Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter meets. And for Thursday, the Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet.
With 230 chapters of Living Liberally, including fourteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
There’s a “purge” going on:
The Republicans are taking a few laxatives..
Good to see but the “nuts” tend to stay lodged in the old right wing colon.
Oh wingnuts, what will you do?
That GD Kenyan Mooselum Socialist (and now TWO TIME!) Usurper hangs the carrot of tax cuts for the wealthy out there for you.
See, all you got to do is come forward with those pesky loopholes you are willing to close and you get your Christmas wish.
We won’t hold our breath, but Liberals love watching our President eat your lunch.
Speaking of wingnuts, where are our trolls?
Where’s Uncle Puddles? Where’s Kap’n Kornflake?
Don’t they know about the BENGHAZI! Scandal?
Idiots. LOL
Oh noes! The Teabaggers have lost their Dick Army! Hold on to your tri-corner hat!
Republican’s in disarray being the key bit. I’m having fun watching the crazy’s on the right do their circular firing squad routine.
@5 The Democratic leadership learned from the campaign and the election that Republicans are not only ignorant slur slingers, but dumb as rocks. And as long as the polls show acceleration of support for the Democrats they’re going to play their policy and their political hand to the hilt.
The panic and disarray is just beginning.
@5 Michael,
For a good laugh at disarray check out BooMan
Read the whole thing. It’s a good belly laugh.
Thanks, I’ll check that out.
It looks like the “spammers” from HA have shut down all of the threads at (un)SP. It’d be easier to just ban everybody that doesn’t agree with them.
@9 Steve,
The (un)SP wing nuts are hiding in their holes.
Fudge Packer Liar! has been MIA for a month since he helped run John the rape thing Koster’s “horrible” campaign in to the ground.
This bankster got caught.
Reminds me of ine my late father’s favorites:“stirstink”
Roger Ailes wasn’t too impressed with Karl Rove and Dick Morris’ antics on election night and the day afterwards. Both are now booted off of Fox News, and producers need special permission before booking them as guests.
I guess they weren’t subtle enough for Fox News. They made it clear that they thought this election was bought and paid for, and were flumoxed when Romney was defeated.
Did pudgey actually have an official role with the Koster campaign?
I just looked – of the three posts on their front page (3!), the first and third, both by Jim “the Censor” Miller, are closed. The second is open, but there is that weird spam they draw (real spam) showing up, and the last real post was a doozy by Rags with about a million links, some about how the NRA defends African Americans against racist Southern Democrats.
It’s really quite pathetic.