Please join us tonight for a pre-Thanksgiving evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks will show up as early as 5:00 pm to watch the Republican melee debate and eat dinner (not necessarily at the same time). I’ll try to live-blog the debate.
Can’t make it to Seattle? The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night. The Bellingham Chapter also meets tonight. And tomorrow the Burien chapter meets.
With 227 chapters of Living Liberally, including twelve in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s one near you.
Has anyone seen Reichart’s ads? He seems to be testing out the Tea Party slogans. He’s got video of him making a passionate speech to Congress. It’s probably one of those speeches members give where the Congress is completely empty.
Looks like he’s not even going to try to campaign on the “moderate” label anymore.
And why is he spending TV add buys now? He doesn’t even know yet what his district will look like, or who his opponants will be.
Back in 1998, Alabama spent almost $167,000 per job to get Mercedes to locate a factory there.
But after enactment of it’s controversial “show me your papers” law, Alabama’s investment might now be wasted.
Police pulled over an executive from Mercedes, and when he couldn’t produce his passport (it was in his hotel room), they promptly arrested him. He was only released when his colleague went to the hotel room, secured the passport, and delivered it to the police. But the Mercedes executive still has to report for a court hearing charging him with failure to carry the required documents so they can be produced on demand.
Car Executive’s Arrest In Alabama Gets National Attention
Why Republicans Are Immoral
Republicans want to take even more way from the working poor and desperately poor to pay for even more tax cuts for rich people who, as far as anyone can tell, create no jobs.
Boeing is still being very quiet about where it’s going to build the new 737-MAX. Several sites in Washington State are under consideration, including the current 737 assembly line on the shores of Lake Washington in Renton, as well as several locations in Snohomish County (Arlington?) and Moses Lake.
Of course, lots of other locations in the country are competing as well. This includes the perinial competitors of Charleston, S.C. (home of the 2nd 787 assembly line), Wichita, Kansas, and Mobile, Alabama.
Well, we can cross Mobile off the list, for now. 737 buyers come from all over the world, and their engineering and delivery teams would make frequent visits to the production site, and open up offices either in nearby Boeing facilities or outside office space.
If Boeing has any sense at all, it won’t put it’s customers in a position of being arrested and prosecuted just because they left a passport back at the hotel room.
The Wild Olympics Campaign is one of the cooler things going on right now and they’ve got a few shindigs coming up.
Huntsman’s actually getting some airtime before tonight’s debate. CNN’s interviewing 3 of his 7(?) kids right now.
Yeah, it’s 7 kids. 5 the old fashioned way and 2 adopted.
You won’t believe the TV ad Romney ran in New Hampshire.
Here’s what happened: In a 2008 campaign speech, Candidate Obama quoted a statement made by John McCain for the purpose of criticizing McCain. What Romney did was take a video clip of that speech and inserted it in his ad — edited to make it look like the McCain quote is a statement made by President Obama. You’ve got to wonder why the Romney campaign attempted such a dishonest stunt, because, as Rachel Maddow says in the video, they surely knew they wouldn’t get away with it — and they didn’t; the objective media are all over them about it.
And in this corner weighing in at *******
The debate hasn’t even started and it’s already stupid.
Oh yeah, I’ve got Michelle Bachmann on my TV and a pound of bacon in my under pants. We are gonna have a hootenanny to-nite!
Ron Paul comes out swinging for the the anti-war Republican (all three of them) vote.
Ed Meese is honorable? WTF?
Newt comes out pro-patriot act and wants to expand it.
Michelle Bachmann: homes used to have phones that are wired into walls. The CIA outsources to the ACLU.
Wait… Did Romney just come out pro-fascist?
Rick Perry’s just babbling.
Satorum: Abraham Lincoln ran right over civil rights. And I’m pro-racial and religious profiling.
Cain’s just babbling can’t even get the moderators name right.
What happens if the lady who claimed she miscarried is lying? Her mother says she is a compulsive liar.
But hey, she went to The Stranger so she has to be telling the truth!
Wait for the comparison!
Hmmm… interesting scandal from Barack ObamAA+ territory…
This is what shameless greed looks like:
@20 What does a bunch of rich kids in a Republican suburb cheating on their SATs have to do with Obama, puddydope?
This is what unbridled arrogance looks like:
Sounds like this person is talking about YLB, doesn’t it.
What’s the big deal – they’re entrepreneurs – they’re learning to be good little capitalist sociopaths – if you can break the rules and win – you WIN!
This is truly exellent!
There he goes again Roger DOPEY Rabbit… Don’t you think I checked the voting stats first you idiot rabbit?
How do you think I BURIED rujax with facts when he screamed about the ALABAMA County going bankrupt? Voting records!
Did you see ObamAA+’s real estate pal sent to jail? See ya Rezko!
Sweet justice!
What a miserable shithead.
If this dolt had 5 more points on his IQ…just 5…he’d be MAYBE as smart as Rick Perry. Maybe!
You have no “victories” again
You have no “victories” again
Mod…could you please delete 30 and 31?(and 32)
There he goes again that rujax. Shall we revisit the thread rujax? Just like your screech yesterday over the school union words on Heritage that are the same on other sites? Just like your black valedictorian screech in Arkansas? Just like you didn’t know about the GOES program for overseas travelers?
U R the missing link!
How wrong does this yay-hoo need to be? How badly does he need to be humiliated on these comments by ME(!?)…probably the least able commenter here!
Getting eviscerated by Steve, rhp, ylb, blue john, darryl, carl and the bunny must give this masochist some sort of mis-shapen satisfaction.
Things I post as comments are verified, come from credible sources and though they can and sometimes are (rarely) found to be inaccurate this loon’s unhinged rantings generally defy all reason and logic…blaming civizations woes on whatever Democrat is in the sights of the puddypussy’s REAL higher power…the drug addled Rush Limbaugh or the disgraced and discredited lunatic Glenn Beck…as much as the puddypussy claims fealty to teh jesus christ as his lord and savior…the puddypussy repudiates IN EVERY COMMENT HE POSTS…in each and every comment he posts the puddypussy repudiates the christ message and ideal. EVERY FUCKING SINGLE ONE. Some kind of christan example this troubled human is.
So seriously, to the real person who inhabits the character of the puddybuddy…just stop. You need help, go get it. Clearly you are not a well man.
Moron @ 24 – Only liars around here are right wingers like the “mental midget” Puddybud.
Go fish somewhere else for your right wing bullshit fix.
It’s all on HA rujax, your eviscerations were P R I C E L E S S!
Birmingham Alabama is the county seat of the bankrupt county. They voted big time for ObamAA+
The black valedictorian was from a Little Rock suburb that voted big time ObamAA+ and the skuul district is led by DUMMOCRAPTS.
Just yesterday you screamed about the teacher’s union head and how Heritage was not displaying the truth. Well it was his words and it was directly taken from youtube. His exact words are on other web sites!
Then later when I had to go out you called me a liar. Yet you know nothing of government programs for busy overseas travelers.
This is why you are a moron!
Oh my the other HA moron, the crazed databaze owner appears with nothing to add!
Please tell me…oh wise one…please…
What sort of weird, fucked-up equivalency does that generate in the feeble hate-addled brain of yours?
I just have to know how that works.
This one too…this means WHAT?What in the world does this mean? Are you THIS much of a total idiot to fashion some sort of…what? Clearly that answer is yes.
Did some moronic idiot whose comment I wasn’t addressing just pass some gas?
Does this rujax moron actually understand what he writes?
King County WA continuously votes DUMMOCRAPTIC. So does the King County Council lean DUMMOCRAPTIC or Republican?
So in Alabama, the plurality puts certain people who vote similarly into office. These are the people who bankrupted the county, something lost on rujax.
It was you who claimed the black valedictorian was inhibited from giving her speech. Yet when you visit the voting records the place overwhelmingly wanted ObamAA+. Then when you visit the skuul board, it wasn’t leaning Republican.
This is why rujax is a moron! He needs to be spoon fed!
To the crazed demented databaze keepa you wrote this
Nuff SAID Sucka!
Nope, you dope. Epic Fail on two counts. (ps…we were NEVER ever talking about King County. A classic example of how the puddywuddyduddypussy twists and obfuscates.)
Again…what does voting for Obama have to do with either of your two specious examples.
Explain please.
OMG rujax, I was making a comparison with King County and who they elect locally from who they elect nationally and you are too dense to figger it out.
EVERYTHING. They vote the party ticket down the line. These local DUMMOCRAPTIC peeps were in office when you brought up the other issues outlined above.
You are truly a simplistic moron!
See ya!
You’re stuck on stupid, man.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks rujax… When you finally comprehend that which all others got yesterday it seems Lt Gen Russel Honore was talking about you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your son!
43 – I wasn’t talking to you “mental midget”. I was talking to the freak @ 24 who has little to no life outside of hating others for the failures of his ideology..
Oh shoot… That describes you to a tee!
Just a coinky-dink..
Whenever you denigrate Puddybud you R talkiing to me moron!
Now run along your “wife” will be home soon and the “house” needs it’s final dusting.
massive ownage of rujax and his man-crush buddy, Anchorbaby-YLB.
too funny….
im off to catcha plane….all you Christopher Columbus hating progressives can go back to work tomorrow…or maybe go back to being an Occupy-loser….shit, even Seattle Central CC, that bastion of conservatism(LOL) is trying to kick those losers the fuck out…
nobody listens when the lazy filth of society demand more free things.
Huh? Mental Midget??? You called yourself that..
Here and here..
Given your behavior in these threads over the years? It’s insult to mental midgets the world over..
“Mental midget” is a whole flight of stairs up from the likes of you.
Happy Turkey day, chump!
Good riddance.. Enjoy your race hatred confab.. Your kind lives for that shit..
LMAO!!! The puppetmaster is sooooo protective of the “character” he plays…
One would almost conclude they’re one and the same!
Falling down on the third person act there “mental midget”!