Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
And if you can’t make it tonight, please stay in school, work hard for your goals, and listen to your parents. (I hope nobody’s offended.)
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 336 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
Lee a picture you can frame… Along with a song you can sing with everyone on HA!
get a job you drunks…
“please stay in school, work hard for your goals, and listen to your parents”
Geez, Goldy, disclaimer notwithstanding are you trying to provoke the righties? They’re gonna find this plenty offensive!! You’re teaching kids socialism!!!
@2 Why should he? Why would anyone work under a system that taxes wages 3 times as much as capital gains and dividends?
Yuck @ 2,
What. After 8 pm you expect me to work and abstain from Alcohol???
Fuckin’ Nazi!
@5….which Darryl are you? Are you Darryl, your brother Darryl, or your other brother Darryl?
@6 Which yuck are you? Yuck, double yuck, or triple yuck?
I forgot about public drinking today.
Maybe next week.
While I am here, Here is the post I deleted before posting at Publicola, technically not crossposting.
“Hmmm, I have not figured out which one yet.
I kind of like both for different reasons, might vote for mcGinn, but I fucking hate his supporters. What a bunch of whiny, hair splitting babies (oh, not you guys, you’re different).
The Mallahan Candidate just seems like he thinks a meeting IS doing something. Sometimes, as mayor, it actually is. His supporters are busy planning their wardrobes for the next week.
I do agree with Transit Supporter, the Tunnel will fall of its own weight, and much of that has little to do with the mayor, and everything to do with the legislature and city council choking on the large chunks of financing.
That drago streetcar was f-iing dead as soon as the words left her lips, and the mvet for a million hours of metro bus “service” was kicked to the curb by the governor 3 hours after the under secretary announced he was leaving (same freaking day).
The hair splitting over streetcars and all is interesting, killing the Mercer project is a winner. ”
Is Gerrymandering The Root Of Evil In U.S. Politics?
The Economist is always a good read because it’s British, which insulates it from the emotions of domestic politics, and is conservative, which broadens the perspectives of liberals like me.
Their current on-line edition has an article on bipartisanship in U.S. politics. It’s a good read (although, like all good reads, it’s probably wasted on our idiot trolls). So, this comment is for HA readers with more intelligence than, say, a fence post.
You have to read about two-thirds of the article before you come to this telling line:
“The gerrymandering of electoral districts has slashed the number of swing seats, forcing candidates to nurture their wild-eyed base, rather than reach out to moderates, to win their primaries.”
That, in a nutshell, explains why the GOP has turned into a nuthouse. And why bipartisan cooperation is dead. And why Congress doesn’t get anything done, and why America is becoming ungovernable.
But gerrymandering is popular with career-minded pols, and the public too, and will be difficult to reverse. So, if we can’t reverse the trend toward gerrymandering safe districts, then I’d like to offer a second-best solution: If we’re going to gerrymander, then let’s make all the districts safe for Democrats! That may not guarantee a productive Congress, but at least it’ll rid Congress of certifiable nutcases like Michelle Bachmann and Paul Broun.
Here’s the link:
Here is The Economist’s dispassionate, observer-from-afar, take on what will happen next:
“As anxious Democrats resume work next week, even his allies admit that Mr Obama has had a torrid summer. His approval rating has fallen …. Health-care reform has taken a bashing. … If health reform fails, energy legislation will falter too.
“These are not circumstances in which Mr Obama will rush to heed the advice of those who want the Democrats to go it alone. … If nothing else, bipartisanship has always been an excellent way for presidents to spread the blame in case things go wrong.”
Hey Mr. Cynical! This Poll Is For YOU!!
Since you like polls so much, here’s one reported in The Economist, a conservative British newsweekly:
“[T]he Pew Research Centre [found] that a growing proportion of Americans (29%) blame the Republican leadership rather than Mr Obama (17%) for their failure to work together.”
They got that right! Most Americans want health care fixed. They’re afraid of losing their coverage or facing medical bankruptcy even if they’re insured. And as this poll shows, the GOP isn’t endearing itself to them by being the party of “no.” Whatever voters’ frustrations with Obama or the Democratic Congress may be, that frustration won’t turn into votes for Republicans. You can bank on it.
@8 Transit. Health care. Education. And paying for it all. What a toxic brew. No wonder we’re on the brink of civil war. All I can say is, we liberals had better arm, in case the Bible-thumping horse fuckers strap on their “Gott Mitt Uns” gunbelts and start shooting.
Oh no, the left, and far left will start the civil war with a bongwater ballon fight over streetcars long before rednecks arrive.
What did McGinn say today? Oh gosh, what about the bike turnlane on the overpass by Northgate in 1st Avenue, let’s revisit every shitty transportation decision while we are at it.
Hey, there is the Mallahan Candidate, brainwashed at a Mongolian Grill during a lunch over cell phone service in New Orleans, service, uh, uh, I should run for Mayor.
I guess nobody bothered to tell Joe no to any stupid idea, hoping smart ideas would outweigh the dumb ones. I forgot to vote, but not for mayself.
God dammit Ed Murray, look at the shitty choice you left us with.
That’s it for me, don’t forget to tip your bartender, good night!
Yuck @ 6,
“which Darryl are you? Are you Darryl, your brother Darryl, or your other brother Darryl?”
Ohhhhh…and a 12-year-old Nazi at that!
Starting young, aren’t ya, Squirt?
@14 Not me. I won’t start anything — civil wars are a shitty deal for everyone. But if someone else does, I’ve already got war-fighting experience and know how to fire everything from a revolver to heavy artillery. As for what’s in my personal arsenal, that’s tactical information, and nobody else’s business. But I’ll say this: Any wingnut eliminationist who decides to go rabbit hunting is gonna meet up with more than a water balloon.
Another Economist article worth a look is this one about how car ownership is about to explode in the third world, and the role electric cars may play in our future if the right policies are put in place:
As I’ve said before on this blog, I don’t think cars are evil per se, or are going away. At least some of the objections to cars can be fixed with technology. I’ve never believed transit or bicycles are all-encompassing solutions to our transportation needs. Cars won’t go away, but we can and should design them to help us achieve broader public objectives.
17 – I think we should tax cars like they do in Europe. It makes for fewer cars, a lot more public transit and alternatives like dedicated bike paths and less sprawl. More walking and biking keeps the weight in check as well.
No doubt people like to jump in a vehicle and go where ever on a whim but a world with fewer cars is quieter and more energy efficient.
I’d like to see a world with more one car families not only because it’s too darn expensive but I think it’d be a better world.
The Democrats have really taken advantage of all the anti-Bush political capital they had 8 months ago….NOT!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
All O-blah-blah’s constant blabbing isn’t going to regain the trust of the people.
IF the Health Care Bill increases the deficit, there will be serious consequences.
Blaming Bush ain’t gonna work next year KLOWNS.
@18 Some people and rabbits hop in a vehicle because their age and health no longer allows them to walk or ride a bike.
@19 Political capital, like money, is for spending and does you no good in a mattress. Obama may prove to be an unpopular president (although it’s exceedingly difficult to see him as a 1-term president given the current state of the GOP). But when he leaves office, this country will have been transformed. Capitalism will again be saved from itself. The economy will be reviving. A health care reform bill will be passed. A cap and trade law will be passed. The big things will be accomplished. History is like a greasy pole. Every Democratic president climbs 2 feet, and every Republican president slides back a foot, and over time we climb higher and higher on the pole. Bush slid back 3 feet, but Obama is going to climb 6 feet, so the ratio will hold up and the Obama Era will be remembered as one of exceptional progress. The McCain Era? There wasn’t one. The Palin Era? There won’t be one. The best you fuckwads can hope for is a Romney Era, during which nothing will happen and the country will merely take a rest until the next Democrat comes along.
Got busted over putting this story in the wrong thread.
Stupes – again, this is man after your own heart:
I bet he’s all for lower taxes and is a staunch defender of “family values”.
And of course, he’s a Republican.
@15….I always picture you as the guy driving the camaro in the quaker state commercial.
Must be tough with a name like Darryl living in Belltown….
LMAO @ nazi…..thats funny, coming from a Goebbels worshiper like yourself.