Please join us this evening for a feast of politics under the influence at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but a few folks show up earlier for dinner.
Can’t make it tonight? The Tri-Cities chapter of Drinking liberally meets every Tuesday night. Or check out the Everett chapter of Drinking liberally next Monday.
Just remember, there’s never been a better time to buy real estate in our nation’s tax paradise of Texas.
These deals are too hot to wait, so don’t delay and see your dream go up in smoke.
Shorter Mitt Romney: I’m George Bush!
To block a Puddydope retreat from the prior thread:
I’ll post it now to beat your silly ass to the punch.
Yes I said “more lies” because there are lies in what you farted out from between your miserable ears.
I’ll spell it out for the simpleton that you are.
If you say 2+2 = 4, that’s not a lie.
But if you say 2+2 = 4 AND say “lefties” like Warren Buffet are for “class warfare”???
Then that is indeed “more lies” you’ve told to add to the ones you’ve told already.
Like “my word is my bond”.. What a whopper that was!
It’s you who loves class warfare.
It’s you who sucks off your wife’s SEIU tit.
It’s you who is home all day perusing left wrong whack job sites!
It’s you who is a yellow dog DUMMOCRAPT.
It’s you who tried to get people to dumbly follow John Deadwards.
ROTFLMBBAO and your lunacy!
Oh how are the left wrong LIES coming?
Your response
It’s an all inclusive commentary on the entries above.
You can’t run or hide serial arschloch plagiarizer!
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
4 – It that all you got?
You miserable attack is deflected and defeated..
Now that we’re getting a look-see at GOP candidates’ economic plans, it’s clear that Republicans think clean air and Everglades alligators caused the Great Recession.
It’s what happened serial arschloch plagiarizer! Your response
U got nuthin! You have one useless life!
@7 “You have one useless life!”
And what would you call yours?
EXCEPTIONAL Roger DOPEY Rabbit. I have God. What do you have?
LMAO!! Ok here’s a bone for terminally stupid “dawg”…
Definition of Yellow Dog Dem:
Never lived in the South silly. Didn’t come from there.
And I voted for Norm Maleng up until he looked the other way on the Sotelo flap. I’d love to vote for a Republican if they showed some sanity..
If the Dan Evans of back in the day was running today – shit I’d vote for him! A Dan Evans administration would be a breath of fresh air compared to the drift of the Locke/Gregoire years.
He’d reach across the aisle to tax fairly and get shit done!
So I think I am going to go to Drinking Liberally next week if the parenting stars align in my favor. But I’m nervous because I feel woefully ignorant about (especially local) government issues compared to you all at HA.
I guess learning more is the point, right? Anyway, hopefully I’ll see you all in Montlake.
@11 “I’m nervous because I feel woefully ignorant about (especially local) government issues”
Don’t worry, that won’t put you at any disadvantage. All you have to do at DL is schmooze, eat steak fries, and drink beer or 7Up (your option). Talking is optional.
@9 “I have God.”
That’s what the guy this was taken off of thought, too.
Wrong again serial arschloch plagiarizer. I never saw you “admitted” to voting for Maleng.
John Deadwards, he’ll change da world.
Oops… he changed Rielle Hunter…
Hey PuddySilly,
What happened to that attack over Edwards???
Mittens has already gotten his slammed.
Shall we go into it again dope???
And Mittens goes down…
Yeah #4 stands for eternity.
Gotta go! You can stay on HA. Ignore the family! Puddy has better things to do.
Wow PuddyAlzheimers – this was discussed much on this blog..
Shall I show you? Of course I will..
“Bubble memory” is in total meltdown.
19 – #4 is a snorer – like the fool who wrote it.
16, 18 — Wherever you look influential people are slamming GOP economic idiocy, to wit, their idea that the way to respond to a depression is by slashing government spending, eliminating safety-net programs, and hoarding guns, gold, and canned goods. Here is what IMF Chief Christine Lagarde said at Jackson Hole last week:
“Ms Lagarde argued that fiscal policy should … reduce future deficits while supporting growth today. This was not a cop-out, she argued. Growth was necessary for fiscal credibility. ‘After all, who will believe that commitments to cut spending can survive a lengthy stagnation with prolonged high unemployment and social dissatisfaction?'”
So there you have it — the reason to adopt Obama’s policy of JOBS NOW and reject the GOP’s policy of voting “no” on everything except tax cuts for corporations and the rich.*
* Republicans are, however, perfectly willing to raise taxes on wage earners. Republican believe the rich should get all the money and workers should get all the taxes.
Probably the most hilarious stuff posted on this blog is puddyasswipe’s delusional rantings that God is on the Republicans’ side of this argument.
Benjamin Chabot-Hanowell @ 11,
Cool…I look forward to seeing you!
Why Republicans Are Wrong And Why Electing Them Would Be Disastrous For The U.S. And Global Economies
“In 2008 the world economy was saved from depression by a bold and co-ordinated plan to shore up banks and counter the slump with fiscal and monetary stimulus. Today there is no boldness …. There is no co-ordination. And, to the extent that policies have a common theme, it is the wrong one: politicians across the rich world are taking too short-term a view of fiscal austerity — a bout of budget-cutting which will only increase the risk of another recession.”
Democratic policy: Stimulus
Republican policy: Knee-jerk austerity
“How much of our economic malaise can be blamed on regulatory uncertainty? Conservatives argue that a wave of Obama administration regulations and the threat of more to come are the primary hindrance to business confidence and hiring. Liberals say that the weak economy is far more important and that any regulations being enacted more than pay for themselves in economic terms.
“I’ve been struggling with this question for months and have found the debate frustrating: the terminology is wrong and the subject poorly framed, the evidence fragmentary and unhelpful, and generalisations are rampant.”
Government regulation is a more complex issue than dogmatists would have you believe. For an interesting article on the subject, click here:
What’s wrong with class warfare? We need it bigtime in the US of A. The massively growing gap between the rich and the poor in this country is unsustainable. It’s time for the poor, unemployed–and even the dwindling middle class– to say that enough is enough. We dearly need some class warfare in this country, and we need it right now.
We’ve had class warfare in the USA for my entire adult life. It would be nice to see the working class wake the fuck up and fight back for once.
War On Drugs Silliness
A New Mexico woman with no criminal record was compelled to undergo a body cavity search at a hospital after narcs obtained a search warrant based on “credible information from a reliable source” that she had concealed 1 oz. of heroin in her person.
Nothing was found. The woman was not arrested or charged, but the hospital has billed her $1,122 for conducting the body cavity search.
The woman is now suing to make the police pay the hospital bill.
You wrote that as “Clueless”. How is Puddy supposed to remember all the Doppelgangers you used on this board?
BTW you still are clueless!
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
BTW you still are clueless! Sucks when everyone can see your LIES and fecklessness!
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
And watch Moody’s degrade our debt next Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Everything. It doesn’t bring people together. It singles out people who worked hard all their life.
Now don’t get me wrong. There are many rich DUMMOCRAPTS out there who INHERITED their largess.
So leftist, what is enough money? If they give to charities and hire people why do you care? You probably make more than me but I bet I give way more to charity than you. Wanna meet at a DL and review our last 5 years of taxes?
Seems to me the latest stories about companies doing wrong are those who support DUMMOCRAPTS. Google and Apple immediately pop into mind.
BTW Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, has back taxes dating back to 2002. He can pay them with his personal $5 Billion check!
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b clueless -c
| count |
| 2950 |
1 row in set
How indeed with your brain matter escaping with every miserable fart from between your ears.
Still waiting for that attack over Edwards dope.
All together now – let’s coddle the rich! So Puddystupid feeeeels good cuz’ he’s got pie in the sky when he dies.
Ooops Warren Buffet says we shouldn’t do that.
Bill Gates Sr. says we shouldn’t do that..
Ike Eisenhower didn’t think much of it when there was war debt to pay off and a Cold War to fight, and things like Social Security to run responsibly.
When’s that attack over Edwards going to come dope?
According to you I lied or denied about my past support for him.
It’s seems like your’re running away from it now.
I wonder why???
@33 Rich people don’t work, jackass. They’re rich because they own, not because they work. When did you ever see a rich person driving a trash truck, clearing tables, or sweeping a floor? Rich people tell other people to work, then watch them work to make sure they’re working. They don’t do any work themselves.
So none of these “rich” CEOs, DUMMOCRAPTS and Republicans, work Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
Do tell!
See #4 serial arschloch plagiarizer!
Da facts speak for demselves! You said
Such a moron! The serial arschloch plagiarizer be responding. Pavlov guarantees it!
BTW the serial arschloch plagiarizer claimed my last name was Pavlov!
P R I C E L E S S!
40 – Oh I explained that already. You lied about me being a Yellow dog Dem. I never lied about supporting Edwards.
Pretty bad what he did to his wife.
You’d NEVER support anyone like that in your lifetime would you????
LMAO!!! Look:
Puddy is Pavlov
Look at how many times you let us in on the joke:
╰─$ b cs -h puddybud -b pavlov -c
| count |
| 203 |
1 row in set
Pretty funny isn’t it?