Join us tonight for a fun-filled evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
The topics of conversation will likely include organic natural gardening, delayed justice and whether Jane Hague is really Geddy Lee wearing a blond wig. Tonight’s theme song: Black Water by the Doobie Brothers, of course.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Update: General Wesley Clark stopped by this evening.
Roger Rabbit has the flu, but isn’t going to die from it, so eat shit righties!!!
I am sometimes off on Tuesdays, and though I do not drink, I’d like to meet Roger and some of the others. Let me know a couple days in advance when you’re going to be there Rog, and I’ll slum in from Lesser Spanaway. I won’t bring the basset, so you’ll be safe. Besides, they don’t allow canines in the bar, I’m sure.
Which isn’t fair, since I’m sure they admit Republicans and other inferior, subhuman organisms.
Atlantic Street Vet Hosp has certified that the Basset,( and the Bagel,) are superior life forms, if a slip from them would gain admission, but I have little hope.
That Richard Pope is one absolutely horrible person. He found out that my master’s hand-picked Republican pro-tem “judge” had a lengthy criminal record that he never told anyone about. Bellevue Republican “attorney” Richard Llewelyn Jones did such a wonderful job for Jane yesterday, burying the DUI case with no hearings until after the November election. Now Richard Pope found out about Jones’ real history, and told all the real judges on King County District Court about it. Jane’s favorite “judge” has now been fired, and my master may have to go to court again before the election. What’s worse, the newspapers will probably be able to write several more stories about it. That Richard Pope is such a horrible man, and just not very nice to women at all.
Thanks for the tip JD.
Good for Ricard. Go, Richard, Go.
Here’s one more Anglican for the POPE. (and that’s a FIRST)
@3 That ain’t the half of it, Fido! When they take you to the Pound to be put down, the last thing you’ll see on this earth is Richard Pope wearing a pair of rubber gloves and smiling at you …
@3 (continued) Good ol’ Richard Pope! What would we do for laughs in this town without his dirt-digging skills? He’s going to single-handedly clean up King County! Every corrupt politician quakes in fear of Richard’s mighty keyboard! Hey dog, remember what I said about what’s awaiting you at the Pound …
@2 Roger Rabbit rarely appears at DL and never announces his appearances in advance. You’ll have to take your chances along with the papparazzi, process servers, animal control officers, GOP assassins, and mobs of adoring fans — all wanting to meet RR in person.
However, it’s a certainty (cough) that Roger Rabbit (sneeze) won’t be at DL (blow) tonight.
Claim that your bassett is a service animal, and you’re good to go.
The Piper
Suggesting that to the doorkeeper is likely to result in him injuring himself while laughing.
RR, I hope you feel better soon. I am down in the Great basin at present, visiting with many of your relatives. I got some nice photos of a furry little cottontail this afternoon on my walk, and a saw a few of your ungainly hare (jackrabbit) cousins as well. Of course, since I am states away, I won’t be at DL tonight either.
Heh. Where I am right now, I don’t think there is much drinking, forget drinking liberally!
House is better than drinking with liberals
Oh, and I have to agree with Darryl – that photo of Jane in the papers today did indeed look like Geddy Lee in a blond frightwig. Or maybe Steve Perry. Eew.
Not all democrats are fake soldiers, but nearly all fake soldiers are democrats.
Not all purple hearts are fake, but all fake purple hearts are worn by democrats.
Jesse- We have a fake soldier in the White House, with a crew of Neocons who did not get close enough to combat to fake it.
General Wesley Clark. Holy shit, that was General Wesley Clark hawking his book at Drinking Liberally! And he was pissed about what the bushies are up to with respect to Iran.
I shook his hand, happy to do so. Kind of lovely hands, I wonder if he moisturizes.
OK, now I’m pissed I couldn’t make it tonight.
As a longtime hardcore Rush fan, I don’t know whether to be offended or amused at that, Goldy. But I’d bet that Geddy could do Hague’s job better than she could play bass and/or keyboards while singing…….
@ 18
It was surreal, dude. I’m standing near the door talking about Roads and Transit, and in walks the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. He bursts through the door, arm outstretched, shakes my hand, and I can barely muster a “hello, General” before he’s in the room mixing it up. People are literally doing double-takes, and the looks on the faces of some of the non-DL crowd was great. He talked for about 20 minutes, and it was the kind of speech you’d expect from a 4 Star. There is a reason why some of America’s best leaders have come from the military ranks. Frankly, the Democratic Party needs the kind of fire in the belly that Wes Clark has.
I’ll take the pats on the back for getting General Clark in the HUZZAH!!!!!
DL Seattle is THE A list of DLs!
My Gawwwd! How did you guys pull that off!?!
Darryl: A terrible insult to Geddy Lee!!!
@19: Agreed. She’d probably mess up the lyrics for Tom Sawyer, and sing about Huck Finn instead.
Hey, just wondering….
is early snow “proof” of “global warming”?
Are melting global ice-caps proof of global warming?,00.html
“Traffic accidents are up, but it’s impossible to prove that mankind is causing it.” Bill O’Reilly
MTR is the dog torture advocate, Vick’s apologist. That’s the level we’re dealing with. Old timers here give him the attention he deserves: none.
Every fall and winter the dipshits try to claim that seasonal weather changes “disprove” global anthropogenic climate change.
But, and I know it seems amazing, summer heat never really registers with them.
@11 You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet! When you humans are extinct (cough), rabbits will multiply exponentially (hack), and we rabbits are gonna run this place and (sniffle) I’ll be their king (wheeze)!
Rog, I shouldn’t mention this, but when the ice age follows the warming trend, we’ll need rabbit fur-lined clothing to keep warm, and, well, uhm… might be extinct before us :>
14 – 16 I’d like to change the subject to real soldiers and fake patriots. Like Mark Krikorian, for example.
Mr. Krikorian is executive director of the so-called “Center for Immigration Studies,” which isn’t interested in studying immigration or anything else. As closed-minded as Mr. Krikorian, it’s an advocacy group that advocates against immigrants.
Krikorian is a piece of work — he has written articles for National Review (a rightwing opinion rag) praising Israel for refusing to accept refugees from Darfur and complaining that Islam is “invading” the U.S. He has been denounced by various blogs as a white supremacist.
Mr. Krikorian thinks Mildred Gonzales, wife of Navy petty officer 2nd class Eduardo Gonazales (a U.S. citizen), should be kicked out of the U.S.
“What you’re talking about is amnesty for illegal immigrants who have a relative in the armed forces, and that’s just outrageous,” he said. “What we’re talking about here is letting lawbreakers get away with their actions just because they have a relative in the military. … There’s no justification for that kind of policy.”
Trouble is, Mildred is neither an illegal immigrant nor a lawbreaker. She was brought to the U.S. at age 5 by her mother, as a refugee granted legal asylum, and is at risk of losing her legal status in the U.S. because of an arcane technicality in the U.S.’s convoluted immigration laws.
She got married. To a U.S. Navy man. So the INS is going to kick her out. And Petty Officer Gonzales is going to quit the Navy to take care of their child (also a U.S. citizen). Gonzales, btw, is currently serving in the Iraq theater of operations, supporting ground troops in Iraq.
This is the kind of policy that rightwing xenophobes stand up and cheer.
Supporting the troops, my cottontail! Next time you hear some wingnut attacking liberals for “not supporting the troops,” rub his fucking face in Mr. Krikorian’s bullshit while chanting, “Rightwingus Bullshittium! Rightwingus Bullshittium!”
YellowPup @23:
Yeah, and then she’d blame the roadies for it.
In other disgusting news from the rightwing beat, Preznit Wrong Priorities vetoed health care for low income kids, saying it would cost too much ($7 billion a year) and besides it’s “socialism.”
Out of the other side of his mouth, he’s asking Congress for another $150 billion to finance his recreational war in Iraq.
I wonder how much of that goes to pay $1,000-a-day private mercenaries employed by Blackwater and other private armies? And what message does that send to $15,000-a-year soldiers and sailors on third or fourth deployments when our government is trying to revoke their wives’ legal residency — for getting married — in order to deport them?
Seems to me Preznit Fucked Up Priorities should be spending more time on “immigration reform” and less time worrying about “socialism.”
Broadway Joe and YellowPup:
As a longtime hardcore Rush fan, I don’t know whether to be offended or amused at that, Goldy.
Don’t blame Goldy…I wrote that. But, either way, no offense to Geddy. It certainly isn’t his fault when a local politician morphs into an evil twin. (Or maybe it’s just all the drinking…)
BTW: I’m a longtime Rush fan, too—of the band…not the Wingnut.
Gee, it’s really nice of you nutcase liberals to let the right-wing crazies know where you all are on Tuesday evenings.
But we haven’t told them about the surveillance systems or the weaponry. Wanna find out?
@36 The only nuts around here are people who think liberals are nuts. Even nuttier are the ones who think abstaining from drink while they kill Iraqi kids somehow makes than morally superior.
The basic wingnut program is to shitcan all the rules of civilization and revert to the law of the jungle — and they think we’re nuts?!!
Liberals ARE nuts, cocksucker. You Seattle wanna-be-yuppy-liberal-shitheads are just as fucked up as bible-thumpin’ crazies on the right. You just have a different point of view.
Go fuck yourself, Roger. You, too, chadt. Your both as fucked up as a football bat.
(PS – chadt, I don’t need to see the weapons: I have plenty of my own.
You have no balls and your weapons are doubtless a joke, whackjob.
You haven’t the brains to be a liberal. You’re a typical Bushsucker: all mouth, no backbone.
What kind of 2 bit pussy comes in here spewing insults with no point, shithead?
A republican, that’s who.
Fucking loser.
I’ve got plenty of balls, you fucking arrogant cocksucker. The weapons aren’t jokes, fucktard.
I insult you cocksuckers here because you’re so fucking arrogant that you can’t see you’re as fucked up as the right-wing religious zealots on the other side. You fucking democrats are no better than the republicans, and you can’t stand anyone pointing out the obvious, fucking moron!
Take your make believe weapons and your adolescent rants somewhere else, sonny. You’re clearly way over your head with real people. And it’s past your bedtime.
Night night.
Chadt said: “You’re clearly way over your head with real people”
Chadt, you are over your head with yourself.
Hmmm… We haven’t seen headlice loocie lately.
Darryl, since you are the town crier of doppelgangers, do tell: Is this headlice loocie’s latest incarnation?
The WA Post:
just printed an article relying on a poll with Hilary having a 30+% point lead over Barak Obama.
Two thoughts come to mind:
1) What happened to the Audacity of Hope? I guess not too many people are full of hope on the Donkocraptic side
2) Proves Liberalism is a Mental Disorder when you have peeps gushing over a Hilary when for Hilary, there’s no such thing as dirty money.
YLB – The Clueless One – I await your whiny fourth grade blog entry.
Now to some great right wing sites!!!!
Barack Obama – Sorry Barack!
Wow PBS is proving to be part of the liberal MSM more and more each day!
Subject: Information For Your Blog!!!
Tonight on PBS’ Tavis Smiley, Tavis convenes a panel to discuss “My Grandfather’s Son,” the new book by Justice Clarence Thomas and the “60 Minutes” profile that coincided with the release of the book.Guests are Marc Morial, President and CEO of The National Urban League, Princeton professor Cornel West, and Columbia University President, Farah Jasmine Griffin.
Here are some excerpts of what the panelists had to say about Justice Thomas and his interview on “60 Minutes:”
Marc Morial, President & CEO, National Urban League “He (Thomas) seems to have forgotten that he doesn’t stand by himself, he stands amongst many who’ve experienced discrimination, who’ve experienced the pain of racial injustice, yet not at a single point in his career has he used the power of his office… help those who he professed to be concerned about.”
Cornel West, Princeton Professor
“They presented this story as if those us who are critics (of Clarence Thomas) have no good reasons to be critical of him siding with the strong against the weak, and the powerful against the relatively powerless. I thought ‘60 Minutes’ was all about journalism, what has happened to journalism these days where all you get is puff pieces that constitute an advertisement for a book. Especially with someone like Clarence Thomas who’s been a lightning-rod of this debate among all Americans concerned about truth and justice on the court and in our society.” Farah Jasmine Griffin, Columbia Professor
“Justice Thomas used (60 Minutes) as yet another opportunity to vilify Anita Hill.”
For more information on showtimes and podcast go to
Brian Steffen
Online Publicist
KCET & Tavis Smiley
BTW if you watched the show, they want 60 Minutes to give them equal time to attack Clarence Thomas. But how many ASSWipers here watch PBS. I doubt many of you do!
I used to like Cornel West!
Told you Moonbat!s how Donkocrapts love a high tech lynching of a black who leaves the reservation!
Now this is something interesting about global warming and missed by ASSIE Voice and is jackbooted goosetepping minions:
“Schools will have to issue a warning before they show pupils Al Gore’s controversial film about global warming, a judge indicated yesterday.”
“Mr Justice Burton is due to deliver a ruling on the case next week, but yesterday he said he would be saying that Gore’s Oscar-winning film does promote ‘partisan political views’.
This means that teachers will have to warn pupils that there are other opinions on global warming and they should not necessarily accept the views of the film.”
Interesting indeed!
This guy could be a member of the ASSIE Voice jackbooted goosetepping minionS:
A father’s story of a family torn apart after he fell for a 19-year-old man
This and the above posting are under the Fair use policy!
So it looks like Hilary is a serial liar like her husband.
Tucker Carlson’s show:
CARLSON: So Hillary Clinton helped to start, and supports, Media Matters. It’s a political organization, then.
WALDMAN: (muttered something in response)
CARLSON: But what does this mean? What does Hillary Clinton mean that she “helped start” Media Matters?
WALDMAN: Well, I think she’s supportive of what we do, and a lot of people have encouraged us.
CARLSON: Did she help start it?
WALDMAN: Uh, uh, no. I think she’s been somebody who encouraged it and was supportive like a lot of progressives.
Puddy Commentary – No wonder the Moonbat!s love this woman! The liberal MSM never tell the truth about her.
If the Hsu fits… I guess you wear it!
More from the show:
TUCKER CARLSON: Here’s part of what you wrote on the Huffington Post [“Take Rush Limbaugh Off Armed Forces Radio”.] Here’s what you wrote: “Since Rush Limbaugh won’t listen to us, we’re going directly to Congress, which can prevent him from disrespecting and censoring the voices of our soldiers.” Now with all respect, that’s almost Orwellian. You’re accusing him of censorship, and at the same time attempting to censor him by taking him off the air.
WESLEY CLARK: Well, I think he’s crossed the line, Tucker.
Puddy Commentary: Of Course! Liberalism is a mental disorder. We’ll censor you, high tech lynch you, drag you through the mud… all in the name of liberalism!
YLB – The Clueless One – Yes, we are seeing your mind set more clearly now for the 2008 elections.
James Carville said it right: “is a result of a complete implosion of the Republican Party. This is not like some great enthusiasm for Democrats out there.”
YLB – The Clueless One – We blew it not that your side is “wonderful”.
Looks like Mario Cuomo is still alive and kicking.
Cuomo warns “it’s foolish to be too confident.” Things “look reasonably good for the Democrats now,” he added. “There’s no question about that. But the truth is that we have a Democratic-controlled Congress that is less popular than the president.”
Really Mario. Maybe you need to write the Three Stooges YLB – The Clueless One, chadt the moe-ron and Stupid Choir! You need to come to the Northwest and visit the NorthWest Division of Jackbooted GooseStepping ASSIE Voice Minions. They don’t think that’s a problem.
I see why this is hated by the likes of ATJ, Stupid Choir, YLB- The Clueless One and chadt:
It blows! Or maybe it sucks!
YLB – The Clueless One: Rep. Paul Gillmor (R-Ohio) died Sept 5 when he fell down stairs. There will be a runoff election. This will be a bellwether event in Ohio.