Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We meet at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E—some of us show up a little early to enjoy the cuisine.
Tonight’s theme song is inspired by rumors of a Condi VP running-mate for McCain (please, oh please?): Winlar’s Condoleezza.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Roger Rabbit rescheduled a medical appointment today because he is ill and won’t attend DL either.
A Tale Of Two Heroes
Two U.S. soldiers threw themselves on grenades to save their buddies in Iraq.
Today, Michael Monsoor, a white guy from Garden Grove, Calif., who died in Sept. 2006, was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
Meanwhile, a posthumous Medal of Honor for Rafael Peralta, a brown-skinned kid who was born in Mexico and enlisted in the Marines because he wanted to serve America, who was killed two years earlier in 2004, is still being held up pending presidential approval.
Watch the drinking and driving tonight, folks.
I’d like to know how many of you people will be riding otherwise empty fucking buses to DL tonight.
Or are buses for “everybody else”?
Hey, let me know how it is sitting with the green haired single mother with her screaming kids while you’re busy “saving the planet”.
Fucking idiots…
@4 I’d like to know when Goldy is going to throw you under the bus for welshing on your gambling debt! You’re lucky you owe this money to a soft-hearted liberal and not a Mafia bookie or you’d be sand shark food.
I ride the bus to and from work almost every day. Quite pleasant acutally, I read, sometimes nap often do my crossword puzzle. And I don’t pay for gas.
Is the bus free? If you have to buy a ticket, well, part of that ticket price must cover the fuel for the bus, right?
Gregoire Reiterates Opposition To A State Income Tax
Gov. Gregoire conducted a town hall by conference call this evening, and in that forum repeated what she said in her 2004 campaign, that she does not support replacing our current regressive state taxes with an income tax. Instead, she supports a state tax credit for low income families to help offset the disproportionate impact of regressive state taxes on those lower down on the income ladder.
I disagree with the Governor on this. Tweaking is not enough. For one thing, a low income tax credit does nothing to help people in the middle quintiles who also are paying too much tax, nor does it do anything to make the high income group pay their fair share. In addition, this sort of tinkering is not structural reform, and is easily repealed by future legislatures whenever the budget is tight or party control changes.
Our existing state tax system is a Rube Goldberg concoction thrown together on an ad hoc basis by a succession of legislatures over a century’s time. There’s nothing rational about it, and there’s no justification for it.
Gov. Gregoire may have rightly concluded that supporting comprehensive tax reform is not politically wise at this time. However, her remarks seem to go farther than that and evince a philosophical disagreement with scrapping our crappy tax system. In any case, it’s going to be up to a future governor to deal with the issue, and I have no doubt that some day Olympia will deal with it, simply because it must.
@8 – If Rossi has a plan to restructure our unfair tax system, he may get a slight edge over G. Let’s hope he’s in the same boat as no income tax.
If Obama or Hillary gets in office they said that capital
gains taxes would go from 15% to 39.6%. That will take
all the fun out of it.
King County is in financial doom…
@10 – scary thought for the average joe…I think cap gains taxes should be based off of one’s wealth.
Rossi: The Anti-Education Candidate
One of Rossi’s campaign themes is already visible. He’s fond of criticizing the 33% spending increase since 2004, and you can be sure he will pound on Gregoire as a taxer-and-spender. And, no doubt, some gullible voters will swallow it.
As I’ve pointed out in previous threads, Gregoire inherited the 2005-2007 budget from the previous administration, so she is only responsible for whatever spending increases are in the 2007-2009 budget. I’ve also pointed out that some of these spending increases were necessary because of needs that were deferred during a 10-year period of Republican obstructionism in the state senate, during which virtually nothing got done in this state. For example, when Gregoire came into office, the state ferry system had been allowed to deteriorate to the point where several old boats now have to be replaced, a great deal of basic road maintenance had been left undone, and state employees hadn’t had a cost of living raise in 6 years. It was unrealistic to think these expenses wouldn’t eventually have to be paid, and it’s dishonest to blame Gregoire for these costs simply because she recognized reality and included them in her budget.
But another interesting point that came out in tonight’s conference call is that Gregoire said nearly half of the state spending increases over the last 4 years have gone to education. These expenditures include school construction, more teachers, more investment in community colleges, and more student places in the 4-year college system. Increased education spending is inevitable because the state’s population is growing rapidly, which means you need to build new schools and hire more teachers. And, as the Governor pointed out, the vocational training provided by community colleges is a key factor in recruiting businesses to bring jobs to our state.
What, exactly, what a Governor Rossi disinvest in, so that he could boast of not growing state spending? He won’t tell us. That means either his vague promises about cutting spending are an illusion, or he knows the public doesn’t support the cuts he’d like to make — and won’t vote for him if they know he plans to make them.
Since half of the 33% spending increase has gone to education, that’s one of the areas where Rossi would have to make major cuts in order to deliver on his fiscal promises. This isn’t about teacher salaries, it’s about whether all the new kids that weren’t in Washington a few years ago will have schools to attend. What’s Rossi going to do, tell these new arrivals sorry, you can’t go to school because we don’t want to spend money on schools? And if he doesn’t do that, he can’t get the spending cuts, it’s as simple as that.
Rossi also claims to be a pro-business candidate. But I wonder how many people in the business community would support an agenda of slashing the budget for community colleges and higher education. Does Rossi plan to attract employers to Washington by telling them they have to pay for training hires themselves, because the state won’t pay for it?
Smoke and mirrors. That’s all Dino Rossi is. Empty promises, misrepresentations, and a negative attitude toward investing in our state’s people and their potential. No thanks, we can do better.
@9 Don’t expect any tax cuts from Dino Rossi. But even if he defies financial mathematics and finds a way to cut state taxes, don’t think for a minute that YOU will get any of the cuts. Those will be reserved exclusively for his upper-income Republican cronies.
@10 How do you justify a lower rate on capital gains than on wages? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the CGT should be 39.6% or any other figure. All I’m saying is the tax rate on wages and capital gains should be the same.
Don’t ever trust a donk on taxes. Taxes to a donk is like heroin to a heroin junkie.
When the federal tax code discriminates against wages, a rational rabbit will decide to quit working and spend his time earning capital gains instead of wages. Well, my mama didn’t raise any dummies, and I went where the better money and lower taxes are! In other words, I don’t work or produce anything, hell I don’t even provide capital to businesses, all I do is flip stocks. The tax system rewards me for this, and punishes me for working, so why not? And why the fuck should I work under a tax system like this?
@13 “because of needs that were deferred during a 10-year period of Republican obstructionism in the state senate, during which virtually nothing got done in this state”
Question…what about the deferred budget deficits we will be facing in 2009-2010? Aren’t we currently deferring the very same issues? Aren’t we really deferring tax increases to cover the deficit? And state ferries had $265 mill set aside in 2005, but because bids were never taken, that money ended up elsewhere. And here we are in 2008 with still no acceptable bid, because the consultant claims the ferries can be built for far less…see article in the Times from Todd Shipyard:
I made $200 in the stock market today. I made $125 while taking a shit, another $50 while wiping my ass, and another $25 while picking my nose and occasionally hitting the F5 key on my computer keyboard to update my portfolio screen.
As you can see, earning capital gains requires special skills and therefore deserves favored tax treatment.
@14 – Like Rossi would ever cut taxes?!? ROTF LMAO NOT! Even the republicans know this, or at least I would think they would know!
@19 – I need some lessons on making money pressing the F5 key all day! I could definately get to like that lifestyle and no boss?! Who could ask for any thing more?
@11 It’s not just King County, it’s all over the country, and it’s the whole spectrum of governments and institutions including pension funds, colleges, charities, and everyone else who depends on tax revenues tied closely to economic activity and/or investments.
Part of the problem is that Wall Street made risky loans so invisible by slicing-and-dicing, and then bundling, them in opaque investment vehicles that just about every institutional investor in the world has gotten stuck with the bad loans.
The fallout will hit in many ways, but one way it’s sure to hit your own wallet is higher car and home insurance rates. Insurance companies have only two revenue sources, premiums and investment returns. When their investments go to hell, they raise premiums, it’s that simple. Given a combination of falling stock values, low interest rates, and defaults on credit instruments, expect insurance premiums to soar in the next pricing cycle.
This market meltdown ought to take the wind out of the sails of anyone who’s still foolish enough to argue that private investment accounts or other personal savings are a safe replacement for Social Security.
The fact is, your private investments and savings are never safe. But for more than 75 years, Social Security has always paid every penny of promised benefits on time to every one of the tens of millions of SS beneficiaries. No private investment or savings vehicles can come remotely close to that performance.
@16 I’m surprised you have the guts to show your face around here after the smackdown you took yesterday on the bullshit you posted about the 2004 election. Go back to humping your fire hydrant, dog. It’s all you’re good for.
Hannah @ 11- the King County budget is far too complex for a headline. There are a number is separate “enterprise funds”, such as wastewater, transit and solid waste. Those agencies collect rates or fees which cannot, with some exceptions where there is a nexus, be transferred to the current expense fund. Then there are the separately electeds- Prosecuting Attorney, Sherriff, Judges, who develop budgets independantly and due to their criminal justice/public safety mission they tend to be somewhat untouchable. THrow in the jail operations, and a very large percentage of the budget is actually or effectively off limits to cuts.
Then you fund it with a property tax based system where cities annex away the most “profitable” areas, and it is rather complex.
But some of out trolls will tell you how easy it is.
@18 There is no state deficit, never has been, and never will be. The state constitution prohibits running a deficit or borrowing money for the operating budget. The budget must balance, period. And it does, every biennium.
It’s true that spending gets deferred (or foregone), but that’s different from a deficit. When the state cuts funding for kids’ health care, they don’t get the health care, period. Other spending does get deferred in the sense that the current legislature doesn’t appropriate the money so the road or ferry doesn’t get built in that biennium and may never get built. That’s the essence of not spending money because you don’t have it to spend.
Gov. Gregoire was asked about ferries in tonight’s town hall conference call, and said the state has ordered 3 new ferries to replace the 4 old boats that were taken out of service.
The only bullshit that happened in 2004 was King county electing that fraud of a governor. We all know that KC doesn’t prosecute voter fraud, hell I proved it. roof roof
Rather tiresome, dog. Your side choose the venue, argued your case and lost.
But then again dogs like to chase their tails.
@21 Most of the time, the best way to make money in the stock market is to watch, press the F5 key and look again — and do nothing. You’ll lose your ass if you constantly trade in and out of stocks. Investing in stocks is complicated and I can’t really tell you how to do it in this space. I’ll tell you one thing not to do, though: Don’t listen to Jim Cramer, the popular TV financial guru. Cramer is full of shit.
11, 26 – The key fact about King County’s operating budget is that 75% of it goes to public safety (cops, prosecutors, courts, and jails).
@26 “Then you fund it with a property tax based system where cities annex away the most ‘profitable’ areas, and it is rather complex.”
The truth is, King County coerced cities into annexing unincorporated areas, and coerced other unincorporated areas into incorporating, so that it wouldn’t have to pay for providing services in those areas. I get the feeling King County would incorporate the whole county and go out of business if it could.
@28 You got your ass handed to you last night, and we don’t need to go over this again. Go hump your hydrant.
@27 – 3 new ferries have actually been ordered? I am understanding the bids were way too high and no ferries have been ordered yet, just the bid process has been put into place?
Hey righties PLEASE keep singing that song “We was robbed.” Please – Rossi will looooose either way but you keep that up and he loooooses BIG. Thanks. Please keep it up. Seriously.
@34 That’s what she said. It appears she used the term “ordered” to mean that money has been appropriated and WSDOT is in the process of purchasing the vessels, as the vessels are still in the bidding stage. There likely will be two contracts and possibly two different builders because the 50 car ferry is being procured separately from the two 60 to 80 car ferries.
Gee. Hannah, it seems you are not so “wondering why I am a Democrat” at all!
It seems we have “reeled in a newbie!!!” after all!
Congrats. But, there might be a bit of sadness,… you still have lied to everyone.
Oh Well!!! Don’t let that bother you! Go ahead and spread your Machiavellian nonsense!
@35 I believe the popular spelling of that is, “We wuz robbed!” and the exclamation point (!) for emphasis in considered an integral part of the whining.
@36 – I knew of the 50 car ferry Todd Shipyards bid on, I didn’t know about the other 2! That is great news for the people on the other side of the water! I am soooo glad I moved back over here and got away from the ferry system!
Evil Sophistry! Thy name is Hannah.
@37 – for the last time, there are 8 guys I work with that f***** with me trying to get me on their side of the republican fence. By getting me to look at this blog in hopes I would become angry at the hatred spewed most the time on here. Unfortunately for them, I have found some very informative people by finally caving into their games. Don’t get me wrong though…I still see and question the obnoxious child behavior and hatred by a select few on here. But those that provide data and links have been a great help.
@ 42, for the last time?
You mean that while humans have memories about your obvious lies, you will never mention you pathetic denials again?
How wingnutty of you!
@43 – I have NEVER lied. I did admit a few guys at work were trying to get me on here by baiting me…then I get accused of lying. So I even went as far as asking the IT guys to set me up off the proxy server so I have a dedicated outbound IP address just to prove I was real to idiots like you. I notice you are one of those on here who has nothing of value to say except for name calling like MTR. You and him are in the same class…useless.
“I have NEVER lied. I did admit a few guys at work were trying to get me on here by baiting me”
Actually you never mentioned that.
You just claimed that you had common computers that other people in your “office” also used for HA.
Funny, after you mentioned that… these “few guys at work” never came back.
Hey “Hannah” anytime you want to come clean… we are ready to listen.
Word to the wise… agreeing with Buddypud when he is in his “forgot to take my Lithium” rants, is a clue that you have no interest in factual information.
And the pathetic denials about your former screen names.
But then again dogs like to chase their tails.
and sniff butts and eat excrement. Such is the life of our local mutt Doofus.
I would become angry at the hatred spewed
by the right wingers who come here. Everyone on this side of the fence is just angry and tired at what’s been done to this country by the right wing.
The hate is spewed by the right wing.
@45 – “Actually you never mentioned that.”
Actually yes I have mentioned that several times.
“Funny, after you mentioned that… these “few guys at work” never came back.”
As I have said, I requested IT to get me a dedicated IP address to clear my name since the guys were baiting me onto HA were all posting from the office and shared PC’s so nom they can’t f*** with me if I have my dedicated IP they can’t use…so they lost all their fun. Evil woman I am, I showed them!
Puddy is voting for Obama and not McCain so of course I find some common ground. Also he has provided a lot of factual government links for me as I learn politics.
@47-there is a lot of hatred spewed here by both “sides”…look at BBG and MTR, just as two examples of both being from different “sides”
Hannah… “As I have said, I requested IT to get me a dedicated IP address to clear my name since the guys were baiting me onto HA were all posting from the office and shared PC’s so nom they can’t f*** with me if I have my dedicated IP they can’t use…so they lost all their fun. Evil woman I am, I showed them!”
And yet they never returned… even with other names!
“Hannah”… just come back with another name. Stop the bullshit, and come back as the hairy backed troll you are!
Your numerous denials have never passed the simplest truth test.
You have failed in your quest.
“I have my dedicated IP they can’t use…so they lost all their fun. Evil woman I am, I showed them!”
Do you not even realize how silly (and male right wing trollish) that sounds???
Give it up!
@YLB Although I sometimes wonder if BBG and MTR are one in the same as they both seem to have nothing of value to say and say really obnoxious crude things about others…it’s like they think alike, just play the political card on each side.
sigh.. just cut the crap already.
@42 This blog is a saloon brawl, Hannah. The site owner, David Goldstein, invites it by (a) his naked partisanship, (b) his use of vulgar language in his comments, and also by allowing no-holds-barred posting in the comment threads, and (c) his public persona.
To clarify (c), Goldstein made a name for himself in Washington politics and media by sponsoring an initiative to have Tim Eyman declared a horse’s ass. Attorney General Christine Gregoire took legal action to block it from the ballot. Of course, Goldstein never intended it to be taken seriously or be voted on; parody is his style, and satire is his favorite communication tool.
Horse’s Ass is an unabashedly liberal blog. Unlike essentially all rightwing blogs, Goldstein does not require registration, does not censor comments, and does not block trolls. They come here spoiling for a fight, and we don’t let them leave disappointed.
I’ve been involved in politics since I was a teenager — more than 40 years now — because I have always felt politics is important. Who wins matters. Government policies affect our lives for better or worse.
We live in a country with a democratically elected government and constitutional rights of association and free speech. The upshot of this is that political speech, and by and large political tactics, can’t be regulated by the government and so anything goes. The stakes in politics are sufficiently high — after all, the country’s two major factions each spend billions of dollars in every election cycle on propaganda, campaigns, and field work — that there isn’t shall we say a whole lot of civilized restraint as to what goes on in American politics.
The fact of the matter is, Republicans will do anything to win, and that includes smearing our candidates, lying to voters, disseminating fabricated photographs and anecdotes about our candidates, interfering with the rights of minorities and poor people to vote, and so on. In short, they’re mean motherfuckers, and we’ve learned not to be nice to them because we get walked over when we are. Some of us have come to believe you have to fight fire with fire, and fight acid with acid.
Consequently, the verbal combat that occurs in the comment threads tends to be vigorous and provocative. So far as I know, no one’s been shot yet. I can’t tell you whether that’s because we’re all innately law-abiding, or afraid of going to jail, or worried about getting sued, but I personally believe the fascist motherfuckers who leave their putrid turds on this blog are yellow. They like to talk big, but — as stupid as they are about everything else — they know better than to fuck with this batch of liberals, beyond petty vandalism to the web site and anonymously reporting Goldy as a child molester to children. I’m pretty sure some of them are on the GOP payroll and I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple are on the federal payroll. You should understand that just because a lot of good-natured ribbing goes on here doesn’t mean we like those slimy wingnut bastards. I mean, how can you like greedy selfish people with no integrity or morals who desecrate our great nation and fuck horses?
If it’s objective intellectual reading material you want, well, that’s what libraries are for.
typo should read:
… as a child molester to authorities.
MALE…hahaha there is one guy on here who has met me and he definately knows I am not a man…so do you have anything of value to say about the discussions on this board or do you just troll for people that don’t agree with you 100% and call them names?
And if the guys were messing with me and they now figured out that is long over, why would they continue? Besides, men can’t focus on one thing to long before getting distracted with another adventure that comes up. Adult ADHD.
Their whole goal was to “transform” me to their side, telling me democrats like me are far and few between, they think (with good reason) alot of dems are angry haters and tried to show me that by taking me here to HA. I agree somewhat but I also see others like myself…such as John Barelli, who pointed me in the right direction for campaigning for Obama.
@44 “I did admit a few guys at work were trying to get me on here by baiting me…”
This is the first time I’ve seen this version of your story. Previously, you told us that you shared a computer with two co-workers, and you wanted us to believe it’s a sheer coincidence that all 3 of you know about, all 3 of you post on this blog, and all 3 of you have identical views and writing styles.
@53 – Thanks for the background on HA, didn’t know the Tim Eyman story behind it, actually quite hilarious. And hey I don’t mind the joking around but some people are beyond rude on here but most are real enough to show their intellect and opinions in such a fashion I enjoy reading. I refuse to stoop to the levels of the current admin by name calling, ignoring ALL the facts, and pointing fingers. And that is why I support Obama over Hillary, she’s acting just as bad as Bush has.
“Hannah” continue with your comments on what “men” are doing to you.
How “men” transform you.
Do you think that blinds anyone from your other comments?
Are the “men” who are “using” “your” computer making you say something you don’t feel?
cut the crap.
@56 – Yes we all share the same PC, now we have logins. And I have said that several times. And I have told the story several times as too how I got turned on to HA, by “wingnuts” at work.
@56 That was after (a) you claimed to have never posted on HA before, and (b) Lee (or was it Darryl? I don’t remember) traced previous comments under 2 other screen names to the same IP address as your comment. Naturally, we all concluded you lied when you said you’d never posted here before, and didn’t believe your cock-and-bull story about 2 co-workers who write exactly the same way you do have access to your work computer and used it to post on HorsesAss. You ought to be able to see that explanation strains credulity.
@60 And then there’s the little matter of your having posted certain comments that bear a precise resemblance to standard-issue wingnut talking points …
@58 – Just because I refuse to jump into name calling and the blame game and finger pointing doesn’t make me any less a democrat than I have been. Just a kindler, gentler one than most.
@61 well when you work with the same group of people for 10 years and they are teaching you politics you take alot of what they say and question it as I have done here. I guess I sound like at least one guy in the office when I question state taxes and spending for sure. Kind of like people as they hang out with groups of people they start acting and talking like them.
@60 – Agreed but I would have never come here had they not goated me into checking it out. Once I realized they were the ones who posted things I questioned, was when I realized I should have ONLY posted from my personal home PC. Sorry for having a job. Sorry they got your hairs bunched up.
# 59, did the Computer Professionals at your workplace cut off the fingers of your “male” coworkers?
Did the IT professionals at work deny them access to HA?
Hannah, your story is old, unbelievable, and stinks of wingnut tomfoolery.
And that is exactly what it is.
@47 “Everyone on this side of the fence is just angry and tired at what’s been done to this country by the right wing.”
Not me. It’s exactly what I expect of GOP shitheads. After all, I started out in politics as a Goldwater conservative, and went through their brainwashing regimen. I know what assholes they are, because they trained me to be just like them. I’m a professional. To me, grinding a wingnut’s nose into a pile of doggy doo with my heel is just a normal day’s work. It’s what I do. I feel nothing when I crush a wingnut. To me, it’s the same thing as an exterminator getting rid of malaria-bearing mosquitoes — it’s a job, and you do it for the good of humanity. There’s no more point in getting angry at a wingnut than there is in getting angry at a rattlesnake or a virus. You simply focus on dealing with the problem by means of eradication.
@48 “Actually yes I have mentioned that several times.”
Funny I never saw that, as I’m here almost every day.
@49 What we do here isn’t hatred, it’s sterilization against a plague.
@66 – yes and I get to listen to quite a few of them every single day at the office and get to here KVI all day long. Torture should be illegal but it’s used in the workplace even.
@67 – Go back at least a month and a half, you will see where I posted that. Puddy and I had a few discussions about it.
Roger “I started out in politics as a Goldwater conservative”
You are “Dead To Me Now!”
Actually not. I would love to find some Eisenhower, or Goldwater Republicans.
Dear lord, they would have spared us so much bloodshed and treasure.
Bush/McCain Republicans = End of America
@51 Since you’re new here, let me acquaint you with MTR’s history on this blog.
First of all, he’s an uninvited guest. That’s fine; as noted above, Goldy lets everyone post here and doesn’t censor anyway except JCH.
So MTR posted. And what he posted was, if I may paraphrase, “Goldy, I’ll bet you $100 that I-912 wins by at least 10 points.” And Goldy responded that he accepted the bet. The specific arrangement was the lose would contribute $100 to the campaign fund of a candidate designated by the winner.
Well, I-912 lost, so the next thing that happened is MTR asked me (because I’m a lawyer) whether bets are legally enforceable in Washington and I told him no, our courts refuse to be a party to enforcing bets.
So he refused to pay.
There are certain behaviors that are universally despised in this world — stool pigeons, child molesters, and bet welshers. That lying blowhard who proudly calls himself a redneck can rehabilitate himself any time he feels like forking over the $100 he owes Goldy. Instead, he has refused to pay for 2 1/2 years, and continues to freeload on Goldy’s blog by polluting the comment threads with his repetitive tripe. And yet, Goldy hasn’t banned him or blocked his rants.
Now let’s compare that with a typical experience on a wingnut blog. Let’s do a Roger Rabbit quiz.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
How long did it take for Roger Rabbit to get banned from Free Republic?
[ ] 1) Two months
[ ] 2) Three days
[ ] 3) Four hours
[ ] 4) Five minutes
[ ] 5) Ninety seconds
Hint: The correct answer is (5). The cowards who run Free Republic aren’t man enough to defend their arguments or viewpoints. Those pussies can’t stand anyone who doesn’t sit in a circle with them and jerk off the guy to his right.
@52 Cripes, she’s gonna give us all cholestoral.
@72 – I was wondering about the gambling debt a few of you always bring up. And yes he is one of the posters here that seems to repeat the same things over and over again..I either skip over his posts if I am busy or read them for giggles if I have time.
Now I know the gambling debt story…thanks! :)
well gotta go to the torture chamber early tomorrow so I am out! Have a good night y’all!
@55 You misunderstand, Hannah. We’re not haters, we’re warriors, and we tailor our tactics to the nature of our foe, which happens to be a cockroach army.
@57 “Hillary, she’s acting just as bad as Bush has.”
Like the rest of your tales, that’s a stretch. And Obama’s supporters aren’t exactly angels either. Hillary’s campaign received hundreds of complaints from their Texas supporters about being locked out of caucuses, and delegates being “elected” before the caucuses started. I’m not making this up; it was reported by Newsweek among others.
@59 Well, I believe the part about HA being a turn-on for wingnuts. That’s obvious; they keep coming back.
Getting called pigfuckers in these comment threads is probably the only sexual gratification they’ve ever had in their entire miserable purile lives.
@62 We didn’t revoke your purported Democratic credentials on that basis. We revoked them because you post wingnut talking points.
@63 How could you stand working with a bunch of brainless zombies for 10 years, unless you were one of them?
@64 Nobody’s dissing you for having a job, or for what your alleged co-workers allegedly did. We don’t believe your story. It’s not more complicated than that.
@69 If, by some improbability, you are what you claim to be, then you need to get a different job.
@72 “anyway” = anyone
In case nobody’s noticed, I don’t bother to proofread.
@76 Well, now you know. MTR also claims to have 4 college degrees, claims to have an extremely high-paying job,* and claims his wife took him for $500,000 for alimony and child support before she dropped dead. He claimed she was a whore and a crackhead, apparently not understanding that those allegations, if believed, would call into question his judgment in marrying her in the first place, and a propensity for terrible judgment would also naturally call into question his fitness for his alleged high-paying employment.
* Despite MTR’s alleged high level of expertise and top-drawer compensation, he has plenty of time for posting on HA throughout the day, including normal work hours, which of course calls into question the veracity of his claims. His posting habits are more typical of a jail inmate than a highly paid executive or technical specialist.
@ 86, It is Ok Roger, “hannah” never bothers to check her “back story”
@76 (continued) It’s also worth noting that if MTR makes as much money as he claims he does, then paying a $100 wager shouldn’t be a problem for him. You can be damn sure that if I-912 had won by 10 points, he would have demanded that Goldy pay up, and I don’t have a shred of doubt that Goldy would have paid.
You see, Hannah, that’s the essential difference between a liberal and a wingnut: We have honor, and keep our word; their promises and contracts are good only for toilet paper.
@88 Not the same thing. A typo isn’t the moral equivalent of a lie.
Note, however, that Republicans try to make it such. They wanted the world to believe that the ordinary mistakes and fumbles by election workers that have gone on since the dawn of time are equivalent to stealing an election. The fact no one believes their crap except themselves doesn’t deter them from the belief that endless repetition will make their lies come true.
MTR is a case history that most psychologists would want to explore.
But, last I heard, he spent his last paycheck from the Quickie Mart and blew it on scratch off lottery tickets.
He claimed his losses were due to “Liberal Taxation” and died on a side street in Auburn.
We don’t miss you, but I imagine, everyone doesn’t.
Hannah:Ignore what Blatantly Obvious says.
He is still in Idiot 101 classes after all these years. He forgot what “and” means in the English language.
Pelletizer@67 said:”Funny I never saw that, as I’m here almost every day.
Pelletizer – I usually excuse you because of your brain oxygen deficit you exhibit many times when you venture out of law discussions. But this time your 24 hour memory is showing again. Puddy remembers.
Go back to late January – early February and see where Darryl told her about her postings under other pseudonames (18+ for headless lucy and counting) and Hannah’s return discussion about posting with other guys at work on the same PC…
As they said on Mission Impossible “Good luck Jim”.
The 24 hour brain lapse syndrome has hit BO@91.
Someone long ago looked up MTR and determined he is indeed a licensed professional engineer.
Since we don’t really know what Blatantly Obvious is, we can assume from his postings on HA he is an Neanderthal – homo erectus posing as a homo sapien.
Hannah is using the same defense here that her right wing child predator friends use. And it’s too funny.
“But officer – someone must have downloaded that child porn while I was away from my desk!”
You defend the right at every chance Hannah – you’re a republican and we all know it. But hey – I don’t blame you for wanting to hide it. It IS something to be ashamed of these days. Your party is the laughing stock of the world.
And when you post as Puddy – your alter ego comes out. That’s funny too.
BBG as usual you need to go back to bed and get some more sleep.
Are you MTR is disguise?
Hannah, you’re as phony as a $3.00 queer. Your only ally is Puddybud.
That’s truly pathetic.
@97 – I need no allies, as you do, to make me feel like I contribute to society. And Puddy isn’t the only down to earth person here. John Barelli, Roger Rabbit, SET Astronomy are just a couple I can get along with so to speak. In other words, those are the few on here who can have debates and discussions of meaning and morals. Most here, just come in to try and ruffle the feathers with no substance behind their words.
Oh and SeattleJew, someone who actually thinks things through and can back up his words with data.
How can someone who pretends to be someone and something they’re not contribute to debate? All you do here Hannah is spew bullshit – same as the rest of us. Fuck you. I’ll be here pulling your covers whether you post as Puddy, Hannah or any of the other 18 names you use on HA.
Hey Roger,
I like the idea of capital gains tax and wage taxes being the same rate. Sounds like a flat-rate tax to me, and that’s the only fair tax there is. The flat-rate tax is the first step in eliminating federal income taxes entirely. Remember, the government can’t get involved in useless foreign adventures if it doesn’t have income taxes to fund the bill.
As for income taxes for Washington? No way, now how! Never, never, ever!! I’ll stick with the devil we have versus the much eviler devil we don’t have.
@100 – I am not one of many who post under several names like yourself, I am definately not Puddy, but your delusional conspiracy laced mind can keep dreaming. When you can contribute to a debate and offer some opinions, besides saying your fucking someone’s wife, I will pay attention. Just like the other night, Barelli and I were talking about the Obama campaign volunteers and you just spewed your lies and wingnut flap all over the page…notice we finally ignored you?
@101-PI yes a straight across the board tax could solve some of our countries issues financially…but this state is in such a regressive tax structure, if something isn’t done about it, we will be so far in debt, we can never dig out. It’s been too many years with no solutions, the poor and middle class suffer, while the big wigs make all the money here. No wonder huge corporations love doing business in Washington….big tax breaks!
You’re a troll with an agenda, Hannah, and everybody here besides The World’s Greatest Network Engineer realized it long ago. Your coy bullshit has no credibility, and you aren’t bright enough to keep the names of the rest of the denizens here sorted out, and what they post.
John is obviously a nice guy, with sincere principles…..and half Republican.
He’s honest. You’re not. Both are obvious.
Puddy @94
Cite that revelation, please. NO? What a surprise.
Speaking of substance behind words, a little Google quickly dispels this as bullshit:
“If Obama or Hillary gets in office they said that capital
gains taxes would go from 15% to 39.6%.”
Obama: back to where it was when Clinton was in office (20%) & if one’s income meets a minimum threshold, 15%.
Hillary: back to 20% for capital gains, dividends at 30%.
Perhaps avoid “factual” data from the Feux News team, eh?
Hannah @ 103,
I disagree: once we enact an income tax in Washington, those “regressive” taxes you mention will not disappear. They may go down for a bit, but they’ll be back, at higher and higher levels. Government, at all levels, cannot control the urge to tax and spend, whether Republican or Democrat. They just can’t help themselves. They must use wealth re-distribution as a means of staying in office.
That’s why Keynesian economics just doesn’t work: government is always ready to spend to stimulate the economy when it’s lagging, but they never get around to cutting spending when the economy is overheating. Hence, Monetary Policy is superior to anything that John Maynard Keynes ever thought up.
@107 – So how would you fix the regressive tax? Is there even a way? Is there a way to protect the lower and middle classes.
Government, at all levels, cannot control the urge to tax and spend,
Then what the F are Republicans good for?
Yes Hannah/Puddy just like you ignored me on this thread too. You can’t ignore me bitch. I dare you to from now on. Don’t address any of my posts. You can’t do it.
I repeat – it doesn’t even take a careful reading of the lies you spread here to know that you’re a republican. Nobody believes you so why persist in the bullshit?
I don’t view Washington’s taxes as regressive: there’s nothing to “fix.” For example, if you buy something, you pay sales tax. End of story.
YLB @ 109,
The Republicans have proven that they’re not much good for anything other than causing a mess. Unfortunately, in my view, the Democrats are pretty crappy, too. What we need is for other parties to have power for a change.
Politically Incorrect:
Yes but with a regressive tax structure as sales tax only, doesn’t that hurt the lower and middle classes rather than have a state income tax where everyone would pay the same percentage? So rich would actually pay more?
Here’s the bottom line: I never, never, ever want an income tax for Washington, and all this talk of “regressive taxes” does not matter to me in the least: I could care less if the neo-socialists think a tax is “regressive.” I’d lie for the federal income tax scheme to be replaced by a sales tax at the national lever. I tire very easily of filling-out tax forms and keeping records to “justify my existence” each April 15th to the IRS. I’ve had enough of the goverment intrusion into my finances.
Every one should pay the same percentage, rich, middle-class, or poor.
On a lighter note, I just heard a story on Fox News about a 13-year-old in Texas. It seems students in her class were given the civics homework assignment of designing a “protest sign” supporting some political idea. She designed a sign that said:
“If you love the Nation,
Stop illegal immigration.”
This is a white girl we’re talking about here. Last Friday, she was attacked by a group of Hispanic students in the school. They tried to force her into the boys’ bathroom for who-knows-what purpose, but she screamed loudly enough to draw the attention of teachers, and the attack was foiled. Now, Hispanic students are passing signs around the school with her face on it with some rather anti-white comments.
Here’s the best part: the girl’s parents have asked the FBI to investigate this incident as a HATE CRIME! Talk about your law of unintended consequences! I’ll bet the politically correct set will be pissed-off beyond belief once hate crime charges are brought against the attackers.
If people are here illegally, they should be sent home, even if there are 20 million of them here. When JFK said we’d put a man on the moon by the end of the Sixties, people were sceptical. If we turn our attention to it, we can round illegals in 10 or 20 years. No problem!
Politically Incorrect – I totally agree with nixing the illegal immigration problem, ship ’em out! No more US tax payer handouts, and if you do choose to become a citizen legally, learn the American language, English. No welfare handouts for people who come here and refuse to work because they can’t speak the language. We need serious welfare reform as it is!
And in regards to the Hate Crime? They should charge those kids, just as they would if it were reversed!
@1 Roger Rabbit says:
‘Roger Rabbit rescheduled a medical appointment today because he is ill and won’t attend DL either.’
Have you EVER gone RR? I don’t think anyone’s ever seen you. Sorry your an ill-health insane shut-in. Try calling Yellow Cab, I think they have vans that you can fit in along with your oxygen tank. I’m fairly new to this site, but your rantings take the cake of ignorant, angry, and blind stupidity.
I don’t think Roger uses an O2 tank, but he may be wheelchair-bound. A van would work to get him to DL, but I think he’s a non-drinker, so it probably wouldn’t be that interesting to him once everybody else “had a few” at DL.
Rog Rabbit ain’t all that bad for a Lefty…when you cut thru the obscenities.
Rog has a case of incurable, highly inflamed hemmorhoids which have now spread to the right side of his brain.
You’d be mighty angry too!!
Another right wing Christian conservative shows us republican family values in action. HE HE!
@119 and he’s a Republican you say? Just because he is Christian makes him a republican? I beg to disagree as I know many Christians who are dems. Where does it say he is a right wing republican Christian?
“Hannah” the perp is a rapist and a child molester.
QED He is a Republican.
Raping and molesting is a peculiar Republican practice in a disreputable Republican sect of Christianity.
I am not saying that all Republicans are rapists and child molesters.
Some are just rapists, others are just child molesters.
The Republican part is a big tent. They do not discriminate based on the evil card. Any evil person can find a home in today’s Republican party!
Rev. James L. Bevel was convicted of incest today. He was a lieutenant of Dr. Marting Luther King during the Sixties and a civil rights activist.The Blatanly Obvious, does this make him a Republican because he was convicted of molesting his daughter?
Sempersimper: Cite what for you? Wrong – I don’t answer to idiots. Check with Clueless Idiot. He can help you.
Check for yourself.