Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
Obama’s “post convention bump” seems to be growing. My latest Monte Carlo Analysis of the state head-to-head polls has Obama leading Romney by an average of 341 to 197 electoral votes. On the other hand, there are cries from the right of ”liberal bias” in the polls. They suggest some kind of vast left-wing conspiracy among nearly all pollsters to include too many Democrats! Sure…and it’s probably orchestrated by the folks who brought us global warming….
Join us as we conspire every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle’s DL tonight? There are lots of other Washington state chapters of DL meeting over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter also meets tonight. On Wednesday, the Burien chapter meets. On Thursday the Woodinville chapter meets. And on Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 232 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
For Michael:
Why You Hate Cyclists
Partly because of jerks like me. But it’s mostly your own illogical mind.
By Jim Saksa|Posted Monday, Sept. 24, 2012, at 3:39 AM ET
Thanks, great article.
My rule is that I won’t break a law on my bike that I wouldn’t break in my car, which amounts to the occasional slow roll though on stops and speeding on downhills. I’m also more of a commuter/tourist type so I’m pretty courteous & mellow.
Is there any chance anyone could tell me a single political principle or policy objective Mitt Romney has never wavered from since he first entered politics back in 1992? Consistency may be the hobgoblin of small minds, but, for fuck’s sake, at some point, a guy’s got to let others know what he believes in.
Akin’s in for the homestretch in MO.
If I did Intrade I’d put some money on Akin, I think he has a very decent chance of winning
25 Sep 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Our 2 polls since the Akin comments both found a 1 pt race with the vast majority of undecideds GOP leaning…
25 Sep 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
And I think those undecided Republicans are ultimately going to decide they dislike McCaskill more than Akin
At least Obama doesn’t have to take time away from campaigning elsewhere to help McCaskill in MO. She’d be nervous about negative linkage if she knew he was even flying over her state.
Do you have a point?
With a race as close as it is, the only conclusion one can draw is that Missouri (my home state, BTW) is chock full of redneck misogynist Bibul-thumpin’ assholes. Obama would obviously be a liability there.
I also think you should change that sentence I quoted, to something like…
Because all he seems to need to do is sit back and let Willard speak.
Wasn’t that Willard’s original strategery?
Are you actually excited that a dimwitted Neanderthal (apologies to red-heads everywhere) like Akin might become a member of the US Senate?
Where do you draw the line? David Duke?
@ 6
Actually, not excited about him at all.
Glad that the DNC has one more headache in an election season filled with them.
How excited were you at Daniel Akaka’s last re-election win? There are some awful senators out there, although fewer than there used to be. Bunning’s out, finally. He was useless.
You keep telling yourself that, tiger.
I am curious, how is Akin a headache for the DNC?
Tommy Thompson:
Per TPM polltracker, TT is already down >10, and Tammy Baldwin is over 50.
Stick a fork in him.
I love when Republicans start telling us what they really think – because then they invariably lose.
What’s up with that “carpet bombing”???
Rassmusen has McCaskill up by 6 in their 9/11 poll.
At the rate Romney is plummeting in the polls MO might well be in play for Obama too.
After Romney loses this election, the internecine warfare that will rage within the Republican Party will lead to either two parties, or none at all. Popcorn, please. Sure, I’ll have another beer.
@7 Serial Conservative, Linda Lingle is running away from Mitt’s 47% comments and Todd Akin as fast as she can. The Tea Party has a hard row to hoe in Hawaii. Take one hard look at what happened in the primary election when the people of Hawaii voted for US Senator: Do you see that Ed Case doubled the votes cast for Linda Lingle?(Linda = 16% of all votes cast) The Tea party conservative John Carroll’s 2,899 equaled about 1% of voters. I hope this explains why selling Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Grover Norquist, and Fox News propaganda is a real tough sell.
(D) Hirono, Maizie 57.67% (134,724)
(D) Case, Ed 40.90% (95,543)
(D) Reyes, Arturo 0.74% (1,720)
(D) Gillespie, Michael 0.47% (1,103)
(D) Gimbernat, Antonio 0.22% (517)
(R) Lingle, Linda 91.63% (44,245)
(R) Carroll, John 6.00% (2,899)
(R) Roco, John 1.13% (545)
(R) Collins, Charles 0.76% (365)
(R) Pirkowski, Eddi 0.48% (232)
Once again Mona is right!
@3 “Is there any chance anyone could tell me a single political principle or policy objective Mitt Romney has never wavered from since he first entered politics back in 1992?”
Say whatever he thinks will help him win.
I’ve been away inspecting the lettuce harvest. I’m an unoffical ad hoc taster. I’ve been out in the fields so I haven’t followed the news for several days. Quick glance, it appears Dullard is falling farther behind in the polls. Has the GOP death spiral started yet?
I’ve been away inspecting the lettuce harvest. I’m an unoffical ad hoc taster. I’ve been out in the fields so I haven’t followed the news for several days. Quick glance, it appears Dullard is falling farther behind in the polls. Has the GOP death spiral started yet?
How many times did he pass gas about “Obamunism”??
% . ods obamunism
++ boson cs -r -t puddymoron -d ‘^200[8-9]|201[0-2]’ -b ‘*obamunism’ -c
| count |
| 4 |
1 row in set
Rabbit @ 15,
Indeed. Romney has consistently said anything that might help him win at whatever he might be doing. That would be the only principle he’s held true.
I imagine he’s also pro-Mormon.
Another EPIC FAYLE diarrhea stain! Just 4? Obumunism! ObamAA+ Oops… now it’s ObamAA!
Word of the day for Wednesday: “Stench”
‘If the Stench calls …”
Lib Despair still prefers the head-in-the-sand approach to a terrorist attack on the US on 9/11. At least until November 7th.
In an exclusive interview with NBC News’ Ann Curry, President Mohamed Magarief discounted claims that the attack was in response to a movie produced in California and available on YouTube. He noted that the assault happened on Sept. 11 and that the video had been available for months before that.
“Reaction should have been, if it was genuine, should have been six months earlier. So it was postponed until the 11th of September,” he said. “They chose this date, 11th of September to carry a certain message.”
Magarief said there were no protesters at the site before the attack, which he noted came in two assaults, first with rocket-propelled grenades on the consulate, then with mortars at a safe house.
If only the anniversary of 9/11 meant something to Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Maybe they would have thought to move their ambassador to more secure quarters.
Obama certainly inherited an economic mess, and that accounts for a large part of the deficit. But Obama pushed for spending increases and tax cuts that also have contributed in important ways to the nation’s fiscal deterioration. He certainly could argue that these were necessary and important steps to take, but he can’t blithely suggest that 90 percent of the current deficit “is as a consequence” of his predecessor’s policies — and not his own.
As for the citing of the discredited MarketWatch column, we have repeatedly urged the administration to rely on estimates from official government agencies, such as the White House budget office. It is astonishing to see the president repeat this faulty claim once again, as if it were an established fact.
My guess is he’ll try to claim no responsibility in a debate as well, but he’ll do it in his closing comments, which won’t be subject to counter by Romney.
I thought Cap’n Crunch said it was all about the economy?
Now it’s foreign policy?
Cap’n, when are you going to get a spray tan and become Latino Crunch, braying about Willard’s triumphant performance on Univision?
Serial Conservative, reboot 3.0 (or is it 4.0?)
Perhaps this, this morning’s Quinnipiac/CBS/NYT poll, is giving Cap’n a sad-sad:
(H/T Kornacki)
Better type faster, Cap’n, the wingnut mothership is losing altitude fast…
Yup, the electric vehicle concept is a stupid idea, sez the CBO:
For example, an average plug-in hybrid vehicle with a battery capacity of 16 kilowatt-hours would be eligible for the maximum tax credit. However, that vehicle would require a tax credit of more than $12,000 to have roughly the same lifetime costs as a comparable conventional or traditional hybrid vehicle.
Assuming that everything else is equal, the larger an electric vehicle’s battery capacity, the greater its cost disadvantage relative to conventional vehicles—and thus the larger the tax credit needed to make it cost-competitive.
Maybe that’s why Toyota is redirecting their interests to areas in which the technology works (and no garage fires!) and they can make a profit without a huge taxpayer subsidy.
Toyota Scales Back Electric Vehicle Plans
The automaker is focusing on hybrids instead, intending to produce 21 models by 2015.
Meanwhile, GM, after boatloads of taxpayer cash, is stuck with the Volt, sales of which suck so badly that even with a substantial chunk of units bought by government or FOB (Friends of Barack, like GE) the production line will be shut down for the second time this year.
Hey, it’s only money. And Obama can always soak the rich for more, or so he thinks.
Oh, this is funny…
Apparently all this poll critique about over- and under-sampling we hear from puddl and Cap’n is just them repeating a meme ricocheting around the right-tard fever swamp, reflecting a nefarious plot by poll companies to crush the spirit of Teahaddists everywhere and keep them from voting.
And global warming doesn’t exist, and Jay-zus hates him some Charles Darwin. What is with these people, are they illiterate?
@ 26
Regarding this statement:
And clear majorities of voters in both states – 56 percent in Florida and 58 percent in Ohio – say that the economy is either improving now because of Obama’s policies or will improve because of them.,
go read question 34 in the actual poll. Somwhere between a fourth and a third of the respondents think Obama has made a positive difference. The rest of your ‘majority’ think that eventually things will get better. That could be 2015 or 2016, Lib Sci.
As long as we’re on the topic of question 34, note that a plurality, given three choices, think that his policies haven’t and won’t work.
Also, check out question 15. In FL and in OH a plurality of likely voters pronounce themselves “very disappointed” in the Obama presidency, and in PA it’s a plurality tie with another response.
I won’t bore you with crosstab issues.
Check this out…
“unskewed” polls – this yahoo blogs out of his basement, and ‘reweights’ polls to reflect the Rasmussen conjured party ID screen.
He essentially turns all polls into Rasmussen polls, and he finds….
Can you smell the flop sweat?
@ 30
No one had heard of that blog until last week. He’s a right-wing hack and he’s doing exactly what you say he’s doing.
It’s as partisan and useless as, say, Northwest Progressive Institute, which thankfully no one on HA seems ever to link to in spews.
While on subject of weighting, how close to 2008 do you think this year’s turnout distribution will be?
Do you suppose puddl, our resident anus-fixated troll, does this before he posts?
It would explain a great deal.
re 3: When people make contradictory statements and when called on it say: “Consistency isthe hobgoblin of small minds”, I ask them if inconsistency of thought would be a quality they would seek in their doctor or lawyer.
# 22: Yep, Ryan has been distancing himself from Romney for quite some time, but now he’s cut the leash entirely.
Ryan’s staff is leaking/blaming Romney for Ryan’s disasterous performance at the AARP convention, claiming that Romney’s “Massachusetts Brain Trust” wrote the speech and insisted he not vary from the script.
Now that Romney is dropping in the polls to the point where it would take a miracle for him to win, Ryan is already looking toward his next four years. He could remain in the House, attempt to grab the Speaker of the House slot, and progress his career through Congress in the House, or possibly in a run for the Senate.
But I think he’s too impatient for that. I think he’ll serve out the next two years in Congress as a Tea Party favorite and collecting support, then either (a) run for President in 2016, or (b) retire to make big money writing books and being a Fox News commentator.
None of these scenarios include Romney, except that Ryan needs to find a way to blame Romney for the big defeat.
Should we start a pool to pick who is going to play Romney and Ryan when the movie comes out, a la Game Change?
We still have 6 weeks, I think the recriminations are going to get more ugly and more public.
Pass the popcorn!
(BTW to rhp, you asked the other day for good candidates to support, since the presidential race seems to be going well…check this out)
It seems tne new “explanation” being advanced on Fox News is that the polls showing the President increasing his lead against Romney were “2008 polls”. Moreover, they are claiming that it’s part of a campaign to discourage Republican contributions and turnout.
Gee, projecting much???
The real question is whether the Republican PAC money is going to be pulled from the Romney race and diverted to Senate and House races instead. In every swing state where they’ve flooded the airways with ads, the President’s lead seems to increase – either because of, or in spite of, the ads. The big money donars – Adelson, the Koch Brothers, etc., may decided that continuing to support the Romney campaign is throwing good money after bad.
What are five positive things that Romney will do for the middle class?
From the Romney official web site
What is a territorial tax system?
I gave up.
It’s sort of like that old commercial…
“How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie-Pop?”
“The world may never know…”
@21 ha ha ha! I always get a belly laugh from numbskulls like you calling Obama, one of the biggest Wall Street toadies of all time, a “communist”!! HAR!!! Whatever you’re smoking, puddy, I want some!!!
The Republican Governors Association ads against Jay Inslee are so blatently dishonest even the Seattle Times call them “false.”
@40 “What are five positive things that Romney will do for the middle class?”
The fact that Ohio voters can’t think of any, either, may explain why Romney’s getting his ass kicked in Ohio polls.
“Polls show Mitt Romney trailing President Barack Obama in just about every one of the swing states where the 2012 campaign is being waged. But Romney appears to be in deeper trouble in Ohio than elsewhere, an alarming development for Republicans who know that the candidate’s White House chances begin and end with the kind of middle-class voters who reside in places such as Akron, Cincinnati and Zanesville. …
“Two surveys released in recent days, one from the Ohio Newspaper Association and another from The Washington Post, crystallized the challenge facing Romney …. The topline numbers — Obama led by 5 points among likely voters in the Ohio poll, and a startling 8 points in the Post poll — only tell part of the story. Romney’s favorable rating is underwater.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As you continue reading this article, a picture emerges of a disintegrating campaign. One of the most telling signs of Romney’s self-destruction is this:
“One longtime Republican strategist griped about the ‘arrogant top-down’ approach of the Romney team and said they have done a poor job listening to the advice of savvy Ohio strategists.”
I’ve seen campaigns like that before. None won. A campaign like this is only a step away from its death throes. Thanks to Mitt Romney and the idiots he has surrounded himself with, what should have been a nail-biting race will be a cakewalk for a black Kenyan communist with a forged birth certificate who was brainwashed by radical imams in Indonesian madrassas and pals around with terrorists. Romney is so fucking bad even the KKK will vote for Obama.
@40 “What are five positive things that Romney will do for the middle class?”
The fact that Ohio voters can’t think of any, either, may explain why Romney’s getting his ass kicked in Ohio polls.
“Polls show Mitt Romney trailing President Barack Obama in just about every one of the swing states where the 2012 campaign is being waged. But Romney appears to be in deeper trouble in Ohio than elsewhere, an alarming development for Republicans who know that the candidate’s White House chances begin and end with the kind of middle-class voters who reside in places such as Akron, Cincinnati and Zanesville. …
“Two surveys released in recent days, one from the Ohio Newspaper Association and another from The Washington Post, crystallized the challenge facing Romney …. The topline numbers — Obama led by 5 points among likely voters in the Ohio poll, and a startling 8 points in the Post poll — only tell part of the story. Romney’s favorable rating is underwater.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As you continue reading this article a picture emerges of a disintegrating campaign. One of the most telling signs of Romney’s self-destruction is this:
“One longtime Republican strategist griped about the ‘arrogant top-down’ approach of the Romney team and said they have done a poor job listening to the advice of savvy Ohio strategists.”
I’ve seen campaigns like that before. None won. A campaign like this is only a step away from its death throes. Thanks to Mitt Romney and the idiots he has surrounded himself with, what should have been a nail-biting race will be a cakewalk for a black Kenyan communist with a forged birth certificate who was brainwashed by radical imams in Indonesian madrassas and pals around with terrorists. Romney is so fucking bad even the KKK might vote for Obama. (Those guys have to make rent payments, too.)
Here’s another Mitt Romney whopper:
“Mitt Romney defended his campaign’s television ads Tuesday, saying they’ve been ‘absolutely spot on,’ including ads deemed false by independent fact checkers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Mitt Romney is so dishonest he even lies about his lies.
Check out this picture:
Who would you vote for?
The mistake in the newspaper is bad enough, but what is particularly discouraging is that some people tried to vote anyway.
Must have been Tea Party folks.
At a Wisconson rally, Romney and Ryan held a joint appearance. When Romney introduced Ryan to the crowd of Republican stallwarts, a chant of “Ryan – Ryan – Ryan” went up. Romney tried to correct them, saying they should chant “Romney/Ryan – Romney/Ryan”. Silence.
The Romney/Ryan campaign is drowing. The rats are abandoning ship, and it’s every man for himself.
Was wondering when the MSM was going to be called out and made an issue of. The answer is today.
Go Jay Nixon!
It’s looking like the Democratic governor of Missouri is cruising his way to reelection.
conservative ideas as “extreme;”
>> Yes, but they are.
downplayed the “horrendous economic conditions” in the country;
>> But things ARE improving slowly, and we have the charts and graphs and anecdotal evidence to prove it, like housing prices are increasing in Seattle again.
“pouncing” on missteps by conservatives
>> And you have to admit, they are doozies.
Biden? got links?
deliberately covering up embarrassing government failures and scandals
>> Or maybe there are not as many and many of them are legacy bush problems.
# 48: So you have a right-wing organization specifically established to discredit the news organization coming out with a report saying that it had (suprise!) found out just what it hoped to find.
Talk about a biased report!
After Bill Clinton’s election, the Republicans decided that facts influenced elections, and since news media reported facts, then the news media had to be discredited. That’s when Fox News was established by Roger Ailes, the former Nixon/Ford/Reagan/Bush political consultant. They chose a cable chanel specifically to avoid having to give equal time if there was a return of the “fairness doctrine” under a subsequent Congress (Reagan had eliminated it as an FCC public license requirement shortly after he entered office).
So Fox News has consistently provided the most unbalanced, pro-right wing news slant, with their top story of the day being the talking points passed along from the Republican leadership (this was admitted by a former Fox News employee). Yet they continue to proclaim themselve as “fair and balanced”, and conservative circles even preach that Fox News (or perhaps the Christian Broadcasting Network) should be the only channels people should view. Kind of like how the North Koreans sell radios and televisions to those people lucky enough to be able to buy one, which receive only the government propoganda station.
# 49: What an unfortunate name for a Democrate!
There used to be a big business in Chattanooga which went by the name Nixon, you could see their big sign just outside the downtown district on the I-24 freeway. In 1974 they took down the sign a couple of years “for repairs and refurbishment”. They were Republicans, but they just didn’t want any confusion between their business and former President Richard Nixon.
Sometimes you get lucky with a name, sometimes you don’t. That’s why I got a big kick out of Obama’s joke at the Correspondent’s Day Dinner, making fun of the Birthers. He “admitted” that his father had planned on him running for President one day – that’s why he gave him the name Barrak Obama.
RR @ 44: That’s a character defect of Romney. He surrounds himself with sycophants and not only doesn’t listen to the advice of others, he actively discourages it.
Republican members of the State Legislature complained that they only had one meeting when Romney was Governor. He had them stand in a big room behind a velvet rope. He was introduced, came in, announced his agenda, and left. No handshakes, not solicitation of advice, no formation of a consensus. That’s the strategy of a really bad CEO – one that plans to make a big splash initially, stay in the position for only a few years, then leave before everything collapses as a result of their tenure.
By the way, news about Boeing and the SPEEA contract:
The Boeing engineering and technical workers union (SPEEA) contract expires Monday, Oct. 1st. The governing bylaws of the Union required that the union give two weeks notice prior to a vote on a contract, so SPEAA published the Boeing contract proposals as they existed at that time, and the engineers can vote electronically through next Monday, Oct. 1st.
Today Boeing engineers will conduct lunchtime rallies at Boeing locations throughout the Puget Sound region, with “informational picketing” at some locations.
The engineers are expected to reject the proposed Boeing contract. At that point, the Engineers would be working without a contract from October 1st onward. It would take a separate strike vote to authorize a strike. In the meantime, it is expected that Boeing and the Union will resume negotiations. If Boeing proposes a substantially different contract, then there will be another vote on the new proposed contract.
At issue is the amount of wage increases over the multi-year term of the contract; Boeing’s proposals to exclude new hires from the existing pension system (relying only on a 401(k) instead); Boeing’s proposal to increase the amount employees pay for health insurance; and Boeing’s proposal to eliminate medical benefits for retired employees and cut off pension payments for all SPEAA employees at age 75.
But the big issues aren’t being reported in the news – the Boeing proposals include language hidden inside the proposed contract which would effectively take away any ability of the employees to enforce the contract by removing procedures to file complaints for Boeing conduct, and even giving Boeing the right to change the contract without the agreement of the Union. The Union cannot agree to such terms under any circumstances, and the membership is smart enough to understand this. If Boeing does not significantly change it’s proposal on these issues, a strike may be unavoidable.
Some members of the union are speculating that Boeing management wants the engineers to strike, so that it can use it as an excuse for not meeting it’s delivery goals for the year. I’ve heard from a number of sources that the only engineers who will vote for the contract this time around are new hires who are coming off of months of unemployement, desperately need the paychecks, and can’t worry right now about what happens when they retire.
My all time favorite bad business name was Dick Boyles Chevrolet in Gig Harbor. Any teenager that bought a car off their used lot took their license plate frame off their car as soon as they got home from buying it.
@35 Ryan must be having a pretty good time these days. Romney’s continuing displays of incompetence must have him thinking that worst case, he’s playing John McCain to Mitt’s version of Caribou Barbie four years ago–except he’s young enough to be able to indulge in his own ambitions for the coming years. This has allowed him and his comparatively small brigade of Tea Party acolytes to be blithely unaware that he’s half of the problem–his don’t-confuse-me-with-arithmetic economic “plan” is a fraud and the majority of Americans know it.
# 56: I sincerely hope that this election spells the end of the “Laffler Curve”, and it’s current form in the “let’s bribe the Job Creators” format. We’ve tried it for over thirty years, and it hasn’t worked. You would hope that the American electorate would have learned by now.
That’s great Brent Bozell put out a press release saying the media is biased.
In other news:
Mohamed Al-Fayad just released the proof that Dodi and Diana were murdered by MI-6. Our next story tonight, a woman named Orly says the president is Kenyan. An Arkansas man has unveiled the truth that Hillary Clinton pulled the trigger when Vince Foster died.
Bozell should go back to being horrified that South Park is funny.
@56 Ryan may already be thinking ahead to 2016, but he also should be looking over his shoulder at his own district, because his House seat is in play and his Democratic opponent is gaining on him.
It doesn’t look like Paul Ryan is going to be Vice President of the United States. Not this time, at least. And wouldn’t it be funny if he lost his House seat, too? Then he’d have to go out and get a real job for the first time in his life.
I just got a call from the Democrats a few minutes ago and it looks like I’ll be on their Voter Protection Legal Team again this year.
@58 “a woman named Orly says the president is Kenyan”
What should really horrify the GOP is their “moderate” candidate can’t beat a black Kenyan Muslim communist with a forged birth certificate who pals around with terrorists. Kinda looks to me like their brand is getting a bit shopworn.
Bah, I have to prove yet again that I don’t have TB.
This is getting silly. I work in healthcare and all that and we don’t want people transmitting The Old TB, but I’ve been proving for at least once a year for 17 years straight that I don’t have TB and I’ve never worked in with a population with a high rate of TB or that’s at a risk for getting TB. At some point this just gets silly.
That’s at higher risk than normal for getting TB.
@53 Successful business people almost always make bad politicians and bureaucrats. That’s because running a government is not at all like running a business. They’re two different skill sets. Too many people, Republicans especially, fail to appreciate that business savvy is not a qualification for public office. In fact, it’s a hindrance.
This a pretty good example of that debil federal gov’ment and socialism that the good people of Utah are against.
I think that with the comment about opening windows on airplanes, Romney reached his “attacking rabbit” moment, from which he may never recover.
You might remember the story from the 1080 election, if you are old enough. One evening Clinton was in Georgia, sitting around the fire and exchanging stories – an old Southern tradition. He told about the time he was fishing and a rabbit came out of the woods, apparantly having been chased by a dog or such, and swam right for their boat. They tried to fend it off with an oar and get it to head towards the opposite bank, but it kept heading for the boat. “Strangest thing I ever saw”, concluded the President.
Anyway, in the final weeks of the campaign, a reporter repeated the story to others, the Republicans got wind of it, and soon it became a symbol of the Clinton presidency – attacked by a rabbit and unable to defend himself. Some pointed out that from that point, it was all downhill: Clinton was perceived no longer the former Annapolis graduate and nuclear-navy engineer, he was a “victim”, plagued by Iranians, OPEC nations, the weather, and even a rabbit.
So maybe Romney was really trying to tell a joke. If so, he sure isn’t very good at it. But the result is that despite a law degree and an MBA, he will hereafter be perceived as someone who is technologically clueless and unable to perceive the basic physics of air pressure.
Romney should put Ryan in a headlock and twist his nose ’til he cries uncle!
Gov. Romney’s intrade value just dropped below 25%. Not too long ago, it was above 30%.
It’s going to take something exceedingly major to turn this election around. And, it’s not going to happen during the debates.
60: “Then he’d have to go out and get a real job for the first time in his life.”
Please. Win or lose, he’s set for life on the wingnut welfare circuit.
# 70: You are probably right, but if those right-wing wingnuts want to keep spending their money on each other, I don’t care.
It’s when they get sight of OUR money that’s the problem. Republicans have never seen a government service that they didn’t want to be turned over to their private business they controlled; or Social Security trust funds they didn’t want to “manage” for a (significant) fee; or a government treasury which isn’t being emptied into their pockets in the form of no-bid and no-accountability contracts.
You’re right. Bush’s contribution was 88% according to the chart in the article you linked to. Not 90%.
My choices:
For Romney – Jim Carrey
For Ryan – Rowan Atkinson
For Barry Obummer–
Steve Erkel
For Joe Biden–
A bag of dogshit
Eh ha, Dog Turd told a funny.
@74 You’re such a Klown.
Oh lookie here… progressive DUMMOCRAPTS in action. Of course the slobbering heads up the Obummer ASS libtard national media will stay quiet. Why? She’s a black Republican!