Please join us tonight for an evening of Politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. We start at 8:00pm, but some of us show up even earlier.
Yesterday,’s Joel Connelly (who sometimes stops by DL) summarized the Republican war on women. The Partisans have their own take on it:
Can’t make it to Seattle? There is also a meeting tonight of the Tri-Cities chapter. And Wednesday evening, the Burien chapter meets.
With 227 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s one near you.
GOP Nut Case #12-00398146-030
Indiana legislator Bob Morris (ADHD-Fort Wayne) accuses the Girl Scouts of being a “radical” organization that promotes homosexuality and communism.
” After learning all this, he wrote, he pulled his two daughters out of the Girl Scouts and instead put them in American Heritage Girls Little Flowers, a parent-run group best described as a center for recovering Girl Scouts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How the f— did this screwball get elected? Every voter in his district needs a psychiatric evaluation. And some doctor should put this guy on Ritalin as a matter of community safety.
1 – The same Hoosiers who sent Dan Burton to the Congress year in, year out – a compulsive skirt chaser who could make Bill Clinton blush.
Republicans are becoming the American Taliban. They’re like Khomeini’s Islamists. They’re going to ruin this country for everybody.
C’mon folks. Happy times are here again!
As I was telling bob in the other thread I’m sure those executives will solve that little “wage problem” as soon as all the loot is counted.
Seeking to deflect Congress’s unpopularity away from himself, Ricky Sanitarium claimed today he was an “outsider” on Capitol Hill — even though he served in both the House and Senate. Romney responded by calling him a “career politician.”
(Don’t you just love it when two GOP tarantulas try to tear each other’s heads off?)
@4 At some point they’re going to find out that people who don’t have jobs or don’t earn livable wages won’t buy their stuff.
I’d much rather be at Drinking Liberally than working on busted plumbing, but there’s plumbing work to be done at my place so here I am.
Newt Gingrich, wrong on gun racks in Chevy Volts, wrong for America.
One of my wingnut friends was blogging on Facebook about how Ronald Reagan was right in the early 1960’s in his opposition to “socialized medicine”. I pointed out that Reagan was criticizing the proposed Medicare program. He knew that, but insisted that people should be able to “opt out” of Medicare – even if that made it financially unfeasible. I think my parting shot to him was the Medicare was an very popular program, and if he wanted to campaign to weaken or abolish it, well, good luck with that. Remember that Goldwater’s opposition to such social programs was a large part of what resulted in his landslide defeat in the 1964 election.
Which got me to thinking about the Tea Party and Goldwater. Goldwater was a fiscal conservative who wanted to roll back the role of federal government to where it was before F.D.R. But he was also a social libertarian, believing that what people wanted to do was their own business. But what we have now are GOP candidates like Santoram, who want to not only role back government to – well, 1859 – but to give government extreme power to intrude into the moral lives of it’s citizens.
I’m thinking that Goldwater’s win of six states in 1964 may be an impossible goal for the Republicans in 2012.
Tonight’s Republican debate will be held in an auditorium next to a Catholic church. Security officials have closed the church’s parking lot and appropriated it for their own use for the duration of the event, and prohibited street parking in the vicinity.
As a result, the church has had to cancel it’s traditional Ash Wendesday service.
While inside the adjoining hall, expect the Republican candidates to proclaim that the Democrats are conduction a “war on religion”.