Please join us for an evening of politics under the influence at tonight’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but a few folks show up earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it tonight? The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night. And the Everett chapter of Drinking Liberally meets at the Buzz Inn in Snohomish next Monday at 7:00 pm.
With 228 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are good there is something near you.
Because you just can’t get enough of that Agenda 21 lovin’.
@1 Wow! The chick who wrote that is seriously paranoid. The Sierra Club is a UN organization bent on one-world government? Shit. And here I am without a fallout shelter, food supplies, gold, or bazookas.
Yep! The Sierra Club’s just down right evil.
In other news…
Apparently the business owner’s “other security ideas” include tying up the Spokane PD every freaking night. They really ought to charge that guy a fee.
@3 Reminds me of a news story I read a couple years ago about an Arizona gas station that was repeatedly broken into. The owner put a sign in the window that said “Beware of Snakes” and turned loose three or four rattlesnakes when he locked up. That took care of it.
For the benefit of the those impatient with following old threads:
Puddydope in response to a national Enquirer story about Bush falling off the wagon (drinking) in 2005 in response to the Katrina disaster said it doesn’t matter.
Why? Because he admitted to a DUI he got busted for in Maine back in 2000.
Huh? Could this be a “chronological failure”?
I thought GWB was a big favorite of Christians because he prayed in the Oval Office. Why did he reach for the bottle in 2005 in response to Katrina drowning NOLA instead of praying for strength and guidance????
Read all about in The Enquirer.
If it was good enough for John Edwards, it should be good enough for Dumbya!
@0: Brilliant commercial.
BTW, an example of what happens when Democrats lead like Democrats, and run as Democrats:
YLB comment: great americans every one… Those who scoff at their responsibility to their country? Not so much.
Oh my. HA’s serial arschloch plagiarizer who was once called “odd” by another leftist is truly losing it.
Well he is “odd”.
Be sure to check your databaze to validate this post!
so taxing them at higher rates will solve everything eh serial arschloch plagiarizer? How does this “solve” anything?
Barack ObamAA+ has never explicitly stated how taxing the rich will bring in all that needed deficit revenue. I already posted on this blog how economists said this is folly. I already posted on this blog how the NY Times, said if Barack ObamAA+ decided to abolish the Bush tax cuts for those making more than $250,000 is only expected to bring in merely $700 Billion over the next decade. So the NY Times said 70 Billion per year or just 0.4% of GDP each year. Now the CBO estimates that the deficit over the next decade will be $13 Trillion 13,000,000,000,000 or 1.3 Trillion per year. Now that is greater than 6% of GDP per year.
So this is more of Saul Alinsky’s tactics in action!
This is why the HA serial arschloch plagiarizer sucks at so many things. Today you’ll all see how bad a databaze programmer his is. I gave him ample time to determine who called him monomaniacal in his beliefs and his everyday actions…
Gave him two weeks to find it. Nope he’s a databaze dope!
I have more things from your useless mind and feckless fingers waiting in the wings moe-ron.
Watch now the HA arschloch will serially plagiarize something else.
I got the goods fool. More to come!
Frankly odd and monomaniacal. I said you were a chronological user. There are many ways to join them together.
I’m about ready to join the movement to force people communicate in ENGLISH. I’m getting tired of the gibberish plastered in these threads by a certain poster.
Texas plans to kill Lawrence Russell Brewer today. Brewer, 44, was convicted in the notorious James Byrd Jr. dragging case.
Brewer told a Texas TV station that his execution will be a “good out” and he’s “glad it’s about to come to an end.”
Texas will have one less murderous white supremacist tomorrow. Good riddance.
I know some of my liberal friends are against the death penalty in any and all circumstances, but I think some killers have it coming and this guy is one of ’em.
Some of the drug cartel gangsters who escaped from Mexican prisons on Monday are now permanently out of circulation. They were among 35 dead bodies dumped by masked gunmen on a busy Mexican highway yesterday.
Mexico’s drug war has claimed an estimated 35,000 to 40,000 lives since 2006. It occurs to me that’s pretty close to our country’s casualties five years into the Vietnam War. In other words, that’s a pretty big war they’ve got going on south of the border.
I’m not sure what U.S. financial markets will do in the morning. Everyone expects the Fed to do the “twist.” If they don’t there’ll be a pretty negative reaction. My guess is stocks will be mildly up today but I could be wrong.
Oh, and House Republicans sent a letter to Bernanke bitching about the pending Fed action. They want the Fed to do NOTHING.
On the macro scale, absolutely everything I’m reading has all the experts saying the U.S. economy needs government stimulus but won’t get it because of political opposition to intervention. They’re referring, of course, to the free-market types who think the government should do NOTHING to prevent another financial meltdown or depression.
Their mentality is analogous to passengers on a foundering ship demanding the captain should turn off the bilge pumps because sinking ships will always refloat themselves if you leave them alone (despite empirical evidence to the contrary).
Everything? No. Corporations have to pay more than what they’ve been paying. They’ve been paying less and less over the years. You had a MAJOR brainfart on that in the 9/19 Open Thread.
And if it’s so bad to do this NOW when debt to GDP is LOWER than it was after WWII, why was it so bad to do it THEN?
It wasn’t bad to do it. We had wars (Korea, Cold War) to fight and back in those days WE PAID FOR THAT instead of putting it on a credit card like the miserable tippling idiot you voted for twice did.
Obama’s “plan” is to break the logjam. The rich and the corporations SHOULD PAY MORE. Many polls say the people are behind this you IDIOT???
What’s the date on this blog post “Moe-ron”???
It’s right there in the URL YOU FREAKING FOOL!
January 2011..
What does it say?
How many times did PTBAA say this???
╰─$ b cs -h “proud to be an ass” -b monomaniacal -c
| count |
| 1 |
1 row in set
How many times did you say this???
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b monomaniacal -c
| count |
| 239 |
1 row in set
OVER 239 TIMES in 239 comments!
By that measure WHO”S THE BIGGER “LEFTIST”???
I’ve know about “IT” since the say it was written!
Damn Chrome!
Heh. I see no comment from the “pathological” one (Puddydope) about Shrubya’s tippling problem..
Remember when you said this asshole?
So was it “strong” when Dumbya reached for the freaking bottle in 2005 over Katrina when he could have prayed to your sky god for strength and guidance?
zzzzZZZZzzz.. Again, the words of PuddyIDIOT’s favorite jailbird:
The original link is broken so I’ll just point here:
Hey dope (puddystupid),
Check it out:
─$ b cs -h puddybud -b chronological -c
| count |
| 229 |
1 row in set
Those “chronological” attacks of yours almost match up with your “monomaniacal” attacks..
How does it feel to have a couple of your “chronological” brainfarts exposed by yours truly for all to see?
Who reads your blog? I went there once, saw your code and immediately said this guy is a hacker. You wouldn’t make it past the second morning code screen for new hires.
It was you who screamed about me not having the goods. It was you who claimed I was a leftist for using monomaniacal. I am far from it foolish turd. I told the world a leftist wrote it. You continued to claim I was the only one. One row in set. All you did was claim I was the leftist. Wanna see those HA blog entries again. I’m sure your buds will see you are how frankly ODD you are. Now we see there are more than 1 row in set stupid!
Proud to be an ASS nailed you perfectly above. Frankly Odd and monomaniacal. It will be remembered FOREVER!
Thanks PTBAA
See ya!
Oh so James O’Keefe is now your Saul Alinsky expert? The one you railed about on this blog and his Big Government benefactor?
You are P R I C E L E S S in your S T U P I D I T Y!
BTW Concervatives don’t use Alinksy tactics. DUMMOCRAPTS do!
So you’ve never reconciled how Google finds more monomaniacal entries than you do! I placed the results in the other thread!
Proud To Be An Ass identified you well.
25 – Yep I did. Google reports repeats. You have to jump to the last page of the search before they admit they are repeats.
23 – You lie and twist. I reported the facts above. You’ve been going on and on for YEARS about “monomaniacal” and you can’t stop because you’re stupid and feckless.
LMAO!! I certainly had the goods on YOU! You used “bitch slap” in 12 comments and now a certain female right wing troll will be “offended” at your sexism just like she is always is attacking Roger Rabbit.
How sad for you!
He’s one of YOURS stupid! He USES Alinksy tactics!
Not what this says stupido!
Yeah. Stay away longer this time.
RR @ 15: From what I understand of the Fed’s “twist”, it’s simply switching short-term debt to longer-term debt, thereby taking advantage of the lower interest rates in long-term financing. Like a consumer using a re-finance of his mortgage to pay off credit card debt.
I’m not particularly impressed that this will have any impact as a financial stimulus. In the long run it’s probably a good idea since is saves on interest payments. But it doesn’t really add more money into the system.
But I’m not blaming the fed, they are pretty much out of all the tools available to them. Banks already have tons of money in their vaults, but they aren’t lending, and businesses and consumers aren’t really demanding new loans (only refinancing of existing ones). Consumers are up to their eyeballs in debt, and won’t begin to spend more until that debt is paid down or incomes increase significantly. Paying down debt will take time, and a relatively stable economy over several years. That’s the problem when the Republicans control the government, like they did in the first part of the last decade – they destroy the fundamentals, like cutting off the legs of a chair – it takes a long time to repair the damage.
The only real solution is for the government to spend some real money in infrastructure improvement, which translates into local money in the communities where it takes place. Of course, in the short term this will raise the deficit, but that’s the only way out of the mess created by Bush & Co. In the long term getting the economy going again will solve the deficit problem in and of itself.
As I mentioned before (several times), I’ve completed reading Robert Morris’s biography, and in a way this “twist” reminded me of Morris’ attempts to keep “paper” circulating to pay the bills of the Continental Congress, while futiliy waiting for the states to enact taxes and remit money to Congress to fund the war. In essence, it was a check-kiting scheme, attempting to use one issuance of paper notes to pay for a previous issuance of paper notes. Ultimately Morris had to use his own personal credit to back the notes, while waiting on the proceeds of loans from France, and then using loans from the Dutch to make interest payments on the loans from France.
31 – An econogeek I read from time to time makes a compelling point.
True stimulus spending that we’ve lambasted Obama for being weak on in the last stimulus has two drawbacks in this day and age:
It bids up the price of oil whose explosion in price did much to help tank the economy in 2007/2008.
It bids up the prices of other commodities neede d for the “roads and bridges” Obama likes to speechify about like cement which is in heavy demand from places like China and India.
Good old fashioned Keynesian stimulus worked wonders in an age of cheap oil and fewer economic powerhouses. Not so much today.
So the bad news for Obama back in start of his administration may have been this very fact.
There are other forms of “stimulus” like R&D for clean energy and the like and aid to the States for keeping government workers employed but this tends to employ fewer people and is subject to political attacks from the right.
We desperately need a new source of cheap energy to fuel economic growth or else we’ll just muddle through a Jerry Brown style “era of limits” or worse have to endure right wing wars to grab remaining oil resources.
It’s hard to substitute for fossil fuels. You just have to drill it out of ground and you’ve got substances with energy that has been stored in their chemical bonds over millions of years.
Only 4 substances have reasonably accessible energy in such cornucopian quantities: uranium, thorium and if you can get aneutronic fusion to work – hydrogen+Boron.
It’s just plain physics.
Where’d you go to school again dumbass??
From Steve Levy’s Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
I didn’t go to MIT. I just went to a humble State College in California which churned out many engineers who worked in the local defense industries and many other places thank you very much.
I learned plenty to turn out a miserable dope like you PStupid. I’ve read a few books in my time.
As I’ve said many times before: education was WASTED on your silly ass.
Truly. Been there, done that with the “Enterprise Systems” bullshit.
A mind killing, stultifyingly booooring way to eke out a living..
You can have a lot more fun running a fast food joint.
How do you explain this?
BTW the [HA Hero YLB] claimed my last name was Pavlov!
I’ve never claimed that in these comment threads. I’ve only “claimed” that, i.e. mocked your silly ass – on my blog..
# 32: The problem is that some of the roads and bridges were overdue for replacement over a decade or so ago. If we don’t tax ourselves and do it, we will have many more disasters like the one in Minnesota. I-5 was projected to carry a fraction of it’s current traffic, and the roadbed (not just the top asphalt layer) was supposed to be re-done after fifty years. Guess what? It’s been fifty years, and we’ve been pushing between four and ten times as much traffic over it during that same time period, which means it should have undergone major overhaul about twenty years ago.
So stimulus or not, that’s one of the infrastructure investments which is long overdue. The advantage is that there isn’t much other building going on in the U.S., and much of the materials are available locally (except oil for asphalt), so I don’t think it has that big of a detrimental impact on prices – as long as we do it now, not ten years from now.
Other stimulus projects could include changing the building codes to require solar heating panels on new buildings. It costs a lot less to do it when it’s being built than it costs to retrofit an existing structure, when the wiring is included. If we set the system in place now, while construction is at a historical low, it will already be in place when construction picks up again. If you want to turn it into stimulus spending, increase the tax deduction/rebate for retrofit of existing structions.
Another place for stimulus spending is on the rail systems, which would reduce the oil requirements over the long term.
Yes, this is actually a much better kind of stimulus spending. Building truly new infrastructure that saves energy and serves as a more effective basis for future economic growth instead of merely rehabbing old, outdated, expensive to maintain infrastructure which reinforces the mistakes of the past well into the future.
It occurs to me that if American businesses have no use for American workers, then America’s government should hire them to fix roads and bridges that need fixing so American business can stay in business.
Alsoooo … it’s just common sense that when a lot of our workforce is idle because the economy no longer needs their old skills, that’s a good time to send them back to school to learn the new skills employers want for jobs employers complain they can’t fill. An economic depression is when we should be INCREASING government investment in edcation, not cutting back on Pell grants and student financial aid, capping admissions, laying off teachers, and padlocking classroom doors.
And you don’t have to borrow to do it. The rich are prospering. Sales are UP at Tiffany’s. Prices of million-dollar homes are RISING. Incomes of the upper crust are going up. They can pay more taxes.
Oh my this moron’s search strings HAVE FAYLED HIM AGAIN. You are a legend in your own mind!
Check out this thread moron! I don’t even need to archive anything. Pavlov was really discussed there.
Wow now you are 1/13 and still a chronological monomaniacal idiot serial arschloch plagiarizer!
See ya. Cuz I don’t wanna be ya!
Whenever the serial arschloch plagiarizer @29 copies something from a thread there is always another paragraph there to refute itself.
Another rejection swept away from the goalmouth!
Proud to be an ASS nailed you perfectly above. Frankly Odd and monomaniacal. It will be remembered FOREVER!
Thanks PTBAA
See ya!
41 – zzzzZZZZZzzzz.. Fayle..
Never said your last name was Pavlov there.
Wow you’re really piling up the brainfarts dummy!
42 – Huh? So you’re saying O’Keefe isn’t a conservative?
Shit that paragraph is saying the Tea Baggers aren’t conservative..
Whatever dude. You fayle again…
Regarding the Pavlov comment, don’t go to your leftist moronic blog except to laugh at your code snippet!
Proud to be an ASS nailed you perfectly above. Frankly Odd and monomaniacal. It will be remembered FOREVER!
Thanks PTBAA
See ya!
No but you’d rather be home while the wife is out working hard. Somehow that doesn’t compute unless she is the man of the home! I guess I was right about your pink lace panties.
Proud to be an ASS nailed you perfectly above. Frankly Odd (pink lace panty waste) and monomaniacal. It will be remembered FOREVER!
Thanks PTBAA
See ya!
45,46 – LMAO! You’ve been piling up reading comprehension and chronological brainfarts like crazy lately.
Your Carl Grossman stupidity was a total reading comprehension brainfart. I read that thread in detail. The “wrongheaded meatball” was in reference to YOU criticizing Carl for citing a blog.
So you still believe “the truth can come from anywhere”??? Shit when your behavior pattern is promulgating propaganda and lies 24/7, nope, your agenda is clear and the part played by where you get your lies and propaganda WILL ALWAYS BE ON THE TABLE.
You’ve been caught “jockstrapping” SEIU and philandering Dem politicians like Bill Clinton – total hypocrisies in light of your Beck man-love
You’re clearly lying about reading my blog. I’ve only written about your “last name” there.
But the MOST HILARIOUS discovery of all lately is that your undying man-love for the miserable idiot you voted for twice is TOTALLY STUPID.
Dumbya REACHED FOR THE BOTTLE WHEN HE COULD HAVED REACHED FOR GOD!!! Black people were drowning in NOLA, their bloated bodies in the WATER!
HE REACHED FOR JIM BEAM per the publication that you JOCKSTRAPPED for exposing Edwards.
How many trolls have repudiated Dumbya? Mr. Klynical said he never liked him. MTR said he wasn’t a conservative. The HNMT dumped on him.
You remained the ONLY HOLDOUT serial dumbass. YOU WERE A FOOL!
DUMBYA was a phony. Phony ranch. (Where is it now?) Brush clearing for the cameras. and now…
Phony faith in the MAN UPSTAIRS. Remember Bob Woodward and the “higher father”???
If he was guided from “up above” he wouldn’t have reached for the bottle!!!
You’ve boxed yourself in with the all the hate you’ve spewed in these threads over the years.
46 – Now the fool has cross-dressing fantasies.
It never ends with this “meatball”..