Tonight there will be special edition of Drinking Liberally, and it’s All About Goldy. That’s right…it’s your chance to donate in person to HA’s blogger-in-chief. And while you’re at it, ask for his autograph.
There will be a special edition of the Podcast as well. It’s your chance to Ask Goldy All About Goldy. Here’s how it works.
For a donation, you can ask Goldy anything you want, and Goldy will “address” your question on the podcast.
Your donation must be something greater than, say, 33 cents…let’s call it five bucks or more. If you’ve donated at least $5, feel free to leave a question for Goldy in the comment thread. This is on the honor system, but please indicate in your comment that you’ve donated. For example:
5. Troll spews:
Okay, okay, I got my mommy to donate to you.
Goldy, have you ever applied for a job at the Seattle Times? HAVE YOU????
6. Mr. Cynical spews:
I donated, so tell me the truth, Goldy. How many ballots did you stuff during the 2004 election?
7. Puddybud spews:
Puddy has tithed to you this week Goldy. Now you must tell Puddy if the libtardo MSM Odumba smear factory is withholding Juan Williams’ jock straps with the tyrannical DUMMOCRAPTS Rahmbot peeps as PuddyResearch proves?
If the notion of leaving a comment in the comment thread is simply too repulsive, email your question to
Speaking of asking Goldy…here is a 2008 interview by Cameron Gray, co-host of the POTUS 08 show on XM channel 130, asking Goldy some questions like who financed his trip to Denver for the Democratic National Convention:
[audio:]The Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally meets at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. You can join some of us even earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 353 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
BONUS (Goldy):
I will be bringing with me a limited number of original edition “I-831: Is Tim Eyman a Horse’s Ass?” initiative petitions to tonight’s DL, to which I will be happy to affix my signature in exchange for your signature on a personal check. Get these collectors’ items while they last!
Gee, Goldy, I don’t think you should mix fiction writing with your factual reporting on this blog. Readers might get confused. I mean, Troll or Klown or Putz donating? I don’t think so … that stretches credulity … it just isn’t plausible.
Unlike the aforementioned freeloaders, I gave you 25 bucks, so here’s my question. I’m worried about you, Goldy. I’ve never seen you at DL with a girl. So, my question is,
“Do you have a love life? Are you getting laid?”
Yeah, I know, that’s so personal that I should have given you a 1000 bucks to answer it, but I gave you what I could. I’m worried about you, man. I want to know things are okay, that you’re happy, that life is treating you better than Mrs. Rabbit is treati
The foregoing comment is experiencing technical difficulties. Roger has been disconnected.
Sorry, I’m going to Publicola’s “Drinking Publicly.” Drinking Liberally is so 2006…
I found this one in the comment threads.
While you are debating useless crapola above, here is real news…
“A brutal beating in New Orleans following the Southern Republican Leadership Conference — held in that city from April 8-11 — has challenged the myth regarding the preferred residence of political thuggery.
Circumstantial evidence is piling up that far-left anarchists viciously attacked a staffer to Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, putting Allee Bautsch and her boyfriend Joe Brown in the hospital with broken bones. The story has been, unsurprisingly, ignored.”
News correctnotright just can’t seem to find on his leftist pinhead blogs.
The pertinent statement is
How can we have a discussion with people who think like this?
Check out the comments. They truly think we are just days away from carting off all the true Christians.
And… more anti-Tea party violence by angry white progressives.
“By the way… Bill Clinton today warned of “a slippery slope from angry anti-government rhetoric to violence like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.” Maybe he should send a copy of his speech to his wife’s donor list. It could be a lifesaver.”
Two of the worst cities in world are in America, Detroit and New Orleans.
Controlled by DUMMOCRAPTS!
Of course nary a peep when it’s their gal…
Of course Boxer’s words mean nothing to other progressives. “My question to you is are you ready to go toe-to-toe with them, cup by cup by cup? I am.”
“Obama’s fundraising pace has already exceeded that of George W. Bush, who was criticized by Democrats for the amount of time he spent raising money for campaigns.”
@6 Good grief. What a load of rumor mill crap. You no doubt think it’s another rose that you’ve just pulled from your ass.
Applying non-wingnut reporting to Silly Puddy @6, we find a report, posted yesterday, from
There are also articles from, as well as the NOPD report (note: PDF), which make it clear that this unfortunate event had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with punks and hoodlums.
But Silly Puddy would never let reality’s well-known liberal bias interfere with his rants and raves.
To the Person Playing PuddyBud,
This isn’t an open thread–this is a thread for those who have donated to ask Goldy a question.
Kindly have your character find an open thread in which to dump the bullshit.
Sorry I rose to the bait, Darryl.
I donate because of krazy things I read here posted by wingnuts.
@9 Hmm, do I sense an undercurrent of racism emanating from our resident black wingnut troll? Fascinating. Your friends Troll and Klynical tell us repeatedly that blacks are to blame for the conditions of those cities. Or is it black Democrats? Hmm, I’m sure it was black something-or-other. Anyways, I’m sure you’ll agree with Troll and the KLOWN that blacks are the root of the problem.
Geez, I don’t want to ruffle your feathers. I know! I’ll share a joke that Klynical told me awhile back. A little laughter should sooth your spirits.
Feel better now?
N in Seattle,
Not a problem. I didn’t delete Puddybud’s “stuff” either because I didn’t make this a topic-only thread from the start.
Unfortunately, Puddybud started a dump-fest and I simply don’t want to have to wade through his shit during the Podcast.
Sorry, Darryl, I donated but I have no questions for Goldy at this time, just my usual scorn for wingnut trolls. My bad.
Hey Darryl,
While you call those posts shit… Puddy WAS going to show up and give a donation TONIGHT. Yep, drive my big gaz guzzler down to Drinking Libtardos. Puddy enjoys slapping libtardos. Puddy was going to give cold hard cash direct into Goldy’s hand this evening. You could have taken a picture of the cash changing hands. Puddy WAS, butt since you went vitriolic… that won’t be happening. Maybe another time.
P.S. Would have sat with SJ and his Mrs and had something to eat.
And it was going to be way more than $20. You can thank Darryl Goldy!
Ohhh Pudddyyyybirther?!?
Adding to @12
Your own media outlet disagrees. Jindal’s office dismissed reports that the attack was politically motivated.
It goes on. Even the victim’s mother said the attack was about money originally. She’s since changed her story. And all the ‘circumstantial’ evidence now comes from the victim’s mother. NOT the victim nor NOPD.
I’ll take “grasping at straws” for $2000, Alex. “A mother trying to get on TV.” “Who is Della Berning?”
So two well dressed people leave a high-end restaurant and get jumped. Couldn’t possibly be a run-of-the-mill mugging! The victims are young republicans! It was Partisan!
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
Of course, since Puddybud is only a role-playing character, is an admitted liar and has no particular need or compulsion to tell the truth, my only response is…
Yeah, right.
Okay Darryl,
Think what you want. Puddy doesn’t care what “you” think. Butt alas, your big mouth killed Goldy getting $$$ tonight.
So blather on dude!
Puddy won’t be answering checksez or N since those posts would be erased.
Have a great night Goldy. You would have been richer and it would have come from the “enemy”. BTW Puddy hasn’t forgotten about Puddy giving you money to watch you eat Clams Casino. That was also in the mix tonight.
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
Yeah, right.
Keep saying yeah right Darryl… Say it between 60 and 80 times!
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
Just sent personal email to Goldy backing up Puddy’s claim of funds transferral. You can live in Darrylland thinking all types of silly thoughts, but now Puddy is on record with SeattleJew and Goldy with an amount.
So stuff it dude! Puddy will continue to draw interest on those funds for a few more days.
To The Person Playing Puddybud,
Whatever. Puddybud is a liar…he can mail anything he want to anyone he wants, but since his words are not constrained by a need to tell the truth, they’re just worthless words spewed by a role-playing character.
Keep digging the grave Darryl. The email to Goldy seals the deal. Something lost on your Midwestern “mind”.
You hope Puddybud doesn’t transfer money to Goldy. That’s your “escape clause”. That way your silly little world survives. What is the probability Puddy delivers Darryl? What value will you assign now? When the money is in Goldy’s hand, your fart enclosure pops and the sulfuric smell will dissipate. Then what will you do to put Humpty Dumpty back together again?
To the Person Playing Puddybud @ 27,
A superficial scan of your character’s message suggests a very low signal to noise ratio. I would be happy to read a revised comment written in intelligible English, but I’m too busy and uninterested to hunt down my Puddy Decoder Ring and slog through the decryption….
Darryl, why don’t you just delete the comments made by the person impersonating nutballs, like you delete my comments. That should solve the problem.
Puddy gonna give Goldy money. It would have happened tonight but Darryl opened his large trap and delayed it. Darryl has no response except the moronic gibberish above@28.
Fuck! I guess I could give you a tip. Don’t drive when its icy!
Goldy et al: I would like to be there. But since it’d be a long drive for me to Mountlake from Hood Canal, send me an address and I’ll ante up. You have my email.
PudPuller, you’re a sick, schizoid liar. Get help, seriously.
BTW, Pudpuller: Standby. I just dialed the microchip in your rectum. If you’re quick, you can share some good vibrations with your favorite goat! But you probably ought to remove your head 1st.
@6 All the media in this country is owned by rich white guys who vote Republican, putz. So if, as you claim, leftist thugs put an aide to a Republican governor in the hospital, why wouldn’t the Republican-owned media report that? Why aren’t they jumping all over it? Something’s wrong with this picture, putz.
@7 How can we have a discussion with people who think everyone (except them) should live on third-world wages?
Maybe we should just quit talking and start shooting and get the civil war you fuckers say you want over with.*
* Wingnut joke! I don’t want that! Only wingers want it. A landscape of smoking rubble strewn with torn and twisted bodies is the last thing I want for America. There’s only one side in our partisan dispute who wants to turn our beautiful country into a Beirut. For picture of a traitor, click here:
@8 “Yep!”
Nope, it’s not a “gotcha,” putz. Sorry. Fail.
CBS News reports the guy is “a ‘blackout alcoholic’ who doesn’t remember making the call, though he admitted it was his voice on the recording.”
Sure, he was frustrated because Rep. Brown-Waite voted against HCR. Maybe he doesn’t have insurance and was desperately hoping to get treatment for his alcoholism before it kills him — something Republicans don’t care about. Whatever, it’s an isolated incident. The big difference — which you don’t grasp — is there’s no organized noise machine on the left egging on angry mobs. We don’t have a Glenn Beck, or a Michelle Malkin, or a Sarah Palin, or a Rush Limbaugh, stirring these people up. We don’t have people like the Koch brothers, Richard Scaife, etc., pouring billions into hate media. No one on our side is beating drums to goad people to lose it and kill those on the other side.
I’m truly and deeply sorry I can’t say the same about the crowd you hang out with.
@18 “While you call those posts shit… Puddy WAS going to show up and give a donation TONIGHT. Yep, drive my big gaz guzzler down to Drinking Libtardos. Puddy enjoys slapping libtardos. Puddy was going to give cold hard cash direct into Goldy’s hand this evening. You could have taken a picture of the cash changing hands.”
Yeah sure.
“Puddy WAS, butt since you went vitriolic… that won’t be happening. Maybe another time.”
Excuses are like assholes, puddy: Everybody’s got one.
@21 “Think what you want. Puddy doesn’t care what ‘you’ think. Butt alas, your big mouth killed Goldy getting $$$ tonight.”
Wanna buy a bridge?
@27 You know, puddy, it’s strange. I just rely on readers of this blog to take my word for it that I sent Goldy $25, because I’m not about to reveal my true identity. (I don’t want a crowbar thrown through my window, know what I mean? See, e.g., airplane flying into IRS building or thugs cutting gas line at Democratic congressman’s brother’s house.) But when you post that you donated to Goldy, after telling us you wouldn’t, for some reason I can’t put my paw on I just don’t believe you, and I suspect nobody else does, either.
Why do you suppose that is?
@30 “Puddy gonna give Goldy money.”
Didn’t you just tell us you already did? (See #25.) Changing your story again?
Another of THE DUMB BUNNY WTF comments. Makes no sense, like most crap you post fool!
Post when Puddy said he wouldn’t on this latest drive of Goldy. Since you made the accusation… provide the evidence THE DUMB BUNNY.
Certain peeps have met Puddy at a DL. You worry about your identity? Puddy thought all old decrepit white DUMB BUNNYS looked alike.
Exhibit #1 … crickets chirping
Hey Goldy, did you read the PuddyGram yet? Surprised at the $$$ value?
@41 “provide the evidence THE DUMB BUNNY”
Send me a puddy decoder ring so I can figure out what the question is.
44 posts into this thread and I’m the only commenter who asked Goldy a question?
I’ll bet Nadya Suleman has trouble getting dates. According to Wikipedia, every single one of her 14 children was conceived in vitro. She could still be a virgin, for all anyone knows.
The Shit Teabaggers Believe
1. Microchips will be implanted in your body.
2. Muslims are exempt from mandatory health insurance.
3. The IRS is deploying 16,500 armed agents to enforce HCR.
4. The reform bill gives Obama a Nazi-like private army.
5. It cuts health benefits for military families and retirees.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The only thing the Constitution requires us to do is give these people a street to wave their signs in, and let them wave. There is absolutely no requirement to vote for politicians who egg them on.
So you need a “ring” so you can decipher your own questio What a fool!
I kicked in $25. Please continue the good work. Kick ass. Take names. Wave the fuckin’ bloody shirt. Keep on truckin’…..
My question is more along the lines of a request: Keep up the great work unmasking our crappy state tax system. I hear an initiative is in the works.
Great time at DL tonight.
While Roger Rabbit could not show, his Pookah was there (sitting next to my wife until Chris came).
Piper did not show but I did see a microphone hidden in Goldy’s humus plate so maybe the Piper was piping the inside talk to his friend in Oregon?
I did catch a glimmer of John McCain’s conscience … at least I think I did, may have been deja vu.
To bad that Puddy was in a snit, I understand that God was also present, .. at least that is what someone told me. Puddy’s tiff with Darryl may have been the furred one’s loss.
Not sure if Satan showed up as well. I had a cold and likely would not have smelled the sulfur if she were there.
Waxx is as cool as a cucumber up the monsignor’s ass.
Goldy don’t worry -I will donate 5 times what nutballs was probably willing (or not) to give.
@47 Let’s try this again. You said @25:
Just sent personal email to Goldy backing up Puddy’s claim of funds transferral.”
So, which is it, puddy? Do you suffer from memory lapses, or ADHD?
@50 Thanks for enlightening us about how you get laid. Not that anyone asked, or wanted to know, this may be “too much information,” but it’s fascinating in a weird sort of way.
So, when do I find out what the answer to my question @1 is?
Soon…I’m looking for a time slot for the podcasting liberally post. I’ll update the sidebar now, though.