Rumor has it that some sort of celebration is in order tonight. Whatever it take to get you motivated, please join us for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks will show up earlier for dinner.
If you’re not in the Seattle area, no worries. Swing by the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter within rowing distance of you.
I hope to stop by later.
While you’re celebrating the coronation of the Milk Chocolate Messiah, don’t drink too much and try to drive home. Take a cab or use a designated driver.
2 – Nothing “politically incorrect” about your anti-Obama epithet.
Just plain racist. Moron.
Fuck you, too. I say what I want and could give a flyin’ fuck what you think.
4 – Same here asshat.
@2 Racist pig. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit you’re not in our party! We don’t want your kind.
I’ll be celebrating the fact that the biggest idiot in the history of our country has been run out of town – a disgraced fool that even his own party wants nothing to do with. Bush is the worst President in US history and thankfully – the right wing idiots can’t do a fucking thing about the fact that we won.
Eat shit and die Republicans. We’re laughing at you!