Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some of us will show up early for dinner.
Tonight we will raise a toast to Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, who turned 85 years old and lost his re-election bid—on the same day. We wish Sen. Stevens luck as he transitions from a great institution to another, um…lesser, institution.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Begich declared the winner in Alaska. Convicted felon “Uncle” Ted Stevens is a loser.
That sound you just heard was the Republican caucus sighing with relief.
I think Barack Obama should nominate William Ayers for Secretary of State, and fucking dare conservatives to try to block it, then steamroll them in historic fashion to discourage them from opening their fucking mouths again for four years.*
*this post is for amusement purposes only
I guess Uncle Ted turned green and became a 7 times convicted felon.
Felons can’t vote in Alaska. Tough beans.
re 2: Thanks for telling me. I had my credit card out and was going to call an equipment rental place
Roger, can I shoot a Republican yet?
Ann Coulter might be fair game.
(just kidding, using Ann Coulter “humor” against her. You know Goose/Gander style.)
5, 6 — Do it with a squirtgun filled with ink.
Scenes We’d Like To See Dep’t — Judicial Edition
SEN. STEVENS: But your honor! I’m 85 years old! I can’t do 10 years!
JUDGE: Then do the best you can.
Dear Ted Stevens: I feel like singing a tune for you Birthday.
Happy Birthday, you’re fired,
Happy Birthday, you’re fired,
Happy Birthday, Ted Stevens
Happy Birthday, you’re fired!
And hopefully going to jail…..
I think soap on a rope would be a good present
Let’s start a betting pool on how many pardons Bush hands out.
Roger Rabbit, I sure wish you would look at a question I presented.
#18 – What’s next for Unc Ted.
Would seriously like to read your take on the issues. Thx!
How about some type of counterterrorism position? That would REALLY chap some Republican buttock.
As for Ann C-word. . .
Anagram time:
Ann Coulter
Real cunt, no?
(Sorry for having posted the latter for the 1,527th time, but somehow I can’t seem to be able to stop.)
I told Ted to take the cash and stuff it in the
freezer because thats OK, but he wouldn’t listen.
As great as losing Stevens is, it’s nice to know that there is no Deus ex machina in this for Palin. But the voodoo Lord works in mysterious ways…
The Coultergeist’s hatred for McSame seemed to pay off. That can only help the whackjob I told you sos.
But she’s been so off the radar. Shit. It’s pretty sweet. With losers like her and Palin representing the R’s?
That party’s going to be irrelevant for a long, long time.
We on the left don’t support William Jefferson, even though he has been convicted of nothing and won reelection. You on the right, however, support Ted Stevens, though he has been convicted of 7 felonies and lost his reelection bid in one of the reddest states in the nation. Any chance that you understand what a hypocritical idiot you are?
Okay, so Democrats picked up eight seats in the Senate in 2008, with two more undecided as of yet (Minnesota & Georgia)?
I’m wondering what’s on the table for 2010. Is it too early to start counting the number of Republican seats available that year?
Hey! Don’t count me as a TedToy – I’ve advocated his ouster on general principles since forever! Give me a Tom Coburn any day.
And careful when speaking on behalf of “the left” – A review of HA Happy Hooligan posts since the day Goldy did his Dr. Frankenstein thing by cobbling together the blog out of various body parts would reveal that as long as a candidate’s last name ends in hyphen “D,” he or she is guaranteed a pass.
It’s so bad that I wonder if the dead girl/live boy rule even applies.
When equal time is spent dumping on Dem crooks for their crooked behavior, then maybe your point will begin to start having seeds of probably questionable viability. Until then, let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone.
The Piper
Go back and look at historic off-year election trends, then come back and speculate how many seats Dems will lose in 2010.
With the exception of 2002, when Republicans increased Congressional majorities in the aftermath of 9/11, the trend has been for the party in power to take it on the chin – this principle applies irrespective of party.
What we’re seeing already from so many on the flat-earth left, starting from the HA Happy Hooligans, through the yellow-stained-teeth crowd at DailyKus, to Congressional Fannie Mae pimp Barney Frank, is a lurch to to over reach bottomed in their “thinking” that somehow the country belongs exclusively to them and all bets are off.
So far, however, BHO exhibits some restraint in that regard as he fills his administration with Clintonistas. He’s a smarter politician than you all knowing he better not stray to far off center or the voters will turn on him.
Remember also, that now that you folks have the power you’re going to have to PRODUCE and PRODUCE fast – it ain’t a free lunch to which you got invited.
No more lobbing grenades from the cheap seats without regard to the resulting damage – I get to do that now. You dudes now have to govern, which means taking regular baths, dressing in other than jeans and Birks, being polite to people you can’t stand, and – this one will really rub you raw – saying NO to all the people to whom you promised the sun, moon, and stars since you won’t have any money to show to them.
Times are tough all over.
The Piper
If there’s, say, a major terrorist attack conducted against American soil, or continued bad economic news – a further disgrace of any kind – your honeymoon not only will be short, instead it will be a straight shot to divorce court.
This is something statist-“thinking” liberals tend to forget. Frankly, it’s something a lot of Republicans – RINOs mostly – also forget, to their eternal shame and political retirment (think Gordon Smith).
You have to produce results – PERIOD! It’s no longer sufficient to spout rhetoric or warmed over leftist theories.
As Rod Tidwell famously said, “Show me the money!”
Unless, of course, you’re in Washington State where we tolerate spendaholic governors then re-elect them to address the budgetary mess they created by their spendaholic ways.
But I digress…
Roger Rabbit said:
“Let’s start a betting pool on how many pardons Bush hands out.”
11/18/2008 at 7:36 pm
Well, Slick Willy certainly handed out a few when his term was (finally!) up.
We’ve had two bad presidents in a row. Obama will probably make it a hat trick.
LMAO @ pooper
You guys had your chance. You fucked it up. Seriously.
If there was anything but a opportunity to line your party masters pockets to your talking points, you’d still be at it.
Instead you were utterly rejected – as bad as you were after Watergate.
Keep it up pooper. Keep up the right wing hate radio. Keep the up Fixed News. Keep up the neo-con nastiness at Weekly Standard and NR and the like.
It worked wonderfully for the country: broken economy, rampant corruption, two wars, a quagmire of debt.
I remember when these execrable wingnuts said we had a talent for “self-destruction”.
21 – We’ll see an orgy of Republican criminals let out of the jails. A final FU to the country from the worst, most reviled thief that has ever resided at the White House.
Here’s the list:
It probably just scratches the surface.
So which seats in the Senate are the Democrats likely to lose?
From a strictly numeric standpoint the Republicans are defending more senate seats in 2010 than the Democrats are.
Man I sure hope the RSCC wastes a bunch of time and money running against Sen. Murray again.