Join us tonight for a fun-filled evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
One of tonight’s activity will include taking bets on when Rep. Dave Reichert’s spokesperson Mike Shields gets back to David Postman with an explanation for his incorrect claim that Reichert out-fund-raised Darcy Burner last quarter. (My prediction is 5:30 pm this Friday.)
Tonight’s theme song: Going Down by Jeff Beck, in honor of the recent deflation of Rep. Reichert’s already lackluster fundraising totals for the quarter. Oh…and in anticipation of his probable fate in 2008.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
As always, Drinking Liberally posts come with open comment threads.
Sorta like “open containers”, eh?
Unsure about this week, as it’s 43rd Dems meeting time…
Time to play my new favorite game: “Bait a Republican”.
How to play it:
(1) Find a Republican, engage him/her in conversation.
(2) Tell him a story about something outragious that the government is doing. But make sure you reherse it carefully so that the Republican thinks it is a Democrat who is responsible, not a Republican.
(3) Wait for their expressions of outrage and tirades agasint the “typical Democrats”. Goad them on a bit, in order to enjoy the game longer.
(4) Finally, tell them – Oh, wait, I just remembered, I had that wrong. That wasn’t a Democrat that did/said that. It was a Republican.” Then take a picture of their confused face. Then leave quickly, as a violent reaction might be directed at you. (Remember, in the eyes of a Republican, the person who reveals Republican misconduct is more guilty than the Republican who is guilty of the misconduct).
3 Another one that gets ’em most of the time is to bring up some social-welfare issue, like health care for kids or Social Security, or extending unemployment, or VA benefits, and wait until they start blathering about freeloaders and chiselers and unworthy “non-producers”.
Then interject that there was a political leader who once referred to folks of that sort as “useless eaters”. They’ll no doubt respond, “Hey, that’s pretty good! Who thought that one up?”
Then you say, “Adolph Hitler”.
rhp @ 3
Careful, man, you appear to be accusing Republicans of hypocrisy. The Republicans I know deny that they are capable of hypocrisy, or any other negative trait or action, for that matter. They are, rather, God’s own perfect creatures, lacking only the wings that would otherwise mark them as angels. They are all-knowing folks, and those of us on the left who have failed to reach perfection should accord them absolute deference. Let us pray together: “Oh, Lord, please grant that I, a sinful hedonist, might evolve through your precious grace into a Republican.”
Seattle Jew: “When Liberals and Conservatives Conspire, Failure Ensues
Several decades ago, the liberal and conservative forces teamed up to close the state mental hospitals. The result today is the horrid phenomenon of street people. This happened because the coalition never made sense, dems and reps had conflicting goals.
Now we face the same problem with the schools. The new super for the Seattle Public Schools is going to “fix” things by MORE centralized curriculum.
GAD!!!!!!!!! She is sure to drive out the few hardy souls who still want to have their kids benefit from a divers classroom. The good news is the gap will begone, all the better qualified kids will have left Seattle.
This is great news for the Belltowners. No kids, no taxes! They can join forces with the Repricans who don ‘t want “their kids” tested.
I wonder who McIver will assult after tonight’s festivities.
You, I hope.
6 This is largely because when “liberals” and ‘wingers do co-operate it’s because the former group, scared to death of losing what power and influence they have left, try to ape the conservative mantra of “saving the taxpayers’ money”. That’s why we’ve seen the continuing march toward “deregulation” and “privatization” continue at full speed through both Democrat and Publican administrations, even though we’ve had more than enough disasters accrue therefrom to convince anyone with a grip on sanity that it’s nothing but a juggernaut to chaos.
ArtFart @ 9
Well stated. When Democrats cooperate with Republicans (as the party is currently constituted), the country takes another step toward hell. When we start seeing the privatization of pursuit of fish and game in places like Montana and Wyoming (a number of Republican politicians are pushing such), which signals a return to the regal pre-Magna Carta days when the king controlled all, I surely hope Democrats, as the voice of those who can’t pay, stand up and say enough is enough.
rhp6033 says: We learned from that game bub. I verify now. Ask YLB – The Clueless One how is that Randi Rhodes beat-down story now?
“lacking only the wings that would otherwise mark them as angels”
I finally realized why we have all these Republicans laying on the ground in a big heap at the base of a cliff!
Roger Rabbit attended DL last week, and rarely attends DL two weeks in a row.
Furthermore, RR never announces his public appearances in advance!
Proud Left of MoveOn and FartArt: I thought you guys were on the Queen Hilary coronation bandwagon. Shucks, if she becomes queen, your wallet will be much smaller with her proposed programs.
Remember she said: “I have a million ideas. The country can’t afford them all.” Well maybe you can afford them since y’all eventually vote for her.
What’s in your wallet!
15 Puddy, that’s one of a great many things you don’t know.
The truth be known, I’m not too hot on Hillary. The first reason is that the righties seem to be all enthusiastic about the prospect of her winning the Democratic nomination next year, and that can only mean they’re confident that she’ll be the easiest candidate to beat.
The other reason I don’t like her is that Hillary’s too God-damned conservative.
How to play it:
(1) Find a Republican, engage him/her in conversation.
(2) Tell him a story about something outragious that the government is doing. But make sure you reherse it carefully so that the Republican thinks it is a Democrat who is responsible, not a Republican.
(3) Wait for their expressions of outrage and tirades agasint the “typical Democrats”. Goad them on a bit, in order to enjoy the game longer.
(4) Finally, tell them – Oh, wait, I just remembered, I had that wrong. That wasn’t a Democrat that did/said that. It was a Republican.” Then take a picture of their confused face. Then leave quickly, as a violent reaction might be directed at you. (Remember, in the eyes of a Republican, the person who reveals Republican misconduct is more guilty than the Republican who is guilty of the misconduct).
Why all these instructions??? Just tell democrats to do what they do best…lie. See how simple that was. heehehe I mean roof roof.
@ 17; Yes, Hillary is Republican lite.
@ 12: Just remember Devils are fallen Angels
Hey wingnuts! If you still cling to the faith-based belief that serial Republican idiocy hasn’t triggered a tectonic shift in U.S. politics, just read this one sentence from Newsweek:
“Democrats, who have never out-fund-raised Republicans in the modern political era, are kicking the tar out of their rivals this campaign cycle.”
Why are we concerned about SS?? We will long be dead by Global warming before we go bankrupt. I wish the media would focus on more urgent matters… you know like the weather. Geeesh
@18 “Why all these instructions??? Just tell democrats to do what they do best…lie. See how simple that was. heehehe I mean roof roof.”
Yes, dog, there ARE people in Wonderland who believe what a dog says.
@21 And here’s Dufus impersonating a Democrat again …
“Democrats, who have never out-fund-raised Republicans in the modern political era, are kicking the tar out of their rivals this campaign cycle.” 46
That is it. We need campaign finance reform right away. We are letting the corpor…. wait you said democrats are leading republicans… oh shit… strike my last comment.
21/23 As if anyone with two brain cells to rub together would give a shit about one person applying for Social Security.
Y’all just read the first salvo in what will no doubt be a gigantic salvo of misinformation and hysteria brought to by the Jee Ohh Pee to try to convince us all that we’re going to hell in a bucket if we don’t stop giving our money to the big bad Gubmint to take care of and give it all to those nice people on Wall Street instead.
Is The Democratic Party Being Co-Opted?
In a Newsweek article aptly titled, “Are the Democrats the new Republicans?”, financial journalist Daniel Gross writes:
“With the exception of John Edwards, the Democratic candidates and their congressional allies have been loath to embrace measures that would alienate their new friends. The trial balloon floated earlier this month to enact a war income surtax, which would weigh heavily on high earners, was swiftly shot down. Closing the loophole that allows private-equity and hedge-fund managers to pay low long-term capital-gains taxes on the compensation they get for managing other people’s money would be a popular way to pay for Democratic priorities. But last week Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told private-equity lobbyists that Congress would move no such legislation this year. After all, it’s primary season. And during primary season candidates must shore up their base.”
Ah … yes; it’s about money, after all. The bad news for rightys is their “base” is leaving the GOP:
” … it’s not just the ultrarich who are abandoning Republicans. CNN’s exit poll last fall showed that voters in the East making between $150,000 and $200,000 favored Democratic candidates by a 63-37 majority. Since 2004, the percentage of professionals identifying themselves as Republicans fell from 44 percent to 37 percent, according to a September Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.”
But the good news for you slimesuckrs is the new one-party America will still be run by money-grubbers.
@25 “As if anyone with two brain cells to rub together would give a shit about one person applying for Social Security.”
This is, of course, a scripted and choreographed public relations stunt designed to convince the gullible masses that Social Security is in trouble and we need to entrust our retirement security to the financial experts on Wall Street.
A lot of baby boomers are starting to hit the social security trough. When they see how much they’re going to get, they’re going to wonder why the fuck they were forced to participate in such a lame investment.
Roger, you’d damn well better be there next week, because I’ll be driving up from Reno for vacation plus a charity fundraiser in Puyallup the following Saturday (check it out at, and I’d think promising a rabbit a beer would get him out of his hole for a few hours…..
BTW: If after checking out the Woodstck 2007 website any of you feel inclined to donate to the cause, I would be more than happy to collect any such donations at next week’s DL. At bare minimum, the wife will really want a Dead Guy after driving about 750 or so miles for Nevada.
@28 Show me where even one Social Security recipient didn’t get the promised benefits. Include cite(s) to source(s) of information.
@28 (continued) Could you tell me again how many PRIVATE PENSIONS have gone bankrupt?
Wingnut Joke of the Day
“Your retirement is backed by the full faith and credit of the corporation.”
Dude, I can’t even tell if you’re serious or if you’re doing satire.
@33 He’s a wingnut. Do you even need to ask? These mental midgets eat their own crap for breakfast every day.
What is the current cost to magnificently humiliate 41
stupid sheepsitting senators?$65,100.00!…
…which when combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $130,200.00 of priceless degradation for a true bunch of horses asses!
This is not what I had in mind when I was faking my service!!! Why do rethuglicans have to twist things into something there not??!!! Assholes.
combined with MATCHING FUNDS = $130,200.00
I think I can match that though in property damage at my next war protest.
@ 36 threats from a liberal… oh shock!
You must be related to pitiful trampi who was, boo hoo hoo, then caught in a lie SHOCK! … so she wasn’t.
The question I have is how would any one know if trampi had brain damage
and what the fuck is wrong with her pet asshole, Jon Elliott: “Is this an attempt by the right-wing, hate machine to silence one of our own?” he asked on the air, according to Talking Radio, a blog. “Are we threatening them? Are they afraid that we’re winning? Are they trying to silence intimidate us?
Dude, take your meds.
@33, @38
Apparently, the inability to tell reality from satire is a bigger problem for certain other people.
I wonder if she knew the frequency. hehehe
Now liberals are faking muggings to get their rating up??? I am willing to cut a deal. If you let me vote I will pretend I am listening. Deal?
KOMO-4 was repeating the Reichert Lie as late as 4 p.m. today. But what should we expect form the market lightweights?
Hey Kids!
Guess who Barack Obama is paterning his proposed foreign policy after?
“‘While Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton do not think we should engage in the type of strong diplomacy practiced by Ronald Reagan and John Kennedy, Obama does,’ Obama spokesman Bill Burton said.”
Wow!!! Barack Obama is bucking to be Gipper-lite!
What’s next? Tax cuts?
Obama knows that if you want to be a REAL president, you have to model yourself after a REAL president. No mention of Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton by Obama!
The Piper
Um, that’s not a swipe at Carter and Bill Clinton, it’s a swipe at the neocon mentality. Reagan was more similar to Carter and Clinton than he is to Bush the Lesser when it comes to his approach to diplomacy. Bush and his fellow travellers believe that talking to your enemies makes you look weak. No Cold War president took that mentality and that’s why we won.
@9 Whaaaa???
Liberals are about to have more power than at any time in US history other than WWII. I do not think libruls are the ones with a power complex …
consider HRH Nixon; HRH Bush then compare these regal prexies with Clinton, Carter????