Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally. Believe it our not, this will be the first week of the 2012 presidential General Election. That’s worth discussing. Oh…and the Democratic Convention is now underway.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle’s DL tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter meets. And the Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet this Thursday.
With 236 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
PMSNBC’s Ed Schultz highlighting this thread?
I just opened up the website to my hometown newspaper, which is as Repuglican as it gets. I mainly read it online to keep up on what’s happening locally.
But the first thing I saw was an editorial lambasting the unfairness of the Electoral College, and demanding that the Constitution be revised before the next Presidential Election. It sarcastically predicted that Democrats would be against the change, becuase in the author’s opinion Romney would win by popular vote, but the Democrats might win with the assistance of the California, with it’s “socialist politics” and populations consisting mostly of “aging hippies”.
Gee, how times have changed. In 2000 George W. Bush lost the popular vote but won a squeeker in the electoral college, with the assistance of a highly partison Florida Secty of State and even the U.S. Supreme Court. (And yes, I know the news organizations spending the next two years counting ballots gave Florida to Bush by a little over 500 votes, but that didn’t address the other voter suppression issues which got lost in the ballot-count controversy at the time).
Anyway, in 2000 and 2001, the Republicans were rather smug in lecturing the Democrats that it’ not the popular vote, it’s the electoral vote that counts. But my, how things change when the shoe is on the other foot!
@1 Fool. No other word for it. You’re a fool.
Roger SENILE Wabbit… Ed Schultz is a misogynist. You leftists can’t admit that but you’ll call Rush Limbaugh one in a heartbeat. Also his rants are well known all over the web… web gems of innate stoooooooooopidity! You can check Ed out on his FaceBook page “Ed Schultz is a Big FAT Idiot”!
So who’s da fool again? Seems the slippers fit those old furry “flippers” you have a feet.
@2 Back then I read a lot of stuff posted on various online forums by the rightwing ignoranti arguing that the winners of presidential elections should be determined by how many counties the candidates won. These screeds were invariably accompanied by a link to a map that invariably was solid red. Never mind that some counties have 50 people and others have 5 million; the inequality of such a scheme flies right over the heads of these yahoos. You can understand why they like the idea, though; it would give a farmboy in Nebraska and same voting power as 100,000 people in Los Angeles.
It’s bad enough we have the electoral college, which makes an Alaskan’s vote worth much more than a Californian’s vote. Because the EC favors small low-population states, most of which lean Republican, the Democrats are automatically at a disadvantage in every presidential election. Add to that the extra 4 or 5 million votes that Democrats need to offset the effects of GOP vote suppression programs, and you have a situation where the Democratic candidate needs a huge edge just to be competitive. But Democrats manage to compete anyway because the GOP is, always has been, and always will be a minority party that caters to 5% of the population at the expense of the other 95% — it’s a testament to the power of money and propaganda that they get the 28% to 30% of the electorate constituting their base. In our state, Richard Pope ran in a statewide race for a serious office — state attorney general — and got over 40% of the vote.
Actually, when you stop to think about it, Richard did as well as, or better than, many recent GOP candidates. He was only slightly behind Dino Rossi in all three of Rossi’s races. And Richard didn’t have the party, money, or a campaign organization behind him. He did little more than pay the filing fees to get his name on the ballot — and did about as well as the hardest-campaigning Republican “name” candidates. Kinda tells you something about the viability of the Republican Party in our state. I bet a dog could run as a Republican in Washington and get 40% of the vote. For Republicans, the first 40% is easy, it’s a gimmee. But anything beyond that is a bridge too far.
Roger SENILE Wabbit… Your eyes are useless when your mind is blind to libtards like Ed Schultz.
Even when you look at the map in the sidebar of this column, you see mostly red. The problem for Republicans is nobody lives in those places. (That’s why they can win them.) They bitch about California’s weight in elections, but California has nearly an eighth of America’s population, and nowhere does a citizen’s vote count for less in terms of electoral votes. If we had a popular vote for president, California voters would count for more, not less, in determining the outcome.
I do think the Electoral College should be scrapped, whether by constitutional amendment or an informal scheme such as several states have devised. It’s a throwback to slavery and was a sop to the slave states. It’s not useful anymore, if it ever was, and it distorts our national politics. Same with the system for apportioning Senators; it’s ridiculous that Arizona or Arkansas gets the same representation in the Senate as California, New York, or Illinois. It’s long past time to make “one person, one vote” a reality. Or turn the Senate into an advisory body only. It’s undemocratic. It’s why we still have a political party in this country trying to turn the clock back to the 19th century. This has gone on long enough. If we had a fair system of elections in this country no Republican would hold any office higher than county commissioner.
Aimless rantings @4 & 6: Duly placed on “ignore” list.
On a diff’rent note… Dvorak nails it again!
Republicans have already tried to stack the deck in their favor, by trying to ram through legislation to have California apportion it’s Electoral College votes by Congressional district. They hope that Republican areas such as Orange County and rural areas to the east can bleed away electoral college votes so it doesn’t matter. In California, they failed.
But Republicans are very selective in this approach, they won’t consider it in states where they traditionally win on a state-wide basis, but urban ereas traditionally vote Democratic. This could apply to much of the South – Texas, Mississipi, Lousianna, Alabama, Georgia, etc. They only want to apportion the Electoral College votes in states where Democrates have the advantage.
PuddyDecoderRIng… Roger SENILE Wabbit just got is ASS smacked B I G T I M E!
@11 I don’t feel anything.
Obama continues to gain in Nate Silver’s forecast — he’s now up to 308.2 EVs. Silver has Romney taking NC and Obama winning in FL, VA, OH, MI, WI, IA, CO, and NV.
re 9: Holy Mackerel, Puddy! You so prescient!
Uh, oh! Here come Sapphire, comin’ down de road!!! What I gonna do, Puddy??!!??
Your old lady has been saying that for decades.
I do not think that means what you think it means.
I’m skipping the Dems too..
Mind’s made up..
Right wingers are insane. Keep them out of office.
How much “free stuff” did the Democrats promise you?
@7 I sorta-kinda understand the reason for the Senate giving each state an equal say, rather than making it proportional to population. To a degree the justification still holds true. With two proportional bodies, states like Rhode Island would never get anything they wanted. There are some cogent arguments for changing to a unicameral legislature–or perhaps we could disempower the Senate and turn it into what the House of Lords is now, populated with idle aristocrats wearing silly wigs.
@11 Seems blogs are pretty cool in this regard. One individual heckler is still trying to get in some pot shot about the first comment in this thread, unaware or uncaring that the conversation has long since moved on. He may be throwing his own turds at his computer, but apparently hasn’t figured out that nobody’s paying attention.
“I’m skipping the Dems too..”
Well, it was over quick. It only took half an hour for the Dems to kick wingnut butt. If there was a ref, he might put a stop to the beating. Alas, there is no ref, so it will continue.
This is how a political party gets a bump, and it doesn’t take much of a bump and it’s over. Once that happens, wingnut billionaires can spend all they want and all they’ll accomplish would be to further alienate the American populace.
Is our nation better off than we were four years ago at the end of eight years of a Republican administration? Unless you are stupid beyond words or a vile Republican who would see this nation suffer just to quench your thirst for power and money, unless you are someone who wants to see the entire nation veering into the ditch again as it was four years ago, the answer should be quite clear. This nation is far better off than it was four years ago.
little maxie the asshat is up to 44 page views now..
Now if I could only find where he said he took a pay cut…
IIRC it was AFTER the 96k remark..
“None of our business” indeed…
There are bumps and there are trends. This trend:
Does not bode well for The One.
btw sucks trying to comment with an iPad.
I’m back to making more than I did in ’08, TYVM – in fact, more than ever before…. so no more paycut on this end.
guess that makes it 45 page views now.
Thanks for the info, stalker.
Wow! A cut in pay. How could this have happened to an asshat?
Maybe we understand better now why you’ve *needed* to put over 6000 comments here.
Having a scotch and soda with those 49 page views?
No worries just think of each of them as a pump on your short arm or your pop gun, whatever..
I think im gonna hit the refresh button a whole bunch of time and see if YLBstalker notices…
Watching the DNC via the live feed.
After watching bits and pieces of the epic fail that was Slick Willard’s coronation the first thing that jumps out to me is the look of the delegates. It looks much more like the world I live in in Seattle than the Republican delegates.
God Bless America, the Democratic Party and the hard working people of Seattle!
wow, I should be up to about 100 now…cool.
YLB still yet to crack the $60k
oh little failure YLB, your such a funny guy – sitting at home all day long in the basement, doing “research”…lol
should be past 200 now….maybe YLBstalker can check for me.
You’ve been on this web site for 105 minutes..
What a family man… Yawwwn..
@ 27
You must mean that everyone there has had a mani/pedi and is holding a double tall from Starbucks.
I wonder what Mitt is hiding in his tax returns? There’s got to be pretty some bad news in there, the kind of stuff that would destroy a candidacy.
Mitt is the privileged spawn of a better man than him. A spoiled bastard, he believes that he can get away with this shit. Just like he got away with bullying a defenseless kid. Tough guy, that Mitt. Just like he got away with impersonating a police officer and pulling people over. Hmm, it’s starting to look like someone’s got issues. Just as he got away with shipping American jobs to China even as his political star rose. Sigh! Wingnuts! Some, like the smarmy Bob, are obvious narcissists. Others, like Mitt, are sociopaths. The Psych 101 types show up here as trolls. Those others, the sociopaths deserving to be the subject of a doctoral thesis, they end up running the party and perhaps, like Mitt and the guy who blew up frogs for kicks, can even grab the Republican presidential nomination.
Show us your damned tax returns and you lose. Don’t show them to us and you lose. You’re not gonna get away with it this time, spoiled rich boy.
WaPo/ABC poll has Obama favor ability under water with women. Huge drop from April.
Must be the grey hair.
Gov Strickland is giving a barn burner.
Isn’t Strickland the guy who got his ass kicked by Kasich?
Strickland mentioned a guy named Brian Slagle. Here he is in a previous article:
Turns out the taxpayer is paying his salary, sorta. Oh, and we are paying to expose him to unhealthy amounts of lead, too.
Yes, thank you, Barack Obama, for giving out tax dollars to corporations so they can hire people who can promote your re-election. No wonder the private sector’s doing fine.
Hey “Bob”, just in case there’s any confusion
Democrats, Christian or not, are sending the message loud and clear that their vision of goverment is one that reflects the values taught by Jesus.
Republicans, on the other hand, and good Christians all, sent the message that they detest a government that reflects such values. Rather, and this is very strange, they want us to instead emulate the mad ramblings of an atheist Russian novelist, and not a very good one at that, who taught that greed was good and that we should turn away the least of our brethren because they are our “inferiors”.
Ok, no mor iPad posting. @37 should have this link:
People are so religious here. So wholesome and upstanding.
Bless your hearts. Yours especially, Doctor Steve.
“Hey “Bob”, just in case there’s any confusion”
He’s a wingnut so he’s got some, um, issues. Perhaps we should be more considerate. Just imagine, if Bob ever gets institutionalized, we’ll be the people fighting for his rights.
“People are so religious here.”
I didn’t say they were, Bob. You really need to quit making shit up. After all, it’s not like you ever get away with it.
No, Bob, what the progressives here evidently want is a government that very closely follows the teachings of Jesus. You know, Matthew 25 and all that? You want a government that reflects the teachings of Ayn Rand, a bottom-tier Russian novelist and hypocritical government mooch who taught that greed is good, that the masses are inferior, and to turn your back on them. Not very Jesus-like, if you ask me, a Christian. Double so, really, with my being baptized both Mormon and Lutheran. Since you’re an atheist, you might want to consider take my word on this, Bob.
Hey, remember when the Republican convention honored the thousands of injured veterans the Republican president who can’t be named sent to war? Me neither!
Meh. I think Rmoney started out a heckuva lot better man than he’s since become. He showed some leadership skills and no doubt personally worked his ass off on the Salt Lake City Olympics, and when he was governor of the Bay State he behaved like a grownup on the health care deal and didn’t act like “bipartisan” was a cuss word. Since then he got it in his head that he really, really, REALLY wanted to sit in the Big Chair, and in turning off most of his brain and selling his soul to the satanic forces that were taking over his own party, became a demon himself. Now like Ryan and so many of the rest he’s taking his orders from President-For-Life Grover Norquist, and in so doing has lost my respect, and presumably of anyone else who doesn’t want to see America become the home of the Fourth Reich.
@45 “Hey, do you remember…”
No, but I do remember that, when it served the party’s purpose, Republicans called firefighters and the police “first responders” and “heroes”. Now it seems that demonizing them and sending them to the back of the unemployment line serves their purpose.
Hey, MikeBoyScout:
More on EX-gov Strickland’s poster child. I knew that name sounded familiar.
Deval Patrick making a strong case … for 2012 and for himself in 2016.
I thought they got to the unemployment line because their higher-seniority union brethren preferred layoffs of the recently hired to benefit cuts for the entrenched, when there was not enough money to go around. I learn SO MUCH here. Thank you, Doctor Steve!!!
I see MikeBoyScout is wearing his Etch-a-Sketch knee pads tonite. Each and every speaker gets a BJ.
Whoa there, big fella. He’s not on our team. We’re rational, skeptical. Bob’s a global warming denier who’s in bed with the Christianists.
And Steve, I gotta say, I’m with you, just waiting for the self-described Christians to start acting like they’ve ever read a word attributed to Jesus.
As an atheist, if everyone started behaving like Jesus taught, I’d be ecstatic. If peoples’ religion, or their reason, would only lead them to love, to peace and acceptance, to a celebration of our human family rather than venomous tribal hatred, to justice and honesty and true concern for each other and our community rather than short-sighted personal aggrandizement, the world would be a far far better place. It is something in our power to do.
Oh, shut up. You’re merely jealous that we have a convention, speakers, a party and community to revel in and be proud of – barn burner after barn burner about a democratic/Democratic vision for growth, justice, prosperity – a better vision, a better world.
Come on, you know you want to join us.
“Whoa there, big fella. He’s not on our team.”
Not a switch-hitter, no.
Governor Deval Patrick! Whoa! A star is born!
“1,000 years of darkness”
Maybe Chuck Norris is talking about 1,000 years of black presidents. I dunno. Maybe 16 years, though.
Gov. Deval Patrick. Hmm, President Deval Patrick. Heh. That thought has gotta suck big time for a racist like Bob.
See @54.
Sometimes you make sense. We’ve been through that.
I suppose Roger Simon is in the tank, too?
@33 “I wonder what Mitt is hiding in his tax returns? There’s got to be pretty some bad news in there, the kind of stuff that would destroy a candidacy.”
My guess is he accepted an IRS amnesty in 2009 to avoid criminal prosecution for sheltering income in offshore bank accounts.
He’s young, only 56. How about a Hillary/Deval ticket in 2016, 2020, and then President Patrick?
I meant atheist. What were you talking about?
“knee pads”
Bob sure talks about knee pads an awful lot. Gawd, he’s so Psych 101. It’s just too obvious. Trolls and projection. I’m not even going to bother with it this time. Fish in a barrel, you know?
You go, Deval.
Bob, my remarks to you @38 still stand, but I want you to stay here and troll. You know, even if Slick Willard had a way for you to phone bank here in western WA (and he doesn’t), your time and limited intellect is better spent annoying us here at HA than bugging our neighbors trying to recruit them to Miserable Failure Part II.
Suck on it loser!
Is that age correct? He looks significantly younger.
Between HRC and Deval, who else is there?
Which is great. If that’s what he likes, great, more power to him. Let’s leave the accusing people of gay behavior as an epithet to the bigot rightards. If bob’s gay, let’s work to secure for him all the rights and freedoms that straight people enjoy. Let’s make sure he can marry whom he loves, that he can be out and proud and not a target for violence, that he can enjoy all the civil benefits that everyone else takes for granted. We’re Democrats, after all.
Look at the TV screen.
Charlie Cook sez Dems might hold Senate. I suppose. Still trying to figure out if Linda McMahon is as strong as the last poll says she is,
“What were you talking about?”
Lord! Now we have Bob, knee pads and switch-hitting. It’s painting a picture, alright, but a strange one. Didn’t he go off on “chains” a week ago? Oh my!
Would the RNC please send us a Psych 201 troll for a change? These Psych 101 guys eventually cough up everything but their address and phone number.
@68 Steve,
“Which is great.”
Of course it’s great. What’s not so great is Bob living in denial, even going so far as pushing policies that would deny rights to gays. It’s the gross indulgence in denial that I have a problem with, not Bob’s being gay in itself.
It’s OK by me that you’re gay, Bob. I hope that helps.
But if it’s about Bob and the knee pad, I have to draw a line somewhere. There’s just no way that I could support Bob claiming a right to marry a knee pad. No way.
If bob is in the closet, I hope we provide a safe and supportive environment for him, I hope that he comes out and stops living a lie.
It gets better. (Thank you, Dan Savage!)
Cheryl Chow says don’t wait too long.
If you’re a gay right-winger bob, I hope you open your eyes soon – hanging out shilling for people who despise you will twist your soul (see puddle)
I hiked up to the Granite Mountain Lookout today, great view and the huckleberries were plentiful and ripe so on the way down I picked a big bunch of them. I point this out because, heh, I got me some free stuffs…
The berries will get turned into jam and syrup after work tomorrow.
Michelle Obama’s brother is on a video right now.
He looks like a dude.
I know they all look alike, bob, but please. *rolls eyes*
(Note to puddle, in likely vain effort to avoid spittle-flecked apoplexy, I do not believe all black people ‘look alike’. It’s called snark or satire, in the service of fighting racism. Learn about it.)
“Between HRC and Deval, who else is there?”
You should try paying attention.
Mayor Julian Castro. President Julian Castro. President Castro. Damn, that’s almost as good as Hussain. That name would surely drive wingnuts absolutely batty for eight years.
Let’s see, another four years of Obama, eight years of Deval Patrick, and then eight years of Julian Castro. Twenty four years of liberal, brown Democrat presidents. I’d put money on all of those old, angry white Republicans and their party dying off long before that run is over.
@73: Going to Mt. Baker tomorrow. I expect it will be glorious, but not so many huckleberries. We have plenty at home though.
@72 “I hope we provide a safe and supportive environment for him”
I’m trying my best to be there for Bob, I really am. It’s what Jesus would have me do.
Right on, Steve! Love, that’ll show ’em!
Isn’t Michelle Obama powerfully beautiful?
Michelle’s job, creating warmth and good feelings, simpatico, for Barack, is SOOOO much easier than Ann Romney’s was.
It’s just not fair!
“We have plenty at home though”
I can imagine as you’re not that far from me. I’ve got plenty at my place as well. Some of the bushes here are enormous. One in the back must be at least 12′ tall and some in the front are certainly over 8′ tall.
I love Mt. Baker. It’s been a few years since I’ve been up that way.
I’m watching Michelle Obama speaking at the convention on this livestream.
Listening to these Democrats talk about their values and what they believe in, you understand why we have to win — because there’s no one else who thinks like us.
Say it sistah!! Go Michelle, go!
How about Obama 2016! Michelle!
“For Barack, it’s not how much money you make, but how much difference you make in people’s lives.” — Michelle Obama
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a BIG LIAR. And she is major ugly as well. Yuck.
Busted in yet another lie.
Democrats are the party of the big liars.
Look at all those white faces in the audience!
Right next to all the black and brown and yellow ones, that is. SOOOOO different from last week, at the Concerned Citizens, er, White People Plus Puddle Party party (WPPPPp)
“It’s just not fair!”
It’s so sad. In less than two hours the Republican party has been reduced to being the party of a bunch of uncaring, angry, greedy old white people who hate dogs. And Democrats did it without even talking about them and their wack ideas of Galtian Lords and the inferior masses. They did it by being positive and uplifting, something every decent American is looking for in a political party and president.
“There’s no such thing as ‘us’ or ‘them’ — Republicans and Democrats, he knows we all love our country.” — Michelle Obama
We’re more concerned about whether you’re ugly on the inside, and you Republicans are hideous.
84. Roger Rabbit spews:
The problem is you assholes don’t think. You pretend that you feel others pain and proceed to make things worse for those you claim to want to help.
I’m with you, Roger – this evening has been really inspiring as a Democrat, and a democrat.
“Surely we can give everyone in this country a fair chance at that great American Dream.” — Michelle Obama
Michelle absolutely ROCKED THE HOUSE.
“And she is major ugly as well. Yuck.”
Well, yeah, compared to your beloved goat, I’m sure.
Bob has said several times that he hates women with moles, especially hairy ones that only he seems to be able to see. Knee pads, chains, switch-hitting and women with hairy moles. Bob seems to be terribly confused about some personal issues. I’m determined to help him out!
@87 “Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is … major ugly as well.”
We Democrats judge people’s beauty by what’s in their minds and hearts. — Roger Rabbit
From over at kos:
Julian Castro:
Breathtaking evening.
97. Roger Rabbit spews:
@87 “Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is … major ugly as well.”
In other words, I was right. Wasserman-Schultz is worse than butt ugly. And she is a liar too.
I’m so bummed we didn’t have an angry old white guy yelling at furniture!
(h/t cliffschectrer, via kos)
“The problem is you assholes don’t think. You pretend that you feel others pain and proceed to make things worse for those you claim to want to help.” — Floridagatorgrad @92
“The first duty of free men is to call things by their right name.” — Lt. Gen. William R. Peers, author of the Peers Commission Report on the My Lai Massacre
Bullshit. — Roger Rabbit, replying to Floridagatorade @92, under the guidelines expressed by Gen. Peers.
90. Roger Rabbit spews:
What a crock of bullshit. Listen to the words of his surrogates like Biden..they’re gonna put you all back in chains. Accuses Romney of murdering the wife of some guy who was laid off years after Romney left Bain and she died having health insurance for 2 years. Accused Romney of being a felon. The list goes on & on.
Michelle lies with a cheesy grin on her face.
@100 You’ve never been right about anything in your entire miserable sorry excuse of a life.
Moving, simply moving. We Democrats are about the notion that we’re all in this together, and we only succeed as a whole. This cannot be abandoned, this cannot be bested.
@103 “they’re gonna put you all back in chains”
He’s been president for 3 1/2 years and I’m not in chains. Are you?
If you are, maybe you need either a new job or a new wife.
@105 And Republicans are all about “I’ve got mine, so pull up the ladder, and fuck you.”
Floridagatorgrad makes the profound mistake of conflating inclusiveness and welcoming of all Americans, with lying down and letting the party of rich sociopaths rape everyone not in their country club.
Elementary error, and not unexpected.
@103, you obviously have a hearing disability because what you claim to have heard is like what Clint Eastwood hears; it’s imaginary.
@103 “There’s no such thing as ‘us’ or ‘them’ — Republicans and Democrats, he knows we all love our country.” — Michelle Obama
What a crock of bullshit.
I actually might go along on this one. I’m not so sure we all love our country. Some people act like they only love themselves and, as far as they’re concerned, everyone and everything else can go to hell.
@104, 107
I’m always fascinated how these assholes end up that way.
The nasty, fearful, hateful, bilious, greedy souls – I’m reminded of my time in residency taking care of drug-addicted, manipulative, sometimes violent sociopaths at Harborview (a minority of the patients there only, most of whom were lovely, but part of the stated mission of the place is to take care of the most unfortunate – I love that place) Anyway, the way I would get through the overnights, away from my family, sleepless, exhausted, trying to deal with such folks, was to remember that they were a baby once, a child, innocent and deserving of a fair chance – which almost none of them got – and that they were deserving humans whom life had utterly fucked over. That didn’t excuse them their present transgressions, but it made it easier. This may be the best way to approach our trolls.
@ 97
We Democrats judge people’s beauty by what’s in their minds and hearts. — Roger Rabbit
Which explains John Edwards and Anthony Weiner……..
How, exactly?
“Breathtaking evening”
Outstanding speech writing and delivery of a coordinated message. Bob probably has his head in the toilet after tonight, grasping that this was the warmup for Clinton, then Obama. These Dems are prepared and firing on all cylinders and it shows. This night and what might follow is what can give a party a bump, decide an election and point the way to the future.
The future. America will be seeing a shining city on a hill again before this convention is over. We really did need to hear that once, and it won an election. We need it now more than then. It looks like Democrats are delivering. Game, set and match if they do, and even Bob knows it. I’m not sure about the Klown, though, as he’s really fucking stupid.
@ 76
Hope he can avoid the Henry Cisneros trap. (Google it if you don’t recall).
Apparently he’s just reached the constitutional age beyond which he could even BE president.
One piece about him I read has him in the Barack 2004 mold:
He seems to have what all young Dems need to have in order to rise in the hierarchy:
He is fresh-faced, promising, Ivy-League educated, with a reputation for pragmatism— he’s free-trade—but he’s got something else in common with President Obama. A tendency to building his own warm, fuzzy, green reputation with someone else’s money:
The Economist, a U.K.-based conservative pro-business news and opinion magazine, says Obama deserves more credit for the economy than he gets:
“Not since 1933 had an American president taken the oath of office in an economic climate as grim as it was when Barack Obama put his left hand on the Bible in January 2009. The banking system was near collapse, two big car manufacturers were sliding towards bankruptcy; and employment, the housing market and output were spiralling down.
“Hemmed in by political constraints, presidents typically have only the slightest influence over the American economy. Mr Obama, like Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 and Ronald Reagan in 1981, would be an exception. Not only would his decisions be crucial to the recovery, but he also had a chance to shape the economy that emerged. …
“Did Mr Obama blow it? Nearly four years later, voters seem to think so: approval of his economic management is near rock-bottom, the single-biggest obstacle to his re-election. This, however, is not a fair judgment on Mr Obama’s record, which must consider not just the results but the decisions he took, the alternatives on offer and the obstacles in his way. Seen in that light, the report card is better. His handling of the crisis and recession were impressive. …
“Even before Mr Obama took office … there was a risk that investor confidence would vanish in the face of a messy transition to an untested president. … Mr Obama did what he could to ease those fears. As candidate and senator, he had backed the unpopular Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) cobbled together by … George Bush’s treasury secretary. After the election he selected Tim Geithner, who had been instrumental to the Bush administration’s response to the crisis, as his own treasury secretary. The rest of his economic team … were similarly reassuring.
“Resolving a systemic financial crisis requires recapitalising weak financial institutions and moving their bad loans from the private to the public sector. Under Mr Bush, the government injected cash into the banks. But doubts about lenders’ ability to survive a worsening recession persisted. … Bank-capital ratios now exceed pre-crisis levels and most of their TARP money has been repaid at a profit to the government. …
“General Motors and Chrysler presented a different challenge. Ordinarily a failing manufacturer would shed debts and slim down under court-supervised bankruptcy. But in 2009 no lender would provide the huge ‘debtor-in-possession’ financing that a reorganisation of the two would require. Bankruptcy meant liquidation. That would have wiped out local economies and suppliers …. Mr Obama’s solution was to force both carmakers into bankruptcy protection, then provide the financing necessary to reorganise, on condition that both eliminated unneeded capacity and workers. Both companies emerged from bankruptcy within a few months. Chrysler … is again profitable, as is GM ….
“Sluggish growth since 2009 has fed opposing assessments of the $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Conservatives say stimulus does not work, or that Mr Obama’s was badly designed. Most impartial work suggests they are wrong. Daniel Wilson of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco inferred the stimulus’s effect through an analysis of state-level employment data. He concluded that stimulus spending created or saved 3.4m jobs, close to the CBO’s estimate ….
“Charges that the plan was made up of ineffective pork are also unfair. Roughly a third of the money went on tax cuts or credits. Most of the spending took the form of direct transfers to individuals, such as for food stamps and unemployment insurance, or to states and local governments, for things like Medicaid. …
“If stimulus worked, why has the recovery remained so sluggish? … For one thing, the economy hit air-pockets in the form of higher oil prices … and the European debt crisis. Moreover, from the fourth quarter of 2009, state and local belt-tightening more than neutralised the federal stimulus, according to Goldman Sachs ….
[Yet, Republicans’ solution to the sluggish economy is to cut government spending even more — RR]
“Mr Obama … inherited the largest budget deficit in peacetime history, at 10% of GDP. But in 2009 he thought it would fall to 3% by the coming fiscal year. Instead, it will be 6%, if he gets his way. Back in 2009, he thought debt would peak at 70% of GDP in 2011. Now it is projected to reach 79% in 2014 …. This is not quite the indictment it seems: normal standards of fiscal rectitude have not applied in the past four years. When households, firms and state and local governments are cutting their debts, the federal government would have made the recession worse by doing the same. … His health-care reform did not worsen the deficit. …”
[Emphasis added — RR]
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The economy is a complex topic, so this is a long post. I tried to capture the essence of the article’s main highlights on its principal theme that President Obama has done a better job on the economy than his critics give him credit for. I think the main points are that his decisions were the right ones, and things could be much worse today if someone else had made those decisions. For example, what did Republicans discuss at their convention? Putting a plank in their platform about reinstating the gold standard, an idiotic idea that outlived its usefulness a century ago (but took much longer to purge from our financial system). How much more of the GOP economic program is similarly stupid? More tax cuts for millionaires will fix everything … ah, c’mon.
@ 114
Bob probably has his head in the toilet
Actually, I had my kayak in Mutiny Bay. I only caught part of last week’s convention, don’t plan to catch much more of this week’s.
You guys are running out of time to replace Biden, you know. Doesn’t that worry you? I’m sure it’s keeping Barack up at night.
@ 116
You should have just cut-and-pasted the whole thing. If you’re going to violate Terms, might as well go whole hog.
@ 116
Hey, RR, why did his health-care reform not worsen the deficit? Is it because the costs were backloaded while the revenues were frontloaded? I think it might be.
“Doesn’t that worry you?”
Not in the slightest.
I’m sure you agree that Ryan needs some new lies, I think stuff out of left field is the ticket. Maybe something about Obama being bred by jihadist aliens, so of course he doesn’t have a birth certificate. You know, appeal to your base, America’s crazy and/or stupid. Like the Klown.
Even you must understand, Bob, that if Ryan goes into the debate with the lies he’s been telling, Biden will wipe the floor with his lying ass.
@113 “John Edwards and Anthony Weiner”
The difference between Democrats and Republicans is we don’t make excuses for our misbehaving politicians, whereas Republicans sweep theirs under a rug.
@ 116
You know, RR, if you had posted the whole thing, then people on HA could plainly see that The Economist finds Obama’s tax position SILLY (emphasis added):
Chained to a silly vow not to raise taxes on 95% of families, Mr Obama’s plans have relied almost exclusively on taxing rich people and companies.
You might infer from this, RR, that if the deficit is to be addressed via raising revenues, it will only be addressed meaningfully if taxes are raised across the board.
Ah, but that would cause Obama to renege on a pledge at an inconvenient time, wouldn’t it?
@119 Take that up with the conservative editors of the conservative magazine Economist. They made that statement, not me. Just tell them you know more about it than they do, jackass.
@ 121
the difference between Democrats and Republicans is we don’t make excuses for our malefactors, we hold them accountable
Like Dollar Bill Jefferson?
How about Maxine Waters?
Charlie Rangel?
@122 “You know, RR, if you had posted the whole thing,…”
You know, Cereal, if I had posted the whole thing, I would be violating both the magazine’s copyright and HA’s posting policy. I tried to stay within the bounds of “fair use” and the posting policy by quoting as little of the copyrighted material as necessary to make my point.
Tell you what, I posted the link, and you’ve obviously found the article, so go ahead and post your own comment with the excerpts you choose, and that’ll make both of us happy and not violate any laws or posting policies. Are you smart enough to figure out how to do that without my giving you step-by-step directions?
“they sweep theirs under the rug”
A lot of them get gigs on Fox or some other form of wingnut welfare. In fact, the wingnut welfare system for disgraced wingnuts is larger than the welfare system for the poor that they’re always whining about. Sure they’ll say it’s private money. Yeah, private money from obscene income taxed at 0.45% like Mitt.
@124 “Like Dollar Bill Jefferson?”
Yep, like him. When the Democratic caucus found out about it, they stripped him of his committee assignments and reprimanded him — which was everything they had the power to do, because the GOP caucus controlled the House at the time. If they’d been the majority and had the ability to do it, they would have ejected him from the House. But they couldn’t and the Republicans wouldn’t. Take that up with the Republicans.
And next time you post a snarky remark like that, you might want to do some research and get some facts first, so you don’t make an ass of yourself in public like you just did. I’m making this suggestion for your benefit, not mine, because you’re the one who looks like an ass.
@ 126
That’s right, Spitzer’s gig was on CNN. Where will Weiner end up? MSNBC or Current TV? After Dancing with the Stars, that is.
@ 127
An awful lot of heat came down on Weiner. He resigned. There’s pressure – stripping away assignments, etc – and there’s pressure.
CBC could have expelled him. They didn’t. In fact, the Dems could have done more than they did, and you KNOW they could have, but they did not want to anger the CBC, which already felt that too many of its members, relative to the overall racial makeup of the body, were already under investigation for ethical lapses.
He was caught with a hundred grand in his freezer, RR. He didn’t try to get a ticket fixed for his daughter.
@129 “In fact, the Dems could have done more than they did, and you KNOW they could have, but they did not want to anger the CBC, which already felt that too many of its members, relative to the overall racial makeup of the body, were already under investigation for ethical lapses.”
@129 “He was caught with a hundred grand in his freezer, RR.”
It was ninety grand as I recall.
If we could get reasonable campaign financing laws in this country, politicians wouldn’t have to prostitute themselves to get the money it takes to get elected to anything. Even your man McCain thinks it’s out of control.
@ 131
I see, he was compelled to bribe and steal because the sign above the lectern at which the House Speaker stands didn’t have the words “Don’t Steal” embossed in large enough type.
Thank you for helping me see things the way a liberal sees things, RR.
Seriously, you make it sound like it was campaign cash.
Wiki makes it sound like something different:
Accusations against relatives
“On May 22, 2009, Betty Jefferson, Mose Jefferson, Angela Coleman, and Mose’s longtime companion, former New Orleans City Councilwoman Renée Gill Pratt, were indicted for violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. On June 5, 2009, all the defendants pleaded not guilty. Brenda Jefferson Foster is serving as a witness in the government’s case against them.[32] Mose Jefferson is also facing a separate trial for bribing Orleans Parish School Board president Ellenese Brooks-Simms.[33] Archie Jefferson is a convicted felon.[34] On July 28, 2009, United States federal judge Ivan L. R. Lemelle delayed the start of the racketeering trial to January 25, 2010.
On January 10, 2010, Mose Jefferson was convicted of bribery and was sentenced to ten years imprisonment.
On February 26, 2010, Betty Jefferson and Angela Coleman pleaded guilty to a single charge of conspiracy and were expected to testify for the government in the fraud and corruption trial against Mose Jefferson and Pratt.”
@132 You’re new here, aren’t you? You’ve obviously never read any of the numerous comments I’ve posted on this blog on this topic. I said he was a crook and belongs in jail. Is there any part of that you don’t understand? My position on this has never varied.
For Roger:
It must be time for me to turn to my databaze of 237 Republican party officials who have been busted for pedophilia. Of course, I haven’t updated it since 2008. I bet the count is over 500 by now. I hate to think that these busts are only the tip of the iceberg. Would you care to guess how many there really are, Bob?
Did you know, Bob, that from Hawaii to Florida, white Republican males have been busted for soliciting undercover black cops in public park toilets? These wingnuts each wanted to pay $20 to blow the black guy. It’s always $20. And they don’t want to get blown, they want to blow. Why is that, Bob? Was there a RNC memo that went out stating not to pay more than $20 to blow a black guy?
You once asked, Bob, about wingnuts and goats. I doubt that you really want to know how many Republicans in this country have been busted for fucking farm animals.
And chickens, Bob. Just think of it. A Republican official and chickens. Live ones. Or at least they were.
And it’s not like all Republicans try to hide this bizarre behaviour. At least one Republican actually brags about fucking farm animals, watermelons and of all things, his washing machine on hot water spin cycle. Even you might find this to be strange.
A Democrat stealing money? After what those wingnuts have been up to, that’d be refreshingly normal.
Go back to whining about taxes or whatever, Bob, or you’ll regret it.
NO, bob’s agenda is served when we’re discussing the irrelevant Jefferson, and not Michelle Obama’s excellent speech.
It’s FUD. He’s worthless. Either a greedhead tool, or a paid flunky – either way a loser, and as you point out, one who plays fast and loose with facts and truth, while doing his darnedest to maintain a veneer of reasonableness.
Waste of time.
How ’bout that Obama speech?
I had to look up that Republican in Florida, Bob, because he was too damned funny. He used the “I’m scared of black men” defense for wanting to pay $20 to blow the undercover black cop. Come to think of it, you strike me as having a fear of black men yourself, Bob.
“There’s pressure – stripping away assignments, etc – and there’s pressure.”
Florida Republicans, led by Marco Rubio, couldn’t bring themselves to give this guy the boot until after the conviction. If he had somehow beat the rap he’d still be in good graces, no doubt. Heck, he might even have been this year’s VP candidate.
Cool tweets:
What a genuine, and genuinely beautiful and brilliant woman, our Michelle.
Mitt is like a cardboard cutout of himself. No comparison.
Michelle Obama in 2016!!
20. ArtFart spews:
Absolutely nuthin important… BTW the SENILE animal and Lib da winks at racism schmuck answered. So Puddy realizes you still got nuthin!
Umm Steve@21, that was from the buttspigot.
Then HA ylbuttspigot sitting in the ylbazement playing with his ylboner getting ylbitchslapped by Max knows Puddy is somewhere he’ll never afford to visit.
Useless ylbazement dwelling stalker… HAHAHAHAHAHA!
ROTFLRHMBBAO ylbitchslapped again!
141 – zzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzzzz…
Put the idiot anywhere in the world, still the same old right wing dunce..
Pulling his pud..
Deval Patrick is a bad-ass motherfucker.
35. MikeBoyScout spews: Gov Strickland is giving a barn burner. So much for intelligence in this one! Strickland lasted long in Oihi. Strickland is lying to all those Charlotte DUMMOCRAPTS… Obummer is Santa Claus… Just Google “obama+going+to+pay+for+my+gas”… now dats sum funny sheeeit!
If Obummer was Santa Claus, Obummer would issue an “executive order” to jack the nice kids toys and deliver them in Chevy Volts to the bad kids of Chicago and blame Conservatives.
BTW BLS demonstrates a drop in unemployment. In 2010 Ohio elected a Republican governor… unemployment in Ohio dropped in 2012… And of course Obummer takes credit… in all 17 states with new Republican governors. Will he take credit in those DUMMOCRAPTIC led states where unemployment went up?
Ohio – Loser Strickland 9.0% to Winner Kasich 7.3%, 1.7% drop!
The common response to a conservative bitchslapping!
Bitchslapped so hard he admits to losing consciousness. Stuck in his own leetle world in the ylbazement, crying woe is me woe is me, stalking others.
Really Steve? Puddy remembers “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”. Obummer thinks he’s Caesar with all those executive orders side stepping the Congress, and you DUMMOCRAPTS elevated him to “god” status in 2008. So now, Obummer thinks all the money is his to spend.
Alan Greenspan -> Ayn Rand
Paul Ryan -> Ayn Rand
Have you figured out the connection yet? Probably not. You’re way too stupid.
And you Steve, discuss goat sex all the time. Psych!
DUMMOCRAPT 2008 platform “We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”
DUMMOCRAPT 2012 platform “We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”
God is missing. Now why is that? *rolls eyes* That’s a rhetorical question Lib da winks a DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck!
How do you know Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz is lying… she moves her lips in two different venues.
Now the Ambassador responds
So Fox News 7PM Anchor Shepard Smith asked Wasserman Schultz about the story and Oren’s response she lies again: “I didn’t say he said that and unfortunately, that comment was reported by a conservative newspaper.” Listen carefully around the 26 second mark forward and you’ll hear Blabbermouth in true DUMMOCRAPT lying form!
Can’t wait until Nov 7th when y’all are sent packing… That witch will be gone too!
Julian Castro vs Marco Rubio…
Winner – Marco Rubio! Hands down.
Butt wait… we’ll see the standard slobbering libtardo msm in full whore mode frothing over Castro; another inexperienced young DUMMOCRAPT with boring rhetoric and little charisma with no real accomplishments. Well at least he’s not a community organizer.
Did they talk about women’s uteri at the DUMMY FUNNIES in Charlotte?
Roger Puddy wrote way more on this DUMMOCRAPTIC tool than you ever did. Why? Well it’s obvious. And you can check with ylbuttspigot to perform an itemized comparison… buttspigot… Puddy called him “the freezer”, now run along and search the crazed databaze for the SENILE Wabbit. Well Roger, seems you R going SENILE… and with all your recent mental lapses, you’d think Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck would first fact check…
Then there was this…
And when Pelosi went after The Freezer again the CBC was again upset even though Pelosi didn’t want The Freezer around for Republican attack ads.
So Roger SENILE Wabbit you can froth off at the arshloch all you want but the FACTS are the FACTS and Bob just kicked your silly ASS! And that makes Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck a fool as always!
Jon Doe asks about connections… Yes, there are specific parts each man likes from Ayn thoughts. Good for them!
See ya!
This ought to anger the leftist atheist crowd. Artwork portraying Obama as Jesus Christ. And a religious calendar with John 3:16
Read the last line by the Pastor. It sums up my feelings precisely.
Wow, just wow.
Perusing the puddle posts – this could be excerpted from a chapter in a psychiatry text. No, really.
Massively inflated sense of self-importance. Nobody else understands his ‘special’ insights. Utter denial of conventional reality that conflicts with his ‘specialness’. Nasty, venomous response to those he sees as ‘enemies’ particularly ylb, and the bizarre neologisms and pet-names. I love this:
I wonder if there is a point where he won’t be able to type any verbs because the names he calls people will have grown so long and baroque that he forgets what he was yelling about?
And, of course, more bragging about his ‘world traveling’ – I wonder where his employer allowed him to stay this time? Did he get to rent a ‘full size’ car? It is quite obvious that those petty indulgences are extraordinarily important to him:
What a nasty, twisted little man.
I followed Maxie’s link down into the rabbit hole. Wow.
No, I find the Obama images embedded in the Christian iconography quaint. Not meaningful to me, but clearly for people wrapped up in their Jesus-belief, it’s important.
The whole black church thing is strong – one can easily understand – it was the only organization that the White Peoples’ Party allowed black people to have for many many years, particularly in the South. It persists, and while I think it leads many people astray on issues like persistent homophobia and gay-hate, it has often been a force for good, obviously.
As an atheist, I look forward to the day when people use rationality to come to the conclusion that the best way to live is via the Golden Rule, and to realize that all humanity is family (God’s children, in Christian parlance) and we need to treat each other thusly, and that we each thrive best when all are thriving, and that poverty and injustice are evil and violent.
So, no, Maxie, or whatever your name is this week, the posters don’t bother me. What’s more bothersome is what I found at that link to Fox…
Goatboy has been scarfing down the goat cheese again, and we’re not talking feta, either. Goatboy loves the boy goats…
@ 138
Michelle Obama in 2016!!
That’s what we need. A Dem candidate without adequate qualifications for the job, three elections in a row.
The fool’s religion to my reading forbade placing idols before the skygod..
Full sized cars? Expensive locales? Heh.. Looks like idols to me.
Naaah.. That was the Wyoming harlequin, Mr. “non” Cynical..
So at Maxie’s FoxRadio link I found these nuggets:
The Culture War – it’s BAAAAAAACK!
OH NOES!11!!!
Oh now there’s an endorsement. Grifters to the end.
Some of the comments:
He got that from his Revelation decoder ring, or something. Didn’t learn to spell though.
OH BOY! Clouds O’Glory ™ – puddle must be very excited at this point. Again, like the last one, this Fox reader can’t spell.
Do you detect a theme?
Just like puddle called me the Spawn of Satan!! I must be Obama’s brother from another mother!
It goes on and on and on in the fever swamp…
I googled ‘DNC staind glass’
Whooooo boy, the rightards are in a lather about some podium backdrop, whether real or imagined, that resembles stained glass.
I thought these guys liked church?
I guess it’s another IOKIYAAR. Democrats, being the spawn of Satan, can never use liturgical imagery, I suppose.
However, they’re all pissed off (puddle included) that the Democratic platform has dispensed with the use of the term ‘God’, at least in a single instance.
Again from the FoxRadio static:
They’re having some issues with consistency, I suppose. Whackadoodles.
I’ve lost track with the trolls changing their names all the time.
Could we get some sort of field guide?
Why can’t Fox readers/posters spell correctly? Homeschooling?
163, 164 – It’s like this from them every 4-year silly season.. Throwing whatever shit they can against the wall to see what sticks.
I don’t think it’s limited to every 4 years – I think this is how they live and ‘think’, to use the term loosely, all the time.
And GWB was qualified, I suppose?
I suppose she’d be just another Affirmative Action candidate?
MmmHmm. I don’t think puddle has a whole lot of, um, insight.
@ 169
And GWB was qualified, I suppose?
Multiterm governor from a southern state. Like, say, Bill Clinton.
Successful in office? Not so much. Qualified to run? Lib Despair, I’ll take you seriously, ‘thusly’, when you begin meriting a serious response. Of course he was qualified.
I honestly don’t give a shit what you take seriously. You are persistent, I’ll give you that, but your Keyboard Kommando opinion, offered from you bunker at wingnut central, is completely irrelevant to me.
Why does ‘southern’ matter?
And we both know that the Texas governorship is, compared to most other states, a hollow and fairly powerless post – aside from commuting death penalties – which shrub fucked up as well.
Of course, prior to that, a string a failed businesses from which he was bailed out by Poppy’s buddies and future recipients of government largesse.
The Texas Rangers? We both know about Shrub’s figurehead roll there. And the ways that government and eminent domain laws were employed to appropriate the land for the subsidized stadium.
Freedom!! They built that!! GALT!!!!
Yeah, qualified my ass.
I think a better qualification would be an intact moral compass, which Michelle Obama has, and the last Republican President, he-who-must-not-be-named, as well as Mittens Rmoney, are woefully lacking.
@ 174
I suppose it was that ‘intact moral compass’ that steered Michelle to that very lucrative position she was bumped into right after Barack became a US Senator.
“Michelle Obama was promoted to vice president for external affairs in March 2005, two months after her husband took office in the Senate,” the Tribune reported. “According to a tax return released by the senator this week, the promotion nearly tripled her income from the hospitals from $121,910 in 2004 to $316,962 in 2005.”
Ka-ching. That’s the sound a moral compass makes, no?
@ 172
“Of course [George W. Bush] was qualified.”
And, yet, he still managed to completely fuck this country over, leaving office while we were on the brink of the worst depression in our nation’s history. So much for the merits of electing “qualified” candidates.
Cute. I though you guys approved of being paid commensurate with your skills. IOKIYAAR.
@ 175
I suppose it was that ‘intact moral compass’ that steered Michelle to that very lucrative position she was bumped into right after Barack became a US Senator.
And, of course, because she’s an African American woman, she was obviously not “qualified” for the promotion, right?
Typical conservative bullshit. The only people whose success is worth praising are white males. Everyone else’s success must be derided as the result of something they didn’t merit.
Thanks Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck… Sez nothing of ylbuttspigot who tracks everyone on this blog who thinks above him. Sez nothing of his stalking of max. Sex nothing of his tracking of Puddy around the world.
Very telling of da schmuck. WARPED as always.
So why does Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck positively cheer when DUMMOCRAPTS attack conservative blacks for leaving the reservation? Don’t atheists believe in the Golden Rule? Don’t atheists have any moral decency? Don’t atheists have a moral compass?
Reading all the every day racist baiting horseshit from Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck giving moral support to DUMMOCRAPT haters proves everything Puddy has ever said about Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck!
You didn’t read the derogatory slobbering libtard msm comments about Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez as conservative women being from Southern states Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck? Oh yeah you live on Daily Kooks, Total Putz Morons, Challenged Angry Pinheads, Media Morons!
Of course Don Joe forgets the recession started when DUMMOCRAPTS acquired the house and senate effectively stopping all of Bush’s economic objectives. That’s why the bums were dispensed from the house in 2010. Real Americans realized something and rejected 63 DUMMOCRAPTS!
The king of goat sex appears with nothing new on his mental agenda. Ekim, how was living in the goat pasture these past weeks? Ohhh my bad; that’s right we read you were into mountain goats now.
The fool’s religion to my reading forbade placing idols before the skygod..
Before Obummer was Illinois US senator Michelle made $121K. Magically after he becomes Illinois US senator she now makes $316K working only about 20 hours a week.
Now lesee the rest… Hmmm a Valerie Jarrett keeps showing up. The Chair of the University of Chicago Medical Center Board.
The Chair of the Executive Committee of Chicago Medical Center Board.
The Vice-Chair of the University’s Board of Trustees.
And everyone knows… Obummer taught at the U. of Chicago law school.
And da piece de reistance… Who offered a $150,000 bribe to Obummer’s pastor Jeremiah Wright by email to be quiet until after the 2008 election? Dr. Eric Whitaker VP of the University of Chicago Medical Center and frequent Obummer golf buddy!
You see Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck, the factual information is easily remembered when you already posted it.
Here is a topic for an actual discussion
A conservative on facebook posted this link to justify that both sides lie. That what the dems said was just as bad as what the repubs said.
So I ask you all, is this equivalent or a false equivalency?
P.S. To save time, I will auto fill SerCons’s answer:
puddys answer:
“It is produced by the skygod and the most of cheese and on the point of it is made from the inlet that they were enabled Obummer and it continues moving away from which we found in which seemed to the north and in the range of the DUMMOCRAPTIC very high round snowy mountains that the same chain being turned to be a mile from a few scattered slobbering libtard msms and a league in a small moons. Schmuck! See Ya!”
Excellent! Even the Decoder Ring will explode on that one.
How did you do that?
You captured puddle’s voice perfectly.
I’m in awe.
Could someone decode this for me?
@190 Puddy has gas and blew a big one.
Okay, here’s Mitt & Ryan’s plan for, well, everything….
Republican Life Vest Campaign