Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some of us will show up even earlier to dine.
Tonight’s special guest will be the newly elected Commissioner of Public Lands, Peter Goldmark. Stop by and chat with a genuine rancher, scientist, environmentalist, firefighter, and politician—a modern-day renaissance man.
Not in Seattle? Check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Puddy would be there but I am buying Christmas gifts for de famly!
Merry Christmas libtards!
Obamas’ approval rating is 18%. Lower than
Bush by 10.
Gee, I wonder why Obama started smoking again.
I wonder what he’s so nervous about?
Maybe he’s nervous about the state of the nation Bush is leaving him.
@4: Agreed, at this point Obama may be the only person in the country who really knows how much damage Bush has done.
Obama’s training wheels David Axelrod was claiming Obama’s “had talks” with Blagojevich re: the open Illinois Senator seat, while today, Obama lied and said he hasn’t spoken to the now charged and soon to be indicted and convicted Governor of Illinois.
Which one of the two mental midgets can’t figure it out?.. and how soon does Obama get tainted with that filthy stench of the Chicago political cesspool he was doing backstrokes in for 12 years? More Rezko ties…hmmm.
It’s no longer whether Obama is corrupt, it’s when it finally sees the light of day as to how much.
Obama is just as crooked. Michelle magically
started making huge money at the hospital
just after he “bought” his Senate seat. Just
a coincidence? Nah. This is just getting started. Hell, Clinton at least got into office
before he had a conspiracy.
Goldy sure is quiet. All is not well in tardland, and he knows it.
What has happened to Biden? Did he go hunting with Cheney?
Um, ahhh, ummm,I’ve had no, umm, ah, contact
with, um the , ahh, Governor. Ahh, ummm. He’s
actually dumber than Bush.
Well, Axelrod is as good as dead. Clinton
just called in Carville.
Speaking of “training wheels”….it’ll be interesting to see how the Legislature (and for that matter, the Governor) collectively manage to wrestle with the budget with no help whatsoever from Helen Sommers.
Did you read the “good riddance” post, mark? Goldy has not been quiet.
And Fitzgerald indicates there is no link to Obama. What do you know that he doesn’t?
“Obama was not involved, according to prosecutors and to Blagojevich himself, whom they overheard complaining that Obama’s people are “not going to give me anything except appreciation.”
“(Expletive) them,” he added.”
From the Chicago Tribune:
Gotta love it. Rod is the biggest idiot in the history of American politics.
Why The Third World Has Better Health Care Than We Do
Politics, that’s why. Crazy, batshit-insane, wingnut politics, to be precise.
Under a so-called “right of conscience” rule promulgated by the Bush administration, health care workers “may refuse to perform procedures, offer advice or dispense prescriptions, if doing so would offend their ‘religious beliefs or moral convictions.'”
Meanwhile, a South Dakota law requires doctors to lie to their patients. A South Dakota doctor must read a mandatory script to his patient before performing an abortion. The script, among other things, says women who terminate pregnancies are more likely to commit suicide. Medical studies have proved this claim is false. But South Dakota doctors who refuse to read the script to their patients risk losing their licenses and going to jail.
(Quoted material from Newsweek used under fair use.)
Mark @2 Obamas disapproval rating is at 18%, his approval rating is at 79%, maybe you read it backwards?
A lot of wingnut fantasies in this thread.
They’ll make shit up till the cows come home and then some.
Wow, mark. Sugar high?
Off to Oly for the day where I shall smite the heathen hip and thigh! And in Oly, heathens abound!
The Piper
@2 Per Rasmussen reports Bush approval index = -31% (bad), Obama approval index = +27% (pretty good). Not sure what you were talking about up there.
“Approval Rating”, in common usage, refers to how well the person (or institution) is perceived to be doing their job.
Since Obama isn’t President yet, it would normally be very strange to be talking about his approval rating for a job he hand not yet commenced.
But given the fact that Bush apparantly went on permanant vacation sometime last summer, maybe it’s not so strange. Obama seems to be doing more and better governing BEFORE he even takes the post. Talk about having to hit the ground running!
Actually, I’d agree with Piper on ‘heathens’ in Olympia. That’s a pretty accurate way to describe my old buddies in Budd Bay Rugby……
@2: why is Mark so pathetically and ineptly dumb? Can’t we find better trolls who can actually read a poll correctly?
Speaking of stupid – Rick D. has been corrected how many times – yet he continues to write his slurs that are OBVIOUSLY wrong.
Hey Rick, get a clue – being stupid doesn’t help convince anyone of anything except that you and your fellow rightwing nutcases have no case and can’t express coherent thoughts. Lying just ain’t the same as actually making a real point.
22 From what I’ve heard, Bush is presently as close to actually working hard as he’s been in his entire presidency, if not his whole life. He’s been spending his final days writing hundreds of executive orders and appointing God knows how many right-wing hacks into what should be civil-service jobs. Meanwhile, every one of his cabinet secretaries and the Republican appointees running the FCC, CIA, NSA, etc are no doubt frantically doing the same thing.
The result may be that before he even attempt to work on his own programs, Obama and his people are going to have to wade through tens of thousands of pages of the Federal Register and examine thousands of employment records to identify where the mines are buried and the snipers are stationed.
re 20: Fear not, brave Piper! For the heathen will scatter and run at the sight of a chubby, middle aged Scotsman wearing a dress and blowing on bagpipes!!!
…albeit with the jawbone of an ass genetically attached to his skull!!!
“Heathen abound!! The game is afoot, Watson!!!”
The Pooper
What do Dee Snyder and Scott St. Clair have in common?
Art @ 25: Yep, there’s a lot of work going on in the White House and the Administrative Agencies, but it’s not being done by Bush. Probably by Cheney and the adamant neo-cons on the White House staff. Bush may have to spend a day or so signing the paperwork they put in front of him, but that’s about it.
Bush’s mind is already in Texas. Now that the literary agents and publishing companies have advised him to “hold off” on a biography for a few years (when memories of his failures have dimmed a bit), he’s trying to figure out how to cash in and make the really big bucks. Is he really going to be in demand as a paid speaker? How about as a figurehead on a corporate board of directors, without any real responsibilities?
Tsk! Tsk!
Report today:
Just spoke to a good friend of mine who has worked in Chicago the past 30 years.
Quid Pro Quo and stuff like Blago trying to sell the Senate AND Jesse Jackson Jr. (Candidate #5) willing to buy it are common place.
He also told me Jackson is damn lucky Fitzgerald came down on Blago when he did as in a few more days, Jackson, Jr. probably would have made the buy!
The other thing you KLOWNS need to grasp is that the ultimate Indictment is much more far-reaching than what has been filed so far. Fitzgerald SAVED some folks from themselves by doing it now…he could have and should have waited until a deal was actually struck.
That aside, we will be seeing many Chicago Politicians past actions and PERSONAL FINANCES put under the microscope of Quid Pro Quo….including President-Elect “MotherF**ker” and his wife. Not only will Obama’s Rezko land deal be revisited, but also Mrs. P-E MoFo’s wife’s series of salary increases and promotions at the Hospital. Obama’s personal finances AND past voting record will now be examined as they should have been BEFORE the election.
Obama is a Chicago-style, Hyde Park bred politician where stuff like this is common place…but not common place to most Americans.
TEAM OBAMA is circling the wagons right now…big time. The 1st step was Axelrod recanting what he told that reporter on Nov. 23rd. Axelrod will get to recant it again some day…under oath.
I am quizzical about why Fitzgerald pulled the plug on this Senate Seat Sale now…rather than wait until Jackson, Jr. took the bait.
His old man was the ultimate shake-down artist. The NUT don’t fall far from the tree, do it?
Cynical, still confused about fish and Serbs, pollocks and Polacks, you stupid goatfucking bigot?
Steve (formerly known as ByeByeGOP):
I am sure this post reflects the very best you can do.
Anything but address the comments, right?
Do you think the investigation is over ByeBye??
Far from it.
It could last several more years.
It’s a shame Obama is so closely linked to all these crooked bastards….a reasonable person might conclude there is a chance Obama is quite dirty himself, especially back in his Illinois State Senate days when this investigation started.
But go ahead…continue posting vulgar nonsense. The expectation level of this Blog toward you is even low! Now that’s mighty low.
Oh shit. Here’s goes the right wing again with another Whitewater bullshit episode.
Bunch of compulsive, whining fear-mongers. Is this what they’re reading on Drudge and hearing on the Limbaugh show these days?
It’s why we can’t let up. We have to push the Congress and Obama to make positive changes and then have their back in 2010.
@31: Mr. Cynically STUPID
the only shame is that you have absolutely NO evidence that Obama is involved in trying to “sell” the Senate seat he vacated.
If you want to do guilt by association – then let’s talk Abramoff and the entire republican party. Let’s talk Alaska and the entire republican delgation and governor. Let’s talk about the entire Justice dpeartment, the EPA, the FDA and the GSA.
I prefer to wait for actual facts – what you have in abundance is accusations based on thin air. Like all your other accusations against Obama. They played out and – absolutely NOTHING came of them. Now you latch on the faintest of hint of scandal and try to link Obama again. Is it any wonder your pathettic type is agnored. How many times can you cry wolf and not have any FACTS to back things up.
Shut your pie hole wimp until you actually have something – like an indictment and conviction of Ted Stevens or Gonzalez being under investigation.
@31 “Steve (formerly known as ByeByeGOP)”
You are insane. Do you really think that everybody who’s called you a goatfucker is a sockpuppet of mine? You project too much.
“But go ahead…continue posting vulgar nonsense.”
Oh, like when you post racist slurs? Hypocrite.
“Baaaa” means no, Asswipe.
Obama or P-E MoFo is going to be our President. The MSM failed to fully vet his Chicago connections. It’s a shame that has to be done now…but you Lefty’s are demanding Change in the way Washington works, right?
I’ve always wondered….is the change you want Positive or Negative??
The reason I ask is Chicago/Hyde park politics are the worst…which is why I have long questioned Obama as your choice.
I’m more than willing to allow it to play out….just like a tube of toothpaste.
You squeeze the little guys at the bottom and keep workin’ your way up the tube.
IF Obama is dirty on this, will you demand he not be inauguarated??
Oh, I forgot…the end justifies ANY means for the New Age Atheist Progressive movement.
@35: Again, all you have is HOT AIR. the “press” didn’t “vet” Obama?
You are a bigger fool and liar than I thought possible.
You haven’t fully “vetted” the truth, YET.
You have to have more than you hear on right wing radio and right wing blogs – yet, you don’t. How many times do I have to beat your sorry butt down with the facts? How many REAL facts do you have? NOT innuendo, not right wing WISH it were the facts, not “the press didn’t fully vet” wimpy whining lies – the press didn’t vet the way you wanted because YOU DID NOT HAVE THE FACTS.
Do you think for one minute that if someone truly had some real facts that Obama was crooked that it would NOT have made the national news?
Instead – all you have is carping and whining and NO facts. Obama MUST be guilty because he is a democrat, Obama MUST be guilty because he is from Chicago….is that the BEST you can do?
Because what you have (as usual) ain’t worth a warm bucket of spit (which is what the VP office would have been worth if your side won).
Lets see now…
Obama didn’t know much about Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Blago…..he is either clueless & naive OR has a selective memory.
Obama did not answer the question about what his surrogates & associates did on his behalf…I wonder why?
Rest assured we will find out…unless Obama FIRES Fitzgerald in the middle of his investigation into crooked Chicago Democrat Politics. Now THAT would be a scandal…wouldn’t it?
K – go to the open thread. Read the ire link.
If Obama really is oblivious as to the goings
on in Illinois politics do we want him running
the country? I sure as fuck don’t. He’s up to his eyebrows in this. Wait till Blago starts
squealing. I’d bet the cash is rolling in right now. You could not write a movie this good. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Why the fuck does the text type out all nice
and then when you post it’s all fucked up? Is it because democrats are in charge? Is it Obamas fault?
The racist Cynical and his Step-N-Fetchit tool are both here. What are the odds?
Why wont Obama show us his birth certificate?
When will John Kerry release his medical records and collect the million dollar prize from Pickens? Cause he’s a LIAR!
When will Hillary retrieve the Rose Law firm
records? Bitch.
Bush is personally taking all the “O”s off of
every keyboard in the White House and packing
up what is left of the china.
Yeeeeeeeaaahhhhhahhhhhhgggggg said Howard Dean!
What a DORK of pompous proportions.
I’ve occasionally wondered if all of our trolls weren’t victims of a mass alien abduction. If so, I bet those aliens did some really strange shit to Pudz. What’d the aliens do to you, Pudz? Is that why you’re so fucked up? Was it the aliens? What did they do to you, Pudz? Did they make you fuck goats or something? Talk to me about it.