It’s Tuesday…which means its time for our weekly Occupy the Montlake Alehouse event. Please join us for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. at 8:00 pm. Some of us will be there earlier for dinner.
Hell…some folks will begin the occupation at 5:00 pm to watch the Republican primary debate!
Can’t make it? Drinking liberally is all over the place! There are also meetings tonight in the Tri-Cities, Bellingham, and Vancouver, WA. Tomorrow night, Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets at 5:00pm. Next Monday, there are meetings in Olympia, Woodinville, Shelton, and Yakima.
With 227 chapters of Living Liberally, chances are good there is one near you.
Puddy will be enjoying the debates at home sitting next to Mrs Puddy!
Any old timers remember DOOFUS, the shit-eating, vote-fraud obsessed cur who trolled these threads once upon a time???
Apparently he pays federal income taxes too:
more lazy ylb looking for handouts and wanting other people to pay his way in life…just like his hero, Lee Rujax.
3 – Must be related to DOOFUS.
Sorry right wing fools. There’s support for tax hikes. Even among the most conservative Republicans.
@1 hopefully you have some air fresheners in the room to counter all the stink. Your poor wife has to smell you and the crap coming from the tv.
@1 looking forward to more booing of American Soldiers?
Mitt, the corporate raider, the value and jobs destroyer, turns my stomach.
Newt is totally stupid.
Ron Paul wants to abolish Fannie and Freddie.
Only 9 out of 10 home loans need Fannie and Freddie.
The debt is the burden?? How about debt relief then? How about the rich taking some losses? They didn’t have to extend the credit.
Argentina and Iceland told the banks to stuff it and they still get loans.
@3 “looking for handouts and wanting other people to pay his way in life…”
That would be bankers, anyone working on Wall Street, and stock-flipping leeches like me — in short, anyone who is a Capitalist. I made $120 in the stock market today without working for a dime of it! That’s $15 an hour, based on an 8-hour day. And I didn’t even have to get out of bed.
Debate? I don’t need no steeenkin’ debate. I have my goooooooooooooooat feelings to go on.
sorry, but thats nearly the lone territory of the left…perhaps you need to go to a refresher course at evergreener state so they can set you straight, so to speak.
wouldnt want any progressives straying from the fold, now would we!
repeat after me:
US soldiers are baby killers
bush is teh evul
bush is teh hydler
us soldiers killed 234 million innocent iraqi babies.
once you have memorized these lines, we can move to level 2.
Don’t cut defense (terrible idea), don’t raise taxes.. Says the idiot Mittster..
Just cut the rest.. Which is mostly medicare/medicaid and social security.
What a dolt.
Michelle, go home…
9 9 9 PLAN!!!
Go back to hawking crappy pizza Herman.
Heh. Michelle is saying Herman is for the “slippery slope”!
@12 – yeah, nearly. You guys are fakes.
Huntsman has a huge disadvantage..
He sounds halfway intelligent and sane!
He doesn’t have a prayer.
@15 – are Michelle’s eyeballs staying put? It would be great if Marcus came out of the closet before this is over for her.
I’m dissapointed at recent polling which shows Romney pulling out in the lead with some 23% of the Republican vote. Cain follows behind but is gaining on Romney, but my gut tells me he will self-destruct. Some have pointed out that he has yet to cancel his book tour, which might indicate that the campaign IS his book tour, rather than a serious shot at the office.
While Perry and Bachman both poll at only about 10%, I’ve always thought they were appealing to the same base of voters, if one of them drops out the other will probably pick up those votes. If they combine forces – perhaps presenting themselves as a Pres/V.Pres. team, they could probably get near 20% (there will be some drop-off from those that don’t like Perry’s stand on immigrants).
So, I guess the real million-dollar question is: how transferable are any of the Republican primary votes? Can the disparate groups rally behind a candidate they detested a few weeks earlier?
I’m still hoping for Bachman or Perry. Because that would provide SO much fodder for us here.
I’ve had more than enough of this swill.
you mean like fake like a fake boob? or fake like a blow up doll?
the debate is stupid.
ya, like we are really gonna get in a trade war with(as someone said) our biggest creditor.
our fucking retards in government got us into this situation, now we gotta deal with it – who the fuck let the fucking bastard chinese buy up our debt anyway?……nevermind, we already know.
Santorum sounds… DESPERATE!!!
YES…back to the basement with you!
Does anyone know where to find the debate on the web?
why? you lonely and looking for a hook up?
@12 “sorry, but thats nearly the lone territory of the left”
What planet do you live on? Sorry, troll, but lying doesn’t change facts. That was a REPUBLICAN audience watching a REPUBLICAN debate by REPUBLICAN presidential candidates who booed that American soldier and only two of those Republicans made any effort to defend that soldier.
While the idiots take a break..
Question. How much of the federal debt is owed to China?
Sanity is a major affliction if you’re running for the Republican presidential nomination.
Oh, and by the way, if you’re a black soldier Republicans don’t let you vote, either.
By the beginning of 2009, China, which uses multiple firms to buy U.S. Treasuries, was regularly doing deals that had the effect of hiding billions of dollars of purchases in each auction, according to interviews with traders at primary dealers and documents viewed by Reuters.
Using a method of purchases known as “guaranteed bidding,” China was forging gentleman’s agreements with primary dealers to purchase a certain amount of Treasury securities on offer at an auction without being reported as bidders in that auction, according to the people interviewed. After setting the amount of Treasuries the guaranteed bidder wanted to buy, the dealer would then buy that amount in the auction, technically on its own behalf.
To the government officials observing the auction, it would look like the dealer was buying the securities with the intent of adding them to its own balance sheet. This technicality does not preclude selling them later in the secondary market, but does influence the outcome of bidding in the auction, by obscuring the ultimate buyer. In fact, the dealer would simply pass the bonds on immediately to the anonymous, guaranteed bidder at the auction price, as soon as they were issued, according to the people interviewed.
The practice kept the true size of China’s holdings hidden from U.S. view, according to Treasury dealers interviewed, and may have allowed China at times to buy controlling stakes – more than 35 percent – in some of the securities the Treasury issued.
The Treasury department, too, came to believe that China was breaching the 35 percent limit, according to internal documents viewed by Reuters, though the documents do not indicate whether the Treasury was able to verify definitively that this occurred.
Guaranteed bidding wasn’t illegal, but breaking the 35 percent limit would be. The Uniform Offering Circular – a document governing Treasury auctions – says anyone who wins more than 35 percent of a single auction will have his purchase reduced to the 35 percent limit. Those caught breaking auction rules can be barred from future auctions, and may be referred to the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Justice Department.
The Treasury Department generally does not comment on specific investors but a source in the department said China was not the only Treasury buyer striking guaranteed bidding deals.
People familiar with the matter named Russia as being among the guaranteed bidders. But Russia’s total Treasury holdings, while significant, represent 2.8 percent of outstanding U.S. debt, versus one-fourth for China’s.
Traders at primary dealers did not have the same diplomatic concerns about the level of Chinese buying. But they did have reasons to dislike guaranteed bidding, and they began clamoring for a change. One trader said in an interview he first brought the issue to the attention of Treasury officials in 2007.
Some primary dealers began expressing concern that the deals were opaque in a way akin to the Salomon Brothers Treasury trading scandal in the early 1990s. In that case, traders from the securities firm submitted false bids under other bidders’ names in Treasury auctions in order to more closely control the results, and their bids altered the auction prices. The idea that unseen bidders were again influencing auction prices raised similar concerns among traders.
There were also commercial concerns: Dealers say that knowing that the practice was going on at other firms made them less confident they could see and understand overall patterns of buying in the Treasury market. Such visibility can be one of the greatest benefits of being a primary dealer, since the service itself often doesn’t pull in big profits directly.
Some traders at primary dealers say they simply refused to do the deals and ended up turning away customers, including China. That irked sales colleagues who were promising clients guaranteed bidding deals.
At the beginning of 2009, Treasury officials began discussing the issue of guaranteed bidders, with a focus on China’s behavior, internal documents seen by Reuters show. The culmination of their efforts was a change to the Uniform Offering Circular published on June 1, 2009 that eliminated the provision allowing guaranteed bidding.
The Truth About Cain’s 999 Plan —
“It massively cut taxes on corporations and the rich, and rewards everyone else with a colossal tax hike …. Cain sells the ‘9-9-9’ plan as a populist alternative to Obama’s policies, but in reality, its passage would transfer trillions in wealth from the vast majority of Americans, so that the rich could enjoy lower tax rates.”
Well according to the U.S. Treasury we owe China 1.173 TRILLION.
Sounds like a lot right?
About 8 percent of the federal debt.
Next question.. How much federal debt is owed to foreigners in total???
@25- all set, Marcus not my type. He is very good for Michelle, the loon. Had my hookup this past weekend. Just like many heterosexuals who hook up. The only difference is I didn’t think about beating up or murdering my “hookup” like heterosexuals do.
Bachmann just said Reagan produced an economic miracle. Here’s Reagan’s economic miracle, expressed as the unemployment rate:
Dec. 1980: 7.2%
Dec. 1981: 8.5%
Dec. 1982: 10.8%
Dec. 1983: 8.3%
Dec. 1984: 7.3%
Feb. 1985: 7.2%
In other words, it took Reagan over 4 years to get unemployment back down to where it was when he took office.
Answer: All the federal debt owed to foreigners, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, UAE countries, Europe, yadda, yadda.
4.478 Trillion.. Sounds like a lot right???
30 percent of federal debt..
What’s the lesson for everyone from this???
Bloomberg on the web and teevee.
Romney just schooled Perry.
@35 Max is a douche bag?
37 – That’s absolutely true but incorrect.
IMHO the big lesson is
TO OURSELVES!!! Banks, Pension Funds, Bond Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies on and on.
guess you never hooked up with mr dahmer….
I’m done with the Republicans for tonight.
Gah, we should have let GM die.
@40 ahh, yes, Mr. Dahmer, your favorite.
Nice one.
Is Huntsman not there?
Romney’s full of shit on banking regs and small businesses. A couple friends of mine with small businesses couldn’t get loans from the big boys and got them from small, local, banks.
Sounds like the Republican’s aren’t used to having to answer real questions from real reporters. Perry’s getting killed my a Bloomberg reporter right now.
Are any of these loons capable of directly answering a question? All they say is “Obama, Obama, Obama.”
Why they skip Huntsman all night long?
Michelle Bachman’s family was so poor they lived in a hole, in the ground…
Well, they finally go to Huntsman and he did pretty good in his closing remarks. He even cited a fact!
Huntsman is the only one of them who could handle the job. So, of course, the Rs ignore him.
Nope! They say Obama, Obama, because that’s all they’ve got. They seemed to have excluded Huntsman from a good chunk if the debate, I’m sure he can do better than that.
The one who is most convincingly gripped by Obama Derangement Syndrome gets the support of the base which is batshit insane out of their minds.
As some veteran scribe told Bill Moyers in his cub reporter days about the Texas State legislature, “you think these guys are bad, you should see their constituents!”
“Huntsman…even cited a fact!”
That’s fuckin’ it. He’s doomed!
How come every time I hear about debit it’s always about the federal debit when consumer debit is as big or a bigger problem?
Great one.
Predicted response from Bloody Bill Kristol:
“We sound like crazy people!”
Was it true that Perry was really big on natural gas fracking in the debate? My attention totally wandered when he was droning.
If so, T. Boone Pickens must be a really booster of his.
I must have come in after that.
Doug Fister gets a standing O for a 7 inning performance in the Motor City.
Yet another former Mariner somewhere else.
Ugh, just got this email.
Hoo-Boy we’ve got our selves a live one!
@62. WTF? Is that email for real? what kind of initiatives?
It’s real. I haven’t looked at the proposals yet.
There’s a bunch of states that don’t fund their state parks through their general funds and considering how shabbily or state ledg. and the last couple of governors have treated the parks moving them out of their clutches is probably the way to go.
64, 65
Traveling through Idaho (a lot) recently, I’ve noticed how rest areas off the interstates are closed. I’m guessing that’s due to budgetary cutbacks. Things we’ve taken for granted our whole lives, like being able to pull over and pee in a bathroom every 40 or 50 miles on an interstate, are being taken away. Way to go, you taxcutters, you are killing the social compact. So, I’ll just pull over and pee on the side of the road. Does that make us a better nation? More free?
@21 “our fucking retards in government got us into this situation”
That would be the Bush crowd and GOP Congress.
@66 Look at the bright side — there won’t be any cops to cite you.
Do something patriotic — piss on a Republican!
All of the objective analyses I’ve seen on Cain’s “999” tax scheme agrees it would soak the poor and lard more tax cuts on the rich. (Some of the rich are getting skittish about the sweet deal they already have; they don’t want a revolution.) A sampling:
“it could end up adding to the deficit and shifting the tax burden away from the wealthy and onto the poor”
“Since Cain would eliminate the business deduction for labor but not investment, the plan would … cause distortions that … add to the unemployment rate …. The entire service sector would be disadvantaged.”
Perry’s performance, as usual, was abysmal. He thinks “drill, baby, drill” is the solution to all of our economic problems. That should have get him laughed off the national stage.
Even though I’m a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist, I’m not a parrot for a party line. The death penalty is a case in point. While some of my liberal friends oppose executing people under any circumstances, from my perspective as a rabbit I think some of you humans just plain deserve to be dead. I’m not gonna say who; beyond Hitler and Eichmann, you can draw that conclusion for yourself.
Cain Plays Racism Card
” … Herman Cain said Tuesday that many liberal Democrats in the black community are ‘racist’ for questioning his political ambitions as a black conservative Republican.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So you’re racist if you don’t vote for him? What a whiner. He should shut up and work for votes like everyone else has to.
The Senate passed a China trade war bill and defeated Obama’s jobs bill. What the hell, all the Senators are millionaires, so they don’t need jobs anyway — and don’t care about people who do.
If you’re a woman in the Republican utopia of Topeka, Kansas, and your hubby or boyfriend is beating the crap out of you — you’re shit out of luck. That burgh no longer has funds to prosecute domestic violence thanks to budget cuts. So what did the town fathers do? They repealed the domestic violence ordinance.
Occupy Wall Street – The Gimmie Gimmie Nation is crying out…Tax Wall Street? If they had a Frickin clue, all of the Wall Street Markets are in Negative numbers for 2011. so what the H are they going to tax? Negative Earnings?
Max’s Friend –
Why can’t Cain play the reverse race card? DOMMUCRAPTS play it all the time Roger DOPEY Rabbit!
Of course you forgot how the press and the guttersnipe rujax played the race card when people rejected some of Barack ObamAA+’s left wrong plans. They were called racists. Well you are going senile DOPEY Rabbit.
@76 – the only ones in negative earnings are the middle class and the 99%. The other 1% is in positive earnings.
So now Barack ObamAA+ lost another stump speech against Republicans. DUMMOCRAPTS didn’t like the bill either!
Occupy Wall Street – The Gimmie Gimmie Nation is crying out…
This is fun. So when someone says that the 1% should have some shared sacrifice and support the community that helped make it rich, that triggers our troll’s feeling that he is going to being stolen from.
Also if Occupy Wall Street crowd would just work harder, they too would have good jobs and wouldn’t be complaining. They are complaining, therefore they must not have good jobs therefor they must be lazy and undeserving.
gleeman and his hookup?
did you have a quick hook-up of self-loathing love with this guy? good thing you didnt adopt a kid with him….
not to worry, Im sure that Gacy collection you have will be worth some cash someday..
ok..enough is enough with you capitalist dogs!
lets paint everything gray and make sure ALL peeps get exactly the same amount of money and items.
and we can start the economic recovery with a large building project! there are 20 gulag projects that are “shovel ready” – lets put america to work!
and kids: you get a bonus ration of bread if you turn in a relative!
Traveling through Idaho (a lot) recently, I’ve noticed how rest areas off the interstates are closed.
I can see the logic on the restrooms. Why should they spend on precious dime on out of state freeloaders just passing though? Travelers are just lazy and want something for nothing.
Maybe our trolls would like states to make the freeway restrooms into revenue generators. Go back to the old Greyhound model and charge $5 to pull off the freeway and $1.50 for each person to use the toilet.
Just a point about debt being owed by China. Treasury certificates are negotiable instruments. That means that they are designed to be bought and sold, or given as gifts or inheritances, to anyone. The negotiable nature of the treasury certificates makes them more valuable, thereby lowering the borrowing costs to the U.S. Taxpayer. The argument over whether treasury certificates should be negotiable or not was resolved in about 1790 or so, if I remember correctly.
So once the certificates are issued, the U.S. has no control over who owns them, and is obligated to pay them according to their terms. There may be restrictions on the method, manner, and quantity of the original issue at the Treasury auction, but after that anybody can buy or sell them as they wish.
In that respect, it’s just like stock in a company – there is the initial offering, but after that there is the free exchange of stock, subject to a few limitations (on corporate insiders, etc.).
No one’s arguing for anything close that. Feel free to come back when you’ve grown up.
We’re all free-market social democrats of one stripe or another now. But, sometimes I wonder if some you righties have become neo-feudalists or something.
Rest stops are closing all over the place. States can’t afford to keep them open and most of them were built before there was strip-mall services available for travelers. Now, most people skip the rest area and stop at Starbucks or a fast food joint. I’m left wondering what’s going to happen when the rest areas are closed and people decide they can’t afford to stop at the fast food place? Things could get messy. :-(
There was a bunch of news articles about this maybe 2 years ago.
Whats a neo-feudalist?
Something I thought I made up just as a wise ass remark, envisioning Republican’s in tights pretending to be lords, and then I punched it into Google and it came back with an article about contemporary Russia calling it neo-feudalist and made a lot of sense.
@76 “The Gimmie Gimmie Nation”
That group has occupied Wall Street for the last 30 years — ever since Conservative Republicans gave them a free hand to loot and rob Middle America. The GOP would have given them our Social Security, too, if we had let them get away with it.
@78 “you are going senile”
Maybe, but at least I’m not a loon warbling gibberish all day long.
The gimmie gimmie nation? You mean like the guy who ran HP for a year, did a shitty job, got fired, and still got an 11 million dollar payout? Or the grifters hawking CDO’s on wall street? Or maybe the guys that got rich while tanking my mom’s pension? That’s the Gimmie Gimmie Nation.
The OWS’er just want their jobs back.
90 – Exactly. A government that serves the only the few and our trolls are their wannabe hangers-ons..
Joel Connelly called Dori Monson a tick-bird once. I thought it was an odd sort of comparison but it’s pretty damned good actually. The trolls try every day to play whack-a-mole with us pesty lefties who have the gall to question or challenge the status quo.
you are the status quo, numbnuts.
Damn @95, you took the words off my fingers. This arschloch loves the government and hangs one every Sunday morning when he logs into the website and gets his automatic pay entry on Tuesday or Wednesday. So what sites does he enter to get his hanging on?
Why does anyone believe either party i.e. status quo can change things?
America needs a third party that will be for the people, by the people that puts America and Americans first.
America needs a third political party independent of right wing or left wing, that puts America and Americans ahead of corporations and their agenda.
the lemmings on the left and the lemmings on the right wont let that happen, unfortunately.
95 – Wrong… Since Raygun it’s been right wing or compromising with the right wing…
The status quo is ignorance about reality and you’re a case in point..
96 – Notice that the zombie cretin is making up shit again.
Of which you are one pretending not to be..
Give it up.. You’re not fooling anyone.
shut the fuck up you lazy POS.
worthless, lazy piles of crap like you dont contribute a damn thing, so shut your trap and be thankful people like me pay your way through life.
now go back to minding your datubayze and “doing research” on the internet, fucking fat ass loser. no wonder your old lady left your lazy ass.
How arschloch…? You post all day everyday when others are working away! Can’t be working and doing that!
1) Pffffffffffft
2) zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
5) Boring
Which one will the arschloch choose? _____
102 – Barking out orders again like the crazed authoritarian mutt you are. Keep it up. I predict
you’ll being doing exactly the same Nov 2012.
I’ll be here to witness it. Count on it.
And did some moronic zombie idiot have a fantasy about how I spend my time on Sundays? It’s none of the cretin’s business and like any of his brand of idiot he’s flat assed stupid wrong.
News to me. Got a great dinner being prepared for her and my kids at the moment.
Later asswipe.
Damn that was a good dinner! Great conversation with the wife on medical issues she’s learning..
Wish I had a good young red to go with that dinner. Oh well you can’t go wrong with Lager.
@81 So, what does that say about teabaggers?
@75 And Florida just re-legalized dwarf tossing and there’s a bill in the Georgia legislature to authorize execution by guillotine. Let’s see what comes up next….bum fights? Public stonings?
@76 Btw, I’d like to add to my previous response to you that if Wall Street compensation was tied to the performance of financial markets, the Masters of the Universe (TM) would all be driving taxicabs. The reality is their bonuses are bigger than ever. And maybe that’s the basic problem behind the sinking values of the financial assets owned by the rest of us.