Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle’s DL tonight? There are other Washington state chapters of DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. The Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet this Thursday.
With 232 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
According to our trolls, Jews are “fleeing” from Obama because he doesn’t cater to Bibi and the Likud Party’s every freaking whim… Like, let’s start another endless war in the Middle East…
Well Obama’s loss, Jim Graves’ gain???
Many Jews value brains which anyone in their right mind would find lacking in most who self-identify as Republican or teabagger these days.
Courtesy of Huffpo,
DENVER, Colo. — Republican immigration hawks were quiet on Tuesday after GOP nominee Mitt Romney said he would honor deferred action granted by the Obama administration for some undocumented young people — a policy they have decried as amnesty and a massive overreach of executive power.
Excuse me while I LMFAO at Bob. Chump.
Geez, and our resident racist Bob was really hoping that Republican poll watchers in Pennsylvania would be able to scream in a little old black lady’s face, “You can’t vote!!”
Sucks to be Bob again.
live from the FLOTUS event at the Seattle Westin.
The new definition of “pathetic”? Bob praying for a “zinger” to salvage the Gekko/Galt campaign.
I’ll laugh at the asshat, “little maxee”…
Oh he said he’s voting for Obama because Obama is “harmless”… Huh.. Fool can’t help but lose..
Geez, Bob, I was trying to think of just one thing that the Republican controlled House has done to help the middle class and poor during the Great Bush Recession. I can’t come up with one damned thing they did. Well, except for trying to give even more huge tax breaks to the rich, to the point where they wouldn’t subject to any taxation at all, and calling those “Jobs Bills”. After all, under Galt’s plan, the rich would pay no taxes at all, generation after generation, unless someone brought home an actual paycheck. Of course, that’s not how they make the big bucks, now is it, Bob?
# 5: I think Romney, Ryan, all Republican leadership, and “Bob” are all praying for a bad unemployment number to be released this Friday.
You know when you’ve sunk to new lows when you:
Become a carnival barker;
Become a used-car salesman;
Become a telemarketer; or
Rely upon the misery and financial ruin of the average American worker in order to advance your own partison purposes.
@ 1
YLB, that’s not fleeing from Obama. That’s fleeing from Bachmann.
I think her makeup artist used to do Tammy Faye.
“Rely upon the misery and financial ruin of the average American worker in order to advance your own partison purposes.”
Indeed, even as they demonize and hate on half of America, a good share of those people victims of the Great Bush Recession, as “lazy”, “takers” and “moochers”. Such class. And it’s the president who is dividing the nation, don’t you know?
@ 2
What’s to laugh about? That Romney’s saying that he won’t reverse decisions made by Team Obama on prior applicants?
What that basically means is you’ll see huge numbers of applicaions on November 7th, after Obama’s ass is kicked, and huge numbers processed without review before January 21, 2013.
Meaning that in addition to the types of applicants we want to approve, there will be a lot of bad apples approved because we didn’t do the due diligence.
You know how Obama always gets himself in trouble when he deviates from the teleprompter?
Obama not using teleprompter, deviated from prepared remarks repeatedly. Local newspaper posted video clips, but ‘left out’ key portions
He really should learn to stay on message.
…two key pillars of Obama’s political coalition – Latinos and young voters – are much less interested in the election than they were in 2008…
Oh gawd *eye roll*…DRUDGE!!!
Drudge to the rescue!!
Which of the five stages of grief include delusions?
That’s unfortunate, true.
However, according to all polling data to date, Obama is still winning, despite that.
Can you imagine the blowout, the absolute blowout, that would be forming if people were as enthused as in 2008?
That’s why GWB is kept in a secret bunker.
That’s why the stimulus was too small.
That’s why chronic relentless republican obstructionism.
How long before Cap’n Crunch starts posting links the the ‘unskewing’ guy?
Live from the rubber chicken FLOTUS dinner, Dow is reminding us what We are here for.
Isn’t that true for just about every demographic?
Looks like Obama’s still a little ahead in the youth vote:
@ 19
Yes, he is ahead in the youth vote. But what was the margin when Obama beat McCain? Something like 66-32? (Maybe it was 62-36).
It’s not a 30 point +/- margin this time around. That should be the take home message.
Another one:
National Journal has Romney tied with Obama among likely voters. Among registered voters Obama’s up by 5 points.
So Obama’s margin among younger voters is close to halved compared with 2008, and a bunch of them won’t even vote @ 13.
Not good news for Team Obama.
So there’s a few polls out showing Obama getting a larger percentage of Latino voters (70% of likely vs 67% in 2008.) I can’t imagine why?
So what does Romeny do? “Why…I’ll go to Chipotle.”
“What are you doing for the Latino community?” “I might have tacos when I go home tonight, I’m not quite sure.”
@ 18
Latinos and young voters – are much less interested in the election than they were in 2008
Isn’t that true for just about every demographic?
For every Democrat demographic, maybe. Check out GOP voter enthusiasm compared with 2008.
Remember Granholm’s DNC speech?
Another former member of Team Obama thinks she was high:
“I worked with her,” said Rattner, formerly President Obama’s car czar. “That’s not the Jennifer Granholm I knew, let’s put it that way. She must have had some medications or something in her system.”
Maybe Obama sold them to her:
After all, he’s gonna need a new line of work in a few months.
8. Compared to the 2008 presidential election, would you say you are MORE enthusiastic about voting this
year in 2012, or that you were more enthusiastic about voting back in 2008?
More enthusiastic in 2012 42%
More enthusiastic in 2008 34%
No difference / same level 21%
Don’t Know 2%
What was that Cereal? Makin’ shit up again? 70% of latinos voting for the president and they’re more enthusiastic this year. hmmm….Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, California? The only question left is will Obama get 350 E.Vs? The corollary question, when Latinos become the largest voting block in all those states, will the Republican Party officially be declared dead?
@ 24
First, how is it “Makin’ shit up” if I quote a reputable source and provide the link to that source?
Second, where’s your link?
Third, my post references both Latinos and young voters. Where’s your comeback regarding the latter?
Finally (and yes, it’s Breitbart, but Anthony Weiner doesn’t doubt the accuracy or incisiveness of this source), here’s some recent general voter enthusiasm data:
In all three state polls, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, the GOP holds a clear edge over Democrats on voting enthusiasm. In PA, the GOP voter enthusiasm edge is almost 20 points. 45% of GOP voters say they are more enthusiastic about voting this year against 28% of Dems who are more enthusiastic. The GOP voter enthusiasm has increased 10 points since the beginning of August, while the Dem number is essentially unchanged.
Obummer praising his pastor Dr Jeremiah Wright, Jr.
Wait a minute… didn’t Obummer throw Wright under the bus?
Got under your skin? The stress of denial getting to you?
Is there a link in @22? Nope.
The whole f’in thing is a link @24 that link had Latino vote at 69% definite/likely Obama. The CNN Latino poll which is easily googleable (try “new Latino presidential poll”, must I do everything for you?) is here.
@ 27
The ‘link’ in @ 22 was the first line, ‘@ 18’. I was quoting Michael @ 18.
And yes, when you choose to quote data verbatim, it’s appropriate to save everyone who reads it the trouble of having to go look it up themselves. Try cut-and-paste next time.
If you don’t like doing all the work for someone else’s benefit, then you might be able to understand how the average Republican feels about the average Democrat.
Does Obummer support the military?
Obummer loves Jeremiah Wright before he stopped liking him.
Lucky for you, that was last December.
In the couple of searches I did there does seem to be quite a bit of support for voting against Obama, but I didn’t see anything that would counter the prevailing narrative that the Romney campaign is in trouble and that, as it stands today, Obama’s gonna win this thing. Of course things change over time and who knows what will happen tomorrow.
You’re bad at this. Not to pick nits but there is no link in @18 either. I didn’t quote data verbatim, I summarized. Thanks for the trope final sentence though. It’s cute when you have nothing. kind of like Piddles @26, 29 & 30.
Obama’s a RADICAL? Yeah that’s going to work after people seeing him in office for four years, not being radical, improving is approval rating over the last three months AND beating Romney in poll after poll on who would be better for the economy, who’s more likable, and who has better foreign policy. Good luck with that.
Ahhh yes here it is…
So in June 2007 he was telling black pastors Wright was his bud!
Any comment by the White House on the assertion that Team Obama left American diplomats unprotected in the middle of fucking Jihadistan for months, despite about 13 episodes of violence against other diplomats in the area, and despite their requests that you not leave them out there to die horrible deaths at the hands of terrorists?
White House press secretary Jay Carney declined to comment on an assertion by the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that requests from diplomats in Libya for added security prior to the September 11, 2012 attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, were denied.
When you look at the large advantage that Obama has among the young, among African Americans, among, Latinos, and among women, that doesn’t leave a whole hell of a lot of people left in the Romney Supporter bracket. So,
checksez, these new words in the tapes were never conveyed in any speech transcript. Tucker Carlson said in 2007 he was commenting on the prepared transcript not the tape that is now out in it’s entirety!
The left wrong blogs are already spinning this as old news. But the new clips are enlightening!
@ 35
I don’t dispute any of that. Other than what was supposed to come after ‘So,’.
They need to show up and vote. If they don’t vote, who gives a shit about how much they love Obama?
saw the Univision expose on Fast and Furious. Yeah!
Oh, god, the FUD is back.
Thanks, Cap’n, we’re all worried about Jennifer Granholm, and what Steve Rattner thinks about her.
Gave a great speech, one small part of that wonderful convention… that led to the bounce…that is ongoing.
Oh, and the Politico piece? The Shaheen quote is about Republican innuendo and dirty tricks.
All you’ve got left.
It’s going to be a LONG 5 weeks putting up with you processing your grief.
So, you’re going to convince voters that Obama is REALLY a radical and rather than act on behalf of his religious leaders during his first term he would be patient and wait until he’s elected to a second which up until early this year was most definitely not assured.
Enlightening only to the brainless..errr….you.
Again, good luck with that.
See y’all. I’m walking to my local sports bar to watch the Giants eliminate the Dodgers from playoff contention. That would be a damn long walk to Montlake. Why walking? ‘Cause I plan to drink a bit. Be safe. (Yeah, totally off topic!)
Bad day in the state polls spuddy; and your poll tax laws just got struck down in PA.
You better stop sucking shit out of Rmoney’s ass and start sucking shit out and start offering to suck shit out of his potential voting bases asses.
meme1 farted
Where has Puddy talked about PA poll laws? You can ask ylbuttspigot for ASSistance!
How did that Obummer butthole taste after seeing them claiming Obummer would suck in tomorrow’s debate? Did you see the sun today meme1?
Obummer seems to let his “hair down” around his peeps!
I’m glad to see the trolls have come back to vent their spleen and to declare Gekko/Galt has a shot. I’d like to say I’ll be a good bleeding heart liberal and offer them a tissue to wipe their salty tears on November 7th, but … I won’t.
Back from the FLOTUS event at the Westin.
Good turn out. The GOTV leaders in western WA are more fired up and ready to go down the home stretch.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER
Time to hammer it home
How can you refute it, if you don’t know what it was? It was a summation, which I decided was a silly thing to have in a 30 or so word post. I thought I’d scrubbed all of the last sentence off prior to submitting.
Not too unusual for a KenyanMooslim sleeper agent bent on world domination and the destruction of the US of A…and who his parents stealthily named Barack Hussein Obama so he’d fit in and be all secret like.
*rolls eyes*
I fear some of our trolls will miss the snark…
Stop projecting your shit sucking ways on others.
And since Rmoney has admitted he’s almost certainly going to lose the debate; it seems like both sides are going to be lowering expectations up to the debate.
Macklemore knocks it out of the park again.
“After all, he’s gonna need a new line of work in a few months.”
You stupid, greedy motherfucker. I just listened to Paul Galt say that the 47% need to get a fucking job.
Good fucking grief! He’s saying that an 80 year-old invalid widow on Social Security, one of his “takers”, needs to get a fucking job so that a piece of shit “maker” like you can hold on to a few fucking more pennies.
Your contempt for humanity is fucking disgusting. You win this election? You don’t deserve to even live in this fucking country. Your type deserves a one-way ticket to Somalia on a sinking boat.
You fucks are ragging on about a Christian pastor again?? Jihadist Muslim. Christian. Will you stupid motherfuckers make up your goddamned fucking minds?
Damn, you bastards are truly fucking disgusting pieces of shit.
Good news for the good guys:
Nice try bad guys… You failed to take away the will of the people.. This time.. But I’m sure you’ll try again. You always do..
Steve, click the link @50, it will renew your faith in humanity.
You were saying something about enthusiasm? From today’s Quinnipiac Poll:
Are you more or less or the same enthusiasm as 2008?
Rep: more 55%, less 12, the same 33
Dem: more 41%, less 10, the same 49%
So if you’re pinning your hopes on enthusiasm when 90% of Democrats are more or just as enthusiastic (88% for knuckle draggers) as the ass-kicking delivered in 2008 in a mega-enthusiasm for ‘the messiah’ election….
Well, it sounds like a broken record but, good luck with that.
BTW, Giants won the NL West and the Dodgers are headed home. Suck it! (still off topic)
@54 Thanks for directing me to that, Michael. Things like that and Rachel’s selfless wish really do give me hope for a better tomorrow.
Thanks, Joe.
Here’s the transcript of the speech that Obama gave at Hampton College, to a convention of ministers, in 2007…the one that Cap’n Crunch was gettin’ all quivery about upthread. It’s been available on the internet…since 2007.
Here’s a recent article about it in that socialist rag, Business Insider.
Business Insider headline?…..
Some excerpts of the speech…
And about Katrina, for which he’s accused of attributing the disatrous response to the disaster to racism…
The scandal? Apparently an unscripted remark in the context of that speech…
This is spashed across the FoxNews website presently. If you can stomach the smarmy Hannity
watch…in his intro you get EVERYTHING…Jeremiah Wright…CLASS WARFARE…Divisiveness…”some of the most racially charged rhetoric ever used…”
I think this is a picture of Fox in panic mode, much as we’ve seen in our trolls around here…the dawning realization that Willard is losing, and badly, and that tick-tock-tick-tock, time is running out…time to really ‘vet’ Obama like Palin wanted.
I predict that within a few days FoxNews will be all Wright-Ayers-NiggerSocialist-Welfare all the time, more than usual, that is. It’s all hands on deck, the ship is going down, and the last demographic, older, poorly-educated, working Class Southern white males must be mobilized!!
Thanks Cap’n Crunch, for bringing this baring of the Republican racist id to our attention. Good luck with that. Considering a move to Alabama?
Here’s more analysis of how Drudge and Hannity have been hyping a speech that was well covered when it was given in 2007, even by Fox at the time.
Our friends on the right are rapidly descending past self-parody and into the full on Palin-esque racist fever swamp where Obama will finally be ‘vetted’ as the crypto-communist, fascist sleeper agent, race-hustling friend of terrorists that they know him to be, in their hearts, through faith.
It’s shaping up to be a LONG few weeks, worse than I feared…
Here’s Joan Walsh, on the same riff…
This was good, too…
Spot on.
As a cornered, wounded animal, so the Republicans find themselves as the walls close in…doomed, but dangerous.
@ 58
Just for purposes of clarity, Lib Despair, the transcript is the prepared remarks.
The just-released full video doesn’t really match the transcript.
The video would have been more damaging in 2008 than it is today. I decided not to spend the time watching 40 minutes. I more or less shrugged my shoulders at the new disclosures.
But it’s inaccurate to point to the transcript as if the whole 40 minute video is the same thing.
It isn’t.
Why don’t I care much about the video?
It’s about the economy.
You’re guy is still losing, dumb fuck and that’s not gonna change.
Yes indeed.
I’m curious, though, when Cap’n Crunch sez…
Only because you got no traction, that despite the dire warnings of Drudge bombshells, or some such nonsense.
Throwing every bit of shit against the wall to see what sticks. Like I said, it’s going to be along October.
@63 Before shrugging his shoulders, Bob was blaring the breaking news of the release of this “secret” video with bold font yesterday. Yes, so secret was it that the speech was covered by Fox News at the time it happened.
Breaking News: Bob jumps shark!
Yes he was, wasn’t he?