Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. Officially, we start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks show up early for Dinner.
For tonight’s activity, we will sit in the central circle and share our Sarah Palin dreams/nightmares followed by an angry flag-disposal ceremony, and capped off by a round of Kumbaya.
Tonight’s theme song might well be one interpretation of a McDream:
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
50-50 chance I might be joining you tonight Darryl. Have to see what the Magic 8-Ball sez first however.
As always, be careful about drinking and driving.
Great photo of Sarah Palin clubbing baby seals on the Arctic ice as a teenager – temp job for school clothes
Will send link after dinner
Are you guys actually thinking that McCain/Palin is going to win in November? You’re worried about nothing. Obama and Biden have this one in the bag.
Once all of Palin’s lies start being examined – McCain will be forced to name someone else – the “most experienced” candidate runs the worst campaign and has no executive experience. I think it is sad that Palin is afreaid to go on talk shows – wait, she finally will appear on one…and hse is still repeating the same lie about the bridge to nowhere and using crib notes for the same speech. Yup – all that “executive” experience is really helping…
Not only that, but the McCain campaign does not even know how to correctly vet the second most important person in government – especially considering McCain’s age and physical health.
@4 Nothing is ever in the bag where vote-suppressing, election-stealing, Rethuglicans are concerned. What Florida needs is more Democratic observers equipped with chair legs.*
* Hey, just kidding! I posted that in honor of the old-time union guys who knew how to deal with company thugs.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because that’s a lot of hopping for an old feeble rabbit.
With all this liberal sef-assurance, maybe the event should be called “Drinking the Kool-Aid Liberally”
Nothing is ever in the bag where vote-suppressing, election-stealing, Rethuglicans are concerned. What Florida needs is more Democratic observers equipped with chair legs.*
When liberals start spouting these lies you know they are sunk. hehehehehehe
Can any wingnut tell us one policy of McSame’s that is any different than the policy of the Chimp Administration?
Can any wingnut tell us one policy of McSame’s that is any different than the policy of the Chimp Administration?
Destroy the teachers union….. I like that one. By the way what are Obama’s policies… oh wait he has none. hahahaha
Palin Received Harassment Warning From Judge
Newsweek magazine reports, based on court documents, that an Anchorage judge “warned Sarah Palin and members of her family to stop ‘disparaging’ the reputation of Alaska State Trooper Michael Wooten,” who was involved in divorce proceedings with Palin’s sister.
Newsweek says the court records show the judge “heard testimony from an official of the Alaska State Troopers’ union” that “Wooten was being ‘harassed’ by Palin and other family members.”
According to Newsweek, the judge “was disturbed” by the actions of Palin and her family, which apparently persisted, because the judge “continued to express concern” and “even threatened to curb Palin’s sister’s child custody rights.”
In a written order, the judge referred to the “disparagement” of Wooten as “emotional child abuse” and warned he would “order custody to the father and a move into Anchorage” if it didn’t stop.
(Quoted under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So McShame’s veep pick is a child abuser. Who whudda thunk? Waytago wingfucks! That’ll play well with women voters — for Obama.
Dickless Rick @9: Actually, Rickie Dickhead, my experience with the DL crowd (on the rare occasions I’ve attended) has been that they’re much better grounded in reality than you are.
11 – Who asked you? You’re not a wingnut.
You’re a cur.
Eat shit!
rufous @11, please save your allowance to buy a new pony, the trick you taught this one is way past pull date.
Gotta love the recent press. Rossi ahead in latest survey – Reichert up. Palin and McCain kickin ass.
Obama on O’Reilly talkin about all his new taxing plans to help with the recession….Oh yeh
Hows that Red wipeout looking…..
Al Franken easily won the Democratic nomination for U.S. senator in today’s Minnesota primary, besting his nearest rival by nearly 40 points.
Not all women agree with you.
@16 I’d rather be us than you.
OPEC ministers have agreed to cut oil production quotas by 520,000 bpd in an effort to keep crude prices above $100.
Nice video and song remake from hillary’s forum (link above)
Republican ex mayor of san fran willie brown talks about the danger to the democrats that palin presents.
“Floats like a butterfly stings like a bee”
“The democrats are in trouble”
Oops, willie is a democrat. Oh well, the danger is the same.
The cnn anchor, (liberal biased of course), asks willie why he complimented her. His reply, it’s an accurate assessment. The cnn anchor looked stumped at the word accurate.
OPEC ministers have agreed to cut oil production quotas by 520,000 bpd in an effort to keep crude prices above $100.
More good news for us “let drill now” folks. hahahaha
Sarah Putin doesn’t seem to understand that Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor.
Hey Dog,
How much counseling did you undergo after your neutering before you were able to bark again?
Drink to this!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
John McCain has opened a double digit lead over Barack Obama in Montana. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the Treasure State finds McCain leading by eleven, 53% to 42%.
That’s quite a change from late July when the race was a toss-up.
Have another drink!
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Presidential race in Pennsylvania has tightened since the conclusion of the party conventions last week. The latest Fox News/Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state finds Barack Obama leading John McCain 47% to 45% in the Keystone state.
Prior to the latest poll, Obama held five percentage-point leads in August and July.
The latest poll finds the Republican candidate is viewed more favorably among voters. McCain is viewed favorably by 57% of voters and unfavorably by 40%. Obama’s ratings are 55% favorable, 44% unfavorable.
Bush and Cheney Violated Military Chain of Command
Reporter Bob Woodward of the Washington Post reported today that Bush and Cheney used a retired army general named Jack Keane to go around the Joint Chiefs, without the knowledge of their own defense secretary and national security adviser, to communicate directly with Gen. David Petraeus because they didn’t trust the Joint Chiefs, who objected to the Iraq troop “surge.”
At one point, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Adm. Michael Mullen, told Keane to stop meddling in Iraq and had Keane’s clearance to visit Iraq revoked. The president personally intervened to restore Keane’s clearance and ordered the Pentagon to not interfere with Keane’s meetings with Gen. Petraeus, Woodward says.
Keane, an ardent supporter of the “surge” policy and pursuing victory in Iraq, had his own reasons for wanting Petraeus to command U.S. forces in the Middle East, and talked Petreaus into taking the assignment.
“NATO was important, Keane said, but its time had passed. The international center of gravity had moved to the Middle East. ‘We’re going to be here for 50 years minimum, most of the time hopefully preventing wars, and on occasion having to fight one, dealing with radical Islam, our economic interests in the region and trying to achieve stability,’ Keane said. … The Army didn’t want that. ‘It wants to end a war and go home. But that’s not going to happen.’ …
“‘Let’s be frank about what’s happening here,’ Keane told [Defense Secretary] Gates. ‘We are going to have a new administration. Do we want these policies continued or not? … Let’s assume we have a Democratic administration and they want to pull this thing out quickly, and now they have to deal with General Petraeus and General Odierno. There will be a price to be paid to override them.'”
(Quoted from Washington Post under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the miliary, you don’t break the chain of command. Ever. For any reason. That’s what every soldier is taught. But there are 3 people in America who regard the military organization chart as a piece of paper to be disregarded at their convenience — the president, the vice president, and a retired 4-star Army general whose personal agenda includes undermining the ability of the next President of the United States to make policy and command the military. Based on how the Bush administration’s other pet projects have worked out, I suspect this one will turn into another clusterfuck.
proud leftist spews:
Hey Dog,
How much counseling did you undergo after your neutering
Don’t know, maybe you can tell me when you get yours this November. heheheheehe
@23 Whaddya gonna do when the 18 billion barrels in U.S. coastal areas* runs out, stupid dog? Run on fumes? Or crawl back to the Saudis and pay more than ever for diminishing oil supplies?
* Global consumption is over 30 billion barrels per year; U.S. consumption is over 7 billion barrels per year.
@27 Cynical, you deserve McCain and Palin, and I wouldn’t hesitate to wish them on you — if it weren’t for the fact the rest of us will get dragged down along with you.
I’ve posted some meaty stuff in this thread and all I’m getting from the trolls in response is Cynical gloating about polls and a stupid dog baying at the moon. They’re so oblivious a piano could fall on their heads and they wouldn’t know they were dead.
Silly Wabbit, those 18 billion barrels of oil are a “transition fuel” to nuclear energy!
Obama is a friend of terrorist Bill Ayres – explain that one away silly wabbit!
@6 – The same applies to the governor’s race here in WA when it comes to King County.
We thought you were getting sockpuppeted.
I’m sure you understand.