There are only 19 days left in this year’s War on Christmas. So please join the fray by wielding a pint this evening at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks will show up earlier for dinner.
Bye, bye, Herb Herm…we are soooo going to miss you:
Can’t make it to Seattle? The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night at 7:00pm, and Thursday night, Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets at 5:00pm.
With 231 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and five more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s one near you.
Herman, The Human Art Project, Cain has only “suspended” his campaign.
Maybe in a deadlocked convention he could be drafted by TEA Party Patriots!
Don’t let the Liberals take your choice away!
Donate NOW –
If John McCain thinks the Republicans are “losing on the tax issue”, then who are we to argue with him?
Mittens Romney has just told Trump that he is “too busy” to participate in the last Republican debate before the primaries. This means that Romney, Paul, and Huntsman have all bailed, so far. Gingrich is the only one who has confirmed. Bachman, Perry, and Santorum are still undecided.
It would be awfully funny to see Trump moderate the debate with Gingrich as the only candidate. He can ask him about Libya, and Gingrich can argue with himself, taking the various different positions (at least three) which he took in the same week a few months ago.
Re: @2
For extra credit, which of the two Senate bills to extend the payroll tax cut had more Republican senators voting “Nay”?
(Hint: Both failed due to the usual practice of Republican filibustering. The majority will not be allowed to rule by Republicans. See #OWS)
1. The Democratic proposal sponsored by Bob Casey (D-PA)?
2. The Republican proposal sponsored by Dean Heller (R-NV)?
FYI, McCain was unavailable and did not vote on Heller’s motion. He was probably busy prepping for his next Meet The Press exclusive interview.
Welfare Bums Dep’t
We all know taxes are high due to the freeloaders living it up on welfare, right?
Actually, the typical welfare receipient is a single mom who was abandoned or abused by the children’s father, and who lives on welfare for a year or so while getting job training. But that doesn’t stop Republicans from portraying all welfare recipients as people like these thieves:
“A Seattle chiropractor and his wife live in a $1.2 million waterfront home and have spent the past eight years flying to Moscow, Paris, Israel, Turkey, Mexico and the Dominican Republic. All the while, federal authorities say, the couple was collecting more than $100,000 in welfare.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, those are nice digs! Anybody wanna give me $1.2 mil so I can live in a hole like theirs?
Activists Occupy The Capitol
“By plane, train and bus, thousands of activists are converging on Washington, D.C. this week to ‘Take Back Our Capitol.’ … ‘We came to tell members of Congress that they should represent the 99 percent not just corporations and the 1 percent,’ said Colleen Bugarske, 59, a volunteer from West Los Angeles ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: These rabble rousers will be rounded up, hustled aboard jail buses, and charged with “trespassing.” Never mind that their taxes built the damn place and pay the salaries of everyone who works there.
When They Tell You To Turn Off Your I-Pad, Turn It Off!
It seems the rules apply equally to everyone, no matter who you think you are; and if you don’t follow the rules, they kick your ass off the airplane.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Too bad this principle doesn’t apply to banksters.
In the Republic of Texas, which is not — and never has been — assimilated into the United States, moms who can’t feed their kids have another option: Shoot ’em.
“A Texas woman who for months was unable to qualify for food stamps pulled a gun in a state welfare office and staged a seven-hour standoff with police that ended with her shooting her two children before killing herself …. The children, a 10-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl, remained in critical condition Tuesday. The shooting took place at a Texas Department of Health and Human Services building in Laredo ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Watch for Rick Perry to brag about how much money he saved on welfare programs in the next debate. Not that Rick Perry matters, now that his poll numbers look like the measurements of an ant’s dick.
@8 That big?
Okay, I’m sure you all got that one, and now I’m gonna kick her back to the stove where she belongs, because it’s dinnertime and I’m hungry. Back to work, wench!
Roger Rabbit is temporarily not functioning and will not be available for further posting until he returns from the emergency room.
Soccer Mom Susie is teh shit.!/soccermom_susie
It’s all a big misunderstanding, he was just launching a probe into it!
Another libtardo lefty DUMMOCRAPT hollyweird loon not following the rules because rules don’t apply to DUMMOCRAPT libtardos.
@14 Come back and lecture us when the fascists you shamelessly shill for start following the rules in the U.S. Constitution, puddydope.
Ohhh my Roger DOPEY Rabbit… You seem to forget your side doesn’t seem to follow them either. BTW why you up so late? It ain’t sex!
Liquor Privatization Challenged In Court
I-1183, Costco’s corporate initiative to usurp the state’s liquor business, may founder on the same rock that has sunk so many Eyman initiatives: Lawsuits challenging it allege it violates the state constitution’s single-subject rule. Considering how many ornaments Costco dangled on their Christmas tree, these claims may have legal merit.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Considering how many millions Costco spent on this initiative, you’d think they would have spent a little extra to hire Timmeh Lieman to tell them how not to do it. No one has more experience than Timmeh in getting his initiatives thrown out.
@16 Rabbits are nocturnal, dumbshit. Why are you up so late? Jerking yourself off because your old lady fell asleep?
Republican Bullshitter # 11-44831902-01
“During his 2004 campaign for attorney general, Rob McKenna vowed that he would … curb how much state agencies pay out for major lawsuits. Instead, those costs have grown under his watch.
“In the first six full years of McKenna’s leadership, Washington agencies dispersed about $300 million in tort claims — $65 million more than was paid out during Gov. Chris Gregoire’s final six years [as] … attorney general ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No doubt Robbie hopes voters will forget his campaign promises of 8 years ago.
P.S. to Seattle Times: That’s “disbursed,” not “dispersed,” idiots! It seems nobody can find a literate copyeditor anymore. (I’m available.)
Do you EVER pay attention? Puddy already said not in the HA time zone nocturnal nutcase!
Again the will of the people will be ignored. Figgers DUMMOCRAPTS are behind it.
Hey Richard Pope, is this guy registered to vote?
Wow, DUMMOCRAPT sexual malfeasance right down the road from HA capitol!
Wow, I wonder if this guy is a DUMMOCRAPT?
Hey Richard Pope, is this guy registered to vote?
Wow Harry Reid buries in the National Defense Authorization Act a provision to repeal bestiality. Ekim and his HA libtardo buds must be proud!
I wonder if this is a ObamAA+ supporter?
Gotta love DUMMOCRAPTS who can’t accept real change.
Watch, this too will get a pass from the frothing libtardo msm. Only a slight mention will happen.
Of course rujax won’t get it. He never does.
Wow, Obama cheated to get on the Indiana Primary ballot in 2008. Looks like the principle cheater on his behalf actually worked in the Election Dept. Apparently the investigation is moving forward full-steam ahead thankfully. It’s so obvious, even the Democrats are forced to go along with the investigation. This will be tied to the same Chicago Election Fraud Machine and cast an ugly shadow on Obama. Trust is huge. Can you trust a guy who cheats like this?