Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Special Event: On Sunday, Sept 9th, Comedian Dean Obeidallah will bring his progressive political stand up show to Seattle. Here’s the information:
Dean Obeidallah for Vice President Comedy Tour in Seattle on Sunday, September 9
A night of stand up comedy featuring award winning comedian Dean Obeidallah.
The San Francisco Weekly wrote: “Dean Obeidallah is a gruff-voiced, shoot-from-the-hip New Yorker…fresh and clever.”
The Washington Post called Dean: “an angsty Arab Chris Rock.”
Dean Obeidallah has appeared on numerous US and international TV shows including Comedy Central’s “Axis of Evil” special, ABC’s “The View,” “Comics Unleashed,” NBC’s “Rock Center,” MSNBC’s “Up with Chris Hayes,” Current TV’s “The Young Turks,” and can be seen weekly on CNN offering comedic commentary on political and topical issues. He also writes weekly opinion articles for
He is co-director/co-star of the soon to be released documentary “The Muslims Are Coming!” which also features The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, comedians Lewis Black, David Cross, Maz Jobrani, Janeane Garofalo, Colin Quinn and more. Official Trailer is here.
Special guests for the show:
Khaled the Comic – Based in Chicago, Khaled has performed at comedy clubs all over the US and Canada. He was featured in the Best of the festival show in the 2011 NY Arab-American Comedy Festival.
Melissa Shoshahi – One of the top Iranian-American comedians in the country. Melissa has performed in venues across the US bringing her witty personality to the stage and knows no limits when it comes to comedy-discussing thoughts on her perspective on life to her unique upbringing into society. Her edgy comedy can be best described as ‘beautiful, so beautiful’ by her mother.
Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 8:00PM
SCCC Broadway Performance Hall
1625 Broadway
Seattle, WA 98122
United StatesTickets: $25
Student tickets $15 at the door with valid student IDFor tickets please visit: Brown Paper Tickets or call 800-838-3006
Here is Dean in his Comedy Central “Axis of Evil” Comedy special:
Can’t make it to Seattle’s DL tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. The Tri-Cities chapter meets tonight, the Burien chapter meets on Wednesday, and the Woodinville chapter meets on Thursday.
With 233 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state four in Oregon and three more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter near you.
While Joe Biden is locked up in the White House basement with duct tape over his mouth, Paul Ryan is rallying over 2,000 middle class people in the heart of Pennsylvania. They love Paul.
Obama did not think he would have to spend money on state like PA, Iowa, WI etc. Now he finds the piggybank dwindling and he’s getting crushed by Romney/Ryan in current fundraising.
Obama now has buddy George Clooney shilling for FOREIGN money in Geneva. I thought you idiots detested FOREIGN money. Where is the outrage?
NBC is failing. They have made major staff cuts to Leno and the Tonight Show. Complete mismanagement. Leno said he woke up and found a Peacock head in his bed. Love seeing Obama’s stenography firm fail. Seems like the Obama empire is crumbling fast. Watch the desperation. Jimmy Carter II–Carter could handle the humiliation, but I doubt Obama can. Romney personifies everything Barry Soetoro and Michelle hate about America. He doesn’t smoke, drink, do drugs, swear and is highly successful.
Obama hates that. Michelle even more so.
Akin: I’m staying in.
Now the GOP knows what it feels like to be forced to carry to term something they wanted to abort.
@ 3
That’s the Line of the Day. Well struck!
Your left-wing hero, Nate Silver, produced an article last month showing what has happened the past 6 elections when pollsters shift from Registered to Likely Voters. Bottom-line is it always improves for the Republican by an average of 1.5% points with a range of .7%–2.5%. This is why Darryl’s early analysis has marginal meaning. Because so many of these polls show RV. When the changeover is made, don’t have a heart attack. It could easily be on the upper end this time because of the crazy, unsubstantiated assumptions polls like NBC/WSJ make. They will continue to cook the books to try and help their guy & his pathetic supporters (that’s you HA left-wingers). The devil is always in the details and the underlying assumptions. A pollster can get whatever result you ask him to by merely changing the underlying assumptions. Even though todays NBC/WSJ poll is still based on questionable assumptions, it shows Romney as only behind by 4. Ouch
@2. Dude, at least get the joke right! You are the only person I know who can take a Bain joke and spin it to be Obama’s fault.
Check out the Young Republican Video. I know the R’s are aggressively organized on college campuses. Weak-kneed McCain conceded that vote. Romney/Ryan are conceding nothing. They are playing to win.
Enjoy–and ouch to Barry Soetoro!
“See, I knew something was going on. Friday morning, I woke up and there was a peacock head in my bed.”
Leno is a funny guy. NBC is a joke. Big difference.
I think it would be funny for national TV news correspondents to have interviews outside the convention hall with delegates waxing poetic about the moral superiority of the Republican Party, then follow it up with video shots of full parking lots at local strip clubs, along and interviews with dancers who complain about Republicans at the convention being cheap tippers.
It looks like the folks that did the remake of Red Dawn sorta missed the part about us liking the first one because of how ridiculous it was. Plus 99% of the audience had a crushes on Lea Thompson & Jennifer Grey.
@1, Paul Ryan showed up not in the “heart of Pennsylvania” but in an exclusive bedroom community outside of Pittsburgh. He spoke in front of an all white audience while pretending to be at a Pittsburgh steel mill.
The median income for the state of Pennsylvania is $50,398 which compares to $51,914 for the USA as a whole.
Whistling past the graveyard. He fooled no one west of the Alleghenies in the Keystone state.
You know…I’m glad to see the old Montana goatfucker, Mr. Cynical back here. That old Montana goatfucker and his crazy brand of crazy…crazy ass “Magical Thinking”.
Ryan is an ANVIL around Raw-Money’s neck. Ryan was pushed on Raw-Money by the Koch’s and Adelson’s to keep dumb fuckers like the Klown in their place.
Ryan is part of the anti-woman cabal in the House and Ryan’s Brother-in-Arms is the one and only Todd Akin. Raw-Money is stuck with Akin too.
The great Slick Willard can’t control the party he’s supposed to be the head of.
Raw-Money is done.
Time to
obama put the US On Mars!!!!111111eleven…..
LOL! spot on!
Thats funny…where were you when King O made repeated visits to Mercer Island?
so who is the top Icelandic comedian in the country?
hell, who is the top castillian comedian in the country?
How many Iranians do you know named Melissa?
LMFAO….whoever wrote that article is stupid as fuck.
@16, I was there.
It’s a week till the
WhigRepublican Convention and who’s got the narrative?The Gekko/Galt Team? Team Raw-Money? Talkin’ Obama Economy????
These amateurs are talking about what President Obama and David Axlerod WANT them to be talking about:
War on Women!!!
Social Security!!!
Slick Willard got played by President Obama on Tax Returns and the Bain is getting better ALLLLLL the time (I LOVE the South American connection, don’t you?).
Add that to Ryan’s illegal insider trading as a member of the House and Slick Willard can be as slick as he wants, but the only slipping he’ll be doing is in the polls.
Have fun, assholes.
sure you were…parking cars.
Akin For The Truth
@5 “The devil is always in the details and the underlying assumptions.”
No, the devil is in suppressing the other guy’s votes by any means, fair or foul.
And if that doesn’t work, you hack the computers.
But by 2008 Republicans were so unpopular that even suppressing millions of votes and rigging millions more couldn’t save them from being beaten by a black guy.
Wow Greg Palast
Wow Crooks and Liars
Scary leftwrong kook-aid!
Who the fuck packs 12 people into a GMC Envoy?
the parents should be shot.
Oh my… the HuffPo puts forth a LA Slimes article comparing the RETIRED Navy Seals complaints over Obummer national security leaks to those applauding Valerie Plame’s name being leaked and blamed on Scooter Libby. One thing is Richard Armitage did the leaking. The second thing is Diane Feinstein also complained and she’s a libtard!
Obummer dismisses the group because one is a birther. Well hundreds of years of military service held by this group in one of the most stringent military service programs is blown off by someone who is so vain: “I did this”, “I did that” is:
Sad so sad!
DNC… a bunch of cheap DUMMOCRAPTS. Poor Connecticut town stuck with the Harvey Weinstein 1%er $35,800 fundraiser.
Get this, the Dummocrats are pinning their hopes on JOE BIDEN stealing the thunder in Florida during the Republican Convention. JOE BIDEN regularly draws tens of people. He is a complete failure and an embarrassment. Check this out-
I’ve got flight to catch early AM but I won’t be able to sleep until I stop laughing about this. Picture Joe Biden blathering in front of 15 hired & Paid welfare recipients about Republicans being Pigs. Poor old JOE BIDEN. A real dumbshit.
@26 With all due respect for the SEALS, and they deserve plenty of respect, I’ll call them when I need a terrorist killed, but I don’t need them to tell me who to vote for.
This article explains better than I can why top GOPers are tearing their hair out over what Akin has done to them. In a nutshell, they want to talk about jobs, not whether a woman can
get pregnant from rape. (Women already know the CORRECT answer to that.)
“President Barack Obama maintains his advantage in the race for the White House, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. A Democratic ticket … gets support from 48 percent … and a Republican ticket … gets 44 percent. These numbers are only slightly changed from July, … suggesting a minimal bounce … (if at all) after this month’s Ryan pick.”
But here’s the really bad news for the GOP:
“‘The election has moved from a referendum to a choice,’ says Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. ‘Mitt Romney is starting to accumulate … negatives on the personal front and issues front.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In short, the debate has shifted from whether Obama is doing a decent job to whether Romney is a lousy alternative. Subtle but deadly for GOP chances.
Although the gap between Obama and Romney has closed a point or two in polls of registered voters, Romney’s uphill climb is getting steeper.
“Democratic attacks have continued to damage his personal reputation, while his new running mate Paul Ryan has elevated a debate over Medicare that so far works to the disadvantage of the Republican ticket. ‘Mitt Romney is sliding in the wrong direction,’ said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducts the Journal/NBC survey with his Republican counterpart Bill McInturff. ‘As the debate shifts away from being solely about jobs, Romney’s position weakens.’ …
“Pounding by Democrats on Romney’s refusal to release more than two years of his tax returns has taken a significant toll. Some 36 percent of voters say what they’ve heard about that issue makes them feel more negatively about Mr. Romney; just 6 percent say it has made them feel more positively.
“By a narrower 28 percent to 25 percent margin, voters say what they’ve heard about his business experience makes them feel more negatively. Nor is Romney helped so far by … Ryan’s plan to overhaul Medicare through a shift to vouchers …. Some 30 percent of voters call that a bad idea, while 15 percent embrace it.”
But here’s the real kicker:
“By 47 percent to 42 percent, voters say they want Democrats to win control of Congress in November — an uptick from the Democrats’ one-point edge in July.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In just one month, the plurality of voters who want Democrats to control Congress has expanded from 1% to 5%. If I were a GOP strategist, I’d be shitting bricks.
Heh. It won’t stop with Akin. Meet new right wing idiot Chuck Winder:
The idiocy is drop-jaw unfathomable.
The klown was orgasming the other day over the “we built this” bullshit of the Tampa Convention.
Bullshit it is.. The R’s are having this get-together in a 62 percent government financed facility
One of those public-private partnerships.. Why couldn’t it be all private? Guess they couldn’t “build it”. LESS PROFIT THAT WAY!
94 percent to ZERO percent.. The dullard who “understands [vulture] capitalism” and his sidekick Randian ghoul have NO appeal whatsoever to African-Americans besides perhaps the handful of right wingers like our resident zombie idiot.
The Randian Ghoul on rape:
Heh. Women won’t be denied? That’s almost half of what being right wing is about.
Hurricane Isaac would be tasty frosting indeed.
The CBO announces yet another $1.1 Trillion Deficit in 2012 courtesy of President Barry Soetoro.
4 more years! 4 more years! That ought to be enough to collapse our entire economic system under the weight of the debt. Just what you idiots seem to want. You live in some fantasy world that raising taxes on the rich will generate more revenue and have absolutely no impact on investment or the economy. Rich guys will gleefully write checks…or Obama will rip the money from their hands. What a great world that will be, huh?
Morning News Roundup
A Federal Way man has been arrested for threatening to kill President Obama and brandishing a shotgun at a Secret Service agent and a police officer.
A Republican candidate against Maria Cantwell has apologized for sending a vulgar e-mail to Publicola’s Josh Feit. This candidate had previously criticized Cantwell for not being married.
This candidate had previously criticized Cantwell for not being married.
You sure he didn’t criticize her for having affairs with married men?
Gut Check
“Obama has a 22-point lead (52%-30%) on caring about average people, as well as a 28-point advantage (52%-24%) on issues concerning women. These are what we call our ‘gut check’ questions, and Romney is trailing here … badly. …
“Our new poll also might explain why the Romney campaign has been airing all of those TV ads on welfare …. The reason: Romney is underperforming with white voters. …
“The entire Todd Akin story has become an unequivocal mess for the Republican Party … if Republicans don’t win Missouri’s Senate contest … they have to run the table on the remaining toss-up Senate races ….”
@40 Positive.
So where is the peacenik outrage?
2000 American deaths in Afghanistan, the majority of them in the past 3-1/2 years under Obama. From the HY Times
So what have we gotten for the more than 1,000 deaths under Obama’s weak leadership?? It’s a mess! Fucking around. Fight to win or get out! The military voters despise Obama by a large %. That’s why the Democrats have done everything they can to suppress Military Votes and everything they can to allow illegal voters to cancel the votes of those who risk their lives for us.
@ 40-
Ah yes. But Democrats have no moral compass, so Cantwell destroying a marriage and a family is like a badge of honor to them. They don’t believe in marriage and family and “institutionalized” relationships. It’s all about feelings and all about them. Cantwell is a selfish person. Always has been. She got her millions in a farcical way thru the Real Networks scam. Perhaps Doctor Steve’s wife can educate Cantwell. I assume you are married Doctor Steve, right??
Have any of you read this yet?
The infighting inside the Team Soetoro will intensify when the money dries up and Romney/Ryan start fighting back. Rats like Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett and Soetoro’s other shitbags are already showing their true colors. They got spoiled in 2008. No record and no accuntability. Different this time.
Obama aka Barry Soetoro’s lack of leadership and vitrolic approach to divide America is leading us to the 2013 Fiscal Cliff
Hey, the buck stops with the President. He is the roadblock. He is the partisan hack. All Romney has to do is focus on jobs & the economy. Even the WSJ/NBC poll shows a vast majority of Americans lack confidence in Obama on the Economy and Leadership.
The r’s need to stay focused on those issues and the failed obama/soetoro policies.
Poor Doctor Steve.
He was running with the Israel skinny-dipping story just yesterday. And now:
it turns out the story was a plant.
Romney’s rich. Seamus. Dressage. Galilee skinny-dipping.
Behold the Democrat 2012 presidential election campaign.
“All Romney has to do is focus on jobs & the economy.”
Sorry, but Real Americans are demanding to know why Republicans hate American women so much that they’d force a rape victim to bear and raise the child of their rapist. Real Americans also demand to know why Republicans keep coming up with tax plans that would allow your party’s fearless leader Billionaire candidate to pay absolutely no taxes at all while cutting services and raising taxes on the Real Americans of the poor and middle class.
That’s what Real Americans are talking about, Klown. But you wouldn’t know this because you’re not a Real American. You’re just some fascist loser who fucks goats.
“Romney’s rich. Seamus. Dressage. Galilee skinny-dipping.”
Off topic, Bob. The topic now is your VP candidate Ryan and his legislative partner, Todd Akin, wanting to force America’s rape victims to bear and raise the child of their rapist, as well as Republican tax plans that would allow your filthy rich candidate and his backers, like the Koch brothers, to pay no taxes whatsoever.
Please do try to keep up, Bob.
@ 49
Damn. You were so hot on the skinny-dipping story just yesterday, Doctor Steve. It’s hard to keep pace with you. To think I believe the election should be about the economy and whether the moves Obama has made were the right ones. I learn so much here about what really is important. Thank you so much, Doctor Steve.
“I learn so much here about what really is important.”
Wrong lesson learned, Bob. No wonder you’re so fucking stupid. You can’t keep your eye on the ball. The lesson you should be learning is, don’t mess with Chicago. Watch, Bob, as Chicago dismantles your hapless candidates.
This election is presently about Republicans, led by VP candidate Paul Ryan and Rep. Todd Akin, forcing rape victims to bear and raise the child of their rapist. Please try to stay relevant, Bob.
@ 51
Next time voters are surveyed about the things they think are most important, Doctor Steve, do you think abortion will be at the top of the list?
This election is about the economy, which is why you and your ilk are doing everything in your power to make it about anything but the economy.
Good luck with that.
“This election is about the economy”
No, it’s about Republican hypocricy. Taxes. Rape. Abortion. I know that you’re a little slow, Bob, but please try to keep up.
@51 Akin is not an outlier, he reflects the mainstream GOP position, and that’s what this is all about. What got Akin in hot water with his fellow GOPers is he was honest about it.
“They will say this is about one person. It is not. They will attempt to distance themselves from the controversy. But they can’t. The … comment made by U.S. Rep. Todd Akin … is not a GOP anomaly …. More than 200 Republican members of Congress joined him in co-sponsoring … the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act … language restricting the exception for federally funded abortions to ‘an act of forcible rape or, if a minor, an act of incest.’ … Paul Ryan can … backpedal away from Akin … but his name is still on the record in support of … that language. He can say he … would not ban abortions in the case of rape, but … his name attached to … [the] Sanctity of Human Life Act … would have done just that. … Santorum, … Bachmann, … Gingrich and … Perry all said they would … outlaw all abortions …. You can fully expect a Republican Congress to move quickly to ban all abortions, regardless of circumstances.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I personally oppose abortion on moral and religious grounds. One of the reasons I became a lawyer was to fight for the powerless, and no one is more defenseless than an unborn child. So I’m sentimentally in sympathy with Republicans’ desire to protect fetuses. But there are crucial differences between my position and the GOP’s position on abortion.
First, my position is a personal position, whereas they want to turn theirs into public policy. I have no desire to force my personal beliefs on anyone else, least of all, you stupid humans.
Second, I would prefer there are no abortions of convenience; but to arbitrarily ban all abortions, regardless of circumstances, may be a bridge too far. It’s too dogmatic and doesn’t allow for exercise of judgment in exigent circumstances. I’m just not prepared to argue there is no case, ever, in which an abortion might be the lesser evil. Now, you stupid humans tell us that you believe God made you in Her own image. That’s debatable, because if the Creator you claim exists does exist, it’s unlikely She’s as stupid as you, or She couldn’t have created everything you attribute to Her, which includes pretty much everything including Mars, the Moon, and the Andromeda Galaxy. But let’s take that as a given for the purpose of argument. In that case, if God wanted you to be like Her, she didn’t make you robots who never think or exercise judgment or make tough decisions. Why else would She give you brains? There has to be some room for judgment based on circumstances. So, no, I can’t go along with never ever. It’s too bad for the unborn kid, but conceivably there may be something more valuable than the unborn kid’s life. I don’t know what; but I’ve got to hold open that possibility.
Third, I simply can’t go along with the propensity of Republicans to abandon new humans the moment they’re born; or, worse, to view them as future cheap labor or cannon fodder. If you’re going to assist on bringing them into the world, then take responsibility for them, goddammit. Oh, I know you’re going to say the parents should be responsible for them. And I agree. Trouble is, some parents won’t accept responsibility, or can’t for some reason or other, or in some cases, shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near their offspring. What then? Do you just kid those hapless kids into the gutter to fend for themselves in the cold cruel darwinian world you’re trying to hard to create? Your answer to that seems to be yes. I disagree with you there.
So, while I agree with Republicans that unborn children are entitled to keep their lives, even when their mothers don’t like being pregnant, I can’t vote for Republicans because once you get beyond that, their attitude about everything else sucks.
But then, Republicans are human, and I don’t expect anything of humans.
@53 This election used to be about the economy until Rep. Akin opened his big mouth. Obama thanks you, Mr. Akin.
@ 53
Doctor Steve, Doctor Steve. It might be what the election is about to YOU.
To others, not so much.
Despite repeatedly telling the American people that increasing taxes on the wealthy and investing billions of dollars in alternative fuel sources is important, American voters simply aren’t on board with President Obama’s top priorities, according to a new USA Today and Gallup poll.*
Is this your plan, Doctor Steve? Two-plus more months of whining, almost literally, about tax returns?
Abortion wasn’t important a year ago:
Question: What do job creation, the federal budget deficit, the war in Afghanistan, health care, and energy have in common?
Answer: Each of these important issues facing the federal government consistently ranks as a higher priority among voters than abortion, contraception, or any other hot-button social issue.
Hell, the argument about abortion is pretty much limited to the fringes, because both sides agree on a lot:
August 8, 2011
Plenty of Common Ground Found in Abortion Debate
“Pro-choice” and “pro-life” Americans agree on 9 of 17 policies tested
by Lydia Saad
What’s REALLY important?
Why, Doctor Steve, it’s the economy.
Small wonder Obama
August 16, 2012
Americans Continue to Give Obama Low Marks on the Economy
Low rating on the economy may be more problematic than even lower deficit rating
by Lydia Saad
would rather talk about abortion.
So, yammer away, Doctor Steve. Only 70+ days to go. People won’t tire of abortion as the economy sinks further into recessionary levels. You can keep it up.
Go for it.
The winds are blowing……
Romney raising cash from traditionally Dem cities
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who is out-fundraising President Barack Obama by impressive margins, is attracting thousands of donors this summer from traditionally Democratic areas of the United States, collecting millions of dollars in even progressive communities from New York to Los Angeles, according to an analysis by The Associated Press of new campaign data.
Remember how all the money rolled in to Obama post-convention in 2008, as it became clear he would win?
It’s starting earlier this year.
Republicans and money. I wonder how much Republican money it would take to undo the damage caused by the Ryan pick? Eh, but I suppose that’s an irrelevant question as there is simply no time to fix that stanky load of manure named Paul Ryan. Or is it Todd Akin? Like most Americans, I get them mixed up now. Two peas in a pod, as the saying goes. Both want to redefine rape and force rape victims to bear and raise the child of their rapist.
Speaking of money, I wonder how much it would cost a rape victim do to as Republicans would force her to do, raise the child of her rapist. One thing for sure, being Republicans, they wouldn’t offer her any assistance.
@56 This is a bit more meaningful than the drivel you posted because Wall Street puts money where it thinks economic returns are:
“President Barack Obama called Wall Street executives ‘fat cats,’ criticized their bonuses and tried to raise their taxes. The financial-services industry, in turn, has directed a stream of complaints toward the administration, fueling perceptions of a rift between the president and a key 2008 donor group.
“But, defying expectations, … Mr. Obama and the Democratic National Committee raised more than $14 million from the securities and investment industry through the end of April ….
But, rather than abandoning Mr. Obama, the securities and investment sector still holds the third spot among the top 10 interest groups in the most recent rankings of individual donations to the Obama campaign and the DNC …. In the 2008 campaign, the financial-services sector ranked fourth among all interest groups giving to Mr. Obama and the DNC.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given what Wall Streeters do for a living, you’ve got to assume they know a good investment when they see one. And I don’t mean that in the sense of betting on a sure winner (do you trolls want to concede Obama is a sure winner?), but rather in the sense of what’s best for the economy and business. These people are smart enough to figure out that Hooverism isn’t a path to prosperity.
@57 After they ban abortion for rape victims in the U.S., they’ll put their raped daughters on planes to Switzerland or Mexico to get abortions. We all know Republicans are hypocrites. They hate women, but not their own daughters, just other people’s daughters. They wouldn’t make their daughters raise a rape-child. Hell, they won’t even make their mistresses raise their own love-children. They merely want to force parenthood on your family.
@ 59
Plenty of individuals/groups give to both sides. Yes, people are still giving to Obama.
If you want to know where the money is going in more relative terms, click on a link within your link, RR, and you get this graphic:
So, your argument is that Obama is still a Wall Street darling because he still gets money from them?
My argument is they are covering their bases.
# 11, 15: The original “Red Dawn” was made in the early 1980’s, when there was at least an arguable Soviet threat (albeit stretched beyond proportion to form a basic plot for the movie). I’m at a loss, now, to figure out what Soviet threat they figure is sufficient to imagine a war of resistance within the U.S. It’s not as if the Soviet Union still exists, or the Russians themselves could pose a credible threat.
I’m a little worried that they might try to find some other pretext for this movie, one which might appeal to the “survivalists” and “racial war” wingnuts out there.
Of course, the who pretext of the original movie was pretty lame – they have the Soviets and their Cuban allies making an airborne assault on an undefended small town near the Rockies. The town had no apparant strategic significance justifying an airborne assault and occupation. Most armies would just send out a few patrols and otherwise leave the town to itself.
Trying to update this, technologically, only causes further problems. For one thing, thermal imaging would make the whole idea of a rebel band hiding out in the snow-covered mountains ridiculous.
But there will always be a small demographic for this type of movie, appealing to the young person’s “warrier spirit” and dreams of rescuing their sweathearts and parents from the evil clutches of their captors. It’s an idea which goes back to before recorded history, and some political groups seek to capitalize on it.
Something Michael posted on the bus thread. Baumgartner at first apologized, but according to the link below, he has since withdrawn his apology, saying that the reporter had it coming to him.
On a side note, like Ryan and his legislative partner, Akin, Baumgartner would force the victims of rape to bear and raise the rapist’s child.
@60 “My argument is they are covering their bases.”
Yeah, they sure are. And why wouldn’t they? No investment bankers went to jail. The Treasury and the Fed are staffed with Wall Street guys. The banks were propped up, the captains of industry were bailed out, and the same guys are still running Goldman and Morgan Stanley. The government is printing money and it’s going straight into the stock market. They’ve never had it so good.
Baumgartner and his ilk are going to freaking lose!
i.e. a non-answer. Refuses to answer a yes/no question. Of course Ryan believe women who are rape/incest survivors should just “make lemonade” if they’ve gotten pregnant.
Shit even Puddymoron believes women who’ve been raped should be allowed abortions.
The asshat mentality, pure and simple. Ugly and should be turned out, mocked, ridiculed and spat upon. Sure people have a right to be stupid but they don’t have a right to use their stupidity to hurt people.. It’s appalling people like this are in public office.
another fail from the basement retard YLB…Baumgartner has no connection to Akin..but nice try…in fact, baumgartner has already called out akin as a chump.
Baumgartner – 1
Feit – 0
So, Baumgartner (the guy no one’s heard of) drunk dials Josh Feit, then apologizes, then retracts apology, and you call that a win?
Like I said on the other thread, you need to stop smoking crack.
you should get your story straight, “scientist”(insert laughter here)
doesnt really matter though, its just a sideshow of a story.
Obama and Dummocrats busted again!! Proves they are in bed with PMSNBC-
The Obama administration paid a PR firm nearly $500,000 in stimulus funds to run a barrage of ads on White House-friendly cable programs promoting its green job training program.
According to government records, the Labor Department paid the money in late 2009 to a company that negotiated a media buy on MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” and “The Rachel Maddow Show.” The ad was set to run more than 100 times — 14 times a week for two months.
You forgot HA shitstorming ylbuttspigot ylbitchslapped posting the nude swimming story yesterday too. I thought Steve had more intelligence, but alas, he sometimes hits his vintage barrels of Steve’s Stupid Solution!
Steve, can you show in a poll where abortion rights is in the top ten items people are worrying about?
Um… They really did get drunk, jump in a lake, and get dressed down for their behavior the next day by Eric Cantor. So, I’m not seeing it as false or a “plant.”
Of course on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being unimportant 10 being very important, this story is about a -3. But, it was worth a chuckle.
About $0.00 Steve!
Yeah then you have DUMMOCRAPTS who screamed about Mark and then nary a peep from HA libtards on this moron.
Seems he was doing the gman!
Obummer 2008 – Hope and Change; Blame Bush
Obummer 2012 – Fear and Smear; Blame everyone else
First I heard of that. What a creep. I hope he goes to jail.
From the article you linked to:
ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot and his selective moral outrage. You’ve never talked to your wife about what she should do in that situation? You never talked to your wife about how to protect herself against to ensure she isn’t a victim?
No wonder you are the lowest of the lowest HA leftists! BITCHSLAPPED back into the 20th century (Joe BiteME comment)
No? U R a dickhead ylbitchslapped ylbuttspigot!
So Michael what left wrong puke web sites do you live on? Puddy heard about it just after it was first reported. Puddy wanted to to see if any HA leftist would own up to this creep. No one did.
It is on HuffPo. U missed it Michael?
It’s certainly in the top 10 things Mitt is worried about, and Rience Pribus, and Karl Rove, that’s for sure.
Still no answer… despicable.
The slobbering libtard msm has 4x the Akin stories over the Biden negroes “in chains” again commentary.
so speaking of abortion…
Im interested to hear what the pro-abortion people think regarding abortion and term of pregnancy…IE, do you believe that after a certain time period, that abortion should be against the law??? or is it OK to abort a baby at 8 months + 29 days?
where do you draw the line? and why?
“Steve, can you show in a poll where abortion rights is in the top ten items people are worrying about?”
You obviously know that I was over the top. I think the real question, Puddy, isn’t where you, I or the nation ranks it, it’s where it stands in the top ten items that rape victims worry about. Now I haven’t walked in a rape victim’s shoes, but I can imagine aborting a rapist’s child might be somewhere in the top ten. Maybe the top three? Or maybe even number one, Puddy? Is that possible?
How would we get to the bottom of that? Or do we not even bother asking and just impose our will? I love imposing my will, Puddy. Others might not like it much. But should I be bothered by that? After all, I believe I’m the one who is right in such matters. Or I should let people be free? Hmm, I might have to flip a coin on that one.
“About $0.00 Steve!”
You are so funny!
@75 That moron is going under the bus.
See, puddy, the difference between Democrats and Republicans is when a Democrat misbehaves he pays for it, but when a whole herd of Republicans misbehaves, they put Doc Hastings in charge of the Ethics Committee and you never hear about it again.
LMAO!! You are so stupid!
Believes same as Akin, “tough luck woman that is raped – no termination of the rapist’s spawn”.
I bet you believe the same thing. If you don’t well, I’ll be damned, you’re not as much of an asshat as Akin and Baumgartner.
@76 I don’t have any problem with that. At least our guys don’t go around talking about executing conservatives or putting them in concentration camps, or prattling about “Second Amendment remedies” and bleating the phrase “civil war,” like some of your guys (and gals) do.
I laugh at you you small-minded creep!
“spare tire” indeed!
@82 That’s a good question. The SCOTUS wrestled with it in Roe v. Wade and couldn’t come up with the answer, so they divided the gestation period into arbitrary trimesters and implied different rules are possible for each trimester.
I think it’s patently obvious (to all but the ideologically blind) that a fertilized egg at the moment of conception is an organism, but not a sentient one that can feel, think, or is aware of its existence. It’s equally obvious that a baby the moment after birth is not detectably different from the organism it was in the womb a moment earlier. A fetus gradually grows from a single cell into a cell mass, and then into a being with a beating heart and thinking or at least reactive brain, as it progresses from conception to birth.
I wouldn’t argue that aborting a birth-ready fetus is not killing a human being. But I don’t think aborting a fertilized egg with a morning-after pill is. In that case, what you’re killing is an organism, but it’s insentient and has none of the physical appearance or material attributes of a human being other than its DNA, which at that point merely represents potential rather than fruition.
It follows, therefore, that somewhere along the gestation continuum a fetus acquires a human identity. That’s a definitional thing fraught with value, emotional, political, and other judgments. The Roe court recognized this and came up with the trimester trichotomy. Some questions can’t be resolved except by drawing a line in the dirt and saying, “The line has to be somewhere, so it’s there, because there’s as good a place as any.”
With that in mind, I’d go along with the idea of more restrictions on abortions in the later trimesters. My personal view is that abortion is immoral and people shouldn’t get them except in exigent circumstances; but I don’t propose this as a law binding on everyone, which is an entirely different thing from individual moral beliefs. The relevant question is at what point, if any, someone else’s abortion becomes everyone else’s business (i.e., society should intervene).
I could support a ban on third-trimester partial-birth abortions with reasonable exceptions. (I don’t want to get into a discussion exceptions here; everyone pretty much knows what they are.) I might support restricting second-trimester abortions. Something along the lines of you need a medical justification, or the fetus was conceived from rape or incest, etc.
But I also want to see anyone who advocates more restrictions on the legal right of abortion to pony up for society taking responsibility for the upkeep of kids whose parents can’t or won’t or shouldn’t be allowed to take care of them. You can’t just tell people they can’t have abortions under any circumstances and then turn your back on the kids you insisted on being brought into the world. The two really go hand-in-hand, and anyone who wants my support for making abortions harder to get has to be willing to help provide for unwanted and parentless kids, if they want me to help them with the first one.
A well thought out and reasonable response…thank you.
YLBleeder only talks to his wife when he needs money and when he is hungry.
I was going to respond as well, Max, but Roger already said what I would have at least tried tried to say. Roger did better than I would have, so I’ll leave it at that.
Well, I will add that I gave up on controlling women a long time ago. Take Ms. Wingnut, for example. She gets something in her head and it’s pretty much impossible to stop her. With most things, maybe all, it’s best to just be supportive, or maybe just be a safety net, and hope that she comes through whatever it was in one piece.
91 – LMAO!! You know Baumgartner is going to lose in November don’t you?
If you don’t… well, that’s the asshat mentality for you.
And Puddymoron claimed some shit that wasn’t true – you support liars and lying and why not?
You’re one yourself.
the power of the vagina ultimately controls all men…always has and always will….
yes cholo, I know he is going to lose in november, and already stated as such earlier.
keep up , beotch.
95 – Yawwwwn… Read less and less of your stupid crap every day..
And why should I? You just repeat the same stupid views endlessly.
Btw, you didn’t take a stand on women having the right to terminate rapist spawn.. I’ll assume you have the same views as Baumgartner and Akin and those other right wing asshats..
Utterly dishonest false equivalence.
Biden was using metaphor that seemed to offend no one but Republicans, and was made in service to the audience to whom he was speaking – middle class Americans of all ethnicities – and seeing that Mitt is getting 0% of the African American vote, seems to be a non issue.
Akin, OTOH, wants rape victims to be compelled by government (small, non-intrusive Republican government, though) to carry their rapists’ children to term. The curtain has been pulled back on one of the more vile and insane mainstream Republican/Dominionist beliefs, and the American public cannot stop talking about it – rightly so.
This is news?
Once again Lib da schmuck is sooooooooooo wrong. Why did the Boston Globe demand an apology schmucko? Why did the hation’s first black governor, Douglas Wilder, DUMMOCRAPT demand an apology schmucko? Two examples of another of your EPIC FAYLE posts.
94% of blacks still live on the reservation schmucko per that poll. Many look out for the free Obummer money. Andrea Pelosi already delivered the free guvmint money video to misogynist Bill Maher. Puddy put the video on HA. You missed it? Bitchslap ylbuttspigot to replay it. Puddy knows you missed two recent polls because it wasn’t on your left wrong puke sites. North Carolina, where the DUMMOCRAPTS are holding their
comedy showconvention Public Policy, and Gallup in Georgia found 20% of Black peeps responding said they would either not vote for Obummer or actually vote for Mitt Romney. What? You didn’t find that on Daily Kooks or The Puke Machine schmucko? Well you are a moron on black issues and Puddy placed them here before. Bitchslapp the buttspigot cuz ylbuttspigot has all Puddy’s post cataloged.And, you have one of your own rujax, who to this day has not denounced headless dorky dorkman lucy. Must be rujax is kept in the field and knows his place.
Butt you forget the multitude of black ministers who are preaching in their church God’s law supersedes Obummer’s stance on gay marriage. To make things worse for Obummer he has stubbornly refused to even meet with Pastor William Owens, one of the more powerful leaders in the Black Church who wants answers. He has more street cred than the pastor charlatan Al NoSoSharpton. It has now been a three months since Pastor Owens requested a meeting with Obummer and so far Obummer is scared to meet with him.
So why do gays hate black people of faith schmucko? Seems to Puddy gays are racist. This is another of those issues the slobbering libtard msm will not cover. Gays versus Christian blacks. You don’t think over 3000 black ministers have sway in their churches? If Obummer loses 20% of the black vote Obummer only has his own Judas ASS to look at in da mirror.
Butt you forget if Ryan said that you’d be parroting the HA blog line schmucko.
See how simple that was? So simple even the schmucko can understand it.
So it is a unborn child after all eh Lib da schmuck? Before you HA libtards claimed it wasn’t a child or a baby. Even Rachel Madcow slipped up a night ago and called it a baby.
Ya see, Akin is an ASS, but now libtard abortionists like you are calling the unborn human in the uterus a baby or a child.
Thanks for playing! The Prosecution Rests Your Honor… In their blind hatred, they admit the truth. An unborn human is a baby or a child after all!
Wow, they remove hecklers from Obummer events. Puddy only thought they did that at GW Bush events. This too was buried by the slobbering libtard msm. And Obummer claimed one heckler needed a good teacher. Maybe he had that good NEA teacher and that’s why he was heckling you Obummer!
Best picture on the Internet! TOTUS strikes!
Here are the results of Obummer’s fayled preznitcy. Puddy has placed many of these FACTS on this blog before. Anyone can BITCHSLAP ylbuttspigot and he’ll replay them. So here is the list:
Obummer delivered to us the only US credit downgrade in history! AA+ Remember Puddy’s ObamAA+?
Under Obummer’s Bureau of Labor Statistics 23+ million people unemployed and under employed
Under Obummer 43 straight months of 8+% unemployment, hit 10%
Per Obummer’s Bureau of Labor Statistics lowest employment since 1983, only 58.1% of Americans working full time
Under Obummer federal spending now greater than 25% of of US GDP, worse since DUMMOCRAPT FDR in WWII.
Under Obummer talk about a war on wimens, 76% of the government job losses are by wimens. 700,000+ wimens lost jobs under Obummer’s reign.
Under Obummer 48 million people on food stamps up from 28.2 million when Obummer took office
Under Obummer only 49% in US paying income tax, that’s why Obummer wants to tax the rich more for that $85 Billion a year uptick
Under Obummer home ownership is lowest since 1965 rate just under 60%
Under Obummer 3.8 million people hidden from unemployment rolls on Social Security Disability
Per Obummer’s Bureau of Labor Statistics long-term unemployment is the highest since the depression with 46% of total US workforce
Under Obummer federal Debt almost 70% of GDP worse since just after WWII with DUMMOCRAPT Truman
Under Obummer black peeps poverty at record highs
Obummer budget deficit greater than 10% of US GDP worse since DUMMOCRAPT FDR in WWII
Since Obummer the middle class he claims to care about has lost 40% of its net worth
Under Obummer black youth unemployment over 50% – rujax don’t care… Maxine Criminal Waters is wery qwiet now.
Under Obummer hispanic unemployment at 11.3% – ylbuttspigot doesn’t care… he likes living off Mrs ylbuttspigot
Under Obummer this is the slowest job growth 37 months after a severe recession since WWII
Under Obummer food prices up 15% – and this was before the 2012 drought
Gas prices were $1.85 when Obummer took office. Now they doubled under Obummer and are still going higher again – Wait for it… someone will blame the Chevron refinery fire which only serves the west coast special blends and prices.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has proven Obummer has the worst job creation record since 1945
Under Obummer this recovery the worst in 75 years – went to 10% unemployment after his “lauded” Porkulus Bill
Since Obummer median household income declined $4,300
Average family health insurance up $2,500 under Obummer for those making less that $120,000 because ObummerCare is a tax per SCOTUS
Added $6 Trillion new debt…more than any other preznit in 4 years. CBS News first alerted everyone to this!
OMG – Obummer Must Go!
Yes we don’t need another 4 years of this Obummer/Biden mess!
Perusing the USA Today newspaper we see white retiring DUMMOCRAPT Louisiana Chief Justice Catherine D. Kimball taking issue with a black Louisiana Supreme Court Associate Justice Bernette Johnson getting the highest court position. Puddy thought it was interesting that the peeps who are complaining didn’t have the party affiliation attached to their names. Puddy knows from the long history of the slobbering libtard USA Today (retired publisher Allen Neuharth admitted he loved Obummer) if the complaining person was Republican it would be in the first sentence! So Puddy dug and found out who they are and ‘Kitty’ Kimball is a DUMMOCRAPT! And from the NY Slimes on this issue
Notice even the NY Slimes failed to mention Kitty Kimball was DUMMOCRAPT! KAAAAAAAAAABLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOO! So rujax and you other HA leftist libtards… what say you? More DUMMOCRAPT racist activities eh? Puddy always finds how scummy DUMMOCRAPTS are… it just takes a little digging… And this is in the South, the supposed bastion of Republican thought. Explodes that horsesASS horseshit. Y’all said KKK type DUMMOCRAPTS became Republicans. Pfffffffft – Wrong again!
Watch now… Roger DUMB Wabbit will chime in with something completely useless!
your method of making assumptions is yet another reason why you havent dont much in your life….whats it like in mediocre-ville?
103 – Yawwwwwn… Moronic propaganda, cut and pasted..
All this garbage to the extent that it resembles anything true can all be attributed to policies and actions by the Republicans in Congress.
Didn’t Dr. Butthead aka Puddymoron say that Congress writes the laws? How long did Obama have a cooperative Congress?
26 weeks maybe..
105 – No stand taken on a woman’s right to terminate rapist spawn.
You’d force your wife and daughters to bear the issue of rapists?
If not then you support safe, legal abortion.
Dr. Butthead aka Puddymoron is caught once again supporting “lefties”!
That is, according to his own stupid views published in these threads..
Remember this?
I like this..
The big idea from the Dullard (R-Money) campaign?
The big lie..
A baby is generally what is produced by a pregnancy taken to term.
I knew your little mind would latch onto that construction – I just didn’t feel like wasting my time dancing around what I knew you’d be apoplectic over.
Go away now.
It will be a beautiful day when the Black religious community, just like other benighted ‘Christians’, lets go of their deeply held hatred for/fear of gay people.
If a Black minister is preaching that gay marriage is a sin, or somehow diminishes his straight marriage, then he is a dimwit and a hater, and needs to open his heart to the unconditional love for his fellow man preached by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Some might wonder how Dr. Butthead feels to be part of the
I don’t wonder about such myself.
puddles says…
Why? Doesn’t say, but I bet it’s not his policy positions. Akin’s ‘sin’ was speaking the hate that must not speak it’s name, in public, in front of a camera.
So puddles, a woman is impregnated by a rapist. Does she get to have an abortion, in your universe?
Maybe this preacherman should team up with the NAAWP – the National Association for the Advancement of White People. Sounds likes peas in a pod.
Good that Obama is not meeting with this grifter in a robe. Maybe he’ll also kick Rick Warren to the curb, too. Also.
I didn’t know religion was ‘race’. Who knew?
You keep telling yourself that, Concierge.
If the Bible-thumpers would leave the GAYZ!! alone and stop their hating, I’m sure teh GAYZ!! would be fine with you. They just don’t want to be treated like second-class citizens, and they’re fighting against, primarily, the loving loving Christianists and the Republicans who know how to wind you guys up and get you frothing. Also.
BTW, and off topic…
Puddles has bragged repeatedly in the past about his frequent flier miles, his ‘full size’ car rentals and his ability to stay, with his employer’s approval, at Marriott hotels.
Somehow these things validate his existence, or something.
Well, the family took a brief road trip to Ashland and the Rogue River last week, and on our way south we stayed at the downtown Portland Marriott. Now normally we try to stay at boutique hotels, little unique places, or rent houses or condos, a la VRBO, but we kind of put this together at the last minute.
Well, I thought of puddles several times during that 12 or so hours we were ‘enjoying’ J Willard’s hospitality…the place SUCKED. No charm, no life, surly people behind the counter. The wifi died the next morning (had to pay for 24-hours worth the night before) – their response – “Oh, well, you got to use it last night!” I was on vacation and was not in a mood to fight, and it was only $9 so I didn’t press the issue, but the point remains. Worst of all, creepy painting of J. Willard looking down on the front desk. Yuck. Will never stay in a Marriott again.
Oh, the good Mormon-owned hotel has soft-core on the TV selections. Puddles – is it OK to sell sin to the sinners?
When staying in P-town, I prefer the The Nines or The Monaco….just sayin.
The Governor is not a bad place either.
Looked at all of those – and on very short notice, nobody had a room at any of them.
@ 119
May I suggest the Hotel Monaco for your next Portland, OR stay?
1. They cater to dog-owning clients.
2. Parking is half-price in the garage if you have a hybrid vehicle.
I agree, the monaco is great, even if:
1. I dont own a dog
2. Last time I was there, I pulled up in a supercharged shelby convertible.
Ummm nope you douchebag diarrhea stain ylbuttspigot ylbitchslap. All things Puddy has previously posted in various forms. You have the crazed databaze ylbitchslap, PROVE ME WRONG!
Fox News
Hot Air
Pajamas Media
Glenn Beck
LA Slimes
NY Slimes
Boston Globe
SF Chronicle
Chicago Sun Times
Chicago Tribune
among others sources bitchslapped one!
Wait… still waiting for the other search. Soon there will be a queue of BITCHSLAPPED searches.
Bitchslapped back into the 20th century (from Joe BiteMe).
Their libtard alert went off. Schmucks from Seattle [startrek klaxon horn sounds]
You mean she’s gonna abort a human child? Why not say that again? Hmmm…? Already been answered on this blog Lib da schmuck. If you would actually read responses you’d know.
Steve, Dr. Steve, Da Perfessa… help out the dickhead! 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady is strong in this one!
Nope you dope… Go to twitter and see #BlackConservativesForRomney. Yeah they are the 0 percenters.
Such a useless douchbag with crap all over the end. A diarrhea stain a minute from ylbuttspigot ylbitchslap! Accepts everything he reads from the slobbering libtard msm without actually validating it!
Another BITCHSLAPPING! So easy to bitchslap this moron!
Wouldn’t know because I don’t go there. Glad you checked to validate your mental porn disease! Must be that boring sex life needed a “lift”!
Thanks for playing Lib da schmuck.
Notice the ylbuttspigot arschloch and Lib da schmuck didn’t wanna touch the libtardo Louisiana chief justice trying to do an injustice to the black associate justice.
Ya see when DUMMOCRAPTS exhibit their in-bred innate racism… they don’t have much to say!
Hey ButtBoy, you think anybody bothers to read your crap?
I do have to admit, though, you are a Legend in your own mind.
@129 So what? 99.9999999999999% of people in this country don’t know who Louisiana’s justices are and don’t care. OTOH when Wiconsin’s justices get into shoving matches that’s news.
129 – Notice that Dr Butthead didn’t want to face the FACT that he’s going to vote for a preznitential ticket with a fool who was inspired by Ayn Rand.
He called Alan Greenspan a lefty because of his devotion to atheist Ayn Rand..
Dr. Butthead is so laughable and silly!
Talk to Roger DUMB Bunny. He reads them all the time.
Sucks to be ekim… Stupid is as stupid is and he’s really stupid!
Glad to see Roger DUMB Wabbit applaud leftist DUMMOCRAPT racism. It’s obscure! IDIOT!
Thanks for playing Roger DUMB Wabbit. You prove again how progressives excuse themselves from negative actions.
You are P R I C E L E S S Roger DUMB Wabbit!
Hey Bitchslap ylbuttspigot you back for another bitchslapping?
Ayn Rand had some great ideas. Have you read anything except leftist pukehead sites?
ROTFLRHMBBAO – Pfffffffft what an ASShat!
LMAO!!! How can one whose mind rejects and condemns faith in Jesus Christ have “great ideas”????
You called Greenspan a lefty because of his devotion to Rand!
I laugh at you!
Dude, the mormons will sell anything to anyone if it will make them a buck!
@104 “Yes we don’t need another 4 years of this Obummer/Biden mess!”
The fact you feel that way makes me all the more eager to cram
4 more years of Obama/Biden down your miserable throat when I vote on Nov. 6. Consider it payback for 8 years of your chimp if you like.