Please join us for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Start time is 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks show up earlier for dinner.
It’s a special election night in King County. So we’ll spend some time driving Seniors to the polls watching returns on TV driving from polling-place to polling-place stuffing the ballot boxes just drink beer and taking bets on how long it will take to get those envelopes opened and ballots counted.
Rumor has it that the podcast will return from its long winter vacation.
If you’re not in Seattle, no worries…stop by the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter within skeetching distance of you.
There should only be one election significant results posting tonight. King County Elections will run the computer program to display the results of tabulated mail ballots to date at approximately 8:15 p.m.
There will be a second update, probably no more than a few hundred votes, around 10:00 p.m., when the electronic voting machines (the ones accessible for disabled voters) at the dozen or so remote voting locations give their results.
Quite a departure from past elections, especially the presidential elections in 2004 and before, where the poll votes made up a significant portion of overall votes, and dribbled in at varying rates in different counties.
No doubt the trolls are hoping some incompetent bozo like Roach or Irons will win. They aren’t that lucky! The trolls weren’t born under lucky stars! The Great Mother Rabbit Spirit doesn’t want them to win! They’ve worn out their welcome on this planet.
Roger Rodent spews:
‘They’ve worn out their welcome on this planet’
Funny, tired old-has-beens with severe delusional O.C.D. fit that description. I for one will be glad when crusty old Rodent and Co. are no longer around to cloud up the general population. Now for the next 100 posts….
Mark1 @3,
“I for one will be glad when crusty old Rodent and Co. are no longer around to cloud up the general population.”
As if anyone give a shit what you think.
Fuckin’ loser.
Drink heavily but don’t drive. A DUI is a major, major hassle.
Thats all you got my name is Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl? Ouch! Childish at best. And I’m successful, so sorry to disappoint your small mind. It’s really pathetic that Goldy allows you to write here, but not shocking either; I’ve come to expect such things. Good luck to you.
Sherril Huff sure is kicking ass in this election, beating David Irons by 44.00% to 19.23%:
Maybe Toby Nixon should have provided for a primary election and run-off general election in his initiative, instead of a winner-take-all general election?
Looks like the wife beater loses again – good bye Irons. Looks like the psychopath Roach loses again.
Why is that republican candidates in Washington are so bad or so incompetent?
Is there some kind of selective breeding of people with fatal flaws that become republicans?
Or do republican attract people with low self-esteem and character flaws?
There used to be some moderate, intelligent and respectable republicans (Dan Evans comes to mind). But the republicans these days are dogmatic fools who insist on some kind of purity test – being corrupt, insisting on no taxes and pretending Bush is great are the necessary components for being a republican today.
The Palin wing of the republican party wants to ensure that intelligence and literacy are not necessary for republican politicians as long as they are religious (in the right way) and claim to be right wingnut anti-taxers – even though Palin is a tax the oil companies, raise gas prics and redistribute the wealth alaskan.
@3 Didn’t they tell you I’m immortal? Oh, that doesn’t mean I won’t die, but I’ll be replaced by another rabbit who in turn will pass the torch to a succeeding generation and that torch will burn brightly as long as there’s an Earth. You’ll never be rid of rabbits.
Huff Easily Wins Elections Director Race
Incomplete returns reported by the fishwrapper are:
Huff — 75,983 votes (44%)
Irons — 33,200 votes (19%)
Roach — 28,896 votes (17%)
Anderson — 14,775 votes (9%)
Kempf — 12,069 votes (7%)
Clifford — 6,854 votes (4%)
King County voters did something right. Again.