Please join us tonight for drinks, conversation, and dinner at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally.
Tonight we will be joined by state Rep. Roger Goodman (D-45 LD). Rep. Goodman is running for Congress in Washington’s 1st CD, the seat currently held by Rep. Jay Inslee.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but a few folks show up earlier for dinner.
Special Event: Tonight from 6:00pm to 8:00pm there will be a public hearing on King County Transit service cuts. The meeting will be held in the King County Council Chambers, 516 Third Avenue, 10th Floor, Seattle. If you can make it, please stop by DL afterward and share your experience and insights with the rest of us.
Can’t make it tonight? With 229 chapters of Living Liberally, chances are good that there is one near you.
Dailykos is debating whether or not Obama is pulling off the biggest rope-a-dope in history over this debt ceiling drama.
This speaks highly in the affirmative:
Ahhh. They’re eating each other once again…
The right wing Senate tools, bought and paid for by the U.S. Chamber and the like, can only pander to the teahadist nutjobs for so long.
I’ve always assumed that Neo-Nazis were idiots, by definition. But apparantly they are illiterate, as well.
A 46-year-old black man, Marvin Baker, was enjoying a quiet drink with a friend in a bar in Bayview, Idaho bar when (allegedly) a 28-year-old Neo-Nazi named Darren Abbey took offense. He began harrassing the black man, threatening to stab him and telling him that he wasn’t welcome there.
Baker tried to avoid confrontation by leaving the bar, but Abbey followed him outside, continuing the abuse. When Abbey made what Baker thought to be a threatening arm movement, Baker hit him with his right fist, knocking him cold.
Perhaps Abbey should have paid attention to the T-short Baker was wearing, carrying the logo of the Spokane Boxing Club.
As of the last report, Abbey was in jail on $75,000 bond. The booking photos show evidence of the force of Baker’s blow to the face.
Daren Abbey, Neo-Nazi, Jailed After Allegedly Picking Fight With Wrong Man
I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that Google+ pretty much kills off Face Book shortly after going off beta. So. Much. Nicer.
Sorry righties, this was a good idea when righties signed off on it in ’07 and its a good idea today. I thought you all were going to have a laser like focus on jobs, or debit, or gays, or guns, or abortion, or…
Does this strike a chord with many of the old timers here?
The right wing trolls are heavily motivated and manipulated by this process.
Arch Coal, the second-largest coal mining company in the U.S., has a subsidiary named Wolf Run Mining Company, which is requesting permits for a 1,800 acre underground coal mine in West Virginia.
The mine would run under both Buckhannon-Upshur High School and a proposed site for a new middle school in Buckhannon, West Virginia. But not to worry, Arch Coal says everything is safe!
You might remember that Arch Coal owned the Sago mine, where 12 minors were killed in 2006. It’s no wonder that Arch Coal is trying to get it’s permits through it’s subsidiaries, so that the connection isn’t so immediately recognizable.
School Board members admit that Arch Coal owns the mineral rights underneath the schools, but claim that they understood that they would not be mined. That’s a pretty silly excuse, kind of like buying a house knowing that there is an easement to put an expressway through your living room, but assuming it will never be built.
But there is a simple solution to the school board’s problems. They can simply use imminent domain to force the sale of the mineral rights underneath the school properties at a price to be determined by negotiation or by a jury, if the two sides can’t agree. That’s what they should have done in the first place, making sure they had ALL the rights to the property.
In the meantime, Arch Coal still thinks it’s a grand idea to mine coal underneath the schools. After all, it’s not like underground coal ever catches fire and forces the evacuation of an entire town to avoid deadly carbon monoxide poisoning, right???? Or that the mine wouldn’t experience a deadly build-up of explosive gasses, resulting in a huge explosion, right?????? What’s the lives of a few hundred kids when corporate profits and a few local jobs are at stake, right?????
Arch Coal: Environmentalists, School Board Oppose Plans To Mine Under High School
I love Faux News. They think Bjorn Lomborg is a “real scientist”..
Qualified to comment on climate change and other environmental issues.. Author of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” IIRC… With me so far?
Well he is I guess – he has a Phd in POLITICAL SCIENCE and he’s a Professor at a Business School!
Wow! The intelligence of the typical Faux News viewer to keep swallowing this crap!
Everybody watching the All Star game?
NL might win it again.. Ok in my book..
Wisconsin election officials report a 50% turnout in today’s primary election, the fourth-highest turnout in a non-presidential election since 1962 and comparable to the turnout in the 2006 general election.
Right wingers rejoice! You LOVE Socialism!
Learn to stop worrying and LOVE the gubmint handouts!
Wisconsin Recall Election Results – Preliminary – Democratic Primary
Here are preliminary results in Wisconsin’s recall elections. As you will recall, the GOP recruited Republican activists to run as “Democrats” against the Democratic candidates challenging 6 GOP state senators facing recall, which turned today’s election into a Democratic primary, buying the GOP senators an extra month of campaigning to keep their seats. The Republican primary is one week from today. All 6 of the “fake Democrats” are going down to defeat, 5 of them by wide margins:
State Senate District 2, 71% of precincts reporting
Nancy Nussbaum, real Democrat – 66%
Otto Junkerman, fake Democrat – 34%
State Senate District 8, 30% of precincts reporting
Sandra Pasch, real Democrat – 63%
Gladys Huber, fake Democrat – 37%
State Senate District 10, 83% of precincts reporting
Shelly Moore, real Democrat – 56%
Isaac Weix, fake Democrat – 44%
State Senate District 14, 53% of precincts reporting
Fred Clark, real Democrat – 67%
Rol Church, fake Democrat – 33%
State Senate District 18, 20% of precincts reporting
Jessica King, real Democrat – 68%
John Buckstaff, fake Democrat – 32%
State Senate District 32, 43% of precincts reporting
Jennifer Shilling, real Democrat – 71%
James Smith, fake Democrat – 29%
I’m not sure whether this is a correct way to interpret the results, but as these are the only legislative races on today’s ballot, I think we can assume that most Democratic-leaning voters voted for the “real” Democrat and most Republican-leaning voters voted for the “fake Democrat,” and based on that assumption, it appears the total vote is breaking 2-to-1 for the Democrats in all but one of the districts, and the “real” Democrat has a 12-point lead in the other district, so this would suggest to me that in the actual recall election the Republicans are going to lose all 6 of their state senate seats. Democrats need to win 3 to take control of the state senate.
More Wisconsin Election News
In District 2, “real Democrat” Nancy Nussbaum, 64, is a retired teacher, former mayor of DePere, and former county executive. She ran for Congress as a Republican in 1994 and ran again for Congress as a Democrat, losing both times. She will face Robert Cowles of Green Bay on Aug. 9.
In District 8, “real Democrat” Sandy Pasch, a Democratic state representative, will face GOP Sen. Alberta Darling on Aug. 9. This race is expected to be the most expensive and hardest-fought of the recall contests; Pasch and Darling have already raised over $1.4 million, a staggering amount for a legislative race. Darling has a 2-to-1 fundraising advantage over Pasch. But Pasch is expected to get increased support for the general election campaign; one statewide union group has already raised $5 million for the recall races and has spent about half of it so far.
In District 10, “real Democrat” Shelly Moore, 37, a teacher and board member of Wisconsin’s largest teachers’ union, will face GOP Sen. Sheila Harsdorf on Aug. 9. This race probably was closer than the others because “fake Democrat” Isaac Weix has previously run for the state legislature twice (as a Republican, and lost both times) and therefore has some name familiarity in the district.
In District 14, “real Democrat” Fred Clark is a Democratic state representative and will face GOP Sen. Luther Olsen on Aug. 9.
In District 18, “real Democrat” Jessica King is a 35-year-old lawyer and former City of Oshkosh deputy mayor. She will face GOP Sen. Randy Hopper, who is facing recall, on Aug. 9. This will be a rematch; King lost to Hopper in 2008 by less than 200 votes.
In District 32, “real Democrat” Jennifer Shilling is a Democratic state representative and will face GOP Sen. Dan Kapanke of LaCrosse. This district has leaned increasingly Democratic in recent years and Kapanke is considered the GOP senator most vulnerable to recall.
Even if Republicans succeed in retaining their state senate majority, doing so will cost them millions of dollars — money they won’t be able to spend on big-ticket 2012 races.
correction @13:
In District 2, “real Democrat” Nancy Nussbaum, 64, is a retired teacher, former mayor of DePere, and former county executive. She ran for Congress as a Republican in 1994 and ran again for Congress in 2006 as a Democrat, losing both times. She will face Robert Cowles of Green Bay on Aug. 9.
Fear the Beard! Brian Wilson climbs the mound for the NL!
California Congressional Special Election
This is former Rep. Jane Harman’s seat (CA-36); Harman is a Democrat. This has been a safe Democratic seat in the past, but today’s election is widely expected to be close.
Very early results (7 of 261 precincts reporting) show Democrat Janice Hahn with a 54%-45% lead over Tea Party Republican Craig Huey.
This is probably a better link to get updates on the California House race:
NL wins.. Fun game..
Wasn’t he in the Beach Boys?
It’s official, Ireland’s junk.
It wasn’t too long ago that Ireland was being praised in the finical press as one of the new “tiger economies” while Germany and Canada were said to be old, backwards, and doomed. Don’t believe everything you read in the paper.
20 – His namesake is a closer for San Francisco.. He closed the last World Series for the Giants.
The Republicans are getting beat with a stick.
I did not know that!
See #24
And Btw everyone, no matter how much I might want to, I do not endorse going all Preston Brooks and actually beating someone with a stick.
In other election news, citizens opposed to an Arizona GOP state senator behind that state’s anti-immigrant legislation have collected enough valid signatures to force a recall election on Nov. 8.
Still no update on the California race, but here’s a little info to reduce confusion about Wisconsin’s recall election process.
A total of 9 state senators — 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats — are facing recall. The fate of these senators will be determined in four separate elections.
1. Today’s election was a primary to select the Democratic candidates who will face the 6 GOP state senators facing recall. Wisconsin has an open primary, so Republicans could vote in today’s Democratic primary, and the GOP recruited 6 Republican candidates to run as Democrats. All 6 of these “fake Democrats” lost. The general election for these 6 seats will be held on Aug. 2.
2. The other two elections involve the 3 Democratic state senators facing recall. The Republican primary will be held in 2 of these 3 districts, and the general election for the other district, on July 19. The two GOP primary winners will face off against the remaining 2 Democratic senators in a general election on Aug. 16.
CA-36 Update
We now have the first update on this race from the California Secretary of State’s office.
With 27 of 261 (10.3%) precincts reporting, the numbers have barely budged; Democrat Hahn leads Tea Party Republican Huey by 54.1% to 45.9%.
This district is entirely within Los Angeles County.
If you want to know what the scandal now embroiling Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. is all about, read this article:
Excellent news. Thanks for the report RR..
Aug 2 isn’t far away.. Looking forward to it.
Democrat Widens Lead In CA-36
With 76 of 261 precincts (29%) reporting, Hahn now leads Huey 56.2% to 43.8%.
At this point, it appears the GOP will be denied the upset in a California special election for a Democrat-held House seat which they hoped would strengthen their hand in the budget standoff. Los Angeles voters, it seems, want to keep getting their social security checks.
With 127 of 261 precincts (48.7%) counted, Hahn continues to widen her lead over Huey to 56.8% to 43.2%.
I think we can call this one now — this is not the Tea Party’s night.
Although CA-36 has tightened a wee bit, Democrat Hahn continues to maintain a solid (and seemingly very safe) lead over Tea Party hopeful Craig Huey. With 206 of 261 precincts (79%) now reported, Hahn leads Huey by 37,515 (53.9%) to 32.034 (46.1%).
Republicans were banking on a low turnout to help them take over a traditionally Democratic House district vacated by veteran congresswoman Jane Harman, who resigned to take a job as head of a nonprofit think tank. The apparent winner, Janice Hahn, is a veteran L.A. city councilwoman. She comes from a prominent political family; her father, uncle, and brother were all veteran politicians.
Her opponent, Craig Huey, is a political novice who self-financed his campaign. He made his fortune in direct marketing, and pioneered the technique of so-called “viral marketing” which is similar to using computer viruses to spread unwanted commercial messages. According to Wikipeida, Huey was sued by his ex-wife for missed child support payments — what a jerk! He also serves as a Christian youth pastor, although why anyone would want this guy as a pastor is hard to fathom. Fortunately, he won’t be going to Congress. Not this time, anyway.
Democrat Wins Calif. Special Election
With 100% of precincts reporting, Democrat Janice Hahn has defeated Tea Party spam king and child-support scofflaw Craig Huey by 41,585 votes (54.6%) to 34,636 votes (45.4%). A recent USA Today poll projected Hahn would win by 8 points; she bettered that with a 9.2% margin.
As for Huey, hey dude, if you wanna get right with God pay your fucking child support!!!
Looks like non-congresman Craig Huey will have plenty of free time to spend in church, and frankly, I think this guy needs to spend more time in church to get himself right with God.
“The Treasury says the $14.29 trillion debt cap must be raised by Aug. 2 or the government will run out of cash to pay all its bills. Mr. Obama warned in an interview with CBS News that he could not guarantee that the government would be able to send checks to recipients of Social Security, military pensions and other government benefits next month without a debt-ceiling increase. “There may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it,” he said.”
So there:
1. Is no money in the Social Security Lock Box?
2. Is no money in the government pension fund
3. Is no money for government pensions (out of the 2.1 Trillion it is collecting every year
And Democrats tell me that this is NOT a Ponzi scheme to the nth degree?
@37 How many Wall Street investments have never missed a payment or made one late? Social Security can say that; no private financial firm can. Republicans are doing everything possible to change that. No, not to improve the performance of private investments; they’re working hard to bring Social Security down into the gutter where Wall Street lives.