Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Rumor has it that Washington Sen. Ed Murray will make an appearance to tell us about not running for mayor.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 335 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
Typical Dummocrapt Charlie Rangel
Typical Dummocrapt Charlie Rangel strikes again…
Michelle Bachmann for President. Run, baby, run!
Roger Rabbit is not at DL right now.
@1 I’m glad you dislike Chuck Rangel, puddlehead. Really, I am.
Pelletizer, Puddy glad you like him. He’s definitely your type of Dummocrapt. – “Do as I say not as I do.”
Hey Puddy, check this out!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
These KLOWNS don’t understand how badly they have blown it. Progressive is a dirty word!!
Conservative is cool again.
Didn’t take long for folks to find out what Oblah-blah and the KLOWNS were up to AND REJECT IT!!
Watch ’em whine about Rasmussen and try to pretend it ain’t happening to them.
Cynical, Puddy guesses the HA Libtardo crew forgot Rasmussen was selected as the most accurate polling source for the 2008 presidential erection.
Facts explode the libtardo mind.
What else would you expect from a Heterosexual, but more murdering,thieving and raping. Good Luck to the World, it is doomed with Heterosexuals in charge, they’ve fucked it up pretty good thus far.