Please join us tonight for another evening of electoral politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally. There are a number of elections we will be tracking tonight:
- Wisconsin special Democratic primaries: This election will determine Gov. Scott Walker’s Democratic challenger. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett is favored. Also, the Lt. Gov. and four state Senate primaries will be held.
- Indiana Republican primary: Sen. Richard Lugar is in a tight race against Teabagger favorite State Treasurer Richard Mourdock.
- North Carolina Constitutional Amendment: Amendment 1, which seems likely to pass, will add this to the NC Constitution:
Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State….
Come join the conversation as the election results are released.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm, but a few folks show up earlier for dinner or to watch the early returns.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? There are other DL meetings this week. Tonight the Tri-Cities, Bellingham, and Vancouver, WA chapters meet, and Thursday night Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets.
With 234 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s a chapter near you.
An early but hearty “thank-you” to our brain dead teabagging TEA Party folks who are going to give the Democratic party an opportunity to pick up a senate seat in Indiana.
Speaking of elections, inevitable GOP presidential nominee and WA GOP caucus winner Rmoney is one tough hombre
With Ron Paul, GOP expects Wash. convention battle (no linky to the Blethen family tax payer subsidized hobby horse)
All of which leads us to some very perplexing dilemmas:
– Is it primarily the WA GOP leadership which is so lame (by the way, who did they recruit to run a viable campaign against Sen Maria Cantwell?) they can’t turn out convention delegates to support the will of the WA electorate?
– Is it primarily the lame Mitt Rmoney who can’t seal the deal even after he’s won?
– Is it primarily the lame shop worn GOP philosophy which can’t motivate Washingtonians to give a shit for over 30 years?
Oh, and I think washed up talk radio know-nothing Kirby is more than a tad off the mark in his estimation of how many WA GOP delegates are going to be won by Ron Paul. But then again, if Kirby was any good at prognosticating on politics he’d have a job in his chosen career.
No time for LiveBlogging the Lugar race.
Dick Lugar got his ass kicked, and the TEA Party and its astroturf funders just put a seat held for over 40 years in play for the Democrats.
Yea teabaggers!
Dick Lugar has been recently branded as a “moderate Republican”, and, of course, brain dead teabaggers bought that hook, line and sinker. But I challenge you to find filibuster votes in the past 4 years where he didn’t vote with his whack-a-doodle caucus.
Now that his constituency, his party, and his party’s new leader, Mitt Rmoney, left him to twist in the wind what will the the octogenarian lame duck due in his caucus for the next 8 months?
I think Lugar will be true to himself and true to his name. I think Lugar will be one GIANT DICK in his caucus.
Suck on it!
Good news.. Lugar was probably the last of the Republican adults.. Poor teabaggers couldn’t see the forest for trees when it came to Lugar’s complicity with blocking Obama’s agenda.
@ 5 YLB,
I can’t help but laugh at the Indiana teabaggers and the dipshit GOP. Lugar’s sin was being a long time dedicated Republican politician who voted with them EVERY time.
For those inclined to twist the knife, Money Bomb for the next US Senator from Indiana
North Carolina voters are ugly bigots..
Same sex marriage is already banned there. But they have to go further and ban any kind of domestic partnership, i.e. no civil unions either.
It’s easy to urge people to just leave such an ugly place but if you do, the bigots just win and nothing changes.
I’ll kind of miss Dick Lugar. I didn’t agree with him much, but he was a serious person who recognized that being in the United States Senate requires a sense of responsibility, not just ideological rigidity. The Republican Party has taken one more step toward going the way of the Whigs.
In the North Carolina edition of the bible Leviticus 19:18 reads: Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, except if they’re queers.
Indiana doesn’t have a democratic candidate for the Senate yet. I wouldn’t underestimate the tendency of Hoosiers voting for whomever the repub candidate is. Generally speaking, Republican voters way outnumber Democratic voters, and even the Dems they have elected (Evan Bayh) are relatively conservative.
I was shocked as hell the state went to Obama in 08. But it drove the John Birchers and racists insane. Indiana is chock full of flat earthers.
Indiana certainly does have a Democratic candidate for US Senate. It is Congressman Joe Donelly.
Maybe look at IN Senate ’12 the same way as UT Senate ’10.
Spend all you want on this election in November. It will be money you don’t spend trying to save MO and FL.
Go ahead. We’re counting on it.
Memory check, guys (and YLB): A GOP Senator too close to Obama got bounced the same way your ilk bounced Joe-mentum in 2006 during the CT Senate primary, because he was too close to Bush. Somehow that was OK, principled, even.
Lugar stopped representing the interests of his state long ago. Might have been ok from a foreign policy perspective. Not so much from a local voter’s perspective.
This moves the Senate further right without a GOP pickup. I’m OK with that.
12 – YLB stands for YO’S LIB BRO..
If you’re curious who “YO” is.
I’m his bro’.. Thankfully I got the brains
Which is why he and Obama saw eye-to-eye on foreign policy and Lugar voted lockstep with McConnell on thwarting Obama’s domestic agenda.
Yep makes about as much sense as the rest of the frothing of the tea party cult.
@ 13
Your Wisconsin recall update:
With no reason for Republicans to vote, Gov. Scott Walker darn near got more votes than the four Democrats combined – 626,538 to 665,436. And how many of his supporters went for Falk in a mischief vote is an open question. What’s more, the Democrats managed to attract only two-thirds as many votes as the 900,000 who signed the recall petitions.
I don’t see the big deal about this gay marriage thing. What’s the difference if two people who happen to be the same sex want to establish their realtionship in society with the same perks and responsibilities as two people of the opposite sex?
@ 17
The difference is that Obama is too much of a pussy to recognize the rights of the former example to marry.
He has no problem with heterosexual marriage.
Can’t risk losing those AA votes or blue-collar indie votes by being honest with the country.
And your ilk has no problem giving him cover. Dick Cheney is closer to the left’s stance on gay marriage than Obama. Obama will acknowledge more rights to KSM than he will to two gay American-born men. Go figure.
How not to talk about politics.
Uhhh.. Bob I see Cheney to his credit doing some lobbying in Delaware.
How about in North Carolina? Not his problem I bet.
Any with Mitt??? Or any other Republican running for national office?
About the gay spokesperson who left the (R – Money) campaign???
Didn’t think so.
Obama should have all the support the lgbt community or any Democrat can muster to keep the Oligarchy’s choice out of the White House. That’s what’s at stake.
Make or break moment for the 99 percent.
@ 20
Uhhh.. Bob I see Cheney to his credit doing some lobbying in Delaware.
How about in North Carolina? Not his problem I bet.
Doya think that Cheney’s failure to blanket all 50 states during this campaign might have just A LITTLE to do with the fact that less than two months ago he had his chest cracked and someone else’s heart implanted into his chest?
Perhaps, YLB, you should look at the fact that Obama had NC on his list of stops to make this week, and then quickly cancelled it when the results of the final poll on the just-passed initiative in that state were released.
You’re awfully quiet about the healthy guy who’s too much of a pussy to show up in opposition of something he says he opposes.
But the old guy who hasn’t made it to 50 states yet? Well, fuck him. He’s a conservative – he’s got it coming.
I know that many of my friends scoff and laugh at him but for my part, I’m love seeing Mitt embrace the concept of alternate realities. Imagine where he can go from here. Surely you recall how Mitt gave up his seat on the bus to Rosa Parks and how he courageously marched alongside MLK Jr.? Then there was that unforgettable moment when he stood in the vinyards, wiping the sweat from the brow of Cesar Chavez and thus bettering the lives of America’s latinos? The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Does that ungrateful nag not recall the sage advise Mitt once gave a young Playboy bunny named Gloria Steinem that soon would soon prove to be the Genesis of of the women’s rights movement and fair pay?
Alternate reality. Go for it, Mitt!
21 – You miss the point Bob! Your ugly Republican party, your ugly tea party with damned too few exceptions is doing whatever it can to spit on the rights of women and sexual minorities.
And you have the nerve to call Obama names.
@ 23
I also fondly recall how the Selma march gave our brave young president’s parents the courage to have that child, as related by our president himself.
Even though he was born two years prior to that march.
In fact, that march and his parents’ brave act of, er, fucking two-plus years before it gave our young brave president the courage to, er, NOT show up in NC once it was clear that the vote was a lost cause.
@ 23
Seems to me I’ve seen ‘R-money’ around here more than once. Call him names? ‘Bushitler’ ring a bell?
I thought my @21 point was a response to Cheney’s failure to campaign in NC as you noted in @20. I guess a recent heart transplant and the inability to commute long distances isn’t a good enough excuse for you, since you are trying to change the subject.
Or perhaps acknowledge the point I did make.
Republicans are still searching for a campaign issue to use against Obama.
Iraq? We have only a nominal presence left.
Afganistan? Getting out, slower than originally planned, but still on track.
Security? Obama issued to order to kill Bin Laden, Navy Seals did the deed. A far cry from Rumsfield calling off a 2005 attempt. The GOP is left complaining that Obama is “spiking the ball” on the issue.
Bailouts? Bush led Tarp I, and now Romney’s claiming credit for the auto bailout (now that we are making money on it).
Jobs? Just a couple of weeks ago the party line was claiming that everything Obama did was to deflect attention from the jobs issue. But all credible evidence shows the economy steadily improving – if slowly – under Obama. Republicans are left wondering how flat-footed they are going to be if/when the economy hits below 8% unemployemnt with gas prices below $3.50 per gallon by the middle of summer 2012.
Gays – time for the GOP to go back to the 2004 stategy – scare people with the prospect of gays getting married. They will stand firmly astride the tracks of history, holding up their hands in a fuitile effort to stop progress, and proclaiming “no further” to mankind’s progress.
25 – How “pussy” was this Bob?
Almost all of your fellow travellers here in these comment threads would say “very, very” – no matter what the subject.
Obama can’t kill enough terrorists to satisfy a right winger..
@ 27
Way brave, YLB. So brave it makes you complicit in his ‘evolving’ stance on gay marriage. Carney and Biden’s own staff are scrambling because Biden went off-message on Sunday and said what he believes. Which pressures Obama to tell us what he believes.
Which Obama is too scared to do.
Well done, YLB. Got me on that one.
28 – Bob. I support Obama not because I agree with everything he’s done or his style of governing.
I support him because there’s ABSOLUTELY NO ALTERNATIVE.
I’d vote for Mitt if there’s was just a ghost of a chance that in the long run after all the damage a Mitt will do that a revitalized Democratic party will restore this country. But in my view there’s ZERO chance of that.
I wish I could have voted for McCain but his choice of Sarah Palin closed that one down quick and living in WA State? A pointless exercise.
Tea-Party favorite Michele Bachman has taken out dual-citizenship in Switzerland (her husband qualifies as a Swiss citizen).
What’s going on with that? I thought you had to choose citizenship at age 18, and the U.S. didn’t recognize dual citizenship. Have things changed?
What’s interesting is that Swizterland required it’s citizens to purchase insurance, something which draws Bachman’s ire.
Bachman takes dual citizenship in Switzerland
@ 29
You are much less fun to interact with now that I have learned your gender.
Appreciate the honest response. In reply, I’d prefer someone other than Romney but I have seen the alternative to a Romney presidency and it’s unacceptable.
What I find most surprising is that the demographic (other than AA and union) that is most supportive of Obama is the younger adult demographic, and yet they are the ones most being hurt currently and who will be most hurt in the future by his policies.
Stupidity should be painful. Sad it will come to that for them.
Enjoy your day.
@ 30
Right side bloggers had trouble figuring it out, as well.
Maybe she gets a free watch?
31 – How sexist is that? We’re talking politics here Bob. Did you think you were freaking flirting?? Sheesh.
Which of Obama’s policies are hurting the young Bob???
The student loan interest rates that Republicans are holding hostage in order to hurt “AA and unions”???
32 – Wow. Michelle has willingly become a citizen of what she’d call a “gangster government”..
The voters in that district must truly deserve her.
Student loan thing is not a big deal. It really isn’t. Don’t forget that Bush signed legislation lowering rates. It’s not like Dems want it and GOP doesn’t. The holdup right now is the mechanics and it will be solved, just like every manufactured crisis after the political advantage has been wrung from it.
Offhand, I would say that:
1. Persistently high unemployment.
2. Staggeringly high youth unemployment.
3. Unbelievably high youth AA unemployment.
4. Inflation to come in future years.
5. Growing entitlement obligations.
are related fairly directly to current policy and that younger Americans will be disproportionately stung by these problems because older Americans don’t have as many years left to be harmed by them.
Your ilk has decided that soaking the rich is what you will try to do. It won’t work and if it were to work it wouldn’t affect any of the things I listed. There isn’t enough rich money to solve the problem.
Raise taxes across the board solves the problem but doesn’t get Obama re-elected if he tries it.
I actually would be harmed little by another 4 years of Obama. I’m 50. But my daughter……
She’s just now starting to figure it out.
It was very painful for McCain after his choice of Sarah Palin Bob..
It was also painful for his disfigured first wife after he dumped her for a prettier, younger and richer model. McCain’s stupidity that is, depending on the perspective.
The country dodged a bullet on that one. Thanks in part to young people. Times are tough for them to be sure. It’ll only get tougher if they stupidly choose apathy.
Looks like another solid day of ylb posting all……day…….long….
Lazy is as lazy does……..not to worry ylb, hard working successful people like will keep you fed and housed…
Rejoice, YLB!
How brave of him!
Obama came out and supported same-sex marriage. Breaking news just now, no story yet.
He was shamed into it. By Joe Biden.
Way to control your message, Barack. You finally are brave enough to have the same stance as the majority of America, and Dick Cheney.
Rujax polishing his Obama kneepads in 3……2……….1………….
Three cheers for Joe Biden!
35 – Bob, bob, bob… Even I freaking read The Millionaire Next Door.
You say you’re in the one percent. The modest end but you’re a fortunate man.
According to the book your favorite car is a Ford F150 pickup. You blend in well in a middle class neighborhood and shop bargains with the best of them. Your wife makes you look like a piker when it comes to how tight you are with money.
You should also be funding your daughter’s education in full to major in a professional field: medicine, academia, engineering (forget law at least for now) because?? Business sucks and there’s other ways of making a good living that isn’t so stressful.
What else???
Gimme a break Bob. You’re not following politics too closely.. The Republicans in the House and when they can get away it, the Senate, are extracting pounds of flesh from a Democratic constituency every time something that is important to the D’s comes up for a vote.
We’ve seen it with the transportation bills, (remember the FAA mess?) and now this student loan thing…
We saw it with the debt limit. Everything is cutting off people in need and busting unions with them.
No inflation is not a threat until the economy reaches capacity and people are saying screw you to their bosses en masse and walking to better paying gigs because they can again.
Money’s got to come from somewhere Bob. The Fed can print it or the government can tax it. Or like Paul Ryan want to do, screw the poor to give well off people and corporations more tax cuts. Or like I want to do – hold the national security sector accountable for their uncontrolled spending. It’s easily one third of the federal dollar.
Three cheers for Joe Biden!
I cannot believe I fucking just wrote that.
Damn. Was hoping he would have told it to Tapper.
Did an asshat who “works hard” at being stupid, arrogant and racist say something?
@ 27
I wonder how brave YLB thinks Obama is, being the absolute last person in his own administration to come out in support of gay marriage.
Leading from behind.
Although it will be spun very differently by Matthews and O’Donnell. Yet another ‘gutsy call’ by The One.
@ 43
If it’s Wednesday, it must be YLB yet again dredging up someone’s past comment about his heritage.
44 – It’s just politics Bob. It sucks. Nothing changes for me because I try to see the big picture. Other people don’t or miss things and that makes all the difference.
45 – Comment like “have a taco and shut the fuck up”??? No right winger hides from their legacy here Bob if I can help it.
@ 46
Ah, but RR gets a free pass.
Why, I’m not sure unless it’s hypocrisy, but RR gets a free pass.
I prefer the Richard Pryor version, myself:
Just when you think Obama is growing a spine, he validates the NC election results:
The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states deciding the issue on their own. But he said he’s confident that more Americans will grow comfortable with gays and lesbians getting married, citing his own daughters’ comfort with the concept.
Ah, and why did The One decide to make this brave move?
’cause he’s being pounded for being such a pussy:!/andylevy/statuses/200301427560681472
and it might hurt his re-election chances.
So there you go, YLB. There’s your brand of bravery, apparently. Otherwise known as Cutting One’s Losses.
Hopenchange, y’all. Spineless version.
47 – I don’t know Bob. What is worse? McCain’s use of “gooks” to describe his Vietnamese captors on the campaign trail or what RR said?
I talked to a WWII vet last Veteran’s day and he referred to the Japanese as “Japs” too. Was he a bad guy?? Would you have called him out on his language?
What would you have Mitt do differently Bob?
Bob. See someone about that ODS. Maybe an SSRI would help.
Take care of yourself.
@ 50
Next time McCain comments on this site I’ll call him out. Strictly dickly is more likely to be here than her daddy, tho.
I’m not sure why we give a pass to the military on that. Do we give a pass to someone who had a bad experience as a child, too? How about a rape? A robbery? Losing to a minority during a spelling bee, does that give someone leeway to use a slur later in life?
Wrong is wrong. Stop trying to justify RR’s bigotry by pointing out that he’s not the only one.
You should be embarrassed that this even needs to be said.
OFA and BHO did this with calculation and precision. They do not do stuff like this by “accident”.
We can all be as cynical as we want but the fact is that this is HUGE.
Love is love…commitment is commitment…regardless of race or sexual orientation; marriage with ALL it’s rights and responsibilities MUST be available to all.
Thanks to our President for leading the way.
So I heard “Bob” has gotten into the puddybitch’s goats. Another goatfucker!
Damn! Who knew?
@ 55
Calculated, precise incompetence, then.
Wipe your mouth before you get up from your knees and try to speak, Rujax. Jesus, what a fucking embarrassment you can be sometimes.
Hey, YLB:
Can you save Rujax!’s ‘Thanks to our president for leading the way.’ comment for future use?
Or use it as a banner across the top of the HA blog for the rest of the day, at least?
I don’t think I’ve ever read a more fawning, divorced-from-reality statement on this site. Ever.
That’s gotta be some kind of record for blatant blind devotion. Or at least HA shark-jumping.
Presented, with calculation and precision, for your entertainment:
They were called Japs for a very long time, Bob. You say that you’re 50 years old. You should know better. To any kid growing up when Roger and I did, we were attacked by Japs and we have been at peace with the Japanese for 67 years. It’s still that way, Bob. If Roger is a bigot, then so is damn near every American who grew up in the 40’s through early 60’s.
“Another goatfucker!”
Other blogs get trolls, we get goatfuckers. It may not seem fair, but that’s the way it is.
@ 60
So, then, do we cut RR’s kids a break, because their father used bigoted language and they grew up hearing it? How about his grandkids?
Jesus, guys. Wrong is wrong. If at some point you dismiss racism or bigotry because you think there’s a valid excuse then you lose all moral authority to call it out when it’s used in situations you do find objectionable.
What part of that concept strikes you as foreign? It’s either tolerated or it isn’t. You can’t dismiss it from RR and call it out when you hear it in the background at at Tea Party gathering.
You don’t get it both ways. It’s either something that’s unacceptable for a country moving forward, or it’s time to STFU when you hear it used by those with whom you disagree.
Is it that hard to tell RR to STFU and that he brings shame on the group to talk that way? I mean, there’s a lag time between the typed word and the pressed ‘submit’ button. And even then he’s got 5 minutes to retract.
It’s wrong or it’s not. Period.
@24 Geez, Bob, I think you’ve confused our nation’s beloved president with your failed candidate who, if I’m not mistaken, none of you can bring yourself to praise. But that’s understandable. Anyways, you’re likely failing to remember how Mitt fondly recalls attending Detroit’s Golden Jubilee which celebrated the 50th anniversary of the American automobile. Odd. That occurred on June 1, 1946, nine months before Mitt was born. Then again, you might be thinkiing of how Mitt remembers seeing his dad march with Martin Luther King, Jr. Heh. Again, before Mitt was born. I can only conclude that Mitt must have been one remarkable little zygote when he was young.
@62 Good grief, Bob! If you birth goats when Roger says the word “Jap”, then Lord only knows how wretched you must feel when your troll friends here are calling blacks “niggers”.
@ 63
Also recall Bill Richardson claiming he was drafted by the A’s.
Ah, and Hillary named after Sir Edmund, who no one had heard about until after she was born.
Plenty of examples, likely.
Rather than calling him a zygote, try “Daddy’s Little Squirt.” More respectful, no?
@62 Admittedly, right-wing extremists calling blacks “niggers” isn’t exactly earth-shattering news. But when your self-loathing black teabagger friend comes to “Nigger”-spewers defense, that’s really something to see. How do you feel when you see that, Bob? Do you feel the same as you do with Roger and the word “Jap”? It seems unlikely seeing as how we’ve never heard a fucking peep out of you when your buddies here are spewing the “N” word.
@ 66
Actually, the one time I was around when YLB caught some shit I did have something to say.
The other times? Don’t think I was around. I recall two – one in the previous paragraph and RR.
Said something each time. I’m not the HA cop. I just think it’s astonishing that all of you forward-thinking, high-sloping-forehead people let RR get away with it.
Gotta run.
It seems to me that, Mitt confuses himself and people of his generation with his father and people of his father’s generation.
@65 Mitt’s the candidate, Bob, not those people. Your candidate is the person running for president who has a problem relating to reality. I’m sure you’ve noticed that he keeps making shit up and getting busted for it. He’s kind of like a troll that way. He’s also got another problem. Rag as you will on the opposition, not one of you trolls can come up with anything good to say about your own chosen candidate. This should be easy, Bob. After all, your guy holds umpteen positions on every subject so there ought to be something you can say in praise of him. Even if you can’t think of anything reality-based, you’re a troll, just make shit up.
@ 68
Elaborate, please.
“Don’t think I was around.”
Odd, it seems no troll has never witnessed another troll going off on “Niggers” here but they’ll never forget the day Roger used the word “Jap”. Hell, you weren’t even here then and you remember it too.
Without mentioning his 4-D deferment and the knowledge that he’d never be drafted, and with visions of French vinyards likely still in his head, Mitt had this to say about his service in Vietnam.
“‘I was not planning on signing up for the military,’ he said. It was not my desire to go off and serve in Vietnam, but nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft. If drafted, I would have been happy to serve, and if I didn’t get drafted I was happy to be with my wife and new child.'”
In case you don’t know, Bob, it was Roger who took Mitt’s place in the battlefields of Vietnam. While Mitt was wine-tasting in France on his cush missionary assignment and learning the proper pronounciation of “dressage”, Roger was fighting America’s enemies in the jungles of Vietnam.
How do you feel about that, Bob?
“nor did I take any actions to remove myself from the pool of young men who were eligible for the draft”
Well, except for that 4-D deferment. But seeing as how he’s the bad-ass motherfucker who heroically and single-handedly saved America’s auto industry, I’ll cut him some slack.
“The Catholic League wants an apology from Elmhurst College, where Savage was speaking in a chapel.”
Yeah, and I’m sure Bill Donohue will soon be on the toob apologizing for all known Catholic atrocities from the Inquisition to today’s rape of children.
The 4-D deferrment, available to pastors, divinity students and missionaries, was something for which you had to actively apply. Everyone knew that if you had one, you wouldn’t get drafted, short of WWIII. For Mitt to act as though it was merely coincidental that he wasn’t drafted is making a mockery of the exemption. He’s borrowing the same lines that Cheney and Rove used to explain away their own failure to serve, even though both jumped through some extraordinary hoops to make sure they weren’t drafted.
In their place went Al Gore Jr. (volunteered for duty in Vietnam, was assigned as a journalist in-country there); John Kerry (say what you will, he volunteered for service and led troops in hazardous duty); and Roger Rabbit.
Back home, Mitch McConnell, Republican Minority Leader in the Senate (if I remember correctly), turned a year of intership on Capital Hill into a shortening of his term of service in a reserve unit stationed in his home state of Kentucky into only a few weeks of service before reporting back to service on Capital Hill. Congressman Jack Kemp pursued a 4-F classification which, mysteriously, didn’t prevent him from playing professional football but kept him out of the military.
I could go on, but with so many chicken-hawks in the Republican party from which to choose, where would I stop?
I remember a right-winger of the Vietnam era who dismissed a colleague as “stupid”. I asked him what he meant. He said that he served in Vietnam, which meant that he was stupid. Anybody with any brains knew how to get out of serving in Vietnam, he claimed, and those that didn’t deserved to get killed to clean out the gene pool. He carried that attitude in business as well – if he cheats you, he laughs and says it’s your own fault for being stupid enough not to trust him.
Yes you have asshat. Sure sucks to be you!
Finally we have a candidate for president of these united states who has come out for LGBT equality. FORWARD!
Oh wait. That was GOP candidate Mitt Rmoney in 1994 in one of his other failed attempts at pandering for elective office.
Bob and other trolls can bemoan the pace of leadership by Obama and his administration on LGBT equality, but it is very clear that of the 2 candidates for President in 2012 one has claimed to be a leader, and one has been an effective leader.
Sell that taurus yet?
Since when did lazy become a race?
The Rabbit has almost 2,000 comment posts on this blog. Some thof those comment posts are quite long and quite detailed, written by a thoughtful man, a man who knows what he’s talking about.
Rabbit served in Vietnam.
Rabbit is a lawyer and served the people of the State of Washingtonwas faithfully and conscientiously as an Administrative Law Judge.
“Bob” has what…20 posts? Mostly snipng at ylb and denigrating the President (who really IS an accomplished person) and generally acting like a know nothing asshole. I’ll bet the way “Bob” show up here is about the same way he shows up everywhere else…as a third-class jerk and a real turd.
Stick around, pally…it’s really funny watching you make a fucking fool of yourself.
Rujax…loser for hire. At least rujaxoff is qualified at something.
@79 Bob is a member of the 1% and your lask of deference to him is apalling. Why do you not worship his rugged individualism?
Heh. If you ever wondered what the 1% do with their time, apparently they like to spend it on a local political blog hating on our president. And here I thought that they might have better things to do. It does seem to me to be a waste of their precious “rugged individualism”.
I received your schedule, Rujax!. It’s a long ways from here but I hope that I can drop by the Sorrento while you’re there. I didn’t realize that you play bass. Me too!
Don’t own one.. But I’m sure you have soft spot in your dead heart for one – for reasons previously discussed.
Spin, spin, spin goes little maxie the racist..
Sorry you owned yourself, many, many, many times over.
Sure sucks to be you! Got a link to those remarks I made about “Southern Blacks” by any chance?
Of course you don’t. Little maxie racist is a liar to boot!
I know! I’ll bring Max with me!
Speaking of my friend Max, have you started stripping down the Barracuda yet? Are you going to take it down to the frame?
““Bob” has what…20 posts?”
Under this screen name. Roger’s comment was a from a year ago or so.
I think “Bob” is smart to go with the 1% bullshit. He probably saw how the goatfucking Klown kept fucking up his story – he sold his rentals, no, he still has them, no, he sold them. Wait, now there’s seven rentals instead of five. Oops, back to five again, but this time he has commercial properties too. Of course, he lives a life of rugged individualism on a big ranch in Montana. What? He has lunch in Lacey every day? How fucking pathetic, having to make shit up like that. I take it that wingnut trolls are just too damned ashamed to admit to their real lot in life. Yeah, “I’m the 1%”. That’ll be an much easier line of bullshit for Bob to keep track of than the Klown’s crap.
Oh my, Jonah Goldberg wrote another book. This one is called, “The Tyranny of Cliches: How Liberals Cheat in the War of Ideas”.
Those cheating DEMOCRAP socialists! Well, you commie-fascists, two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee Jonal Goldberg has you in his fucking sights.
Wait, what do you mean that Goldberg was never nominated for a Pulitzer? It says he was nominated right there on the fucking book cover! You say he made that shit up and that he was never nominated? Oh, My Fucking God!!
Hmm, the way Bob birthed a goat after learning that someone once checked a box at Harvard, I’m just sure he’s gonna come back here and lay waste to Goldberg’s lying ass.
Steve my friend, how are you doing?
You know I had not intended to take it down to frame, but that plan has changed. Right now I am slowly removing parts and pieces, taking pictures, and documenting/photographing every little little nut and bolt that comes off. Its been, and will continue to be, a slow process(day job, kids, wife, running the side businesses, etc) – only getting in a couple hours a week into it right now. Should have it apart towards end of summer.
I will keep you posted on how it goes, but so far no real surprises.
Whats new in Steve-land?