Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities and Vancouver, WA chapters meet, and Thursday night Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets. Next Monday there are meetings of the Olympia and Yakima chapters.
With 227 chapters of Living Liberally, including eleven in Washington state and four more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s a chapter near you.
Daryll, are you a Hassidic Jew?
I expect to come by. My wife works late on Tuesdays and our son’s lady friend wants to come over and serve him a candlelit dinner, so I’m supposed to make myself scarce.
I read back on Michael’s comments:
from earlier in the day. I haven’t seen statistics on whose children are most likely to become doctors and lawyers but I did do some reading about income mobility.
If you look at US daughters of bottom-quintile fathers:
at least half of them eventually make it into the top 60%, meaning they jump two or more quintiles. For sons, not so much. Don’t want to go there.
See also:
I’ll agree with Michael that a teacher in the top 1% either is taking home a large chunk of inherited investment income or that income otherwise wasn’t earned largely by being a teacher.
But I don’t agree that it’s kids of rich parents who end up becoming doctors. I think it’s kids of parents who were able to provide adequate environments and emotional support to their children who are more likely to excel and get the grades they need to move up. Sometimes that environment is income-related, to be sure. But it wasn’t for me. My mother was a divorced secretary with two kids, and my father never cut a check for more than $40 per week.
Thanks, mom.
Bet Portman knows how many letters are in the word ‘jobs’. His faux-Hindu accent might not be as good as Biden’s, tho.
I’m sure it’s merely coincidence that Wisconsin elected a GOP governor twice in just over a year-and-a-half, and this:
Madison–Today, CNBC released its rankings of the “Top States For Business”. Wisconsin climbed eight spots to come in at #17. This is the highest Wisconsin has ranked since CNBC began conducting the study in 2007.
Oh, where was WI in the middle of Dem governor Jim Doyle’s term?
Er, 37th.
Just coincidence.
Ya know what happens when businesses like what’s happening in a state?
Unemployment goes down:
Just sayin’.
I just noticed:
Wisconsin’s climb in business favorability over four years, 20 spots, is just about the same as the jump Massachusetts experienced in job creation between Romney’s first and fourth years as governor there, 19 spots.
Just coincidence.
This is what I was trying to get at earlier:
The URL says it all.;c=ufb1
Just did a scrape for June..
b cs -t puddymoron -c
| count |
| 34022 |
1 row in set
Puddydope breaks 34k.. Congrats.
Bob had 371 comments in June as “Serial Conservative”..
More lies from Obummer. Looks like the Leftist WaPo is finally validating the lies from those morons! It’s starting to smell so bad the leftists don’t want to be in the same room!
So now we see Romney’s effective tax rate was 13.9% for 2010 and 15.4% for 2011. Therefore Romney’s effective tax rate is greater than 80% taxpayers using the Tax Policy’s first section and he is around the middle of all taxpayers in the second section.
And the economy still sux. Well Obummer can’t run on his record!
Those commercials will be interesting to watch!
No one here named puddymoron or puddydope. So the crazed deranged databaze deala ylb has another EPIC FAYLE!
Look in the mirror…
But let’s check the db..
3096 % b cs -b puddymoron -c
| count |
| 14 |
1 row in set
3097 % b cs -b puddydope -c
| count |
| 120 |
More than a few comments say yes.
Yawwn a lie..
Here’s what he’s done:
Comments not from Puddy, ylb knuckledragger
EPIC FAYLE #2 in this thread!
What liberal media?
What happens when Republicans nominate a two-time loser to fill 8 weeks of a term that will include no legislative session. Coverage on line in less than an hour on
What happens when a Republican RIPS Dino Rossi, the State Republican party and endorses her former Democratic rival? Uh, Seattle Times? The press release went out at 1pm? Crickets….
The Republicans will spend tens of millions going directly after the under 30YO voters and is recruiting young candidates. Obama is vulnerable everywhere with this poor economy. went to the college campuses last election and spread rumors that Obama would cancel Student Loans. Didn’t happen, but MoveOn is back out there trying the same tactic. The difference is this time R’s are not conceding the student vote like McCain did.
Oh my seems rujax’s favrit peeps are upset with the DUMMOCRAPT party. Seems this would be a great Friday Night Headline!
going to see some democraps vote to repeal obummercare..
funny to watch them flee from obummer
Of course not dumbass… This is what you call yourself:
Anyone in their right mind would see you as a dope or a fool if not a total moron!
@16 & 17
I’m smelling a paid troll. So MoveOn, that even the deepest of lefties like me will concede is a highly leftist partisan organization, went to college campuses and get young people to vote AGAINST Obama?
Uhhh, source?
So young people, who primarily support or don’t care about gay marriage, support women’s equality and are the primary demographic of the occupy movement are going to support Romney if he doesn’t concede?
Wowo Blabbermouth Wasserman Schultz has foreign investments and isn’t sharing her tax returns but calls for Romney to share his?
Another DUMMOCRAPT hypocrite!
Heh.. Some yippee ki yay’s from the Wyoming klownservative..
Dueling headlines.
Wake me up when it’s over.
@3 “If you look at US daughters of bottom-quintile fathers … at least half of them eventually make it into the top 60%, meaning they jump two or more quintiles. For sons, not so much.”
Ever heard of marrying for money?
@5 How does Wisconsin now rank as a state hospitable to workers? Probably not so much.
@6 “the jump Massachusetts experienced in job creation between Romney’s first and fourth years as governor”
Not that hard to do when you’re dead last.
Oh dear God Puddy, is there nothing too inane for you to grasp as a straw? Is Schultz running for Pres? Is there a difference between owning stock in a foreign company and hiding assets in a legal dodge of taxes? Yes, my mutual funds that hold foreign assets are taxed. So, I’m a foreign investor.
@11 Trust me, puddles, everyone knows whoooo that refers to.
I have about 200 pounds in a bank account in England that, as far as I know, the US government doesn’t know about. OMG, I’m just like Romney!
@23 Wow, what a catch! …
“But disclosure forms reveal that in 2010, Wasserman Schultz invested between $1,001-$15,000 in a 401k retirement fund run by Davis Financial Fund. As the fund discloses, it is invested in the Julius Baer Group Ltd. and the State Bank of India GDR Ltd., as well as other financial, insurance, bank institutions.”
If you look up Davis Financial Fund they have a mailing address in Boston, Mass. So what you’re accusing Wasserman-Schultz of is investing $1,001 to $15,000 in a 401(k) run by a mutual fund company based in Boston. Some Swiss bank account! Some tax shelter!
Great catch, puddles! The Weekly Standard should be renamed The Weekly Trivia.
Hey global warming deniers, how d’ya like this fucking ICE AGE we’re having?!
Since Daryll will not answer, does anyone know if Daryll is a Hasidic Jew?
Spare the family dog, but let’s not forget about the kids.
Schultz is the DNC mouthpiece… apparently that fact is lost on your leetle mind!
Ahhh yes, fectkess crazed databaze attack #67
See @32 above.
…apparently that fact is lost on your leetle mind!
Do you work at being this stupid, or does it come naturally?
Gman @ 34,
“Since Daryll [sic] will not answer, does anyone know if Daryll [sic] is a Hasidic Jew?”
WTF…I didn’t answer? Are you STILL drunk?
Aviation week is reporting that Hawker Beechcraft, a Wichita-based manufacturer currently in Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, is selling much, if not all, of it’s commercial aircraft business to a Chinese company held by government entitities which target “strategic investments”.
Where’s Cereal this morning? Hung over and late for “work”?
@40 The 1%ers don’t buy Beechcrafts anymore because they can afford Gulfstreams now. Pretty soon they’ll want taxpayers to lengthen general aviation runways to accomodate their 737s.
Nice incentive for the Chinese.
My neighbor is an astronomer/scientist who has a scope to view Solar activity. We are in a time period of massive solar flare activity which simply stated ejects super-heated material into space. The question is how much impact does solar flare activity have on the Earth’s temperature.
He pointed me to this 2003 study..
Global warming fanatics are scrambling to deny any impact of Solar Flare activity but those denials are not backed up with any hard evidence. Solar flares are amazing to view thru the scope. Simply amazing.
@43 If government entities have to use taxpayer funds to bribe businesses to hire workers, why don’t we just cut out the middleman, and have government directly employ directly in state-owned enterprises? It would be just as inefficient (sic) and cost us less.
#39 – ok….got it now. No, not drunk, I don’t drink very often.
Remember when OWS was a liberal and media darling?
There were lots of stories about OD deaths, rapes, suicides, and murders in the Occupy encampments. Not much came of it, although mysteriously the Democrat links to OWS just sort of went away over time.
Now we’ve got some DNA evidence giving us a good idea of why that was:
Down twinkles.
@46 “Now we’ve got some DNA evidence giving us a good idea of why that was”
Good gawd. Please share with us your own “good idea of why that was”, Sherlock.
@ 47
You’re right, Doctor Steve. It could have been ‘friendly DNA’. Those anarchist types are known for all sorts of good Samaritan-type deeds, after all. It’s just sort of coincidence that there’s a DNA match to a murder victim’s case. Nothing to see here., now.
If people looked as closely at the Pelosi family’s investments as they have at the Romney family’s finances, what might they find?
It’s only relevant if it can be used to attack the GOP.
You’re talking about a chain left on a public subway station exit door and you’ve deduced that any DNA left on it must have been left there by an anarchist. Gawd, you’re fucking stupid.
How clever. We can add that to “liberal-fascist”, “Socialist” and “Commie”. Geez, the only one left is “Nazi”. That must be you guys.
Big ups to Barb Chamberlain of Spokane and to The Bicycle Alliance of Washington for picking her to be their new Executive Director.
Barb really is a great choice.
On a side note, some SAP’s (Seattle Area People) scoffed at me in the past when I posted about leadership in the state moving away from the Seattle area. It would never happen they said. Well, here’s one case where it just did. ;-)
@49 And if Pelosi were running for preaident I’d want to see her tax returns, like every other nominee.
As it is, she represents a California district mostly populated by wealthy Democrats. If you can make her investments an issue in her next campaign, best of luck to you.
@ 50
Doctor Steve, I didn’t publish it in the NYT. Someone there must have thought it was newsworthy.
It’s all for show, guys:
Democrats block Senate vote on Obama tax plan
Harry Reid says they’ll get to it, but they’ll get around to passing a real budget before they touch this political hot potato.
Reality is that no level of taxation on the super-rich, not even 100%, would make a serious dent in the budget. If they’re serious about using taxation to bring down the deficit, they’ll propose raising taxes across the board so that there will be a real ability to do it.
They’re not serious.
Neither are the Republicans, but the Democrats are still better on damn near every other issue out there, so Democrats it is. At least for now.
[Deleted — Strike two before your comments are held for approval]
Serial Conservative @ 49
“If people looked as closely at the Pelosi family’s investments as they have at the Romney family’s finances, what might they find?”
Because some times you have genuine contributions to these comment threads, it’s very sad to see you parrot this type of right wing bullshit propaganda. Really, Bob, we have higher expectations for you and hate to see you diminish yourself by uncritical parroting.
I hope you will have the self-respect to be more critical in the future.
Let’s look at the first sentence from the piece you shamefully cited:
This sentence contains two outright lies.
Lie 1: Wasserman Schultz wasn’t criticizing Romney for having overseas investments. In fact, most people who have intelligent retirement investment portfolios will have at least a little money in foreign investments (or they’ll at least consider it as part of minimizing investment risk). That is plain good fiscal management.
What she criticizing him for was having “a Swiss bank account and secretive investments”. “Ordinary foreign investments” != “secretive investments” as in, money hidden away in offshore tax-free havens.
Likewise, Peloci’s investments are ordinary, fully acceptable, components of a diversified investment portfolio—and they are fully disclosed and not hidden in overseas tax-free havens.
As an aside…there is nothing particularly wrong with Swiss Banks accounts, anymore than having a personal car elevator at one’s residence, or losing track of the number of mansions one owns. It “says” something about a candidate that works for some people and doesn’t work for others. Wasserman Schultz feels that it doesn’t work for her audience. If you believe it works for your friends and colleagues, spread the word!
Lie 2: She “had herself dabbled in the foreign markets.” False. The original source does not support that she, herself, did any such thing. This is a blatant lie, and it make you a lesser piece of shit for propagating it.
Try to do better. My hope is that you will maintain some credibility for when you have factual information to discuss.
Look to Willard (R-Money) to lead us out of this:
Yeah right.
Willard (R-Money), another chickenhawk asking for our votes:
Look at his foreign policy crew.. All the usual war-mongering chickenhawk suspects..
Politics seems a bit boring today.. I think I’ll read the tech news.
@ 57
I’ll look again.
My initial thought is that Pelosi’s stuff isn’t ‘fully disclosed’ since as I recall the rules for House and Senate are that disclosures are fairly broad ranges. ‘Between $1M and $5M’ or something like that.
My second thought is that Pelosi’s stuff might indeed be held in an offshore account, but as a partnership account rather than a personal account, as Romney apparently has. There’s little difference between the two. I don’t have enough information one way or another to know.
Regarding your comment about tax-free havens, are you sure that taxes have not already been paid on that money Romney holds, just not to the US? There are an awful lot of US corporations holding an awful lot of money overseas to avoid DOUBLE taxation. Efforts to repatriate that money, which would flow into the domestic economy, break down on partisan ideological grounds, as you know.
I’m not sure I passed on blatant lies. I’ll try to find the time to look further.
Personally, I’m all in favor of Romney releasing ten years of tax returns in exchange for Obama releasing all of his undergraduate transcripts. Sounds like a fair deal to me.
Apple has an awful lot of money overseas:
Does anyone think it is possible that that money is held in, oh, I don’t know, overseas accounts?
Are they tax havens? Or has Apple already paid foreign income taxes on that earned money, and having done so, is that money sitting so that it won’t be double-taxed, until such time as tax law is changed so that it can be repatriated at a lesser tax rate than currently exists?
Should liberals boycott Apple products because offshore money is so objectionable?
Does anyone else see this whole offshore account thing as a silly distraction from what really matters?
Really, what’s the difference between a direct ownership of an offshore account and a fractional ownership in a company or partnership which holds an offshore account?
Answer: In fact, there is none.
Darryl there was nothing wrong with that post, you have a problem with pointing out a problem with heterosexuals. There was no difference of SC stating that OWS was mirred in Rapes and Drugs. Why do you have a problem with me saying what I say? Everyone says repetitive stuff on this site. There is something wrong with you, almost like your feeling the guilt because, I think, you claim to be heterosexual. If there is a problem with heterosexuals being more violent, why not talk about it? Look at the everyday mainstream murders that take place. What are you trying to hide? So, if I’m wrong, I am wrong, why censor what I have to say? You call yourself a journalist, what kind of journalist sensors stuff. Sorry if you don’t like it what I say, but what I said in my post was in reply to a post by someone else. I don’t get it, you have something aginast me…..try to keep your response short, becaus you can be long winded and try to reply to each and everyone of my questions, but now with this said you probably just delete my post and ban me. Almost like you are a global warming denier and anyone that posts about global warming, you delete their posts.
@ 62
Well, that was on-point and concise. Go get your meds rebalanced.
Or start your own site and then you can make your own rules.
We’ve been through this before. You have a long history of leaving comments here that can only be called hate speech.
I won’t treat you any different from someone repeatedly spewing “God Hates Fags” or constantly leaving anti-Semitic comments, etc.
This doesn’t stop people from revealing “their true feelings” occasionally; but you have,long ago, spent your chits in that regard.
You are welcome to stay here and discuss politics, but please take your bigotry to a more appropriate forum.
(Note that I won’t “ban” you, but if you persist, your comments will be held for approval. Just like before.)
Further responses…just for fun:
“There is something wrong with you, almost like your feeling the guilt because, I think, you claim to be heterosexual.”
I do?
“If there is a problem with heterosexuals being more violent, why not talk about it?”
I would consider it if I wanted to. You, of course, HAVE. Many, many, many, many, many times. Don’t, any more.
“Look at the everyday mainstream murders that take place.”
No…I’m eating lunch.
“What are you trying to hide?”
The bodies, obviously.
“So, if I’m wrong, I am wrong, why censor what I have to say?”
I’m not censoring you. Feel free to say whatever you what to say…ON SOMEONE ELSE’S PROPERTY. This blog IS private property. Start your own blog…I’ll let you say whatever you want there. M’kay?
“You call yourself a journalist”
Huh? Where the fuck have I called myself a journalist?!?
“what kind of journalist sensors [sic] stuff.”
Ummm…every newspaper I know of moderates their comment threads…precisely because of lunatics like YOU.
“Sorry if you don’t like it what I say, but what I said in my post was in reply to a post by someone else.”
“I don’t get it, you have something aginast [sic] me…”
Yes…I do. Your a bigot.
“..try to keep your response short, becaus [sic] you can be long winded and try to reply to each and everyone of my questions”
“but now with this said you probably [sic] just delete my post and ban me.”
No..and no.
“Almost like you are a global warming denier and anyone that posts about global warming, you delete their posts.”
No…actually, it’s nothing at all like that.
But none of what I say is hate speech. If I point out that my feeling is that heterosexuals have a tendency to be more violent and seem to have a problem in the murder department – you claim that to be hate speech??? How is that hate speech?? Others here have displayed more hate and you let them get away with it. U can’t police it all so why police me, especially when what I’m saying isn’t anything hateful. I don’t get it.
Serial Conservative,
Personally, I’m all in favor of Romney releasing ten years of tax returns in exchange for Obama releasing all of his undergraduate transcripts. Sounds like a fair deal to me.
No…now you are just being fucking stupid. That’s not how it works.
Romney hasn’t released his tax returns…Obama has. If you want Obama’s undergraduate transcripts, you’d probably have to get Romney’s undergraduate transcripts in exchange.
While we’re at it, Graduate school transcripts would be good.
And then, clearly, we want Obama’s complete medical records (not just the bullshit summaries he released in the past).
That would be contingent on Mitt Romney simultaneously releasing his detailed maintenance records, of course….
Oh…yes. We want a copy of Mitt’s arrest record, too. In exchange for Barack’s arrest records, naturally.
Is Apple running for public office?
“But none of what I say is hate speech.”
Yes…it is.
“If I point out that my feeling is that heterosexuals have a tendency to be more violent and seem to have a problem in the murder department – you claim that to be hate speech??? “
Yes…because it is unsupported bigotry. Obviously, you are an imbecile when it comes to scientific evidence, so let me describe an old New Yorker cartoon for you.
The old man was, of course, making a simple statistical error that is not unlike the error you are making.
“How is that hate speech??”
It is by definition, because it is “communication that vilifies a person or a group on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or other characteristic.”
“Others here have displayed more hate and you let them get away with it.”
Others do display hate speech. And that is allowed, as it once was for you. But you used up all of you “hate speech chits” a couple of year ago. BTW: You may remember manoftruth? He also ran out of “hate-speech chits” with his persistent anti-Semitic remarks. His comments are now held for moderation.
“U can’t police it all so why police me,
I don’t have to “police it all”. Other people all still have a good stock of “hate speech chits”. You don’t.
especially when what I’m saying isn’t anything hateful.”
You might consider talking to a shrink about your denial.
“I don’t get it.”
Ponder it.
I hope this little chat has been helpful!
Personally, I don’t give a fuck about either one of their undergrad transcripts or about tax records from back in the day. I do care about current tax records. 2010 and 2011 would be fine.
Mitts disorderly conduct charge looks more like an issue with an over zealous cop with an axe to grind.
SC was being hateful to OWS people
Serial Conservative,
“Does anyone think it is possible that that money is held in, oh, I don’t know, overseas accounts?”
Seems likely. The real question is what the relevance is.
“Are they tax havens?”
As an multinational corporation you would expect some decisions to be based on maximizing shareholder value.
“Or has Apple already paid foreign income taxes on that earned money, and having done so, is that money sitting so that it won’t be double-taxed, until such time as tax law is changed so that it can be repatriated at a lesser tax rate than currently exists?”
Your question seems naive.
“Should liberals boycott Apple products because offshore money is so objectionable?”
Some should, some shouldn’t. There doesn’t seem to be a partisan issue here. (What they shouldn’t do is vote for Apple Corp. for president—even if it just turned 35 years old last January.
Does anyone else see this whole offshore account thing as a silly distraction from what really matters?
It is a silly distractions. Romney should just release his tax records, disclose his overseas investments and be done with it.
“Really, what’s the difference between a direct ownership of an offshore account and a fractional ownership in a company or partnership which holds an offshore account?”
The question doesn’t seem germane to the issue at hand. The issue is that Romney is hiding information right now that even his father had the wisdom to be transparent about.
It is precisely because Romney is changing the disclosure conventions followed by past presidential candidates that is raising “concerns.”
“SC was being hateful to OWS people”
Are you, flippin’, whining now?!?!
That’s sooooo precious!
@ 72
It is precisely because Romney is changing the disclosure conventions followed by past presidential candidates that is raising “concerns.”
My own opinion is that he’ll do it, later than he should have, and time will have been lost and it will be fresher in memory than it otherwise would be in November.
If he doesn’t, and unemployment is 8.4% in October, he’ll be pointing at Obama incompetence and Obama will be pointing at an offshore account.
@ 71
Oh, please, pussy.
Pointing out how many awful things happened at OWS encampments is being mean to OWS? Seriously, that’s being mean? Jesus, did you breast-feed until you were 27 or something?
How many suicides, rapes, fatal ODs, or murders took place at Tea Party gatherings, Gman?
Feel free to be as mean to the Tea Party by constructing a list as you possibly can. I know I can take it.
To the worshippers of Algorski–
Please explain the stats in this article.
Looks like we are coming out of a long-term Global Cooling trend.
There’s one group that’s questioning Romney’s motives for withholding tax returns. And it doesn’t have anything to do with embarrasment over offshore accounts or his tax rates.
They point out the Romney has release only his federal tax return for 2010. But he hasn’t released his state tax return for Massachusetts for 2010.
Why is that important? Because Romney sold his home in Massachusetts in 2009. He didn’t buy another residence in Massachusetts until late 2010. In the meantime, his voter registration said he lived in the unfinished basement of his son’s home, although there’s no evidence he even visited there during that intervening time period. In fact, Romney would be hard-pressed to say exactly what state he lived in, at any point in time, with homes at various times in California, New Hampshire, Minnisota, Massachusetts, and a vacation spot in Canada.
But the important thing is that he voted in the January 2010 special election in Massachusetts to put Scott Brown in the Senate. At a time, remember, when he was supposedly living in an unfinished basement, even though his wife previouisly talked about how difficult it was to live in a student apartment with carpet and curtains that didn’t match.
Romney’s Massachusetts state tax returns might provide some clues.
So – is Mitt Romney guilty of vote fraud? If so, he joins a long list of Republican politicians and operatives, like Ann Coulter, who vote in the wrong place.
Other people all still have a god stock of “hate speech chits”.. Wow really put your foot down. Admit it you just don’t like the message or possibility of it being true. You may be the one in denial. It’s no more bigoted than every other post on here that are filled with hate.
Serial Conservative,
“Pointing out how many awful things happened at OWS encampments is being mean to OWS?
No…but it is rather dishonest. Seriously, jackass, show some statistics that the rate of crime was any higher than any gathering of a similar-aged group.
Stop using anecdotal bullshit promulgated by wingding talk radio, and nutjobber talking heads.
“How many suicides, rapes, fatal ODs, or murders took place at Tea Party gatherings….”
Alternatively, perhaps you can demonstrate that the age-specific RATES of such crimes were ANY LOWER for Tea Party gatherings than they were for OWS, NASCAR, County Fairs, NFL games, Church camps, rock concerts, country music festivals, Renaissance fairs or any other gathering of people.
If not, you’re just engaging in ignorant bullshit.
@ 79
You’re kidding. Should I compare OWS to a rock concert 40 years ago where Hells’ Angels were bouncers and a guy got killed?
How about to a Cincy concert where a bunch of people were trampled to death?
That’s how you make the OWS numbers look less appalling.
That’s the only way you make it look less appalling.
‘Other people all still have a god stock of “hate speech chits”..’
No…not all, as I made clear (manoftruth). Before your time, there was JCH, whose persistent bigotry and attempts to disrupt comment threads, and unwillingness to abide by the rules actually got him banned by Goldy. I trust we’ll have a happier outcome in your case.
“Wow really put your foot down.”
“Admit it you just don’t like the message or possibility of it being true.”
My feelings about the “message” and its status as true or false are not relevant.
“You may be the one in denial.”
“It’s no more bigoted than every other post on here that are filled with hate.”
Uh-huh. Whatever.
Serial Conservative @ 80,
“You’re kidding. Should I compare OWS to a rock concert 40 years ago where Hells’ Angels were bouncers and a guy got killed?”
Are you fucking stupid? I asked you to eschew anecdote, and you come back by picking particular events. Sheesh…
In statistics, we refer to that kind of sloppy work by the term “ascertainment bias”.
I guess you will have to either crack the books, Bob, or quite making bullshit claims.
“That’s the only way you make it look less appalling.”
Ooops…another unsupported bullshit claim.
And another step toward Puddyification….
@75 who cares about tea party gatherings, I never brought it up why are you. I could post a million stories about murders here by you know who, but that’s not enough evidence or good for statistical data. The only one whining here ate you pussies calling me a bigot fir something that could be very real. Just read the paper, you see it every day, but I can’t express this because we have a sensor and I don’t have the chits you do, but you hit all day here
You shit all day here -iPhone
Considering that they’re two completely different groups, Tea People tending to be over 50, empowered, & Republican and OWS’ers tending to be young, un-empowered, and disenfranchised*, I’d think you’d get different results from the two groups.
*OWS’ers are mostly members of the left, but they’re not an established part of the Democratic party, and had no political power before the protests and little power after the protests.
How does what happen at OWS trump what happens very day with what I’m expressing?
Gman @ 83,
Oh! That precious whining again….
I could post a million stories about murders here by you know who, but that’s not enough evidence or good for statistical data.
It is fine evidence for a statistical analysis. But the analysis is unlikely to show what you believe. You need to go back and ponder the birthday fable above.
Either way, find another blog where you can freely express your bigotry. Stick to politics here.
“The only one whining here ate you pussies calling me a bigot fir something that could be very real.”
If you don’t drink, then clean-up. You don’t function well under the influence of whatever you are shooting.
“Just read the paper, you see it every day, but I can’t express this”
Yes you can…but not here.
“because we have a sensor and I don’t have the chits you do”
Our sensing capabilities have nothing to do with it. What we have is a comment policy.
“but you hit all day here”
Our newbee amateur propagandist, Bob, has a loooong way to go before he reaches your level of prolific, obsessive, bigotry.
Yeah give him a free pass because he’s more like you. You are in denial. No need to get personal, you don’t want show off your bigotry too.
Gman @ 88
“Yeah give him a free pass because he’s more like you.”
No…he just hasn’t spent all his chits yet…
You are in denial.
I deny that.
“No need to get personal”
Agreed…we hardly know each other….
“you don’t want show off your bigotry too.”
No…I don’t really mind…my obsessive bigotry is against IGNORANCE.
And you’re really starting to let me down in that regard….
After careful thought and because it has been established that it isn’t bigotry, I think I’m going to agree with CS regarding the OWS people, they seem to be a bunch of drugies, rapists and murderers. I base this on the fact that it isn’t bigotry, as established by Darryl, and based on the evidence that CS provided. Great link to the DNA.
the majority of OWSers are just plain losers – most of which are lazy pieces of crap who generally dont bring anything to the table and arent employable anyway…have you seen some of these people?
Just ask seattle central CC what they think of
there is a reason that some people are chronically umemployed….
OK darryl, that made me laugh out loud – good stuff, I must admit.
when is gman’s trial in canada anyway?
Someone needs to rig it up so that is the first hit when you do a Google search for “hookers and blow.”
Doesn’t sound like there are many faithful marriages. What a shame:
Read the rest here.
[Edited for educational purposes by Darryl]
I got deleted off the Aaaawwwwwkwarrrrrrd thread for talking about hookers and blow, but most guys get into politics for the hookers and blow, so I protest that one.
@96 = I’m not giving up on my mission.
Maybe some of those unfaithful ones should go to I’m sure that will help them. I’m sure that is where the other 47% of good marriages are.
@96 – maybe I got Darryl in a bad mood.
Talk about Aaaawwwwwkwarrrrrrd!
See, politicians, hookers, and blow. They go together like milk and Oreo’s.
@100 a lot of things go together like milk and oreos, I’m just not at liberty to say what they are.
Gman @ 95,
I’m always happy to see statistics. A couple of comments for improvement (and compliance with the comment policy).
You cannot simply copy and paste big chunks of other author’s material (let alone without attribution). That is call plagiarism.
Rather, you can excerpt a small portion of somebody else’s material AND you must add your own analysis to it. (Otherwise, you have not used another author’s material consistent with “fair use”.)
Second, always include a source when you copy somebody else’s material.
I’ve taken the liberty of correcting your comment (rather than just deleting it).
@ 90
I would be fucking with your mind if I told you that the DNA evidence turns out to be bogus.
At least, if I wasn’t truthfully telling you it was bogus.
Turns out it’s bogus. Mea culpa. (But it was in the NYT!!!!!!!!)
I guess we’re sorta done with that offshoring/outsourcing thing:
“Jay, doesn’t that sort of undermine the whole outsourcing argument?” one reporter asked. “If money invested overseas also creates jobs here, isn’t that also true for the kinds of investments that Bain is making?”
Carney refused to answer that “campaign specific” question.
So, if spending money overseas creates jobs here, as Jay Carney argued @ 104, then I guess having a bank account overseas is good for jobs in this country because the people having those jobs have to be paid, right?
(I’d sure like to know which reporter asked the gotcha question. If it wasn’t Tapper, or Sheryl Atkinson, there might be a third reporter who is leaning slightly toward Romney.)
JJ, Jr.
And when he gets back, there’s that House investigation and a buncha people in Chicago who aren’t as thrilled with him in Congress as they used to be.
Anyone else remember JJ Jr. eulogizing a pedophile on the House floor?
His office says he’s being treated for a mood disorder. Apparently he might recently have been in a mood
to assume room temperature.
[Deleted — copy-n-paste, see HA Comment Policy]
Serial Conservative @ 104,
Here, again, you are simply, and uncritically, parroting Wingnut talking points. STOP and THINK, lest you, again, get bamboozled by a total non-issue.
For decades, the U.S. has spent money overseas when the only supplier is overseas. Let me give a more concrete example:
A sizable chunk of stimulus money went for biomedical research (because ongoing projects could be scaled up and the payoffs are high and considered beneficial for society). For many, many years now, these federal research grants have required researchers to purchase from U.S. sources when ever possible; alternatively, foreign purchases had to be justified.
There are numerous reagents, supplies, and specialized laboratory equipment that are not manufactured in the U.S., but are needed by projects. (An iPhone would be an example, if it was somehow used in a research project.) But by purchasing products from overseas sole-source, suppliers, the project can go forward that involves hiring lab techs, postdocs, grad students, undergrads, dishwashers, statisticians, editors, fiscal managers, computer support persons, etc. that make for a successful project.
Oh…and these procedures have been in place for federal grants and contracts for decades under both Republican and Democratic Presidents, so it is simply nothing new.
By now, you must know that 90% of the Right-Wing echo chamber material you are parroting is complete bullshit. In the future please try to cut through crap and be a little more intelligent about it.
Thank you.
Serial Conservative,
So, if spending money overseas creates jobs here, as Jay Carney argued @ 104, then I guess having a bank account overseas is good for jobs in this country because the people having those jobs have to be paid, right?
No…you have engaged in a false analogy. Money in a Swiss Bank account doesn’t do shit for American job.
Using the same money to hiring people in the U.S., on the other hand, does.
@ 108
Yes, I’m sure that during a time in which the very survival of US automobile companies was threatened by our economy and we had oodles of factory capacity, our stimulus dollars were best spent building Fiskars in a Scandinavian country.
I believe the point you are making is that the US public sector frequently benefits by work done abroad. The point I would make in response is that the same benefits are occasionally derived by US employees of US businesses, even when work is done overseas.
My point is the double standard and the perpetuation thereof.
I’m sure RR makes the occasional point with which you might disagree. When’s the last time you called him out in such detail, not to mention three times in a single day?
Sounds like you’re enjoying watching someone’s life fall apart and crater. That’s fucked up.
A group of highly esteem peeps!
puddyfication=the process of creating a large groups of ignorant christianist bigots.
Serial Conservative,
“Yes, I’m sure that during a time in which the very survival of US automobile companies was threatened by our economy and we had oodles of factory capacity, our stimulus dollars were best spent building Fiskars in a Scandinavian country.”
You are clearly missing the point…the Fiskars (garden tools?!? If so, a U.S. subsidiary is located in my home town of Madison, WI.) Were apparently not available from a U.S. manufacturer. By the same measure, almost any mass-produced electronic device purchased with stimulus funds was almost certainly manufactured overseas and there was no equivalent made here.
“I believe the point you are making is that the US public sector frequently benefits by work done abroad.”
Not entirely. My point is that Federal Grants and Contracts have LONG demanded “buy American” first, but with exceptions when American-made isn’t possible. The rules were identical for the stimulus.
A point I didn’t make, but will now, is that calling that outsourcing is factually incorrect. (You are being lied to by your propaganda suppliers if they tell you otherwise.) Outsourcing, in this context, means to move extant jobs overseas.
“The point I would make in response is that the same benefits are occasionally derived by US employees of US businesses, even when work is done overseas.”
No question about it…all kinds of companies do that all the time (e.g. Apple, almost every U.S. based consumer electronics company, in fact.) Even though the practice is largely acceptable, companies can suffer political consequences for doing so. Certainly, former Executives of such companies who decide to run for office risk negative consequences.
But such consequences are trifling compared to political blowback for Execs of companies that actually engage in full-blown outsourcing.
“My point is the double standard and the perpetuation thereof.”
Sorry…but you need to quit thinking like a simpleton and actually analyze what you are talking about. The situations are not symmetrical.
“I’m sure RR makes the occasional point with which you might disagree. When’s the last time you called him out in such detail, not to mention three times in a single day?”
It hardly matters. Make no mistake about it, Bob, I’m TARGETING you. Not out of dislike or anything like that. Rather, because I see potential in you to be a thoughtful, right-leaning voice around here.
Unfortunately, your occasional positive contributions are watered down by bullshit talking points dragged out of the Wingding echo chamber. Like I’ve said, you KNOW you’re being lied to and mislead with that shit. So why stoop to parroting? It just destroys credibility, and any hope that you can be a productive contributor here.
Serial Conservative @ 104
“Turns out it’s bogus. Mea culpa. (But it was in the NYT!!!!!!!!)”
See…this is the kind of thing that sets you apart from most right wingers around here. Thank you!
@ 116
It was self-preservation. I needed to post it before Doctor Steve did.
@ 115
Fisker. Oops. I did a lot of pruning in the past two weeks.
And thanks. I think.
Three California cities have declared bankruptcy in the past month.
Public sector union pensions consistently mentioned as a major source of the municipalities’ woes. (Alright, one of them did it because of a legal judgment.)
Arnold wasn’t successful forcing furloughs.
Seems Jerry Brown has learned a few things from that:
Oh. And he had help from the legislature. The Democrat-controlled legislature.
San Diego’s vote and San Jose’s vote were not anomalies.
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.