It’s Tuesday, and ’round here that means Drinking Liberally. So please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks will show up earlier for dinner.
News from the Republican reality show:
Can’t make it to Seattle? There are also meetings tonight of the Tri-Cities, Bellingham, and Vancouver, WA chapters. On Thursday, Drinking Liberally Tacoma meets. And next Monday there are meetings of the Woodinville the Olympia, the Yakima, and the Shelton chapters.
With 232 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s one near you.
Wow, how about them brilliant OWSers yesterday at the Port of Seattle.
What a joke they are….what an embarassment they are…what a pathetic bunch of losers they are.
Even the teamsters were pissed at them…LOL.
They throw rocks and paint bombs at the police, then cry like little girls when the police react.
..and the TV interviews were classic stuff….you watch and them and then realize, its no wonder they arent working.
Great Red State Update.
Check out this graph broadcast on “Fair and Balanced” Fox News – by “bending” the graph line, it makes it appear that an 8.6% unemployment rate is a bit higher than a 9.0% unemployment rate, so it looks like unemployment remains the same.
Fox Skews Unemployment Graphs
Newt Gingrich, the current front-runner for the Republican nomination, seems to not like the women he marries as soon as they get sick or start to age a bit. He met his current (third) wife when she was still in her 20’s, and married her when she was 35. But now she’s 45, getting a bit too close to 50, and based on Newt’s prior behavior, he’s probably beginning to think that it’s about time to trade her in a newer model.
Apprantly I’m not the only one speculating in this manner – I found this picture today:
Newt & Wife
I am sure P-dud will be along at any time now to inform us about FACTS! suckas and that Fox’s lies are really Rachel Madcow’s and other DUMMOCRAPTH”S fault.
We’re taking todays edition of Today In Gun Violence on the road to Belgium where a man armed with hand grenades, a revolver, and an assault rifle killed 5 people and injured 122.
Hey Dutch,
Still waiting for you to put your money where you mouth is, little fellah!
Where’d you go?
Sometime in November this forum passed 500,000 total comments…
Wow, that’s a lotta poo flinging…
It’s time for the nightly vocabulary quiz! I’ve already taken it and posted my score. (I’m “RR”.)
More BMX awesomeness. The bike handling skills these kids have amazes me. I would crash and die just thinking about doing any of this.
And, of course, there’s the incomparable Danny MacAskill.
@4 Mrs. Rabbit looks better than that at twice the age.
Oww, I thought that was a compliment …
Bah, took it twice, sucked both times tonight.
@6 “The prime minister said it was not related to terrorism.”
Maybe it was related to some sort of mental disorder?
Pissed off, off balance, thug, who decided he was going to take as many people down with him as he could when he died. That’s my guess anyway. My heart goes out the the people of Belgium.
10, 11 – That’s nothing. This guy climbed Half Dome without a rope.
@16 What kind of twisted psycho kills an 18-month-old toddler, for crissakes??!!
Personally, I don’t think anyone can complain about the OWS’ers while Jon Corzine is walking around free. I mean, doesn’t his walking around free kinda prove their point?
Looks like the GOP grassroots are hellbent on committing electoral suicide.
uh… That links back to your own comment.
New Iowa polls show Gingrich fading — and a possible new frontrunner.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Is it possible Ron Paul could be the GOP nominee after the dust settles? Did anyone dream the Americans could beat the Russian hockey team?
@20 Thanks. Fixed.
Holder Signals ‘Aggressive’ Federal Response To GOP Voting Laws
MSNBC just posted this story:
“Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Tuesday entered the turbulent political waters of voting rights, signaling that the Justice Department would be aggressive in reviewing new voting laws that civil rights advocates say will dampen minority participation in next year’s elections.
“Declaring in a speech that protecting ballot access for all eligible voters ‘must be viewed not only as a legal issue but as a moral imperative,’ Mr. Holder urged Americans to ‘call on our political parties to resist the temptation to suppress certain votes in the hope of attaining electoral success and, instead, achieve success by appealing to more voters.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You would never see this if some Republican partisan hack was running the DOJ. The Busheviks were too busy trying to manufacture phony criminal charges against Democratic election officials to do their job.
Looks like the Dec. 27 GOP debate sponsored by Newsmax will collapse now that Donald Trump has pulled out as moderator.
The Wall Of Death!
The National Association of Realtors tells us all home sales data since 2007 was inflated by double counting.
RR @18,
That one is easy.
Timothy James McVeigh.
I’ve been away for a while. Have you guys been talking about this ordeal with Lowe’s pulling their ads from the “All-American Muslim” show on TLC?
When I first heard about this story, I just figured that the people on the show were promoting an extremist view of Islam. As it turns out, they’re not. And much of the uproar over this show is because they’re not promoting a “realistic portrayal of Muslims” (i.e. all Muslims are terrorists).
I can’t believe that Lowe’s pulled their ads from this show. As far as I’m concerned, it takes a pretty racist mindset to arrive at the conclusion that all Muslims are terrorists. And it seems to me that Lowe’s is unapologetically siding with the racists on this one. Unbelievable.
@15 – Or Heterosexuality.
@18 – A Heterosexual?
I have to hand it to you heterosexuals, you really know how to rape, mame and murder people.
Personally, I don’t think anyone can complain about the OWS’ers while Jon Corzine is walking around free. I mean, doesn’t his walking around free kinda prove their point?
@14 You’ll get better with practice.
@32 I have to hand it to you humans, none of you can spell worth shit. That word is “maim,” not “mame.” Cripes, do you humans have to think phonetically to be able to think at all?
I loved Auntie Mame.