Please join us tonight for an evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night, and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meets this Thursday.
With 228 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and four more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s a chapter near you.
I’d be there but tonight is the first episode of, what is bound to be the most riveting life changing reality TV show evah, Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp.
It makes you wonder who is more proud; Sarah or John McCain?
Why not have a discussion about Eric With-Holder and his contempt for & of Congress. What a joke. The numbskull actually believes voters will sympathize with him?? Wow. He needs to give up the documents right NOW. The longer he waits, the more Obama is going to get clobbered with rumors and conjecture about hiding important stuff. Holder will not survive this. You lefty’s were so outraged at Ashcroft and this defiance of Congress by With-Holder is waaaay more offensive.
Give up the documents With-Holder. These are legal subpoena’s. No, on 2nd thought, keep holding them and let Romney make hay on Obama having his man hide legal documents.
Hey, I thought Obama was going to have the most open government ever?? In fact, there are videos of Obama saying that repeatedly.
Do his actions match his promises? Hardly.
@2 Smellin’
The best part of your joke is where you cite “GOP Rep. Darrell Issa said” :-D
Another shooting to report.
Wonder what kind of nut job who should no way have had a gun will we come up with this time? This was on the north side of Spokane, so I’m betting meth-freaks.
Most of the lefties I know don’t like Holder.
DF(bike riding)H’s save the day!
Sean Trende, RCP:
In short, it’s not really clear what Obama’s tack on immigration really accomplishes, politically speaking. It probably will result in minimal gains among Latino voters, in states with only a few electoral votes. But what it costs him could easily offset those gains, and then some.
@2 Hey kinda like the Bush administration! How you like them apples?
@8 Roger,
Good god man! What did apples ever do to you?
@9 One fell from a tree and beaned me. So now I hate all apples! They practice a different religion and female apples wear burqas! You can’t trust any apples! They’re all rotten!
@10 Roger,
Very good!
Other acceptable answers are:
– apples are the tool of satan
– apples are red
It’s heroin, not meth. And he did us the favor of sparing us the cost of a trial and year of incarceration.
Sounds like the cops that were shot are going to be OK.
Hopefully, whoever gave or sold that guy a gun can be tracked down and put in jail for a really long time.
Hopefully, whoever gave or sold that guy a gun can be tracked down and put in jail for a really long time.
Oh! You believe in unicorns!
@13 Why not unicorns? Can we trade in our trolls for unicorns?
As I’ve pointed out many times before, the wealthy and powerful are first and foremost the wealthy and powerful, not Democrats and Republicans.
We’re talking about habitual criminals and drug addicts, they shouldn’t be that hard to find.
When a WSP trooper was shot and killed in Gorst a while back every single person that helped the shooter try to hide from the police was rounded up and jailed. Same for the folks that helped the guy that shot 4 Lakewood cops a few years back.
@13, 14
Unicorns, rainbows, and talking walruses that don’t smell funky.
Da Heat wins game 3!
Except now it’s pox on your house!
And it was tasty!
On Piers Morgan CNN tonight the discussion was Obummer’s news conference at the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico!
Pathetic! Mrs Puddy said “he’s rambling so he doesn’t have to answer many questions”.
Mitt Romney taking on the hecklers.
Is this the standard libtard OWS anarchist?
Well she speaks like a HA libtard!
Seems so!
‘Cept Obamacare is Romney care.
‘Cept as governor Romney stood in front of a coal fired plant and said that coal electric plants kill people.
‘Cept Obama’s lowered most people’s taxes and as governor Romney raised taxes.
Yeah, Romney sure showed them.
Would You Buy A Used Business From This Man?
“Mitt Romney promised this past weekend that the wealthy would ‘still pay the same share of the tax burden they’re paying now’ and that he’s ‘not looking for a tax cut for the very wealthiest.’ And: ‘I’m not looking to reduce the burden paid by the wealthiest.’ He added, ‘I’m looking to bring tax rates down for everyone.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s a flat-ass lie, cleverly packaged. First, he would cut tax rates so a person making $1 million a year would pay $146,000 less taxes. He promises to make it up from exemptions and deductions — but the catch is a Republican Congress will pass lower tax rates for the rich and won’t pass taking away exemptions or deductions from the rich, so the rich will end up with a huge tax cut and Romney will claim he didn’t do it.
But that’s not all. He’ll extend the Bush tax cuts, but not the Obama tax cuts, and that’ll raise taxes on the middle class.
What a sneaky sonuvabitch. It’s the same old GOP horseshit: Cut taxes for the rich, raise taxes on wage earners, increase deficits, then blame Democrats for running up the public debt.
Exactly what I expect from a guy who buys companies to strip their assets, then closes plants and fires workers.
@20 So that’s how you turned into a snake.
@22 Whoop-de-doo. A Romney moment.
Rmoney sounds like a carnival barker more than any presidential nominee we’ve had in a long time.
Nope! “Romneycare” as libtards call it was a coalition of Massachusetts DUMMOCRAPTS, Republicans, management, and labor unions who together created a state led medical program. Everyone came together in Massachusetts.
Obummercare was rammed down our throats by Obummer, Nancy Facelift Pelosi and Harry Land Deal Reid and the DUMMOCRAPTIC majorities in Congress no matter what rhpee6033 claims. You had to pass the bill to find out what was in it. DUMMOCRAPTS said this is what we’re doing and we don’t need any input from Republicans. Read the comments of Pelosi and Baucus.
Stop drinking the kook-aid dude!
What is it with right wingers and these terror dreams of having things ‘rammed down their throats’? It’s a constant complaint, and makes one wonder about the demons in your heads. Maybe some therapy (and not the Marcus Bachmann variety)…
@ 4 – Hey Michael, since you were the first one to welcome me back, did you ever give it any thought to whether the shooter was a heterosexual or homosexual? You think Meth was the only contributing factor?
maybe the freak was mad because you passed up on a night of self hating sex with him…
Well finally some decent news. Grand Jury makes the right decision and father who killed the child molester goes free.
Now, if we can just do this to the rest of the child molesters out there, the world would be a better place.
@29 “Nope! …”
@33 Wingnuts have never seen a problem they thought couldn’t be solved by killing someone.
Mass Shooting Of The Day (TM)
Three people are dead and two wounded after a shooting outside a Houston strip club this morning.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This one sounds like a domestic of some sort. Or it could be a robbery. Makes you wonder whether people with relationship or financial problems should have access to guns. We don’t let insane people have guns. Maybe we just need to broaden the definition of insanity so it includes almost all of you crazy humans.
You’re a real class act, Obama:
Fucking cowardly move. God forbid the public find out that your plan was to intentionally allow thousands of assault rifles into the hands of criminals, in order to further your perspective that allowing guns into the hands of criminals is a bad idea and that therefore guns should be restricted.
@37 “your plan”
That was Chimp’s plan, as I recall …
“The first known ATF ‘gunwalking’ operation to Mexican drug cartels … began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. …
“At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made.
“After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009 and … [i]ndictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.”
Okay, let’s review:
Started by Republicans
Stopped by Obama administration
No prosecutions under Republicans
Obama administration initiated prosecutions
Still have any confusion about this?
There’s no comparison and you know it. The goals were totally different, Bush’s program actually kept the Mexicans informed, and Bush’s program was ended when it became apparent that they couldn’t successfully follow the weaponry to see where it ended up.
Obama’s DOJ program never tried to follow the sold weapons. They just recorded serial numbers and waited for the guns to turn up in the hands of criminals. They weren’t trying to catch criminals. Only to prove that the guns would end up in the wrong hands.
You are disingenuous at best.
What this is really about is the AG offered House GOPers the documents they asked for — even though they involve DOJ internal deliberations that don’t have to be disclosed to Congress (see separation of powers) — but Rep. Issa refused to drop contempt proceedings against Holder. Obama quite properly used executive privilege to stop this partisan bullshit.
@ 40
Makes this more likely it goes to a full House contempt vote, then to the grand jury.
I’m OK with an incompetent AG bringing down an incompetent president.
Or, they could release the papers.
@39 Excuses are like assholes, everybody’s got one. Bush’s program spun out of control. It put over 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican criminals. People are being prosecuted for “walking” those guns.
It wasn’t, as you assert, run any better than the post-2009 program. The ATF didn’t abruptly get dumb when Bush left office. They were dumb all along and needed better supervision than they got from higher-ups.
None of this would have happened if the incompetents in Bush’s DOJ had done their jobs.
@41 They offered the papers, dumbshit. Issa doesn’t want them. He wants to nail a Democratic pelt to the wall in an election year. What an asswipe. You’re an asswipe, too, for shilling this partisan bullshit. Issa should be indicted for obstructing DOJ’s prosecution of the gunrunners. Maybe he’s protecting Bush’s people?
@ 43
Wrong, clown.
Holder offered his perspective on the papers. He offered to brief the committee on their content as he chose to divulge, not to disclose the papers themselves.
For someone who claims to be an attorney you have very little command of facts.
GOP Out Of Touch On Health Care Reform
A new poll shows Republicans very clearly are out of touch with the public on health care reform.
“Americans overwhelmingly want the president and Congress to get to work on a new bill to change the health care system if the Supreme Court strikes down President Barack Obama’s 2010 overhaul as unconstitutional, a new poll finds. …
“[A]n Associated Press-GfK poll shows that more than three-fourths of Americans do not want their political leaders to leave the health care system alone in the event the court throws out the health care law.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t surprising; everyone knows the GOP is only interested in serving the rich and couldn’t care less about the other 99%. Back in 2010 they campaigned on “jobs” but after the election we never heard from them about jobs again. These guys are all hot air.
@ 42
You have your facts incorrect. The thousands of guns you mention was the Obama program, in which no effort was made to trace them.
The Bush program involved 400 guns:
and efforts to trace them were made but were unsuccessful.
In the Bush program the Mexican authorities were kept informed and were part of the tracing efforts. In the Bush program, no one thought it was important to tell the Mexicans we were intentionally dumping thousands of illegal firearms into their country.
Big difference. Pull your head out and breathe once in awhile, clown.
Here’s Obama in 2007 on executive privilege claims:
CNN’S LARRY KING: Do you favor executive privilege or should Karl Rove and others in that like position be forced to testify before the House or Senate?
OBAMA: Well, you know, I think we’ll — we’ll determine over the next several weeks how this administration responds to the very appropriate call by Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to have these individuals come in and testify. You know, there’s been a tendency on the part of this administration to — to try to hide behind executive privilege every time there’s something a little shaky that’s taking place. And I think, you know, the administration would be best served by coming clean on this. There doesn’t seem to be any national security issues involved with the U.S. attorney question. There doesn’t seem to be any justification for not offering up some clear, plausible rationale for why these — these U.S. attorneys were targeted when, by all assessments, they were doing an outstanding job. I think the American people deserve to know what was going on there.
He’s going to catch some serious flak for what he and Holder have done.
Why would he allow this type of negative publicity right before an election?
Because the alternative would be for the country to see what’s in the documents.
They must be pretty fucking incriminating.
@44 “He offered to brief the committee on their content … not to disclose the papers themselves.”
Buuullshiiit. If you ever pull your head out of your ass long enough to read a newspaper, someday you might know something.
“Issa wanted the documents immediately. Holder told reporters he would not turn over documents on the gun-smuggling probe unless Issa agreed to another congressional briefing on the Justice Department material. Holder wanted an assurance from Issa that the transfer of the records would satisfy a subpoena from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which Issa heads.” [Emphasis added — RR]
Holder offered the documents but wanted to give Congress a briefing. He also, quite properly, wanted to know that releasing the documents would satisfy Issa’s subpoena. Issa didn’t respond to either request. Instead, he made threats. The administration is cooperating, the GOP isn’t. You couldn’t possibly have a clearer-cut example of who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong. And not to be overlooked is this:
“Ordinarily, such deliberative documents as those that Issa is seeking are off-limits to Congress.”
@47 Issa is abusing his authority for crass political gain. That fucker has it coming. Holder has made it clear Issa will get the documents he wants when he quits playing games. Obama and Holder are under no duty to play Issa’s game by Issa’s rules. End of story.
Typical republican.
@50 Like I said, out of touch. The rich are doing fine, so all’s well. No one else matters.
Here’s the “money quote” from the article linked @50:
“Hovde’s comments come after a May 2011 study conducted by the National Journal, which reviewed how often the words ‘unemployment’ or ‘deficit’ appeared in the nation’s five largest newspapers. The findings clearly show that the deficit was covered significantly more than the unemployment in major American news outlets.”
The guy doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. Typical Republican.
Romney leads in MI.
Obama up by only one in IA.
Oh, and that’s AFTER the immigration policy announcement by Obama. No big bounce, it seems.
@53 If Romney wins, he’ll yank Obama’s restrictions on coal-fired generating plants, and I’ll make a shitload of money from the coal stocks I bought at beaten-down prices. I’d rather have cleaner air, but no matter who wins the election, I’ll get something.
9/11: Deadly Republican Incompetence
by tristero
Within hours of the towers falling, I was on the phone with a friend in Finland who was weeping, “How could this happen?” I replied,”This is all the fault of the Bush administration. They weren’t paying attention.” For years, even confirmed liberals were saying I was hysterical, that no one could have predicted, blah, blah, blah.
No. It was incompetence and modern conservative ideology.
Romney – who is exactly the same as Bush but without Junior’s rapier wit, work ethic or keen, probing mind- must be defeated.
tristero 6/19/2012 06:00:00 PM Comments (31)
If ONLY we paid teachers more……..
@56 If only we paid CEOs less … like in the old days when everyone had jobs that provided a decent living and our industry led the world in innovation and wealth creation … somehow, rewarding executives for failure with huge bonuses and stock options seems to have backfired. Who wudda thunk?
Fuckwit got his marching orders from ‘Ol Rushbo this morning…here we go!
@ 57
You mean, back before global trade became a factor in how business is conducted in America?
Note to RR: We still lead the world in innovation and wealth creation. What’s different now is that fewer people are necessary to accomplish tasks now that computers and automation exist. It’s a lot harder to justify OT and six-figure gross income to UAW workers when we can get the same job done for much, much less using modern manufacturing methods and foreign labor.
Yeah…another Freidmanesque asshole who doesn’t get that shipping jobs out of the country guarantees a shitty economy.
@59 And how does that same rationale not apply to executive pay as well? Or are you simply a knee-jerk shill for the already-well-off?
@60 Along those lines, Procter & Gamble’s stock is dropping this morning because the company can’t sell as much of its products, because people don’t have jobs or money to spend. Who would ever have thought that reducing the middle class to poverty would hurt businesses’ sales? Gee, do you think a 12-year-old could have guessed that, so why didn’t hundreds of CEOs figure it out?
P&G, btw, is a good buy at 60 bucks if you have money to invest.
“It’s a lot harder to justify OT and six-figure gross income to UAW workers when we can get the same job done for much, much less using modern manufacturing methods and foreign labor.”
Of course, there’s no stopping with cars. A Whirlpool washing machine and dryer are now made in Mexico, Benton Harbor has lost it’s factory, it goes broke, then Republicans put an Emergency Manager in charge of the town who then gives away the town’s waterfront park to Whirlpool so they can build three golf holes and a parking lot as part of a fancy resort for the 1%. The residents of Benton Harbor, who no longer have Whirlpool factory jobs, are left to compete for minimum wage jobs changing the spoiled bed sheets of rich Republicans staying at the resort.
That’s a wonderful vision that you Republicans have for the future of America’s working class. You really ought to lay it out in a campaign commercial and see how it plays.
Bob sez, “fucking” “fucking” “fucking” “fucking” “fucking” “clown” “clown” “clown” “clown” “clown” “fucking” “fucking” “fucking” “fucking” “fucking” “clown” “clown” “clown” “clown” “clown”
Geez, Bob, isn’t it about time you posted another comment complaining how I swear too much and call you names?
@ 62
Way to misunderstand an announcement. P&G is growing – organic sales growing 2-3%. They aren’t growing as fast as they originally predicted but they’re growing, not selling less.
A major reason for their lowered guidance is foreign exchange effects. A strengthened US dollar hurts a company with a lot of foreign sales.
Net sales for the quarter are expected to be down 1% to 2% as foreign exchange is expected to reduce them by 4%, Mr. McDonald said.
Learn to read more than the headline, maybe. Would save you some embarrassment.
@2 Well, frankly this Congress (or at least the Republican part of it) is eminently worthy of contempt.
Yesterday it was Sean Trende @7.
Today Nate Silver points out pretty much the same thing:
Obama’s immigration thing doesn’t directly affect much swing-state Hispanic populace. A lot of blue-collar voters who might now have to compete with non-citizen aliens might be affected, tho.
Any thoughts on what he was thinking? Did he merely need to pre-empt Rubio? Did he do it for the donations? Does he think it will swing FL? Is he counting that heavily on NV and NM, and perhaps CO, that he thought this would be a winner for him?
Anyone? Darryl? Bueller?
Watch Bob and the rest of troll brigade have a meltdown:
Turnout will be crucial to beating this cretin Mitt (R-Money) who “understands” “vulture capitalism”..
That ODS is a cruel mistress.
Confidence Public Schools New Low
The key question is WHY. The poll did not go into that.
If ONLY we paid teachers more.
Finally! we agree on something!
Now can we agree on more of them, so we can have a smaller class size per teacher?
Rger the clown rabbit thinks we should light on child molesters it seems……
Why is that roger? You got a past your trying to cover up?
Senate Republicans and some vichy Dems want to take “cake” from the mouths of some household’s kids:
This ought to make trolls like little maxie asshat feeeeeell reeeaal goood..
@72. They don’t care.
Yes, please, let’s give food stamps out so that people can sell them at a discount and go gamble with the proceeds, or use them to buy non-essential items deleterious to their health.
The bill also would ban anyone who has substantial lottery or gambling winnings from receiving food stamps, and prevent stores that primarily sell liquor or tobacco from accepting SNAP benefits as payment.
“Obama’s immigration thing” is reverberating through the Hispanic communities. So what has Mittens offered them?
Self Deportation
“BY DECLARING that “self-deportation” is the solution to illegal immigration, Mitt Romney gave voice to an idea in wide currency among Republicans — that America’s 11 million undocumented immigrants would simply go home if government made their lives miserable enough.”
Now that is a home run…
Wow the trolls like the “smellin'” Klown don’t want to talk about Operation Wide Receiver:
Heh.. This is too funny:
Just more politically motivated right wing trash.
@ 75
Contrast that with Obama, who has touted an increase in deportations as one of his administration’s successes.
Is it better if they are thrown out than if they leave on their own, Ekim?
War on women??? Sheesh stop complaining liberals, that’s been the GOP’s jobs plan all along!
Just keep the little ladies, barefoot, pregnant and at home! The most traditional of right wing values.
Trying to gin up an election-year scandal from thin air, a GOP-controlled committee voted today along strict party lines to recommend the full House hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress — after he offered to give them the documents they want.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As cynical as I already am about politicians in general and Republicans specifically, this is a new low in partisan grandstanding. It’s equivalent to the anonymous coward who dumped manure on Goldy’s front lawn because he doesn’t like Goldy’s politics.
Lack of health insurance kills 26,000 Americans a year — twice as many as are killed by drunk drivers — but Republicans still don’t want all Americans to have health insurance.
@74 “Yes, please, let’s give food stamps out so that people can sell them at a discount and go gamble with the proceeds, or use them to buy non-essential items deleterious to their health.”
No, let’s give them out so people don’t have to starve in America, the richest country in human history, because the capitalist system is incapable of employing everyone who needs and wants work.
I suppose it never occurs to you that most people who receive food stamps use them to buy food so they can eat. Asshole.
Right wing blowhard extraordinaire George Nethercutt likes bikes!
American Exceptional-ism. Max should be proud of this White trash. Just think these kids were formed from the miracle of fornication.
@36 – Roger you are a smart man, I’m surprised you haven’t made the connection yet that you need to keep guns out of the hands of Heterosexuals, or bats and knives. They have a tendency to solve things with violence. They particularly like killing their own families at most times.
@37 – you are a real rocket scientist – Socially dysfunctional.
Dude, really. We have already gone over how your life has gone so sideways – do we need to repeat it all over again?
time for you to head back to the therapist.
Interesting comment coming from somone who spews that all heterosexuals are murderers….lol
Self, meet Hartred. Hatred, meet Self. You two run along and have fun in gmans head….
From the rujax link on 9/11
That would be September 2000. Bush took office January 2001.
PuddyMoral of the story: rujax doesn’t proofread his worthless drivel!
rujax ain’t no rocket scientist…
Clinton scared.
FUCK YEAH!!!! [rujax words]
Roger DUMB Wabbit said
PROVE IT otherwise!!!!!
I love it… Now Fast and Furious is Obummer’s problem.
Gotta look at this through a new lens! Brian Terry was killed on Obummer’s watch with a weapon let loose on on Obummer’s watch.
On a lighter note, here’s a point about rujax… Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
That’s rujax!
Wait for it… copy cats will appear
Gotta love the Fraggy Friends in Oakland…
Copy the link and remove the spaces. Otherwise the filter stops the link from processing on the blog!
Has anyone ever met rujax and heard him speak?
More interesting Fraggy Occupy news
Poor little puddypussy.
Still believes in teh majick jeebus and ellen white.
Poor poor little sap.
Liars and bigots like the puddypussy go straight to hell.
teh jeebus don’t truck with the likes of the puddypussy.
More evidence that the feckless Cheney/Bush Administration ignored ALL warning signs about 9/11.
History ain’t gonna be kind to shrub and the shooter…liars and thieves they are.
Shame puddypussy…shame on you for supporting those killers.
New Poll Shows Stunning Obama Lead
A brand new Bloomberg poll shows voters prefer President Obama to what-iz-name by a 16-point margin, and voters believe Obama is better on the economy by an equal margin.
And you know this how rujax? Oh yeah your life is HELL!
See ya!
Yeah, September 2000. Yeah, the ignored in on the campaign trail before winning.
Why Issa’s Contempt Citation Is Toothless
” … [I]f this does end up in court, it could take up to two years to resolve, given the time for a trial and subsequent appeals. However, a contempt citation is valid only during the Congress which approved it … so if the issue was still in the courts when this Congress ends in a year and a half, the contempt citation would evaporate ….”
The Fast and Furious hiding scandal. I like it. Why are they hiding behind executive privilege. Go back to March 19, 2007 with Obummer and Bush executive privilege.
North Carolina legislators have refused to pay compensation to victims of the state’s forced-sterilization program. The program would have paid each surviving victim $50,000 and could have cost the state up to $100 million. But the GOP-controlled legislature refused to appropriate a single penny. One victim, who was forcibly sterilized after being raped, says she’s going to sue the state.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope she gets $5 million and they take it out of the legislators’ pay.
@103 “Why are they hiding behind executive privilege.”
I already explained that at #80, dummy. Can’t you read?
They want to fuck with low wattage crapheads like the puddypussy.
@80 & @103,
EPIC FAYLE… From the Wall Street Journal
See ya Roger DUMB Wabbit. Holder didn’t even come prepared with the documents!
Do not argue with an idiot like rujax. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
Oh he has many years of experience.
83 – George “Term Limits” Nethercutt – who’d a thunk he’d fit in with the green Seattle bicycling crowd?
Rujax – Great job staying in these moron trolls’ crap heads..
They are OBSESSED with you.
Oh yeah still no knock-knock on my door from the flunkies of Agent Scully-Jack..
Musta been just more right wing bullshit from PuddyMakeUpShit..
I know.
But, isn’t it great watching the right fall apart. Now one of their hero’s is even talking up bicycles!
Obsessed? No we feel sorry for him. He and you are the best of HA libtard dopes!
@107 You think the Attorney General of the United States carries a filing cabinet with him? Geez, putz, your arguments keep getting dumber and dumber … if that’s possible.
@108 “He will drag you down to his level …”
That’s not possible.
Remember ‘Joe the Plumber’? The guy wanted on traffic warrants in Arizona doing unlicensed plumber work in Ohio who lied about owning a plumbing business and making $250K a year?
Joe’s trying to get a job as a congressman, which is a step down in the world, even for him. And congressional candidaes, especially Republicans, will say any damn thing to get people to vote for them.
He’s running an ad that compares gun control to Nazism.
What century you living in Roger DUMB Wabbit? A 16 Gigabyte thumb drive is all that’s necessary? Maybe 2.
Sheesh, that is one DUMB Wabbit!
Yep, and the WA State HorsesAsses love PMSNBC!
Kudos to Neil Cavuto. Lawrence O’Donnell is a prime time ASS that hardly anyone watches.
Thanks, Barack:
On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve projected more sluggish growth and high unemployment ahead. The Fed said its last forecast back in April was too optimistic.
The Fed’s projection has changed for next year. It had expected growth in the economy to be as little as 2.7 percent. But on Wednesday, the Fed revised that down to as little 2.2 percent growth. In April, the Fed had also projected unemployment might stay as high as 7.7 percent– it revised that up to 8.0 Wednesday.
In lowering its forecasts for hiring, the Fed estimates the unemployment rate, now 8.2 percent, will have barely dropped by the end of this year — and even two years from now, by the end of 2014, will have dropped less than a percentage point.
Job growth has slowed sharply in recent months, and a new survey of CEOs shows fewer companies plan to hire in the next half year. About 36 percent say they’ll add workers, down from 42 percent in the last survey.
@117 When did the federal government upgrade to paperless offices?
@118 The rich treat MS by riding $250K dressage horses. Everybody else takes $2 pills and hopes for the best.
I wonder if the Romneys claim a medical deduction for her dressage treatment? That would be pretty (choose one)
[ ] ingenious [ ] ingenuous.
“The Romneys declared a loss of $77,000 on their 2010 tax returns for the share in the care and feeding of Rafalca, which Mrs. Romney owns with Mr. Ebeling’s wife, Amy, and a family friend, Beth Meyers.”;seid=auto
To be fair, the dressage horse deduction was worth only 50 bucks in 2010, but the tax code allows carrying forward losses so this expense may yet produce a big tax writeoff in the future.
Must be nice to give your wife a hobby like that. I wonder how many workers lost their jobs to pay for it?
Yes Roger DUMB Rabbit, YOU ARE an ASShole.
Why do you hate injured soldiers Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Why do you hate people with cerebral palsy, spina bifida, neuromuscular disorders, post-traumatic brain injury, autism, ADHD, and cognitive disorders Roger DUMB Wabbit?
Who knows Roger DUMB Wabbit, but you stooooooooooopidly suggested a file cabinet, so 20th century!
Why does Roger DUMB Wabbit pick on the little people?
On another note Good Morning America is kicking the Today show. They are looking to dispose of libtard Ann Curry.
Well maybe they’ll choose someone more balanced.
Your first link goes to an Army program, your second link goes to a NONPROFIT.
Good for Ann Romney for being pro-active in treating her MS, but the Romney’s don’t need a tax break to be able to do that.
Neither party and nearly no one in the private sector has come to terms with the end of cheap oil and the end of Americans buying shit they don’t need with money they don’t have. Obama’s hardly alone in his guilt and if the McCain/Palin were in charge we’d be in the same place or worse.
It’s a new world and everyone one in places of power is still stuck in the old world.
The Romney’s could have donated a bunch of money to a horse therapy program so lots of people could ride horses and used the horses at the therapy program that they helped support.
@127 “Who knows”
You don’t.
@132 Everyone in the financial world understands the Fed’s action today of extending “Operation Twist” is a sop that will have no effect on the economy. Lower interest rates won’t stimulate the economy at this point because people and businesses who are deleveraging aren’t going to incur new indebtedness for increased consumption no matter how favorable the interest rates are. The main effect of artificially low interest rates is to save the government a mountain of money on servicing public debt, which makes me suspect that’s what all this quantitative easing is really for.
and there we have the courtesy reach-around..
two of the boards biggest idiots man-crushign on each other…
aint love grand…
And you point is Michael?
And neither do you, but you’ll always speculate something mundane and stoooooooooooopid won’t ya?
But Roger, it’s another brazen attempt to keep Obummer in power by projecting command and control, like the military leakage events to the NY Slimes.
Wasn’t Eric Holder involved in the scumbag Marc Rich pardon?
Yes he was!
Didn’t Holder work on clemency for 16 members of the violent terrorist groups Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion Nacional (FALN) and Los Macheteros?
Yes he did!
Did you check out the details of the “Selzer” poll Bloomberg paid for that shows Obama ahead of Romney by 13 points? What a waste of time and joke, but it will help you analysts justify Romney has no chance. Virtually all other polls have it between +/- 2points. I read a while back a discussion about polls so far outside the normal that they lack any credibility. Read the details yourself.
It looks like Romney is going to end up having more $$ than Obama. That’s never happened before where an incumbent was beaten in the fundraising. It also looks like that $1 Billion the Obama camp was floating around last year isn’t materializing.