After you’re done getting your Elections Director Candidate Forum on, please help us celebrate the new year with an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks will show up earlier for dinner.
If you’re not in the Seattle area, no worries. Swing by the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter within windsurfing distance of you.
Hey guys why not bat this around?
“Florida def. coordinator Strong says his interracial marriage hurts his job prospects”
Bastions of libtard thought should be more “progressive”, right?
Did Goldy ask Huff about the IRS Tax Lien she failed to disclose??
Will Dwight be there?
Pud- are you implying that football, particularly in Florida, is a bastion of liberalism?
@Dave: Ha!
@Cynical: She she wasn’t asked to disclose tax liens.
Rother Rabbith can’t attend tonight becawth he hath a terribul kold. Achooo.
@1: Puddy: Funny – it seems that the article is talking about jobs for black coaches in the SOUTH being affected by interracial marriage. Last I looked, the solid south was the only area of the country that went REPUBLICAN.
Where do you come up with liberal anything from that article?
I agree with strong – his wife doesn’t design plays or coach the team – so it should not matter who is married to…
8 – Night after night CNR blows Stupes’ pin head up!
Hey Stupes! Sent that e-mail to Lee yet?
incorrectnottobright: Colleges are liberal bastions of thought. So how many URLs are needed to prove this? And it’s only you libtards who are saying it’s the south.
Apparently you libtards don’t read too well:
Northern schools are implied here libtard morons.
Sometimes incorrectnottobright you surprise me by dropping down to HA’s least common denominator in lunacy – yelling loser boy. I guess I’ll start including you as his moronic equal.
K – Being a Cornell Grad I expected increased reading comprehension. Reread teh blockquote above. I guess you missed that libtard bent at Cornell being you marched lock step with dem perfessers huh?
yelling loser boy, incorrectnottobright never blows me. How could you think such vile things?
Wait a minute, you like porn.
@10: Bad logic again Puddy, are you saying that all Universitiea are liberal and therefore liberals are denying Strong a job?
Strong has a job right now – in buffalo. He only has a problem getting a job in the south where the ALUMNI and football boosters seem to have a problem with racism. I just pointed out that the South is the only region that votes republican.
Your argument is weak and doesn’t deal with my point. Calling me names is what you do when you are losing and argument. Must be frustrating to keep losing. the truth has a liberal bias – so I sympathize with your problems.
Speaking of the wondrous republican party. My two favorite recent examples of the idiocy of that party are:
1. the racists running to be head of the party
2. the republican florida congressman who thinks football is more important than the economy or having a president.
What a worthless, obstructionist, whining, unpatriotic and small minded party. Mitch McConnell (Senator from big tobacco) is just the latest obstructionist Hooverite to block economic fixes. People are losing their jobs in record numbers, the economy is at the lowest point since 1993 and dropping and McConnell wants to obstruct and delay any action to fix things – but he went along with the bank bailout with no strings attached and no accountability and the billions wasted in Iraq. What a freekin’ hypocrite!
@13 When you realize that Pudz is just another wing-nut who creates his own reality, what goes on here makes a little more sense. You’re sane, he isn’t. Alas, it makes for a rather one-sided debate.
You are very threatened by a black man with Conservative beliefs.
Keep ’em down on the Plantation steve…and use them for their votes.
Seems to be working with most…just not Puddy.
To answer this question we’d need to see the places he interviewed.
But since you axked about liberal universities, where did Paul Krugman come from? Stanford. How about your friends at NYU, diaper doper babies? Berkeley anyone? USF? Ivy League Universities? UM UW TOSU OSU WSU. The list
Really? So the University of Miami plays their games in Buffalo?
Cynical, Steve is threatened with anyone with a brain who doesn’t share his goat fetish…
That’s why he get along with Pelletizer and yelling loser boy. All three have that porn fetish…
Threatened? Hardly. Try disgusted, as I would be with anybody, left or right, who turns his back while his political heroes sexually abuse children. So, yeah, I find Pudz to be a disgusting individual who runs with disgusting crowd that includes the likes of you.
And speaking of you, Cynical, I told you what stocks I was accumulating and when, buying 10,000 share blocks at a time when fear was rampant. Go ahead, look them up. I’m up 82% in my positions in a month. One of them has popped 80% the last two days. Geez, by your own measure, that makes me a better man than you. Shall we post trade confirmations? Oh, and tell me again just how much it sucks to be you.
Steve, You know nothing and your posts prove it. Butt we know you like small farm animals for your pleasure. I already told you I ain’t commenting on your favrit site no more so you can put that where the sun don’t shine on your body and smoke it.
See ya! Nuff SAID Sucka.
That’s OK, Pudz. You have no problem with Republicans who sexually abuse children. I always knew you were good with that.