Please join us tonight for a pint and a post-election gloating and celebration at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters meet. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets, For Thursday, the Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet. And next Monday, the Yakima and Olympia chapters meet.
With 233 chapters of Living Liberally, including fourteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
There was a thread yesterday about Gregoire’s plans and a possible spot at Interior.
If that’s going to happen, perhaps it’s best that it happen soon:
Salazar channeling Pete Stark?
In case you haven’t seen it yet, this is pretty funny. A news editor at the ABC Denver station grabbed a pic of the Patreaus book cover from the internet for their broadcast. The editor should have looked at it a little closer. Oops!
@ 2
Adding to what is becoming ever more bizarre, Broadwell’s driver’s license was found in the same Washington D.C. park in which Chandra Levy was murdered:
Can’t make this shit up.
Fuck the drinking liberally circle jerk get together…I’m heading to the Rush concert tonight…..HA!
@3 D.C., it seems, is a small place where there are only so many people to meet, and only so many places to lose a driver’s license in.
@4 The hell with drinking; light up!
Any “bitter clingers” to right wing bullshit should understand ONE THING from last Nov 6.
The “community organizer” ran on RAISING TAXES on THE RICH in this country
How’d all that right wing bullshit work out for y’all???
Wow you bitter clingers to right wing bullshit, sufferers from ODS…
The “community organizer” still has a job in the fancy office in the White House..
He’ll have that same job come next Jan 20 or so..
The “community organizer” will have that SAME JOB for FOUR WHOLE YEARS AFTER THAT..
Damn! How’d all that right wing bullshit work out for all you bitter clingers????
DUMP TRUMP! Tired of the sore loser UnAmerican rants of Donald Trump? Me too
I just signed the petition (along with 400,000 others) urging Macys to dump Donald Trump because of his socially
irresponsible UnAmerican rants.
Please sign the petition to urge Macys to dump Trump. – Urge Macy’s To Dump Donald Trump
Salazar’s been a disappointment. Maybe this will help him find his way to the exit. Eric, I can’t enforce finical law, Holder’s been a bigger disappointment, but if he threatened to punch someone everyone would probably just burst out laughing.
Heh.. We’re hearing a lot from the bitter clingers to right wing bullshit that the “community organizer” WON (barely) by mobilizing “those people”..
That “urban turnout” thing.
We’re also hearing that the “community organizer” painted Willard Romney as a “poopy head”..
Can’t make this shit up..
@11 It turned out there are more “others” than people just like them. It sucks to be outnumbered — just ask George Custer.
“Half”, what the bitter clingers to right wing bullshit would call “those people” put the blame squarely where it lies:
A Seattle federal judge has certified a class-action lawsuit against Papa John’s pizza chain for violating the 1991 Telephone Consumer Protection Act by spamming customers’ cellphones with text ads. Plaintiffs’ attorneys are seeking $250 million in damages.
Ron Paul has the solution for gas price-gouging in storm-ravaged areas: Let ’em do it!
“Had gas stations been allowed to raise their prices to reflect the increased demand for gasoline, only those most in need of gasoline would have purchased gas, while everyone would have economized on their existing supply.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s how Ron Paul’s “market based solution” would work in practice: The richest would get all the gas they want for their cars and generators, and everybody else would shiver in the dark. It follows, of course, that your sole ambition and goal in life should be to pile up as much money for yourself as possible, because you never know when a storm might hit your neighborhood. As for me, there’s something about this guy’s values that rubs my fur the wrong way.
Let ‘Em Eat Quiche Dept.
Here’s a nauseating propaganda piece from The Fiscal Times, reproduced by the “liberal-biased” CNBC media outlet.
FYI, The Fiscal Times is billionaire investment banker Peter Peterson’s baby, who advocates eliminating deficits by getting rid of entitlements.
Here’s what FT says about people making over $250,000 a year who would pay higher taxes under President Obama’s deficit plan:
“Discretionary consumer spending is the engine that drives the U.S. economy. And high-income earners drive it more than middle- and low-income earners. Gallup’s daily tracking of consumer spending showed a dip last month among upper-income consumers — an average of $116 per day, down from $126 in September. If that dip continues into the holiday buying season, the economy could suffer a setback.”
But wait! There’s more:
“Two years ago, The Fiscal Times asked … a national tax accounting firm, to compute the total state, local and federal tax burden of a hypothetical two-career couple with two kids, earning $250,000. … The analysis assumes that this hypothetical couple — let’s call them Mr. and Mrs. Jones — are each on company payrolls, with professional positions. … They have no credit card debt, but … racked up … student loan debt … and … also have a car loan … and a mortgage for … a typical home in their communities for a family of four, which includes one toddler and one school-age child. … For folks like the Joneses who live in high-tax, high-cost areas, who save for retirement and college, pay for child care to enable two incomes, and pay higher prices for housing in top school districts, $250,000 does not a rich family make.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, if only we all could live in top school districts, afford child care, and save for retirement and college. But since we can’t the people making under $250k should pay higher taxes so the people making over $250k can afford all that stuff. Lessee, how does that troll refrain go, “gimmee stuff! gimmee stuff! gimmee stuff!”
With Congress poised to review the tax code, let’s look at how much various tax breaks are worth:
Employer-paid health insurance: $180 billion
Mortgage interest deduction: $101 billion
Lower capital gains rate: $77 billion
Retirement savings deferral: $62 billion
Charity deduction: $49 billion
Deduction for state and local taxes: $46 billion
Exemption of municipal bond interest income: $36 billion
Exemption of capital gains on sale of home: $23 billion
Property tax deduction: $22 billion
(Source: NBC News)
The Petraeus affair keeps getting messier and messier. Now we learn that Generals Petraeus and Allen intervened in a messy child custody battle involving Jill Kelly’s sister, whom the judge characterized as having “a severe deficit in honesty and integrity.”
Yes, indeed.
The juvenile yawping of our resident troll, and the more generalized and (even crazier) screechings over at (un)SP about the ‘takers’ and the ‘makers’ and ‘free stuff’ all underscore the same point – the very wealthy and their enablers and acolytes have gotten that way by ruthlessly exploiting ‘free stuff’ – inefficiencies and irrationalities in our market system.
These are the people relentlessly focused on getting “MORE!!” and are willing to do what it takes, morality or society or the environment be damned.
There is a strain of sociopathy in our culture, perhaps common to humanity in general, in which traits of malleable honesty, greed, aggression and the willingness/ability to manipulate and exploit combine to produce a Romney or a Koch or a Pete Peterson, or more commonly, the nasty coworker or mid-level boss, seeing their compatriots and coworkers as mere rungs on the ladder to step on on their way up.
There was a wonderful ‘American Masters’ episode on PBS last night, about Woodie Guthrie, in which his friend Pete Seeger said (paraphrasing), “When money tells you what to do, it gets in the way of the truth telling you what to do.”
in the spirit of GimmeGimmeGimme
Speaker Boehner introduces jobs bill