Please join us for an evening of politics under the influence at tonight’s Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but a few folks show up earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it tonight? There are a bunch of nearby meetings. The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night. Drinking Liberally Bellingham also meets tonight beginning at 7:00pm. Drinking Liberally Tacoma meets this Thursday, 7:00pm at the Hub Restaurant. The brand new Woodinville chapter of Drinking Liberally meets next Monday at 7:00 pm. Also next Monday, the Olympia chapter of Drinking Liberally meets at 7:00pm.
With 227 chapters of Living Liberally, including thirteen in Washington state and six more in Oregon, chances are excellent there’s one near you.
The video link is dead and directly clicking on the vimo28943082 link takes me to a page where there the video should be, but is missing from the center of the page. is also down right now.
Maybe they are trying to silence the liberals. :)
Works for me.
It sometimes works. Try reloading.
Yeah…it’s probably the Teabag Express Army Of Death undertaking a DOS attack.
Seattle is home to one of the world’s 20 most influential political bloggers, according to the Seattle Times. His name is Richard Silverstein and he runs a blog called Tikun Olam, which in the past has been a conduit for leaked documents involving Israel.
Oh yeah and there’s also this:
“The Obama administration has prosecuted five government officials for leaking classified materials to the press, compared with zero under the George W. Bush administration, according to The New York Times.”
Kucinich May Stay In Ohio
Rep. Dennis Carpetbagger, er, I mean Kucinich may not be coming to Washington after all.
“In a Tuesday statement issued after the release of a new GOP-proposed congressional map, Kucinich calls the decision not to dismantle his Cleveland district ‘an amazing turn of events.’ … Kucinich says he had been praying for a chance to continue representing his district.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I dunno if the flying spaghetti monster answered Kucinich’s prayers, but it sure answered my prayers.
I took a look. I’m pretty tired of hearing about Israel and the Muslims. We need to get ourselves out of the Middle East and leave it to the neighbors to decide their fate. Personally, I don’t care who comes out on top in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Just get it over with.
@6 “Just get it over with.”
Like this?
GOP wins in NY House race, seen as Obama rebuke
Don’t cry too hard in your beer, the GOP just took a seat never held by the GOP in liberaltown NY
Bring on 2012 – Change is in the wind!
You don’t get change from a 70 year old conservative Catholic. You’ll get the same boiler plate bullshit the Republicans have been serving up for the last 20 years.
Looks like they split the Jewish vote.
Looks like we got all the Change we could stand….Trickle up Poverty doesn’t belong in America!
Here is something interesting…
Wow, Glenn Beck called it again, while left wrong sites denigrated him earlier this year of his prescient call.
Looks like for 2011:
Glenn Beck 9
Left Wrong 2
He could be 10 and 1 depending on what Egypt does.
In 2010 Obummer called for Palestinian Statehood. In 2011 Obummer will block Palestinian Statehood. Looks like Obummer was for it and was for it again before he was against it.
Seems Obummer is always in campaign mode and never in presidential mode!
Wow Michael, I see the HA leftist pinheadedness is rubbing off on you.
Drank some of Steve’s Stupid Solution again? How much did you purchase in late 2009?
Puddy, how Libya turns out won’t be known for a long time. Your declaring victory for Beck, who is every bit as crazy as Gaddafi, suggests your own madness.
Well, Weprin didn’t realize the positions of the congressional district voters. Jews and Latinos are against gay marriage in this NY congressional district, something totally missed by misogynist dumb cinder block rujax in the Open Thread. How they continued to vote for Weiner is beyond me since he was a loud mouth gay marriage jock strap. Must be Weiner brought home da bacon. Also Jews were/are upset over Obummer and his anti-Israel sadministration.
Even Queens DUMMOCRAPTS are realizing a Dope with A Few Pennies Change isn’t helping them at all.
Remember this?
Well it seems Obummer has a new site for left wrong morons to visit.
One of the sites big attacks is on Glenn Beck. Butt Media Morons got it wrong again. Those comments are from Ehud Barak.
And missing at this site is Netanyahu’s May 2011 condemnation of Obummer at the Joint Session of Congress.
Looks like Obummer and his gang of left wrong nitwits are really worried Glenn Beck has GBTV! All that screaming to get Glenn off Fox News is backfiring.
The video seems to work again but Dkos is still hit and miss. It seems they don’t have the bandwidth for even a special election in NY. (server dropped connection message) I’ll have to find some alternative democratic sites with current information as they have been getting slower with more failure to load issues in the evening.
I found the news I was after. It is here @8. I first found the information on the BBC site. Weiner’s seat went to the republican. :(
Hows the Nevada Race going? Has anyone heard. One Down in NY and One to go in Nevada!
Ummm… it seems we have another denier of facts in proud leftist.
Didn’t I place the words of Libyan National Transitional Council chairman Mustafa Abdul Jalil above?
I guess proud leftist has reading comprehension problems.
The jury is still out on Egypt because they love the foreign tourism bucks but some in Egypt have said screw tourists we want Sha’Ria here too. Once again proud leftist is reading the left wrong sites who never cover real news, just conjecture of George Soros and other non-tax paying lefties!
’cause surely he shouldn’t fight back with the truth against attacking reds.
“You know, we all have our inner demons. I, for one – I can’t speak for you, but I’m on the verge of moral collapse at any time. It can happen by the end of the show.” –”The Glenn Beck Program,” Nov. 6, 2006
LAS VEGAS (AP) — Republican former state senator Mark Amodei won Nevada’s heavily GOP 2nd Congressional District in a special election Tuesday night, easily trouncing Democrat Kate Marshall in this economically-ravaged state where President Barack Obama’s popularity has sagged.
2 for 2 this evening….ahhhh Miller Time!
@10 “Trickle up Poverty doesn’t belong in America!”
Yes, we know you guys like trickle down poverty better. Suppose the GOP wins big in 2012 … just suppose. Then they have to deliver, I mean actually deliver, millions of jobs and a lower unemployment rate. If they don’t, guess what’s gonna happen to them in 2014 and 2016?
Guess what, nobody can fix this economic mess. It’s a classic balance sheet recession that resulted from too much debt. It’s like the common cold, there’s no cure, you just have to let it run its course. Government, the financial system, businesses, and households are all deleveraging at the same time. The only thing that could bootstrap us out of this in a short period of time is World War 3.
@19 Gee, what’s the big fucking surprise about Muslim rebels establishing a Muslim state? Sorry, pudnutz, but Libya isn’t gonna be a Christianist theocracy like Texas.
Why not try regulations that are Business Friendly?
Obamacare is no more business friendly than a 33% corporate tax rate.
Dump the Regulations and Business can thrive!
24 – Isn’t more ozone friendly enough?
No Obamacare caused the complete ceasing of hiring the minute it was passed. We found out what was in it, massive taxes and a takeover.
If the Liberals won’t dump it, we’ll elect a president who will!
thank you anthony weiner
Sharia means many things, and at most basic is simply the set of laws and rules that guide any Muslim in their belief system – how to pray, when to pray, dietary restrictions, etc. It’s not by definition the manifestations we’ve seen in places like Afghanistan, or with our good friends in Saudi Arabia.
As I read Puds ‘comments’ above, I was struck at how the Christianist knuckle-draggers get all in a lather about a bunch of Muslims in the Middle East declaring that they were going to rule themselves according to Muslim principles, when every other word out of Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann or Sarah Palin’s mouth is about how we’re a ‘Judeo-Christian nation’ or our laws derive from god or the government needs to be filled with ‘godly’ or ‘righteous’ people.
Religious exclusionism/chauvanism – it’s all the same.
BTW, I was impressed witht he Libyan I heard on the radio commenting that they were going to be a moderate government, and that neither ‘the left or the right’ would take over their democracy. It actually sounded reasonable.
And GlennnnnBeck is never right about anything, ever, except perhaps tips on grifting.
Bay area man’s life is saved by Rachel Beckwith kidney donation, takes up Rachel’s cause for clean water.
What a crushing defeat for the Obama agenda!!
Obama is such a hardcore leftist, I’ll bet he doesn’t get the message yet.
Watch the about face as it’s all about him!!
— Democratic voter Richard Krisberg explaining to the Wall Street Journal why he voted to replace former Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., with Republican political novice Bob Turner.
Now we have Fast & Furious PLUS Solyndra monstrous scandals.
Obama needs to!
caused the complete ceasing of hiring the minute it was passed.
Yawwwn.. Heritage Foundation bullshit..
When Obamacare was Romneycare did that sink MA to the highest unemployment rate???
Let’s see the highest unemployment rate right now is (drumroll):
Nevada! A red state!
Massachusetts is at 16!
We found out what was in it, massive taxes and a takeover.
This is pretty typical of the right winger who lives off of right wing hate talk radio and batshit insane right wing ding chain e-mail.
First taxes:
Next the biggest whopper of them all:
Whatatard this serial arschloch plagiarizer is. The Heritage Foundation used the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly data ya moron!
You passed your 40 flavors of stupid early this morning!
And they LIE with them pretending that correlation equals causation, i.e:
What a miserable TOOL you are!
Gee how did “Obamacare” affect hiring in North Dakota?
Here is the religion of peace in action. How would you feel if you were the brother or sister of those parents?
Asshole, do you see anything in that about religion???
Israel has occupied the West Bank for over 40 years. The Palestinians who have lived in refugee camps for generations have the right to return as per the UN Declaration of Human Rights
Many Israelis agree there will be no peace until this issue is settled.
Dumbass bigot.
Dumbass bigot.
It appears the heads of the leftists are exploding. 1 horrible defeat after another. Weiner’s seat, crushed in Nevada, Obama’s runaway, out of control administration with Fast & Furious and Solyndra hanging over his head like a stinking cowpie.
Obama had no record to run on in 2008 and escaped scrutiny by an in the tank leftist media. Now he does have a record..and it’s virtually all bad.
Obama is done. I hope Kucinich has the balls to run to force Obama to defend his record.
The vote in NY last night shows that Democrat loyalists have even had it with Obama.
Keep up the bad work a$$holes.
Looking in the mirror again?
Well the case and effect happened just after Obummer care passed. The very next month and it’s still above 9%. Care to present “facts”?
Nope didn’t think so!
This might take Obama down.
The facts thus far are damning. Obama will have to claim ignorance, just like he did on Fast & furious. When you continue to claim ignorance, eventually voters will decide you are INCOMPETENT!
More to come a$$holes.
MORON! They started the war of 1967. Wait a minute you have no clue. You are a historical chronological monomaniacal moron! You already eat through your 40 flavors of stupid this morning — No mo fo you!
Until then no deal.
Puddy, I guess this is why you call him Odumba and Obummer.
Obama is sooooo inept that he praises a company that is shipping the high production part of their business to Costa Rica???
Does this fool ever validate stuff before he starts speaking? Appears not.
Obama is an American embarrassment.
Obama has seen his Jewish base erorded, woman base eroded, Black base eroded…everything eroded by actual THINKING people.
Obama is left with a bunch of guilt-ridden leftist white folks and the welfare crowd.
40 – Wow like 60-70 billion dollars (tip of the iceburg) of waste, fraud and abuse in Iraq ever troubled tools like you in the slightest.
How “competent” was that???
VERY VERY according to you tools because that’s EXACTLY where you want to return!
41 – Find those references to religion yet in that jpost story moron?
No comment on that article from an Israeli?
Of course not!
You’re a dumbass bigot who toes the right line.
42,43 – Wow a textbook case of Obama derangement syndrome.
Worry not little tool. One look at scary Rick Perry and people will make the right call.
Oh look! They are already!
45 – RIGHT WING LINE, excuse me!
So you want poor slobs who’ve felt Israeli steel all their lives to renounce violence?
How’d that work for Nelson Mandela and the ANC? They were supposed to be a bunch of commies remember?
Gee Obama has made a lot of mistakes in his dealings with the Republicans.
It makes a lot more sense that voters would want to hand over the country to an even more INSANE crowd than they rejected in 2008!
Just look at how eager they are!
Gee it looks like Romney is fairing a bit better against Obama:
But wait he was the signer of ROMNEYCARE!
I thought that was bad news! The Republican base likes secessionism panderer scary Rick Perry better!
If you fuck things up and kill people, it doesn’t matter whether you’re wearing a cross, a six-pointed star or a crescent. You’re still an asshole.
Oh this is too funny!
The crazy right wing base likes Rick Perry.
But they also love those “ponzi schemes”.
And they think Obama is a SOCIALIST?????
Yeah they said that about John LeBoutillier.
He was a one-termer.
51 – Yeah what that Palestinian did was messed up.
But Puddydope attributing it to religious motives was pure idiocy.
The story he quoted didn’t once mention religion.
I don’t need to! Any sane person wouldn’t do something horrible like that. But someone waiting for their 72 virgins would.
Always asleep at their computer, that’s the serial arschloch plagiarizer! BTW he’s an ASShole too. All ASShole!
But the serial arschloch plagiarizer inflated that figure to
Such a feckless monomaniacal liar.
Hey serial arschloch plagiarizer, do you remember which HA leftist called you monomaniacal? Search that crazed databaze! That was a day that will forever live in infamy!
What Creates Jobs, What Doesn’t
I’m just gonna skip over the troll-trash in this thread and get right to the point. Nobody, myself included, can predict the future; prognosticating is just educated guesswork. But there are plenty of smart people who are paid to look at actual history and figure things out — economists, statisticians, academics, etc. And here’s what they’re saying about Obama’s jobs proposal:
“Payroll Tax Cuts: Likely to happen, minimal impact. … The previous payroll cut hasn’t exactly caused an economic boom, so it’s unlikely these tax reductions alone can move the needle or spur hiring.
Road and School Construction: A tough sell, but would have decent impact. … [W]hen the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office broke down the true impact of [the] initial stimulus, the direct spending by federal and local governments had the biggest ‘multiplier’ effect … and bolstered GDP by the biggest amount. Tax cuts for the wealthy, for corporations and first-time homebuyers had the smallest impact ….
“National infrastructure bank: Never going to happen. … Consider it dead in the water — any possible impact is academic.
“Unemployment benefit extensions: Maybe will pass, minimal impact. … Democrats argue … unemployment checks … [are] guaranteed to be spent on consumer staples, and most experts agree that this baseline demand is crucial to at least keeping the economy stable. Obama has … modeled [the extension] after the GOP brainchild Georgia Works — a program that lets businesses try out new workers without having to pay them. … Of course, this is simply maintaining the status quo by keeping the lights on and the fridge stocked. It’s hardly a true job creation initiative and will have little impact on growth.
“Mortgage refinancing: Long shot, questionable impact. … [T]he biggest waste in the 2009 Obama stimulus plan came from tax cuts and credits. A big offender was that $8,000 incentive for first-time homebuyers, which neither stimulated the economy nor helped the housing market. Now Obama is … proposing incentives to refinance …. Most qualified U.S. homeowners have already refi-ed … the impact of $2,000 is likely to be minimal ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’re in a classic balance-sheet recession caused by over-indebtedness. It will take time for businesses and households to deleverage, so there’s no quick or easy fix to the economy’s woes. Meantime, what’s holding back economic growth is lack of consumer demand, not lack of capital, so initiatives to put more money in the coffers of the rich and corporations will not produce jobs — the economy is already awash in idle capital. From the labor mobility standpoint, workers who are stuck in unsalable homes can’t move to where jobs are, so the housing market seize-up is an obstacle to bringing down the unemployment rate. Again, no easy fixes, but it seems to me a lot of these mortgages eventually will have to be written off or written down, and it’s better for the economy if banks do it now instead of trying to get payments from unemployed people who can’t and won’t pay their underwater mortgages anyway — and there is justice in this position because, after all, it was banks who knowingly approved irresponsible loans in the first place. But ultimately, millions of American ex-workers have to find a new way to make a living because the economy has permanently restructured, destroying old jobs and moving in new directions. Here is where job training and relocation assistance might be of some help.
Where did anyone say that serial lying arschloch plagiarizer@56?
You make up shit that can only be attributed to yourself. Why do you lie and lie and lie? Are you feeling lonely all alone at home? Did the dog run away?
@57 Given the trillions wasted by Republicans on an unnecessary war and corrupt no-bid contracts, you can take your sanctimonious horseshit and shove it up your ass.
Moron: were these guys waiting for 72 virgins?
How about his bunch:
Hey lying piece of shit serial arschloch plagiarizer ever heard of the Oslo Accords. There was a simple statement in their which has not been met to this day!
Butt being a moron you are means you’ll never understand that.
Nope I threw in the 8 billion that was “lost” here:
Oh! The Iraqis want it back by the way!
Another of your many false equivalences!
62 – 40 plus years stupid. If the Israelis really wanted peace they’d have it. But too many Israelis want a “greater Israel” and other Israelis fear that Jews across the world don’t want anything to do with their “homeland” because of the mess the Zionists have made – so they believe they must throw their weight around (i.e. attack Iran) to show that Israel is “safe”.
As valid as the motives you were attributing to that Palestinian.
More of your covering your ASS with your “fairytale” stories.
59 – LMAO!! You do that all the time stupid.
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b corrected -c
| count |
| 92 |
1 row in set
Can anyone make out that drivel in #65? If it’s what the arschloch handiwipes deciphered, that’s the reason why many NY Queens and Brooklyn Jews voted Republican yesterday ya idiot.
Man this one is a real Mariana Trench dweller!
How does that whale shit taste?
Wait for it… a cut and paste event…
67 – Sorry it’s the truth.
About things your write not about things you “say”
Wait for it… a search is coming again! I am so in his head.
Remember he is my beta, and I am his alpha!
69 – We send billions to Israel every year serial dumbass.
Ever see me say we shouldn’t do that?
But maybe we should insist the Israelis spend those funds on their defense rather than building settlements on land that doesn’t belong to them.
But nooooooooo… Israel gets special treatment.
I remember when Jacobo Timmerman said the U.S. treats Israel like its “girlfriend”.
71 – You’re lying.
Ummm serial arschloch plagiarizer…
Ever been there? Ever drove out of Jerusalem and looked over and saw Ramallah in the near distance?
No, your couch is too comfy to leave and actually see the real world. You’d rather read about it from Daily Kooks, The Putrid Morons, Media Morons or other left wrong sites.
Stay stupid… ID’d as your best job ever!
74 – Bad news for you serial dumbass:
This country is supposed to not prefer one religion over another. It’s supposed to be neutral on the subject.
But some whackjobs IGNORE THAT even though they’re SWORN to defend the Constitution of the United State of America.
LMAO! A lefty leaning publication forces positive changes!
Mikey Weinstein, a former Raygun lawyer, is a great American for dedicating his life to pushing back against this degenerate movement in the U.S. military.
Yes serial dumbass, he a true American, not a “surreal un-American” like YOU!
Wrote a blog post on it stupid..
Let’s see where the count is now:
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b monomaniacal -c
| count |
| 239 |
1 row in set
Gee I never thought of you as “leftist”. Mark of a true serial dumbass.
Stay stupid. It’s entertaining.
Wow serial arschloch plagiarizer your database has failed you again. There are two rows in that set. Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa monomaniacal and still an idiot! I even have your answer saved after they wrote it.
I know and I’ll use it real soon on your sorry ASS. Wait for it… it will be “glorious” just at the right time!
Ahhh I see you didn’t answer the have you been to Israel question serial arschloch plagiarizer. You’d rather get your “news” from left wrong sites. Why is that?
The rest of the rant is useless as the poster is!
RR @ # 58: A few thoughts:
1. Housing/Mortgage crisis remains a drag on the economy. Too much inventory held by banks, too many homeowners underwater. The best solution would be one which is available in business bankruptcies (but not for individual homeowners): allow a court in Chapt 13 to set the value of the secured creditor’s interest in the property (i.e., re-fix the mortage at the current market value), and make the rest of it unsecured debt to be paid off over the next five years or discharged in chapter 7 liquidation. That’s what happens after a foreclosure, anyway. But it would allow the short sale of property by debtors who need to move to get a job elsewhere, or who divorce, etc., without the excess costs, delays, and depreciation of the property when it is in foreclosure.
2. I agree that the problem is excess debt held by consumers, corporations, state and local governments, and the national government. We have been spending our grandparent’s legacy, neglecting the maintenance of the infrastructure, giving ourselves large tax cuts, with banks, corporations, and wealthy taxpayers getting most of the benefit.
3. Only well-paying jobs will get us out of this fix. The Republicans try to play a shell game of robbing jobs from one state and sending it to another, each state promising lower (or no) taxes, subsidies, etc. It’s a race to the lowest-common denominator. We need to instead focus on re-building American industry here at home, by giving tax breaks only to corporations who create jobs here and pay a living wage. Our policy over the past ten years has been the reverse of that.
By the way, there is some talk that the home mortgage tax deduction may be part of the budget talks by the “budget super-committee”.
I agree that on one level, the government really has no reason to subsidize homeowners while passing more of the tax burden on rentors. But anybody who proposes this is going to find out that Social Security isn’t the only “third rail” in D.C. With the housing market still floundering, real estate agents, banks, and mortgage companies would be be crying to the heavens that their industries would die a quick death without that subsidy, putting millions out of work. And there is a small element of truth to that claim.
Now, if you want to talk about cutting out the subsidies for mortgages on more than one home, or limit the subsidy to a reasonable amount ($750,000?), then I’m all for it.
LMAO! One row in the DATA set stupid..
Quite a brainfart there serial dumbass. You should have “known” better. One for the ages!
LMAO yet again! Is that a threat or a promise serial dumbass? Oh I’m so scared! As I recall I “answered” by laughing at YOU and the KLOWN’s (“friendo” from Montana) stupid asses!
Bring it buffoon! Stay the silly right wing fool! Keep entertaining us!
Oh your sorry ass has been to Israel?? To the Holy Land! Oh my do tell fool! How inspiring that your miserable ass has been there!
Like I’ve said before:
Different place, same old, same old right wing dope!
I think it should be gotten rid of period. Get people out of being in debit for 30 years. Get people back to living in denser, more walkable, communities.
Who needs Republicans when you’ve got Democrats.
@24 “Dump the Regulations and Business can thrive!”
This is true. It’s much cheaper for a dry cleaner to throw toxic chemicals out the back door into the storm drain than pay a disposal firm $500 to haul them away.
Slaughterhouses would be more profitable (and could hire more illegals) if they didn’t have to comply with food safety laws and inspections.
Unregulated pawn shops make more money than regulated ones. Banks would make more money if they didn’t have to disclose hidden fees and terms to customers. Car dealers would prosper if they could sell used cars as new.
Without exception, it’s always more profitable to run a business with no regulations. Laws and regulations that protect the public from predatory and dishonest businesses are just a big pain in the ass for predatory and dishonest business people.
@26 “If the Liberals won’t dump it, we’ll elect a president who will!”
Go right ahead. It’s called “democracy.” As for me, I don’t worry about getting hired, because I’m not willing to work. I live off the land, and I’m doing quite nicely, thank you very much.
When I started my work career the pay wasn’t all that great, the hours were long, and the work was hard, but at least I got medical benefits and the promise of a pension if I stuck it out for a lifetime.
Now, the pay is no better, the hours are even longer, the work is harder and more demanding, and there’s no medical or retirement benefits anymore. Why the fuck would anyone want a job like that? I don’t. I flip stocks instead. My stock flipping contributes absolutely nothing to GDP but pays a lot better than my lousy job ever did.
So, elect a Republican president and repeal Obamacare. While you’re at it, repeal the NLRB and take away the few remaining rights that workers still have, too. Go ahead, destroy all the incentive to work in this country. You’re already most of the way there. Then you won’t have to listen to people complaining that there are no jobs, because nobody will want your lousy jobs.
@75 The Air Force, and particularly the Air Force Academy, has been a hotbed of force-fed Christianism in the military. It’s high time these unconstitutional activities got rooted out.
The article you linked to quotes a USAF spokesman,
“‘The commander reviewed it and decided we needed to have a good hard look at it and make sure it reflected views of modern society,’ Smith said.”
Modern society, hell! Government religious neutrality has been the supreme law of the land since 1791. Where have these people been?
@79 I can hardly wait for the GOPers to shoot down the payroll tax and unemployment benefits extensions because they don’t want to raise taxes on oil companies. I’d love to see them run on THAT next year!
Once again the serial arschloch plagiarizer is caught. There are two rows moron. Your sort sucks in the crazed databaze. The monomaniacal label was given to you by a leftist. I’ll decide when it’s appropriate to deliver the goods. You are my beta remember idiot? I am in your head forever!
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
Second, you have no idea what’s going on in the Middle East cuz you sit on your couch reading left wrong sites all day. The same thoughts that caused Obummer to lose Weiner’s seat in Brooklyn/Queens. They DUMMOCRAPT leadership is rushing to shore up that voting block. They have voiced their dislike for peeps who think like you anti-Israel.
Bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa
It apparently isn’t official yet, but earlier this year Congress approved the 2011 Defense Authorization Bill, which contained a rider authorizing the award of the Medal of Honor to 1st Lt. Alonzo Cushing of Delafield, Wisconsin.
Cushing graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and was assigned to command an Army artillery battery positioned at The Angle, the focal point of Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg on July 3, 1861. Faced with the full fury of the Confederate assault, Cushing held his ground and refused to withdraw. Contemporaries described his actions as follows:
“He was wounded three times. First, he was wounded by a shell fragment that went straight through his shoulder. He was then grievously wounded by a shell fragment which tore into his abdomen and groin. This wound exposed Cushing’s intestines which he held in place with his hand as he continued to command his battery. After these injuries a higher ranking officer said, ‘Cushing, go to the rear.’ Cushing, due to the limited amount of men left, refused to fall back. The severity of his wounds left him unable to yell his orders above the sounds of battle. Thus, he was held aloft by his 1st Sergeant Frederick Füger, who faithfully passed on Cushing’s commands. Cushing was killed when a bullet entered his mouth and exited through the back of his skull. He died on the field at the height of the assault.”
Sgt. Fuger was awarded the Medal of Honor, but recognition was denied to Cushing because the rules of the time precluded posthumous awards. In recent times, descendants and supporters took up Cushing’s cause, with assistance from former Wisconsin U.S. Senator Russ Feingold. The Army began an investigation in 2002 and recommended award of the Medal of Honor to Cushing in 2010. The Secretary of the Army approved the recommendation and Congress’ approval, as noted above, followed earlier this year. All that remains now is for President Obama to bestow the medal.
@90 Yawn. What’s going on in the Middle East is there will never be peace as long as Israeli military forces continue to occupy the Palestinian homeland and oppress the Palestinian people. Nor can there be peace until Palestinian attitudes toward Israel change, but hell is likely to freeze over first, as a recent poll shows two-thirds of Palestinians would like to eradicate Israel from the face of the Earth. Personally, I think the Israelis and Palestinians deserve each other, and we should stop giving material aid to any of them until they grow up and settle this schoolyard fight.
Mrs. Rabbit has a friend who knows a Microsoft employee who married an Israeli woman. They have two teenaged daughters. She wanted to move from Redmond to Israel to be near her parents, but he was upset by this, because it meant their daughters would be conscripted into the Israeli army. She insisted on going, and instead of divorcing her, he got a transfer to a Microsoft facility in Israel, where he now works and oversees his family. Last I heard, he’s not too happy about this arrangement, and the girls aren’t either, but what can you do about a stubborn woman? Nothing. Once you’ve married her, you’re screwed.
I’m glad I didn’t have to wait as long for my state pension as Lt. Cushing had to wait for his medal. It took him almost as long to get his medal as it takes to get a pre-approval for a medical procedure from a private insurance company.
Social Security tells you to apply for your retirement benefits up to 90 days before our birthday. After I turned in my application, approval was automatic and I got my benefits when they said I would. Since then, my benefits have arrived every month, without interruption or delay. In fact, my research indicates that ever since Ida May Fuller received her first Social Security benefit payment in January 1941, every single one of the millions of Social Security recipients has received every single one of their benefit payments on time.
Republicans want to privatize Social Security. They must be fucking nuts. So is anyone who votes for them.
It’s bad enough that you have to wait 148 years for a Medal of Honor after getting your guts ripped out and your head blown off when the government runs the program.
If the goddamned private health insurance industry ran the program, Cushing would still be waiting for his medal 500 years from now.
Why would anyone vote for privatizing anything?
Ida May Fuller was born on a Vermont farm in 1874, and attended school in Rutland, Vermont, where one of her classmates was a kid named Calvin Coolidge. She initially worked as a teacher, but eventually became a legal secretary in a private law firm. One of the partners eventually became Attorney General of the United States, under President Coolidge.
Ida Fuller never married or had children. I don’t know if she was a looker when she was young, but she sure wasn’t when she got the first Social Security check issued by the U.S. government.
But looks don’t mean a damn thing; what’s important is that she was an American Worker, and worked hard all her life, and paid taxes, including Social Security taxes.
In November 1939, while running errands in Rutland, Ms. Fuller dropped by the local Social Security office to ask about whether she qualified for any benefits. Her claim was taken by Claims Clerk Burke and sent to Washington D.C. Ms. Fuller ended up at the top of the list and went down in history as the first person to receive a Social Security check.
Since then, no Social Security check has ever been late or not paid. How many private companies have a record like that? Yet, Republicans claim government is “inefficient” and want to turn Social Security over to private companies. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of! Who would vote for politicians as stupid as that?
Well, our friend Puddynutz, for one. I mean, we all love the guy (don’t we?), but shit, he’s as stupid as a box of hammers.
Ida May Fuller died on January 31, 1975, exactly 35 years to the day after she got her first Social Security check for $22.54. Her last Social Security check was more than that, because unlike most private pensions, she got annual COLAs. I used to get Social Security COLAs, too, until Republicans ran the economy and federal budget into the ground. The gummint can’t afford COLAs anymore, so they tell us there’s no inflation. Never mind that a 99-cent loaf of bread now costs $3.99, or that fresh unshucked corn costs five times what it did five years ago. There’s no inflation because the gummint says so. So eat dog food (or, if you’re a rabbit, grass). That’s what happens when you let Republicans get ahold of the taxpayers’ credit card. Why would anyone vote for Republicans? I just don’t understand it. I don’t understand Puddyasswipe, either. Everything he writes is unintelligible gibberish.
Factoid: Each Medal of Honor is individually struck and costs the government about $150.
Well duh stupid. One with data and one with column headings. When you find something in a database search do you count the column headings? A sort? It was a record count stupid. Such a moron who makes an issue of such trivialities..
Israel is one of the most dangerous and dispiriting places on the planet for Jews to live and the far right Zionists have nothing but themselves to blame.
Guess what – stupid “calls” like this will continue to be unheeded:
Who’d want to live in a place that requires its citizens to become brutal repressors, an image of the worst anti-semites of their countries of origin?
And the missing one with the leftist pinhead who FIRST called you monomaniacal. I almost posted the exact phrase so you could find it butt since your databaze skillz are so “refined” you demonstrate how much of a programming loser you really are.
And I thought you were as stupid as a box of brad nails.
Oh yeah… hammers deliver blows to brad nail heads, just like Puddy does to Roger DOPEY Rabbit posts!