Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Tonight, bring along you own Secret Tape to share!
(As Mitt requested, the full video is now available, here.)
Can’t make it to Seattle’s DL tonight? There are lots of other Washington state chapters of DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter meets. The Longview and South Seattle chapters meet on Wednesday. The Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet this Thursday. And on Monday, the Yakima, South Bellevue and Olympia chapters meet.
With 228 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Bumper sticker I saw today:
“After the last tree is dead, the last river is poisoned, and the last fish is caught, will we finally realize we can’t eat money?”
Please hoist one for me in celebration of the week that Slick Willard’s campaign took its last victory swirl around the Republican philosophical toilet before it is flushed down and away in a Democratic landslide.
Full transcript of the 49 minutes is here:
I’m resigned to the fact that I won’t find a bunch here in Keller, but I’m disappointed to note that there are no imbibers in Spokane. Are there actual progressive types in North-East Washington?
Brother Ali’s freaking amazing.
This is interesting.. 7,000 millionaire households paid no income taxes:
That is, 1.6 percent of 433,000..
I guess Ole Dullard is never going to appeal to “those people”.
That must have been some tiny print. For all the shit you take for being old and infirm, you’re eyes must work great – OH, YEAH – CARROTS!!
@ 6
It’s what happens when one recognizes a massive loss, YLB.
One year, they pay no taxes because they sustained some massive financial loss.
What’s more amazing is that all of GM’s pre-bankruptcy losses are being treated by the IRS as tax-loss carry-forwards, so GM will pay no taxes for years to come.
Do you understand that, YLB? GM had its debts wiped away, and yet by special permission granted by the IRS (read Obama) they still get to deduct the losses that the bankruptcy court said they no longer owe.
And yet, their stock is in the crapper.
Hopenchange, baby.
@ 7
He uses carrots for pegging.
awwwww… The Jawb kweatohs took a bath.. No tricks, no “free stuff”..
Your compassionate conservatism calls it Bob..
GM may have gotten a big break yes but thousands have jobs in MI and all through the supply chain.
The right wingers love to jaw-bone about ‘skin in the game’ and ‘everybody paying something‘, but remarkably, have no problem with someone making so much, and gambling so much, that the law allows them to have greater than $1 million coming in, yet enough losses to erase their obligation to the rest of the country.
OH NOEZ!!! Capital losses in the great casino – must write off!!!!
You sound jealous.
“One year, they pay no taxes because they sustained some massive financial loss.”
Nice how the wealthy get rewarded for their failures. Everybody else who fucks up, well, they are the inferior and ungrateful moochers, so fuck them.
Look like there’s a Drinking Liberally in Spokane
This guy’s pretty liberal, has a summer place somewhere on the Sandpoil, and has blogged about riding to some tavern in the area for beers.
Maybe you could set up a summer time thing.
There’s a good slug of them in Spokane and few scattered around elsewhere. I know a few progressive types in Colville and one (1!) in Ritzville.
@ 13
Actually, Doctor Steve, when you deducted the loss you might have suffered on your WaMu stock, you were ‘rewarded’ for your failure as well.
Wondering if Michael knows any people who are willing to admit to being conservative who also ride bikes.
Gawd, it just cracks me up that it was the Carters who took down Romney. Of all things imaginable, that’s gotta really suck for Republicans. Jimmy Fucking Carter! It seems that young James didn’t like the way his grandfather was being badmouthed by you freaks. You might want to think twice before the next time you go there.
We can end that practice as far as I’m concerned.
Three tax brackets, no deductions, everything on the + side of the balance sheet counts. No IRA’s or other ways of hiding income. All deductions and deferments do is say that you think someone else should pay for your shit and drive up the tax rate.
Low tax rates and a process that’s 1040 EZ simple for everyone.
@ 18
Gotta have an IRA. How else do people save for retirement?
Seriously. It’s one carrot that is very important.
There’s a few out there, they seem to keep pretty quiet, though. I’ve always found the politicalization of cycling kinda bizarre. Can’t we just ride bikes and have fun? I ride a bike because it’s fun.
This guy’s fairly conservative.
@16 Konfuzed Kornflake,
You never did so well on those standardized reading comprehension tests, did you?
When people “admit” stuff?
a) Bob admitted to us his efforts saved the company.
b) Bob admitted he took the money from the company to buy a new sports car for himself.
You obviously cannot fathom that a bike rider would never “admit” to being “conservative” because Republicans have spent 30 years making “conservative” mean IDIOT.
Yeah, I guess IRA’s, or someway to avoid taxing savings that are locked away for a good slug of time, would have to be in there.
“Actually, Doctor Steve, when you deducted the loss you might have suffered on your WaMu stock, you were ‘rewarded’ for your failure as well.”
You pull the silliest shit from your ass. Look, I already had the Great Trade Confirmation showdown with the Klynical Klown. He was a no show with his Wells Fargo trades. I gave Goldy trade confirmations that proved 400% gains in a few weeks. You really don’t want to go there with me. Besides, the cap on such losses as I might experience isn’t exactly same the rules of the game the big boys play. I would say that you should know this, but you’re just an ignorant slut, no offense to scantily clad Russian sluts, er, dancers intended.
@ 23
It’s not a cap. It’s an annual limit. What exceed the limit is carried forward and can be used to reduce gains in future years.
Well kids, hope you learned a few lessons this week. There are cameras everywhere and they can show us many things. This week they showed us Kate Middleton’s boobs (at least those who searched)and they showed us Romney is one.
How many more Romney tapes are there?
@ 25
And yet the 2003 Khalidi tape remains carefully sequestered by the LAT.
Enjoy this. Seems you’re basing re-election on it.
Pitty that after 3 1/2 years, running on one’s record isn’t an option.
Joe Bonamassa, Paramount Theater, April 12th.
Just sayin’.
Romney’s absolute ignorance about how the media works disqualifies him from office. There are no off the record comments. His lack of awareness is astonishing, And when he does make slips, he doubles down and refuses to reconsider. Obama does have a record- Bin Laden is dean and GM survives, for the bumper sticker. Listen to Bill Clinton’s speech for the long version.
Romney’s campaign gaffes will be talked about for years
@ 28
Obama’s gaffes have been talked about for years.
He’s still President Obama.
Is and will continue to be.
“It’s not a cap. It’s an annual limit. What exceed the limit is carried forward and can be used to reduce gains in future years.”
Thanks, but I know that. I’ve never used it. I pay little enough taxes as it is with all the other deductions I have as well having the already low rate on capital gains. I don’t deduct donations to charity either. Money isn’t everything, Bob. Hell, I only work a few hundred hours a year. I have other things to do.
Geez, I almost forgot. I created another job today. He was floored when I told him what I was going to pay him, multitudes more than he’s ever made before. But he’s a great young man, does great work, other firms have long given him the short end of the stick, and so I changed that. I need him as much as he needs me. I suppose I could get all Galtian Lord on his inferior ass, pay him jack shit and get all smarmy on him if he took Labor Day off. But then I’d be like you.
@ 30
You miss the point.
Rarely, spoken gaffes are harmful, especially when combined with a not-so-helpful media.
Anything out of Palin’s mouth is a good example but we hear little from Palin these days.
Biden is a walking gaffe. Has kept him from being president, along with incompetence, but he’s VP because Obama needed someone with “experience”.
Google: “How many times is Biden gonna say something stupid?”
Those words came out of Obama’s mouth.
Gaffe’s aren’t disqualifying.
You should digest that for what it’s worth.
It’s the economy.
Today I paid $3.92 for a gallon of gas.
I find the gas argument quite amusing. First, it is well known that recent jumps in gas prices are due to refinery problems, first in Washington then California. Imports are low and domestic production is up.
And do you think Romney’s saber rattling about Iran will bring gas prices down?
Shooting blanks there.
Uhhh. His record is here:
He was given a country with deep hole put there by his predecessor.
In spite of an obstructionist Congress hellbent on making him a one-termer, he’s accomplished quite a lot. There’s more to do, so that’s why his message is:
Bob, any victory by your candidate and the folks he panders to can mean only one thing:
Jesus Cereal. You have zero credibility left. Obama has press conferences, You claim that Willard’s candid video has been available for months on line with no proof and now you go:
YTD, GM Stock is up $3/share and is well above it’s 52 week low. And while it dropped a bit mid-year, it’s made up $4/share since August. Gained over $1/share just in the last 5 days. Up over 20% this year.
In what Universe do you back up the statement “in the crapper?”
The damage control is so scattered that even when Anne gets a softball interview, the Willard campaign needs to pull it down.
“Mitt doesn’t disdain the poor.” “He was looking out for people when there were no cameras and no reporters.” (‘Cause when there are no reporters or cameras in a gathring of donors….he’s compassionate. Let’s go to the tape.)
Man, that reporter toss out of the interview was fair and balanced. I agree, there was so much to be inspired by in that last night. Like, a financially well off and secure senior babbling incoherently at a chair.
It’s over 24 hours and it isn’t getting even the slightest bit better. Anne wants us to look at the whole tape. Well now you can. And that makes it worse.
So, uh, since the convention and you’re implosion, the dow is only up over 100 points since Clinton tore the Romney campaign a new one and conventional wisdom put an Obama victory likely. So the market is down, right Willard? You’re not winning so investors are nervous?
Your implosion. Damnit correcting phone. That’s one of my pet peeves.
(should I mention that as a member of SAG and DGA Clint has multiple pensions. Fucking Commie!)
Joe Bonamassa, Paramount Theater, April 12th.
Save your money for Tedeschi Trucks. Better singer, better guitar player, better music, better show. Paraphrasing a friend of mine, from the start of the first guitar solo, the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and stayed that way for the rest of the show.
@ 32
You miss the point.
No, you miss the point. All Gov. Romney did was to speak right-wing dogma in clear and certain terms. That you folks are trying to spin this as a gaffe speaks volumes as to the popularity of right-wing dogma.
For everyone else in the world, a “gaffe” is a turn of phrase that conveys a meaning that’s different from what the speaker really intended to say. For Republicans, a “gaffe” occurs when the speaker articulates what Republicans really believe to be true.
Maybe CO isn’t such a gimme for Obama this year.
Rasmussen has Romney + 2.
NYT/CBS/Quinnipiac has Obama + 1.
@ 38
Thanks for the tip about the band.
Regarding ‘gaffe’, Michael Kinsley is credited with the definition but he attributed it to politicians in general, not to Republicans.
Here’s a recent Dem ‘gaffe’:
EeehHeeHee. So the comeback to high profile gaffes almost daily from the highest profile Republican is, “Hey look, there’s the Mayor of Newark.”
Damn, Democrats sure are in the crapper now.
@ 41
Damn, Democrats sure are in the crapper now.
I guess that depends on whether you believe in Rasmussen’s poll methodology:
Election 2012: New Hampshire President
New Hampshire: Romney 48%, Obama 45%
If I were an Obama-supporting Democrat, I’d at least be a little nervous.
The Fed now owns one in six dollars of the national debt, the largest percentage of GDP in history, larger than even at the end of World War II.
The Fed has effectively replaced the entire interbank money market and large segments of other markets with itself. It determines the interest rate by declaring what it will pay on reserve balances at the Fed without regard for the supply and demand of money. By replacing large decentralized markets with centralized control by a few government officials, the Fed is distorting incentives and interfering with price discovery with unintended economic consequences.
Did you know that the Federal Reserve is now giving money to banks, effectively circumventing the appropriations process? To pay for quantitative easing—the purchase of government debt, mortgage-backed securities, etc.—the Fed credits banks with electronic deposits that are reserve balances at the Federal Reserve. These reserve balances have exploded to $1.5 trillion from $8 billion in September 2008.
I’m guessing Paul Ryan will bring this up in his debate. I’m guessing Joe Biden’s response will be another Youtube classic.
Hey Cereal…….?
Does Obama hold press conferences or not. You say no, the magic of web video says…You’re wrong.
You say the Willard, “I’m a rich MFer who’d have a better time winning if I was Mexican.” has been out for months. Can you prove it?
You say GM stock is in the crpper but it’s up 20% this year.
You can continue to ignore it but it’s been laid bare. You are a hack who will type anything you can make up to make yourself look good. The ability to fact check is why RomYan is finished.
Fact Check, Fact Check, Fact Check!
Thank heavens Dullard isn’t going to reach “those people”.. Those people think.
@ 45
YLB, I’m pretty sure he was talking about you, too. When’s the last time a W-2 had your name on it?
Simon says:
Dullard is down for the count!
Poor Bob. His beloved right wing candidate is losing, big time when the truth is revealed about what the candidate really cares about and old Bob wants to change the subject.
Willard is part of the 47% who are leeches on society. He admitted it.
So Mitt. Your taxes are 100% based on Capital gains? Guess what, you paid NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX which as anyone with half a brain (that excludes Willard, Cereal and all the talkers on the right) knows doesn’t mean you don’t pay taxes.
But Willard? By your own standard, you are a freeloader. A Moocher. You EXPECT the government to provide for you.
@ 44
Does Obama hold press conferences or not. You say no, the magic of web video says…You’re wrong.
I thought I said his last one was in June. I think I said that a couple of days ago. I got that by googling ‘obama last press conference’.
You say the Willard, “I’m a rich MFer who’d have a better time winning if I was Mexican.” has been out for months. Can you prove it?
I read it was on the Internet for a few months. My guess is it was posted shortly after it was recorded and languished until someone brought it to Mother Jones. According to the NPR story yesterday, they had it for quite awhile, vetting it, before publishing the contents.
No, I can’t prove it.
You say GM stock is in the crpper but it’s up 20% this year.
I believe I said that the government was unwilling to sell their remaining stake because they would have to book a huge loss on the ‘investment’, which would make the whole thing look as bad as it really is. Yes, GM is up 20% this year. It’s also down about 10% since October and is down around 40% from the date of issue. You’re going to cheerlead GM’s performance? Where would the stock be if the corporation had to pay income taxes? Where would the stock be if GM weren’t selling so many cars to sub-prime buyers?
You are just insufferably snide.
@ 49
It was apparently lost on you that the back-and-forth between Romney and Gingrich you cited was a hypothetical.
Marketwatch, today:
GM is currently trading at just under $24 a share, well below its $33 post-bankruptcy public offering in November 2010. The share price needs to reach $53 for the government to extract itself from GM without a loss.
Who is GM loaning money to? Why, to the YLBs of the world:
From Q4 2010 to Q1 2012, GM Financial loans to customers with the worst FICO scores — below 540 — shot up 79% to more than $2.3 billion. The second worst category, 540-599, rose 28% from about $3.4 billion to $4.3 billion.
Prime loans, those above 660, dropped 42% to $676 million.
GM has loaned $2.3 billion to buyers with credit scores below 540. YLB, that score might even be lower than yours.
@ 51
You are just insufferably snide.
Ah, but not inaccurate.
Wrong, again. You said nothing factual.
Again Simon says:
Same link as 47..
Oh my that’s pretty funny! Old Bob loves the guy on the cover of the Monopoly box!
@ 56
Yes, YLB, in part the downturn was caused by rich people doing bad things.
It was also caused by people like you claiming $300,000 in income on loan applications when in reality you had no income at all.
It was caused by the type of permissive lending that GM is doing @ 53 now.
Anyone want to tell me what a 26% government-owned corporation is doing loaning money for people with sub-540 credit scores who want to buy new cars? How well did that type of credit review turn out the last time it was done?
Poor people did it!!!
Cap’n Crunch, you grow more insipid by the day.
In @ 44 I was asked if I could prove the video was on the internet for months and I replied @ 50 that I could not.
Here’s a story about it:
Jimmy Carter’s grandson tells how he found Romney fundraiser video
In an interview with Anderson Cooper, James Carter IV said he stumbled on the video while searching YouTube.
“I do searches. You know, regular searches just to keep up with what’s being posted, just with generic search terms. Romney and Republican, for instance,” said Carter. “There’s a few more that I use, but it was just on one of those searches that it came up.”
I have no interest in watching the Anderson Cooper video to learn how many months ago the video was found by Carter’s grandson. Someone else can do that.
@ 58
Lib Despair, I look forward to your children paying off my share of the debt run up by Obama and the Democrats over the past four years.
I look forward to them working through college and then professional school, perhaps residency or other post-professional education, and then working hard to succeed and make something of themselves so they can come home and turn on the tube to watch some Democrat tell them they don’t pay their fair share.
Thank your children for me, will you? It’s from the heart.
Crowd attacks US ambassador in Beijing
Beijing – Around 50 Chinese protesters surrounded the official car of the United States ambassador in Beijing, who escaped unharmed, according to the US State Department. The melee occurred outside the gates of the US embassy and security guards had to intervene to protect Gary Locke, 62.
That’s OUR Gary Locke.
Wasn’t an Obama presidency supposed to improve our relationship with other nations?
Why the attack, BTW? It wasn’t about the anti-Muslim video.
The Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei tweeted a photograph of the protest on Tuesday afternoon, and said the crowd had chanted: “Down with US imperialism” and “Pay us back our money!” referring to the trillion dollars or so of US government debt that China holds.
Among other reasons, they think Obama’s a deadbeat.
Smart people, those Chinese protestors.
“Lib Despair, I look forward to your children paying off my share of the deb run up by Obama and the Democrats over the past four years.”
How do you feel about your kids paying off your share of the trillions in debt run up by Reagan, Bush41 and Bush 43 over the last 32 years?
@ 62
How do you feel about your kids paying off your share of the trillions in debt run up by Reagan, Bush41 and Bush 43 over the last 32 years?
60+ hour weeks since inception of own practice 18 years ago will give them plenty of inheritance with which to pay that bill.
Although we’re seriously considering Going Galt and retiring early if the tax burden doesn’t justify continuing to work. I have no idea whether the Laffer Curve works over a broad population. I do know it has an effect in my own household.
“Smart people, those Chinese protestors.”
So you side with Chinese commie stooges against America? Got it.
So much for the election already being decided:
Twenty-two percent of swing-state voters could change their vote preference
@ 64
Why, yes, Doctor Steve, that’s what I intended for you to derive from that comment.
At least you didn’t divine from it that I wanted to see an Asian man killed in cold blood, but it’s early, yet. You still have time.
“them plenty of inheritance with”
Sorry, but we’re taking that away from you and giving it to black people. Redistribution of wealth. Remember?
@ 67
Redistribution? Why, I believe I have heard about that recently:
Video: RNC jumps on Obama’s redistribution quote
Anybody know if you can say ‘goat-fucker’ on Disqus?
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How else are the poor going to pay for their 60″ LED TV’s and trips to the tropics to unwind from the stress of taking your hard-earned money from you?
@ 70
How else are the poor going to pay for their 60″ LED TV’s and trips to the tropics to unwind from the stress of taking your hard-earned money from you?
Not a problem. Lib Despair’s kids are planning to foot the bill. Obama said so.
Romney: I’ll deliver recovery, not dependency
How many days until Dems realize that the video provided an opening for Romney, and stop talking about it because it ends up becoming a liability for Obama?
Why is this man smiling?
So this trend is supposed to decrease or increase with Dullard in the White House?
What a bummer for Mark Z… Net worth cut in half.. Only worth 9.4 billion.. Poor lad.
Cut his taxes stat! He’s a jawb kweatoh..
LMAO! Bob we’re current on our mortgage.. Looking forward to that 2.75 percent rate courtesy of the Fed.
So I took out a liar loan huh? So it’s a wise “jawb kweatoh” who trusts but fails to verify..
A laugh a minute with you Bob!
YLB, shouldn’t you be on the Entitled to Food thread?
It’s all about getting free stuff. Go stake your claim.
“I got that by Googling ‘Obama Last press conference'” So you don’t know how to use the Google? Or you didn’t check? Try ‘Obama Press Conference’ Following ‘News’ and ‘Video’ the #1 answer is his PC in August. Strike One
“I read it was on the Internet for a few months. ” Links? Proof? Well Willard took the mic and said it’s been out there for a while. And Willard NEVER lies. Or do you mean you read some blogger claim it’s been out there a while and you just believed it. Strike Two.
“I believe I said that the government was unwilling to sell their remaining stake because they would have to book a huge loss on the ‘investment’” What? We’re still in the same thread! No wonder you support Willard. When you’re wrong, just type something new and claim you never said it. It’s in #8 on this thread. Go back and read it. Here it is again, “(GM) stock is in the crapper.” If by crapper you mean up 20% this year. Don’t look now but GM is up 2% so far today. Strike Three.
You should probably take the day off.
“How many days until Dems realize that the video provided an opening for Romney, and stop talking about it because it ends up becoming a liability for Obama?”
LMFAO!! Bob’s been reduced to hoping that the tables are turned and that this changes into a liability for Obama. Bob, hope and change. Too fucking funny.
You mean Ford Bob?
No worries Bob. Dullard will cut the taxes of wise jawb kweatoh Ford who needed no goverment help when demand for cars fell through the floor in 2008.
We don’t get food stamps Bob. Anything else you want to know about me?
I’m beginning to think you believe people should starve. More than I cared to know about you!
@ 76
PC in August. Strike One
Damn. Got me.
Links? Proof?
@ 59
It’s in #8 on this thread. Go back and read it.
I must be channeling RR. I forgot I even wrote that. What I was referring to is the value relative to the offering price. Analogy is Facebook (FB). It’s in the crapper, I would also suggest. And yet it’s up about 20% in the past two weeks.
Everything’s relative.
Thanks for catching me on the Obama press conference thing. I couldn’t remember, googled, and did something wrong. Acknowledged.
@ 78
No, I don’t mean Ford, YLB.
I point out $2.3B in very sub-prime loans by GM and you point out one guy in an article looking at a Ford, and the article doesn’t mention his credit score?
Hey, YLB, how much of Ford does the US government still own? Ford went through a bankruptcy and got favorable treatment, right?
Heh.. What is that? 6.25 percent of the total debt?? Damn! That’ll teach them for funding two wars and a new entitlement on the credit card!
81 – LOL!! Would you lend that guy 24 – 26k wise jawb kweatoh Bob?
Heh. I’m reading they took out a 23.5 billion dollar loan in 2006.
Was it a “liar loan” Bob? Enquiring minds might want to know!
@ 82
Liberal making light of a trillion dollars in debt.
Thank you for making my point, YLB.
Which point? Pretty much all of them.
Enjoy your day.
@ 84
Jesus H, YLB, how much did the government blow on Ford? Ford saw a problem, in advance, secured financing, got through it, and is now profitable again.
Without government intervention.
What part of the difference between Ford and GM insofar as how they dealt with their financial crises is lost on you, YLB?
Do you truly not comprehend that a company borrowing to get through hard times is different than a company that welches on its debts during hard times?
Right winger making light of his beloved right wing politicians borrowing and squandering on wars of choice and buying campaign favors from Big Pharma.
I see Ford making sub-prime loans Bob.. It’s either that or the $9/hour guy possibly taking a look at a Dodge muscle car.
I also see a lot of jobs saved for auto workers and workers up and down the supply chain..
That’s a positive aggregate economic number in my book and even better in the social accounting ledger.
Peggy Noonan says that it’s time for an intervention.
Slow on the uptake Bob? Michelle Malkin at Hot Air (your fav right wing news source) was advising that back in 2009.
Please do.. After all it’s a free country. And,
I don’t plan to be taking any trains any time soon..
Calling Obama the ‘Food Stamp President’ might not have been all that inaccurate, if this pans out:
CRS report: number of able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled after Obama suspended work requirement
@59 & 80
Shame you didn’t watch the video, He says he found it posted on you tube by Anne Onymous. Took about a minute to look up all his/her uploads. The Willard Speach was uploaded on Aug. 23rd. That was ‘Month’s ago?”
And the originals are superimposed with subtitles. So let’s just say Carter did his YouTube search the exact day it was uploaded. I guess it took Mother Jones a little while to track down Anne Onymous and get a hold of the originals. like maybe over two weeks
Cereal world. Two-three weeks, couple months, no difference. No wonder you still think Willard can win. The public will certainly forget all this in the 129 days before the election.
The law grants the executive the authority to do this in states where the unemployment rate is above 10 percent or there’s a “lack of sufficient jobs.”
I can see if it was a Big Screen TV program or a Tattoo program but it’s FOOD.
Why is it that conservatives think that it’s ok to let people go hungry. Maybe it’s a power thing, hungry people will almost anything for food so people like Serial “It’s fine to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative are looking forward to time they can make the poor debase themselves so they can feed themselves and their kids.
@91 Shouldn’t that go in the “Romney doesn’t want poor people to have food” thread?
What’s your point, Bob? That an able-bodied person, say living in a one-factory town that saw all of it’s jobs shipped to China by Mitt Romney can’t get a few bucks in food stamps until he or she can get back on their feet?? Isn’t it bad enough that Romney makes these people train their Chinese replacements?
It costs you all of a quarter for foodstamps for an American family who saw their livelihood shipped to China so that Mitt Romney could make yet more money to stash in the Caymans. You may well end up keeping your damned quarter. But if life could be truly fair, you would be forced to meet that family and, face to face and as you clutch your goddamned fucking quarter, you’d tell them yourself that they can go fuck themselves, man, woman and child, because you’re just too goddamned greedy to give a flying fuck.
@ 40
Thanks for the tip about the band.
You say that as if you’ve never heard of Tedeschi Trucks. Please tell me that’s not true.
Regarding ‘gaffe’, Michael Kinsley is credited with the definition but he attributed it to politicians in general, not to Republicans.
Kinsley is often credited with a definition of the word “gaffe,” but the word had a definition long before Kinsley came along.
But, if you insist on trying to meld Kinsley’s definition with mine, I’m quite content with the general gist. For both sides, a gaffe consists of saying what people of their particular party persuasions believe to be true. The difference, of course, is that Republicans believe in a lot of things that are demonstrably false.
@ 95
You say that as if you’ve never heard of Tedeschi Trucks. Please tell me that’s not true.
What I really wish were not true is that I’ve heard of Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber.
I remember a Susan Tedeschi. I assume it’s the same one?
I like bands with horns. Steely Dan, when they tour. Chicago (saw them before Terry Kath did the oops thing). Earth, Wind, & Fire. Bonamassa.
I’ll spend some time learning this weekend. Really, appreciate the information. I truly am here to learn, not just to smack libbies around.
@ 96
“I remember a Susan Tedeschi. I assume it’s the same one?”
Yes, but I’m still surprised to see people who know about Joe Bonamassa but not Derek Trucks. Seriously, if Derek Trucks isn’t the best guitar player alive today, he’s in the top five and the other four are old enough to be his father.
Trucks toured with Clapton a few years back. They did a reprise of most of the songs on the Layla album with Trucks doing the Duane Allman parts. In-sane. He’s doing the parts, but the phrasing is still distinctly Derek, not Duane. It’s like Derek is the logical extension of Duane–where Duane would be today were he still alive.
Here’s Bonamassa sitting in with Trucks backed by Trucks’ band back in 2009.
The Derek Trucks Band disbanded when Derek joined up with Susan to form Tedeschi Trucks, who, by the way, are married to each other.
@ 97
Not sure how I found Bonamassa. I’m an Al DiMeola fan – might have been a Youtube video I found. Eric Johnson is another guitarist I like – Cliffs of Dover is one of his better ones.
Hard to say. I’m just grateful that I’m not stuck in one genre.
I tried listening to a Tedeschi Trucks video but it was live and not very good. I’m at work and computer speakers don’t help.
@ 98
Try this one:
@ 99
Well, nice and smooth, good song for the vocalist, but I was expecting fine guitar work, which this was not. I’ll look for something with a little more speed from them tonite. Thanks.
Puddy been busy for a few days, butt Puddy notices the same useless bullshittium from leftist pinheads. Puddy also noticed the Obummer sadministration is walking back it’s all about the movie BULLSHITTIUM… As Puddy said last week which Lib da dunce so wrongly ridiculed, it’s not about the tape this was planned.
You leftists are a really sad sack of shitty thinking individuals!
Seems Eric Steadman Holder lied about fast and Furious too.
Yesterday they buried the navy seal killed in Libya. Obummer was hanging with Beyonce and Jay-Z not caring about the lost seal. Puddy wonders how that family feels knowing their son, brother, uncle could have been alive if Obummer cared about the Libyan consulate to protect it!
Seems the Romney tape so proudly trumpeted by Mother Jones And David Oh So Corny isn’t the full tape. Strange… Didn’t you HA leftist pinheads complain about James O’Keefe not producing the whole ACORN tapes?
Where’s da outrage… MIA of course.
Typical pinheads.
@104 Puddles,
With the imminent and certain demise of Slick Willard and the clean sweep the Obama landslide is going to bring to the dead end Republican candidates, you must be feeling very let down.
Wow. That’s some major projection there Puddybutthead..
Out of Dr. Buttface comes (proper spelling, for sane people):
@ 104
It’s complete enough. Whatever’s missing likely doesn’t change the money quotes.
I’m not going to go conspiracy theory on Mother Jones. There’s enough black helicopter stuff on the part of the HA lefties, I don’t need to add any more.
Picking nits but Piddles is trying to conflate something which is not accurate. An Ex-Navy Seal turned paid Security Contractor was killed. There’s a difference. I’d welcome the opportunity to discuss whether cutting the budget for diplomatic missions had lead to a dangerous situation where a full force of actual U.S. Military provides security rather than contractors. That discussion would have to include the reality that Congress has slashed funding for Embassies that the President can’t unilaterally re-install.
Can a contractor order reinforcements from the closest base? Can a contractor in advance of a travel protection detail make the determination that greater security is necessary and then get someone to act on it? I admit, I don’t know what the command relationship between Blackwater-types and U.S. Military is or if a contractor takes his lead from the Ambassador, advises, but is ultimately in a subordinate position.
@104 & 107
Piddles..The full tape is released. The difference is O’Keefe inserted audio of his voice, often out of order to make the appearance that answers to a question were given when they were not.
Interviewers “Isn’t it hot in here.” Answer, “Yes the heat has been on for several weeks.”
Interviewer: “Aren’t you concerned that your lawbreaking may come to light?” Answer, “Yes, the heat has been on for several weeks.”
You think releasing excerpts of raw footage without adding anything is the same practice?
Silly, silly little man.
@ 100
but I was expecting fine guitar work, which this was not.
Are you serious!?
I’ll look for something with a little more speed from them tonite.
If you’re looking for Race with Devil on Spanish Highway, you’re not going to find it. But, there’s way more to “fine” guitar playing that just speed.
Click on the link again. Scan forward to the 3:30 mark. Sit back. Close your eyes. And listen. Hear the microtonal variations he’s slipping in and around the melody. Do you hear the middle eastern influence? The touches of Qawwali music? This guy blends musical ideals that aren’t ever supposed to blend together, and he does it with such aplomb that you manage to never really notice it unless you actively listen to what he’s doing.
He doesn’t slap you in the face with this genius, but it’s most definitely there.
Note that Trucks also plays with the Allman Brothers. He’s Butch Trucks’ nephew, so there’s a family connection. But, he clearly flows within the Duane Allman tradition. Check out their Live at the Beacon stuff. His work on Desdemona and The High Cost of Low Living is superb, and what he does with Allman classics like Dreams and Whippin’ Post is enough to make you forget that Duane ever left this earthly plane–almost enough, indeed, to lead you to forget that Duane ever existed.
@ 110
I dunno. Maybe I was looking for this:
the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up and stayed that way
Not sure why. Someone might have given me the impression that might happen.
I guess I just don’t appreciate nuance. I listen to Obama and I hear a guy in over his head and blaming his presidential woes on the guy who preceded him. What I don’t hear is the nuance of how if we just give him another four years he’ll start to work on the stuff that didn’t go right during the first three and a half. Somehow you’re down with that and I’m not.
@ 110
And yeah. I’m always looking for Race with Devil down Spanish Highway.
@ 111
Someone might have given me the impression that might happen.
Yeah. I also notice the lack of any substantive response to the musical discussion I gave. Which leads me to believe that, when you say stuff like,
I listen to Obama and I hear a guy in over his head and blaming his presidential woes on the guy who preceded him.
what you’re hearing has way more to do with the shit that’s in your head than it has to do with the sounds entering your ears.
So, when is your guy going to come up with a plan that doesn’t simply regurgitate the same stupid shit that did, in fact, lead this country into the worst recession in nearly a century, and would, in fact, have become the worst depression in this country’s history had President Obama not implemented the policies he implemented?
One of these days, you’re going to figure out that the problem with the Republican Party isn’t the candidates it keeps putting front and center. The problem is that the Republican Party can’t find someone who’s both willing and able to sell the same regurgitated crap Republicans have always tried to sell to the American Public?
It’s not the campaign, and it’s not the candidate. It’s the policy ideas, stupid.
Greed-based policies expressly intended to further enrich the rich and cement their absolute political and economic power, married to a propaganda campaign intended to stir racist and religious hatred among poorly-informed poor voters, is, perhaps, if we live in a just universe, ultimately doomed to fail.
That the candidate happens to be an insufferable prick, as well, does help the forces of good.
@ 114
That the candidate happens to be an insufferable prick, as well, does help the forces of good.
I don’t think he’s an insufferable prick. He’s just clueless. He has no idea what it’s really like to be poor, and merely comes off as condescending when he boldly asserts that he knows how to help the poor without really telling us how he’ll do it.
He’s like the guy who shows up for a whiteboard interview, and says, “I can solve that problem for you, but I’m not going to show you how until you hire me.” No hire.
I’m guessing that this is the kind of stuff that gets the hair on the back of Serial Con’s neck to stand up:
It’s what happens when you mix heroin, cocaine, boredom and yodeling.
Dr Butthead @102 has a thing for idiot sons it seems:
Dr. Butthead loves high-fiving idiots. He’s one himself.
@ 113
Yeah. I also notice the lack of any substantive response to the musical discussion I gave.
Your ‘microtonal variations’ are my ‘he sounds a little flat’.
My lack of substantive response you may infer as relative disinterest in that band although I reiterate my appreciation for your efforts in showing me some of their work.
You may further infer that I have not delved deeply into Qawwali music and in fact have no idea what you are talking about when you mention it. I would have guessed African because of the name but Google and then National Geographic tell me it’s the Indian subcontinent. So I learned something. But I won’t go looking into what Qawwali music sounds like.
I was expecting my hair to stand on end, not my eyes to roll back as I felt sleep coming on while I listened.
Again, thanks for the intro to the band.
@ 118
Your ‘microtonal variations’ are my ‘he sounds a little flat’.
Have you never heard the term “blue note”? It’s a flatted fifth. It’s central to the blues. You sound like the old jazz guys who criticized Coleman Hawkins’ Body and Soul, by saying that he played the “wrong” notes.
But I won’t go looking into what Qawwali music sounds like.
That’s a fascinating lack of curiosity, but, I have to say, it fits your character to a T. It’s typical of people who characterize themselves as “conservative.”
“I was expecting my hair to stand on end…”
Yes. And the fact that you started falling asleep while other people listen in wrapt attention means…what?
I find this fascinating. That difference would cause me to try to understand why people are so moved by this music. You, clearly, don’t give a shit.
When did learning new things cease to be fun for you?
@ 119
It’s great that music holds special appeal for you.
Some of it holds special appeal for me. But not all of it. I have no interest in rap. (Or, to use your misspelling of rapt, maybe I should call it w-rap.)
I don’t see my disinterest in rap as a character flaw, sorry. Similarly, my disinterest in a music style from the Indian subcontinent shouldn’t be viewed that way, either. I have time for only so many things. Learning about music produced by Tedeschi Trucks will be one of them. Learning about Qawwali music won’t.
@ 120
your misspelling of rapt
My apologies. Comes from starting out a phrase that began with “wrapped,” and not fully deleting the text.
Learning about music produced by Tedeschi Trucks will be one of them. Learning about Qawwali music won’t.
Except that you won’t come to fully appreciate the former without having at least exposed yourself to the latter.
And the “lack of time” excuse is lame. No one’s said that you have to understand every nuance of the genre, or the variety of cultural factors that gave rise to it. Just go to YouTube, type “qawal”, and, before you’ve finished, your browser will give you a whole bunch of stuff to listen to. You don’t have to study it. You don’t even have to like it. All you have to do is spend an hour or two listening to the stuff so that you can recognize it when it’s used in another context.
@ 121
‘ an hour or two ‘
That’s about the amount of quality face time my wife and I have in an average week – we lead pretty busy and full lives.
No, I won’t be using that time making Don Joe happy because I acquainted myself with a form of Indian subcontinent music.
But thanks for the suggestion.
@ 122
That’s about the amount of quality face time my wife and I have in an average week
And, yet, you post here. Face time with your wife isn’t what you’d need to sacrifice.
No, I won’t be using that time making Don Joe happy
Whatever makes you think that my happiness is, in any way, contingent on the amount of effort you’re willing to put into lowering your level of ignorance?
This is what makes you an idiot, Bob. You make excuses for remaining ignorant.
@ 123
To the extent that my disinterest in spending time learning more about the Indian subcontinent guitar-like instrumental style and offerings from people like 50 Cent make me an ignorant idiot, I claim
guilty as hell.
@ 123
A) You brought up the 50 Cent thing, though, had you expressed any interest in hip-hop/rap I’d have directed you toward Blue Scholars.
B) You started out by saying that you’re a fan of Al DiMeola. I directed you toward music of the Indian subcontinent, because the same musical influences that shaped DiMeola’s flamenco/Spanish flavored music also shaped the ecstatic music of the Indian subcontinent. You’re making excuses for not wanting to investigate something that’s deeply related to something you’ve said that you like.
By the way, if you also happen to be a fan of Loreena Mckennitt her Celtic-based music is also deeply influenced by the same musical ideas as are the music of Spain and the Indian subcontinent.
So, yes, you’re guilty as charged, but your guilt goes way deeper than you’re willing to admit even to yourself.
@ 125
I have Nights at the Alhambra. Great DVD. Does that cellist look hot or what?
OK, you’ve shamed me into it. Goddammit. I’ll look into it. I’m on her Quinlan Road mailing list. Plan in the next couple of years is to fly my wife somewhere that she’s playing, since she seems never to be around here.
@ 126
Good for you. And, Nights at the Alhambra is an excellent DVD. The cellist is Caroline Lavelle who has a long history of playing baroque music. She’s also performed with Radiohead and Peter Gabriel.
Food for thought: Mckennitt made a deliberate choice to hold her first live video taped concert at the Alhambra. Why? What about the history of that place is related to her music?