Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
It’s a good night for some scintillating conversation, a refreshing pint of beer, and a plate full of Resolutions of Disapproval.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 337 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
I’m being tired & ill tonight, so I think I’ll see you next week. Have a good time!
For the 1st time this year, I agree with Obama..
Kanye West is a RACIST Asshole!!
I can’t wait for the next ACORN Video.
Number 4 today was outstanding.
The ACORN Beeyatch said she killed her husband…shot him in the head…because he might abuse her???
#5 is supposed to be even better.
I wonder how many there will be??
Wasn’t Obama an attorney for ACORN??
@ 3~ I’ve said for the past year that ACORN-holers should be investigated under the RICO statutes. I think this should prove beyond a reasonable doubt that those are justified with the revelations this past week of aiding and abetting human traficking for the purposes of child exploitation, molestation and prostitution and this nut today that said she offed her husband….
Keep the bowl of popcorn filled…this feature film is getting better by the day.
Pop some popcorn, grab a diet soft drink and read:
A good read.
Stupes, I thought you said the Democratic Congress wrote the TARP.
This witness, speechwriter Matt Latimer, is talking about a “bold” plan from the chimp.
YLB is now posting stories from magazines shoved under his mattress?
…and since when did you acquire the ability to read, Herr Arsloch?
YLB: Defender of human traficking for the purpose of child exploitation, molestation and prostitution. A truly sick fuck by most anyones standards.
Pop some popcorn, grab a REAL soft drink and watch the next Acorn video!
Bush – nuance. Soros – master puppeteer. Acorn – criminal organization.
Hehehehe.. I gotta hand it to that fucking chimp. He had some sense of the comic absurdity of the Titanic sinking on his watch:
a cruel hoax! LMAO!
notice how the libtards dont even want to approach the acorn issue…hahahahhah
Welcome to Chicago Barry’s world..nothing but criminals….
How many of barry’s czars have quit or been fired now???? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHA
@7….most anyone – except for gman.
The Obama DISASTER is becoming unraveled! The tards are silenced!
Anyone with a pulse knows that Kanye West is a jackass. If his mother hadn’t died (while undergoing plastic surgery, IIRC), she’d have put l’il Kanye over his knee and given him a good paddling for his crap.
That said, mark is the only tard here that needs to be silenced. Go put on your helmet, Corky!
I miss the days when Mark spewed his daily racist sh!t. He and Puddy used to compete for #1 sicko status.
Then their (retarded) boy W left office. And that olde suthern strategy wore thin.
Such a tragedy when politically incorrect racism catches up with these broken, pathetic white guys. I wonder how long it will take for the Klowne Hall Posse to figger out that the “white homeland” is becoming darker by the day.
It’s no wonder that right wingers hate democracy so much.
Mark & Puddy = easy to understand. Racist sewer rats unite!
it’s very difficult to tell whether “yuck” is on The same Planet Earth, or not.
ESO sez:
Amen to that!
No job, never a job, no prospects loooooooooooser YLB!
I was very glad Tom Albro showed up to DL tonight, he seems like a great guy and had a lot interesting things to say on a number of topics.
Unfortunately in deciding who to vote for I also found Max Vekich to be a great guy with a lot of interesting things to say on a number of topics.
I think both would make excellent Port commissioners.
I’m leaning slightly toward Albro because I think he has a better chance of introducing some transparency and restoring the Port’s trust as a public agency. I also feel he has a better handle on the aviation side of the port (about half the port and a majority of its capital budget). But it is a tough call.
Is Greeky the 30th sock puppet of headless lucy? We who think right love Democracy. That’s why Puddy defends the right to protest and doesn’t call protesters acting like Brownshirts like your side does headless.
ylb arschloch, still on the TARP and calling people monkeys and chimps act. Sue thinks you are a moron. Puddy agrees. Who is Puddy to disagree with Sue’s diagnosis. Puddy thinks there are simians in your family genome with your love of calling people chimps and monkeys.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa
What Cynical and ESO said above about ylb arschloch!
Hey you were the idiot who said Paulson was a lefty and Congress was responsible for it.
Matt Lattimer who actually was in the same room with the monkey you voted for twice says differently.
You don’t want to be held accountable for the delusional bullshit you spew here.
You just want to go on to the next fantasy you read in the right wing bullshit sites.
It’s too funny.
ylb arschloch, again you twist and turn what Puddy actually said. As Sue said you are a moron.
Now Puddy said “the messiah” supported it. Kohn Effin Kerry went on Fox New Sunday the last September Sunday in 2008 and told the world so. Puddy said Charles Rangel of the House W&M comm supported it. He had to write the bill idiot. If you remember almost all the Democrats were ayw.
Don’t let facts stop your historical revisionist ways fool. You aren’t too funny even though Puddy LMBBAO!
Yep LMBBAO over your continual ylb arschloch stupidity.
How do you keep bustin’ Headlice Lucy??
You are right.
When you look at past posts, Headlice leaves a trail….like a SLUG…long and slimey!!
22 – Did you not say Paulson was a “lefty”?
Why did you say that if not to denigrate his role in the TARP?
Now you’re saying the TARP is working for the better.
A bill you say Charlie Rangel wrote.
So who takes credit for the TARP “working”? Ohh.. let me guess? The chimpanzee you voted for twice who signed it into law?
Thanks for playing. Thanks for saying a “socialist” bailout of the financial system is “working”.
The PuddyRadar enters high alert mode when “new people” appear. headless gives off the most repugnant aroma through a flat panel monitor. Most of the time is the cadence and attack tone which alerts the PuddyMind to the moronic post.
Cynical notice the dumbest brick on the block ylb arschloch is trying to say something in #24?
Open Secrets and NewsMeat proved it through campaign contributions and his public friendships and policy agreements with Robert Rubin, Larry Summers and Tim Geithner. As Sue said you are too stupid to see it.
Nope you Dope. Puddy was making a point against your insipid attacks it was this monkey and his chimp master (your words). Puddy already placed your words for the HA faithful to see fool! As Sue said you are too stupid to see your own words bite you in your ylb arschloch.
No another lefty did. Puddy remembers it was “K” who brought it up. As Sue said you are too stupid to see it.
Civics 101. The United States Congress writes all appropriation bills. Again…As Sue said you are too stupid to see it.
Hey it happened on his watch fool. Just as Clinton took credit for the “greatest expansion of the US economy” when it was Republicans who reigned in spending.
Man you are a continual idiotic moron ylb arschloch!
Sue, as you can see ylb arschloch won’t get any better.
Medication doesn’t work.
Gingko doesn’t work.
Yohimbe bark doesn’t work.
Viagra is a failure.
hoasca was recommended today.
Psychiatry was outright rejected.
Psychedelics were already tried.
Prozac was quickly metabolized.
Heroin was prescribed but it didn’t work.
5 Hour Energy only makes ylb arschloch more wired for lunacy.
Water just makes more piss for all to read.
The last resort are entheogenic plants and chemicals. We should all chip in for his care and treatment. :)
Hey Darryl what was written in #27 to be rejected by Akismet?
Puddybud @ 28,
The mention of prescription drugs (esp. V…..) makes it look like typical spam. That’s my guess.
25. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
You know what Puddy, yer right.
I went to the Headlice post…then each of his 30 other monikors and sniffed my screen.
Same stench!!
It kind of smells like a dead cat, doesn’t it.
Among other things absolutely!
Thank you Darryl.
14 It’s not my fault Michelle Obama looks exactly like Cornelius from Planet of the Apes. Damn funny.
Oh! So you did say Paulson was a lefty! I say you’re full of shit but let’s set that aside for a moment.
That opens up a question – why did your chimp, who you voted for twice, hire a lefty?
So now you’re saying the TARP’s not working?
So who gets the blame for it not working, Charlie Rangel or the Chimp who signed it into law? (I’ve left out Paulson who wrote it on three pieced of paper).
Too much moronic drivel from a right wing idiot in one day…
This from the guy who was run out of Darby for molesting juvenile mountain sheep
Anybody from Montana that claims to be conscious needs their meds checked.
What a Moron.
At least there is good news, the collective IQ of the nation will be going up soon. When was it you were leaving for the philippines?
Spoken like the true racist you are!!
How about we set up a meeting and you name-call Puddy to his face. Call Puddy an Uncle Tom…and I’ll have my cellphone ready to dial 9-1-1.
Let ArtFart call Puddy a “Shuck & Jiver” too.
You Leftist Pinheads sure know how to sweet talk real Black men!
Hey, Asshole, why don’t you consult Puddy before you speak for his intents?
Wow X’ad popped a nipple just now!
Todd, X’ad did apologize for the comment and Puddy did accept it.
But in the Open Thread X’ad did accuse Puddy of dick sucking. Puddy has publicly declared what genitalia type Puddy enjoys butt X’ad forgets really easy. That’s his/her/it’s friends who do dat, Larry Craig and Mark Foley aside. Puddy thinks Bawney Fwank.
Now ArtFart well he’s a special case. Head case that is!
Idiot@35 reread #34.
You’ve been deep diving with the monsters of the deep and the bends is very apparent in your latest “writings”.
Everything else is useless swill, standard for your fingers.