tomb or mausoleum.
Do you just picked random large words to try and impress us…only to look like the fool you are when it becomes obvious you don’t know what it means??
@25 I don’t know much about computers, but maybe they found out he’s a rightwing traitor and cut off his privileges?
BTW Cynful….that’s Republika ng Pilipinas, NOT Thailand, and I’d rather have typhoons there than hypocritical unChristian tyrant worshippers here, Mr. Bush lover.
There the people are poor, simple, gracious,and 90% Roman catholics who take their faith seriously and they are not interested in greedy judgementalist, asshole, self-proclaimed superiors like you, you pathetic, lying, pompous blowhard.
Real people of all political persuasions quickly see through scum,bags like you, while you go around with your self-satisifed smug pathology assuming people think you’re other than a total loser.
You’re far more of an Islamic nutcase than a Christian, and all your self worship simply makes that obvious to everyone.
And you don’t even know the scriptural references to “whited sepluchres” you lout???? You don’t even READ YOUR BIBLE?????
Matthew 23:27
@27 If that’s how you feel, you should be glad that Obama is president instead of him.
Ok so you are going to prey on little Roman Catholic kids in the Phillipines. Your Atheism will serve you well in your evil seeking of children. Are you going to share your Atheism with them…or just pretend to be a Catholic??
@34 “So you are angry with a fellow Democrat, Baucus??”
Yeah, that’s possible. We’re not a monolithic mob of goosesteppers saluting the party line, whatever it is, like you dumb repukes.
Obama is proving his critics right…he is soft on terrorism. As things escalate (which is what terrorists do), Obama’s critics will rightly point to his futile efforts to engage and pander to them, his soft response to Iran’s dangerous behavior and his failure to fight to win in Afghanistan.
The list of anti-Obama Campaign issues is HUGE! Watch, Obama will eventually sprint to the right-center like Clinton did. Obama’s legacy is more important to him in the end than his word. If you KLOWNS feel deserted now…just wait until Obama really shifts course away from y’all. OUCH!
Hey Goldy, they need you in Arkansas now!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Goldy is needed in Arkansas, NJ, Virginia, Pennsylvania…the list goes on & on…
Goldy is gonna be busier than a 1 legged guy in a Butt-kickin kontest!
@47: Clinical Pathology Case
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.
And, since you are the one constantly shrieking about other people being pedophiliacs, I think the rest of us clearly see where your secret desires lead you…..
I will admit we seem to have been wrong about the sheep….it’s the children of Montana that draw you. You have given yourself away, foolish blowhard projection booth….
@37 “Actually, having the PRESIDENT chronically lie while lobbying for his agenda is a whole lot worse than Joe.”
Not really. There’s something about Joe-Isn’t-Even-His-Real-Name that’s far more irritating than anything the PRESIDENT has said or done. Here you have a guy named Sam who calls himself “Joe the Plumber” who isn’t a plumber but is wanted by Arizona on traffic warrants who claimed he makes $250,000 a year when he’s not even making his child support payments who claims he’s buying a business that isn’t even for sale … like everything else Republican, “Joe” is a bullshitter and his heart-searing story is a total fabrication, whereas Obama at least gets close enough to the truth for government work …
Rog, I hate to burst your bubble, but Obama lied about that woman claiming the evil insurance company cut her off for no reason…when the TRUTH was she was cut off for LYING on her Health Insurance application omitting her major Heart Surgery AND lying about her weight (bad heart & FAT!)
We are talking about major Legislation TODAY Rog. You old coots love living in the past don’t you!
@39 Obama is still president, and McCain still isn’t. Suck on that, Klown.
Sounds like many HA Libtardos. Walking Dead Men!
X’ad, regarding pedophiliacs; calling your opponents that tidbit was first delivered here by byebyegop affectionately known as bybygoober. Search HA under rightequalstupid and leftturn. You’ll see a leftist libtardo performing at his best.
@49 “Obama is proving his critics right…he is soft on terrorism.”
Yeah, I kinda feel that way, too. I was hoping he’d have cleaned out the whole Republican nest by now.
Senator Lincoln (D-Ark) is scalded by her party’s push for health care reform. Only 30% of Arkansas voters favor the health care reform plan proposed by Obama and congressional Democrats, while 67% oppose it. Nationally, 41% support the proposed health care legislation.
Good luck explaining all that Senator Lincoln.
She is also on the Senate Finance Committee and must explain her role & vote on the Massive Deficit Spending Porkulous Package.
Obviously Lincoln is pro- Big Government and Massive Deficit Spending. This does not sit well in Arkansas.
@53 I don’t know anything about that case, Cynical. It’s irrelevant, because it doesn’t change the fact that insurance companies do deny legitimate claims — lots of them. But you go right ahead and keep on trusting the “free market” to deliver untainted peanut butter, safe medicines, and the health coverage you paid for …
55. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Thanks for giving X’ad the History Lesson.
Seems a bit edgy doesn’t he…
I think I’ve struck a nerve with X’ad.
I hope he isn’t as creepy as he sounds…but it’s becoming more & more likely that he is.
Look out Phillipino Kids. If X’ad offers you candy but you have to reach in his pocket to get it……….RUN!!!
Great idea. Puddy forgot about using the install disk. Sledge Hammer up side the head. Anyway gonna install larger root partition disk, so DB being used on other server.
X’ad, thanks for the scrambled recovery suggestion. Puddy likes Chris’ suggestion too.
Thank you two for the suggestions. Guess ol Puddy gonna have to be nicer to you two for a while.
Okay time’s up. :)
Well calling me that means that Clynical has to rely on Libs to come up with insults???
But my point on sepulchres is that if you’re gonna come here and shout about your Christianity you ought at LEAST to know the ELEMENTARY things about the sayings of Jesus.
Or do you disagree with that?
And do you agree with Cynical calling me an atheist, too? You figure he knows about my religious beliefs as well as my sexual predilictions?
Or is it possible to have creepy idiot conservatives?
Perish the thought!
YOU, Puddy, may be idiotic at times, but you are seem to be motivated by concern. Cynical is just a nasty, evil asshole, and demonstrates it continuously and without the slightest redeeming concern for other people. He is beneath contempt.
At least beneath mine.
58. Roger Rabbit spews:
Allow me to refresh your memory on Obama’s LIE about woman getting her Health Insurance cancelled;;;
Rog is now telling us it’s ok for Obama to lie!
The ends justifies ANY means.
Obama & Biden have become Chronically Ill Liars. Once you lose America’s TRUST, it’s a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG road to hoe.
@53 (continued) Of course, your whole screed rests on the assumption that whatever Fox says is accurate, which is laughable in and of itself. But let’s take the facts as reported by Fox as true for purposes of this discussion. Even then, Robin Beaton’s story as reported by Fox supports, not refutes, the President’s argument.
According to Fox, “Beaton did not lose her insurance because she failed to own up to a skin problem in her past. She lost it because, when enrolling in the plan, she had not reported a previous heart condition and did not list her weight accurately.”
And that proves President Obama’s point. Her heart condition doesn’t have a goddamned thing to do with her breast cancer. Neither does her weight. What happened in Beaton’s case is that when she submitted a claim for cancer treatment, which is expensive, the insurance company went back and scrutinized her records looking for an excuse to deny the claim until it found one.
Until she submitted the claim, the insurance company had no reticence about pocketing her premium money. They promised her coverage. Now, as a lawyer, I can tell you right off the bat she’s got a legal case against the insurance company on grounds of fraud and equitable estoppel.
If she had defrauded the insurance company by concealing a heart condition and then putting in a claim for heart surgery, it would be a different case legally, but that’s not what happened. The insurance company defrauded her, not the other way around.
THAT is the President’s point: Private insurance companies are both dishonest and unreliable. Instead of paying for the medical treatment she paid premiums for, they manufactured an excuse to deny it. An excuse which has nothing to do with the medical condition the claim relates to. And, more importantly from Beaton’s point of view, the coverage she paid for and thought she had wasn’t there when she needed it.
Frankly, if an insurance company told me that if I developed a life-threatening medical condition requiring expensive treatment, they would go through my entire insurance and medical history looking for an undotted “i” or incorrectly-crossed “t” they could use to deny coverage, I would run not walk away from that insurer.
The problem here, Cynical Idiot, is they led her to believe they would cover her medical needs, then welshed when crunch time came. By leading her down the primrose path in the fashion they did, they deprived her of the opportunity to obtain other insurance. There is a high likelihood that a court of equity will say they made representations she relied on, causing her to change position to her detriment, therefore those representations are binding.
But the President’s point is — nobody should have to go through this shit. No one should have to hire a lawyer to sue their own insurance company because they welshed on their coverage promises. No one with a life-threatening medical condition should put on the curb to die because they made some mistakes in filling out their insurance application form. One of the points the President has been making is that NO ONE SHOULD BE DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF PRE-EXISTING HEALTH CONDITIONS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
The big point the President is making is that if insurers can do this to people like Robin Beaton, they can do it to you and me, too. That nobody’s health coverage is reliable. That no one, not even the insured, are safe from financially ruinous medical costs. That private insurance is undependable, especially when you need it most. And I agree with the Prsident: The private market has failed. This isn’t good enough. It needs to change.
Thanks for helping make the President’s case, Klown.
X’ad spews:
Hey Puddy, methinks X’ad is trying to pit us against each other. Kind of a last desperate attempt to deflect the attention off of him.
X’ad, your freshmonic approach has been tried numerous times….both ways. Appealing to ME to condemn Puddy or vice-versa.
While Puddy and I may not always agree on every nuance…in the big picture we are dang close.
I haven’t seen you condemn Roger Rabbit, steve, YLB and RuJax for months of Goat Fornication references and clear, vile racism towards Puddy because he has Conservative beliefs.
If you are asking for civility, demand it of your own ilk first.
I’ve made peace with SJ and many others over the years. Some no longer post on HA because it is such a cesspool.
Frankly, you LEFTIST’s have done more to turn this into a vile, vulgar cesspool than Puddy or I could ever dream of.
It’s kind of laughable that the angry left have essentially ruined the comment section of their own Blog!!
I may poke fun at Goldy, Darryl and Lee…and strongly disagree OFTEN with their opinions and fact set….but at least they are clear about their motives and positions and make a reasonable effort to justify their position.
So does SJ…except when he lets the Conservative-hate bug occassionally cloud his better judgment.
But the folks who have ruined this Blof Comment Section are your pals on the LEFT…including YOU X’ad. Look at your own comments. You choose to attack Puddy & I for our opinions frequently…with little substance to back your claim. Just attack.
Puddy and I Both post plenty of links to articles and facts to support our opinions.
In fact, Puddy is the best on this Blog by far.
You may disagree with is conclusion…but rather than do so with facts or articles of your own YOU ATTACK!
You KLOWNS punch and bite Conservatives…then whine when you get smacked back.
If you want peace and a more civil discussion with me…just ask and commit to doing so yourself. We can agree to disagree and have opposing opinions with personal attacks, can’t we?
As Puddy pointed out, it was the Lunatic Left that started and perpetuates the vulgarity.
Look for yourself.
So what will it be X’ad…truce??
Roger Rabbit condones and encourages LYING on applications.
Where does it stop Rog??
LYING on material items cancels the policy.
Weight and heart SURGERY are relevant.
You bet.
Better questions:
1) Why did she lie?
2) Why did Obama knowingly use a LIAR as an example to push his Government Run Health Care Agenda?
@61 “But my point on sepulchres is that if you’re gonna come here and shout about your Christianity you ought at LEAST to know the ELEMENTARY things about the sayings of Jesus.”
Jesus? They’re not interested. The wingnuts threw Jesus under the bus long ago. The teachings of Jesus are nothing more than yesterday’s roadkill to them now.
@62 Where the fuck to begin in refuting your idiocy?
In the first place, you haven’t proved that anything Obama said about Beaton’s case is inaccurate. Fox News isn’t authority for anything. They’re nothing but a shill for the insurance company’s propaganda department. You need a better source than that, if you want to dispute the facts of her case here.
Secondly, even if what Fox says is true, that doesn’t mean Obama “lied.” There’s a difference between “inaccuracy” and “lie,” idiot. To have “lied” about Beaton’s case, the President had to have known that what he said about it was false. Even Fox doesn’t make that claim, or even hint at it.
Third, even if Obama knowingly used a false story in his speech, it doesn’t disprove his point. It’s a fact that insurance companies deny legitimate claims. It’s a fact that insurance practices are abusive. It’s a fact that insureds aren’t getting what they paid for and are being ripped off by the profit-driven private insurance sector. And this situation is intolerable. This has to change. That’s the President’s point, and the Beaton case doesn’t refute it, it reinforces it.
Your commentary on Beaton’s case sheds illumination on your M.O., Cynical. You’re playing “small ball” with irrelevant mistakes that Beaton allegedly made on her insurance application while ignoring the big problems in our health care system. You could be a poster boy for the intellectual dishonesty of the right. You’re talking about Beaton’s alleged heart condition and alleged weight because you don’t have an argument that holds water on the big issues. Do you really think you’re fooling anyone? No one but yourself.
Rog spews:
Obama has made dozens of “misstatements” as President.
Around here when a guy “misstates” material facts and examples, we call him a BULLSHITTER the first handful of times.
When he hits double-figures like Obama has vastly exceeded, we call him a F***ING LIAR!
Obama is heretofore an F***ING LIAR!
Live with it Rog.
You will be hearing it for 3 more years.
Perhaps you ought to e-mail Obama and Biden and suggest vetting and fact-checking before gasbagging?? Raise the bar. Set an example.
Oh yeah, the truth is inconvenient!
@62 (continued) And, of course, Cynical’s utter hypocrisy is absolutely stunning. He has nothing to say about the lie that Bush told about Nigerian uranium to take our country into an unnecessary war against a country that had neither attacked nor threatened us. But he is against his fellow Americans getting the health care they paid insurance premiums for when their lives depend on insurance companies keeping their promises to their policyholders.
Is nothing too low for people like Cynical? Is no outrage beneath them? Have they no scruples at all? Cynical spends every day of posting here on HA proving what a total, complete, piece of shit he is.
Have you no shame, sir? Have you no shame at all?
The KLOWN spews: “I haven’t seen you condemn Roger Rabbit, steve, YLB and RuJax for months of Goat Fornication references and clear, vile racism towards Puddy because he has Conservative beliefs.”
Got anymore racist jokes to share, KLOWN? That last one’s getting a little stale with the retelling.
Hey, have you heard this one yet? What’s the one thing that bugs Mr. Klynical about his fucking the goat? heh- Having to Klean the soiled KLOWN Kostume afterwards.
Another laugh at Mr. Klynical’s expense.
@68 “Obama has made dozens of “misstatements” as President.”
Prove it.
@65 Prove it. Have you seen her application? No, you’re uncritically taking a self-serving insurance company’s word for it. You’re a gullible fool.
Here’s just one example of Obama’s chronic misstatements from just one speech!
@70 If Cynical wants to take issue with references to fucking goats, then he should prove he doesn’t fuck goats.
72. Roger Rabbit spews:
Read the article…SHE ADMITTED LYING.
It was Obama who morphed a lie about Weight and a Heart Condition into she was denied because of ACNE.
Obama did this…outta his butt, like most of his endless speech material
@73 Gimme a fucking break. Neal Boortz? Ha ha ha ha! You claim Obama lied. I said prove it. You link to a rightwing propagandist. You’re an idiot who doesn’t know the difference between assertion and proof. You’re wasting everyone’s time.
@75 “Read the article…SHE ADMITTED LYING.”
I did read the article, and it says no such thing.
@75 You’re still playing small ball, Cynical. Even if her application contained inaccuracies about a past heart flutter, acne, or weight,* those conditions HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH breast cancer. The insurance company was simply LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE to refuse to pay for the double mastectomy because it’s an expensive procedure.
Beyond that, the main point is that people should get the health care they need, simply because the need it. The system of private insurance that we’ve developed to pay for health care isn’t working. I understand about insurance principles and all that. The insurance industry is based on selectively insuring risks. A health care payment system that says we’ll pay for high blood pressure pills but we won’t pay for cancer treatment doesn’t serve the needs of our people, and therefore should be replaced with something that does.
Every time you post on the subject of health care, Cynical, you help make the case for health care reform. You have no arguments on the big issues, so you play small ball. You can’t play in the major leagues because you only have sandlot talent. You’re so bad it’s not even entertaining to watch you attempt to play.
Klynical can’t prove anything – he doesn’t know how.
He doesn’t know the meaning of the word truth – he is a just a propaganda-spouting ignoramus.
Klynical has two sources:
Rasmussen – the republican pollster that asks biased questions and gets biased answers (I already posted over 10 examples of their bias, but Klynical cannot actually read).
Fauxnews: Klynical thinks faux news is fair and balanced (it is actually biased and unbalanced – as everyone knows)
The closest the Fox article comes to saying Beaton “admitted lying” is that she acknowledges understating her weight by 5 lbs.
She couldn’t lie about 5 lbs. of weight if she tried. Weight isn’t static or fixed in people of her age. Hell, my weight fluctuates by that much in one day. Hell, most bathroom scales are off by at least that much. I can’t put my accurate weight on an insurance form because I don’t know what my exact weight is and also because it’s constantly changing.
This is the petty shit that Cynical uses for argument to oppose changing a health care system that’s clearly broken and clearly isn’t serving the needs of the American people. Over half of all personal bankruptcies in the U.S. are due to medical bills. Many of the people filing those bankruptices had health insurance. The system we have isn’t serving us, and this is the kind of horseshit that Cynical comes up with as an excuse for not fixing the problem.
You more than deserve all the abuse we heap on you, Cynical. Why do you hate Americans?
Here is one Democrat Congressman who will lose in 2010!
Why is Pelosi so slow to enforce the “rules” and her own call for “civility”?
ANSWER: The Joe Wison tirade was partisan politics after all!
Give these Dem KLOWNS a mike and they beat themselves to loserville with it!
Have fun playin’ with yourself.
Boortz article cites plenty of specific misstatements with Obama assertions vs. the truth.
All you can do is try to marginalize and demonize the messenger (Alinsky tactics) without addressing any of the substantive assertions in the Boortz article.
Bad Try Rog==No sale
Your angry gasbagging shows folks you have lost the argument.
Neil Boortz? That old right wing liar?
Poor Mr. Klynical – liar-driven in retirement.
Deep in the throes of Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Hey Rog–
Here is a handy Blog that summarizes Obama’s BS quite nicely..
Please address the facts sir.
Oh, you can’t??
Waiting for the factless launch to deflect attention from our Liar-In-Chief~!
Roger just showed how that Faux News “story” about that woman was sheer propaganda.
The other day I showed how Faux News lied about drug use in The Netherlands.
You choose LIES Klynical. Why should anyone pay any attention to you?
“angry gasbag”? That’s PROJECTION.
@84 A wingnut pontificating about “Obama lies” is like Gary Ridgway preaching the Sixth Commandment.
“Hey Rog–
Here is a handy Blog that summarizes Obama’s BS quite nicely..”
Hey, Klynical-
Here is a handy blog that summarizes Republican moral depravity quite nicely..
@85 “That’s PROJECTION.”
It’s a Psych 101 thing. The unintelligent and uneducated KLOWN will never get it, I’m sure.
Once again Rog and his ever faithful lapdogs steve & YLB fail to address one single assertion…answering only with irrelevant attacks.
You lose the argument.
Every schoolboy knows that Robert Mapplethorpe used to stick bullwhips up his butt and get grants from the NEA. Some may have forgotten that Mapplethorpe, when he needed a break from cashing his checks, used to hang with Patti Smith.
Smith performed a catchy little 10-minute tune called Land, something about getting wapped on coke and pulling out her boyfriend’s pituitary gland. Land goes on and on with a thump-THUMP thump-THUMP backbeat that slowly ramps down into cardiac arrest.
Susan from Glendale, on Limbaugh’s third hour, is like ripped Patti Smith with bloody hands or like Beverly from Burien on ‘ludes. Maybe like an early 60’s Bircher mom afraid that commie fluoride is sucking out her baby’s precious bodily fluids.
Susan from Glendale’s 10 minutes of fame will be posted at Limbaugh’s free section this afternoon, but don’t tell Goldy. Don’t want to give Goldy and the left any more goofy ideas about the right’s goofy ideas.
Roger almost never screws it up. Almost never a misspelled word. The little bugger can smell, I mean spell, like a son of a bitch. That’s why we keep him around.
So there’s Spellcheck Rabbit talking about Republicans talking about Obama’s lies.
National Review restores civility to the discussion. Those weren’t lies at the joint session (although a few of Lee’s joints might have helped); those were misleads.
Note particularly the morphing millions. First it was 46-47 million Americans and “Americans” who are victims of health care crisis. Then Obama mysteriously saved 16-17 million Americans from American-style killa health-care capitalism without having an Obama plan and without passing any plan at all.
Tell ya. The man’s a miracle worker. Last year he revived swooming virgins by ministering unto them with bottled tapwater. This year he solves one-third of our crisis du jour by running nothing more complicated than his mouth.
Why thank you X’ad… Puddy takes that as a “compliment”. One thing I do have a major concern is for my people. Why are we always picking and killing each other? No, Puddy isn’t advocating kill whitey. It’s more pathological to what whitey is doing to us with these “libtardo” give programs such as welfare etc. Give someone something free and they’ll never respect themselves to improve themselves. Puddy was hoping ROTCODDAM would join Puddy in and voice an opinion, butt, alas, she’s so caught up in libtardo thought it flies right over her head.
Now about the idiotic “thing”. Puddy always provides my links. Just ask ylb arschloch. He’ll show you links from yesteryear which Puddy can recall pretty quick. Puddy generally recalls what you HA Libtardos say on subject from years gone by. So if you think my positions are “idiotic” well X’ad look in de mirra. Some things coming from your fingers are pretty laughable. Well not to the level of correctnotright and his stupidity here which Puddy smacked away here.
BTW X’ad,
I have chastised Cynical on some of the things my friend has said but we generally do agree on many things. And yes I was waiting for Cynical to comment on your extraction from Matthew 23. Puddy generally uses it to describe libtardos.
There’s Arseloch going on again about chimps while Governor Chimpface (There IS NO Deficit!) gears up a tax increase to put down the invisible deficit. The gov recently said that tax increases weren’t on her table, but that’s before SEIU, the real rulers of this state, gave her a brainwash and a light rinse and a way better table.
Ya know Puddy, one of the things that blew me away about the Philippines when I was there for my first 5 weeks recently was the total lack of racial prejudice. Everybody is so relaxed about everybody over there that it’s, well, foreign.
Nobody looks at another ethnic group with disdain, nobody is self-conscious about being a different race (well, except THIS Kano was a little nervous at first, being a bit whiter and 9 feet taller than the surroundings).
It’s wonderfully refreshing.
I sympathize about the problem of self-destructive behavior and wish somebody had an answer.
I don’t have to provide citation, Pud. I am ALWAYS right. You just do not appreciate my perfection.
Steve the Perv’n’Pedo Czar will surely add Obama’s Safe School Czar to his list.
Like Sister Immaculata Obama, X-Man has a gift.
If you ever manage to acquire an identity, let the rest of us know so we can scroll faster.
Sorry, Puddy, but my list of pedos and pervs only contains the names of family values Republicans – despicable hypocrites and degenerates all! And there’s so damned many of them!! That’s some big tent you guys have these days. It’s no longer big enough for a guy named Buckley and yet it’s somehow big enough to contain the Larry Craig’s, David Vitters and Timothy McVeigh’s who spring from this nation’s gutters. Go figure.
100. Steve spews:
Gee Steve, aren’t we all sinners and fall short of the Glory of God?
The only way God can even stand to look at us, any of us, is thru his Son who he sent to die on the Cross.
Do you believe that steve??
You mean X’ad is still here? Didn’t he tell us mere moments ago that he couldn’t and wouldn’t soil himself further by sharing bandwidth with Cynical and Marvin?
Canada’s one hour away, X-Man. Go. Go now. Leave Max Baucus here, because — unlike you — he’s trainable, teachable, and housebroken.
I’m glad you’re back.
Usually I spend 20 minutes max. posting here…with occassional comebacks for a few minutes.
Today I made the mistake of excessive HA posting and worse yet, I actually read some of the posts of the Libtards. Man, they are sicker than I thought!
It’s better to post and leave…letting them sort things out.
But today was different. It was pretty much 80+ degrees every day in September. Then last night, it started raining, got cold and snowed this AM. Our road is a quagmire so I’m stuck here today. The snow is melted but the mountains surrounding us are glorious snow-covered. Magnificent! Amazing how these Atheist KLOWNS actually believe this is all a result of randomness. A mere coincidence. No Creator…just a coincidence.
Anyway, I’m feeling kind of over-Libtarded if you know what I mean. Thanks for takin’ over the reins and keeping these fools from falling off the LEFT side of the Earth.
BTW, you KLOWNS are still here which is proof-positive that Puddy & I have been successful in our mission.
You don’t know how lucky you are.
Psssssssssst…FYI, rumor has it that falling off the LEFT side of the Earth is Hell.
Keep that in mind,
“Do you believe that steve??”
What I believe? I believe that you’re a babbling idiot, that Narcissistic Personality Disorder has you by the balls, and that you fuck goats for kicks.
So Steve,
Puddy guesses you missed this commentary on “the messiah’s” Safe School Czar… Also some more here…
Golly Puddy just destroying the correctnotright claim of only one link per entry… Maybe he’s a moron? Maybe he’s stupid? Maybe an idiot? Ahhh a moronic stupid idiot who gives us great belly laughs.
Puddy rebuilding the server so Puddy can come back and forth.
Here she is. She gave normal listeners the creeps, but she turned Rush on, maybe because he couldn’t hear what she was saying. Or maybe it’s because he heard her say Limbaugh-Palin: 2010.
Of course there’s a logistics problem with that, something about displacing a sitting president, but there’s talk from the far left about deposing Obama (that’s what Ted Rall wants) or a military coup, which Gore Vidal is pumped up about. So anything is possible.
Wouldn’t you like that, MArvin/Sockpuppet?
@105 If that one guy bothers you, then you must be really disturbed by what you see happening on your side of the fence. Here, in case you lost the link:
Apologies to our Talmudic brothers for referring to a health care crisis. According to Democrat Rep. Grayson, it’s a health care holocaust. Again, forgive me for not smelling the Xyklon-B (sp?) at Harborview.
Marvin/Sockpuppet? I and I and I and I and I resemble that remark.
C’mon, X-Man, let’s get it on! Don’t run away to your BC bud, not yet. We hardly know each other … have so many more split personalities who want to meet you.
Thanks but I’m done with psychotic committees.
But you’re clearly not done with psychosis. We have so much in common. (And any committee with you on it would be a psychotic committee by definition.)
Now you acting like the dumb brick ylb arschloch.
And we hope you weren’t doing anything naughty in the Philippines that have put you on Steve’s list …
Has anyone noticed that over the last nine months Timothy McVeigh’s extremist right-wing beliefs have become today’s mainstream wingnut talking points?
Really Steve? Is that the latest kook-aid talking point from the kook-aid sites?
Have you noticed the NY Times is lit in Chinese Communist colors tonight?
Even with me being gone a few days you still can’t stop thinking about me sweetheart.
How touching.
You’re not one of those psycho women that become stalkers are you?
@119 No, but I noticed that the Empire State Building will be lit in red and yellow. So perhaps you are mistaken. Again. As always.
It IS an outrage that a symbol of New York should be lit to honor the chinese communists.
1st, George HW Bush gave them Most Favored Nation status (which I presume is just peachy-keen fine with all the wingers here who rant about patriotism and anti-communism until there is a chance to make money by coddling the commies)
2nd, GW Bush sells the US to the Communists to fund his war to avenge his daddy’s stupidity a la Sadam
3rd GW has Paulson bail out the banks to assure that we will be entirely owned by the Chinks
4th the Republican Whining Party blames the wholes damn thing on the Democrats.
I presume that the Repubs in NY gave their blessing to this dumbass move, but if it WAS the dem gov, he needs to be slapped silly.
Some of Hollywood’s biggest LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS lead by Debra Winger, Harrison Form and Whoopi Goldberg are hard at freeing Roman Polanski.
Can you imagine if Polanski were a Conservative?? I guess getting a 13 year-old loaded and raping her is just Bad Behavior, huh?
Republican’s are nothing more than Satan Cock Suckers.
I see that the latest Fox News poll shows our president’s approval rising to 54%. Looks like the loons of August didn’t have much affect. Oh well, you wingnuts can always resort to a coup or something. Who knows? Maybe Klynical will still get a chance to shoot some brown people.
Steve, Puddy meant to say the Empire State Building.
Wow Gman that was really “potent”.