Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We meet at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E—some of us show up a little early to sample from the terrific menu.
Tonight’s theme song? What else could it be but Missy ‘Misdemeanor’ Elliott’s One Minute Man:
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally . Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Since this is an open thread – Mississippi Voting Results.
White Donkey Mens and White Donkey Wimens vote for Heilary big time.
Donkey are what they are covert racists. Still no southern white people sophistication and you can’t blame this on Republicans or conservatives.
An Open Offer from TBG
I represent a consortium of Conservatives for Hillary who have agreed, if needed to help finance the mail in ballots in Florida and Michigan.
In the spirit of fairness, we would like to offer a reward for every paper ballot sent to us, unsealed, at elast five dayd prior to the election. Regardless of how you decide to vote we will send you $12 for every eligible ballot.
We will seal the ballots after counting them and will send the rest to the apporpriate office in Michigan or Florida.
Please tell your relatives to send their signed, un sealed ballots to Hillaryism, 1492 Caribean Island Rd,, Petaluma Cal. 976234 If you include a SASE, we will send you a nice cripsp $10 bill. Or, if you wish we will forward the same amount to our leader’s cause.
“Donkey are what they are covert racists. “
Uh-huh. Perhaps you forgot, little PuddyDope, that there was a black Republican named Alan Keyes running this year. By your logic this makes you wingdings the ultimate racists.
Huh…imagine that!
And, and, and…where is a Republican FEMALE PUSA candidate this year? Or are you WingNumbNuts all SEXIST, too?????
(This little adventure brought to you by PuddyWorld™, where logic is always on vacation.)
Interesting information from Mississippi.
It appears that Mr. Limbaugh’s call for Republicans to vote for Ms. Clinton is paying off. Exit polls from Mississippi say that thirteen percent of the people voting in the Democratic primary are self-identifying as Republicans, and they are voting overwhelmingly for Senator Clinton.
Without that extra boost in votes, Senator Obama would be winning by even more than he is now.
So, even with thirteen percent of the voters in the Democratic primary being Republicans voting for Senator Clinton, he’s still winning.
Oh, and of those Democrats with a “favorable opinion of John McCain”, Senator Clinton is winning by almost two to one.
I’m thinking that Senator Clinton is starting to consider whether she might be considered for a Vice Presidential spot, and if so, which ticket she wants to be on.
So far, she seems really popular with the Republicans.
Oh, and Puddy?
Tell me again how this fellow, a delegate for Senator Obama to the Pierce County Democratic Convention is a racist.
Hey! Maybe I’m really black! After all, while my father was Italian, my mother was Irish.
Republicans are overtly racists. And as we saw with the recent GOP leadership – they like little boys too.
Is this an open thread? Can I rant about something completely ridiculous?
Well I’m gonna…who’s idea is it to put those stupid manhole covers right where your tires ride down a lane?? Just drives me nuts! Why must they put them where the tire goes, why not the center of the lane? Sorry! Like I said…RIDICULOUS!
Darryl The Punk –
DarrylWorld (TM) – Where he is judge and jury over what is allowed and will only out us whom think right when the boss says he’ll never out anyone.
Why not hold your DL event at a UNION establishment? How many cars in the parking lot are Foreign, versus UNION American made? Oh wait, because they are partly assembled in America by Non-Union workers makes you friends of the labor movement. I almost forgot to use Liberal illogic.
“Darryl The Punk – IGNORED!”
Awwwwwwww…what’s the matter little Puddy boy? Something getting under your skin?
Puddy Dork,
“Where he is judge and jury over what is allowed”
Naaaa…you just don’t like Goldy’s policy. Don’t like it? Start your own fucking blog. Sheesh…Wingnuts….
“and will only out us whom think right when the boss says he’ll never out anyone.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? Oh…nevermind…you’re busy pouting…
John Barelli: Does this Pierce County resident live in Mississippi?
Yes or No?
See ya?
ByeByeGOP farted: “And as we saw with the recent GOP leadership – they like little boys too.”
Who may that be Pinhead?
PuddyPrick @ 1
Looks like hardly any of the descendants of the work force of John McCain’s great-great-grandfather William Alexander McCain are voting in the Republican primary in Mississippi. Over 70% of Mississippi voters have voted in the Democratic primary — including a lot of Republican crossovers. 50% of the Democratic voters are Black, and about 2% of them are non-White (presumably Black) Republicans (given that 13% of the voters are Republicans, and 11% of them are Whites who are not Democratic or Independent). By contrast, only 1% of the much smaller Republican turnout is Black. So even the overwhelming majority of the relative small number of Black Republicans in Mississippi voted in the Democratic primary. White Republican crossovers voted overwhelming for Clinton, and presumably Black Republican crossovers favored Obama.
DarrylWorld (TM) – Babbling about what? Goldy, the boss, said he’d never out anyone. Yet you do all the time – PUNK!
Richard: The news orgs discounted the crossover voters. They looked at Donkey registrations.
Good try.
IAFF Fireman,
“Why not hold your DL event at a UNION establishment?”
Why should we?
“How many cars in the parking lot are Foreign, versus UNION American made?”
Well…I for one will NEVER buy an American-made car. They’re shit. But I only purchase second-hand cars, so it doesn’t really matter who made ’em.
“Oh wait, because they are partly assembled in America by Non-Union workers makes you friends of the labor movement.”
I would consider myself a “friend of the labor movement.” Not an enemy, but not really a friend either.
“I almost forgot to use Liberal illogic.”
What were you babbling about?
Puddy Dunce,
Goldy, the boss, said he’d never out anyone. Yet you do all the time – PUNK!”
Really? Maybe I should first ask what the hell you mean by the word “outed”? It is true that Goldy’s policy for this blog is that we will not reveal a poster’s identity (although Goldy broke his own rule once when a Wingnut professional–Kevin Carnes–was trolling here).
So…whose identity have I revealed?
IAFF Firemen – When you live in DarrylWorld (TM), real world facts makes no else. It’s called babbling.
PuddyPrick @ 19
Voters do not register by party in Mississippi. There are a lot of them who will vote Democratic in the primary in one year, and Republican in the primary in the next year. Plenty of folks in heavily Democratic counties who vote in the Democratic primary, but vote Republican in the general. And a fair number of folks in heavily Republican counties who vote Republican in the primary and Democratic in the general. A lot depends on which party primary has the most important contests. If you are in a county which only elects Democrats to county offices, then you want to make sure your vote for Sheriff, Assessor, and county Supervisor counts.
Idiot@21: Forgot your email to Pelletizer on Hannah?
Or how about Lee posting an IP Address for all to see.
Puddy Dirt,
“When you live in DarrylWorld ™, real world facts makes no else. It’s called babbling.”
Hooooooh boy! That’s PROJECTION if I have ever seen it!
Puddy Dip,
“Idiot@21: Forgot your email to Pelletizer on Hannah?”
I’ve never emailed anyone called “Pelletizer.” Did this person suggest I revealed Hannah’s identity to him/her?
“Or how about Lee posting an IP Address for all to see.”
You’d have to confront Lee about that. I though you claimed that I outed someone?
Darryl don’t be a fool. Wait a minute… you fall into that category perfectly.
Pelletizer = Roger Rabbit. He said “Darryl emailed and told me…”
Puddy Pip,
‘Roger Rabbit. He said “Darryl emailed and told me…”
??? Yes…please do tell! He claims that I revealed Hannah’s identity?
Darryl you read these threads everyday. Your imprimatur is all over with your delete wand.
And yes he said you told him Hannah and her other names posted from the same IP Address.
So Darryl for you to do this is just like Lee posting the 67. IP Address on HorsesASSholes.
When y’all get riled up you show your true colors.
Puddy Punt,
“And yes he said you told him Hannah and her other names posted from the same IP Address.”
So? But did he say that I revealed Hannah’s identity?
@31 as a matter of fact Roger Rabbit AND semper both gave out these supposed other names I use…
“Darryl you read these threads everyday. Your imprimatur is all over with your delete wand.”
Yeah…I do skimp through many of the non-open threads. What is your point?
Funny thing is I am Hannah (real name) I don’t hide behind fake names like most on here.
“@31 as a matter of fact Roger Rabbit AND semper both gave out these supposed other names I use…”
Well…I have several emails a week with Roger Rabbit, but I’ve never had email with semper. I am wondering…did either of these individuals reveal your identity???
Roger Rabbit is recovering from an illness and cannot attend.
1 & 2 It’s assholes like these that make me hope Hillary wins.
Puddy Pork,
“So Darryl for you to do this is just like Lee posting the 67. IP Address on HorsesASSholes.”
I’m not sure what you are getting at here. Where have I ever revealed anyone’s IP address??
I would vote for Hillary just because the wingnuts hate her! Anyone they hate this much is doing something right!
@5 When Lush Flimflam tells Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton and they do it you KNOW it’s Hail Mary time for the Repugnicans!
@9 ” … who’s idea is it to put those stupid manhole covers right where your tires ride down a lane?? … Why must they put them where the tire goes, why not the center of the lane?”
There’s probably a logical explanation for it. Call the city engineering department to find out/complaint.
@36 – they sure think they did….but no they can’t give out my identity (without making false assumptions), so no Darryl, they have not given my actual identity out. The only thing I know is going back thru ould threads, both have said time and time and time again, you gave them info on me being a supposed fake even with no proof other than an IP address off a proxy server.
@11 Still pissed off because Darryl exposed Hannah as a liar?
@12 What parking lot? Montlake Ale House doesn’t have a parking lot.
@42 – I too am sure there has got to be a logical explanation, just wanted to rant about something silly other than Spitzer and Boeing, tried to lighten the mood with a silly rant! :)
I seem to be swerving all over the roads trying to avoid those darn manhole covers! Explains alot of the “crazy” drivers out there ;-)
Puddinghead seems unusually shrill tonight — did someone slip something into his brownies?
@18 Why do you care whether Darryl exposed Hannah as a liar? Is she your sister? Do you have something going on with her?
24, 26 – Just to set the record straight, I don’t know who Hannah is, nor did Darryl e-mail my identity, but Lee did post an IP address used by one or more posters under 3 different screen names, including Hannah, after Hannah claimed she had never posted on HA before. Then Hannah came up with a cock-and-bull story about 2 co-workers using her work computer to post on HorsesAss.
Now let’s see how plausible that is. To believe Hannah, you have to believe:
3 people in her workplace all use the same computer
All 3 of them know about HA and post her
They all have identical political views
They all have exactly the same writing style
They all sound like the same person
Identical triplets, perhaps? Or, are the odds somewhat better that Hannah’s alibi is a load of horse manure?*
* For you wingnut retards — yes, this means you, puttybutt — this phrase is a euphemism for “lying.”
@27 He didn’t tell me who Hannah is. The only thing he told me is that the posts under the 3 screen names originated at the same IP address.
I don’t want to know who Hannah is. I haven’t the least interest. I don’t date liars. Besides, Mrs. Rabbit would kill me.
@30 “And yes he said you told him Hannah and her other names posted from the same IP Address.”
That’s right, and that’s not the same thing as telling me who she is, dipshit.
How do you get to Drinking liberal again?????? Hmmmmm
Take a left on Honesty Blvd
Take another left on Morality lane
Whoaa what’s this… a prostitute.
I guess I will stay home. roof roof
What puddy is mostly outraged about is that another wingnut poser got caught in the act of lying.
@33 And those other names are just as anonymous as “Hannah.” Revealing that information doesn’t tell anyone who you are, where you work, or where you live.
God, you wingnuts are dense! Explaining something to you is like trying to have a conversation with a rock.
Giving out an IP address is…
Since most people here, I am seeing, must be retired or jobless, don’t understand the concept of a proxy server where all PC’s in an office use the same IP address. I got so sick and tired of the games and accusations, I had IT give me my own IP off the proxy server that no one else in my office has access to. Therefore eliminating others here at work, posting here under “my” IP. I didn’t know I personally owned the IP’s here in my office! Gosh if I only knew the damage I could cause OWNING an IP.
And as I pointed out earlier, I could show proof of my voting dem record since I was 18 and the facts still wouldn’t be good enough. Talk about HYPOCRISY! :) I think I now understand the true reason the guys here at work wanted me to come to this blog site…to show me the other side of being so far one direction as in left, these guys in my office are more middle of the road republicans, but their reasoning behind voting MOSTLY rep is the so far left is JUST LIKE the so far right. I think they have made a good pont in how far LEFT and how far RIGHT people go….screws everything up. with the far right/left, it’s either their way or no way. That’s why nothing has gotten accomplised with the Bush admin, no compromise on either side.
@36 Of course not. I have no clue who Hannah is. Nor do I give a rat’s ass. I didn’t know, and neither did anyone else, that Hannah is her real name until she admitted it in #35. If she uses her real name on a political blog that’s her business. She shouldn’t blame me or anyone else for that!
@55 – posting an actual IP address DOES give away someones LOCATION.
Please tell your relatives to send their signed, un sealed ballots to Hillaryism, 1492 Caribean Island Rd,, Petaluma Cal. 976234 If you include a SASE, we will send you a nice cripsp $10 bill. Or, if you wish we will forward the same amount to our leader’s cause.
Republicans need to act like democrats….Got it. Remember dog to sign with your left paw this time. roof roof.
So, sweetpea, are you now admitting those other screen names are yours?
No ONCE AGAIN, They are NOT me…what part of this do you not understand???
@56 “Since most people here, I am seeing, must be retired or jobless”
Not me. I’m a member of Bush’s Ownership Society. I don’t have to be a worker, because I own stuff.
Although I now do know who at least one of them is
I wish I “owned stuff” and was a part of that regimen!
I made $4,000 in the stock market today. That’s as much as I’d make from working, and I pay 1/3rd the taxes! Why should I work? Why should anyone? It doesn’t make sense to work or be employed because you make less money and pay higher taxes. Capitalism pays me better money and gives me a lower tax rate to sit in front of a computer all day flipping stocks. The less I produce, the better a deal I get from our Republican-designed economic system.
That’s as much as I’d make from working in a whole month, …
Let me get this straight. You arenn’t saying that White Democrats are bigots, just White Democrats from Mississippi?
Well, I don’t have enough actual evidence to either confirm or deny that statement.
I do notice that of the Republicans voting in the Mississippi Democratic primary, they voted overwhelmingly for Senator Clinton.
Does that mean that Mississippi Republicans are bigots?
For that matter, didn’t you folks have a conservative economist running for President? My impression was that he had impeccable conservative credentials, and a strong conservative record.
Let’s see. Staunchly pro-life, Constitutional scholar, disowned his daugher when she turned out to be gay. Ronald Reagan actually campaigned for him.
I wonder why Ambassador Keyes isn’t catching on with Republicans in any state? It turns out that more of you are voting for a pro-choice, pro gay-rights, female Democrat than are voting for him.
I wonder why?
59 – Cur – you voting for McCain?
He flies a french airplane and shills for Airbus.
Eat shit cur!
I don’t work because I’m a Capitalist.
@56 “proxy server where all PC’s in an office use the same IP address”
That’s not what you told us. You said other employees use your work computer. Are you changing your story?
@65 – where do i sign up???? And will this still work when the dems take over in ’09?
If it walks like a wingnut, talks like a wingnut, and lies like a wingnut, it probaboy is a wingnut.
Stupes @ 1 living up to what he projects.
His stupidity. What a loser.
My “o” and “l” keys are glued together by a glob of dried ketchup.
I keep a screwdriver at my computer terminal to scrape the food out of the keyboard with.
There, it’s clean now.
@70 – there are 6 of us that float in/out of the office and 1 PC we all access to check email, surf the net and goof off, AND all the PC’s in our office post the same IP because we are behind a proxy server, hence the reason I had IT assign me personally a dedicated one (I now use a login on the shared pc) after the guys at work wouldn’t let up the teasing of me being balmed for their posts.
I do “write like they do” cuz when they tell me stories I like to come here and ask questions to see if they are full of it!
correct spelling “blamed”
@71 It’s easy. All you have to do is accurately predict the future.
@71 Of course it’ll work when we take over. Right now, while Bush is running the economy, you short everything. When the economy is being responsibly managed by Democrats again, you buy long.
@79 – share your future predicting skills please, I don’t want to have to work ;)
So by “buying long” will you still be able to make 4k a month? Or more?
@77 You must work in the private sector, because at the government agency where I worked, if they caught you goofing off you got fired.
@83 – Yes I do, but goofing off is only when we are on break or down time.
“posting an actual IP address DOES give away someones LOCATION.”
But, I did not post your IP address. That was another poster.
BTW: Your story about other people posting fools nobody. You were called out on your sock-puppetry and you ought to just be honest about it.
@81 Okay. This is a really shitty time to buy stocks, because the economy is going to get worse. That’s because the Wall Street and media Pollyannas are lying to you about the credit crisis being contained.
What’s happening is that the average American wage, after adjusting for inflation, is less than it was in 1970. Consumers have maintained their buying power by borrowing. A combination of rising home values and readily-available cheap credit made this possible.
Wages are still going down, and in addition, we now have rising unemployment and inflation. Meanwhile, home values have reversed and are now falling, and the cheap and easy credit has dried up because lenders are not only spooked, they’re illiquid themselves. The credit squeeze is now beginning to feed on itself. For example, big banks that have lost billions on reckless loans are trying to shore up their bottom lines by gouging their credit card customers. People who didn’t do anything wrong are suddenly having the interest on their card balances raised from 9% to 30%.
So, what do you think those consumers are going to do next?
1) Stop buying stuff with credit cards that now charge 30%.
2) Stop buying even more stuff to pay off the credit cards on which they suddenly owe 30%.
3) Stop buying even more stuff to pay higher gas and food prices.
As 70% of the U.S. economy is consumer spending, and consumer spending is about to get as tight as Larry Craig’s asshole, what do you think is likely to happen to corporate profits? And, if it happens, what will that do to P/Es and earnings forecasts? And, assuming the laws of gravity and mathematics still work the same way they always have, what do you think falling earnings and rising P/E multiples will do to stock prices?
You want my prediction? Here it is. The people who pushed the Dow up 415 points today because the government shoveled another 200 billion virtual dollars into the financial system to keep it from collapsing are fucking nuts. I use trading days like this to sell stocks, not buy them. We’re already in a recession, and investors have already priced a recession into the stock market, but most investors still don’t realize what’s coming in the economy when American consumers’ 25-year credit-fueled spending spree comes to a screeching halt, and that’s exactly what has to happen as inflation, recession, falling home values, and accelerating food and energy inflation all converge in a perfect storm.
The best thing about all this is that a lot of last year’s billionaires are now merely millionaires. The guys with the most money are losing most of the money being lost, and lots is being lost. Pretty soon you should be able to pick up some pretty nice and reasonably priced yachts and private jets that are only slightly used at pawnshops all over the country.
@82 Not now.
@86-Great points and so true…we all KNOW we are heading into a recession, even if they keep telling us we are not.
Numbers are very telling! So in other words, don’t buy stocks at this time, wait til the market stabilizes, say in a year or two?
If you have any brains, you’ll realize that Democrats are always better for the economy than Republicans, so you’ll short the market when Republican nincompoops are running it, and you go long after the Democrats get back in.
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs — Republicans 36,440,000.
–Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during the period of whom 6 presided over a depression or recession.
–The Dow Average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
Puddy Dup,
I’m still wondering if you could point out where I have “outed” someone (sensu revealing someones identity).
Pretty please?
Does anybody know if ebay auctions wingnuts? Our wingnuts are losing their entertainment value. Senseless, reactionary repetition becomes tiresome after awhile.
Puddy? Puddy????
You there, Puddy?
@90 – WOW! Thanks for the numbers! That is a scary reality!
@89 Many people believe the best time to buy stocks is at the market bottom. However, that may not be true. If you buy a stock at its rock bottom price but have to wait 3 years for it to go up 3%, you’ve made only 1% a year. What you want to do is buy a stock just before its price explodes. The market ordinarily anticipates changes in the economy and an individual company’s fortunes 6 to 8 months in advance. The stock market began pricing in this recession late last summer. That’s when and why stock prices began falling. Many investors are very confused now. Many stock prices look irrational to me. I don’t think stocks are moving up or down individually anymore, with some exceptions. Most stocks are moving in tandem with market sentiment at this time, and I believe the overall market sentiment is still too optimistic in view of the realities I outlined above. What I’m seeing right now is companies reporting higher sales and profits but their stocks are going down anyway. The only way this makes any sense is that investors are ignoring individual company performance and are making their investment decisions based on what they think the economy, not the company, is going to do over the next 6 – 12 months. This is an extremely treacherous market and the only prudent thing to do is preserve capital by selling stocks in which you have profits and accumulating cash. When we have more visibility on how deep the economy is going to go, then I think you may be able to start bargain hunting in sectors that have good underlying fundamentals and are likely to be in the forefront of the eventual recovery. The economy will recover; this is just another pendulum swing, in a long and never-ending series of pendulum swings reaching far back into economic history. The question is when and my best guess is that this recession is going to be deeper and longer than anyone wants to admit. The Federal Reserve is indulging in some pump priming right now but it’s not going to work because every interest rate cut further devalues the dollar, raises crude prices higher, and causes higher inflation. Bernanke can temporarily slow the speed at which GDP growth decelerates with his stimulus policies, but the dollar devaluation and inflation he’s creating by doing it eventually will overtake and overwhelm the positive effects of the interest rate cuts. Regrettably, we need this recession to wring the excesses out of our economy and financial system — that’s the function of recessions, and they’re caused by excesses — but because we’re in an election year and Bernanke and Congress are pursuing the kinds of policies that got us into an economic mess in the first place, our government is not only postponing the correction but making it worse. They’ve got to stop cutting interest rates and devaluing the dollar, but they won’t, because it’s an election year. Everyone in New York and Washington D.C. wants to push the recession into next year, after the election is over. It would be better if we ate it now, but that’s not what the policymakers and politicians are going to do. Surviving the election is more important to them than what happens to Main Street. So, I don’t think the stock market is going to bottom until this summer or fall, and I don’t think stocks will start going up again until late 2009 or sometime in 2010. It may even take longer than that. I think you should preserve capital and accumulate cash for the next 6 months, then see how things are going and revisit these assessments and adjust them if necessary.
From Harding In 1921 to Bush in 2003:
–Democrats held White House for 40 years and Republicans for 42.5 years.
–Democrats created 75,820,000 net new jobs — Republicans 36,440,000.
–Per Year Average: Democrats 1,825,200, Republicans 856,400.
–Republicans had 9 presidents during the period of whom 6 presided over a depression or recession.
–The Dow Average grew 52% more under Democrats.
–GDP grew 43% more under Democrats.
03/11/2008 at 9:28 pm
The top 100 Dow Jones Average all are under a republican
More people own there own home now then ever before.
The top 7 years of GDP are under a republican
Most jobs ever have been under a republican president.
And I got more. hehehehe
@91 He won’t because he can’t because he’s blowing smoke out of his ass.
@92 “Does anybody know if ebay auctions wingnuts?”
I’m pretty sure wingnuts are on their list of banned products along with handguns, toxic chemicals, and body parts.
@94 You’re on the right track and don’t even know it, Hannah! What you’ve got to do is stop being a lying wingnut posing as an independent or a Democrat, start voting Democratic, tell your wingnut acquaintances to fuck off, and give us their names so we can arrest them and bring them before tribunals.
Puddy is here. I wanted Pelletizer to show up and he did of course. So I stayed in the background.
You Darryl were the first to out Hannah. You emailed Pelletizer who you “thought” Hannah is. You claimed she was here before as someone else. Hannah has said all along Hannah is her real name. Yet you accused her of being someone else. Then Lee piled on and posted the IP Address of that computer. So who is a liar? If you stayed mute and never wrote Pelletizer Lee would be the only jackASS. But instead you started it and Lee the lemming followed.
See how that works?
Clueless Idiot: And you bring what to today’s conversation…?
Foul Air?
Stale Air?
Rancid Air?
Smelly Air?
Farted Air?
All the above?
@96 We already know what comes out of your back end, but does dog shit go in your front end, too? Do you eat your own shit, dog?
John, going to bed so stay tuned for your answer tomorrow morning around 5:15 AM.
Long day tomorrow.
Sempersimper bringing in some dual and quad homed systems on the net to try some new techniques.
Lata dudes!
Hannah hang in there.
@101 The only information Darryl gave me was the 3 screen names posting from one IP address. It isn’t his fault that “Hannah” posted that her real name is Hannah.
The top 100 Dow Jones Averages all are under a republican
More people own there own home now then ever before.
The top 7 years of GDP are under a republican
Most jobs ever have been under a republican president.
Tell me where I am wrong bunny. These statistic are more credible than the bullshit you spew.
Like I said, trying to explain anything to a wingnut like puttybutt is like conversing with a mushroom.
@99 – I have been so cautious as to not to stoop to the childish name calling behavior…but F*** Off! I am soooo sick of explaining myself to idiots over and over again! PROVE TO ME WHERE I PERSONALLY POSTED UNDER OTHER ‘FAKE NAMES’…PROOF PLEASE!!!
And an IP address off a proxy server is absolutely NO PROOF! PROVE TO ME AND EVERYONE I AM ALL THESE PEOPLE YOU CLAIM I AM!
I have an idea. See if this works for ya, puddy darling. How about if you just ASSUME that wingnuts who lie on liberal blogs will be exposed as liars by the site owner or moderators? Your assumption may be false, but if that’s your expectation going on, it’ll avoid misunderstandings and hard feelings later. Will this work for ya?
going in
@107 “I have been so cautious as to not to stoop to the childish name calling behavior…”
But that’s what we do here. We’re punks.
Man, I go away for a few hours and this topic gets filled with the most FUN in months.
I hear they are going to rename The Nile “Hannah”
Get it?
The Nile = Da Nile = Denial = Hannah = ludicrous denial with a mysterious ultimate source.
H. M. Stanley: Dr. Livinstone, I presume?
Dr. Livinstone: No, just call me “Hannah”
Stupes – your comment in 1 only demonstrates what a total joke you are.
LMAO always at your stupidity and your silliness!
Right through November…
@107 Okay, if I’m wrong and you’re a Democrat, then it won’t hurt anything if you keep voting Democrat will it?
Uh-oh, Mrs. Rabbit has a rollling pin and she’s coming this way — I gotta vanish. Later, troll traitors! I’ll see you when I see you, unless they hang you first!
[crashing noises; computer screen goes blank]
@ 113, Roger you are weakening, remember “Hannah” came in here and immediately fell in love with the “PuddyProse”.
She even loved the “PuddyLinks”.
If Sybil is a democrat, she is one of the “PuddyDemocrats”.
@113 – very correct, but if the posters on this blog are the true definition of a “democrat”, I am quite ashamed. I want to see BI-Partisanship and working together, not against each other! Even the FAR left/right should be able to come to a common ground to some degree. I hate all the bashing and childish behavior within our government, enough is enough!
Hannah, My Dear, you’d better be posting a thread name and message numbers to back your allegations that I’ve been outing you, repeatedly, because I sure as hell don’t remember it. And I don’t drink. One of us is hallucinating, and I think I know who it is….
Semper – when I have time tomorrow to go back thru month old threads, I will show you where you claim I am 2 or 3 different people.
Semper – if I did mistake you with say, Blatantly Obvious, YLB or another one of those accusers, I do apologize! I do seem to remember several people jumping this bandwagon claiming I was several different identities. And I may have accidently thought you were part of the bandwagon jumpers. If so once again, I will admit a mistake, unlike most here, and I apologize for throwing you under the bandwagon (bus).
John Barelli @ 67
It looks like 833 Republicans in Mississippi are voting for Alan Keyes:
Hannah, I feel I need to apologize.
It’s me, Fred, from accounts payable of the high tech company we work at.
It was I, who logged in as Wondering Why I Am A Democrat. I had no idea that our IP’s were so damn similar. I am glad that “Reel In A Newbie” Paul straightened out that similar IP problem. If the tech guys had not devoted hours reconfiguring the situation, people may have felt you were deceiving them.
Now that this reasonable explanation for a very unlikely event is in the open, everyone can go back to the illusion that this post is real, and I am no longer gonna post here, even though I did in the past, as “Wondering Why I Am A Democrat” and Paul has given scouts honor that he will not post as “Reel in a Newbie” anymore.
It is all over folks. Nothing to see here. Hannah is the real thing, we were just other employees at our high tech company that posted earlier with the same IP. And now we have no interest to.
Move on.
Go ahead, Hannah, I think I explained everything.
— *Satire* brought to you by The Blatantly Obvious!
??Spitzer headlined Gregoire’s big campaign kickoff last year???
“You Darryl were the first to out Hannah. “
Why do you say that, Puddster? Roger Rabbit denies knowing who Hannah is. And you have not shown anywhere where her identity has been revealed. So…um…where did I “out” her????
All I really know about Mr. Keyes is what his own website and a few published articles have told me. I’ve got no real reason to research further, because his stated policies are enough to tell me that I don’t want him as President.
But… I find it interesting that he gets so little support from “conservative” Republicans, when his stated policies are exactly what they claim to want. Additionally, he was a rather important member of that President that all of the Republicans now claim to revere, Ronald Reagan.
(For now, we can ignore the fact that if President Reagan were to rise from the dead and run again under his record, the Republicans would promptly re-bury him, claiming that he was too liberal.)
Ambassador Keyes has all the “right” ideas, and all the “right” positions on issues. Even if I do disagree with him, even I acknowledge that he’s very intelligent, and he’s a protégé of Ronald Reagan!
So, why is Hillary Clinton getting more Republican votes than he is? (Have they decided that they really are pro-choice and pro gay rights? Somehow, I doubt it.)
Perhaps some of the reason is that Ambassador Keyes actually seems to believe what he says, and doesn’t seem to be simply a sock puppet for KBR, Halliburton and Bechtel. That would make the Republican party leadership simply bought and paid for, rather than a bunch of bigots.
Of course, those two categories are not mutually exclusive.
“You emailed Pelletizer who you “thought” Hannah is.
Not really, I pointed out where Hannah had posted under other screen names (which, of course, is not “outing” in any real sense).
“You claimed she was here before as someone else.”
She was.
“Hannah has said all along Hannah is her real name.”
And, I’ve not disputed that, have I?
“Yet you accused her of being someone else.”
Nope…I simply pointed out where she posted under other screen names.
“Then Lee piled on and posted the IP Address of that computer.”
No. Lee posted the IP address well before Hannah ever showed up under the name Hannah.
“So who is a liar?”
Well…Hannah is. But what supposed “lie” are you referring to Pudster?
“If you stayed mute and never wrote Pelletizer Lee would be the only jackASS. But instead you started it and Lee the lemming followed.”
No, Pudster…you seem to have the chronology incorrect.
Hannah @ 119,
“Semper – when I have time tomorrow to go back thru month old threads, I will show you where you claim I am 2 or 3 different people.”
Ummm…sorry, missy, but “claiming that [you] are 2 or 3 different people” is not “outing.” Outing means revealing somebody real (as in real-world) identity. Commenters frequently speculate on the identity of other commenters. ‘tain outing.
John Barelli @ 125
The Mississippi figures are interesting. Democratic turnout tripled Republican turnout statewide. Only about 2 out of 82 counties cast more Republican votes than Democratic votes. The Democratic turnout in GOP-held open seat House District 1 (currently vacant, due to appointment of Roger Wicker to US Senate) more than doubled the GOP turnout. Even in House District 3, another GOP open seat, with an extremely crowded and fierce GOP primary, the Democratic turnout exceeded GOP turnout by almost 5-4 margin. And this was with an extremely low wattage Democratic primary in District 3. Looks like a promising year for Democrats in Mississippi, with a probable pickup in House District 1 — which also has a special election on April 22 for the unexpired term.
Darryl said
Sorry, but the term ” ‘tain ” should be ” ‘taint ”
And ” ‘taint ” can mean :
It ain’t
or the area between the balls and asshole.
I am not one to judge Hannah.
So is Hannah really the 36 year old single female from Issaquah actually named Hannah whom she claims to be?
I think a lot of normally reliable Republican states will find themselves in play this year, and certainly Mississippi is one of them.
Of course, this supposes that we do not, once again, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It does seem to be a Democratic Party specialty, and at least some of the handwriting is already on the wall. (I mix a mean metaphor.)
@ 130 “So is Hannah really the 36 year old single female from Issaquah actually named Hannah whom she claims to be?”
Richard, I wish I had voted you for in the last election. You really do have that Judge-speak down pat.
Are you Solomon?
This blog, being almost completely uncensored and allowing anonymous posting, gathers in some of the most extreme from both sides. Additionally, after having our patriotism repeatedly questioned (by folks that had more important things to do than to actually defend our country) some of us have gotten a bit touchy over the years.
For those on the right, well, this is a place where lefties get to let off some steam. Smiling politely while our candidates are smeared and lied about gets old, and anyone on the right posting here will likely get blasted.
Many of us know at least some candidates personally, and call them friends, and I can tell you from personal experience that having a friend called a supporter of child molestation by the “Speaker’s Roundtable” can get under a person’s skin.
We also routinely get people claiming to be Democrats who post what can only be called the neo-con’s version of Democratic ideas. Straw men, as it were, or in some cases, I have suspected that posts were put here for the purpose of quoting them in the right wing blogs as what those folks in the “Democrat party” think.
So, if you’re here to change hearts and minds over to the neo-con agenda, you will not only fail, but we will hand you as much grief as we can manage. Expect much the same for setting up straw men.
If you’re posting under more than one name, then stop it. Except for obvious sarcasm and snarking, it’s considered bad form and evidence that you are not what you claim to be.
We are neither “fair” nor “balanced” around here. In most places, I’m considered to be rather left leaning. Here, I’m as conservative as this group gets, except for our trolls. If you’re here to actually discuss issues, from a liberal perspective, welcome. We’re a bit messy, and we argue a lot, but it’s mostly good fun.
And I really don’t care what your IP is, but you might notice that I post only from my own, real, traceable name. Click the link and you get to see my smiling face.
I’m sure that broken window at my office was just a coincidence.
@ 133, Jesus, John, maybe Goldy should change the name for his blog to “Hannah’”
Just kidding.
Hi there,
You write very well. I was reading over your blog and I thought you’d be a great addition to our new online community, We only launched three weeks ago, but so far our daily hits have tripled already. We are a user generated political editorial and social network, we choose amongst our own bloggers to feature on the front page. I think your voice would be a great addition. Come check us out.
136 I dunno. One of us is delusional and thinks he can identify various people as being the same person and that he’s a network engineer as well.
@116 No, I’m making her an offer she’ll refuse, further exposing her as a wingnut poseur.
@117 “I want to see BI-Partisanship and working together, not against each other!”
Well let’s see. The Repugnians blocked over 100 of Clinton’s judicial appointees and by the time he left office a third of the nation’s federal judgeships were vacant. Then they screamed bloody murder because Democrats objected to only 3 or 4 of chimpface’s reactionary judicial nominees — lawyers so reactionary that if they were any more fascist than they are, they’d get disbarred for bad moral character! This is only one example. And you want bipartisanship with this lot? Is Neville Chamberlain one of your heroes? Piss on them, Hannah. The only way you can deal with people like these is, as Patton said, “grab ’em by the nose and kick ’em in the ass!”
@130 C’mon Richard, you aren’t THAT hungry — are you?
@133 “For those on the right, well, this is a place where lefties get to let off some steam.”
Really, John, you should be honest and tell them we’re planning much more than that in mind for them.*
* Just kidding! Darn, it’s that Ann Coulter humor kicking in again! She cracks my ribs with uncontrollable rabbit laughter every time she rants about killing liberals.
@135 Fuck you! Go spam some other board! We’re busy!
John Barelli: The exit poll data in Mississippi went by voter registration. They even took into account the number of white voters who said they voted for Obama when in reality they voted for Clinton.
And… to those who supported the Kos, CAP, Think Progress attitude of donkey voting for conservatives, isn’t Rush a hoot calling for payback as fair play?
PuddyPrick @ 142
So what percentage of the Republican voters in Mississippi who crossed over to vote for Clinton in the Democratic primary did so because they felt she would be the weaker candidate, and what percentage did so because they don’t like the idea of having a Black President?
John @ 133,
Thank you.
Roger Rabbit says:
@135 Fuck you! Go spam some other board! We’re busy!
Busy doing what, Roger? You’re a retired fucking asshole with nothing but time on his hands. Why don’t you just fucking die?
Stupes – you are sooooooo delusional. Darryl just handed you your miserable ass.
Go run back to the skirts of that frenchman McCain. It’s safe. I understand he’s learned to love torture.
There are only two registered voters in King County with the first name of Hannah who are currently 36 years old. Neither of them live in Issaquah.
Politically Incorrect @ 145
“Why don’t you just fucking die?”
Perhaps you could just, um, take your own advice…
Better look further Richard, I have been a registed voter since I was 18, and even through all my moves, my registration has always been in Issaquah.
Clueless Idiot: Darryl handed me my ass? Darryl opened his big mouth on Hannah. Who made him judge jury and executioner?
You are an idiot?
Chupa bicho?
Clueless Idiot
Answer to question one
Answer to question two
You enjoy doing that
Clueless Idiot:
Come back when you find a working brain. See if Dr Frankenstein is in the phone book!
Richard Pope: I have no idea. Maybe they are mind-numbed robots doing Rush’s bidding to keep the donkey party busy until their convention.
We know Heilary isn’t going away. We know the StupidDelegates are not going to switch. So this will be interesting. Since the StupidDelegates are to vote as their state went should Maria CantVoteWell and Patty Where’s My Sneakers Murray and the rest of the HeilaryJockStraps supposed to move to Obama’s camp?
Clueless Idiot, one of your friends was caught doing a Spitzer.
Can you dig it?,00.html
Great newspaper!
“Hannah” @ 149
There simply are not any registered voters age 36 with the first name of Hannah in Issaquah. Good try, but sorry. Better luck with your next identity on here?
I guess 6 prostitutes is the entry level for the 12X he’ll receive for martyrdom.
I wonder if his sister can kill him by Sha’ria law. You know family honor?
Wow, where is That’sRightHe’sStupid when we need him.
Who said donk are not rich or powerful…?
Pelletizer: Maybe you can call Eliot and get some “knowledge”
God is good. When you donkey killed the nomination of H Carl McCall (great decent black man) for the NY Guvnur nomination, Eliot Spitzer chose David Paterson as his Lt Guvnur. Now a black man will reside in the Albany big house after all.
Puddy-Pong @ 150
“Who made him judge jury and executioner?”
But, but, but…you haven’t shown a case where I have “executed” anyone yet. (I assume “outing” is what you mean by “executing.”)
And remember…just because I haven’t executed anyone yet…that doesn’t mean somebody hasn’t made me Judge, Jury and Executioner! Hehehehehehehehehe
Pelletizer: I know the oxygen starved brain ain’t working but as Puddy reported yesterday Spitzer did himself in…
Darryl: So you didn’t email Pelletizer and he made the whole thing up?
Now changing subjects, this is the first time I actually agree with Keith Olbermann. From his show…
DustinJames: Do I smell Donkey naplam?
HOWARD FINEMAN: It’s clear to me the Clinton people aren’t going to back down. As you saw, they sent Maggie Williams out with a statement to defend Geraldine Ferraro who’s defending herself. So this is the fight the Clintons want, the way they want to fight it.
KEITH OLBERMANN: So the senator wants a clearly racist, clearly equal-opportunity-is-not-a-good-thing, that’s-the-only-reason-he’s-here kind of statement interjected into the campaign? It’s not just somebody not judging a negative to something? This right now, this reaction right now is intentional?
KEITH OLBERMANN: Does it not have disaster written all over it, or are we living in South Africa?
Golly Richard Pope it doesn’t get any better than this. A NY Donkey being defended by the Clinton camp for an interesting comment. The true colors of the donkey party are coming through clearer and clearer.
Well I am sitting here staring at my voters registration card that says my name “Hannah xxxxxx” and with my parents address in Issaquah.
regarding Spitzer, they should just make prostitution legal already, BUT considering his career in law he was know for bing the man who “shut down prostitution rings” and putting those in jail, he should reap his own words and sentences.
And his wife should kick him to the curb and take every penny!!!!
Damn: they took this link down…
“Hannah” @ 164
I found, on a different database, a Hannah born in 1971 with an address in Issaquah (apparently a non-existent address), who resides with a Charles of the same last name, almost the same age, born in 1972, who is likely her husband. There is a Kenneth there, with the same last name, without a year of birth listed. However, this Kenneth is registered to vote on Vashon Island, born in 1962, with a wife Carol, born in 1964. But again, the address in Issaquah is non-existent. There is no such house number on that block, with King County parcel search. And certainly not indication of parents, whether they have the same last name or a different last name from this “Hannah”.
Not married, no Charles in my family anymore as my grandfather has passed, no Kenneth or Carol either. No one I know in Vashon. The address is in Issaquah, but not within city limits, so we don’t get to vote for City. You are really trying to find where I live huh?
PuddyDuddy @ 162,
“Darryl: So you didn’t email Pelletizer and he made the whole thing up?”
I addressed your question in 26, 28, and 36 above.
And someone named “Pelletizer” made what whole thing up? I ask again, has someone claimed that I revealed Hannah’s identity to them (I mean, besides you)?
I keep asking you but you don’t seem to be able to answer the question!
Darryl @ 168
Hannah claims to be 36 and living in Issaquah. Believe me, no registered voter exists in King County consistent with Hannah’s self-description.
Not even in the area near Issaquah. There is a 36 year old Hannah in Sammamish, but she is registered with someone who appears to be her husband, and without anyone old enough to be her parents. And she certainly hasn’t been registered in King County for many years, and definitely not dating back to being 18 or so.
Richard, amazing I am sent a ballot each election!!! But then again we know all the problems with the King County election department and the issues with registered vs non registered voters. I must be Un-registered but for some reason they keep sending me ballots. Funny thing is….I voted for a Richard Pope in I believe it was ’06. Remind me again why I voted?
Hannah, I would really like to believe you exist :) Maybe Hannah is your middle name, and your registration card simply has “H” as the middle initial? Please say this is so, because I will no longer be able to disprove your identity using the voter registration database :)
No my name is Hannah middle initial M, I would give out my address and all but gee that would be just plain stupid with the freaks on the internet.
Hannah Montana? :)
Oh God no! I would’ve gone into hiding when that came out! But funny!!!!
I voted for Pope in ’92, ’94, ’96, ’98, ’00, Ought-2, Ought-4, Ought-6 … and that’s just getting geared up into the 20th Century.
I’ve warned you good people before about letting Pope and Rabbit nose thru your document dumps like hogs thru truffles.
“And there ain’t anything uglier than an old liberally drunk drunk.”
Check out the Lubianka Democrat @166, et al. Check out Stalker Democrats Rabbit and Darryl as they dig deep at the server farm, trying to get the goods on Hannah or “Hannah.” Then tell me again where Jonah Goldberg got it wrong in his discussion of liberal fascism.
@178 – FINALLY somebody notices!!! Thank you, you must one of the few that actual thinks for themselves around here! :)
Then tell me again where Jonah Goldberg got it wrong in his discussion of liberal fascism.
He went awry when he combined the terms “liberal” and “fascism”.
180: Had that discussion weeks ago. You lost. We won.
Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? It appears you do not. As Goldberg himself has not made an adequate case for combining the terms, I’m confident I’m on quite solid ground with my comment.
I have no idea who you are or when I am alleged to have had this discussion with you. How I could have “lost” a discussion that I haven’t had eludes me.
The only point lost in the Goldberg book is fascism. His attack is all wrong. That’s the only thing ATJ can yell and scream about. And it’s not even ATJ’s argument. He uses someone else’s argument because he couldn’t form on on his own. Waaaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa haaaa.
But his Euthanasia, Eugenics, Progressivism, Love of Mussolini, Lenin, Hitler and the like arguments before they became ugly is well documented in URLs. I didn’t use his book on purpose or someone’s arguments. Google searches worked just fine.
Of course Clueless Idiots had issues with the Google searches I gave Hannah. Progressives Truth hurts the liberal mind.
ATJ go ahead post it. I know you are itching to.
Hannah@173 – I know you be speaking of the left wing freaks.
@184 – ;-) Well the few stalking me, trying to find where I live? WTF is that all about? Gives me the creeps! And to think I voted for a guy with the same name….downright creepy! They have definately made me question some of my thinking though, just exactly what the guys at work were hoping for. I don’t stand for what most these people stand for I guess. I don’t believe in the childish attitude “it’s my way or no way”, I pray our government will find a way to work together and soon!
hey I know… about a dem/rep ticket in november? Wouldnt that be the s***! Seriously! It would open to doors to partisanship!
No replies to my comment. Interesting…
Ditto that, 185.
Re Liberal Fascism, ‘we’ — the usual dozen of us who have nothing better to do with our time — did the usual pointless back-and-forth for, oh, hours.
We won. You (your side) lost. Get over it.
Goldberg and David Neiwert did the “back-and-forth,” and Neiwert laid waste to Doughbob Loadpants. We won. You lost. Get over it.
Hey, this “argumentation by baseless assertion” stuff is easy! Let’s have more of it!
“We” “win” again! Woo-hoo!