Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but a few folks show up earlier for a quiet dinner.
Can’t make it tonight? The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night. Tonight the Bellingham Chapter also meets at 7:00pm. Tomorrow night at 7:00pm, the Burien chapter meets. And next Monday, the Olympia and the South Bellevue chapters of Drinking Liberally meet at 7:00 pm.
With 225 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are good there is one near you.
Those clips aren’t fair. We all know that Republicans have hearts (beating hearts, even) and they believe in the social compact. All for one, and one for all, and all of that. So, I simply find both clips highly offensive.
Sarah Palin is not only a quitter, she’s also a crybaby.
“One week after the release of a controversial book on Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor threatened to sue the book’s author for including what her lawyer called a ‘series of lies and rumors presented as fact.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sorry, sweetie, you’re a public figure and that means anyone can say anything they want to about you, in the absence of actual malice. Besides, truth is a defense.
Why The GOP Field Is Fixed
The GOP candidates onstage are the field. Here’s why New Jersey Gov. Christie won’t enter the race:
I’m still saying Romney will be the nominee.
So do it. Sue him. I’m so sick of hearing people lob empty threats around. If you’re gonna sue him, sue him. If you think someone needs shot, hey you go for buddy, don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Yeah, Breitbart I’m looking at you.
Do it or do the rest of us a favor and just shut the fuck up.
4 – Guv Palin the quitter wouldn’t stand a chance in a courtroom..
When threatened with the truth she folds… but not before whining and playing the victim and shaking down her devoted sheep for as much money as she can possibly grab.
Chris Christie telling the world how Barack ObamAA+ isn’t what we need for the future!
Request. Please post a link on the front page of this blog (off to the side) to the “bikini graph”. It tells the whole story of what this country has been through since before Obama took and over, up to now..
It seems the good news is that we may be on the verge of getting out of the woods.
Hat tip: Ekim..
There’s plenty more just like her. More on the right than the left, but they’re everywhere and I’m sick of them.
7 – Or Darryl, Lee, etc..
The first video is offensive, not because someone made it, but because none of the Rethug leadership will stand up to object.
And the second video, well SNL has been making fun of presidential candidates for decades. That they went after this particular group of Rethugs is nothing new. What is sad is there is way too much truth in the SNL parody for my comfort.
So now you are all infatuated with Chris Christie? You’re like some sort of cum drunk political hood rat. It’s kinda gross.
I’m pretty sure Proud Leftist is joking around.
Yikes! My carefully crafted sock puppet ID was cracked by YLB!
Michael farts
Michael it’s you who imbibes Steve’s Stupid Solution all the time. You of all people should know what cum drunkenness is! Where did I say I was “infatuated” with Chris Christie. All I said was he made an excellent point about Barack ObamAA+!
You’ve sung all their praises, I’m not going to bother with a list. And now it’s Christie.
Btw, I’ve known guys like Christie, they’re a dime a dozen in Gig Harbor. Most of them might talk nicely to your face, but once you left the room the racist shit would fly.
Which doesn’t mean you should like the left, it just means you should be careful of whom you endorse on the right.
Rachel Maddow just showed some video of Chris Christie. He was happily beating up on his constituents. His viewpoint was either support me or eat shit and die. Source of the videos? Chris Christie’s own web site.
Chris Christie may be a sufficient asshole to follow in
Dick Cheney’sDarth Vader’s foot steps and be the power behind thethroneclown.The clown would be Rick Perry. Dumb as a rock but he does a fair job of reading from a teleprompter.
I just got an email from Patty Murray with a subject line of, “Deficit Reduction: I Want to Hear from You”.
Given history and fact, there was nothing nice that I could write to her; she’s either willfully ignorant or stupid. This country doesn’t need “deficit reduction”, it needs stimulus.
HAHAHAHAHA – that’s excellent!
Shit, all 320 lbs of Christie’s bulk couldn’t hold Duck! Cheney’s defibrillator.
Cheney together with Rumsfeld staged and executed the palace coup of all time way back in Gerald Ford’s administration. They did more or less the same in the Dumbya mis-administration.
Christie’s not anywhere in that league.
zzippy, zzippy, here you are. You’re a Koch Whore in Colorado.
Why should we care about anything you say?
On the other hand, I would like to know how much you get paid for being a Koch Whore.
21 – I don’t think zzippy is necessarily a hard rightie.
What he doesn’t seem to realize is that Patty Murray is on the Super Committee and that committee is tasked with reducing the defict by 4 trillion over 10 years if I’m not mistaken.
Yes, the country needs stimulus.. However as the bikini graph referenced in 7 shows the country is well on its way back to what it was before the Bush collapse – sort of – the jobs that have come back are almost certainly lower paying. What’s needed is a boom in scale to the internet boom of the 90’s. If it comes from clean energy tech or other exports, that’d be more than welcome. The Bush disaster of an economy never produced the jobs in the quality and quantity that was needed.
The Rs don’t seem happy with their candidates. I feel for them. Really. Not! Good luck, boys. Your pandering, pathetic, poor candidates are what you’ve left yourselves with because of your push to the right. That isn’t where America is. A couple weeks ago, I put out a bet that Scary Perry wouldn’t do better than third in Iowa. A fifth of Jack Daniels each bet. 4 took me up on it. Two Ds, two Rs. All of them are now ruing their bet. I’m thinking of doubling down.
@1 Trouble is, one of ’em is real.
@7 That’s very interesting.
@18 “This country doesn’t need “deficit reduction”, it needs stimulus.”
You and I know that, but no Republican understands that.
21, 22 … er, I think he’s on our side.
@23 It would be less of a problem if they had merely gone right. Where the GOP has really gone is not so much hard-right as Alice-in-Wonderland. They ignore science. They ignore long-established economic principles. They lie. They make up facts. Less is more. Upside down is right side up. They haven’t gone right, they’ve gone loony. And that’s going to be a serious problem for all of us if they get back in power.
Looks like little Rachel’s charity drive just might make it to $1,260,000 — she needs $1,652 with 2 days to go. That would buy safe drinking water kits for 63,000 people. Her original goal was $300 for 15 kits. Amazing how her tragic story has touched so many hearts.
Ahhh so now we learn who is her 54th viewer is by Neilsen ratings. Another Cass Sunstein Malleable Homer Simpson idiot appears. Now rhp6033 isn’t the Cass Sunstein lone wolf.
When they correctly identify DUMMOCRAPT fetidness, you betcha. Christie nails you morons again
Thanks for outing ekim as Turd for Brains, arschloch. You are an useful idiot at times.
Roger Rabbitt or Roger Rabbit, same DOPEY commentary, all day every day!
Interesting Berkeley bake sale and the leftists didn’t get it.
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
For all you Bible haters out there, visit the Dead Sea Scrolls on-line. I like this one
And we know from leftist commentary on this blog, it’s not well lit!
How do you know the whitey house are geographical idiots? Read it here.
Well Barack ObamAA+ claimed he visited 57 states!
Smelly walking dead zombies are never welcome.
Wow, arschloch@37, did ya wife kick you to the couch last night/this morning? You are up weally weally early!
Speaking to the HA stalking arschloch, who is your next target arschloch@37?
You FAYLED miserably attacking me!
Lib UnScientist’s heroine Elizabeth Warren caught ranting about wealth.
I wonder how the rich DUMMOCRAPTS in MA will take this. They didn’t get their wealth by creating it on their own? This woman is amazingly stupid about capitalism. No wonder Lib UnScientist likes her. Recent data shows the MA has the 6th largest millionaire population. And if you CAREFULLY study this link you’ll see most of these states vote DUMMOCRAPT blew! So the DUMMOCRAPTS ARE the party of the rich!
Wowowow! looks like Glenn Beck is correct AGAIN!
This makes me think of Puddy…
I especially like:
Then this is this Barack ObamAA+-bot. So we are hampered by too much democracy Peter? Democracy, the ability to speak one’s mind about things you dislike is bad? So what type of government is good enough for you Peter?
PuddyCommentary: Less democratic? So dictatorial governments are better? How about totalitarian regimes Peter? Well, we see Barack ObamAA+ is becoming more dictatorial each day. “Pass this bill” was said 17 times in his speech. Yet DUMMOCRAPTS are against his “bill” too. And Barack ObamAA+ thought this person was a great find?
Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Here is a Dr. Bronner quote generator!!
How cool is that?
I think this is actually where Puddy gets meaningless crap that he spews here.
PROVE IT Lib UnScientist! Maybe Peter Orszag used it. See above.
Show all of us where I’ve used this!
Puddy actually brings into relief an issue that I have struggled with – as a high-information voter – how do we blunt the effects of the really really stoooopid people, AKA Teahaddists and religious freaks and racists and Republican rank and file?
Now, of course, Puddy is a really illustrative example of such an idiot, and only by random stumbling did he manage to bring the issue to the fore.
As a liberal/socialist/hippie, for me, the tension exists, nonetheless, between a commitment to democracy and a respect for the inherent goodness and worthiness in all of us – something sorely lacking in our stratified, rank-ist culture – and a recognition that so very very many of my fellow citizens are absolute morons, either because of inherent factors, or, more likely, lack of teaching or exposure to learning, or being enthralled to people like this, or this.
I don’t know what the solution is, but I suspect gutting our schools and forcing everyone but the fortunate 1-2% at the top into low-wage, no-hope jobs is not a productive way forward, unless, of course, your objective it to create a rigid, neofeudal dystopia…OH! I GET IT!!
This is precisely the type of absolutely obtuse statement that strongly suggests that there in not a functioning human mind behind the Puddy posts.
The very, very concrete thinking and tone-deafness to irony and humor are strongly indicative of either a serious psychiatric disorder or a non-human algorithm.
Unpack that paragraph – it’s a miasma of tangents and superficial thinking. This is very emblematic of the puddy posts – an absolute disregard for more subtle or complex relationships, and a very rigid and concrete ‘thought’ process, all of which is really designed only as a lead up to a nonsensical stereotyped punch-line like “KAAABLAMMO” or other such blather.
The whole point, of course, is to draw people into a shouting match that actually derails productive, genuine conversation and argument – processes that otherwise would actually educate and engage.
My suspicion is that whoever is behind the puddy posts is either genuinely mentally ill, and these are bona fide posts, or, more likely, that he/she is still mentally ill, but has some facility with computers and has generated a talkbot with anti-democratic bias designed really just to piss people off. He/she is likely socially stunted and resentful and has delusions of ‘revenge’ on the people he/she sees as being capable of forming community. There is very likely a basement involved, perhaps his/her mother’s. This is, of course, also consistent with adolescent illusions of libertarian/Randian superiority, particularly the glee derived from perceptions of manipulating his targets. He/she likely tortured small animals as a child. Also consistent is the religious orthodoxy, particularly as it concerns miracles and fantastical beliefs, like the 6000-year old universe, that are only clear and available only to a small cadre of ‘believers’ – reinforcing his notion of being special or chosen. We see this in the repeated admonitions about the implied suffering that will befall his enemies when his ‘savior’ Jesus arrives in ‘GLORY’ to carry him away.
It’s really rather sad and pathetic.
Distract them with bright, shiny objects.
Liberal scientist:
You have hit the nail on the head. Poor Puddy likes to distract and deliberately antagonizes people by calling them names and hoping they will respond in kind to his juvenile insults.
When a person actually engages with Puddy and debunks his obviously misleading and false “factoids”, Puddy changes the topic or insults the person. This devolves into going off-topic or Puddy hurling personal insults and the main point (that the BS that Puddy was putting out there and was competely wrong and false) is lost.
And then Puddy like to fall back on the old reliable smears (racism, since he is AA and supports the racist GOP) or Puddy likes to pretend that hs is intelligent (of course, since he clearly is unable to form a coherent argument intelligence is a moot question).
I just don’t engage with Puddy anymore because even when I clearly prove his statements are competely and totally wrong – Puddy always proclaims himself to have “won”. Either Puddy is deliberately delusional or he is really a narcissistic fool who thrives on the insults and the game of trying to best another person (whilst clearly failing to understand that we are all laughing at his incompetence).
Oh, and Puddy claims to be religious – but anyone who hurls insults and lies like he does and claims to be religious is clearly a hypocrite.
Asperger syndrome or Asperger’s syndrome or
THIS would probably explain puddypussy.
Hey, the new firefox is pretty good.
Has just about caught up to Chrome I believe.
@21: “Koch Whore”? Wow, that was a miss. Please see other postings of mine on HA.
@22: Yep. The point that I attempted to make, albeit maybe poorly, is that it’s simply stunning that it’s accepted that the only solution to this country’s problems is “deficit reduction”, as indicated by the assumption in the subject line of an email from Murray.
In fact, based on the history around the Great Depression and the fact that the recession was minimized by the ~$800 billion in stimulus a couple of years back, it is stimulus that will work better, and it’s likely that “deficit reduction” will keep this country in an economic funk for a lot longer. But maybe that’s what the Koch types want…
@26: Yep.
54 – As the bikini graph shows (and I very weakly implied), the beltway consensus seems to be that enough stimulus has been applied and we must cut spending in order to properly arrange priorities: planning for future wars for critical resources like oil and countering future challenges from a China who seems to be hell bent on being able to project power.
Therefore, social insurance must be cut, regulation of the economy must be cut, maybe a little of the most useless defense is cut in order to fully protect what’s needed for future wars.
Obama is trying to offer up more weak stimulus but it’s mostly a re-election opening salvo trying the harness the discontent of the electorate.
The village within the beltway is wholeheartedly opposed to raising taxes on the rich. Again Obama is pushing taxes on the wealthy to shore up his base. There’s no way a tax increase gets past the right wing degenerates in the Congress.
By the way, letting the Bush tax cuts expire FULLY pays for the 4 trillion in missing revenue that the Super Committee is tasked with finding through spending cuts.
Puddy @ 50
Elizabeth Warren happens to be spot on. I recognize, however, that your arrogance would never permit you to recognize the role that government has played in helping you to achieve whatever it is you’ve achieved.
Wow proud leftist. I should bow down and worship the government? Golly proud leftist, I should be sooooo happy the government allowed me to be all I could be? Then why don’t others take the government up on that? Why is it I hear, “The man put me down.” “The man stopped my progress.” “if it wasn’t for the man…” And who is the man proud leftist? Government! I thought it was government for the people and by the people. I thought it was government provides for the protection of the people. I thought government makes a level playing field and you make it what you want!!!
Yes I went to public school as we were DIRT POOR growing up. I owned my first set of Levi Jeans at 16 when I bought them from my first job. Mom wanted to send me to church school but I would have to work about 30 hours a week there and I wanted to learn so I stayed in public school.
Who knew about these hidden government favors?
Wow Lib UnScientist… he’s so erudite. He’s so clever.
And correctnotright… joining in the chorus. Except it’s nothing new. The same ad hominem attack! Same playbook.
and Ekim@49… thanks for identifying him asrchloch… ooooohhh the burn. He really brings it.
What do you expect from someone who has sex with goats all the time… AKA ekim?
So i guess Elizabeth Warren is saying she would not have become a Harvard professor unless the government intervened somewhere to allow her to get that job.
I guess it was the government who put the HA arschloch on his ass 24×7 getting his news from the internet?
I guess it was the government who put rujax into a menial job with no hope for a grandiose music career?
Who knew?
Actually, she not and you know it.
You know, for a guy that purports to be a member of the right, you sure seem to only talk about them when they’re putting down the left. Why don’t you spend some time showing us things on the right that you like?
So I guess the Turd for brains ButtPutty would not have any job at all if he hadn’t become a Koch Whore.
Don’t believe him. He’s a GOAT FUCKER! And he gets a steady supply from Eastern Washington.
I only escaped from his clutches because I died and got too gamey for him.
@61, Turd for brains ButtPutty use to post his “positive” stories of goodness from the far Reich. The problem was those stories were way too easily refuted. Then he’d beat up us goats. The bestiality was bad enough, But the beatings, they were horrible.
I got ekim all stirred up..
H I L A R I O U S!
Really? when did this happen? So you are blogging from Hell? Do Tell!
E A S T E R N W A S H I N G T O N? Nope don’t shop there for live animals, but it seems you are the over the mountains expert there! I don’t shop for live animals anywhere, but it seems you are the local expert here!
R E I C H? Frank Reich? Ex-Buffalo Bills QB?
Why is Michael an idiot like Lib UnScientist?
First off Michael, who’s taxes pays for the government? What percentage of US people pay for these things Michael? While you take time and figger out who pays for the government here are her words
Let’s just say the poor didn’t pay for those roads, police, etc.
What you and other Cass Sunstein malleable idiots forget is the wealthy already pay significantly more for schools, police, roads, firehouses, and other programs we the common folk use everyday. Guess what Michael… the rich will never ever use them more than those that use them on a regular basis, the common folk. Do the rich ride Sound Transit or Community Transit buses to work Michael? Do the rich take the Sounder Michael? I see a lot of fancy foreign cars in Seattle when I’m in town! I bet many of them are driven by richy rich King County DUMMOCRAPTS. Since the last two elections broke down 64.92% and 64.16% DUMMOCRAPT there is an almost 65% chance the person driving those fancy cars is a DUMMOCRAPT! The Birkenstock folks. Y’all know what I drive. I drove it to DL many times.
So how many people paid for those roads, etc. Michael? Did you figger it out yet? Hint US Tax data Michael
So Elizabeth Warren went to schools she didn’t pay for. Drove on roads she didn’t pay for growing up. Went to colleges and universities she didn’t fund. Probably got hired driving on raods she still didn’t pay for getting her first job. Hmmm… looks like Puddy is right again.
How much of Steve’s Stupid Solution did you drink today Michael?
Ahhh yes the religion of peace is at it again… Look carefully at the picture. You see a man at peace, not a raving lunatic like you see of members of the “religion of peace” or a raving lunatic like DUMMOCRAPTIC anarchists at rallies!
Hey, they believe in Abraham just like you. They’re not like me, I don’t believe in god.
Puddy, so I’ll take it that you’re not up to my little challenge @61 then.
Why are you always hating on that third branch of Abrahamic faith, Puddy? They really are more like you than me. I’m cool with people being gay, I’m pro-choice, and I don’t believe in god. Not only do the Islamic folks share your views on gays and abortion they share your god!
@55: Well-written. And sad that things are as they are, because it means that we’re doomed to repeat history. :-(
The working poor don’t pay gas or sales taxes or have their landlord’s property taxes passed on to them through their rent?
I thought nobody avoids death or taxes but apparently the reeking insides of a zombie skull knows better.
Oh no. I’ve posted things I like many times. Apparently you skipped over them.
Your loss!
Hote? I put forth their comments from their mouth and fingers! You must have a problem with truth!
Oh, I’m sooo hurt!
(As if anybody really cares about your drivel.)
If the working poor have a car they pay gas taxes. I can’t comment on landlord taxes. When I was a landlord back east I didn’t cover my taxes through the rent.
Well arschloch, I thought the poor didn’t pay death taxes only da rich!
Spoken from one who enjoys his goat every day and wishes others were more like him!
Goats, sheep, chickens, pigs.
Yep. I remember you posting your sexual preferences.
Face it Puddy, the Islamic folks that the right is always trying to use to whip up some fear has a hell of a lot in common with the christian right and not much of anything in common with the left.
Michael @ 79,
You’d think that rightwing Jews, Muslims, and Christians would recognize the kinship amongst them. They’re all about fear of change, distrust, and misunderstanding of the world around them. They hate each other, but they’re so alike. Puddy, if in Afghanistan, would be Taliban. It isn’t a religious thing; Puddy is no more Christian than you are. It is a fear thing. Puddy doesn’t get the Gospel; he only gets the Old Testament, as do fearful Jews and Muslims.