Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 337 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
Hey Stupes,
[Deleted — see HA Comment Policy]
Gman swallows…
In another thread one our Trolls challenged me on the topic of porn.
I am not all that into real porn, maybe being a pathologist has devalued my sense of excitement over watching nekkid folks imitate dogs?
To be fair, I thought I would post my favorite porn and see if the Trolls like it enough to share what they like to read (assuming Goldy’s tolerance goes THAT far)
(cross posted at SJ with loots of Beck porn)
(expurgated for the too delicate eyes of HA young trolls and kitty cats
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth— for his love is more delightful than wine.
Dark am I, yet lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem,….I liken you, my darling, to a mare harnessed to one of the chariots of Pharaoh.
My lover is to me a sachet of myrrh resting between my breasts.
…. our bed is verdant .. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste
Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. …..your two breasts are like … like twin fawns of a gazelle
Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; … milk and honey are under your tongue.
You are a garden locked up, my sister, my bride; … Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates….
Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad.Let my lover come into his garden
and taste its choice fruits.”
errr ahhh … tell me Mr. Cat, is this about Jesus or about sex?
Posted by SM Schwartz at 6:41 PM
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@3 Personally, I think it’s about sex. But maybe I have sex on my mind because I’ve been out of town providing emergency stud services in a red county that doesn’t have enough rabbits. I’m back now, but all fucked out, and need a couple days rest before I start studding again, so I won’t be at DL tonight.
Work was never worth very much in the good ol’ USA (see, e.g., slavery and other so-called “right-to-work” schemes), but its market value fell even farther GOP leadership:
“The incomes of the young and middle-aged … have fallen off a cliff since 2000, leaving many age groups poorer than they were even in the 1970s, a USA TODAY analysis of new Census data found.
“People 54 or younger are losing ground financially at an unprecedented rate in this recession, widening a gap between young and old that had been expanding for years.
The dividing line between those getting richer or poorer: the year 1955. … Every generation after that is now sinking economically.
“Household income for people in their peak earning years — between ages 45 and 54 — plunged $7,700 to $64,349 from 2000 through 2008, after adjusting for inflation. People in their 20s and 30s suffered similar drops. Older people enjoyed all the gains.”
(Quoted from USA Today under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve been saying for a long time now that American culture doesn’t value work and has no respect for workers. You get ahead in this country by owning stuff, not by working hard. You certainly won’t get ahead by working your ass off to put more profits in your boss’s bank account! So, I say, screw work! I don’t work, and nobody else should work, either. If you stop working, you’ll avoid all the hassles and costs of working, such as commuting through traffic jams to a job and killing yourself with job stress. Let your boss do his own fucking work! It’s time he had to earn the money he’s been taking from what his employees produce, anyway. Let him learn the true meaning of work — long hours, low pay, vanishing benefits, speedups and quotas, psychotic supervisors, an endless array of bullshit, and above all, low pay. Fuck him! He’s been fucking you all these years, so it’s time for him to fuck himself. I’ll never work again. I now live off other people’s work by owning stuff, just like Republicans do.
Here’s the link if you want to read the rest of it:
Charles Krauthammer: While our Troops are being shot at, Obama’s preparing for Letterman
March 27, 2009. Remember “the messiah” started a new policy in Afghanistan. This marks the conclusion of a careful policy review.
Something smells @1. Oh it was a gaseous excretion from an arschloch!
Are you still reading your Rules arschloch?
Glad to see that once again another opportunity to support UNION workers goes by, and the DL crowd chooses to ignore the working class. Hope you all have fun driving in your FOREIGN or NON-UNION made cars!!!
Why won’t DL hold a UNION only event? Only active or retired union members driving UNION MADE AMERICAN autos may attend at a UNION establishment???? Because the Liberals like to say they are for Unions, but aren’t willing to put their money where their mouths are!!!! That, and I doubt they could get 10 DL regulars to meet all those guidelines. Way to keep up the Hypocrisy!
The full comment was from “the messiah March 27, 2009”:
So we’ve been living under the Afghanistan policy of “the messiah” for the last few months.
IAFF Fireman, you need to speak to those Boeing union workers who drive all those foreign cars.
This is the politically correct world we now live in HA liberals. Guilty until you spend big bucks to prove otherwise. Isn’t it wonderful?
Maybe you need to contact Moammar Khadafy and get some of his “baaaad girls” to join you at Glenn Beck’s festivities…
Another whackamole job in “the messiah’s”administration talking down to Americans. Well we expect it now…
“When it comes to greenhouse-gas emissions, Energy Secretary Steven Chu sees Americans as unruly teenagers and the Administration as the parent that will have to teach them a few lessons.
Speaking on the sidelines of a smart grid conference in Washington, Dr. Chu said he didn’t think average folks had the know-how or will to to change their behavior enough to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.”
What a loon!
The story in a nutshell:
* Bertha Lewis is the CEO of ACORN.
* In a review of Lewis’s contacts list, which was leaked to RedState, Bertha Lewis has the office, cell phone, home number, and private personal email address of Patrick Gaspard.
* Patrick Gaspard holds Karl Rove’s position in the White House and was Obama’s Political Director during the campaign.
* In addition to Patrick, Bertha has Patrick’s brother Michael in her rolodex. She lists Michael as working at the Advance Group.
* The Advance Group is ACORN’s lobbying organization.
* In other words, besides having Obama’s political director’s contact info, the political director’s brother works for ACORN via its lobbying shop.
Butt, “the messiah” told George Steponallofus…
We’ll see how this plays out too.
CBS go bankrupt in a few years?
The President should give Stupes a call. Stupes’ll keep the faith about that 8.5 billion.
He’ll say – Hey Stupes what’s that I hear about 8.5 billion going to ACORN?
Then Stupes’ll go – I’ll show you the tape of the whore and the pimp you moonbat!
The Prez – Huh? Click…
Shit not even the HNMT bought that whackaloon bullshit.
Chicago Barry’s tenure is going down in flames.
What a lying sack of shit he is turning out to be. 3 1/2 more years of this crap?
Puddy to expand on your logic
* Abdullah and his cousin Abdullah are the KIngs of Saudia Arabia and Jordan.
* Abdullah is a special name for the descendants of slaves.
* Barack Obama is NOT the descendcent of slaves but claims to be “Afcrican American” Interesting.
* Bertha Lewis is the CEO of ACORN.
*Ms. Lewis IS the descendants of slaves.
* In a review of Lewis’s contacts list, which was leaked to RedState, Bertha Lewis has the office, cell phone, home number, and private personal email address of Patrick Gaspard.
* Patrick Gaspard holds Karl Rove’s position in the White House.
* Karl Rove had BOTH King Abdullahs in HIS rolodex. ASO DOES Mr. Gaspard.
* Bertha has Karl Rove’s current number in her rolodex. in her rolodex. She lists him as a consultant for the Apex Group, the same group planning a site to erect Muhamar Khaddafi’s tent in David Patterson’s back yard.
* The Apex group also provided tents for Acorn workers at the DNC!.
* Obama’s kids slet in a tent on thge WHITE House lawn lkast year, the first time any bkack person who was NOT a slave slept OUTSIDE the WHITE house.
*Arabs had slave auctions of young girls in TENTS!
*Obama has NEVER apologized for his WHITE ancestors owning slaves!
In other words, all these folks are living in one tent!
Puddy no comment on the porn in entry 4?
Sad, some say its is actually a story about the messiah! Of course such a story would be profane!
10 I think unions are great in theory only problem is they DESTROY every industry they are connected to. Blackmail, fraud, low productivity, etc. etc. Never saw a union guy build a house for himself using union contractors. EVER.
Cheapest cocksuckers on the planet.
Nope 7 1/2…
Romney? Huckabee? Heh.. Don’t make me laugh.
@8 While Osama bin Laden was plotting to attack the World Trade Center, Bush was cutting brush on his Texas hobby ranch.
Let’s see, how many people jumped out of the windows of burning buildings because the Commander Guy was goofing off on the job? Wasn’t it about 2,800 or something like that?
Hey trolls, does it bother you that a working stiff driving a 10-year-old car through commuter traffic pays more taxes than a CEO jetting off to the Hamptons?
Republican tax policies at work — benefitting the rich and screwing the working class! Why would anyone vote Republican?
@22 Unions destroy industries? Really? All by their little selves? And CEOs and banks and Wall Streeters have nothing to do with it?
[raucous rabbit laughter in background]
@22 (continued) Isn’t it just like a wingnut to blame predatory Republican economic policy on its worker victims.
Song of Solomon is a Biblical love story between the
* The King who wants her, Solomon
* Her real love, the shepherd boyfriend
* The black skinned Shulamite maiden
along with a cast of characters. Why do you call it porn SeattleJew?
goldy, goldy, goldy..
I asked you to move DL to a fun gaybar as symbolic support to fight the R-71 wingnuts.
You have failed us goldy. You know you are always welcome at Neighbours or Purrs Goldy. I’m sure most of your liberal HA’ers are flaming gay, or at least gay leaning.
We’ll push ’em over the top!
fun, fun, fun
Hey Pelletizer doesn’t it bother you that the U.N. Climate Summit Leaves Large Carbon Footprint? Hey ylb arschloch, it’s from CBS News so you can’t attach your favrit commentary to it.
Now we have “the messiah” interfering with “the cocaine philanderer”. Can’t get better than this in Democratic politics.
@30 The SofS is erotica.
BTW, who decided to put this in prime time in your bible? Jesus?
32 – zzzzZZZZZZzzzzzzzz…
Does it bother you that you’re such a fatuous idiot?
@34: SJ
It is very clear that most of the new testament was written at least 50-100 years after Jesus died…so the answer to your question is NO.
Correct not R
The Song is a lot older than Jesus.
In addition to the documents collected by the ROMANS as their bible, they also canonized a large collection of miscellany that Jews consider history or literature. Wierdly, the Church misreads the SOS as if it had something to do with the love of Jesus for his bride, that is their own, celibate selves?
This may daunt some, but when I was first in Rome, staring up at the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling … I had a very strange visions of celibate men in weird robes aroused by Michelangelo’s center folks quality images of women in diaphanous flimsies and homoerotic men.
Imagine this crew, add in a castrati choir and veiled servile nuns on the edges. Add the Song of Songs ……………………..
@19 I can’t express in words how good it makes me feel to watch maggots like you writhe in agony every day that PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is in the White House. May his tenure be a long a fruitful one; and may your demise be prolonged and painful! There’s justice in this world after all!!
@26 Give it up, Roger. ‘Wingers have a big blank spot in their memory going back eight years prior to 20 January of this year. The void has been filled with a vivid dream in which Bill Clinton is entirely responsible for 9/11. This mental firmware is soon to be patched (Nutbag Service Pack 2) to make Obama responsible instead, and also give him credit for Lockerbie, the Green River murders, the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. The enhanced Mental Firewall that accompanies this modification makes the host completely impervious to any input that isn’t accompanied by a rotating Fox News logo in the lower left corner of said host’s field of optical perception.
39 I thought Bush masterminded 9/11? Actually if you were to go back and do a little studying you would find that it really is Clinton and Gores fault. But, I know you wont cause you are a tard. HAHAHAHHAHAH
Doesn seem to bother you being a monomaniacal chronological arschloch!
Nuff SAID Sucka.