Today is election day, so make those final selections and turn in your ballot. And the join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm.
Remember, folks, guns and alcohol don’t mix. So check your sidearm with the kids before you come on down.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 335 other chapters of Drinking Liberally for you to shoot for.
Hey Steve this can be your lead topic at DL tonight, one of your friends is on Facebook…
But this is better Steve. He’s gotta be a cousin of yours…
Why not talk about 60,000 seniors leaving AARP due to their “support” of “the messiah’s” plan at DL?
After all we know seniors want to keep the government out of Medicare!
Sigh, should I do DL or the Publicola party at Twist? After all Dorsal Plants will be there and he’s just dreamy.
This was lost on correctnotright (not knowing if you know Puddy calls him NutsTooTight), the newspapers and CNN wrote “the messiah” is planning “cuts” to Medicare when this plan becomes law. Butt, “the messiah” doesn’t elaborate on what those cuts are. The AARP (Puddy is a member for now) hasn’t explained the “cuts” either. Even MSNBC “the official messiah channel” calls them cuts. See the lower paragraphs.
Can I bring my gun if I don’t drink?
Why not talk about the economic recovery? Do you remember this from USNews?
Isn’t this interesting about the Porkulus from Intuit…
Intuit (disclosure: Intuit is an Emergent Research client) surveyed more than 1,000 small businesses and found:
—98 percent have not received any money as a result of the stimulus plan.
—86 percent feel the stimulus plan will not directly benefit their business.
—84 percent do not believe the stimulus plan will help them grow their businesses in the coming year.
Oops… is USNews one of those right-wing evil sites wondermoron?
I thought mixing alcohol and firearms was an American tradition!
NBC Poll: Americans Want Health Reform, Don’t Trust GOPers
” [T]he country appears to be receptive to some type of health care reform. A combined 60 percent of respondents say the system needs either a ‘complete overhaul’ or ‘major reform.'”
“[I]f the country is cautious about Obama’s health plans, it doesn’t seem to trust the Republican Party at all on the subject. Just 21 percent approve of the GOP’s handling of health care, versus 62 percent who disapprove.”
Why not talk about Brad Pitt giving up marijuana so he could be alert for his kids?
Maybe some HA loons could learn something from Brad’s epiphany.
Hey Puddy,
I want to emphasize again how sad it makes me to learn that you really are a pathological liar.
Do you mind if I write a post about it?
Also, have you sought treatment options?
@8 No, it’s a Republican tradition. See, e.g., “Duck!” Cheney.
@1 “one of your friends”
So you’re reduced to making fun of a guy who has some behavior problems “in the wake of a traumatic brain injury he suffered in 2005.” What’s Klynical’s excuse? And Marvin’s excuse? How about these guys?
Of course, if you try to make the case that both Klynical and Marvin have suffered traumatic brain injuries too, it’d be hard to argue with you based on the evidence of their mindless posts here at HA.
Privatizing Tax Debts = Pirates Preying On Homeowners
A new breed of housing predator is stalking the land: Private companies who reap windfall profits by buying tax liens from local governments, then charging beleaguered homeowners exorbitant interest on their tax debts and seizing their homes if they can’t pay.
Pelletizer these are better excerpts
“Yet perhaps more troubling for the White House as it works to pass health care reform this year is that only 41 percent approve of his handling of health care. By comparison, 47 percent disapprove.” – Puddy mentioned this to NutsTooTight earlier today when Puddy watched it on Andrea Mitchell Reports on PMSNBC.
“Moreover, just 36 percent believe that Obama’s efforts to reform the health system are a good idea, and only 24 percent think they will result in better quality of health care.”
Darryl, If Puddy said yes you’d do it. If Puddy said nothing you’d do it. if Puddy said no you’d do it.
@2 Gee, poodlehead, that’s a whopping 17/100ths of 1 percent of AARP’s 35,000,000 members! That’s quite a revolt! AARP probably gets 60,000 new members every week.
@5 If wingnuts were running Medicare, benefits would be cut to zero. And Bush wanted Wall Street to manage Social Security.
Remember that when you vote.
Pelletizer, 60,000 is a start. First time in history a migration like that has occurred.
@7 I thought small business was against gummint handouts? Oh, that’s right, those who complain the loudest about “socialism” are always first in line when “socialism” is being handed out!
@11 Here’s a treatment option puddinghead could consider:
Hey, I’m sorry! I know it’s raw, but that one’s just too good not to post! Anyway, it’s only a healthbagger joke — you know who I mean, those people who think the solution to America’s health care woes is a gun.
Don’t let anyone ever tell you HA is a wimpy blog! We play rough here.
@16 Yes, my dear poodle friend, but that same news article also says this:
“Majorities in the poll believe the plans would give health insurance coverage to illegal immigrants; would lead to a government takeover of the health system; and would use taxpayer dollars to pay for women to have abortions — all claims that nonpartisan fact-checkers say are untrue about the legislation that has emerged so far from Congress.
“Forty-five percent think the reform proposals would allow the government to make decisions about when to stop providing medical care for the elderly. That also is untrue: The provision in the House legislation that critics have seized on — raising the specter of “death panels” or euthanasia — would simply allow Medicare to pay doctors for end-of-life counseling, if the patient wishes.”
And this:
“Also, while just 36 percent believe Obama’s efforts to reform the health system are a good idea, that number increases to 53 percent when respondents were read a paragraph describing Obama’s plans.”
In short, the negatives result from the GOP’s campaign of lies, smears, and scare tactics.
Let’s recap: Republicans are scaring senior citizens with lies and capturing headlines by disrupting townhalls and brandishing guns at street rallies. But they haven’t proposed a single thing to make health care more accessible or affordable. And the NBC poll shows that only 1 in 5 Americans feels Republicans have the best answer to health care.
@20 60,000 is probably the number of AARP members who didn’t pay their dues this month because they died.
@20 That’s nothing compared to the migration of voters from the GOP to the Democratic Party. See, e.g., 2006 and 2008 elections.
I can find 60,000 new members for AARP in 20 minutes. All I have to do is make a few phone calls to some of my cousins. Then they set up a phone tree to contact more cousins. I have billions of cousins.
Apparently they keep a handful of polling places open so KING 5 News doesn’t have to announce any election results before 8 p.m.
Pelletizer yanked…
Here is something Puddy knows Pelltizer missed…
“The Heller amendment would have required the federal government to use the database set up by the federal government for states to determine eligibility for welfare benefits to also ensure that illegal aliens do not enroll in the government-run public health insurance plan. It would also have barred illegal aliens from qualifying for tax credits to subsidize the purchase of private health insurance coverage.”
“The 26 members of the House Ways & Means Committee opposing the amendment barring illegal aliens from coverage under the America’s Affordable Health Care Choices Act are:
Xavier Becerra (Calif.), Shelley Berkley (Nev.), Earl Blumenauer (Ore.), Joe Crowley (N.Y.), Artur Davis (Ala.), Danny Davis (Ill.), Lloyd Doggett (Texas), Bob Etheridge (N.C.), Brian Higgins (N.Y.), Ron Kind (Wis.), John Larson (Conn.), Sander Levin (Mich.), John Lewis (Ga.), Jim McDermott (Wash.), Kendrick Meek (Fla.), Richard Neal (Mass.), Bill Pascrell (N.J.), Earl Pomeroy (N.D.), Chairman Charlie Rangel (N.Y.), Linda Sanchez (Calif.), Allyson Schwartz (Pa.), Pete Stark (Calif.), John Tanner (Tenn.), Mike Thompson (Calif.), Chris Van Hollen (Md.), and John Yarmuth (Ky.).”
So if the Dummocrapts reject the amendment what does that say Pelletizer?
Hey puddy, I’ve decided not to come to DL with a gun tonight, so you can come out of your hole now and join Darryl for a few microbrews. I’m saving my ammo for delusional bastards who fantasize about overthrowing our elected government by force of arms.
@30 “So if the Dummocrapts reject the amendment what does that say Pelletizer?”
It doesn’t say a damn thing, one way or the other, until a final bill is voted on.
Here’s my position on illegal immigrants: Prosecute their employers. They wouldn’t come here if they couldn’t get work. And we all know who’s employing them.
I hear Tom DeLay is gonna be on “Dancing With the Stars.” I’ll be happy to help Tom get in shape. He’ll be dancing like Sammy Davis Jr. as soon as I get my AK-47 modified to fire full automatic.*
* Hey, just kidding! Hezbollah training camp joke.
Typical weasel answer Pelletizer. Once the final bill is voted on it could become law. There is no reversal and you know it.
33 Yeah, the employers should guard the border.
Why hasn’t obama closed the border? Why hasn’t he captured Osama bin Laden? Where are the medical records from John Kerry? Where are the Rose law firm records? Where are Howard Deans records from his Governors office? Where on gods earth are Obamas school records? College transcripts? Grades?……. Bueller? Bueller?
@11: Darryl
Nice catch – I have caught Puddy quoting off rightwing websites and then printing in toto here. Of course, the info was completely wrong and the links did not prove what Puddy said they did. It was on global warming and Puddy and the rightwingnuts claimed that all these “experts” disputed global warming.
But most were not experts and the most of the experts did not agree with the wingnut/Puddy point of view.
This was just another example of Puddy’s intellectual dishonesty and failure to read his own/righwingnut BS that he regurgitates.
And you never did it NutsTooTight. Puddy caught you twice copying from TPM and then trying to say you didn’t until Puddy showed the TPM added material.
Yep, Puddy was waiting for you to appear.
Puddybud @ 38,
My beef isn’t about finding material from a partisan site. It is about LYING where you got it from….
Very, very sad, Puddybud.
@38: I will gladly copy from TPM. They have actual validity. They fact check. The crap you posted was wrong, wrong and wrong…and you posted it numerous times and claimed that it was not copied from a rightwingnut site that I identified. It was word for word with no attribution.
@39 Well Darryl, you’re kinda fussy because you work in academia where people are expected to attribute to sources and not lie. You need to lower your expectations when you’re dealing with sewer slime like poodlehead.
Early Election Returns
Mayor — Awfully close but Nickels (25.05%) is in 3rd place behind McGinn (26.56%) and Mallahan (25.81%).
County Exec — Probably a Hutchison 37.4%) – Constantine (22.38%) faceoff in November. Jarrett (12.04%) trails.
20-cent Bag Fee — is going down to a heavy defeat.
(Source: KING 5 News website)
But you said it wasn’t from them NutsTooTight.
Other races — Incumbent judge Anne Ellington is getting over 70%; so is county council member Reagan Dunn; Holland leads in Port position #3 and Albro in #4; Bagshaw has over 50% in city council #4; Licata has over 50% in city council #6; O’Brien leads the field in city council #8; the 20-cent bag fee is trailing 58%-42%.
@36 Where is mark’s tinfoil hat? That’s an easy one — on his head.
@35 I really don’t feel like explaining this to you. However, in the interest of protecting the public from puddinghead’s disinformation, I’ll point out that preliminary votes in Congress are like modern art: They can mean anything you want them to mean.
@36 (continued) Normally I wouldn’t bother responding to an idiotic comment like this one, but the answer to “Why hasn’t obama closed the border?” is so easy it’ll take only 5 seconds:
That’s how much Obama has asked Congress to provide for beefing up border security.
@47 (continued)
“It … represents a shift away from what Obama officials see as headline-grabbing by the Bush administration, which emphasized erecting fences at the border and conducting high-profile workplace raids that targeted workers. New efforts will crack down on employers who drive the demand for illegal immigrants, White House officials said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well golly gee, wingnut idiots want to spend billions to build a Maginot Line,* while Obama wants to go after the employers who give illegals an incentive to come here by hiring them. I wonder whose approach will work better?
* We all know how effective the original Maginot Line was, don’t we?
This should make Lee happy.
Well, ever since democrats took over in 2006, the need for labor has plummeted to about ZERO.Nice work.
@50 See #45.
I’ve always wondered why Republicans hate workers. After all, their workers made them rich.
Another year of Obama and there will never be another democrat in office, it may be already true. What a complete disaster. If it weren’t so important it would be funny, but man what a fucking FAILURE.
AND, you tards know it. Thats why you’re so BITTER. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FAIL.
Its getting harder. (Been a while since you heard that huh, RABBIT?)
@2: Those 60,000 AARP members who are “leaving” due to a “promotion” by the conservative dogcrap organization….so what:
More Puddy BS and a drop in the bucket …
Also, it looks like democrats will push ahead on their own for the public option (who needs the obstructionist republicans?).
Where is the republican plan…Oh yeah, there is none!
@53: hahaha
After Bush the incompetent fool, democrats have taken the white house, the senate and the house…it doesn’t get better than this and we will push through health care reform, fix the economy and finish off Afghanistan….all the Bush failures will be fixed over time.
Another worthless post by NutsTooTight
Fool! The peeps are leaving on their own volition, not due to death (yeah I wanna leave AARP so I’ll die now) or membership lapses (Golly I’ll keep my money so I will drop from AARP).
More silliness from the silly NutsTooTight!
NutsTooTight, we who think right want you guys to push ahead. Then in 2010 you’ll look back and say what happened?
@43: don’t even remember it….I probably sourced it from somewhere else anyways…
I don’t recall your having proved squat….except that you don’t even know the crap you are copying and posting.
Darryl has caught you and I have caught you lying about it. I have caught you posting stuff that doesn’t say what you said it does. I have caught you posting from rightwingnut sites without retribution…
Your credibility = 0
Sotomayor’s first vote on the losing side. The Fab Five allowed the execution to happen. The Ohio Democratic governor wanted to execute and proceeded with the execution.
See ya hit man.
NutsTooTight: You have credibility?
Here is the thread where you lied and here is the link where Puddy proved it.
Here is another time Puddy caught you lying…
Here is one of your hidden links too.
Unlike the wondermoron Puddy doesn’t screen scrape and then brag about it, Puddy remembers the general times when you farted (always smelly too), so Puddy looks around that time.
Your credibility = -3
Remember NutsTooTight, Puddy works alone. Sometimes Marvin and Cynical help but you all work together here. Puddy works harder fool.
Puddy pulls two links and one thread from HA and this appears:
That’s funny.
In another thread Puddy told you HA Libtardos have 24 hour memory disease. Notice the NutsTooTight comment
Yep at least he admits it.
Pelletizer one more great line…
“Yet independents believe, by a 50-34 percent margin, that the protests have done more good.”
Puddybud @ 66,
“Puddy pulls two links and one thread from HA and this appears:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
That’s funny.”
You are not having your comments “held” locally. And as I’ve explained to you in email in the past, we have no control over the Akismet spam filtering service.
This is, yet, another example of your intellectual dishonesty.
This disappoints me further, since I took the time to personally explain the above to you.
Please, Puddy, get some psychological assistance for your dishonesty problem.
Puddybud @ 65
“Here is the thread where you lied and here is the link where Puddy proved it.
Here is another time Puddy caught you lying…
Here is one of your hidden links too.”
What are you talking about? I didn’t see any instances of correctnotright lying to you in those comments.
“Unlike the wondermoron Puddy doesn’t screen scrape and then brag about it, Puddy remembers the general times when you farted (always smelly too), so Puddy looks around that time.”
If by “screen scrape”, you mean copy text from web pages, you most certainly do.
But copying brief excerpts from other sources isn’t the issue I have with you.
My problem is that I asked you to not lie, asked you a simple question, where telling the truth versus a lie had minimal consequences. And you still chose to lie.
That is a sign of a psychological disorder (a type of sociopathy) that goes by the common name of “pathological liar.”
I had hoped you were genuinely interested in honest (if spirited) discourse. Guess not.
Darryl Darryl Darryl, wondermoron claimed he has saved every PuddyMissive, Cynical and Marvin entry since the inception of HA. Please pay attention Darryl. Puddy calls that screen scraping.
Do you remember his chronologically worthless Mike Webb attack? Your lack of thread remembrance is very telling Darryl.
Yes Darryl you have told Puddy before about akismet. But you told Puddy by email akismet does that when you place multiple links into an entry. There was no discussion between Puddy and Darryl over akismet filtering on HA links.
So when Puddy brings up the point akismet places HA’s own links in moderation that’s intellectual dishonesty?
What a crock Darryl.
Darryl, NutsTooTight claimed he got the information from another source. Puddy proved it was TPM.
Since you need remedial help doesn’t contain certain sentences claimed by NutsTooTight. But the TPM entry does. Use your detective skills and look at what NutsTooTight claimed.
See ya Darryl. Too bad you are blind to your side’s activities.
BTW the above should have read multiple external links into an entry.
Now here’s a topic which would have thrown the HA Libtardos into a frenzy if someone from GWB’s administration did the same thing…”Questions” would abound everywhere.
Now lets see if “the messiah’s” faithful attack this Democrat for his level headed approach to cap and trace… oops cap and tax.
Puddy wonders how many Dummocrapts are hiding their largess in UBS? Will the HA Libtardos attack Dummocrapts for their tax evasion schemes as they attack Republicans every day?
Puddybud @ 71,
“Darryl Darryl Darryl, wondermoron claimed he has saved every PuddyMissive, Cynical and Marvin entry since the inception of HA. Please pay attention Darryl. Puddy calls that screen scraping.
Do you remember his chronologically worthless Mike Webb attack? Your lack of thread remembrance is very telling Darryl.”
I have no idea what “screen scraping” or a “chronologically worthless Mike Webb attack” have to do with your claims in 68:
When I look at those links and peruse the comments, I don’t see where correctnotright has lied to you.
I’ll deal with the first link in a minute, since you commented further below. But where are the lies in the latter two? Please cite the phrase that is a lie, and your evidence to substantiate as such.
“Yes Darryl you have told Puddy before about akismet. But you told Puddy by email akismet does that when you place multiple links into an entry. There was no discussion between Puddy and Darryl over akismet filtering on HA links.”
You are incorrect. I gave you a number of suggestions on how to avoid the spam filter that had nothing whatsoever to do with links. I’ve also told you:
“So when Puddy brings up the point akismet places HA’s own links in moderation that’s intellectual dishonesty?”
I doubt the filter treats HA links any differently than any other, since it is a central repository of spam. But, again, who knows?
It is the implications that there is “moderating” taking place on your comments, when you know full well (or should have) that this was just the spam filter. I find that to be dishonest, particularly after I took the time to explain these things to you.
Darryl, Puddy’s comment is over akismet moderating HA’s own links. It has nothing to do with it moderating Puddy’s comment. Does akismet do this to others who use many HA links in their argument? Looks like that’s a tough one for you to understand. Here is what Puddy wrote again…
What’s so hard to comprehend Darryl? There is no dishonesty there. You explained it on multiple external links from a previous post.
Heh. Stupes is getting a tad obsessed.
Too funny… Still trying to get me banned or something..
And idiot paranoia to boot.. I never put more than one link in my comment – automatic moderation.
Puddybud @ 73
First, correctnotright clearly excerpted a block of text that summarized the issue.
You then respond with a semi-incomprehensible missive that discussed TPM, Al Carlin, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, an Obama statement about bring science back, and Al McGartland.
“Since you need remedial help doesn’t contain certain sentences claimed by NutsTooTight. But the TPM entry does. Use your detective skills and look at what NutsTooTight claimed.”
In the very next comment, correctnotright points out that you attribute the quote to the wrong source. Given that eight or so sources show up using the fragment you searched on, I’m not surprised.
correctnotright then give a link to an “article [that] completely takes apart the pseudoscience CRAP you are promoting.”
It looks like you misinterpreted this comment for something it wasn’t. You apparently believed this to be a link to the previous quote. But he never implies or says that.
The first rule of calling someone a liar, Puddybud, is to get your facts straight. You certainly failed on that one!
@73: BS – I never claimed that Puddy, and I showed the original link…you are delusional.
You have been caught twice now lying about your sources….and you are trying to make excuses for it.
You have no credibility and you can’t even read your own sources. I cited the original source.
“Darryl, Puddy’s comment is over akismet moderating HA’s own links. It has nothing to do with it moderating Puddy’s comment.”
I have discussed with you in great detail about some of the patterns that Akismet MIGHT cue on. It is completely unsurprising and uninteresting that a comment might be held. So were you just demonstrating some sort of commenter’s Tourette’s syndrome? Or are you just being dishonest about your comment?
“Does akismet do this to others who use many HA links in their argument?”
I don’t know. But why do you ask?
Damn Darryl, didn’t you have your coffee this morning?
Here is what NutsTooTight submitted as an entry from
This is what TPM submitted:
Here is what was really in
– Puddyemphasis supplied on the missing words. Where is that in NutsTooTight’s presentation?
So much for the vaulted forensics of Darryl.
So much for the corrupt mind of NutsTooTight.
wondermoron is ignored because he brought nuthin to the argument.
See ya. Puddy has a lot to do today…
Damn Darryl, Puddy expected much more from you. You need to get lots of Tully’s java in your veins this day.
The explanation in that thread is perfectly fine. You chose not to read NutsTooTight’s link.
I noticed some time back that when I tried to put multiple HA links while using the “blockquote” function in my comment that the comment would not post and I’d see a “comment being moderated” note in its place.
Darryl Puddy is still trying to find
in the Real Climate entry.
Maybe you can find it.
Steve, Puddy used the embedded link function. Good try.
Toodles till this evening fans!
“Here is what NutsTooTight submitted as an entry from”
Here is where you are mistaken. correctnotright did not claim his quote was from
You mistakenly inferred that from a later link he provided that, “completely takes apart the pseudoscience CRAP you are promoting.”
In other words it was your misunderstanding, not his lying that was the problem.
By contrast, when you lied to me, I first asked you multiple times where you copied the quotation from, giving you every chance to clear up any misunderstanding.
Puddybud @ 87,
“Darryl Puddy is still trying to find
“And Carlin appears to have taken up the global warming topic largely as a hobby on his own time.” in the Real Climate entry.”
“Maybe you can find it.”
I can’t, but then I don’t expect it to be there.
Again…you invented that connection.
Here is what Puddy said
Next entry Puddy said
Next entry from NutsTooTight
Good try Darryl. Puddy asked him for the location of the report summary. Puddy said it was in TPM. He throws up RealClimate. You can twist it all you want but that’s what he supplied.
Now Puddy really has to go.
@92 There are two things you can always rely on.
If Tim Eyman is for something, it’s a bad idea. And if poodlehead calls “bullshit” on Darryl, what Darryl said is true.
LMAO!!! I’ve been calling Stupes on his addiction to rightwing bullshit sites forever.
Stupes is like the alcoholic who hides his mini booze bottles in a box in the attic.
So frightened his addiction will be discovered. Like any dope fiend, he once flaunted his addiction in the open but once the community showed its mocking disapproval, his ego couldn’t handle the disapprobation and he tried to hide it.
And of course like any other fiend the compulsion was too great to keep the addiction hidden for long and it is always transparently obvious to anyone not ignorant of the signs.
One should have some compassion for these sick individuals but there’s always a limit.
Puddybud @ 92,
correctnotright did not state that he got the quote from that link. He said, in effect,
You incorrectly inferred that he was making the claim that that link is were the quote came from.
You should have done what I did and probed the issue to ensure there was no ambiguity or misunderstanding before calling someone a liar.
Puddybud…is your ideology more important to you than your integrity?
What? The left did bus people in for healthcare debates?
Several readers have criticized the Citizen Patriot’s coverage of last week’s health-care rally outside U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer’s office, where hundreds came out — both to support and oppose — President Barack Obama’s reform plan.
The chief criticism was that we failed to mention that some supporters were bused in from around the state.
It is true, and it wasn’t included in the original story, but not because we were trying to slant coverage. The simple truth is it was a difficult fact to nail down.
The “simple truth” was it was hard to track down? Meaning that there were attempts to cover it up?
Or maybe the left-wingnuts didn’t want to admit it…
Of course he had to defend the astroturfing by the left…
Sure, bus people in from out of the district. It’s only wrong when right-wingers do it.
That left-winger cindy sheehan has seen the light.
The “anti-war” “left” was used by the Democratic Party. I like to call it the “anti-Republican War” movement.
While I agree with you about the hypocrisy of such sites as the DailyKos, I have known for a long time that the Democrats are equally responsible with the Republicans.
So the democrat party used the anti-war crowd to bash bush? Damn, right-wingers have been saying that for year. And dailypus is hypocrites about the war? Again, the right has been saying that for years.
The “big organizations” aren’t there anymore, meaning that all that outrage at the war was manufactured and astroturfed?
So cindy finally realizes that protesting in front of bush, good. Protesting democrats bad.
After all, it’s not as if cindy won the “useful idiot” award from the democrats for nothing.
Puddy back for a few minutes so here’s Puddy’s take on Darryl’s latest attempt.
BULLSHIT again. Here’s Puddy’s proof.
NutsTooTight: More from TPM? Wow, they know it all don’t they?
let’s see their pedigree again.
1) Barack the Magic Negro – Wrong again as a source
2) Trigg Palin is Bristol’s Child – Wrong again as a source
3) Phony Soldiers – Wrong again as a source
Now Puddy knows why you didn’t include da link.
Puddy identified where “the summary” was found Darryl. There was no incorrect “inference”. He unsuccessfully tried to cover up his reference to TPM. He didn’t post his summary from RealClimate he posted his summary from the TPM link Puddy supplied.
Good try at trying to cover for NutsTooTight. Puddy dusted him with his TPM link just like he claimed above they fact check their material.
1) Barack the Magic Negro – Wrong again as a source
2) Trigg Palin is Bristol’s Child – Wrong again as a source
3) Phony Soldiers – Wrong again as a source
Yep those were fact checked NutsTooTight.
Gotta go again…
Mat-Su Barbie move over. Your “death panels” are so last week.
Here’s the new darling of the right wing:
The “Heil Hitler” lady.
Roy Blunt (R-Irrelevant) makes shit up, gets called on it:
@99 To give Puddy some credit when due, he denounced that “Heil Hitler” woman earlier when I linked to the video on another thread.
101 – Yeah, nice of him to dis one of his own peeps. Someone who reads and listens to the same swill he does.
Hmmm. And it appears they have single payer in Israel. Oooops!!! Must be some “socialists” over there.
That can’t be part of “God’s plan” can it?
Puddybud @ 98,
“He didn’t post his summary from RealClimate he posted his summary from the TPM link Puddy supplied.”
He never claimed he posted the original quote from RealClimate. That was a later link, that was given to fully debunk your pseudo-science nonsense.
And you didn’t do due diligence to clarify your faulty understanding of what correctnotright was saying.
Steve @ 101,
‘To give Puddy some credit when due, he denounced that “Heil Hitler” woman earlier when I linked to the video on another thread.’
Great! Now if he would just forsake lying, he could graduate from “disruptive troll” to “wingnut commenter.”
@104 Didn’t he even admit he was wrong once? In fact, wasn’t that in a discussion with you? It wasn’t that long ago.
I’ve always thought there was hope that Puddy would someday return from the dark side and stand in the light once more.
Puddy @ 84–
Too Damn Funny.
Darryl and NutsToTight are either dishonest or stupid…neither was is good!!