Please join us tonight for another evening of politics and conversation over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet this (and every) Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm, but a few folks show up earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Tonight the Tri-Cities and Bellingham chapters also meet. The Burien chapter meets on Wednesday, and the Woodinville chapter meets on Thursday.
With 232 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and three more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s a chapter close by.
You read it here first! I’m not saying thats a good thing…
What rocks do these people crawl out from under?
@1 OMG! Carbon-12, The Book of Revelation and 666. Why didn’t anyone ever see this before?
“What rocks do these people crawl out from under?”
I’m not sure which rocks they crawled out from under, but I’m pretty sure those rocks are only 6,000 years old. Heh.
Internet superstar George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, who referred to President Obama as a “nigger” on his Twitter page, apparently is dissatisfied with the outcome of our democratic election process:
Popular Vote
Obama – 69,456,897
McCain – 59,934,814
Electoral Vote
Obama – 365
McCain – 173
I mean, any way you slice it, Obama won decisively; he was the CLEAR CHOICE of the American people, even under a system that gives disproportionate voting power to GOP-leaning small-population states.
The now-famous Greenville, South Carolina, golf caddy also called Obama a “socialist,” which is a strange moniker for a guy whose presidential campaign was funded by Wall Street types, who staffed the economic posts in his administration with Wall Street types, and whose policies suck up to Wall Street types. When did Wall Street go socialist?
I guess my response to George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, is that if he doesn’t like our system of democratic elections for choosing our country’s leaders he should go live in some other country — specific suggestions include North Korea, Sudan, Yemen, or various deserted islands in the South Pacific.
Now Andrea Mitchell again schools Rachel Maddow on Maddow’s show…
Andrea, DUMMOCRAPTIC surrogates speaking honestly? Can’t have that!
And yes I will speak in the 3rd person as ridicule to leftist pinheads here. To Puddy it seems if you leave the DUMMOCRAPTIC reservation you are smeared, slimed and attacked by the DUMOCRAPTIC machine. Cory looked so much different in this interview vs. his animated direct conversational interview he did on NBC’s Meet the Depressed with David “I Really Love Obama” Gregory.
George Tierney Jr.’s fame continues to grow. I just typed “George Tierney Jr.” in Google and got 3,410,000 hits in 0.01 second.
@4 Ignore, no content.
In 2008,
Colin Powell didn’t like conservatives using Bill Ayers to attack Obummer. Powell, claimed Obummer had style and substance, was a transformational figure, and had an inclusive nature of his campaign. Powell chose to support Obummer.
In 2012,
Powell doesn’t like Obummer’s campaign ad and what happens on HA? To Puddy it seems if you leave the DUMMOCRAPTIC reservation you are smeared, slimed and attacked.
Sucks to be y’all suckas!
Facts explode the Dumb Wabbit!
How does one ignore something by posting about it?
I didn’t give a flying fuck that Powell endorsed Obama in 2008.
He was cynically trying to ride Obama’s transformative and historic election victory to repair his own tattered reputation.
Powell was a lackey of George W. Bush, the last Republican President, who brought us multiple wars waged on credit and the worst Depression since the 1930s
Powell made the Iraq war happen by getting up in front of the UN Security Council and spewing a pack of well packaged and well illustrated lies. He either knew he was lying, and was therefore duplicitous and a war criminal, or, he was unaware of his dishonesty, in which case he was stupid, naive, and manipulated. If the latter, he had no business being Secretary of State. (As it always seems, with Republicans it always comes down to the question, “Stupid or lying?”)
So, what Colin Powell thinks about anything, but specifically about the President, an office he will never hold, I couldn’t give a shit about. In fact, I’m in a quandary about whose opinion I value less – Colin Powell’s or yours, and that’s saying something, because I have never ever seen a post of yours containing anything intelligent .
April 20, 2011 Obummer held a special “Facebook Live” townhall at Facebook’s headquarters, with CEO Mark Zuckerberg & COO Sheryl Sandberg. Puddy thinks the common folk may have bought FB stock last Friday based on FB’s love of the Obummer and Obummer’s love of FB.
Hmmm… This could be interesting campaign fodder!
So Mrs. Alan Greenspan is now the Oracle of Delphi?
She’s a hack, insider, beltway-blindered member of the vapid punditocracy.
So, “going off the reservation” invites being smeared? Like throwing your foreign policy spokesman to the wolves for being gay? At least Booker is being dissed for making policy and political statements that differ from the boss. Richard Grenell was merely being honestly who he is, and Rmoney threw him to the wolves.
That’s some presidential character.
In todays news.
Some socialist.
Only if you continue to bray incessantly about trivialities.
So puddles – you got schooled the other day trying to deny your Young Earth Creationism – isn’t Jesus going to cry with you running away from his Revealed Word like that? And if your not, could you please please please explain how Noah kept the velociraptors from eating the Emperor Penguins?
Wow Lib the moron… using leftist libtard horseshit… And the duplicitous leftist libtard slobbering MSM get’s their stories from Media Morons.
Puddy used “colin powell lied over iraq” in a Google search. The primary source was the CIA. And since I think Colin is a man of integrity… you suck!
The disburbed mind of Lib the moron is on display again. Why don’t you replay my last comment back to you idiot! All else was useless garbage by Lib the moron!
So, on this young and dewy thread, puddles has been smacked over all three inanities he vomited onto our computer screens – Andrea Mitchell/Booker, Colin Powell and Facebook.
Question – will he stand his ground and try to make/defend a point? Or will he twirl and spin like a blender without a lid – spewing the contents of his pin-like head all over the place?
Appeal to authority – another logical error.
You are an ass. That’s an ad hominem attack, but true nonetheless.
No puddles, you’re lying again.
I brought up the fact that in the past you’ve denied that the universe is 14 billion years old, claiming, IIRC, that the stellar red-shifts indicating expansion, and consistent with the Big Bang, were created by God to test one’s faith (in the 6000 year old world)
There were other crazy claims as well, and ylb graciously provided links to just two of these bizarre statements of yours.
Why are you running away from your beliefs?
Once again you can view the Lib the moron mind again… DUMMOCRAPTS claim to be the party for black people. When a black man/woman speaks their mind they are slimed, smeared and attacked. Going off the reservation means a black man/woman is attacking their DUMMOCRAPTIC masters by speaking the truth.
How can a white person disagreeing with another go off the reservation? Y’all are in control Lib the moron. Are you always this moronic?
Seems so!
What Powell said is a matter of record, as its inaccuracy.
Therefore it’s elemental that he either knew he was telling untruths or he did not know. No other possibilities.
Therefore, he is either a liar, or dumb enough to be deceived. Neither paints him in a very good light, and again, takes us back to the inevitable question regarding any Republican, “Stupid or lying?”
Show Puddy where I said the UNIVERSE was however old?
Go on. Ask Steve to ask his “greatest bud” the crazed debazed databaze fool ylb!
No disagreemnt there Lib the moron. The rest of your swill in that post is useless as ever!
Powell is not a Democrat, so how can he go off our reservation?
Moreover, to quote him, he once said, “I’m not that black.”
Booker actively sabotaged the Obama campaign messaging – as was effectively fired as a surrogate.
You’re really making this about them being black?
You’re an ass.
“He was cynically trying to ride Obama’s transformative and historic election victory to repair his own tattered reputation.”
A four-star general dsoen’t have to worry about his reputation: he’s already made it if he has attained that rank in the military.
As for Colin Powell, he was the main force ending the air war in the first Gulf adventure. The Air Force was absolutely killing Iraqis on the Highway of Death so fast and furious that it started to look really bad on the international stage. It was like killing frightened puppies who were running away from us.
Powell probably came out for Obama in 2008 because GWB started 2 wars we can’t pay for, and he had no exit strategy for either war. Powell, like a lot of people, came to the conclusion that GWB’s little messes weren’t so good for the country. Iraq and Afghanstan are simply not worth losing an American life for. Just withdraw entirely from the Middle East and let them handle their own affairs. We meddle too much in other countries’ business.
I saw a funny segment on RT-TV today. Some Latin American leader was talking with Julian Assange, and this leader said that the US will never have a coup de etat because the US has no American Embassy! The implication being that the sources of many of those Laten American coups can be traced to the local American Embassies! Unfortunately, we’ve done a lot to undermine our reputation in the world by removing democratically-elected foreign governments just so we can put a friendly tyrant in-charge!
@23 Hey, Puddy, I left a couple of what I hope are perceived as considerate comments to you on the other thread.
You’re disputing this?
Oh – I know – you’re engaging in some sort of magical thinking that gets you from Powell was dishonest/stupid, to you still respect him.
You’re one for magical thinking, if nothing else.
We recently saw the Obama campaign hold an almost $36,000 per plate fundraising dinner at the home of nation’s largest firm private equity group, Blackstone president Tony James.
Notice how the complicit slobbering libtard media had nothing to say!
Hey Steve, I saw them and I wrote I was shocked!
A man of integrity doesn’t soil himself before the world so he can cling to the favor of an idiot son playing dictator..
It was in an exchange we had some time ago. I don’t have the link, but my memory.
If I’m wrong, correct me. Is the universe 14 billion years old? Did the Big Bang happen, followed with stellar inflation and subsequent expansion, leading to red-shift allowing measurement of distances of billions of light-years? Is the notion of a 6000 year old universe, as allegedly chronicled in Genesis, and ‘dated to 4004 by Ussher, completely at odds with scientific observation and therefore not true?
@28 We will not unilaterally disarm.
The corrosive effects of money on our politics, and society at large, has been a constant theme among the leftists here, and your silly blatherings will not change that.
However, this is how the game is played and we will play to win, asshole.
I share with you disgust with the role of big BIG money in politics – will you join in a call for publicly funded campaigns?
Goodness Lib the moron, you don’t know anything about the black experience do you?
Puh-lease go back to being a doctor of something, cuz it isn’t about living on the other side of the tracks.
Regarding Powell, he admits his support for JFK, LBJ, and Jimmy Carter. He admitted he is a moderate Republican. But as you can see he didn’t get the boot like DUMMOCRAPTS did to Corey Booker!
Nuff said SUCKA!
It could be. Only God knows the age of the UNIVERSE. Genesis didn’t say that Lib the moron!
Holy Crapola Batman, did Lib the moron get bitten by a truth mosquito?
So Lib, what do you think of Wisconsin? Do you agree with the union leadership thug actions?
Now what would ylb know about integrity? I gave him links to go job hunting instead of couch sitting and he passed them by!
There’s a couple more there for you, Puddy, that I suspect you haven’t read yet.
Do you think Wisconsinites really want to go back to big deficits of yesteryear?
I know unions are essential to a health, prosperous, politically relevant middle class.
I know that Scott Walker is swimming in HUGE amounts of cash, most from out-of-state very rich people with the political agenda of consolidating all power and wealth in a very few hands.
I dearly hope the Wisconsin unions hand Walker his ass.
Wisconsinites, like all Americans (aside from treasonous Republicans) want an economy and a government that is functional, and responsive to their needs.
State deficits were directly traceable to the Bush Depression, and lack of fully effective mitigating actions by the Federal Government – a fact laid fully at the feet of insane, treasonous Congressional Republicans.
So, no, they don’t want deficits. The way to deal with that is throw out the Republicans.
So, pud, did the Big Bang occur about 14 billion years ago, creating the universe?
And… Your point is? Debbie Wasserman Schultz is coming to fund raise in the next week or so? DUMMOCRAPTS sent lots of money for the recall earlier this year. I think the rank and file DUMMOCRAPT union peeps are not too keen on how their union thug leaders acted.
Do you excuse the destruction of Wisconsin government buildings by union thugs Lib?
So Lib do you think spending $20 Million for ObummerCare advertising is worth it? Maybe getting Andy Griffith a job again is important. When much of the American public is against it why this expenditure?
Since we know Obummer is sympathetic with OWS anarchist protest peeps wearing masks and handkerchiefs on their faces, how does he feel about like thinking buds who tried to make molotov cocktails to create havoc?
“Notice how the complicit slobbering libtard media had nothing to say!”
Well at least they weren’t calling him a “Socialist”.
I guess you were kidding all along posting that right wing bullshit from Breitbart, Murdoch, Hot Air, Beck and all those other places..
It was all an act. The joke’s on us huh?
Why would the media call someone they get a thrill over a Socialist?
Poor poor ylb,
A man of integrity works for a living supporting his family! Do you qualify? Nope you Dope
A man of integrity doesn’t sit on his ASS all day scoping left wrong puke sites.
A man of integrity doesn’t use Daily Kooks for so long and then when called on it runs like a beat dog.
Wait for it… Pavlov calls it…
47 – Like I thought the joke’s on us for putting up with such a joke..
Is the earth 4000 or 6000 years old?? You’ve said both. Was this your skygod’s plan for you?
Heh. It’s been fine entertainment seeing you make such a ugly dope of yourself..
From the very first commment.
Pavlov called it. Notice the crazed databaze fool fell right into it.
Puddy is your alpha… you are Puddy’s beta. Never an original thought! I lead this leftist idiot by the ring I placed in his nose and he still doesn’t realize it!
Wait a sec.. Colin Powell is pro-choice and supports affirmative action..
And calls himself a Republican.
Where’s that “house divided cannot stand” bullshit??
Your mirror’s cracked dummy.. What “integrity”…
Hey PuddySicko,
Here’s a link to mental health services:
Seek treatment.. After over 31,000 comments, considering their content, yeah, you need it.
Now thank me.. Don’t pass it by now!
Oh my notice how the deranged database fool changes when smacked silly?
This moron can’t process facts. Powell wasn’t kicked to the curb like Booker was.
Still a moron all these years! I can’t lead him away from his lunacy!
Pavlov called it. Notice the crazed databaze fool fell right into it.
Tell us, Lib Lab-Tech, what union do you belong to?
Wait a sec..
Does a man of integrity characterize his ideological opponent’s Jewish relatives as “cheap”???
What if the relatives weren’t jewish. What if they were Hispanic???
What if they were Asian???
Why would a “man of integrity” say something bigoted like this??
Oh my ylb is getting smacked all over this blog. Now to pull the nose ring harder. Pavlov called it again. Notice the crazed databaze fool fell right into it.
56 – What kind of a “man of integrity” doesn’t own up to his own bigotry?
And runs from it like a coward in 56, 53, 52…
Showing symptoms… See the link in 51..
Don’t pass it by!
What man of integrity forces his wife to work while he cruises left wrong sites?
NOTICE HE HAS NO ANSWER? We all know why! Handout man!
Good night ylb moron. No more for you! I am your alpha. I don’t answer to you!
Nothing from the libtards
Remember FB and it’s leaders love Obummer!
Such a sick dumbass… What proof does he have of this?
Does he force his own wife to work or anything else?? I can’t say because I don’t know and I don’t care to know.
See the link in 51 before you hurt yourself.
Pathetic dumbass. Thiel is a Ron Paul “jockstrap”.
@15 I think Powell is a man of integrity, too, but also a political babe in the woods who got rolled by the cynical manipulators of the George Warmonger Bush administration.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
In another of those Mass Shootings Of The Day (TM) incidents that almost never happen more than several times a day in the gun-happy USA, an Oregon family of five is dead after a deranged father shot his wife, three children, and then himself.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s obvious some people shouldn’t have access to guns, but that didn’t stop GOP legislators in Wisconsin from introducing a bill that would have allowed anyone — even deranged madmen — to get guns without a background check and would have allowed anyone — even deranged madmen — to carry guns anywhere without a permit including in daycares, kindergartens, churches, bars, and schools. What the hell are Republicans smoking?
@49 This is the puddy version of a wet dream: “Puddy is your alpha… you are Puddy’s beta.”
Was any promotion done for Medicare Part D “worth it”?
20 million is about a few hours in your beloved moron-in-chief’s Iraq adventure.
I see @66, North Pasadenaman is still living in that past like Obummer.
Who pays the $20 Million? The taxpayers do ya moron!
Wait… you don’t have a job. Mrs databazed pays your “share”.
Yes, you are a real man of integrity!
The media liked to portray him as a sharp political operator but maybe this is right because Rumsfeld/Cheney and their other henchmen like Wolfowitz and Feith made him a total non-entity.
Okay Thiel is for Paul, so sue me ya moron! Zuckerberg swoons over Obummer.
Did anyone watch when Chris Matthews made a fool of himself on Jeopardy?
Didn’t think so!
Puddy is your alpha… you are Puddy’s beta.
Translation: PuddyTool working his “tool” in his hand again.
Did anyone watch Obummer TV this evening?
Didn’t think so!
Oh fuck! Was this your skygod’s plan? To be corrected by one of those you degrade with ugly names and attacks since April 2005?
You’re supposed to be always “right”.
Wonders never cease.
Did Fraggy hang with his OWS anarchist peeps in Chicago this past weekend?
Fraggy? ree-deep Fraggy? ree-deep?
The big three networks are losing viewership fast. Will they change their left wrong biases?
Huh.. The henchmen of the moron you voted for twice said the oil would pay for the excellent adventure.
Price of gas says it all stupid! But forget that. Economy is in the crapper like we all said it would be.
Now the same ugly war-mongering crowd is backing Rmoney. Why would anyone sane throw the lever for that grasping tool?
Of course this is par for the course for leftist pinheads.
Imagine the press field day if the pinata was a leftist guvnur!
YES it does ya moron. It’s up over 100% since Obummer took over.
Thanks for playing ya moron!
This is so simple beta boi! You don’t even realize what you type anymore.
So sad. So pitiful. So typical!
Seems another leftist outfit trying to get around the law…
@67 Really? You think I’m your lackey? I suspect a lot of HA readers would question that assertion.
Silvio Berlusconi enjoyed a great run as Italy’s dictator, richest man, and chief philanderer. He was booted out of office last year after dragging his country’s economy into the mud, and now investors are fleeing his media empire, which features putting scantily-clad women on TV, because the advertising lira aren’t what they used to be and are getting worse. Poor Silvio is only half as wealthy as he used to be, but probably is still getting laid.
Global Zero is an organization dedictated to eliminating nuclear weapons. No, it’s not an activist group of sandaled longhairs. Its supporters include top military, diplomatic, and political people (active and retired) from around the world — realistic, grounded, informed leaders who know what’s going on. It’s chaired by a four-star general who headed the U.S. Strategic Air Command and was vice-chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Doesn’t exactly look like a bunch of hooded radicals with sticks and bricks to me.
But that doesn’t stop Republican bomb-huggers from hating this group and its goal of reducing the risk of accidental nuclear war by getting rid of useless and obsolete nuclear weapons. That description includes all tactical nukes and all land-based ICBMs.
Global Zero’s goal is a safer world. I’m not sure what the GOP’s goal is — a human-free world safe for rabbits? Who knows. All I know is that no human in his right mind with a sense of self-preservation would vote for Republican war-lovers.
@79 You’re an expert on that subject?
@80 Don’t worry, it’s coming back down, wait and see.
It seems puddybutt is actually stupid enough to believe a president who’s been in office for 3 years controls gas prices.
Never mind it takes a lot longer than that to develop a new oilfield, build pipelines and refineries, and so forth. If you want to know who’s responsible for today’s oil markets, ask yourself who was running this country 10 years ago. Although I’ve got to say that pushing the USA into the worst depression since the 1930s is the best thing Dubya ever did for motorists, at least in terms of pump prices. Millions of unemployed workers not commuting to jobs = less demand for gasoline, and less demand = lower prices.
The main driver of gas prices is the cost of crude oil. Long-term, crude has become more expensive because we’ve used the cheap and readily accessible sources of oil and now have to tap oil that is harder to find, more expensive to drill for, and more costly to bring to market.
We’re currently in a short-term downslope in the crude oil price cycle because of weakening economies in China and Europe that dampen demand, coupled with an increase in domestic supply attributable to new technology that unlocks hitherto inaccessible oil-in-ground (i.e., fracking). Also, an estimated $25/bbl “Iran premium” is coming off spot prices as fears of a Persian Gulf war recede now that Iran is in talks with Western powers about its nuke program. Supply-demand fundamentals support a market price of about $80/bbl and we’ve already seen WTI fall from $107+ to $91 in just a few weeks; so I think most of the remaining approx. $11 will also come off.
It takes weeks for falling crude prices to work their way down to the pump because refiners and retailers will sell their more-expensive inventories first. So you still haven’t seen the full impact of $107 -> $91 at the pump. And with crude prices still declining, pump prices will continue coming down well into summer.
Consumers in western Washington haven’t seen much of any reduction in pump prices. What’s going on here is unique. Local pump prices are still in the $4.25 range because of local refinery issues. Once those supply constraints clear up, the fall in local gas prices will be fast and furious. Seattle-area drivers could be pumping gas in the $3.00 – $3.50 before the election.
Using puddybutt’s logic, Obama will deserve the credit, and Seattle voters should reward him with their votes. The truth is, Obama had nothing to do with the fire at Washington state’s largest refinery. But he does have something to do with the “Iran premium” being taken off the market price of crude — if it weren’t for him, Israel would be bombing Iran by now, and oil would be pushing $150 — so for once, puddybutt is half-right.
Do you suppose this hate-filled Christianist pastor, the one advocating death camps for lesbians and gays, might have some issues (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)?
What is with these people? Why are the most ostentatious, obnoxious, Bible-thumping followers of a guy who said, “Love your neighbor” the most vile, hateful, murderous sons-of-bitches?
What’s wrong with Christians?
Waxx often complains that DUMMOCRAPTS (the people who call him names)will say that he thinks or believes a certain thing which the Waxxer states that he has never exactly said that he believes.
He will then draw himself up into a mighty huff and demand that SOMEONE ELSE show him where and when he said that particular thing. This is a waste of my time and everyone elses.
Right wing nuts generally subscribe to a pretty homogenous set of ideas (as do Catholics, Southern Baptists, Democrats, Republicans, etc…).
To suppose that the Waxxman also subscribes to nutty right wing ideas is a given. If a certain right wing idea that the Waxxy One finds inconvenient to espouse is attributed to him, he should prove to everyone that he doesn’t believe it, not the other way around.
Indiana……….. gone
Florida: A new Quinnipiac University Poll shows Romney is now beating Obama 47 percent to 41 percent in Florida. Just two months ago, Obama led Romney in the same poll 49 percent to 42 percent.
Just two months ago Romney hadn’t locked up the Republican nomination. This is maybe not the greatest news for Obama, but it isn’t surprising.
Sounds about right to me.
re 90: Let’s take things one at a time. Wisconsin’s a dead heat. The polls say so.
Romney just sealed the deal and Obama’s remarks on gay marriage probably pissed a few folks off. Not really that big of a deal or unexpected. In the long run Obama will be better off from coming out in support of gay marriage.
@ 93
And yet (Intrade):
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to win the 5 June 2012 recall election
Last prediction was: $9.39 / share
Today’s Change: +$0.14 (+1.5%)
Contract Type: 0-100
Wisconsin a dead heat in some poll is as realistic as the HA poll analysis giving Obama a 99.99% chance of winning the election.
Even Rujax knows Obama’s likelihood of success is nowhere near that high.
Talk is cheap. People willing to put their money where their mouths are are betting big-time on Walker. Even Milwaukee’s biggest newspaper endorsed his retention.
With investment bankers and underwriters stepping in to prop it up, Fraudbook’s stock is up a few cents today. Meanwhile, one of the company’s co-founders has renounced his U.S. citizenship and moved to Singapore, and Zuckie has gotten married (in order to shield assets?), as the SEC investigations and civil lawsuits begin to fly. I wonder what country The Zuck is planning to move to, now that he’s made off with the suckers’ money? Perhaps Israel?
@88 “What’s wrong with Christians?”
They aren’t Christians.
@ 97
Nicely said. Sort of a riff on the bumper sticker I used to see, ‘The Moral Majority is Neither’.
Then where are the ‘real’ Christians denouncing this scumbag?
It would be nice if the US Council of Catholic Bishops took a moment from their own (slightly more subtle) gay-bashing, and woman-bashing, and at least pointed out that they weren’t in favor of concentration camps.
Whither the Episcopalians? Methodists? Mormons?
@ 99
Maybe start with the Baptists, since the pastor is Baptist. I went onto the Raleigh News & Observer site, found the video. Zero comments about it. Not even from those opposed.
Bet no one knows about it yet.
You have a fine sense of irony here, Bob. But, wasn’t it you a few threads ago who was caviling about the WaPo poll with only 22% GOP representation in the poll sample. There is a similar complaint against the Marquette poll (Walker’s alma mater and a recent recipient of a 1 million dollar donation made in Walker’s name by a grateful Walker benefactor) heavily representing GOOPERS in their poll.
Is the donation to Marquette some of the ‘smart money’ you are referring to? Used to be called a bribe.
@ 101
It was yesterday. Time flies.
Link to the Marquette material?
@ 101
Madison’s progressive community is well-represented by Capital Times.
I went there and searched ‘Marquette poll’. No mention of what you are saying.
Link, please.
@ 101
You might be sorry you brought it up. There’s something I found about a January poll in which the crosstab accuracy was questioned.
About today’s poll, this is what I found:
Articles that start out ‘Warning signs for Democrats’ generally aren’t taken well on this site. Gee, I’m awfully sorry about that.
re 102 —
Well, Bob, we’ll find out in a few weeks, won’t we?
I am confident that if fully 1/3 of the registered voters in Wisconsin signed a petition to recall Walker, that it is highly unlikely that, given that fact, Walker nonetheless has a 6 point lead.
@ 105
Noted, except a majority of that piece refers to January, and there’s only mention of a continuing pattern.
I also note that author’s reference point is an average of electorate breakdown averaged over 2006, 2008, and 2010.
This really isn’t 2006 or 2008 anymore. I think that’s the major flaw in his argument, that he thinks 2008 deserves equal weighting with 2010.
@ 106 Yes, we will. I suspect that the number of signatures isn’t an accurate reflection of the percent of people in the state who give a crap.
I think it was Michael who last week said it would be a blowout if Barrett lost by 12. I’ll predict that the margin is closer to 12 than to 6. That’s the real plum here, if a repudiation of union tactics swings more momentum to reform in WI. If that happens, Romney will blanket the state and it will be totally in play. Last thing Obama needs is to defend another formerly safe state.
If it’s a 5-point Walker win, state stays blue because Romney won’t try to flip it.
We’ll see.
Dueling Op-Eds in the Capital Times:
That was me and I’ll stick with that. Maybe move it down to 10.
Wisconsin’s been a year of virtually unbridled fun.
Kloppenburg declaring victory with a 200 vote margin and then refusing to concede when the vote swung 7,000 in the other direction was ROFLMFAO funny.
Kathleen Falk promising to do the bidding of the unions.
Barrett claiming success as Milwaukee mayor, using spending-cut tactics employed by Walker.
Unions wasting all this money for what will be a reinforcement of Walker’s original win and in all likelihood a wider vote margin this time around.
Yeah, those are all Greatest Hits.
WI becoming a swing state as a result of union activity…….. would be priceless.
Anyone else looking forward to November this year?
@99 “It would be nice if the US Council of Catholic Bishops took a moment from their own (slightly more subtle) gay-bashing, and woman-bashing”
We’ll they have, Lib Sci. Please give credit when credit is due. Following the lead of Hans Ziegler, the Bishops are going after Girl Scouts. You remember them, those hairy-legged lesbians? It certainly beats the hell out of their talking about the +4,000 pedophile priests. Just like Bob would prefer to talk about polls rather than talk about the hundreds of pedophile Republicans who have been busted and the thousands who haven’t.
I’m looking forward to seeing the effect of the absurd amount of money pouring into the Walker campaign and PACs will make a significant difference.
@ 112
Libs/unions take advantage of a weird aspect of WI election law to attempt to recall a democratically elected governor, which is noble and laudable.
GOP, in response, takes advantage of equally weird quirks in the law to create a substantial fund-raising advantage, which apparently is not so noble and laudable.
Lost amongst these observations is the fact that the DNC and its allies could have dumped tons of money into the race, and chose not to.
Money is good when Obama outraises McCain 3 to 1 and doesn’t need government help to do it.
Money when the advantage is on the GOP side? Er, not so good.
Maybe Bob will prove me wrong and have one of his “high-brow” conversations about his, um, little unspoken problem. One by one. One pedo at a time. We could start with the Republican who was naked when he answered the knock on his door, expecting the delivery of his victim. The knock on his door wasn’t quite what he was hoping for, was it, Bob?
@ 114
Noted. I also note he served on the Parole Board. So going forward he should know the drill, which from what I read includes perpetual rape by the largest guys in the slammer once he finally gets there. Those boys really love pedophiles.
“Noted” Well, that’s certainly “high-brow”.
Maybe we should try talking about David Berlin. He’s the Republican who wanted to wear a panda costume while having sex with his victim.
I think pedophiles are attracted to the Republican party like flies to shit because of the atmosphere of fear and oppression they foster. Of course, that’s just my opinion. I’d be interested in hearing Bob’s thoughts on why he thinks his party is a pedo magnet. So why do you think pedophiles are attracted to your party, Bob?
@ 116
Wu, David. Tiger costume. Tried to rape the underage daughter of a donor.
What’s the explanation for the pedophile who used to be one of Cantwell’s staffers, then?
The Bishops are going after the Girl Scouts because they say they don’t share Catholic values.
Hmm, I can think of another organization that doesn’t share Catholic values. Can you, Bob? The Iraq war, the death penalty, health care, minimum wage, welfare, basic rights of workers, withdrawl of Israel from Palistinian territories, treatment of legal immigrants, treatment of illegal immigrants, preventive war and on and on. The organization I have in mind stands in opposition to the Bishops and the Church on all of these issues and more.
I’m sure the US Council of Catholic Bishops will be taking on the Republican party as soon as they have dealt with the scourge that is the Girl Scouts of America.
The Republican policies ran the economy off the cliff. Then they blamed Obama for our nation’s ills before he was even in office. Then, while passing one bill after another suppressing the rights of Americans, they absolutely refused to work with the president and Democrats to solve the nations economic problems, prolonging the agony of millions of Americans who are suffering due to the abject failure of 30 years of Reganomics. Now they run a man for president who is incapable of holding a a single position for more than 24 hours as they bring an end to Democracy in America one town and one state at a time.
Speaking of the end of Democracy in America, I wonder if any of the residents of Benton Harbor, Michigan, you know, those poor slobs who don’t get to vote in local elections anymore, will be attending the PGA Senior Championship that will be held on what used to be the pride of the town, their public waterfront park. The park that was sold off by their Republican dictat, er, Emergency Manager, to a Republican buddy of his.
At least the residents of Benton Harbor will get to watch millionaires play golf. Sure, that’s not much, but now they can get jobs changing Republican bed sheets at the resort for minimum wage. Well, while there still is a minimum wage. So, yeah, they may not be able to vote anymore, but at least the residents of Benton Harbor have got that going for them.
If you want to talk about Democrats like Wu, Bob, say one Democrat per day until we’re done, then let’s do it. We’d be done by Friday. If we discussed the Republicans like David Berlin one per day, that conversation would go on until sometime in April, 2013. That’s what some might call “false equivalence”, Bob.
I really doubt that you want to have that conversation, Bob.
The game plan is to stop Walker. It’d be nice to get rid of the lying bastard, but it’s not necessary for him to be tossed out for the people of Wisconsin to put a stop to what he’s doing. Democrats only need to win one of five elections and it’s all over for him.
Geez, it appears that Arizona has determined that our president is an American citizen. That’s gotta really suck for some people we know.
Do you think we should have a strong broad middle class in America, even if, as a consequence, it means that the rich have to become less rich in the process?
Most of the progressive here are arguing for policies that they think are better for the middle class. You seem to be fighting against that.
Are you having trouble coming up with another Democrat, Bob? That’s too bad. I’ve got a list of Republican pedophiles that’s six pages long. Um, and they’re all from this century, Bob, just in case you finally found the name “Gary Stubbs”.
Ooo… There’s more.
Liberation theology isn’t exactly the righties favorite thing.
You know, seeing the way in which Republicans so gleefully sold off Benton Harbor’s only public asset, their beloved waterfront park, maybe it actually makes sense why they’re going to nominate a corporate raider to run for the highest office in the land.
Indeed, as a golfer, I see that there’s an upside to Romney winning the presidency. I might just get to play golf on a lovely new course in what used to be Yellowstone National Park.
Free Speech Is Selective
People who threaten to kill Gov. Gregoire and Pres. Obama get off on free speech grounds. But these folks were arrested, handcuffed, and charged with crimes:
High school kids who tweeted about placing bombs in lockers and shooting people.
A woman who boarded a commercial airliner wearing a t-shirt saying, “If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a senator”.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, I’m not saying these people shouldn’t be arrested, handcuffed, and charged. All I’m saying is people who threaten to kill our elected officials should be arrested, handcuffed, and charged, too. If anyone at all is arrested, handcuffed, and charged merely for what comes out of his/her mouth, doesn’t that establish the principle that not all speech is protected by the First Amendment? And if that’s so, shouldn’t threatening to kill public officials also be outside the bounds of protected free speech?
I get the impression that already your stuck, Bob. Try Googling “Dan Sutton”. With that, I don’t want to ever hear you say that I’ve never helped you.
“If I wanted the government in my womb, I’d fuck a senator”.
Now that’s damned funny!
Arizona’s GOP secretary of state announced today he is “satisfied” that President Obama is a U.S. citizen and will not keep him off Arizona’s ballot.
Meanwhile, grandstanding GOP sheriff Joe Arpaio continues wasting county taxpayers’ money:
“In March, an Arizona sheriff declared Obama’s birth certificate a forgery following an investigation by a … group of untrained citizens, acting at the request of conservative Tea Party activists in the Phoenix area. Not content with [secretary of state[ Bennett’s probe, the office of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said on Wednesday that an investigator … and a deputy detective had been sent to Hawaii … to carry out their own investigation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Birther silliness is like whacking off, they get endless pleasure from it.
Personally, I think the t-shirt about fucking a senator is funny, but I wouldn’t allow it on a plane with kids aboard.
After all, senators are continually fucking us, which isn’t so funny.
Hell, at this point, Roger, just about every American has been fucked by a Republican.
@135 Most of us multiple times. It used to be you could avoid getting fucked by Republicans by refusing to work for them or do business with them. So now their game plan is to take over government at all levels, and use government’s taxing power to get money out of you. The GOP’s new mantra is, they get the profits, and we get the taxes. And they name all the crap they build with our money after themselves.