Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. Officially, we start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks show up early to enjoy the fine cuisine.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, McCranium shoud be announcing the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Hey Darryl–
Why not spend some time trying to figure out the “Gaffe-Machine” (aka Joe Biden’s) recent comments that he’s against clean coal (O-blah-blah is for it), Biden’s comment attacking O-blah-blah’s ad about McCain’s inability to use a computer, Biden saying he’s against the bailout and a plethora of other gaffe’s that put him at odds with his main man.
It’s pretty hysterical.
Do Biden & O-blah-blah actual discuss policy and campaign strategy????
It appears not.
Read Newsweek’s take:
What is wrong with the democratic party. Suing over GOP, it is not like Rossi made this up, GOP has been used by republicans for as long as I can remember. If a voter doesn’t know GOP is republican they should not be voting in the first place. I mean the is the RNC website. I should probably say what is wrong with both parties but is anyone else sick of these idiots wasting money on stuff like this.
Speaking of gaffes and outright lies, the republicans (McCain/Palin) are at it again:
NY Times
Anyone would be ashamed to use the term republican in polite company. So they use term GOP to try and hide what they really are: lying, corrupt politicians who bankrupt our country and invade other countries in unnecessary wars. Yup, Bush is down to 19% approval and his best buddy McCain is running as far away as possible – right into the hands of the lobbyists running his campaign.
Reforming government is NEVER going to happen with the McCain/Palin lobbyists-run campaing and the corruption of the people at the top of the ticket. the only change they will bring is losing our tax money even faster than Bush. The days of the “free market” idealogues and the “neoconservatives” are over – they have failed completely and obviously.
Does Cynical ever say anything good about his candidate, McCain? Nope.
Does he ever say anything really relevant?
Does Cynical have any credibility? Nope.
Hye Cynical, how was that bill in 2005 that never got passed that you cited as “reform”. Ooops, there WAS NO reform in it. Keep lying, it helps identify you as republican – I hope they pay you enough to repeat the stupid talking points of the republicans.
On second thought, they could not pay enough to get someone to write such idiotic things and continually make a fool of themselves.
How does it feel to be a useless tool that has no respect from anyone?
Care to comment, Mr. C?
“It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?”
George Will (not a liberal)
Part of what a leader does is to instill confidence, to demonstrate that he or she knows what they’re talking about and communicates to people. Take the stock market crash, Franklin Roosevelt got on television…. wait nevermind.
Hey Mr. Cynical
How does it feel to be a part of a socialist/nationalist movement?
Lets see…socialism…plus nationalism….that would make you guys..what? A Nationalist Socialist Party? What was the acronym for that in a certain part of Europe…
Is this the week of the “night of broken mortgage instruments”.
Anyone? Didn’t the leader of that movement have some kind of funny mustache?
Good luck finding that 1929 TV. I still haven’t found that 1970 word processor with the Microsoft Arial subscript.
courage, courage.
FDR started his term in 1933, Dan. Nice try, though.
And it was radio, so what.
“5. K spews:
Care to comment, Mr. C?”
John McCain is a great American. John McCain has courage and leadership skills.
After reading the constant anger of the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS on this Blog, I would think y’all would applaud McCain for having such strong conviction in his beliefs.
After all, you KLOWNS call your anger & rage a virtue!!
At least McCain has deeply held beliefs.
Conviction in his beliefs!?!? What a joke. Is he for regulation or against it? Save AIG or let it go? Leadership is not shown by rash statements.
Go back and read George Will, not a LEFTIST PINHEAD KLOWN.
Whereas you are a RIGHTWING TOOL, fool
I read on Blatherwatch that a world-renowned genealogist says that Barack Obama is more Arab than African.
And so what troll? Does that mean anything?
“It is arguable that, because of his inexperience, Obama is not ready for the presidency. It is arguable that McCain, because of his boiling moralism and bottomless reservoir of certitudes, is not suited to the presidency. Unreadiness can be corrected, although perhaps at great cost, by experience. Can a dismaying temperament be fixed?”
George Will (not a liberal)
THEN again, Will also agreed with Phil Gramm that we are a nation of whiners:
“His second point that we’re a nation of whiners: we are the crybabies of the western world. In fact, we have an extraordinarily low pain threshold.”
And the whining this week is coming from Wall Street.
Can someone tell me (come on trolls!) if McP.O.W. becomes prez’d’nt, who is he going to maverick-ize against? When you’re the top cat, there is no one left to rebel against and it is time to either knock off that infantile (teenage?) behavior or find out the hard way that your entire life, has been spent opposing the old boys network and now you are the old boy (so to speak.) What would he do, attack himself for not having enough executive experience?
Hey, which politician has the guts to speak to the press: the bad boy President of Iran, or the vice presidential candidate from the American Nationalist/Socialist party?
Mother Teresa rarely spoke to the press. Hitler often did. What does that prove?
Hitler never spoke to a free press. Another example of how you are just a big fucking idiot.
FDR started his term in 1933, Dan. Nice try, though.
And it was radio, so what.
Tell that to your articulate Veep. Of course who knows what libruls teach in history class these days. roof roof
The strange noise you hear is @17 and @18 making out.
“Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.”
So now we get a financial Fuhrer from the Nationalist Socialist executive branch.
Hey dogboy:
Exactly when did your Nationalist Socialist Party stop believing in the free market, and decide that socialism is the answer?
Whew! So much demented right wing bullshit so little time.
McSame’s campaign is circling the toilet bowl.
Short of the Republicans putting something in the water along with suppressing millions of votes I can’t see how McSame can win it.
Gonna be out a few days. Will check in Saturday morning. Keep things from collapsing while I’m gone will you?
Hey dogboy:
Why do the Republicans hate the free market? Why does the new Nationalist Socialist Party in the White House hate America?
Fetch us $2300 for every man, woman and child in America dogboy! Good doggie! Now, delivery it to Goldman Sachs! That’s a good useful idiot!
Fetch us $2300 for every man, woman and child in America dogboy! Good doggie! Now, delivery it to Goldman Sachs! That’s a good useful idiot!
Sure. Let’s turn public education into a free market and take the $2,300 savings per kid. Yeah I know its a state vs federal issue but you can see the money is still there. Oh and while we are at it we need to teach the kiddies to never let a librul run a financial isntitution (ie Fannie and Freddie). Then kick all the librul teacher out and stick them into failing screwels where they belong. Man just killed two birds with one stone.
Roger Rodent must be unavailable in his straight-jacket; no delusional mouth spewings for quite some time now, even with his O.C.D. How pleasant. Poor Rodent.
I heard from a source that he was banned from the comment section for a week, although the story you all will hear is he was just “out of town.”
Troll- I believe everything you say is a lie or a distortion
Thanks for the info. He must be in anxious convulsions and in a herendous mental breakdown not being on here. Poor little vermin.
@18 Mother Teresa wasn’t running for POTUS.
@27 See #31.
@27 (continued) I hope you enjoyed your vacation from me while it lasted, fascist traitor, because it just ended. I’m back.
@33 Rodent,
That’s OK. Your failing health will catch-up with your mental disorders soon enough, and then we’ll be rid of you forever. Cheers!
BTW Rodent,
I heard you were banned for a week. How shocking.