Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters meet. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets, and Thursday night Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets. And on Monday, the Yakima and Olympia chapters meet.
With 233 chapters of Living Liberally, including fourteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
I gotta give props to Willard. Such a strong statement AGAINST killer coal!
When he gets around to cutting that killer plant’s owner’s taxes, I’m sure they’ll just all retire and live the good life instead of killing more people.
Great article in the Chicago Tribune of all places about Obama’s pathetic performance and all the lame-ass excuses made by assholes like you lefty’s.
Everyone is piling on Obama..even his bought & paid for newspaper.
It just keeps getting funnier and funnier.
Maybe while tipping a couple of brewskis you leftist pinheads could discuss the Black Pastors starting their Anti-Obummer gay marriage campaign. As Puddy remembers from before many of you libtards scoffed at the original statements of black ministers and their God held ideals. Well if they manage to perform this task… IT WILL BE DEASTATING TO OBUMMER!
This will be the one to watch! Of course the slobbering lamestream heads up the Obummer ASS libtard media won’t cover this either!
The economy is rebounding..
Of course Alan Greenspan would say something like that. Just because he’s married to Andrea Mitchell or some such twaddle..
Poor news for Bob.. This theory would have to be about male undergarments.. Anything female is immediately disdained and discredited to a typical ha troll.
Been busy being a ‘job creator’ and stumping for the Soshuleest Kenyan Mooselem lately, but I’m glad to see the trolls are back thumping their chests. It’ll make their tears just a little more stinging and bitter on November 7th.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Hammer it home … liberally
How many times did PuddyIdiot bleat about “Goldman Sucks”???
cs ‘-t puddymoron -b “goldman sucks” -c’
│ count │
│ 25 │
1 row in set
Well it may shock many liberals and trolls alike in this forum but I agree.. Their various financial manipulations and other assorted shenanigans sucked.
And furthermore..
Hey Slick Let Detroit Go Bankrupt Willard lovers,
GM now hiring — 10,000 information technology workers
Hey Mr. Mike-
It was you idiots who kept telling us the election is over and Obama will crush Romney. Can you blame us for being happy at the recent turn of events?
Come on Mike, if it were the other way around, you’d be spinning cartwheels.
Romney phone and door-to-door campaign is dominating in swing states. McCain was too lazy to do this. Romney is leaving no stone unturned and is really unleashing his warchest in these swing states..much more effectively than the jive talk from Obama/Biden.
Glad to here you have befriended Taliban Barry. Obama really thinks he can talk Muslim Extremists into being kinder and gentler.
Good luck with that.
Are you wearing a hoodie Mike?
“Can you blame us for being happy at the recent turn of events?”
Of course not. I’m just concerned about the goat. I hope you haven’y hurt the poor, haless beast.
Win or lose, Klown, you’re still dumber than a fucking stump.
Seattle Hip-Hop artist Macklemore has gone from being the top Hip-Hop artist on i-Tunes to being the top selling artist on i-Tunes. And he’s done this without having a label or much, if any, air play.
I point this out because I see it as a marker as to how our economy and society works today and will work in the future. I doubt Obama or Romney, the Democrats or the Republicans understand this. But, a 29 year old rapper from Seattle gets it.
We need new people in high places.
@8 Jerry said:
“Romney phone and door-to-door campaign is dominating in swing states.”
Really? Where is that?
“Obama really thinks he can talk Muslim Extremists into being kinder and gentler.”
That’s funny asshole. Wanna know why? Because the phrase “kinder and gentler” is straight out of Bush’s mouth. Not the Bush who was on watch for the deadliest attack on American soil led by Bin Laden. The Bush who was in the administration that gave birth to Bin Laden in the first place.
Bin Laden is Dead
GM is alive
Project all you like. I love it!
Bitter and salty tears for you on November 7th.
Republicans, always trying to deny little old black ladies the right to vote.
You don’t deserve to live in this country, let alone rule, er, govern it. You freedom-hating freaks instead deserve a one-way ticket to Somalia where you Klowns can live out your Randroid fantasies.
The military under the Obama Admin has been pretty fucking effective at putting bullets in extremists heads.
You mean like he did with Osama?
And we landed a rover on Mars, which is pretty fucking cool.
I’m not actually I big fan of Obama’s, but I hate seeing lying shit-weasels like “Jerry” making stuff up and thinking they can get away with it.
Hey Jerry,
The Obama campaign released its September 2012 fund raising totals last week. A 2012 campaign monthly record of $181,000,000.
Funny. I don’t recall the Gekko/Galt campaign led by the world’s greatest business leader in all history being able to get that data together and get it out.
Why would that be?
@14 Michael, The Curiosity Mars Rover is really f*cking cool, and there are some really cool Boeing workers right here in Puget that have had a piece of that, but our current President does not deserve much credit for that.
Hey Jerry,
I know you think Gekko/Galt is dominating and all, but other than having his ass kicked in fund raising in September, how do you explain this?
I mean, Slick Willard wasn’t lying to the fine people in Pennsylvania last week when he said
“We’re going to win Pennsylvania.”
Bitter salty tears Jerry.
@3 bigotry lives. Way to preserve it. A bunch of out of touch Pastors.
@12 Steve, get the goats dick out of your mouth and suck on this.Top Five Obama Debate Lies
@19, Is that an example of Gekko/Galt fail? We hardly need more examples of fail from your side.
Hey look it’s another backwards fuck-wad for slavery and guess what party he belongs too.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department said Tuesday it never concluded that the consulate attack in Libya stemmed from protests over an American-made video ridiculing Islam, raising further questions about why the Obama administration used that explanation for more than a week after assailants killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
I wonder if Lib Sci still insists on waiting for the official report to learn whether there was a terrorist strike against the US by Al Queda on 9/11.
Just think, libbies. If Team Obama hadn’t tried to hide it, it would have faded into memory by now.
Instead, there are hearings about it this week, Ryan gets to hammer Biden with it, and it’s still live material for debate # 2.
Oh, and don’t miss this:
According to an email obtained Tuesday by the AP, the top State Department security official in Libya told a congressional investigator that he had argued unsuccessfully for more security in the weeks before Ambassador Chris Stevens, a State Department computer specialist and two former Navy SEALs were killed. But department officials instead wanted to “normalize operations and reduce security resources,” he wrote.
Eric Nordstrom, who was the regional security officer in Libya, also referenced a State Department document detailing 230 security incidents in Libya between June 2011 and July 2012 that demonstrated the danger there to Americans.
230 security incidents over a year, demonstrating danger to Americans.
Was Team Obama waiting for an even 250?
BREAKING: Suffolk Polling Gives Florida, Virginia and North Carolina to ROMNEY – Will stop polling in these states! (Video)
The president of Suffolk University Political Research Center tonight told Bill O’Reilly on The Factor that the company will not be taking any further polls in Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. David Paleologos, Suffolk University Political Research Center Director, told Bill these states are clearly going to Romney.
“In places like North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, we’ve already painted those red. We’re not polling any of those states again. We’re focusing on the remaining states.”
I’m looking for the gag line and not finding it. It’s not The Onion, it’s not April 1.
@17 Mike the Idiot Boy Scout Fondler–
You quote the Daily Caller??
Substantial resources you say??
Nice try.
Romney shifted 5 of 64 State Staffers to Ohio temporarily to help with early voting. Pennsylvania doesn’t have early voting.
You make it sound like Romney is conceding PA.
He’s obviously not.
Democrat leftists have to resort to lying and rumor-mongering because they can’t defend obama’s record.
Read & weep jackass
I thought you were gonna open up a business and show us how easy it is….
The mars lander program was started under bush jr..
Just sayin……
As was the GM bailout.
But, in both cases the deal was sealed when Obama was in office.
Black Pastors demonstrating their belief that God rules and gleeman has an issue?
Pwe nails it. Most atheists are libtards. It figgers!
The American Action Forum (AAF) report has new devastating numbers on OBUMMERCare. It seems this DUMMOCRAPT legislation has cost more than 18,000 jobs and sucked $27+ Billion jobs from the economy.
Waytogo Libtardos!
The crap that comes out of Jay CarneyBarker’s mouth these days
Some of the comments are priceless!
Oh my… ObamAA+ rhetoric, Obummer actions!
Yes, here’s what we can all look forward to if Owebamma is re-elected
CEO Threatens to Fire Employees If Obama Is Reelected and Raises Taxes
Darden tests limiting worker hours as health-care changes loom
Not to mention massive defense layoffs, which he has convieniently tried to stop the 60 day Warn notices from being delivered, becasue that would show the massive layoffs he is about to cram down America’s throat.. Trickle Down Poverty!
But I guess they can rehire all of those defense people to design a new Civilian control system for the civilian army of his deranged dream society!
Get this..the latest from the Obama Liar in Chief Regime. This one is mind-boggling. It ought to sink the Good Ship ObamaPop for good.
Can you even imagine attempting to deny something that is all over the news backed by numerous public comments on tape??
Team Obama has gone nuts.
Here is yet another example of how ugly & vicious the lunatic left is-
Stacey Dash is beautiful and obviously well informed. Shows the ugliness of black racists who believe you must vote for Obama if you are black. Disgusting. But I’ll bet the HA crowd was in there posting these ugly comments.
One of Puddy’s Pastors opposing gay marriage.
lol….if thats the way you see it, then lets give Nixon credit for the moon landings.
Inappropriately low.
By Jake Tapper
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Oct 10, 2012 6:55am
U.S. Security Official in Libya Tells Congressional Investigators About ‘Inappropriately Low’ Security at Benghazi Post
Hey, it was only 9/11. It had been more than a year since Libya murdered its leader. To Team Obama, Benghazi was like Main Street, USA.
Next debate: Foreign policy.
Well said.
Well documented.
Obama is fucked in the head and hopefully in this election.
Obama has his head constantly in the clouds (or some other dark, smelly place).
Oust this idiot come Election Day.
To risk America Lives and cost American lives for Political Appearances is below as low as you can get.
@ 36
Obama is the HA exception to ‘You didn’t build that’.
If it’s good and happened under his watch, he’s credited. If it’s bad and happened under his watch, it’s someone else’s fault.
We’ll hear just that come out of Biden’s mouth, tomorrow night.
Truth?? What’s that??
Right wingers go places when they make shit up! That’s “the ticket”..
The result is always the same: disaster.
Willard is a dutiful Mormon, doesn’t smoke or drink and doesn’t stray outside his marriage (as far as we know anyway).. To him, that’s all that matters…
Cry me a river dipshit.
Obama is being smothered with the TRUTH.
The guy is so arrogant, he truly believed the MSM would whitewash anything he does.
Looks like those days are over.
Look, Obama in the past week mentioned Big Bird 8 times, and he talked about Libya ZERO.
Obama brought up Elmo 5 times and talked about jobs and the economy ZERO.
Deflect much??
Sesame Street is a huge money making machine. They do not need taxpayer money. Period. yet they have managed to grab tens of millions over the years.
And now, even Sesame Street is BITCHSLAPPIN” Obama for use the likeness of Big Bird in ads.
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory..thanks to foul-mouthed, crazed bastards like you who don’t work and don’t care to work.
YLButthead, have you no shame sir?
YLButthead is quoting some far left rag that writes all kinds of words..and zero examples to back up their hot rhetoric.
Yet another example of desperation.
Romney is up even more in recent polls released today. Keep yappin’ fools.
“make-work”, bi-partisan style:
16,000 jobs at stake!
No wonder Willard’s boosting another defense spending binge. Too bad it’ll be good for nothing but sitting in a depot and rusting.
But fix a crumbling road or bridge or leaky sewage system? To right wingers that’s “pork”.
I thought Obama was some Legal Scholar?
Doesn’t he even know using the likeness of something connected to a 501c3 can blow their tax exempt status??
Obama cares about no one but himself. He is a classic narcissist. Obama would even thru Big Bird under the bus (or into the windshield) for political purposes.
Obama will go down as the worst President ever..worse than Herbert Hoover because of his lies and failure to protect American lives in Libya when he knew there was a high threat level. Obama has blood on his hands now.
Ryan will drive it home on Thursday baby.
Foreign policy for Obama is worse than the economy.
How about the billions wasted on Green Energy by Obama giving handouts to his “bundlers”?
YLButthead is literally cracking up under the Romney/Ryan tidal wave.
Oh my! Isn’t it ironic.. Willard is running against his own money gusher:
@ 43
YLB, using that rationale wouldn’t Obama be morally bankrupt for increasing drone strikes after accepting a Nobel Peace Prize?
I, also, BTW, have no personal knowledge that Barack Obama fucks around on his wife, or has done so in the past. Doesn’t mean he’s been faithful. I just have no personal knowledge that he hasn’t. I assume that was your point with Romney when you said what you said.
Although with Obama, there’s the name Vera Baker, who mysteriously vanished during the runup to the 2008 election. Tell me, is there a whisper name associated with Romney, YLB? Since you’re part of the moral police squad, I figured that if anyone knows, you do.
You are asking HA butspigot to think. Can’t happen as he’s a cut and paster for the Obummer regime. Puddy wonders how much money does ylbutspigot make shilling for Obummer at home. Is it a lucrative gig? Must be since you are home 24×7 commenting on HA!!!
ylbitchslapped again!
Yawwwwn.. Did a couple of moronic trolls spout some more false equivalences and non-sequiturs?
If the first 6 trillion doesn’t work (GAS and FOOD prices skyrocketing, Unemployment out of sight, debt and deficits galore with no budget in sight) I guess you all feel that just doing the same things over and over will produce different results.
Idiocracy is a movie you all should watch. It would make perfect sense to Obama lovers!