Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters meet, and Thursday night Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets.
With 227 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Drink heavily, usual suspects!
“Who the F cares?”, say the trolls..
The vet is probably a Democrat..
IMHO, I don’t care about the guy’s politics. He has a right to weigh in on who represents him in the government.
Every bit as sacred as his right to bear arms.
its pretty damn easy to get ID – laziness is no excuse.
You need ID to get a glass of beer, but not to vote?
@3. Your analogy doesn’t work. I don’t need ID anymore to buy beer. I’m old enough that they don’t ask.
How come you need to be identified to vote and influence the course of elections, but you don’t need to be identified to spend gobs of money to influence the course of elections? Why does money need to be special?
U needed an ID to get into the DUMMOCRAPT convention. Now that was amazing.
Romney only trails Obummer by 5 in New Mexico and is gaining… Who knew The Politico would tell everyone this?
More info on the biased weighted CNN poll! Kinda makes you wonder about that map to the right!
Puddy, you consider that website to be credible in any manner? There is nothing in that post that reflects any objective analysis. Now I understand your estranged relationship to facts.
WOW…I didnt know that.
Democrat Party own-goal.
Proud Leftist, what is wrong? PROVE IT. Their analysis is front and center.
Got proof otherwise?
Heh. So the asshat is calling Cramer’s vet dad “lazy”.. No surprise. Look at all names he calls Roger Rabbit.
And as usual, the asshat is butt ignorant.
Hmmm.. If you’re disabled? If you’re poor?
In Wisconsin a photo id is free! How convenient! As convenient as any experience in a DMV office as everybody knows.
Not so convenient when the state is closing down motor vehicle offices..
The rich and the corporations need the tax breaks. The Republican need to suppress votes to stay in power.
The more people vote, the more Republicans lose.
You have that wrong ylbuttspigot… The more the same people vote over and over sometimes in other states for the same election, the more Republicans lose. See the disgraced Maryland DUMMOCRAPT who had to leave her candidacy!
Oh look..
But it’s “easy” for them to get id. If they can’t for some reason it’s because they’re “lazy”..
People who have voted in 50 consecutive general elections are “lazy”..
Amazing the idiocy of the trolls.
I recall a certain Republican winning in Florida:;src=pm
The puddypussypissypants is going to be SOOOOOOOOO disappointed when he goes for the emperor max-minidick aka kaiser bun the first the fucking rat-bastard scab’s swingin’ 10cm johnson.
Now this is interesting… Well, you know what’s interesting
Puddy thought Rahmbo Deadfish Emanuel was Jewish. Very telling these union peeps!
Post#15.. Libtard decorder ring quick!
Just try to keep up, dumb fuck.
Love it. Just love it.
With your drivel? Nope you Dope!
Some of the news lately sucks for Romney. Other news really sucks. But this one here sucks beyond words.
Nice way to start an article.
So maybe the puddypussypissypants wants to tell the class when Richard Armitage switched parties…or what the “Southern Strategy” was or how old the earth is?
US Egypt Embassy under siege! Obummer Sadministration is pathetic!
Obummer is campaigning and decides not to meet Bibi Netanyahu! Campaigning in Ohio is more important that Middle East issues.
The rats are deserting the sinking S.S. Raw-Money.
That article is so damed funny!
You da genius… you tell the world how smart you are rujax… so let us know!
Be sure to provide a CREDIBLE link instead of those left wrong puke sites. Can you dig it SUCKA?
C’mon puddy, ya big fart-bag…
…answer the fucking questions ya chickenshit.
Still waiting rujax…
Israel, Sheldon Adelson and friends, WMDs & Drums of War.
Come on baby light my fire!
@26. Puddybud spews:
Seriously the guy worked for ALL the Republicans PLUS PNAC.
When did he switch?
How did that happen?
@26. Puddybud spews:
Seriously the guy worked for ALL the Republicans PLUS PNAC.
When did he switch?
How did that happen?
Finish @31…
You say you know so tell us.
Waiting for you, you lying prick.
Add @33…
You can’t just throw your made-up bullshit around here. Your stupid and arrogant to think you can.
The article also shows that some old habits are hard to break.
Still waiting for the rujax proof from a credible source… How long? Well we’ll see!
Hold your breath.
No, I’m calling cramer lazy for not helping his dad.
There umpteen services to help the poor and disabled…keep barking up that tree, ylblazy…….
Must be rujax can’t find a credible source… only left wrong web sites!
You don’t know do you?
Sheldon Adelson, Terry Jones & Israel fan the flames of war!
Is there any wonder President Obama is letting Hillary handle Bibi now that Sheldon and his 100 friends are pouring gas on the fire for war and a oil price explosion?
Just think what the crazy muslims would do if tere was an HA Koran study thread each week
Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?
So the puddypussypissypants makes a dumb statement and didn’t check it out first?
Wow…that NEVERRRRR happened before.
Puddy when does 11,000 jobs = 205 Why did you cut & run??
@115 Puddy, I factchecked your claim. Do you have anything in writing or it is just another case of puddy bullshit? Trail King is in Mitchell (205) jobs.
Greg… 11,000 jobs in the whole state…
Partial list…
Sioux Falls, SD (666)
HURON, SD (234)
PIERRE, SD (208)
Rapid City, SD (205)
Aberdeen, SD (113)
Yankton, SD (85)
Pierre, SD (70)
Mitchell, SD (64)
Watertown, SD (55)
Sioux falls, SD (34)
Huron, SD (33)
Brookings, SD (32)
Vermillion, SD (24)
Stay stupid Greg!
Dumbest mofo here. Been known forever! Jobs jobs jobs!
I just want to remind everyone that puddyloon is the silly asswipe who, in the preceding thread, blamed the outing of Valerie Plane on Democrats by labeling Richard Armitage a “DUMMOCRAPT”. You might want to take this into consideration
when reading anything else posted by puddyloon.
@47 I didn’t know Trail King has so many locations.
@48 Yep, loads of new jobs since Obama took over; not nearly enough, but lots better than his predecessor.
I notice how S.D. doesn’t have any jobs because Obama shut down all the energy development there …
Roger SENILE Wabbit… Been saying Armitage is a DUMMOCRAPT for years. Ask ylbuttspigot, HA’s favoirte arschloch SENILE Wabbit… Puddy provided the link after link after link over the years.
Where’s your evidence from a credible libtard MSM source SENILE Wabbit? Like the girl attackers were white skinheads? Oopsie… dey were blacks…
Yeah, you are sooooooooo credible Roger SENILE Wabbit!
@53 Your being a stupid motherfucker doesn’t make Armitage a Democrat. There’s no connection between the two.
11,000 jobs in South Dakota you morons! None of you even knew this!
Of course left wrong sites won’t tell you anything useful!
Puddy agrees with your self-assessment Roger SENILE Wabbit… U R a stupid motherfucker! Had to be white skinheads in downtown Seattle. U said it. Still waiting for link! Provided previous proof here! Even leftist loon blogs called him a RINO because they have to “cover their bases”, and not admit he’s a DUMMOCRAPT!
puddy, The housing situation in South Dakota is a disaster so if folks are planning on moving this is what to expect. Bring a tent and lots of soap and water.
Meanwhile the latest US debt is $16,019,636,275,972 and climbing. Thank you Preznit Obummer!
Butt butt butt you said Puddy didn’t know what he was talking about with those 11,000 SD job openings. Then the standard stupidness bearers (Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuch, rujax, Roger SENILE Wabbit, etc.) chimed it. Apparently there are 11,000 jobs in SD waiting for peeps to take.
greg, changes the topic, butt still stupid!
Gotta go SportsCenter!
LOL! No cites.. Most services have a hard enough time with their core missions and now they’re supposed to help disabled folks while they’re waiting in line in government offices to get id..
Stupid much asshat???
The purpose of the laws is to block people from voting so Republicans win.. In the case of PA, even people who have voted in every election for 50 years. Puddy when does 6,606 = 11,000 is it when John Roberts from Rupert Murdoch’s fraud news pulls a random number out of his ass and sells it to fools like you? Check out the link and see if you can find the total jobs blind puddy who can’t add.
Maybe you all could take up a change collection at your drinking Liberal sessions to help pay dow the gigantic debt and deficits you are wracking up. You know each time Romney or Ryan’s name is mentioned you get to throw a buck in a jar.
PS Moodys is going to downgrade the US from AAA to AA in January if it does not resolve it’s Debt issues.
And Double PS Germany today said the US had no right telling it what part it should play in the European debt crisis, until the US resolves it’s own frickin debt issues.
Poor Republican SecState in CO. Tried to suppress 4000 votes..
Failed miserably.. Oh well, he’ll keep trying I’m sure.
And you’ve been wrong that entire time.
Quelle surprise!!
Never gonna happen…puddle doesn’t roll like that.
Why answer questions when they’re only going to make you look stoopid and deluded?
I’m still waiting for puddle to defend her heroine Crazy Lady Mia Love and her insane word salad.
I’m sure it’s not going to happen – he’d have to admit he was wrong – doesn’t have the guts for that.
Quadrupled under Raygun.
Doubled under Shrub.
Puddle finds proportions and percents elusive.
Math is hard!!
What a breath of fresh air with Obama!
Imagine – reading!!
I bet he’d have acted on “OBL determined to strike US” too!
@53 “Been saying Armitage is a DUMMOCRAPT for years.”
Could you date it more precisely so we know exactly when you went irreversibly insane? There’s a question on the involuntary commitment papers that asks that. Thanks.
@56 “Had to be white skinheads in downtown Seattle. U said it.”
I said no such thing. I said “my educated guess is” they were “skinheads” and I didn’t characterize them as white, black, brown, yellow, red, green, hazy blue, magenta, lavender, orange, purple with pink spots, or any other color. This is a perfect illustration of how you habitually distort everything beyond all recognition! You’re not only a stupid motherfucker, but a raving loon as well.
@58 Don’t forget Reagan and the Bushes.
@59 Typical. Another poster kicks your ass so you change the subject.
…and for years the puddypussypissypants has been wrong.
@62 I noticed that too. The stupid motherfucker posted a bunch of cities with (presumably) the number of job openings for those cities, then says it’s a “partial list,” but doesn’t give a source. His link leads to a Fox article that says S.D. has 11,000 unfilled jobs that are mostly “skilled labor, engineers or professionals” (so forget it if you’re a laid-off teacher or bank teller) but no breakdown by city so there’s no telling where those numbers came from. And if you add up the stupid motherfucker’s “partial list” you get 5,398 not 11,000.
@72 Yeah, stupidity doesn’t get any smarter with age.
Some poeple are beyond hope.
Who do you think deserves more credit for the
killing of Osama bin Laden: Barack Obama or
Mitt Romney?
Barack Obama…………………………63%
Mitt Romney…………………………. 6%
Not sure ……………………………31%
It was WAAAAAY before April 27, 2005..
As for Armitage..
I see 3/11/2007 as the first time he characterized Armitage as a “friend of the left”..
Remember though that he’s done the same for Alan Greenspan and Hank Paulson..
A Fed Chairman appointed by St. Raygun and Bush mis-administration Treasury Secretary who was a big-time Bush bundler. Lefties.. Wow that’s some bat guano crazy nutso stuff that he’s trying to pass as thought.
Joe Klein has been a journalist for over 40 years and has covered countless political campaigns. Here’s his appraisal of what we face.
“It’s a closely held secret … but most journalists are more romantic than cynical and are also, by the way, real patriots. We … are freaked out by the paralysis in Washington and the truly diseased atmosphere …. We’re really rooting for the country to do better, and we’re afraid it won’t. The press depression reflects the mood of the country. As I’ve traveled … I’ve seen the zeitgeist shift from real fear … in 2010 to frustration … in 2011 to ecumenical disgust … in 2012.
“There is an enormous question hovering over the presidential campaign: How do we get out of this place, past this paralysis? How do we break the fever? … I don’t know. …
“The tension of the next few months will be reinforced by the encroaching reality of what is going to happen immediately after the election …. Absent a deal [on the fiscal cliff], most economists agree, we will have another recession … [and] the sense that our republic is crashing will become a global problem.
“So the real question … is: Which of these candidates is more likely to make the deal? I have mixed feelings about that. President Obama’s policies and priorities seem more reasonable to me … than the policy mirage that Romney has presented so far, stained by the preposterous extremism of the Republican Party’s base. But Obama has had no luck … in luring Republicans toward compromise, and if he wins this election, the GOP backlash … is likely to make flexibility on taxing and spending more difficult. Romney may be in a better position to negotiate, for two reasons: First, he knows how to do it, having spent a lifetime as a businessman making deals … the second reason … is that he’ll have some Democrats across the table. They tend to value government more than Republicans do; they’re more willing to compromise to keep it operating. Of course, any real attempt to engage the Democrats would probably destroy Romney’s credibility with Rush Limbaugh and the other stupendous citizens in his party.
“What a conundrum! … The frustration in all this … is that I believe there are real answers to the problems we face, from education to economic growth to health care. I’ve seen and reported on them. There should be real cause for optimism. But I don’t know how we get from here to there.”,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I know how to do it: get rid of Republicans. If we can’t vote them out of office, shoot ’em all! Heh, don’t take this seriously, it’s only a joke of the kind Republicans love to tell about us liberals. I’ll be satisfied if voters evict them and let sane people — the Democrats — run our country. That would fix most of what’s broken.
Meanwhile …
“Amid an increasingly dramatic presidential contest, the battles for control of the Senate and House rage far behind the scenes.
Democrats have an outside shot at picking up the 25 seats they need to regain the majority in the House. … About 75 House races are competitive, while about a dozen Senate contests remain in play.
“Republican expectations to easily nab Democrat Claire McCaskill’s Missouri Senate seat were curbed when their nominee … made his offensive remarks about rape and pregnancy. National Republicans pulled all their financing from Akin, who has declined to quit the race. While both parties have been surprised by polls that show Akin maintaining a close contest, the Democrats are deliberately holding back explosive TV ads pillorying his comments until the Sept. 25 deadline to replace him on the ballot passes. Once those commercials start, both sides believe Akin will be effectively eliminated, costing Republicans a Senate seat they were counting on ….
“Democrats keep dreaming about regaining the Speaker’s gavel … and are eyeing clusters of close House races in California, Illinois, New York and Florida, with buzzy candidates such as a Hispanic former astronaut and a female African-American sheriff. What Democrats are banking on: a repeat of 2006, when they won far more seats than some experts had predicted.”,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I didn’t realize before reading this article that the House is in play. Apparently it is. Democrats will pick up the Maine Senate seat being vacated by Olympia Snowe; and keeping McCaskill’s Missouri seat now looks a sure thing. In Wisconsin, popular former governor Tommy Thompson is probably the favorite in his matchup with Rep. Tammy Baldwin, so the R’s have a shot at adding to their Senate count there. But the R’s need to flip 4 seats to take the Senate and the struggling Romney/Ryan ticket doesn’t appear to have any coattails to help with that task. I really haven’t studied the House map, but it has occurred to me that if voter disgust with GOP obstructionism and extremism runs deep enough, we could wake up to a surprising Democratic House majority on Nov. 7. That would be a political earthquake, but we saw one in 2006 and the ground is trembling again, so maybe it’s possible. I’m not claiming it’s gonna happen, just sayin’ it looks possible. The rationale for it is voters might decide gridlocked government isn’t the way to go this time around and a strong campaign by Obama could pull the downticket candidates into office with him.
“if he wins this election, the GOP backlash … is likely to make flexibility on taxing and spending more difficult. Romney may be in a better position”
I have a hard time believing that rewarding Republicans with the White House for their obstructionist tactics will somehow result in political compromise. I believe that all we’d see is a dismantling of our nation’s social saftey nets to give tax cuts to the filthy rich and Republicans starting yet another misbegotten war in the Middle-East. And if we object to their senseless war, they’ll call us traitors again, just like they did before.
Obama re-elected, Democrats keep Senate, win the House … wow! I’d love to believe it can happen. To quote another president from another time, “Morning in America!”
@79 I find myself struggling with Klein’s idea that people should vote for Romney because the Republican crazies will be even more bitterly intractable if he loses. I’m thinking maybe a re-elected Obama imposing a security zone around Capitol Hill with psychiatrists conducting sanity checks of anyone trying to get in is a better option.
Joe Klein = Joke Line
More inside the beltway truthiness.
Give the Presidency to the Republicans because they’ve been the party of obstinance and obstruction? Because a Republican president in that situation will be solicitous and compromising?
Like Bush/Rove were?
You’ve got to be absolutely fucking kidding me.
@82 I’m not worried about Klein changing anyone’s vote. According to our wingnut friends, anybody who reads Time is already a communist. Which means, of course, they’ll vote for the Kenya-born, Indonesian-educated, Black Muslim communist.
I’d like to ask our trolls what they think of this idea.
It appears Colorado’s Republican SoS actually found a non-citizen on the state’s voter registration rolls:
“It was a guy with a work visa. He didn’t even know he was registered to vote. Somehow we think it was a clerical mistake at the Department of Motor Vehicles when he got his driver’s license.”
Meanwhile in Texas …
“Nine thousand citizens in Harris County … recently received letters warning them their voter registrations may be cancelled because they might be dead. If they were in fact still alive, these voters had 30 days to respond or be purged from the rolls.
“But on Monday, Harris County … voter registrar Don Sumners announced he would not purge any of the contested names from the voter roll, at least until after the election.
“After receiving about 300 complaints from the allegedly deceased voters, Sumner decided the list of names compiled by the Texas Secretary of State was too unreliable.
“‘We’re not even going to process any of the cancellations until after the election. Because we’ve gotten such a response from people that say that they are still alive,’ he said.”
And in Florida …
“Months after Florida first began its purge of the state’s voter rolls, officials now have something to show for it: a single prosecutable case of voter fraud by an immigrant from Canada. Josef Sever, 52, is the only person found to have been falsely presenting himself as a US citizen in Florida, and voted in the last two presidential elections despite being a Canadian citizen.”
The only skinheads are white skinheads Roger SENILE Wabbit.
Puddy will now use the adjective and pronoun from Roger SENILE Wabbit’s previous post.
The only “stupid motherfucker” is you Roger SENILE Wabbit… Since you can’t pay attention to thread entries in a blog let Puddy help you… Greg posted the source link you “Roger SENILE stupid motherfucker Wabbit” on SD jobs. I clicked the link and displayed a partial link “Roger SENILE stupid motherfucker Wabbit”.
Man, as the election gets closer and the slobbering libtard msm poll tricks get exposed, libtards bear their “stupid motherfucker” fangs.
Still using Roger’s adjective and pronoun
The Governor claimed 11,000 jobs “Roger SENILE stupid motherfucker Wabbit”!
Senility… it definitely has appeared in the Wabbit.
Hey ylbuttspigot did Puddy’s bidding. Keep looking…
Using Roger’s adjective and pronoun, “Roger SENILE stupid motherfucker Wabbit”, still waiting for your link to demonstrate Richard Armitage is a Republican. You brag about your intelligence. Well prove it. Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism hasn’t helped. He’s natually stupid and has been displaying that trait for years. rujax… well an amoeba inhabits his neanderthal cranial orifice!
Remember “Roger SENILE stupid motherfucker Wabbit”, the link must be from a credible source, not some left wrong libtard site. Maybe that’s why all the ad hominem attacks and subterfuge. You can’t prove otherwise so attack Puddy. Anyone with a brain sees the ad hominem attacks is your only recourse.
With all this poll watching this year… it will be difficult for DUMMOCRAPTS to pull off what that Maryland lady did voting multiple times or the NAACP lady voting for four dead people. That’s a good thing. Voting early and often and in multiple states was invented by DUMMOCRAPTS.
Now this is priceless… DNC gives tribute to US Vets and displays Russian Navy warships.
DUMMOCRAPTS can’t even get the navy correct!
Obama can’t visit with Netanyahu but has time to visit David Letterman!
Let’s see what the US Jewish voter sez in November!
Sigh, SpuddyPud @ 88 (interesting juxtaposition there)
You try so hard to appear relevant. You really are just a pathetic, ignorant jackass Spudds. I know a few of these guys. They hang out in the clubs I used to go to when I was in Seattle. They’re also programmers at Steam, Micro$oft and one of them is a fitter/machinist at the Lake Union Shipyard. He also bounces part-time at a club in Ranier Beach. Not someone you fuck with.
And your South Dakota jobs post was hysterically obvious in the lie. Those jobs, nowhere near the 11,000 figure you cite, are mostly temporary and short term and require one to bring their own house with them, as rents in the area are now hitting the $5000/month for a one bedroom apartment. Services are non-existent. That means grocery stores, gas stations, doctors offices, auto repair etc. The only new ancillary businesses opening up there are saloons.
Hmm, there’s a thought.
You stupid, ignorant misguided fuck. Your blather and bullshit are probably welcome over at FreeRepublic but here, its just blather and bullshit. Simply because everyone is smarter than you.
through incoherent babbling.. that ODS is working out good for him.
there he goes again – they guy with barely two nickels to rub together calling other people “stupid”…lol
Puddybud’s Trottelhaftigkeit is amazing. It’s just so caustic to read….
the DNC is full of the biggest f-ing drooler idiots on the planet.
Wow. Just wow.
Driven by desperation and a complete lack of both principles and campaign competence, Romney launches incoherent, crass and ineffective attack on Obama Admin for Egypt/Libya events.
You know, the violent attacks incited by right-wing Christianist Terry Jones.
(I’m sure puddle will be along any minute to tell us that he is a “DUMMOCRAPT”)
Tweets from Romney event:
OMG what a FAIL.
Always keeping it classy.
Had this occurred in 2002, or thereabouts, and Democrats were critical of a Republican president, we’d have heard all about treason and patriotism and ‘watching what we say’.
Republicans aren’t too big on consistency, or decency.
I’m with Atrios:
Check out this picture.
Smirk. He’s smirking like that amoral entitled prick that he is.
Smirking while trying to plant a shiv in the President’s back in the midst of an international crisis. I’d expect nothing less from Mitt, but it’s still breathtaking to see so vividly and without camouflage.
Romney has no honor.
Josh Mashall:
Nor does he appear competent. He does appear desperate, however.
Despicable. Incompetent. Amoral.
Ungrateful libyans….fuck em, let em starve and butcher each other…no more US help.
About the maker of the movie that God-loving Muslims in Egypt and Libya found so offensive:
And the promoter:
A quote of Sadek:
Nothing like a little fratricidal hatred between the god-believers.
Anyone else smell Netanyahu in all this? Do you think he coordinated with his friend Romney? This wouldn’t be the first time that a Republican challenger conspired with a foreign entity to undermine the sitting President.
Convenient way to stoke a crisis AND get Osama bin Laden’s death off the front pages.
Consider the case of Scott Van Duzer, originally a New York native and now the owner of Big Apple Pizza and Pasta restaurant in Florida. A registered Republican, Van Duzer is 46 years old, six feet three inches tall, and works out regularly. He also runs a foundation he established to collect blood for the ill, earning him several commendations.
Van Duzer voted for Obama in 2008 because he like the “hope and change message”. Of course, this is just the type of dissafected Republicans whom party officials are targeting in 2012 and trying to bring them “back into the fold” by claiming that President Obama hasn’t fulfilled his promises made in 2008.
But on Sunday, the President was doing a campaign bus swing through Florida, and made a surprise stop at Van Duzer’s restaurant. The Secret Service swept through first, collecting every sharp object which might be used as a weapon. Then the President entered, took one look at Van Duzer’s biceps, and said “Look at those guns!” After a momentary panic among the Secret Service subsided, the President ordered several pizzas for the campaign staff on the bus, and the two talked. Van Duzer, overcome with the moment, hugged the President, lifting him off the ground just as photographers snapped the picture.
Van Duzer commented that he was impressed with the President’s “message of change”, and his “genuine personality”. “I saw it first hand,” Van Duzer said of the president’s personality. “It didn’t feel like it was just another stop on his tour.” He said he would vote for Obama again in 2012.
The President spent some $200 on Pizzas and left a 30% tip for the wait staff.
But what happened afterwards says a lot about how Republicans really treat their own. Van Duzer’s restaurant received hundreds of Yelp reviews, almost all of them from outside the state. Some claimed to have eaten there and that the pizza and service was terrible, and the restaurant was unclean. Others simply tried to organize a boycot of the restaurant, saying that they would never patronize the restaurant if the owner supported the President. Some simply renewed the false claims that the President was a secret Muslim and a Kenyan.
What a bunch of bunch of mean-spirited idiots.
Link for the above post:
Republican Pizza Guy Power-Lifts Obama
@108, 109
Yup, saw that.
Like going after the 12-year-old kid who spoke out about SCHP – Graeme Frost.
These people have no character, no decency.
# 106: Yep, the moment I heard of the attacks in Cairo and Libya, I smelled Karl Rove or his protoges.
Just when the Obama administration is polling at higher numbers on foreign policy than Romney, a video surfaces which is clearly calculated to encite Muslim outrage?
I used to be very suspicious of conspiracy claims, but I’ve learned over the years that whatever conspiracy claims you hear about Republicans, it’s usually just the tip of the iceberg. The problem is that the proof usually arrives too late. We’ve gotten better at investigating and publicizing Republican culpability, and now it generally takes only years, rather than decades, for it to become apparant. But it still takes too long.
I don’t think we’ve plumbed the depths that either Netanyahu or Romney will sink to get what they want.
The fortunate thing is, this seems to be TOTALLY blowing up in Mitt’s face.
At least the United States government apologized for the anti-Islamic film:
U.S. Embassy Condemns Religious Incitement
September 11, 2012
The Embassy of the United States in Cairo condemns the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims – as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions. Today, the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Americans are honoring our patriots and those who serve our nation as the fitting response to the enemies of democracy. Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy. We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others.
Wow the leftist nutjobs are trying to defend Obama’s failed foreign policy by conjuring up a Karl Rove conspiracy theory. Nutjobs.
Pandering to Islamic terrorists ain’t working. Look at all the deaths in Iraq & Afghanistan.
Obama seems to think he can sweet talk these terrorists by not calling them…terrorists.
# 112: And, of course, the whole incident flaring up on Sept. 11th is pretty convenient for someone trying to flame anti-muslim passions here in the U.S.
# 114: The fact that Americans were killed is tragic. Unfortunately, for the Republicans who consider Americans pawns in their play for power, the fact that Americans might be killed, or be cut off from unemployment benefits right before Christmas, or were unemployed in the first place, is just “collateral damage”.
The watchword on this issue, and the title of future books about it, should be “…and cooler heads prevailed”.
Why don’t you take your dog and pony show somewhere where there’s an audience who might believe that crap.
Sound Politics?
Transparent, poorly crafted apologies for Romney’s incompetence will not get you anything here but derision.
BTW your guy Mitt’s behavior over the past 24-hours is being compared to McCain’s campaign suspension. Sucks to be you.
9:20 am and not a single post from ‘bob’
At least he has the sense to keep his head down and let the third-string (@114) take the fire.
Telling. Very telling.
I’d like any of our resident trolls to explain what they find offensive and wrong, with specifics, with that statement.
Show your work.
Regarding Bacile, the ‘man’ who made the incendiary film:
Sounds about right.
@1 I’ve never seen anyone “drink heavily” at DL, but I’ve often seen you make shit up.
@88 “white skinheads”
Those are your words, not mine, so get your attributions straight.
@91 “still waiting for your link to demonstrate Richard Armitage is a Republican”
This statement, by itself, qualifies you as deserving of the “stupid” moniker. As for the “motherfucker” part, well, that’s private information between you and your mom!
Liberal Scientist @ 118
If a mob of religious zealots in Egypt had attacked our embassy in protest of a gay rights parade in the USA, or in protest of abortion being legal in this country, would it have been equally appropriate for the US embassy to apologize for gay rights and abortions being legal (and constitutionally protected) in America?
@93 Who knows, this might decide the election.
@95 It would be interesting to see what reception he’d get at Freep the first time they saw him in the flesh.
@110 “These people have no character, no decency.”
Understatement of the year.
@113 “Respect for religious beliefs is a cornerstone of American democracy.”
There are three things listed here that Republicans are against: Respect, others’ religious beliefs, and democracy. So far they haven’t attacked “is”, “a”, or “of”, but that’s coming.
@114 Explain how bombing Ghadafi was “pandering to Islamic terrorists.” Show your work and cite sources.
@117 “9:20 am and not a single post from ‘bob’”
Maybe he got fired in the latest round of budget-cutting, or got outsourced.
Sarah Palin sez, “We already know that President Obama likes to ‘speak softly’ to our enemies. If he doesn’t have a ‘big stick’ to carry, maybe it’s time for him to grow one.”
She really said that?!!
@123 I’m having trouble following your analogy, Richard. The riots in Cairo and Benghazi weren’t provoked by American cultural practices or even the treatment of Muslims in the United States — that doesn’t seem to rouse the Muslim world. On the other hand, if you went to their countries and did those things, you’d be asking for trouble and probably would find it. The Bacile video is in the latter category. It was calculated to provoke and, not surprisingly, it provoked. When you go to someone else’s neighborhood and poop on their lawn most folks would say you’re trying to start trouble. That’s what these guys did, for whatever reason.
Intrade Market = President Obama 62%, Romney 38%
Free Market Odds on Mitt are not looking good today.
@123, 132
I hadn’t gotten around to it, but yes – same question as Roger – what’s your point?
NBC Calls Romney’s ‘Palin’-Like Reaction ‘Over The Top’
“After saying he was ‘outraged’ by these attacks and the death of an American consulate worker, Romney said, ‘It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.’
“Yet after learning every piece of new information about those attacks, the Romney statement looks worse and worse — and simply off-key.
“First, Romney was referring to a statement that the U.S. embassy in Egypt issued condemning the ‘efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.’ But that embassy statement, which the White House has distanced itself from, was in reference to an anti-Islam movie and anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones, and it came out BEFORE the embassy attacks began.
“Then this morning, we learned that the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and others died in one of the attacks.
“Bottom line: This was news-cycle campaigning by the Romney campaign gone awry. Why didn’t the Romney campaign wait until it had all the facts? On his overseas trip in the summer, Romney was so careful not to criticize Obama while on foreign soil. But how much time do you give an administration to work through a diplomatic and international crisis before trying to score immediate political points?
“You’d expect the Sarah Palins of the world to quickly pounce on something like this, and she predictably did. But a presidential nominee running for the highest office in the land?
“After the facts have come out, last night’s Romney statement only feeds the narrative that his campaign is desperate. …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is very consistent with the Mitt Romney we’ve seen throughout the campaign. He’s a flip-flopping panderer who will say whatever he thinks the GOP base wants to hear. He’s shown a ready willingness to feed GOP mobs the “red meat” rhetoric they crave, no matter how inaccurate or irresponsible it is. And he keeps throwing stuff at the wall hoping to find something that will stick. His ridiculous, smirking statement in the wake of the Libyan embassy murders is merely the latest iteration of this campaign tactic. And, one might add, its mean-spirited nature, far from being an aberration, is a manifestation of traits that lie at the very core of Mitt Romney’s character and personality.
@ 135
But how much time do you give an administration to work through a diplomatic and international crisis before trying to score immediate political points?
How much time do you sit and say nothing until you are permitted by the MSM to think you have ‘all the facts’?
When a statement made on behalf of the federal government is as egregious as the one issued by the Cairo embassy, Romney’s just supposed to do nothing until Obama gets his story straight?
Had Romney said nothing, the news would have been full of stories about Romney’s uncaring nature and his trepidation insofar as foreign policy issues are concerned.
The Cairo embassy reflects State, and the White House. Given the fragile current state of the Middle East, there couldn’t have been some sort of coordinated message planned in advance and approved at higher levels? Did the 9/11 anniversary sneak up on Team Obama?
BTW…all ‘bob’ could muster this morning was a single snide comment over on the People for Puget Sound thread.
Not a single word on Romeny’s shameful behavior of the past 24 hours.
@ 137
See @ 136.
@136 “When a statement made on behalf of the federal government is as egregious as the one issued by the Cairo embassy”
You’re either full of shit or stupid beyond belief. The Cairo embassy personnal who issued that statement were trying to defuse a situation incited by a couple of attention-seeking incendiary troublemakers. They were very reserved and diplomatic in the language they chose, which is what diplomats are paid to do. Why do asswipes like you always defend the inciters instead of the peacemakers? That says worlds about what kind of person you are.
@136 “Given the fragile current state of the Middle East” the last thing America needs is for rightwing hotheads to incite violence in that part of the world by publicly attacking their religion. Now you’re attacking the Obama administration and its overseas diplomats for trying to calm the situation created by those rightwing hotheads. It appears you believe starting a war for no damn reason is the better option here. The main issue with this is Romney jumping on board with that idiocy. He’s asking me to vote for him. No thanks, I’m not a buyer of those goods.
@135 “as egregious as the one issued by the Cairo embassy”
That’s truly pathetic of you. After royally fucking up his foreign excursion of a few weeks ago, Romney was so desperate to wipe that from memory that he royally fucked up again. It’s as simple as that and your spin is disgusting.
@ 141
What’s my spin, Doctor Steve?
A year ago Libya’s leader was sodomized and then shot in the head. A year ago Egypt’s leader was deposed, rather forcefully, and a fair amount of violent activity occurred in the square in (I think) Cairo – Lara Logan can vouch for that.
On the anniversary of 9/11, the State Department couldn’t have thought to make sure that any public messages put out by its Middle East embassies reflect actual US sentiment and policy?
Really? I point that out and you call it spin?
I would have called it, um, foresight, had the US thought to coordinate its message.
@ 139
The Cairo embassy personnal who issued that statement were trying to defuse a situation incited by a couple of attention-seeking incendiary troublemakers. They were very reserved and diplomatic in the language they chose, which is what diplomats are paid to do.
RR, if that’s the case then why did the White House 1) disavow their statement and 2) delete the statement?
It’s possible to be reserved, diplomatic, and grossly incorrect all at the same time.
“A year ago Libya’s leader was sodomized and then shot in the head.”
“A year ago Libya’s leader was sodomized and then shot in the head. A year ago Egypt’s leader was deposed, rather forcefully, and a fair amount of violent activity occurred in the square in (I think) Cairo –”
And Mitt Romney took no position whatsoever. No, you don’t think, you disgusting fool.
This is how it’s done, Bob.
“Yesterday we commemorated the anniversary of the attacks of September the 11th, and today we are reminded that brave Americans serve us every day at the risk of their own lives,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in a statement. “We honor the Americans we lost in Libya and we will stand united in our response.”
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced plans for a moment of silence in the House and ordered flags at half staff.
“We mourn for the families of our countrymen in Benghazi, and condemn this horrific attack,” he said in a statement. “Eleven years after September 11, this is a jolting reminder that freedom remains under siege by forces around the globe who relish violence over free expression, and terror over democracy — and that America and free people everywhere must remain vigilant in defense of our liberties.”
Instead of acting like a damned fool, Bob, act like an American.
@143 Would you have preferred a statement like this?
“Fuck you, Islamist assholes! Muhammed sucks goat dicks! Your mother is a whore and your sister is your daughter! And by the way, we’re taking your oil!”
Terry Jones, Sam Bacile, and the Christian Crusaders fan the flames for a Holy War? Operation Point The Finger & Hide?
@143 “Grossly incorrect.” That’s a big phrase for someone of such small thoughts. Like giving a 12-gauge as a birthday present to a 6-year-old, it evokes a sense that one should wait for people to grow up before giving them grown-up toys.
This how it’s done. Compared to these men, Romney has descended to HA troll behaviour.
A joint statement from three of the Senate’s most prominent foreign policy hawks, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), took a similarly measured response that acknowledged that the full story of what happened on Tuesday had not yet emerged.
“There is still much we do not know about what happened in Benghazi yesterday,” the statement read. “What is clear, however, is that the attackers must be apprehended and punished. We appreciate that senior Libyan leaders have condemned these cowardly attacks, and we now look to the Libyan government to ensure that the perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice, and that U.S. diplomats are protected. We have confidence that our own government will provide all necessary assistance to this end.”
McCain said later on Twitter that Clinton’s statement Wednesday morning condemning the attack, was “excellent and moving.” Graham, while critical of Obama’s broader foreign policy on FOX News Wednesday, reiterated that he sided with Clinton’s efforts to transition the government to democracy.
“Under Gaddafi it was the policy of the government to kill Americans,” he said. “This is an outrage and I think Hillary is right.”
On the bright side, come November both Romney and Bob will be gone.
@150 Well, maybe one of them.
The point man for Sam Bacile seems to be Steve Klein who seems to have an interesting background.
@ 145
Doctor Steve, this was Romney’s statement:
On this most somber day, America is united under God in its quest for peace and freedom at home and across the world.
And from his website:
Eleven years ago, evil descended upon our country, taking thousands of lives in an unspeakable attack against innocents. America will never forget those who perished. America will never stop caring for the loved ones they left behind. And America shall remain ever vigilant against those who would do us harm. Today we again extend our most profound gratitude to our brave troops who have gone into battle, some never to return, so that we may live in peace. On this most somber day, those who would attack us should know that we are united, one nation under God, in our determination to stop them and to stand tall for peace and freedom at home and across the world.
There comes a time when one should politics aside and act like an American. Anyone can see that McCain, McConnell, Boehner, and Graham understand this to be true. Others, like Romney and Bob, show their true colors and see it as a time to try to score cheap political points that serve only their own personal interests. That they fail miserably and still won’t STFU is really damned disgusting.
At the present time, RealClearPolitics awards Romney only 2 of the tossup states — North Carolina and Virginia — which puts Obama well over 300 electoral votes.
And in RCP’s aggregation of popular-vote polls, Obama has moved from being tied with Romney just a few days ago to a +3.4% lead.
Clearly, things are not going Romney’s way. And he’s not much of a passer; all his Hail Marys are either underthrown, intercepted, or thrown to the bench. With the clock running down, his best hope is that a lightning strike destroys the scoreboard.
@153 This also was Romney’s statement:
“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.”
In fact, that was his first statement, then he realized he’d spasmed again and put his speechwriters to work cleaning up his bowel accident.
@ 155
At the present time,
Election’s what, 55 days away?
Bibi speaks, and Obama reacts:
Smart Power.
What unbelievable bullshit.
As I’ve asked, what precisely is wrong with the statement – it’s on this thread above, on richard pope’s comment?
Moreover, statements from embassies, I believe, are by law necessarily directed toward the population of the respective country.
@153 How pathetic. You can put that where the sun don’t shine, Bob.
Your man fucked up, Bob. He did it trying to score cheap political points at the wrong damned time. I can see that coming from someone like you, but this man is supposed to be a little bit better than that. It is now revealed that he isn’t.
Sam Bacile = Far right wing militia and the Christian Crusaders get tracked back the roost.
Did anyone catch that Obama wouldn’t speak to the press this morning?
Romney, OTOH, DID have a press conference.
And they were ready for him:
Before Romney issued his statement today, an open mic capture the press coordinating questions to ask Romney, with one saying “no matter who he calls on we’re covered on the one question”.
If it looks like the media is reporting a similar narrative about Romney’s inappropriate criticism, maybe it’s because they decided to revert to Journolist-style behavior.
Watch the video of the presser. Romney ducked nothing. Contrast that with Obama’s aversion of direct press contact. What’s it been, one press conference since March? Yeah, that’s leadership.
“Did anyone catch that Obama wouldn’t speak to the press this morning?”
So what? Did you catch this, Bob? Compare this to Boehner, McConnell and the others. Actually, there is no comparison.
“I’m outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi. It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks,” Romney said.
@162 “Did anyone catch that Obama wouldn’t speak to the press this morning?”
Maybe because, unlike Romney, he has a job?
@163 “Romney’s inappropriate criticism”
Well, you finally one right for a change. One more and you’ll be keeping up with a stopped clock. For one day of your life, anyway.
Yes calling someone “lazy” who has a 50 year unbroken streak in voting and can’t get a photo id because of all the Republican-manufactured hoops they have to jump through is stupid..
Calling a vet in the same predicament “lazy” because he can’t manage the same kind of hoops is “stupid”..
a very, very “stupid” person makes those kinds of calls..
an asshat in other words.
If that were the case, why did the Democrats mention KILLING BIN LADEN 21 times during the Convention and many, many times in ads??
Those attacking the Embassy were screaming
“Obama, there are 10,000 Osama’s”
So where in the hell did the Embassy get the info that the attack was about a movie by an Israeli Jew??
This makes no sense on it’s face.
This one is going to be playing out for awhile.
A foreign policy of apologizing for the free speech act of a US citizen, followed by a US apology, followed by the murder of our Ambassador is hardly a policy of strength.
And one other thing-
Why is the Obama Administration apologizing for hurting someone else hurting Muslim’s feelings while Team Obama is filled with Christian haters and never is a word said. Bill Maher for example. Did Obama apologize for him?
And how about forcing Catholics to go against their belief and pay for Birth Control??
So many twists and turns of Obama hypocrisy.
This one will be real interesting as it plays out.
Just heard a tape recording of a female CBS journalist and someone from another MSM network collaborate on how to try and orchestrate questions to nail Romney. So glad some recorded this.
123. Richard Pope spews:
Liberal Scientist @ 118
Good point Richard. Is the Obama Administration going to apologize for any acts by the US Government or it’s citizens that might “hurt a Muslims feelings”.
Certainly homosexuality is a Muslim No-No, as is abortion.
So Lib Sci merely pretends he doesn’t understand your point Richard.
But your point is very clear…
Where does the Obama Regime start and stop making apologies for acts that hurt Muslims feelings? Very excellent point Richard.
Obama criticized Bush repeatedly during times of crisis. Now it’s inappropriate?? Wow.
I guess if you criticize Obama’s Regime for trying the old double-standard switcheroo, you are once again, a racist.
It’s an election.
Foreign Policy is a huge issue raised by Obama himself, criticizing Romney for not being experienced enough..even though Obama had no experience before becoming President.
It’s ridiculous to believe the Obama Regime propaganda that somehow this murder of our Ambassador is about some 3rd rate movie when the crowd is screaming “Obama, there are a billion Osama’s”
Obama has destroyed America’s position of strength in the world. He obviously wants a diminished America based on his actions & words.
@167 I see our newest troll* is now weighing in with his foreign policy “expertise”.
* Or maybe just one of the same old trolls recycling himself with a new screen name.
“It’s disgraceful that the Obama administration’s first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks,” Romney said.
America under attack and Romney’s first reponse is to attack our American president and our nation’s diplomatic missions. And here at HA we have Bob and his Klown doing the same thing. When your knee-jerk response when America is under attack is to put party before country, you only confirm what many have said of you for a long time. A lot of you really do put party before country. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody by now that you’re not.
‘bob’ has officially joined puddle on the other side of the shark jump.
@170 “Obama has destroyed America’s position of strength in the world.”
Uh-huh. How do you define “position of strength”? Starting a war with a third-world country that didn’t do anything to us, and then getting bogged down for 8 years? It took a Democratic president to bail you out of that one.
@172 They don’t know how to be ashamed. They skipped the socialization process when they were growing up. Correction, they never grew up, and never got as far as socializing into society.
“our newest troll”
There’s nothing new about him but the screen name, Roger. He’s our old goatfucking Klown, Mr. Klynical. He’s had a string of screen names recently, sometimes even within the same thread. Darryl busted his ass for that particular sin just the other day.
@176 I know various posters have been saying that, but has it been confirmed? I have the impression Darryl said he isn’t Mr. Cynical.
@170 The instant poll of approval today has President Obama in the blue and Mitt getting the pink slip. People are not buying what Romney is selling.
Heh. And this religious-extremist (Jews, Christians and Muslims) inspired flare-up in the Middle East makes voters trust Dullard (R-Money) how?
What happened to “it’s the economy stupid”..
“It’s for the children.”
Next year, pension costs will eat up nearly half of the education funding that Chicago schools receive from the state.
What’s interesting – right-wingers everywhere, Congress, Halperin, anonymous “high-ranking” Republican sources reported in the MSM – are sticking a fork in Romney.
Yet our dead-enders here can’t defend him enough.
Very illuminating about both the intelligence and morals of our resident troll infestation.
Translation: Change the subject, QUICK!!!
@ 173
Lib Despair, we already know from Journolist emails that many in the MSM are coordinating their ‘reporting’.
Here we see they’re coordinating their questions as well.
Is this really any different from Jeff Guckert? If the questions are planted, does it really matter who is doing the planting?
Independent journalism is a thing of the past. The present is service to The One.
@ 161 greg
I think I’m going to be sick. Why haven’t these men been arrested for incitement to riot? This whole thing is straight-up mindfuckery. Propaganda. And it seems to me that these men would be most directly responsible. It would serve their stated purpose of creating chaos in that region. The translation into Arabic and then bringing it up to notice in North Africa was very deliberate.
The people rioting in Libya right now are the Ghaddafi people. The people who were just thrown out of power for chrissake. I suspect the situation is similar in Egypt.
So the question would be;
Are we now seeing a deliberate attempt by an entirely domestic political faction, with the express purpose of instigating violent hostilities against the United States by a foreign nation for the purposes of generating political leverage for that faction?
Isn’t that a classic definition of Terrorism? Of Treason?
In other words, that part of a teacher’s negotiated, agreed remuneration that was to come after they retired.
Or, in other other words, that part of a teacher’s negotiated, agreed remuneration that is easiest to steal from them, when they have no more leverage.
@177 No, Roger, what Darryl said was that it was so obvious to him that he was the Klown that didn’t even bother checking his IP address. He refers to him as “Mr. non-Cynical”.
Paranoia is a treatable condition, ‘Dr.’ bob, you should know that.
LOL! Tin foil hat much?
“The Obama administration suspects that the attack was planned, The New York Times reported.
“President Barack Obama on Wednesday condemned the ‘outrageous’ attacks, and promised, ‘justice will be done’ with the cooperation of the Libyan government.
He also said: ‘We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t the Bushevik regime anymore, so you won’t see a knee-jerk response. Grown-ups are in charge now. This was a planned attack, not a spontaneous riot. We’re working with the Libyans to hunt down the terrorists. We’re bolstering security at diplomatic posts in the area. That’s what you expect a competent administration to do.
Um, no. No we don’t know that.
But if you yell ‘journolist’ or ‘Weigel’ or ‘lamestreammedia’ or ‘kenyanislamofascist’ or ‘birth certificate’ loud and often enough, you’re sure to attacts a sizeable crowd of idiots.
Mitt Romney campaign:
Again, I think the trolls around here are a bit behind their team’s messaging.
Bob? bob??
“Paranoia is a treatable condition, ‘Dr.’ bob, you should know that.”
Funny. I had forgotten about Bob’s residency. He apparently didn’t consider that we might actually have a real Doc or two here. Actually, I’m surprised that I forgot about that one, seeing how he’s always addressing me as “Doctor” for some strange reason. Disrespect for your medical bonifides, calling people Doctor who aren’t, the dropped reference to a residency. I have to wonder now if he’s bitter about some past failure. I think we can both imagine what that might be.
Hey bob, it’s not too late…
Booted for nicking the fentanyl?
@184 Steve A. Klein (aka Sam Bacile??) is protected like Terry Jones and the hatemongers lead by Fred Phelps of God Inc. It will be interesting to see what fame brings to Mr. Klein’s Insurance Company in Hemet Ca.?
Mitt Romney, 9/11 profiteer and tax dodger to boot?
What a guy!
The administration has said there is evidence of a “planned attack”, but not necessarilly of a planned riot. The attackers may have been looking for an opportunity, and the riot provided them with the cover they needed.
It reminds me of the book about Ross Perot’s rescue team which got EDS guys out of Iran during the revolution there, some of whom were being held in the Tehran prison. They had hired a teenage local to watch the prison in case the prisoners were released without warning, and then escort them to a safe house. But taking advantage of a big demonstration at the prison, the “watchdog” actually instigated the crowd to storm the prison and free the prisoners. That’s an example of taking advantage of an unplanned opportunity to support a planned operation.
Oh, and various news organizations are now saying that they have considerable doubt about the identity of the purported producer/promoter of this film. He claims to be a U.S. citizen who is Jewish and holds dual Israeli citizenship. He also claims to be a California property developer who raised $5 million to produce the film from Jewish financers, and also claims to have screened the entire film once before in a nearly empty theatre in southern California.
But there is no record of anyone with his name holding any licenses for dealing with real estate in the state of California, and the Israeli embassy says there are no Israeli citizens with that name. There is also no record of any showing of the film anywhere in California. At this point, there is considerable doubt that the fellow the original news organizations talked to only be telephone actually exists.
Terms cheapened by their use by Republicans deflecing legitimate criticsim of George W. Bush.
But, yes, I think you have a point, a very good one.
Just like the Reagan campaign colluding with the Iranians to bring down Carter, the far rightwing – including the Romney campaign? – are not at all beyond undermining the US government, if led by someone they despise.
Good god, here we go again with rhpees black helicopter bs……..
Better check under your bed real careful tonight rhpee…
@184 It looks like the Minuteman Militia Christian Crusader Steve A. Klein has gone into hiding.
“Booted for nicking the fentanyl?”
Good one, Doc! I would have guessed rejection by the Carribean/UAG rip-off diploma mill.
Here is information about the California compound for Steve Klein & friends Holy War Militia.
At least not every Republican is as self-serving during a crisis as Dr. Bob and his failed candidate, Mitt Romney.
“Not ready for prime time.” “Incompetent”. “It wasn’t presidential” “Cheap news cycle hit” “Utter disaster”.
And that’s just Republicans talking.
“I would have liked to see a statement [from Romney] that looked more like leading, presenting a vision, less like ‘again, Obama sucks,'” former Republican National Committee online communication director Liz Mair.
@204 Yup, Mittens made a major faux pas, and tripped over his own dick again. London all over again but this time on steroids.
Republicans are so enslaved to their “Obama hates America” meme they can’t see straight, think straight, or talk straight.
Speaking on Fox News, conservative columnist Peggy Noonan was also blunt. “I don’t feel that Mr. Romney has been doing himself any favors in the past few hours,” she said. “Sometimes when really bad things happen, when hot things happen, cool words or no words is the way to go.”
Well, at least Mitt and Bob have a Klynical Klown on their side, if not McCain, McConnell, Graham, Boehner, Noonan, Krystal and all the rest. Having a Klynical Klown on your side has gotta count for something, doesn’t it?
It hardly seems fair for us to pile on Mitt, seeing as how plenty of Republicans are doing it for us. Well, almost all. There’s still Bob and his sidekick, the Klynical Klown.
“There’s a broader lesson to be learned here: Governor Romney seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later and as president one of the things I’ve learned is you can’t do that,” Obama told CBS News on Wednesday. “It’s important for you to make sure that the statements that you make are backed up by the facts and that you’ve thought through the ramifications before you make them.”
I like having an adult as a president.
(Accidentally posted on other thread, reposted here)
From TPM:
“If Gov. Romney ‘jumped the gun’ why were White House officials also distancing themselves from the statement?” Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in a statement. “Why didn’t President Obama take any questions from the press this morning to explain?”
This is almost verbatim what sharkjumpin’ bob wrote above.
Can’t we just read Romney press releases ourselves, and dispense with Romney-felating bob’s insipid posts?
That won’t last, unfortunately. Ranks are closing already…
…and of course, Jennifer Rubin…
I guess if you ever lose Jennifer Rubin, it’s really all over. Dare to dream.
The arschloch ylbuttspigot whips out the tin foil. Unfortunately arschloch ylbuttspigot <a href="http://“>is wearing it as WikiPedia shows… like the dripping diarrhea from his arschloch!
First we had “tricky dick” Nixon and now we have “trips on his dick” Romney. It’s a natural progression.
I’m just now seeing the news of the day. Dang.
Did Obummer discuss our embassy breach in Egypt? Why did the Egyptian security services walk away? Remember Obummer went to Egypt in June 2009 on his apology tour!
No strength from this sadministration!
This attack has everything to do with the date 9/11 and Al Zawahiri discussing the death of an Al Qaeda guy from a drone attack, not the video. The video was used as a catalyst to get people at the embassy and catalyst.
Also we know the DNC cheerleaded the death of Bin Laden last week. You libtards forget the world watched the DUMMOCRAPT cheerleading, right before 9/11. Great timing libtards! It’s pox on your house morons!
puddle is, of course, an idiot, and in good company with rightard hero Donald Rumsfeld:
He did. Within 7 hours of Cramer speaking out, the PA Transportation Dept got his dad transport to get his photo id..
A tv show, a multi-million dollar net worth and a twitter feed of one-half a million followers can do wonders..
Not every infirm veteran senior has that. pwned..
Breathtaking stupidity. Better than usual, even.
Truly a monumental achievement, puddle, in the field of stupid.
The Obummer sadministration took many many hours to dismiss the original American embassy communique in Cairo. Why? Were they clueless?
214 – Yawwn.. More tinfoil from the most moronic of conspiracy spinners here…
Dullard’s “positive” message not getting out???
Shit, I thought all those millions from right wing billionaires were supposed to do that!
Seems the intelligence community is reporting it was a 9/11 coordinated attack. Not being reported on PMSNBC Lib da dunce? Lib da dunce dismisses the US intelligence community. Did Obummer miss the daily briefing again?
Stay stupid Lib da dunce!
Now the libtard msm begins the rip Lib da dunce a NEW ASSHOLE!
Cairo embassy in broad daylight. No one armed. Benghazi heavily armed with rocket propelled grenades.
See? when you actually read instead of dwelling on left wrong sites and it being 9/11! IDIOT!
How are those new ASSHOLES feeling Lib da dunce?
Tin foil hat weating ylbuttspigot, HA’s diarrhea king… WikiPedia proved you wrong. Yes Facts seem to put you into an idiot stupor state.
Wow Lib da dunce runs to Daily Kooks… while others use the standard libtard msm for news!
So typical of that moron Lib da dunce!
Please…if you’re going to whine, provide factual rebuttal. The list could be gotten anywhere, and if you can impeach it with facts, do so.
You can’t, of course, so you whine about the source – which is vastly more truthful and reliable than the bullshit right-wing site you link to, when you link at all.
When you’ve got nothin’, this is what you write.
Nope. No “conspiracy” I could see..
Dullard (R-Money) like McSame before him is doing just fine sinking his own ship..
Sure does suck for an ODS sufferer like you! Oh the pain!
I hope more Bush Admin. failure monkeys decide to chime in!
‘failure monkeys’ – I like that!
Applies to Mittens’ foreign policy staff, 70% of whom are Bush retreads.
We can see today where that would get us.
Has the carpet bombing started yet?
Failure Monkey is originally from the comic strip Get Fuzzy.
Kathlees Sebelius BROKE THE LAW according to the Feds. Oops!!
What will the consequences be??
Probably nothing.
Put a muzzle on this piece of crap gal.
Oh like your whine on post #214? Now the US government (Obummer’s sadministration) has delivered Lib da dunce a few new ASSHOLES!
Puddy stands behind his comment… Daily Kooks, so typical of Lib da dunce. His PC prolly has Daily Kooks as one of his most visited links in the bookmarks toolbar!
Mirror mirror on da wall, who’s the moron of dem all? Large echo sound… Lib da duncccce, followed closely by rujax and ylbuttspigotttt.
The single purpose of the FoxNoise story linkin @235 was to broadcast this:
From a more reliable source:
Awwwww…Rhett has a sad :(
How unfathomable is it that the Middle East embassies were caught unprepared on the 11 anniversary of 9/11. Did Obummer miss the daily briefing again?
Will Obummer send the special strike force marines to track down those Libyan attackers who killed those four Americans?
Um, post #214 was your post, puddle.
That you’re going to whine and not offer a factual rebuttal?
I offered a list of 11 incidents where terrorists attacked US diplomatic sites during Rumsfeld’s tenure, after Rumsfeld insinuated that Obama-induced US weakness was a cause of the attacks yesterday, an accusation that you dutifully echoed.
You have yet to explain how those attacks were not due to Bush-induced US weakness.
(Just like waiting for you to explain the logic of Crazy Lady Mia Love’s nonsensical statements, or why you’ve rejected Jesus’ admonition to love the least of His brothers)
Oh noes… another ASSHOLE appears on Lib da dunce…
Moderate Muslims are taking a stand against their OWS types. Oh noes…
@239 Puddles asks:
You’re just nutz aren’t you?
Do you honestly think for one moment that THIS president is not going to go after and KILL terrorists who attack Americans?
Let me answer your retarded question. Yes.
@213 “That won’t last, unfortunately. Ranks are closing already…”
Too late. There’s enough sound bites, articles, blogs and tweets of Republicans piling on Mitt to feed $100 million in Obama and SuperPAC ads. They even have images of Mitt smirking over it all. Damn.
Why Romney do this? For the sake of the nation?
It’d be a laugh if it wasn’t so damned serious a blunder on Romney’s part.
Americans die, Mitt smirks. Must Republicans always smirk when they fuck up?
I really hope he doesn’t fuck up like that again. I’d hate to see the oaf blunder the nation towards war or something just by flapping his big mouth before Obama sends him packing to the history books in November.
You Republicans really ought to figure out a way to quit nominating people like Palin, Galt and Mitt to the highest offices in the land. You’ll be the ruin of our country if you keep doing that shit.
Wowo such stupidity… Did Puddy say like your whine IN post #214? Lib da dunce has such a command of English!
How do those new ASSHOLES feel?
Just another example of the party that failed to protect America on September 11th 2001 continuing to fail us in all respects
Will Obummer cut off aid to Egypt after those embassy wall breaches?
Um, puddl, I neither authored #214, nor responded to it.
You’re so intent on braying about diarrhea and assholes, you can’t keep your posts, or your insults, straight.
Yup! Vladimir Putin thanking Romney for stating that Russia was the main geopolitical foe of the US.
Mittens is fucking up foreign policy without even holding office.
Thank god he never will.
As Romney goes down in flames today, taking the GOP down with him, as Americans die and Romney smirks, Pudge tries to find himself and his depressed (un)SP dimwits a “happy space”, asking this question,
“Just one example of when the Republicans in Congress, under Obama, opposed legislation just because they wanted to hurt Obama.”
It’s actually kind of sad and it brings a tear to my eye. Just kidding. Idiots. All of them. Stupid fucking idiots.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA…I’m SOOOO in puddl’s head!
This is really too easy.
@217 “This attack has everything to do with the date 9/11 and Al Zawahiri discussing the death of an Al Qaeda guy from a drone attack”
I assume you attended the planning sessions, then, because otherwise how would you know this?
@217 Yup, leave it to puddy to blame this attack on Obama’s killing of Osama bin Laden.
Yeah, I saw that – pudge pathetically bleating about how no one could possibly give him an example of that.
Followed be a total of something like 11 or 14 posts from the usual suspects saying the equivalent of, “Yeah.”
Okay I got that wrong. I meant your moaning and groaning in #220 about my #217. It’s easy to get ylbuttspigot and Lib da dunce confused.
Whining comment still stands Lib da schmuck on your post #220!
How are those NEW ASSHOLES working on your body delivered directly by Obummer’s sadministration? Now you can post faster with the additional dribble capacity!
WOW. Must be taking your meds.
@249 Don’t overlook his sidekick Jim Miller, who’s complaining on (u)SP that the Washington Education Association didn’t go on strike this fall because they don’t want to hurt Inslee’s chances — poor McKenna can’t catch a break!
OK, post #217…
Raving speculation and nonsense sentences like:
What the fuck does that even mean?
Yeah, so? god knows the Republicans would never cheearlead about terrorism, or use American military triumph in a political fashion…*rolls eyes*
Post #217 merited nothing but derision and ridicule.
Every time I deal with puddl, this scene fom ‘Dodgeball’ goes through my head:
Those goddamned Republicans ought to just STFU,
Damn. He goes from a question about gas prices to throwing acid at female Democrats in the blink of an eye. It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, if it ever does.
A career diplomat had sharp words for Mitt Romney this afternoon:
“Former Amb. R. Nicholas Burns, who has served in both Democratic and Republican administrations, said he was ‘disappointed’ in Mitt Romney’s reaction to the violence in Egypt and Libya …. ‘I was, frankly, very disappointed and dismayed to see Gov. Romney inject politics into this very difficult situation where our embassies are under attack, where there’s been a big misunderstanding in the Middle East, apparently, about an American film, where we’re trying to preserve the lives of our diplomats,’ Burns said …. ‘This is no time for politics.’ Burns added: ‘I just think that Gov. Romney has, in a very unwise way, injected himself into a situation where he clearly doesn’t have all the facts.'”
And leave it to the idiot giving Romney foreign policy advice to pop off without having any facts:
“Williamson … dismissed Burns’ criticism, deriding him as someone who first served under former President Jimmy Carter. But Burns … actually began his foreign-service career during the Reagan administration.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No wonder Romney is so lame — he surrounds himself with stupid people who can’t even do the basic fact-checking that involves nothing more than looking up someone’s biography on Wikipedia.
It just struck me…the similarities between puddl and White Goodman are really striking, and he’s named “White”.
Delicious. White Puddman.
Damn. Republicans truly suck.
Steve, R U Stupid.
Putin tells Obummer hands off Syria. Obummer tucks tail.
Putin tells Obummer through his proxy
Putin tells Obummer through his proxy
Putin tells Obummer through his proxy
Putin tells Obummer through his proxy
Putin tells Obummer through his proxy
And Steve once again proves he doesn’t get it. Puddy realizes these comments weren’t in US newspapers! You only see this overseas when you travel and read their newspapers!
He was overwhelmed by the opportunity to say what they believe are the two magical words that will get Mittens elected: “Jimmy Carter”
He just couldn’t help himself.
@263 Do you read Russian? I’ve kinda suspected you were a Russian mole. The first time I laid eyes on you, something told me you looked sorta Russian. I think it was your beady eyes.
Puddls entire post @263 is cribbed verbatim from the Hindu, here, and Haaretz, here.
puddl, doesn’t baby Jeebus cry when you steal intellectual property like that, without attribution?
Moreover, you could edit your post to be punctuated with
and be accurate!
Why are Republicans like Mittens and puddl so determined to serve Putin’s interests? Is it the shirtless pictures?
The four American bodies are hardly even cold and Obummer is out in Vegas campaigning… Finally sez we’ll bring the killers to justice 24 hours later instead of immediately stating this!
Very telling!
@266 Oh noes! puddles is a plagiarist! you don’t say! well, he has to, because he never has original thoughts of his own.
@267 Even as Romney maintains a respectful silence … NOT!!!
puddles you are actually funny sometimes!
Oh! The straw-grasping is getting really really desperate now.
puddl, when are you going to explain to me the logic of Crazy Lady Mia Love’s nonsensical statement about women’s choice, or why you were ridiculing another person’s attempt to live Jesus admonition to love the least of our brothers?
@270 This hasn’t been a good day for Romney and his shills.
And Lib da dunce sez what? Nothing much.
Ummm Lib da dunce… Puddy read those when he was overseas. Sucks to be you dunce! How did Puddy know about those comments Lib da dunce? Huh? Crickets chirping…
Does it change the FACTS of Putin’s utter disregard of Obummer? Nope! Putin kicked Obummer’s ASS. Putin drew a line in the sand. Putin wants Obummer to win. Obummer promised flexibility. Or this… Somehow this was missed by Steve’s post above…
Um, bullshit. I found those in about 12 seconds with this thing called ‘the Google’ sitting in front of my computer in Seattle.
You’re very impressed with your traveling, aren’t you? Did your employer allow you the petty pleasure of staying on the ‘concierge floor’ at the shitty Marriott again this time?
@263, 272 – Looks like puddles is afraid of the big bad wolf.
I believe Putin was thanking Romney, today, for his inane pronouncements about foreign policy and how those statements aided Russia.
White Puddman, indeed.
You found them after I posted them not before. You had never read them before Lib da dunce. You are such an idiot! Puddy has seen many more comments in my travels, including China’s commentary to Obummer over Syria earlier this year, none of them ever covered by the slobbering Obummer loving msm.
Meanwhile, the Republican War on Women moves relentlessly onward,
The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
BTW it seems Glenn Beck’s Muslim Brotherhood comments are spot on regarding the issue of Egypt’s security forces disappearing from our embassy!
Just ask CBS’ Lara Logan and her “treatment” by Egypt’s finest!
How do those new ASSHOLES feel Lib da dunce? Puddy notices you upped your dribble game.
263. Puddybud spews: “Steve”
I have no idea at all why you addressed that comment to me. I don’t recall even mentioning Putin. I’ve been too busy sharing Republican disgust with Mitt Romney, a Republican wanting to throw acid at women and, inspired by that last one, a post on the continuong Republican War on Women.
@ 261. Liberal Scientist is a slut etc
It just struck me…the similarities between puddl and White Goodman are really striking, and he’s named “White”.
Delicious. White Puddman.
Spudds Whiteman.
You remember. The old golf pro that got sent up for putting at the wrong hole.
Yeah, looks like Clinton is offering freebees to Putin too…
Seems Romney is right!
Where was the Obummer anger at da whitey house presser over the killing of the ambassador this afternoon?
I don’t know him – got a link?
You know Romney got something right when the libtard press asked the same seven questions in a row. Then the open mike proves they libtard press colluded together with those seven questions!!!
I suppose he was supposed to stamp his feet and sputter, maybe holler, “Bring ’em on!!”
Maybe threaten to kill the perps with his own bare hands.
You right wingers are never satisfied unless there’s an ostentatious show of bloodlust.
Puddl, as a Christian, how would Jesus respond to his ambasador being murdered?
The smirk on this guy after he said that shit. What a complete fucking tool that man is. He has absolutely no clue at all.
So when Obummer sends those marines to kill those thugs in Benghazi, will it be an overseas contingency operation instead of the continuing war on terror?
Why do you bring Jesus up? Seems you use Jesus as a crutch to make insipid commentary!
How are those sadministration delivered ASSHOLES doing Lib da dunce?
So when the American diplomatic missions are under attack and some Americans are dying, what does Mitt Romney do? He attacks them as well.
Thank God there are Republicans with cooler heads than that. It gives me some hope. It’s just too bad for America that none of them are the Republican presidential candidate this year.
Did Mitt even mention the dead? Or was he attacking them before they died?
Oh noes… CNN delivers another new ASSHOLE on Lib da dunce.
So did Obummer miss this when he missed 40+% of his morning briefings?
@284 Right here, puddles …
“At 7:22 a.m. ET, President Obama issued the following statement:
‘I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers. They exemplified America’s commitment to freedom, justice, and partnership with nations and people around the globe, and stand in stark contrast to those who callously took their lives.'”
But you know what, puddles? I don’t want an angry man in the White House. I want a calm, rationale, and calculating man sitting behind that desk.
Yeah, SENILE one… one who won’t call them radical muslim extremists… one who won’t call it a war on terror, just an overseas contingency operation. Yeah that’s really calculating.
@295 What’s your point? Is there one?
Point delivered in #295. Problem reading English?
With the way things are fast going downhill for Mitt and his party, I now wonder if Bob will even make it to November? Puddy will be here, though.
@297 If Osama bin Laden weren’t dead because Obama killed him, he’d be laughing at you: “Sticks and stones can break my bones but little ol’ names can’t hurt me …”
@298 Insane people can’t feel pain.
It gets worse for Romney and the GOP by the hour, and this time it’s Fox delivering the bad news. That’s gotta suck.
And it’s just going to get worse for them.
Hey…I wonder if puddypussypissypants has minted any new Democrats today?
I wonder which flameout was the worst in American history, the Hindenburg or Romney and the GOP? I’d have to say Romney and the GOP. At least the Hindenburg was quick. Romney and the GOP’s flameout is excruciatingly slow and painful for them. The Hindenburg was likely an accident. Romney and the GOP did it to themselves.
Puddybud says @290:
I’ll say this with no snark or vituperation, and I’ll ask that you respond similarly.
You’ve said repeatedly that I’m going to be sorry when Jesus returns “in clouds of glory.” I take it from your belief in a biblical timeline, in a literal Bible, and in your professions of faith that you are a devout Christian.
I contrast this with numerous posts in this thread demanding anger and violence, faulting Obama for not acting forcefully.
My question is, how do you reconcile this? Do you believe in Jesus’ message of love? Do you aspire to the unconditional love that he preached? Do you endeavor to treat the least of your brothers with the same love you hold for God?
If so, how is it you call for death and violence?
How do you call yourself a Christian, while calling for the violent death of your enemies?
How does that work?
So what? The Obama Admin’s the one that’s been taking out terrorists. Bush and Romney both said they didn’t care about Osama. Obama, obviously, disagreed with them on that.
@304 “I contrast this with numerous posts in this thread demanding anger and violence, faulting Obama for not acting forcefully.”
I see the issue more tactically. Who does puddy expect Obama to use force against? We have to find the perps first. Or does puddy think Obama should randomly bomb Libya until a satisfying number of Libyans are dead?
“Or does puddy think Obama should randomly bomb Libya until a satisfying number of Libyans are dead?”
The answer is in a cartoon, here,
If we don’t consider Egypt an ally:
Anthony Terrell@AnthonyNBCNews
In an exclusive @BarackObama tells @jdbalart “I don’t think that we would consider (Egypt) an ally” #msnbc2012
Why do we sent them more than a billion dollars each year, Mr. President?
@ 298
I’ll be here, Steve. It might be a painful trip but I’ll stick around.
Good question!
We’ve been sending Egypt a lot of cash for a long, long, time. I think it’s time for the US to stop playing sugar-daddy to the world. I have no problem with helping pay for people from other countries to come here to study or pay to send American’s abroad to teach, but that should be about the end of it.
@ 310
From what I recall it’s been mostly a payoff to keep them from attacking Israel (again). What’s striking is that we’d suddenly say they’re not our ally.
Kinda makes Israel comparatively more important to us, doesn’t it? We seem to be running out of Middle East allies.
SNL premieres Saturday with guest host Seth MacFarlane, one of America’s leading trashers of religion. That’s an interesting choice after this week’s furor over anti-Muslim videos…
Read more:
Or, you can always get laid instead.
Not you, RR.
Speaking of places we send a lot of money, Israel needs cut off as well.
@ 313
I suppose one difference is that, existential threat aside, Israel possesses the capacity to feed its inhabitants. And then some.
If it weren’t for defense against attack, would Israel need the money? Methinks not.
His disgraceful dishonesty in using the murder of a U.S. ambassador to attack Obama will haunt him
Sorry trolls..
Israel’s a first world country with a highly educated population and a diverse economy. It doesn’t need the money period.
“It’s like the judge telling the woman who got raped, ‘You asked for it because of the way you dressed.’ OK? That’s the same thing. ‘Well America, you should be the ones to apologize, you should have known this would happen, you should have done — what I don’t know — but it’s your fault that it happened.’ You know, for a member of our State Department to put out a statement like that, it had to be cleared by somebody. They don’t just do that in the spur of the moment.” — Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
Confused Neocons Dep’t
“There’s a strong consensus on the Right that we should be headed for a much more decisive repudiation of this administration than the current polls suggest is possible.” — Ross Douthat
“If the Republican Party cannot win in this environment it has to get out of politics.” — George Will
“If you can’t beat Barack Obama with this record then shut down the party.” — Laura Ingraham
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Amazing as it seems, Republicans genuinely don’t understand why nobody likes them.
It isn’t complicated:
“Before Republicans lose themselves in metaphysical speculations about the causes for their party’s underperformance, Douthat thinks conservatives need to get a grip and face the most obvious explanation of all for their party’s declining prospects: ‘The recent presidency of George W. Bush.’
“Gallup polls going back to the beginning of the Obama presidency have been remarkably consistent: By overwhelming margins, the American public continues to blame George W. Bush for the country’s present economic discontents rather than President Obama.
“When Gallup first began probing for this ‘blame assessment’ in July 2009, 80% of Americans gave Bush a great deal or a moderate amount of blame, compared with just 32% who blamed the bad economy on Obama.
“According to Gallup, the percentage blaming Bush dropped to about 70% in August 2010, and has stayed roughly in that range ever since. Meanwhile, about half of Americans have blamed Obama since March 2010, ‘with little substantive change from then to the present.’ Even half of Republicans give the lion’s share of blame to Bush.”
“Americans don’t want to give the White House back to the Republicans because they remember the Bush era all too well,” said Douthat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: George W. Bush may be the best thing Obama has going for him right now.
Well Lookee Here …
This one’s been flying under the radar, but guess what, Paul Ryan’s challenger is coming up in the polls and Ryan may be facing a horse race just to hold onto his House seat.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: While it seems improbable, it’ll be a hoot if Ryan loses his House seat on Nov. 6.
I thought Cereal told we weren’t allowed to blame Bush anymore.
Does Douthat have a bad case of Bush Derangement Syndrome?
In case you didn’t know, Paul Ryan represents a swing district where he is personally popular; his district went for Obama in 2008 by 51%-47%. This is Les Aspin’s old district, a Democrat who held the seat for 22 years. So it’s not a “safe Republican” district and could be in play if Ryan stumbles in the main event. Even if he’s re-elected to the House, as he probably will be, it’s eminently possible he can’t deliver his own district (let alone his state) for the GOP ticket.
That’s one of the things I was trying to get at, Roger.
This wrathful bloodlust from the Republicans – the party that so ostentatiously wears its self-righteousness on its sleeve.
I in fact think the whole bunch of them would cheer like Romans in the Coliseum if we were to bomb a bunch of brown Muslims indiscriminately.
@322 Douthat is one of the more coherent neocons trying to make sense of all the flaming debris raining down on them.
We sure could have used an open thread today! Did the person in charge of making sure open threads are created get killed in the Libya consulate attack?
Anyway, I see that our embassy in Cairo finally deleted the apology posting:
File not found.
Of course, President Obama didn’t like the posting either. Nor did Secretary Clinton. But what Romney said was pretty idiotic, worse than what the embassy posted in Egypt, and at least none of our embassy staff over there wants to be President!
And that inflammatory movie sure is totally idiotic, and was produced by a convicted bank swindler. Incredibly, the actors are real, but the dialogue is dubbed — since no person of good faith would say the things that are said in the movie. And when you dub things in a foreign language — let’s say Arabic — it is even more believable that the actors really said those things.
Any way we can deport the movie producer back to Egypt? Is he naturalized? Did he commit the bank fraud before he was naturalized?
Quiet around here this morning.
So easy Lib da dunce… righteous indignation. You denigrate the Creator of the Universse and His Son, He’ll denigrate you when He returns. Plain and simple.
Seems the simple thing fly right by you!
Roger SENILE Wabbit farted this
Somehow the SENILE one and his coattail dragger Lib da dunce missed this from the CubScout above…
So Roger SENILE Wabbit and his coattail dragger Lib da dunce… Seems the CubScout disagrees with your “assessment”. Maybe Cubscout bought a clue today!
This action fully demonstrates the contempt Obummer has for Israel. Will DUMMOCRAPT loving Jews wake up?
I think you misunderstand, puddy.
I’m asking you how you reconcile Jesus’ admonition to love your enemy while at the same time calling for violence and vengeance.
How do you reconcile those two things?
Interesting commentary from an Obummer speech The World Beyond Iraq, Fayetville, NC 3/19/2008 is now coming back to haunt his sorry ASS…
Now we see this attack was planned in advance. And we see Obummer’s hateful ideology against Israel is on full display this week. And we also learned from the Government Accountability Institute earlier this week Obummer skipped many of the Presidential Daily Intelligence Briefings meetings (PDIBs) he attacked GW Bush on in that speech. From January 2009-mid 2011 just 43.8% attendance. Very sad. For the mid-2011-mid 2012 down to 38% attendance. Well Obummer was running around making sure the handout express was fully in gear. So what did the PDIBs know and why did Obummer skip them?
Jesus also called people like you fools and blind. He definitely was speaking of Lib da dunce in the future. Jesus also called people like you serpents and a generation of vipers. How Jesus spotted you into the future.
See ya!
Oh noes… jobless claims hit 382,000 last week. And the week before they added another 2000 upward. This Obummer economy is weally working well.
puddybud, you’re spinning and spinning. This isn’t about me – my soul is apparently consigned to hell already.
I’m asking about you – how do you reconcile the admonition to love – the highest law – with the vituperation, the calls for vengeance and violence?
Since Lib da dunce can’t connect the dots…
Puddy repeats
You see if Jesus used those terms so can Puddy!
Remember we’re told that by libtards hurt feelings of Muslims cause terrorism (reread the US Embassy commentary), then Obummer and the DUMMOCRAPTS spiking da ball bragging about Obummer killing Bin Laden inspired hurt feelings of Muslims.
Of course HA libtards are asleep as always!
Somehow the libtard slobbering msm has a really short memory. Of course they are in the Obummer tank!
Puddybud – I really would like for you to illuminate me about what looks like a huge hypocrisy.
How, and where and when, do you suspend that greatest law, the law to love?
That’s what I’ve taken away from Christianity when I left it, and I see that law as the only good way forward.
As a Christian, how do you reconcile that law with calls for violence and vengeance?
I am honestly interested in an honest answer, not just repeating that you don’t have to listen to me.
I think you conflate ‘Muslim’ with ‘terrorist’ or ‘Osama bin Laden’.
There’s a difference, and it’s important.
Now, please respond to #340. Thanks.
Nope you Dope. Puddy already placed the comments of right thinking Muslims here. Those comments caused you to grow a new ASSHOLE!
Please don’t ignore post #340, puddybud.
I’ve got to head out to my office – I’ll check back in later this morning…I really, honestly hope for a thoughtful, honest response to #340.
How many times has Puddy told Lib da schmuck John 10:30 “I and the Father are one.” What God asked Jews to do in the Old Testament was fully supported by Jesus!
Somehow Lib da dunce can’t get this simple verse!
Nice non-violent message. Goes right over the heads of HA libtards.
Oh noes… Economists for Romney!
Plus 643 others from all 50 states. Will the slobberin libtard loving msm report it? Now where is that Economists for Obummer website?
Did Lib da dunce read post #345? It answers everything that Lib da dunce can’t FATHOM or understand!
Puddybud, that billboard in question suggests the violent removal of President Obama.
I think criticism of it, rightly so, is criticism of right-wing Obama hatred.
Welcome to the team!
I’ve always understood that passage to mean that Jesus was God – support for the trinitarian view, and tying Jesus directly to the God of Abraham, but not meaning that all the OT laws were reaffirmed by Jesus. Interesting.
Does that mean that you follow Leviticus and Deuteronomy rigorously? Really? I’m just trying to understand here.
‘An eye for an eye’ seems to conflict with ‘Love your enemy’ and ‘love your neighbor’ and ‘blessed are the peacemakers’, no?
So you really see no conflict with calling for vengeance, for attacks on your enemies, with Jesus command to love, to love your enemy?